
郭文贵2019年10月8日视频 20191008_1


郭文贵2019年10月8日视频 20191008_1 勿中招中共挑起与新疆民族仇恨 NBA言论令中共玻璃心碎一地了

  1, 这是香港人权法案推出之快,而且现在已经有人去想办法执行,都出去了,我可以告诉大家。新疆这个范围就无人保护方案,绝对没那么大力量,那就不是一般的饿饿小,就香港人的素质相关。港人的团结和香港人的国际化,包括香港人倒是必须得有人出来秘密作证,没有一个人退却的啊。这些都是我们爆料,各种积累的财富随着时间都会曝光,大家看看文里爆料,从两年来说过多少次新疆人我几乎没有一次漏掉。
  Yeah, I just finish. Do you hear?你可以,你可以把这个帮我翻译一下。说着说着就来了,唉,对了u.Yeah I.
  哦呀,说。Please say something for good morning, good morning, this is very active, very active.A couple of days here in the United States and I just came up to see ur from Washington to see a brother miles and will be eating here right after the.I guess they were very so many development in Hong Kong to development Washington, what we talk about some of the thought that the Chinese nation.
  He came over the train is going to leave immediately because we were actually brought up the things we talked about London CC p to the capital market.Is there so upset that there's talk that they actually not even in the go ship在美国或者香港。有很多不同的发展啊。有一些恶中的恶判,中国的特色就来进行这个贸易的谈判,但是他们呢就去了。
  孔莎就说他们要走了,因为这种美国这边增长跟嗯这个资本的市场连在一起。那所以,嗯,总共这一项,可是呢他们离开这样子都不的贸易的谈判。To hear that is really great. The nation is about the MBA in China, right? Because of one general manager stood up for the for the.The patriot sin hong kong and said one part of thing and the MBA tour to the sea cp in the United States of fire storm and now this new.
  Converse e about ccp have the access to American capital market the Chinese nation and actually so not just in Hong Kong or night but.In the United States huge activities related to Hong Kong.NBA那边因为就有一个经理,他说就发炎了就发生了,就是说社会支持香港的人这样子那中国那边。就是啊啊,就觉得这个做法是不对这样子,然后现在在美国很多人就是有讨论到这件事。
  事情这样子as what many months ago? October Hong Kong will be the center of the world.That is certainly played out as we have seen as we've seen the news break both in Asia in the United States.现在都已经说了,在10月的时候香港就是罪恶成为整个世界的一个中心,这样子那现在你可以看到香港的发展都有。已经就实现了,然后先生所说,thank you.
  随便的客户,我这个膝盖太软了啊。What's happening in NBA incident so like right now actually not only the americans are angry but actually like.The young China is there are very angry to so what they are thinking is like how come the like they will feel like how come the USA would just lay down.There so easily its all about like capital of some like all this kind of many issues like they are so easily affected. So yeah, this is what I mean. Very.
  Today the the commission actually said this is about freedom of speech, but the Chinese have stopped the life stream ING the merchant of the day.Being a cultural of here are both in the United States in China. This is a huge national deal. Some of the great thing about this NBA controver c.Now many sports fans and people in the United States to you just wouldn't, b finding the Hong Kong story now the Hong Kong store is the number one story in America.Because people are saying a what the MBA didn't seem like it so much is just a people's freedom of speech in Hong Kong which four people in the states.
  Not that you know it's taken for granted and the see this fire storm come up in the NBA the owner who is a bear and the league itself.Photo to the sea cp all for money was pretty.关注这些言论自由啊什么,但是你可以看到他们其实就已经停都停过了,或者就是有一些商品就没有卖这样子那。现在其实香港这个故事就是全球关注,就是第1个大家关注的故事,这样子那NBA就好像一直就说我支持。
  国人乱了,所以他们就带了一个赢者的姿态来的,结果会怎么样啊?Happened to talk with him about like the the situation and America like there are the members.And then I also like to talk about the trade deal. So basically I don't agree with the article 11 of of the of the tree view. So basically right now.Like the the sea is thinking that they they are going to win and and the straight situation so they don't think that trump can we.
  And then they just like they just do to do whatever they want.Yesterday and the station showed up before they put 22 companies on the street event is less.This to me was a shot across the one that shows up because of pressure on the way they put you know 22 companies, many of which are with.Artificial Intelligence I think trump actually dig in all the ccp is coming with all types of alternative they have a deal. I think the trump is actually.
