
郭文贵2019年8月17日 20190817


郭文贵2019年8月17日 20190817 (原声) 班农与文贵先生谈:香港危机 美国即将必须采取的行动

后来香港人民奋起反抗,英勇反抗。开启了“反送中”的运动和平抗议。后来香港警察采用黑社会手段和警察过度的暴力. 后来又发现大量的在国内来的黑警察和人民解放军,穿着香港的警服,开着香港的警车,进行大肆地非法地释放过期的催泪弹。无论对老人孩子女士一概同仁。一个也不放过。 
所以说班农先生是我们现在看到活着的人当中,唯一的一个跟这么多人都有沟通和勾兑的,了解当事人。而且他本身是在香港生活过,而且他现在全身心的投入到了保护香港,绝不允许中国在香港重演六四的这种灾难性的事件。所以他的呼吁和他的行动. 可以说对香港人民有着无法形容的保护,香港大街上第一次飘起了美国的国旗,就是因为班农先生。 
我们还必须要注意到一个事情,接下来我们的尊敬的美国领导也就是国务卿蓬佩奥先生,大家知道他对共产党的态度和班农先生是一样的,他们俩是同学,好哥们。彭佩奥先生一直以来是被中共公开骂得最多的人之一,先是班农,二是彭佩奥,而后是John Thornton(高盛前总裁),然后副总统彭斯,
所以现在我们刚才看了视频:Pelosi、Schumer、McCarthy、Rubio 、McConnell 这些两党的领袖都在同一个问题上达成了共识:反对共产党,停止共产党的最惠国待遇,停止香港和美国的关系法,停止自贸区协议,对香港的这些官员进行制裁。查封他在美国的资产。 
我们要问班农先生是什么样的力量让这两党斗的已经两人掐的现在真的是已经不是一嘴毛了,是十嘴毛都不止了,让共产党乘机而入。是什么力量让这两党唯一这次全面的合作一起,像Schumer、 Nancy Pelosi和川普总统和两党合在了一起。他们合作将会为香港带来什么?能为香港做什么?请班农先生回到这个香港和大陆人、全世界都在关心的问题。 
请John 庄把PPT给打出来,那我们接下来就请问班农先生这两个请愿在白宫跨过十万以后意味着什么?您是否能将它放到川普总统的桌子前边?川普总统有多大的可能性会把它变成行动?请班农先生回答。 
刚才John 庄一直没有找到的那个照片(制裁香港官员的照片),我也不知道现在在那个电视上一直就是没有显示,没有直播出去,我不知道你看到这个,John 庄,现在在显示这块就看不见什么东西了。现在回一下,给卢比奥的这封信请你挂出来。这个是战友们和我们一起工作的,我们写给卢比奥。 
我们现在看着海外的华人那些民运们天天都是指导者,政策指导者,都在批评人家香港怎么做,都是一帮精神阳痿的家伙,你有啥球本事啊?你有啥资格啊,来指挥香港的老百姓?你连人家痔毛上的疮的胆量都没有,你一辈子就是个Loser,你干过什么行动 ?不要再指挥香港,。 
我们接下来请问一下班农先生我们现在有可靠的情报和信息,接下来818是一个大的抗议,共产党内部认为要在818前,817晚上,就今天晚上、就是明天就要展开行动。如果真的是解放军从过去的穿便装的,事实上已经8月1号已经戒严了,已经实施暴力行动了,大家都看到了。如果他变成了正式化的解放军开始戒严和行动,你敢不敢飞到香港去?川普总统敢不敢飞香港去?法治基金会做什么?你给大家说一说。I want you alive, I don’t want you die. 
John  庄 同志可否把五大要求这个PPT放出来。五大要求。 
Sir, this is very important here. Everything is beside HK one country two base law. 
今天 Sara还有咱们战友们发来的那些照片、视频… … 
第二条,我们支持香港现在绝大多数人追求的五个条例。就是非常简单五个条例。刚才大家都已经都看过了。我不在这儿一一念了。也是 6 月 12 号和 6 月 9 号郭文贵最早说出来的。有时候我和香港所有联络的朋友,大家共同的共识是:只要你想让郭文贵支持,只要你想和我保持联系,必须坚持这五条。班农先生从来也是如此,法治基金如此。从不支持香港有任何所谓的国土独立。这个共产党先别胡说八道。 
很多香港同胞给我发来感谢的信,很多视频当中小朋友都说,感谢 uncle Miles。我告诉大家的,我也告诉班农先生多次,郭文贵的今天是香港占了最主要的部分,我感恩香港,本身我也是香港公民,我也有资格有义务为香港这么做。香港给我的够多了,我做的这些完全不足提,我也希望永远不要提。我们要感谢班农先生。 
战友们,我们今天的直播就到此结束了。虽然今天John 庄表现完全失常,战友之声和战友们的合作完全是负面的。但是直播总算是结束了。哈哈。大家断断续续地看吧,没有掌声,但是我们就是敢面对我们的缺点,就是敢面对我们的不好,我们才能赢! 
谢谢班农先生。Thank you Sir。 
Thank you Miles。Great show,great show。 
  问候一下。Thank you very much are it's been a very heck in the world of attention gathering several weeks since we first in our broadcast of 1213 weeks ago, about the situation in Hong Kong and it's only become more of a world of that with every day.Do you think first of miles the the people at the the staff and go media that opening video. I think is one of the most powerful thing that i've seen it it calculated what the entire problem is on the problem is that you have young people there looking for the freedom of young people that are demand ING the rule of law, young people that are not looking for hand out.There not looking for a Free stuff, they're not looking for Free things. These are happy to list. There in the streets of the demand of rule of law democracy in universal suff ridge, the rise to assembly, essentially what, the patriot sin a merry can set 76 were many people like George Washington and John Adams.Thomas Jeff erson Paul revere Alexander Hamilton, these patriot from 1776 for the meaning the the exact same rights that the young people are the protest as in Hong Kong and I think that opening video is very in in no going and and and and getting people to what the issues are.They rccp, in particularly the blood first, the elements of the riot police in the pla that have come in to Hong Kong on beat and shot and don't tear gas. Innocent protest as shows the entire world as a video shows exactly what the sea sea peace like. And so I think I would like to thank the staff of medium.Miles for making such AAa video and I hope that we pushed out there out the world so that people can see in a couple of minutes exactly what the young people in the in Hong Kong, rr fighting for and what there up against, because I think what's happened in the last well is that the the mask has been ripped off of the sea cp. The see see.He is not China. The Chinese and the China Chinese people are some of those decent hard working people in the entire world. The people in Hong Kong have some of the most decent hard working people on the world. And you see the total itarian brew decay the ship of president and others in the treatment of the of the Free citizens of Hong Kong there.Nothing for nothing more than that we we are with the with the other terms of the 1984, a deal that was a great to in 1984 in the separation in 1997. And so I think that the face in the mass has been ripped off the CC pace and and we now know before the world miles exactly what they say.Therefore, all I could say is I think that as we go through the show today, you will see that the world's attention and we have applications on vacation for decades to come and 12 weeks later the entire world is the attention is on is on Hong Kong is the front.Page of every newspaper is the lead on every bride cast and so I am very proud today to be back in studio on the be broadcast in to the people in mainland China and also to the to the citizens on to the protest as in Hong Kong, 刚才看到了这个我们前面做的视频做的很感动昨天。这个视频的小样出来的时候,伴奏先生看了特别特别感动啊,这个多次这个都差点掉眼泪啊,然后呢,他要进行一些修改,那么现在呢我们根据现在香港发生的事情啊,我们可以肯定的说六月9。9号我们在半路先生的爆料,到现在所有预测的事情几乎都发生了啊,那么半农先生在整个的美国所传播的这个力度大家是能看得到的,但是我要告诉大家的事情,美国并不像大家想象那样,大家都跟我们一样理解,香港为什么会上街,再接着到点。发生了什么?但并不是的,我的办公室和美国其他的华州来的朋友和每个人谈话的时候,我可以告诉大家,我和半农先生为香港写了一些文件和一些诉求,在白在华盛顿有伴同行的原话来说,没有超过两个人懂的。
  也没有两个人能写得出来的,完全不会,所以大家不要误会我们为什么要做直播,我们班头先生为什么一说要直播,就是因为让真正的西方知道香港到底发生了什么,他们到底为什么上街购杆,到底干了什么?这个太重要了,所以今天我请教伴读先生的问题,邹先生会很简单直接回答这些问题,我们希望这些问题我们战友们看完以后,通过粤语翻译加字幕,通过英语的迅速的传遍世界。我们对我们的言行,我们承担责任,但是我们要让世界知道真相,这才是我们真正的目的,我想请教斑竹先生一个问题,现在在美国啊。我们先首先问一下啊,美国人,到底他们可以为香港能做些什么?第1个问题。Yeah, I think this I think the three people that are responsible you know the in Hong Kong and responsible for.Themselves, I think the protest as the protest as have been have been a perfect in in their behavior. But what what is happened is that ur what is happened is that we have three different separate people that are also three separate groups you have the world.You have the United States, and you also have the patriot Chinese. The world when I talk about the world, having some respect ability for Hong Kong, the UK, the struck the deal with the sea cp, the Chinese Communist Party has a responsibility here and I mean boss Johnson and all the senior executive in the new British government have a responsibility.To stand up in the voice, their support for the protest as who are simply asking for to be confirmed to the deal that was cut in 1984. This is the central heart of the problem we have the one country, two systems that was a grade two, as you've seen by the traditional or and remember that they have not pulled the traditional all they have only.买点吃的事了。