先生好啊,大家好,非常荣幸,我在这里thank you very much。It is my honor to be here。我once again。啊,每天带领约200多人死亡,美国几百人在死亡死于来自于中共的冠状病毒。I am terribly travel to.
Is that in New York to hundred people died every single day by the sea cp virus, 我特别的味道在这个5月。4号的时候,中国的五四运动节,美国国务院的安全战略顾问搏一博明先生发表的演讲,实在是太棒了。I am excited to see the speech given by不明白的,the United States government. No.我们当今天看这个五四运动的时候,是中国人结束了封建统治和避免独裁统治中国的一个最伟大的一个中国。
走向世界和西方世界对接,最关键的一次就是民主人权和法治和道德的一个文明的启蒙。This my first man is an environment from the western culture that gives us they are we are young for democracy, freedom and the rule of law.It's a great opportunity for us to try的核心价值是一个西方的民主和西方的基督教。文明以人为本把人的罪这个行为的底线就是道德和法律啊,作为一个治理国家社会人与人之间关系。
一个新的纪元的开始,当时是一个我山东老家把山东省,由于这个巴黎要从德国手里边管辖划给日本。由于这种导致的国内的民族主义的啊,这个迅速的蔓延,人们开始了中国的54运动。It is the opening date for our Chinese and people, especially after the rain the other side for us to have the idea of.We all born equal and we should be equal treated. We have our own rights, 在那次运动之后,在中国开始了。
政府开始正式的面试西方的也是由美国带领世界走向你。Bye, bye the western culture.把这个民主啊一些特别的一些学生啊走向了街头,开启了这个伟大的运动。My students in March on the streets.Because of the United States stand out. And they have fix the problem of the sound of problem.
中国的中国政府和中国人民第1次Chinese government and Chinese people。First of line with the international community.And we have dialog运动的movement.It has established and image for us to from the western country.这对中国人来讲是非常重要的。It is important for us to be simple life in this way.
但是今天我到了再看,在1919年的五四中国民主运动到达今天101年的时候。But today and we see this made for the movement it has been hundred and one years, 但是今天在。For democracy, freedom and rule of law and the city has the music made for the movement and the historic inn.Once up the movement, 像今天101年之后。
法律price to yearn for democracy, freedom and rule of law. 香港。发生的事情现在每时每刻。What is happening in Hong Kong right now, 我们在西藏发生的事情。What happened in Manhattan in the states in the entire world共产党这个。By the sea CD whose life of the rule, black of democracy, liker freedom.
它让我们更加的明白一个国家的政权,如果没有法律和道德的底线,对人类对人民那是。绝对性的灾难,it has a lesson that without respect to the bed without respect to human ities destruct to.Is people and the country说到这里,谢谢啊,这个我们在伯明翰就是。但是这个演讲呢,可以说在中国所有的中国人心目中是投下了巨大的震撼啊,让我们似乎又回来了。
Really remind us of made for in 1990 invited us of the movement.五四民主运动有一个更重要的日子,就是1919年的6月3号也是一个政府向人民。There is a great important states that the 3rd政府当时已经在接受了西方的民主和法制。The government who is in position back then, you should buy the western civilization.
It doesn't matter, 美国帮助中国最后解决了America。Who help us in the woman who have helped us to resolve this issue the end of the problem.推行的要实行美国一样的民主和法制的政治制度的时候,中国人民太相信了共产党接触了共产党。Ep has told us that they were take their ideas that that influence from the west and they.
美国这个战略顾问来讲述一个今天被。流氓的没有法制的政府以及谈论中国完全失去了民主和法治,甚至连人的道德底线都没有的时候,对中国人的。CCTV5名。The country is district on our democracy and freedom of our people.We are we should learn movement with MR align with people who.
你最危险的就是排华要发生的时候。把CC冠状病毒和CC从美国技术以及dangerous the idea of China。GCD was trying to achieve that. 追求法治民主,并且。That what to say that people from the nature of movement are the same as we are today.
People in China and abroad and Hong Kong and courage.让我们更加尊敬美国的is so valuable and happened at the historic moment of influence。我我compare as well,大家无限的感激,这是美国政府和美国有。All of us are very thankful to the officials and to the United States of America, 3.