  Dig in dig in and harder, and that's what I talk about all sorts of things that the sea cp had planned on. So I have a lot of faith the.We were not going to see a lot of movement by trump, particularly as the fire storm of the peach ment starts to around him.然后自己其实就会变得很强硬很强硬的样子,因为你可以看到就是昨天啊有22家的啊,中国的公司其实就是。列入这个黑屏当中,那我就会觉得,尤其是你可以看到现在在这个美国的弹劾。
  We the people over from that he has to the martial law. So like this day they have a.Express their their support to the that I want. So I do you think like accp will be taken down in the future and I like people eventually will get like.Freedom of speech, like all this kind of ur, virtue of our balance, 说到这儿。一啊就是说,新疆28个制材公司包括微视啊,包括那些软件公司,我会告诉大家的啊,完全就是让我们。
  So I haven't finished talking about the just so you know what the issue is actually.The series of the two millions of people there just lock in the concentration Camp so like I was wondering who actually concentration.And then who are like who are the people like surfing in those can so you can see which is like the Chinese internet platform.The news about and CCTV about what was happening in the report was happened.
  And and the concentration Camp so actually this is made me like very serious like this made me very serious because you can see what happens.But I like people are not reporting people are just like century on the news and then that also like you think of the the company that was actually like being black list.By all the states, 回头我们班的先生我们会继续推进新疆的这个进一步,就是我们是很不满意。28个为是必须的,我们很不满意,虽是在这里办的,他连前50个牌子,避重就轻。
  So I like we were very and satisfied with other the situation right now and then like for like the.The the company and then we we have to talk about that this company like being on one of the company.Best buy the us,so we have to talk about我我们马上就结束直播了,我要办公室,今天还要还要去。继续欧洲之行,希望像上次一样凯旋归来,那么我们有很多事情要商量。
  我今年是不报平安,是不是到此为止,等他回来以后,now there is like this man has to.I go to Europe so yeah, we will talk about this. 现在请把东西还给大家,说一下最近反共的行为。不是在华盛顿会是什么情况,然后我就屈服结束局面。And the sea and I will just pray and that would just about the broken. But I think that what's happened in Hong Kong singer.
  You across the political spec trum with the push the Hong Kong democracy act you are seeing a real push back in awareness, whether it's Marco Rubi and the republic of side of town cut.R Nancy close the structure and the democrats are is just not president trump. You are seeing many many voices that now understand the moral threat of the Chinese can.On the part of the sea sea p has to the world are in particular to the people in China. So I think there is only built a awareness every day and I think things like.The NBA situation is only going to start to bring it down so that the common man and woman in the United States and may not focus on on the new.
  Everyday now she is on what's going on with the sin of the Chinese. People said that couldn't be Hong Kong and ccpr like number one topic along with the peach ment.In Washington DC, 现在在华盛顿就是有这个事情发生,但你可以看到,就是大家都是很关注这个。香港的事情就香港,现在就是就跟美国就有谈论到这个民主人权法案吗?然后就有很多最美的美国的。中一中一员啊,或者什么他们都有去关注这个表啊,胸闷啊,这些他们都是有关注啊,所以是整个。
  就是有关注这个种梦啊,香港的关系,然后他们的意思都是有提升啊,就以前可能这一般人看报纸。未必有留意到,那他们就更渴望现在有NBA这个事情发生,那他们就是越来越有关注啊,这个香港啊,中共的一些事情。And closing even in the the Turkey situation with you of the next of the relationship with the ccp and with China is all.I'm going to play into this new announcement about with drawing from Syria is going to be a huge huge I think push back on on doing anything with you want and mom.
  I think when the number one reason is the ones, very close relationship with accpI think that's all going about the days that chose you that everything is tied to.This relationship of the sea cp to these various dic tate throughout the world可能就会慢慢看到。因为现在的土耳其发生跟美国发生那个事情,就是美国从土耳其二期那边就是撤兵。这样对对对对不起,然后从叙利亚撤兵,然后我就会,你可以看到大家,这个事情慢慢发展的时候就可以看到很多。
  15个人都做的,这是我们一个团队啊,包括半农先生的所有的话,都在为新疆队,全中国人为香港人民啊。现在还是一句话,占用了我们不能去有任何理由去分析去关于传播香港危机的影响,香港。啊,这个是我们最重要,这样改变世界,cp work is not just about.Like one person that is like the collector of the whole team to everyone of us has to pay attention to this matter what to work hard and then we.