This is how and Carrie lam in the government, the legislation council in Hong Kong today is and what running dogs they are to the sea cp in Beijing. They have not officially pull and ended. The traditional they just a lit it it's a comment on the world to look about what's going on in Hong Kong.But the young students looking for freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, things that were guaran teed in the deal. Back in 1984 and the United Kingdom and boss Johnson governments got to step off the number one number to the United States I think you are saying in the United States will get into more detail. Congressman.The leader of the republic of the House of cards in an c policy. Others. I started to come to and voice the UN acceptable nature of Beijing reaction, particularly the violence against innocent protest as u also seen president trump of president trump is a very difficult situation here, because what Beijing is trying to do is trying to say it's the black hand.Of the United States and the black hand of the CIA the black hand of us go and Stephen and others, the global times just had a huge n roll about me. Write about how we're trying to investigate this were not doing that at all present. All we're doing is showing the world for this broadcast videos, through the news gather we hang in Hong Kong have on Hong Kong is that.What is going on in what the ccp is doing for the world to see the last and I think the most important you've had today in the financial times the lead story in the financial times is aI think it's getting some of the years in hong kong he took out on a tire is the league story on he took took out his took out a head on the.Chinese paper to show you how you know people should be even had in the protest as in the protest should should kind of watch the violence right in the in the Beijing or watch also the bean is that I cou ns in Hong Kong are not getting involved. What I'm calling the 3rd element of this. And probably one of the most important is x patriot Chinese.World Chinese and Australia Chinese in the United Kingdom Chinese in the United States Chinese and Singapore. The Chinese that in the night that that benefit from English common law in the safety and guarantee of democracy. It is time for them to stand up and we need to hear their voice in the support of the.OK啊。So you need the United Kingdom the rest of the Free world, the United States and most important. The x patriot, in particular, the high net worth individual that that take that have the benefit of Australia in Singapore and the United Kingdom in the United States and Canada, people that live in those countries that under the English common law.
  Have to come together and show their solid arity. There solid arity with these young protest as好像是刚才回答了,基本上是美国人能为我们做什么,能为香港做什么,我们是美国的最重要的校训,美国知道真相,让美国国会山通过一系列的法律,最香的。党的这些官员进行制裁,和美国在美国的财产进行查封,还有一个就是在取消啊,取消在美国和香港的关系法,和香港和美国签订的贸易自自贸区协定,这是最关键的啊,在这川普总统应该颁布一系列的行政措施啊,应该最快的。时间包括把香港的经济金融领域全部给剔除,在没有解决问题之前必须要达到这个目的,这是美国,那么我们还是要请半天先生在问一问,除了美国,你这个厄做这些事情要请问一下您啊,半农先生,在美国的华人,你觉得他们应该做什么?专门谈到美国的华人,美籍的华人。I'm absolutely talking about the Chinese people in the us and talk about the Chinese people, first of all throughout the world that had the benefits of English common law, as I said before, as I said before, what Hong Kong represent is the best of China in the best of the west. And that you have the drive to.Nation hard work, family values of the Chinese people. Right, combined with English common law. Right. You you put those two together and that's why Hong Kong is unique throughout the world. That is why Hong Kong has come from AA place with no natural resources, not even water. It's essential ea desert island, right? If it wasn't in the new territory.It has become the 3rd largest capital market in the world and back of New York city will re a Broad casting from today the city of London Hong Kong is the 3rd grade capital market in the world. It has been the entry to China for over 150 years. In almost 175 years. And so that is that what Hong Kong represent cities in comfort upon all those Chinese to.妹。Ex patri in the United Kingdom Australia in Canada, but particularly the United States. I think that the Chinese in the Chinese americans in Chinese ex patri and I think i've heard statistics there may be up to 10 or 15 million Chinese about five to 7 million Chinese americans. And the rest are over here and student visa or other aspects.Being over here, studying or working, on visa but essential 10 to 15 million Chinese in the United States of America you must rise up, I believe. And show your solid arity in the support for your brothers and sisters in Hong Kong now is the moment and you need to be that and that need to be heard and if you are a Chinese American an American citizen.Your conscious your salad. The positions we have that go media has put upon the White House, the White House website saying that the pla is a terrorist organization in Hong Kong saying that the people Hong Kong should be Free. All of this, all of this us should be supported by the the Chinese americans and I think you got involved in people.Noon the White House website every day the sea cp tries to attack and tries to take it down. So it is absolutely a company. If you have the benefits of the freedom of the west, in your brothers and sisters and commerce in Hong Kong right now that is trying to be taken away by the Chinese Communist Party, because that is what this entire revolution is about.The deal was there were supposed to have those freedom is being taken them. Why is that? The Chinese Communist Party in Beijing. Do not think first of with the fire wall, then we go through every time we broadcast, they do not think the Chinese people in the mainland deserve the Information that everybody else in the world gets there and slave. They don't believe their smart enough for good enough.To understand everything is going to the world, they treat him like little children, right? Number one is wrong and number two in Hong Kong u see this. They are trying to take away from him from the west because they understand that the Hong Kong people in the young people in Hong Kong have freedom that is going to spread through out the mainland and that's going to lead to the fall of the Chinese Communist Party先生。