We are who we are. Democracy freedom and the rule of law to against the city is room.觉得这次讲话奠定了中国人未来和美国人has created the united picture.Between us and the United States互联网时代,这个没有人把全部真相被掩藏起来,通过我们的爆料革命和。I can't bear the truth, 重要讲话啊,已经传遍了中国,引起了中国人民巨大的反应。
中国人so many people in China闻名的世界拌在一起。快速的实现,我们当年五四运动one with the United States we were once again and what happened like made for what was that。道德给世界带来的人危机灾难危机啊,我想现在这个问题是非常重要的,对美国人来讲我。I want to say this is a significant for the United States citizens, 我们要反对香港的时候,我要谈到101。
一年前的54 talk about the main food again that happened 101 years ago,1919年到1989年7月。去年的北京8964天安门运动杀了那么多中国学生。It has been years between 19 19 19 89, so many people.I died, 这是共产党在中国执政的35年一场大屠杀,这是美国政府。Ccp, 在89之后到今天也35年了,美国five years since1980。
你来相信了共产党的谎言,认为他会在8964以后改邪归正permanent once again believe the。Chinese government, 然后呢,中国共产党就会给中国人民民主,法制和自由都给世界和平。这网速更不容易。The city is like that they will give the people is democracy and freedom, 然后美国政府。国政府全世界人民,又一次相信了共产党在1997年将香港British and people from all over the world.
Once again CD after the turn over in 1997, another life.The country two system, 然后在这个仅仅的在这个4个月以前。的控制。People believe that you once again but the birds can be contained, but it is not too much and translation.我认为美国政府再次相信了共产党。In America and American people once again with the ccp, 我们要说到这里。
一说到美国7月4号的独立日啊,这是最重要的want to talk about the independence day and declaration of independence。是美国人当时用英国哲学家约翰洛克的政治语言。不应该是有化一切财富inspired from British environment think John walker,but only by protecting the right to individual.She is available, that gives the government is the gym a sister Garden, 要以人为本。
权力是属于人民的,should be the weather to its people, 美国人民。现在要看到香港刚刚发生的这个过去十几个月的what happened for the past month。That happened in Hong Kong撕破了一切的过去的承诺,did not hold any of their.Promises, 再不行动就会想again.
It will be like what happened after the May Fourth Movement将中国的国家的权利交给流氓政权。共产党in the countries have the state power party like ccp.然后从这个共产党拿到政权,发生在35年后发生天安门事件,然后再发生今天的冠状病毒。He left to the China master in 1989. After another 35 years, they like to the cct virus.
在香港美国和西方世界再不行动的话,你还会你还会给world and the us do not act one more time。就是忌讳他就不是在香港和中国祸害中国人民了,他就要来get the city one more chance。Get to the Chinese people many people in Hong Kong. The pieces around the world and to the.S, 我们到了推翻这个流氓政权共产党的书了,如果今天美国不同意,moment that we shall stand.
Together and over from this party the CC party, 美国人民对共产党所有的给他的东西足够多了。就可以拉America,you have offered enough to the Chinese Communist Party of the sea cp。如果还允许香港的事情,在这个国安法在香港真的会发生的话,美国in Hong Kong。接下来共产党就会到美国,来到你的家门口,像强奸中国人和香港人的耳朵。
People like favorite in Hong Kong they will read the daughter in Hong Kong we will do the same in the states.这个华尔街的财富培养的共产党,美国的政府不应该在最后一次让共产党真正。Communist party. This is the very last chance, 这就是我的意见,伴读先生。This is my opinion, thank you MR.我的在颤抖,在哭泣,在恐惧香港,we are scared the morning,we are crying。
Every minute there will be a Hong Kong that is great that I have been missing, 这是个悲剧啊,我们只能在你的战斗时看到。Budget is very traffic that will sharing this here美国的主流媒体现在整个回避了香港的人道灾难。Media has turned away from this present,还有这个这个罗密欧。Official official they are strong enough to stand up.
的。This is life and death in Hong Kong, 现在。很多中国人民香港人民给我发信,说半农先生不要消失,many people in Hong Kong and China has had to me please。Stop war room protect MR Ben and do not see the whistle blow a movement, 共产党的威胁就像病毒一样,令美国没有1万个。1000 15,000公里danger of miles away is very close to you too。
CC to bias, 美国人要记住你们是人权宣言了,American friends who is remember fourth of July remember?不independence, we are all connected.人权法治,我们拜托你了先生。拜托美国政府了,香港thank you thank you American cities and we think you the us government please the Hong Kong。
There is a lot of that is at a critical moment, the moment of truth. If we are t.刚才SOS please,all the Hong Kong is in danger。这儿。OI talk. Thank you.