  And the other the main place that we have to pay attention to the Hong Kong will be like the place that will change the world change about the current situation.嗯,我接下来呢,我要给大家咖啡上来。那就换个咖啡,你也不能白喝呀,first started.现在。
  这个发信息啊,大家特别担心,现在已经没人关心什么总统,现在。第1个问题啊,这是我觉得办钟先生确实要给大家一个高度的一个回复的,香港问题。接下来通过人权法案彻底通过美国会不会有真实的行动去制裁我们香港人的时代。太着急了,你看怎么看?Like people are not that concerned about the improvement right now, but then like there is a question that I want to ask.
  Banana is that like when Hong Kong pass to pass the at the democracy and human right and so will actually the.Actually like sunshine coast decisions on the Hong Kong leaders and like what exactly what actions will the us take?I think first of you see in the Hong Kong actor and start start to focus on the traditional Free trade, I mean the sea cp.Has to understand the passage of that, puts in motion, a whole string of events that is going to change the ability of the goose that way.
  They are going to really a fact, Hong Kong and their ability to value at Hong Kong because of the past is that I don't believe that this.CC p miles understand how serious Ruby on the sea and other people that work in the democra c. The series implementation about it passing in.It has right now the only thing in Washington that has buy parties and support is that.嗯嗯嗯,有人权法,其实都是很关注这个自由贸易方面的,其实如果这个是通过的时候,就是会很影响这个。
  2~3周内会否看到美国政府对香港的保护,还会有更积极的更重要的行动呢?Like I agree that the some how to change the the situation is between the city and Hong Kong and I know that like with the men and he has a lot of like.因为also talk about the situation and and how to help the Hong Kong people so I'm just wondering for the coming to to three weeks with the us government。Actually do some like r actions to protect the Hong Kong people. I think it's going to be, I mean I believe.
  Administration you're seeing it across the board is going to take a tougher and tougher stands to the ccpI mean, what we gonna have to watch is president trump in the relationship with she.In the training ations, but I think you're starting to see and awareness across the board board the president of other officials.Elements of the political system including the little is with warm you came up the day with a very tough policy proposal in the magazine foreign policy of that can flying the see see.Everyday everyday miles and for the audience in China and Hong Kong and increasing awareness of what's going on and I think increasing call.
  Action to help the people in Hong Kong, 进一步怎么发展就很适服这个人权法案的通过让我自己。你就会觉得美国就会啊,就强硬强硬起来,这个厄在这个事情上,然后啊就当然就是狠也狠。也会在乎特朗普跟习近平在这个贸易谈判的过程他们是会怎么样,但是我会觉得现在人们的一个。知觉就是越来越提高了,他们是越来越关注这个事情,就不至不只是客户,而是整一个整个政坛或者我就。
  于是未经我们允许也没跟我们商量,他就在推特上推出了,所谓它这个核武器贷款啊,贷款原因是。利息高太高啊,把这个然后放弃了,引起了全世界的哗然,我的手机上大概最起码得80万个来自。为什么半农先生和你的法鸡欺骗要假也要忍,高利贷啊,因此我。我们必要的就做出了回复,这是必须的,啊,give me the last question is the foundation.
  And I would like to discuss this such a girl who has posted on Twitter without having.Consent yes, oh, and like you as she talked about the love that we have for her and I like because of the the very high interesting than that.I like this deal is are so like I have received a lot of messages from from what don't like from our friends and they are they are all.Happy because like we are alone and I like just get on people are very interesting. So are you how would u response.
  I have to prove everything at the world is on the chairman and I will tell you I think it's been some big and because the the long that we are going to do and we had to do.The one because its the normal way you would do this was that I think that 3% so lone for the for those employees.The voice of America that we're going on. I am still that they should take that they should take the deal we have on the table and I pursue our voice of America.Complaint. So you know II like so are very much we have done a lot to gather in Washington I really like the people of vo a that are showing the meal.
  But I think these people, real heroes, whatever this ruler is in the in the Chinese universe is completely and accurate. This was done really for us.Try to help these people get some money, so they could actually pursue a law suit with real lawyers and were always prepared to help people in that regard in particular, the vo a suit.I think it's an important to because these for I think the employees are fairly best and I think that there are some of the words in the OA.For the manager and service. And so I hope that we are able to put something back together, but you know that all this thing about it was not trying to make them.