  大家的问题特别特别好,也是很多人关心的,而另外一个呢,我再一次的就是说请教半农先生,就是现在全世界,怎么来帮助香港,特别是英国,因为英国现在懦弱的简直是阳痿了,这个国家已经出大问题了,天天咬自己脚趾头在那搞什么偷啊,我们这个所有的英国的首相将pause,还有。这个这个Roger都是我们的好朋友,现在英国一一踏糊涂的乱,可是香港人民过去就是存有幻想,还以为英国来帮她呢,其实我应该不会帮他还养成了一个叫里通外国,阿香英国已经成了香港人的负担了啊,这让人很失望,一个发明了民主。和英国法的国家,在最关键的时候,连起码的要求对方遵守合同的权利都不敢,啊,真是够荒唐的,香港人民是挺伤心的,那么全世界其他文明国家列入欧洲,他们又在做什么?难道都被兰陵王了吗?最起码你们要站出来说句公道话吧。那么请半路现在谈谈全世界能为香港这个正义的抗议做什么,那么您觉得英国它做什么?它等于未来做什么?请您回答大家很关心这个问题。Remember, I think this is very important Hong Kong has always been the entry for the west in to China. Right. It's also the way from the Chinese particularly the Chinese.The way to the least of the sea sea p to both get there capital in to Hong Kong and they have the capital throughout the entire world. I think it's I think the example of what the young people in Hong Kong have have shown us over the last several weeks in how how professional and how brilliant and House directly.That they have had these protest, and and the brutal ity and they've exposed to the world. The reality of of the sea cp, exactly how the ccp can under no circumstances allow freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of religion. And and so I think the rest of the world is quite simple. The the sea cp things are going to get a Free option.They think they are going to continue the process of putting secret agent in to on in to the protest as the there putting up into the demon strator and putting all kind of Intelligence agent and the color of police you saw that this way it looks like there's more mountains of military vehicles and military Asian on the border of the new territory.And so what they think is that they are going to either have some sort of cause I soft put down to the dead or even the heart of show of force. I think the the outside nations and will get to this little more details later. I think there's a lot of options. I think number one member Hong Kong is this property is in Hong Kong is a great way to China because of all the Free trade agreement that has with the united.In the United States and others. Number 1 I think that Beijing is going to be put a notice immediately and the baby and as likely cao xing and these have taken all these hands on the papers had to put on no to say we hear what you have to say but your capital is going to be affected. Your train is going to be affected number one there we are going to you if you if you put down these are protest violent if you do.When I go back to the thing, we are going to pull the Free trade agreement. Number two, I think you specifically sanctions on will get into a later specific authorities in Hong Kong in Beijing. That are back at this. I think there are five of the members of the Hong Kong government today that ought to be sanctions personally and individual. And then there's other aspects of capital.Of light capital research and but you can basically the west and her medical eca Hong Kong from trading for money flow from capital markets. And if that's what the sea cp needs to me in my belief, two to two to have the young people in Hong Kong to be Free then so big and I think we're getting to that stay at the sea cp is got to be put on.Because I think they actually have been put on some what notice by what boss Johnson and the political leaders in the United States of all ready set. I think we now need to add the voice of the EXP a tree of Chinese. Write the Chinese have to say yes we agree with the United States we agree with great we agree with Australia we agree with these other countries we need in show solid.Guarantee to the young people in Hong Kong好了,等一下,大家说这个混音混的问题是是怎么回事,这么多意见都说,怎么可以分开?I can hear.哎哟,就没那么夸张吧,是不是?为啥不能删除呢?谁在删除,删除你不就是开玩笑吗?人你们你在外面。
  那你删5毛,你在干嘛呢?谁在删呢?一直在那,一直删不了你在干嘛,我要等你把5毛删了再开始播,不删就不要播了。这些咱们战友吗?他们今天大家的留言的,就是因为以前我看的是这生意也不行,那生意也不行,你不行咱就听直播啊,不能不能在不行的情况下不让班头先生咱这块群情激奋的讲半天,这。咱们今天可以报出来咱们这个直播的巨大的缺点啊,有的时候生意好就是生意不好,有时候回来有时候不混了啊。嗯,那个酒庄,你你给那谁那个就给30块钱就30块,有个人专门去去三五毛给他,把这钱给他,有权了让他给他说呀,好咱们现在两分钟开始正式开始好吧。OK, 咱们要追求完美,咱们这接下来马上开始了,班头先生你说我我要请教他的问题,对吧,就是他说美国咱就只谈美国说外界说的这是翻译错误,是外国在美在。
  我要请教半农先生,全部在推动这种态度的转变,川普总统的目标是什么?川普泰可以为香港做什么?请。Well, I think I already have seen in Hong Kong is the one aspect that is united all of American politics. If the only thing the nice.American politics is hong kong, you have Nancy policy. Chuck schumer mitch MC MC rc. R, who is the republican, you have both republicans and democrats Ruby o all the cross the border Elizabeth war Steven and everybody is united and president trump in the support of Hong Kong. Now some of that support from president from the senator.Ruby is very, very strong said the beer is laying out very specific things that he says he wants to take. The president obviously is in a different situation because he is dealing with president xi. I think if you watch is two weeks and what he said over the last couple of days miles, and for the audience and Hong Kong is quite important. Remember he and he is god he is basically.I think very tough li shi to get personally involved this to treat this situation when he calls you mainly. And he is offered up to get personally involved. He he said to president she the other day Twitter what about a personal meeting, what about you and you and I'm eating to talk about Hong Kong OK and then he said the speech the other day, in new hand.Which is very important. He said that president she could solve the situation of 15 minutes if he personally went to Hong Kong on that with the protest as that this could be resolved. Now, remember president trump has a very special relationship with president. She president trump thinks very differently president she than I do in the present and I don't agree on everything president trump two years.Say that I missed our people is number one people on this one. I don't agree with the president of pi. I don't think it's highly of president. She is president trump's, but I think that this is what is important is that president trump is now waiting about the situation is now talking to everybody about the situation is getting me can I know is talking to him.There is talking to him centre b is talking to him. And so you're seeing the entire American political right is a long also with the political rights in the kingdom start to focus on the protest and particularly this bar bar treatment of the protest, by the riot police. And by the p la and I think people put it on the.Particular will get some of these in a while. They have been very specific about how this can't go any further with what the sea cp is doing. And I think the sea cp understand that even put on notice throughout the world they may continue to process, but I will tell the people in Beijing. You are receiving the wrath of the world if you continue down this path, and there's a lot of.There's a lot of language. The world has particularly Mark is particular about connecting on connecting Hong Kong with the world Bang king system with the world capital market system in Hong Kong has been the goose. The late the golden egg for China, for 175 years, then I think the sea cp is gonna risk that if they're not very, very, very careful. And so.I think the president trump and I think you'll see more of this in the coming days he has to have a personal meeting with she a bout Hong Kong and he is basically recommended to to get personal involved in the result of the situation hu mane, 很多战友们来给留言说,请问白龙先生。半农先生最近因为和川普总统的互动呢,已经公之于众啊,从过去的桌子底下的互动到了桌子上面的胡同,这个昨天还报道了,你在帮川普总统在买一个岛啊,我都不知道你能买到,从来没告诉我,所以你俩是悄悄的行动变成了公开的行动,大家在问你一个。一个很核心的问题,副总统敢不敢自己亲自到香港去,见习近平或者亲自到现场见这些孩子,他去了也可以解决问题,不用习近平主席去,他要飞到香港,他们敢不敢不穿不中都给杀了给关起来,传说中的敢不敢去请你回答这个问题,大家很关心。i think president proposed as a present to drop off of this year the day i think present trouble effort when in the first tweet about the about that the human interest on this scene had to be the result to slowly had a result we mainly and at the end he put personal meeting a question mark to shape than later he told she here are coming。
  The president she that you go to Hong Kong on me with the protest in the 50 minutes can be resolved there is absolutely no I have no doubt that president trump. We go to Hong Kong with go to Hong Kong and to two to meet with president she if president she was open to the fact of a president trump having some in on to gain this result.I don't think that will happen because the person in the Chinese Communist Party have no interest, and having this resolve and it looks like the west of the western values, particularly western political values, the ones that the young people in Hong Kong are looking for a rule of law, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, if they were to be to bring forth what what does.PC p once is the crush of those values. And that's why they have got the riot police. That's what they got under cover agent that they got in for mers inside these Pro tests. So I don't see that I don't see that happened, but I know president trump would be very open to having that happen, 我知道这个几天前你想建议这个。嗯穿不通,这个跟习主席在香港见面就追,我就觉得你太伟大了,因为这件事情是不战而屈人之兵啊,全部中占了主动,那就是那就是鸿门宴了,习主席就完蛋了,我。如果不去,那就是暑假啊,所以说你这个主意出太好了,但是后来我看了川普总统发出来以后发的比较弱,比较弱啊,不要没那么硬,那么大家很关心的问题,我也想直接回答,人家习主席肯定不去,他不去你你穿不动能不能敢去,你敢不敢去,你吃得了吗?飞机会不会给你打下来?这是一个问题,你能直接回答这个问题吗?这可能是美国最高级的战略设计啊。I think that he look I think he respect the territory of integrity, the territory of China he would have to be invited, but I think he.Put it out there. They would have a personal meeting, which I think is more let's look at the president she has played this, president she has really used the mouth piece of certain apple watch x in Beijing and Carrie lam. What is Carrie lam sae? Carrie lam said if he continues down this path, right, you are looking into the best. Her her comments which have all been signed off on.By the sea cp and and and she and what she shot is totally opposite of president trump for president trump is saying is that a first of all the leaders in the American political system are saying that there in solid arity with the protest and you can not respond to them and this is violence has to stop in the whole world is watching president trump has reached out to see in the global communication.Is the voice of Twitter on saying you have to you know you have to be human about this, what about a personal meeting between us to discuss it all, by the way, you should b meeting with the protest as this could be put to bed very quickly and all your hearing from Chinese county Party of officials in the running dog of Carrie lam. Right? Is that the protein?Sisters are pushing the situation to look over the best. And the best that they say there is no return from. So if you look at the language of the political leaders of the west verse, the language of the Chinese Communist Party they are the opposite answer the spec trum and miles that is exactly why I think you have these protest as in the street they understand what their demands for university.The fridge. U no democracy is not a perfect system. It's a mess e system, but at least the system of people's voices of her and right now you're hearing politicians in the west that are here in the protest as in in Hong Kong and respond to the protest y on the other side she has said anything. But he spoke to people all they talk about is the post.Test as a writer's the protest is turning to terrorism. You're looking over the best is all this a part of language. Saying that if the protest the people Pro tests don't stop that they're going to get there going to be thrown in prison. They're going to be physical e beaten up. So the political language here couldn't be to at two opposite of the spectra man die.Think this is what is driving the young people say we cant go back to that we are Hong Kong has been Free write and it's going to remain Free. That was the deals we made you are not going to. We are not going to ask you yes. To this to this incredible violent language of the Chinese Communist Party.韩国总统的接来能做什么?阿班德先生私下跟我谈过,我们今天很多话题不能说啊,我深信阿班农先生也深信川普总统他的仗义和他的性格和他从小到大的这种啊,非常的,这个崇拜英雄的性格。那么他一定会做出大家所希望的啊,那种改变整个事件的行动啊,我们深信不疑,有些话在这里就不多说了,接下来我要谈一个跟班刘先生和战友们都关心的问题,是香港这个抗议以来和我们爆料革命以来,最支持最直接啊,毫不犹豫。
  因为他们并不清楚他们发出的每句话,对这十几人有多么的重要,我们今天请半农先生谈一谈鲁比奥参议员发的这些推,你怎么看他未来能做什么?I think we found the Ruby on number send a room eo is problem is one of the young senator who is most engage in foreign affairs and national security. And he is looked at in the Republican Party is in America over all the some of that is very in age in the world of fears. Some senator focus on domestic issue send to me of focus is principal e and national security issues.He made a very important distinction this week. The Chinese Communist Party and others and even president trump in one of his early to we talking about this is an internal affair of of China, an internal affair of you know what the sea cp in the Hong Kong authorities with president of your secretary of the.A big distinction. And I think is quite important. He said that it's not an internal affair because it related back to the British agreement in 1984 that everybody signed off on this is an international trade me it's an international agreement that the basic Lee may between the Chinese character party in the United Kingdom but agree to by the rest of world of fact the United States.In 1992 pass the specific bill in the senate, that laid out how we would come out with the 1984 course they have the transition in 1997 and then have 50 years. Senator Ruby o brought up a very important point. This is not simply an internal affair between the sea cp and Carrie lam in the rest of the running.Dog Carrie lam has on her staff, that this is an international incident in the international as a whole world essential e agreed to the freedom of the Chinese people in that the young the young protest as had completed themselves in the way that rein force that and so send me ow then came out with very specific.What a girl in front as I was just mentioned, he for the bill of to be that we actually can be debate and voted on in the past when the senate returns in September. That's quite tough on the sea cp and what's going on here is a democracy act related to Hong Kong. And so senator Ruby o has been very very out for word very much of spoken.放在is on TV all the time he is putting all the time is probably the leading to this. But the central thing that he did that the most important to say this issue of that being an internal issue is not an eternal. This is an issue that was agreed to buy sovereign states to guarantee certain freedom of the Chinese people in Hong Kong.阿班豆先生很清楚的阐述了,如果比奥先生可能是目前在华盛顿DC唯一一个眼睛影剧,啊,中英当时的谈判协议和香港一国两制基本法。以及美港关系的条款,来支持香港的,可以说是依法沪港并且直接简单,准确的是美国和西方传达了美国应该有的行动,水萝卜要一元呢,他是用了心,花了时间。啊,所以说这是非常重要的,那么另外一个我们要谈另外一个人,美国可以说一个政治也是个大师啊叫美国的现在的众议院的主席,共和党的大佬,叫麦克麦康奈尔,他的太太是啊,我们的华一叫赵小兰女士。他是当年啊,没感关系法的,众人啊,现在看来可能真是罪人了啊,那么想他呢,政治敏感,当香港上街抗议的时候,他最早提出来发起议案美媒。应该考虑是否停止,没关系吧,这个政治意义巨大,就从这一点上麦康奈尔就不是一般的政治家啊,我给伴奏先生说过多次,我说麦康奈尔真不是一般的政治家啊,那么另外一个角度对香港的帮助是极大的,也引起了市场。