  Want to to the people that are doing a profit center. So it's because we are not for profit, so it's just dance.一个主席那我是要通过所有的事情的,那我就觉得这个事情上就是一个客户沟通上的,一个误会这样子,那我们的提供的一个。就是饿一个正常的一个贷款,那我相信就是可能那个律师就是最低的,可能都是3%左右,那其实我们就会有。嗯,这些的vo a的员工提供这个资源,那我我自己也是很建议和鼓励那一边就去啊。
  嗯,跟我们达成这个协议的,因为我自己其实本身就是很喜欢瞎想,那我觉得那你现在去干a的人,他们都是全都是英雄。我们嗯,反正基金其实都是很希望可以帮助到这些人啊,他这般尤其是在这个vo a的诉讼上面,因为这些员工他们。其实就是很不合理的,就是被炒这样子,那就说我们这个是200,有48%的这个案例是利率。就是这个利息的话就是很不合理的一个情况,那因为我们啊真的是很想去帮助一些受到不公平对待的认识。
  基金法规这才是核心,所以想象没有任何风险,而且这更加证明了我们。国际化,多么为战友捐款的战友们负责,我可以说在海外的华人慈善基金,这是证据。0, 这个基金的标准运作和对捐款者负责的这个真实故事,但下推出这个信息造成了。大的影响,她不应该推这个信息。When we give people.
  If people learn on this last but for those lost, even if it sounds like a $10000 and 20000.0 yuan and the most of it.Yet to the three years as so that we will even I will also provide them this amount of money like eventually if they and lost than they will like they will have to give.Give us back the interests and then if they actually use of they don't they don't have to pay back and so on. The second part is that like as the chairman of.It has to prove everything was the board members so and so on.
  The situation whenever we give up the love will like the feel like all the laws of the rules and then like and such as point of view.Really anything because the rule of law is very international. We a way to all the way, all the rules and regulations. And we are.Also very responsible to the as well so I'm actually a Free and happy as opposed to such a message on on because you know like she actually.Doesn't really risk anything and we will glow foundation and has also like to you all the regulations and then be responsible to to others as well.
  So basically like I just say that and then the past two years basically like the amount of money that you need to.Like like the man is the the nation is made by the dollars and other is.To show that like I really respect and then we we don't really read what we what good we have done and then we just like do these things. So.And then like in the past years will also very careful and the very delicate and what we do, but you know sometimes there are still some some.
  Some issues coming out and I just I would like to say that I like for supper and all the friends you guys are heroes and even though this things happen.It doesn't it doesn't really affect our relationship.Now I think that's what the rule of law and everything else is that remember this battle this war against accp is not going to be easy and there are you know we're trying to form the lion.Many groups and make sure that people can the usual or is one aspect of that world media and ultimately news and other aspects r to get the word out on the build this.
  Resistance to the ccp when people like soccer and the people are heroes, but you always have and you have to always remember I know this now the time now involved in this fight.On a daily basis, the ccp is always trying to stir up the ocean and anger and friends fighting each other. So it's it's I think keep my eyes on the prize.And the price is to take down the CC pay and I think that that is you see every day that we are getting closer to put explosion them are in the fall life of all.Option that the stick to ship has spread to our China Hong Kong is not the entire world跟。
  打造出很多不同的事情上做出不同的事情,这样子,那我们现在每天都是努力,就希望把这个中共。感觉这样子,那我们现在每天去做不同的爆料,巨鳄爆料说他们的贪污腐败,这些情况我们每天都。每一天都是在做,让我们是越来越恶劣进我们这个目标。Not only sunshine all the people of a friend but miles.Become your brother. People don't appreciate think he is too far I will say my eyes to say this, but the pressure mouth is under everyday.
  The ccp is extraordinary. We see the hero ism of miles every day and you see what other people VOA an the other distance have gone on for 20 years, you see what.What they are doing trying to do the miles to destroy him everyday you understand the people in China and the people in Hong Kong have a tremendous patriot that the dice.For that his left China but it still fighting for your freedom every day. It's it makes me on ard to work with people like saga.The day to to basic Free the Chinese people. So it's a it's a says the great thing everything is just beginning.