  世界上的震撼,我在欧洲的几个证啊啊,这个国家领导人的朋友,说麦康奈尔的发言,对他们极为震撼,他和罗比奥两个人遥相呼应,说对中共的威胁,那是巨大的,说这是最香的。党的这个整个上街人的抗议的人的安全,意义重大,他们不敢擅自动手,啊,而且他们已经严格讲麦康奈尔先生和罗彪这个这个已经给他划出红线了,可以在交易的基础上又开始了一个左勾拳。周先生让我感到非常的敬佩,在这个问题上半周先生从来没考虑说是哪个党,而且他非也不考虑过个人之间的关系,他爸在他那儿,这就是半农先生在这个有所保卫香港的时候,我看到他人性的光辉,我们也必须要请掉。半农先生,迈克尔的讲话意味着什么?他作为一个香港没赶法的一个推动人,他现在要求立法要给他停止,你觉得他何必要两个人对这个表态有什么不同,他未来会为香港做什么?谢谢。I think they chose the over reaction of the sea cp in the cla in the in the suppression of these protest. In the the physical being in the passing particularly it was the actions of the last few weeks or has never been some one has been at the edge of of a force in what.I called the economic war between the ccp and the in the United States and allies of who is the 3rd 4th most powerful person in the hire American government. Right. He has never been that for sure he is always been on the Free. The actions of the sea cp were so over the Top or so.Agree. Were so outside the norm of behavior as a sept by states against their citizens that came out on the senate for before the set of and put at a very tough statement say the world is watching. And that your behavior Beijing is UN acceptable, it's UN acceptable.Tuan to two to the civil ised world. You cannot continue to attack the protest as you can tear gas, you can't and continues rubber bullet, and that these are peaceful protest. And these protest as now we have the right to protest of what they are talking about is very, very powerful. So he said that the behavior had been.An acceptable by the sea cp and he said the world is watching in the world would take action. And so I think that is I can take in the United States given that although he has a time when his wife has never really been that in gauge and being anti ccp, there are on their actions against these protest in Hong Kong miles.Him and now he is on record and we know from his staff that he is watching the development very, very closely, 我觉得半个先生说的非常非常的客观中肯,我觉得迈克尔先生的这个讲话啊,这个把他过去,所有对他和中共的关系,进行了一个彻底的。
  出发,你想让美国再饶过你绝对不可能,而且美国可以采取一切可能的手段,啊,另外一个明确告诉你,美国现在整个国会山和美国白宫,美国军方最关注的事情,就是你给我拿了香港的行动,你不要玩火,也不要过了界,我们盯着你们的一句。移动,哇,这个事情很大啊,然后听说杨洁篪先生啊,杨洁篪先生啊,我跟你现在咱俩不是咱俩不是对立面而不是对立面了啊,不跟你玩了,我也是找对象啊哈,过去的事就过去吧,啊,因为这个在他到美国去。非常努力,可以说让共产党吓一大跳,这些意味着什么,我们在隔壁的班农先生也跟杨洁篪同志都是勾兑过,因为那个他非常熟,杨杰是贱人,郭文贵是世界上第1个告诉美国。我说计价有有法,有三人70多个杨洁篪,我就不说细节了啊,以后大家我告诉大家洗衣机,而且我以后告诉战友为什么让你不要再提杨洁篪了以后告诉大家,正想给大家说一说,旁边奥和杨洁篪见面和发出的这种态度。你怎么看庞庆辉非美国未来做什么?Is that is that is that yang jian.Is the interpret for a day shopping. And he is considered the senior of the sea cp to the er to the United States. He he was the first when I came over the young person, what they have a sense that he is the one that understand the United States the most and I think it's incredible important.Probably important is my House is that he flew to New York city to to meet with the report in the papers. As to meet with secretary pale in the York city now Washington DC we don't know the details of that meeting. We know it's been reported in the press about with both sides of set in the meeting, but it was very clear I think that sound of.A secretary of state pale, you know was quite clear to yang jian of the serious ness of the situation in that you know the world did not want to have the possibility of another 10 in the square I think was the most important thing is that what the sea cp during the August vacation when they all go to the resort town, the side of.It's important enough that things were happening rapidly enough that the Hong Kong situation was deterior ate enough that they said, like I said and pains interpret the senior department of the sea cp in the one they considered that knows the United States better than anybody send him on on overnight flight, to New York to meet with pain and.With it. But I will tell you I think that that is one of the most important things that have this week. It shows that the very high ists that is clearly concern from the ccp about the determination of the situation of Hong Kong. And I think there is also concerned about with some of the political forces in the United States in the world have start to call s around.Support for the protest as it's clear that got to be a concern and so that's one that I would watch very very, very closely, 现在呢?我们直播多长时间了,将近一个小时了啊,秋装同志我们放一下的视频2,好的好的。
  So you you want to go to the bathroom.OK哎就是啊,就装啊,你把刚才放的这个就是这个画像,这个这段的往回再回放一下好不好?I want to see you again.Screen. So we see the people. Can we see the text?嗯回放大家都看到了这个现在啊却现在已经流行我们让香港的这个呃整个的运动啊可以这么说已经是跟世界了。赶在了一起,这个跟世界连在一起啊,他不是个空话,是香港人的勇敢和勇气,和他的行为和他的文明,和共产党的流氓欺骗虚假,形成了这么一个完全不同的结果。共产党掉入了塔西陀陷阱,啊,他说什么都没人相信,他现在做什么也没人相信,我们刚刚呢就收到,战友们在9:00的时候在香港啊,在心田啊,发来的这个一段小视频就装,可以放一下那一段吗?从6月9号抗议,到现在8月1号,我是世界上第1个告诉大家,警方将对香港将采取戒严和无力行动,我是第1个,那么后来呢?马上出的时候就说这是别有用心的造谣,然后就是这些来。打开太多了,卸载打,玩完了这几天打工。哎呀,真不盖的,找谁呀?别人多拿一个吗?我觉得停车爱。
  The color这些两党的领袖都在同一个问题上达成了共识,反对共产党,停止共产党的最惠国待遇,行至香港和美国的关系法,停止自贸区协议,对香港的这些官员进行制裁。查封的在美国的资产,而且接下来川普的应该宣布,只要你敢在香港,你敢动用军力,美国军队必须得上,我们要跟班头先生,是什么样的力量让这里。香港豆子已经俩人掐的,那是真的是已经不是一嘴毛了,是石嘴毛都不值了,让共产党趁机而入啊,是什么力量让质量的唯一这次全面的合作意向书们无论是和川普总统和量。大河在一起,他们将合作将为香港带来什么,能为香港做什么,请回答这个香港和大陆人全世界都在关心的问题。The American political parties at the leadership level, r, because it's very divided is the action of the sea sea p against the people in Hong Kong and this is what has been shown in the world media and quite frankly by the global media investigate of citizen reporters that have been putting the videos up so that you see exactly what happens. You see exactly what happens in the streets of.高考。That has been incredible powerful and I think that's why you have that is what you have a people like me people like Nancy close people like people like congressman the cars are you know Marco Rubi across the board, you had the united and you saw that very powerful video that had up what their toys or what there.
  What there are statements were in more important that simple to have the are to have the band ages of the young girl who was so brave and got shot in the eye by rubber bullet by the by the riot police on the in the p la and became an international simple is is a very very very powerful. The cc PS action the change.This time is party from Beijing, actions on the streets of Hong Kong against innocent protest as particularly young people to tear gas to beat them to shoot rubber bullet. In fact, it's our age is that people have to wear these girls, the safety guard was because of the tear gas in the rubber bullet. In the young girl, the young woman who lost her has become an international.Simple as seen the video we had all the leaders of the American political parties with the sym bolic manage over there are what has you night of them has not been any one person my lives in the United States what has united the American senior leadership is the actions of the sea sea p against the protest as in the demon strator. And I think that if there see see.P continue these types of the actions. Its only going to my world opinions are much more salary, 那么接下来现在就装是不是有一些照片要放到秋装,龙山上的一个视频需要现在放吗?请放啊。这个视频有6分45秒,6分45秒啊。受理。President trump president trump is know to get the the big wall he is building with the cross the southern we build the wall. What we do, that the army of engineer, for whatever reason with his private property, too tough to build.To knowledge. We can like the special forces we do the nor way. So make sure you go to our website we build the way my cn BC interview. Special note I was talking about the young people probably a lot of the age of you guys, young men and women that are fighting for capital of Free market capit alism in China to be a tear gas to be by right.Police have a robot to town and it looks like this weekend. They're not back down look like this week and Chinese comic party is good is still martial law in Hong Kong. This is a global event. I want every body to follow that because this is really you the weakness of the Chinese Communist Party they try to put down there. The wrong people I get to take the young folks and Hong Kong.Do not prepared to let the world have another square square tens of thousands of Chinese citizens for murder. By the butcher of the Chinese Communist Party in the world, this kind of the world is kind of what OK we we trying to get this up every day will travel around the country in the next next week the world try to keep u guys up the day was going on, down here in the high desert.The better Hong Kong play and this state president she had be kind of looking here. I'd be kind of looking in there and i'd be wondering how many things that I want to be just going at. At once II think I don't want something like unfortunate that happen obviously and it's concerning the watch but that seems like it's helping trump.As well in this because it you know that I can't get out of the bag in a big way. I don't know I don't know how that ends. You know the world's media which is you know the party of cheer leading squad says all this great stuff of that she on being a global leader. Look at look at Hong Kong to me hong kong ling to their leadership, you start your.By talking about New York city being the world financial capital, that's correct. And particularly Hong Kong, it shows you what you know English common law in the Chinese people can do when the united and the people these young patriot, in Hong Kong are fighting for Free market capit alism and president she I have to believe I believe that you can.IC the patriot these are young Chinese menu for fighting for capital is on being tear gas. R having a bullet shot at. I have a right please come in the beat them. I have to believe that they are going to stand I don't think there going to break. They understand what the future is they understand how important is to have the rule of law. And they are prepared to sacrifice the cells and I get to tell you I think this weekend.If the Chinese Communist Party declared martial law in in Hong Kong, this make some problems. And once again, I think that shows the statement of president trump. He is trying to work with the ccp is clearly miss handle the situation. He is trying to work with president she with president关系。To start paying attention to the signal in the president, trump is given him to get at the situation because I got to tell you I don't think the world's prepared to have another 10 men square. I think we I think the world is changed in the last 30 years and I get to tell you if they declare martial law and Sunday, which it looks like we could be heading towards the past. And I don't think these Chinese young Chinese.People going to back down. I don't think the world is prepared to allow the Chinese Communist Party to have another 10 men square against the young people. What the reasons is so important for you to watch what is going on in Hong Kong. I don't fully understand. No, if you really understand what these kids are up against the up against the most hotel in dict a to ship in history.The power of the Chinese Communist Party the power of the people's liberation army is missing right now the border of Hong Kong and threatening to roll in tian an men square which I know many of you were too young to remember to square happened in 1989 in the world was quite about it. What we know is between 10000 and 50000 young Chinese that were Pro testing.The impression of the Chinese government and actually made a replica of lady liberty and put it up in an men square which is right there in the city in the capital of Beijing. Once they put that up, they roll the tank and we think between 10000 and 15000 words lord, in the in the in a couple of days. That is what could happen in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong you could have another 10 and what why? Because.As the people's liberation army in the entire apparat of the Chinese Communist Party do not want to contain of freedom to spread in mainland China. You know we live with freedom is that that you really don't appreciate. I mean sometimes I don't appreciate and I get the opportunity to travel throughout the world and see the impression throughout the world. But you sometimes it's very difficult to actually appreciate.The freedom of who has been to us from patriot on previous generations. The other day we had this example on the same day in Hong Kong. When the young patriot of being beaten by the riot police tear gas they have a rubber bullet shot it down. They are walking to the airport and walking to Hong Kong not with the union Jack which they were doing 11 weeks ago, but would.Oh sorry. The flag of the United States of America and why are they doing that? Because that flag represent freedom to people throughout the world. And young people in Hong Kong are walking around with that flag on that drive the Communist masters nuts at the same time. You had a privilege I think fence on one of these are one of these olympic one of the USA team on the.不了。After winning won the models and he not OK he not because he thought that the flag was a flag of shame. But the flag is not a flag of shame, it's called glory for a reason. In the young patriot. In Hong Kong prove that. Because when they are getting to tear gas and beat and shot at the flag racing is not the flag of the Chinese come this party. The flag of the Free people.
  Of the world is represented by the United States of America.任何地方做的事情,大多数都是跟保护香港的抗议的群众和志士香港是有关的,大家是可以看得到,他是不遗余力的呕心沥血的和大家联系在一起啊,在为大家为香港在呼吁啊,那么接下来我请问潘总先生这个不饿现在。但录像认为法治基金的主席啊,法治基金都未,香港的这个抗议行动做了什么?你下一步做什么啊,请你简单的回答一下大家的问题。Trying to do is number one is to put forward investigation xt a show the corrupt of the.Please come to the party and how they pose upon the the whistle blower's in the Free people and people want to be Free on mainland China. Write this is principal e about the mainland China where we think the rule of law steak spice it was never even can see. When we first started the rule of law society in November of 2020 at Hong Kong would ever even be an issue. It was inconsolable. That Hong Kong.On the issue. And yet you have seen the ccp with Carrie lam in these other senior executive of the legislation council who I believe should be sanctions by the international community starting today that they have taken back and consistent. And now that the tradition bill and remember the tradition bill of they refused to receive in in the.Face of everything they've done against the young Pro tests on in Hong Kong of the five demands they have done the most basic demand, which is to take that the tradition bill. And they only put it on hold. And so it was never can see for miles we start the rule of law society. We would have to actually talking about the rule of law of Hong Kong. And that is where we are today.And so what the principal thing to the rule of our society and the committee on the present danger is what I'm trying to do is go through at the United States in the world, in fact I'm giving a speech. Later today and from the hin du society of the United States in Chicago I'm giving a speech about what's going on in Hong Kong. Because people in India and him to American.Are very interested about how the ccp is taking away the rights and surprising the Free people of Hong Kong. They go back to the year ago we start the rule of law society. It was about the 1000. The 1000 senior people in the mainland China that has been put in person without trials had committed suicide.Seriously died, including the term of a who was clearly murdered by the sea cp to the fact that they took the head of the the head of interest in the kidnap him back to China because he didn't do his job properly. In November 2020, it wasn't even on the in the horizon that we have to be talking about Hong Kong that is the out rage on.Nature of what the ccp has done to the people of Hong Kong. So the rule of law society is now Broad in scope to actually in corporate what's going on in Hong Kong and I got to this shows you the pressure the people in the mainland under the pressure the people are mainly to honour and this is why this extra edition bill is so important. Remember the.The law society was started because you can't get a fair trial. In mainland China the see see through anything they want can see your ass s can take your can show your business down and can put you into prison without any trouble or some sort of show trial which they were. And this happened over and over and over again that is what we said the basis that.In mainland China is not democracy right now, but it's the rule of law. And to understand that is that is why these young Pro test as in the people of Hong Kong in the middle class of Hong Kong is absolutely correct about this extra edition bill. Because the tradition bill wood have the CC Peter extra that you into the mainland China into a Chinese course, will you have a sense.你disappear,you have no rights. A new century have no rights of under English common law. And so the rule of law society is now expand it out to cooperate. This great tragedy is going on in Hong Kong today. And as you know miles this is 24/7. What we try to do is get the word work out to the world, appreciate and understanding and stand the solid arity with the people of.Hong Kong, to want to stop this medicine, the stop it now, 半农先生说我们法治基金,我知道大家我天天看着她为他做什么,包括他在国媒体上每天在做什么,我每天都看着,这个可以说咱们用咱们中国人的思维理解一位美。我这样的,一位美国朋友,这样能为中国人啊,这样的辛苦啊,这样的不惜代价,是很难理解的,但是事实上我们就是看到了半年前真的是不惜一切代价,而不以盈利,每天真是有时候累的他站在那儿有上次只不过是陪了一夜过来的站着要睡着的样子,所以说我们大家听了。对啊,我们看到法治基金有这样的主席,而且所有的知识法治基金的人啊,这个这些留言都是深深的感动了法制进的每一个人,每个董事包括半农先生,那么再次重申法治基金的任何一个捐款者和所有的知识,中国走向法治和自由人,你们都不会失望。
  那么这个呢,请爱卿就装,把PPT给打出来,那么我们接下来就请问半农先生啊,这个,这两个请愿,在白宫跨过10万以后意味着什么,你是否能将他放到穿普通的桌子前面,有多大的可能性会把它变成行动,请半个先生回答。Look, I think anyone of these to get over a hundred to get over to to get over a hundred thousand to get over a hundred thousand signature. On the on any White House petition is quite extraordinary. In particular is what you make sure that they are American citizens write Chinese americans that are saying this is quite.After he had a hundred thousand, they are actually addressed and looked at by the White House staff. Er, I know that we've got a couple of positions of, I think the most important one is calling at the individual Chinese executive in the look at them to be sanctions on. So I know we have the one of the sea cp is a terrorist organization. The some other words about Hong Kong. And I think it's very important to go to go media and have go media.Show you how to get to the to the White House side to to sign up as my said that is the White House side and try to mess with the petition, but you should I go inside these positions of one thing which a hundred thousand is not the force of all but then r. Former lia dressed by the White House and like I said.I know there's a lot of different ones we have up there particularly. One is about the conduct of the government of Hong Kong to the protest as an particularly the ccp is a terrorist organization. I have to think the one that is going to be the most powerful is about these individuals as I think we'll get to on a second, I think that officials in Hong Kong and the sea cp have to understand that the world is watching their in.Individual actions. And that they will be here is the one right here that calls for the recognition the Chinese character party as a terrorist organization. That is a trust me that will get people's attention to get people's attention by the language, in the love itself, 对了,现在的裙子,把那个最。香港官员的那个照片给放出来三件事,照片放出来啊。制裁过香港关员的照片,那三件事的照片拿出来就装有嘛,好请稍等,请稍等。Go back to the. I think this is a I think this is very very important the commission of Stephen lo y and and and the other officials very.50000 that chose you the intensity and I think Hong Kong officials should understand that the world is watching the individual behavior. They're not going to be able to hide. I think there is five. Only the send to travel is yes, there is only five individuals and I think Carrie lam we all know about her. She's been. But it's the other ones are.It's important to think Steven low the commission of the Hong Kong police has got to be on the person is very bad. So I need your action action, 就把另外的放上来吧,下次在香港官员照片那个制裁官员的照片。
  晒张照片呢,三件事儿的照片。秋装又听不见了,哇,今天今天这个错误简直是再难的事,一堆的错误一串,你刚才翻一下给搬东西,他说你说是不是他认为的文件是很重要的,yes.对对。I think that these I think that these documents I think that the petition show the intensity of what this is. So I think we continue to need to bring up the are the officials that actually surprise in the Hong Kong people and I think it's very important for us. And I think obviously.These are these positions to the White House are very, very important. We have to keep the intensity up. And I think now what we've got to do a circle to a Broad apart the media here in the west and also to the political class, to make sure they understand remember many of these names are going to be new to people. They know Carrie lam as a totally in the head of the library community, but I think that we need to bring.Now people like to res of change the secretary for security John Lee I will see the police commission of Stephen low in the director of the Hong Kong last lesson of his way and I think all of those have to be individual brought up. And we have to make sure that we are bringing this up to the to the American authorities and to other western in Australia the United Kingdom etc.嗯,刚才嗯,就装一直没有找到你的照片啊,我也不知道,现在在那个电视上显示的,一直就是没显示,没有直播出去就装,我不知道你为什么看到的这个,现在在显示这块儿就看不见什么东西了,现在呢啊。现在回家了,给卢比奥这封信,请你挂出来,现在乱了秋装现在又乱了,乱套了,这个事呢,亲爱的战友们这个事由战友们和我们一起一起。工作的,我们写给罗比奥啊,饿半路先生耳机又听不见了,但他一直就听不见,他都快疯掉了,你这老是一会有一会没有,他都快疯掉了就装同志,你要把这个词选。
  人家尊重你,看你了,结果是你在这会乱来啊,大家看到了先生,接受了多少采访,他亲自给每个稿子查阅每个法律文件,他天天很晚去见人去,他每次。跟我在一起啊,真的是没有一秒钟闲着的,都在讲如何来帮香港人如何行动,而且是每次在讲到这些的时候,伴读先生那种感情那种行动力,就是我发自内心敬佩的。就是我们中国人最需要有的啊,我们接下来请问一下半农先生,我们现在有可靠的情报和信息啊,接下来啊就818是个大的一个抗议,啊,共产党内部认为要在8月8前8月7号8号就今天晚上。那就是明天就要展开行动,如果真的是解放军从过去的穿便装的实时占用,8月份已经戒严了,已经实施暴力行动了啊,大家都看到了,如果他变成郑智化的解放军开始进眼和行动,你敢不敢飞到香港去,全部中。敢不敢飞香港去法治基金会做什么?你给大家说一说,foundation definitely what I fly to Hong Kong in the second if it looks like that would help I be there in the second present from that no chance he is going to fly the Hong Kong is not, it's just not the way.Particularly police commission of Steve and love that I will be there in the second if I thought that would help the demon strator and look I'm open to do that. I think the us government is going to do the appropriate thing and to put pressure on from the outside. But I think I think the center of a message.Which is quite strong in that the world right now is not think that this is just an internal matter of the sea cp r looking at the territory in Hong Kong. The day side and international in that the international standards are going to be held. So II realized tomorrow it looks like it could be very important also on Monday. Some of the young leaders in Hong Kong of.For bank run to draw your money from from banks. So I think the next couple of days is going to be once again, you know very important as far as the direction of this goes. In the people in Hong Kong predict the young people of the world is watching. As the media is a phrase is everything is just beginning. This is the very early stage of this. But the world is watching in the world.Notice and I think you're getting a lot of a lot of fruit in particular lot of fruit of the the leaders of Hong Kong the police have just done such a terrible job in this and also ccp which has been up to their old trick. In the China press this秋装同志可否把这个5大诉求这个PPT。
  解放出来,5大诉求啊,我们希望半农先生和战友们再回顾一下,让全世界看到一条啊,香港人民的要求当中没有一个是违反共和国中华人民共和国的法律的,没有一条是违反香港一国两制基本法的,香港。讲的是5大诉求,没有一个是超越,任何一个国家认可公正的法律的,它是有基础的,所有现在发现在香港大街上所谓的冲击警察,中国共产党的国旗,所谓的跟警察对抗,都建立这三个字。基础之上,第1条,大多数现在就证明全是共产党派来的卧底警察装了,栽赃陷害和西藏当年自焚事件和新疆的自焚事件和天安门自焚事件同出一辙,第2个基础是很多人站在正当防卫的。基础上的第3个所有人啊,大家记住,有些过激是极少数人不能代表绝大多数人啊,大家要记住,完全社会逃犯条例实行双普选。实行双普选,very important, everything is you know is this in the beside the Hong Kong one country two be slow, 能看到真普选,真普选和智力独立掉。
  这有啥不对的呀,我搞不清楚人家的这个有啥不对啊,think this is the most important if you if you look at these five demands, the the the father five demands are not are not that r radical, the four demands are about the.Protest. Right? You should have the tow withdraw the extra edition bill. Right. You must move the world riot because in in saying the world right, it brings a dish of charges, right? You must release on condition of all the protest as that you have arrested today. And it has to be an independent inquiry on the police behaviour.For are just dealing with the protest and should be very easy implement. The most important is number five, which was promised. It was the sub text in the basis of the night of the 1984 agreement that was in employment in 1997. And it was upon that in 1992, that the United States even after an an men square agreed to the.1984 a court and that was the implementation of universal suffer. And so I think that these are reasonable demands. The first for a very reasonable that the protest and should be implement by Carrie lam with no questions OK, and to the gree that the they are the Hong Kong authorities have even been.Used to withdraw the traditional afternoon out well with the protest. And they pulled the old trick is that all they just going to delete, right which you know they are going to come back and put up the soon as the protest and that the first four to me are very easy and number five and a pen in the entire agreement of one country, two systems, the universal storage was the basis of.The two systems remember, miles from this was done in the 1980. The dream was by that went by 2019 that they're the rule of law in in dim AR cas in mainland China that's what we thought this whole thing was going not where we reverse the process and now have more surprise in mainland China and now trying to put the pressure in Hong Kong this was never.Intended never in vision like that and that's why number five is so important, the implementation of general universal. And I think this is why the protest as the young progress in Hong Kong are so smart about how they have done this, 我们今天直播到这里呢。6月份,我们今天直播到这里的时候呢,已经是两个多小时了啊,这个今天啊,这是咱们有事直播以来啊,也是就装直播以来,这也是战友之声这个全面的支持这个支部以来。准备文件啊,战友之声咱们准备平台准备的文件和视频是最差的一次,最差的一次,今天就装的这个,整个直播的管理从切换声音声音管理画面是最垃圾的,就是灾难啊,灾难金晶,今天今天是真事啊,咱们。这个中国老祖宗有句话,平常不管你有多厉害啊,关键时候别拉稀,今天是关键时候,我们不是拉稀拉血了,都怪我觉得简直是糟透了,今天32还能战友们发来的那些照片儿啊,视频的完全昨天说了,这是我有史以来第1次准备提纲啊,第1次跟。提前跟战友之声沟通啊,昨天哭着喊着叫着啊,说了无数次,半夜的,你说也是这么折腾,结果准备的文件和照片和视频根本不是那回事儿啊,完全是是糟糕的,那么现在再一个就是咱们就是战友们看笑话的多啊,看笑话的多,我们这有一个所谓我们这个群啊,直播群直播群里面现在。
  第5条啊郭文贵,不管付出多大代价,我都倾尽所能,我原来说过多了拿不出来,40亿美元啊,我是拿得出来的50名,只要香港需要资金支持情况。找我,我会全力支持,多了拿出来,我借个四五十亿美元没问题,我没钱我一分钱也没有,最后一条我告诉大家的事情,郭文贵和半农先生和法治基金。会不惜代价在美国,在欧洲呼吁,一定要拿下,香港的美中美港关系法给他停了,最惠国待遇的事给停了,所有杀害香港和杀害香港的人必须要这些人得到制裁,实现香港双普选。并尽可能的在西方的国家,通过法治基金给这些人政治和身份屁股,这就是我们申请的原则帮助先生您同不同意?I think it's I think these five demands by the way, from the from the protest as I think, and I don't think they have reached at all. And that's why the ccp acting so terrible about these five demands are particular the universal show you the radical country. The runs CC, and as well just said, I mean what the commitment.The rule of law society, the room of fun and also the Canadian present is to make sure that the world is aware of this and start to stand on solid arity with the protest as in Hong Kong and particularly on details like the Free trade agreement, the world has with Hong Kong and really the movement of capital. In and out of Hong Kong and I think that Carrie lam misunderstand.Situation. I think it's the sea cp in the senior executive in in Hong Kong and that I cou ns in Hong Kong that I would be worried about sharing down the capital market is there. If the police for talent the the the really the out of control police riot you're having and that's what you're having as police riot. And if the pl a gets more involved in the continued.By the right of police. On the on the young protest as I think it's only going to scale up and I think that there is both individuals actions and sanctions against the party that the sea cp and is kind of totally in the political bureau and its run in Hong Kong right now. So I think there is much more to come.我再次的告诉大家,我为香港同胞们说的,我和班农先生法治基金和所有的战友们,将真诚的,没有任何秘密的,没有任何欲望的,没有任何所求的,绝不会被任何利益诱惑,黑势力吓倒。我们会和你们站在一起,香港在6月9号那天已经赢了,只是接下来你付出什么样的代价,你到底能赢得什么?香港最艰难的时刻并没有到来,可以说是从今天之后,才是你们最危险最艰难的时刻,香港人非常的独立。
  千万不能上当,你们已经赢了,保持这种合法的,可控的这种局面,任何情况下都不要。给共产党给他一个借口来镇压香港人民,我可以向香港同胞保证,刚才你们看到的这些照片当中和有关人都会更加。坚定与我们站在一起,因为那是正义的必然,不是我和班头什么有什么力量,有什么本事跟我们没关系,很多香港同胞给我发来感谢的信息。很多视频当中这些小朋友都说感谢uncle miles,我告诉大家的,我也告诉班豆先生多次,郭文贵的今天是香港站的最主要的。部分我感恩香港,本身我也是香港公民,我也有资格有义务为香港这么做,香港给我的够多了,我做的这些完全不着急,我也希望永远不要停,我们要感谢班农先生。
  亲爱的战友们,我们要行动,从现在起全力的去白宫申请请愿网站签名,权力的传播,香港的真相,不要关注任何其他的事情,这是真战友。现在最后我们请半农先生谈谈今天最后他只不过他给大家说了什么,给大家一些沟通,然后我们为大家祈福,今天的直播就结束了。The number one is is like is a good BRA, Bruce Lee said, the water. You have been.So successful. And so I understand is very tough for us in here in New York city to say be safe. But if you can put yourself the way you can put yourself and from the world in the last of weeks, everything will work out think you incredible brave, as I said.I was caught in the New York times last week saying that you remind me and your mind many people in the United States of the patriot of 76 that brought to the American people so on that is the highest common. I can give any body so my recommendation we just continue to do what you do remember the world is watching now very my newly understand that you are great.And great. Your sacrifice ING more than any people in the world right now for your freedom. But what you're doing now is going to be talked about a hundred years from now. So with that I would just say in the Bruce Lee said the water, 一切都是刚刚开始,我们为14亿同胞,台湾同胞。香港同胞,大陆同胞,新疆和西藏同胞,全世界人民祈福。战友们,我们今天的直播就到此结束,今天虽然是酒庄,表现完全是市场,战友之声和战友们的合作完全是负面的,但是直播总算结束了,大家断断续续的看吧,没有掌声。
  我们就是敢面对我们的缺点,就是敢面对我们的这个不好我们才能赢不得,共产党是的啊,这一手吃着屎还得说,这是真相啊,我不是这种人,我们就是真真善衡已针对国民党的假以善,就让他饿一个坚定对付自己的狠和对待敌人的狠的决心。不留后路的决心,让我们赢得咩工这场战争。谢谢,thank you,thank you,thank you,thank you,thank you。好了结束了,一切都是刚来音乐吧,没音乐了就装一下纯音乐了,洗澡的时候也没音乐了,秋装今天简直是疯了。没办法,没办法了,没办法了,就让这音乐也没了吧,就是啊,你睡着了吗?就说啊,你为什么不可以开始,你这个实验室你是导演,我不知道我是导演,你为什么不可以开始啊?啊我们以后要制作一个感谢了一般哎哎哎哎哎。曼陀罗花有着落。风干鸡。
  精灵完了的。嗯,积极,不过还是感觉国家在一起呢。我该包几个的购物。都应该关上,还有一方面钢材方面。Hong Kong. Carry on and do not give up. You are not alone we stand behind you and carry on man Chester England is with you Hong Kong is.Miles away. We are with you in spirit and we send it with you. Stay strong and keep好come。
  Keep keep fighting and fight for what you believe in Hong Kong people. Hong Kong is not alone. Don't be described by the of a tear in the ocean的。我猜你也不可以的。上班高端要加油,不要放弃,你们不是自己一个人。感性的男人。不老总。