郭文贵2019年6月12日视频 20190612_2


郭文贵2019年6月12日视频 20190612_2 细思喜马拉雅与文贵,班农直播,关注香港游行!(下)

涉及人物:王岐山 郭文贵 Sara 郭宝胜 庄烈宏 茅屎坑 
公司组织:微信 YouTube CIA WHO GE 奔驰 共产党 
国家地区:香港 台湾 北京 纽约 深圳 南海 上海 山东 广州 天津 重庆 珠海 中南海 中国 九龙 
名词解释:爆料革命 CCP Action 香港自贸区 
Mouth on the way. 8, 你那个上面有你在。I will have to my mom is called this one. You love me. I don't do anything I just talk.And there here I'm zero. Don't do anything is the store in the Hong Kong postpone the date of China's traditional protest as well.
  我拿不就行了,没too late in this is the birds don't don't give.Any help, 我不是西方媒体啊,真的是挺王八蛋的,你知道吗?都是背后放空吗?支持Hong Kong before。二次贷。Tell us what is a girl need your help support them. This is crazy.三d功能。You know, two years ago I was blue, everybody talking to give me the money you need to cooperate with the traditional media and New York.
  Time boom, burger king is is no no way I just by myself. I don't depend on impossible is.我一开始所有人都在说我,亲爱的兄弟姐妹们啊,你们看这张照片啊,这刚才陆德先生也发出去了啊。刚才我在直播前去香港办事,办到现在没来之前,before you come here on this,我说香港车出来的时候,还有。还没有放出来的,在这个剧我现在我我没有看照片,我可以肯定告诉你,在香港最起码不低于百个地方,就有咱郭文贵的当。
  注射剂的车你给胖子先生说,你说我从什么时候开始说的概念呢?一年多两年了吧,port said.In the Beijing, I don't need to go to the snow dome.In the Beijing is 6 million. 1 million just on the way we turn on turn off. We walk away.Then even we can do more to the unit gas. On the street from time for you mother *** you *** you干。
  All the Beijing city is gone. This is my idea. In the time. And knew you now is the.Don't do you know when to student when you put people go to street to dangerous. We we on the car also you can.You can you listen music but don't don't don't know. We want we can cook in the food. We can play ma jiang.你妈逼问,u, 这是绝对对他们是致命的,他们傻眼了,因为他调兵都要从池州回来,Hong Kong only 53.
  43 53 important. If any chance is to the car, everything gone.300. 3 million doesn't care. There go back.嗯,然后在这你可以在车里喝点香港爱喝的香港这个王八蛋。呵呵,王俊凯这王八蛋喝酒,还壮阳啊,是吧,这个多好啊,是不是啊?
  壮阳啊,喝点什么?这个什么乌龟汤啊,王八蛋啊,你把照片继续发过来,这个是你刚刚才看到。喝了没有?其实现在你看all the may say this,再往上拉一拉,李红祥这。The city is cheap with this on one of the ages of this world.来一首,我就给你,我就跟你说一个啊,I don't do this.
  We all the design OK you you this, this is Steve.U pay the money, you pay the money, 捐了很大的钱干这事啊。但是你千万记住啊,我和一个其中的哥们儿啊,我这个我给他说,我说你只要是能比较多,你就保证10个车。
  放在我说的那个地方,我说我告诉你这一辈子你都会记住,你在你家人面前是最牛的,是他的家人看不起了,因为他结婚是一个他老婆。One girls friend in the wife is the in the family business. He will always in the lost everything you are eat food from your wife.白脸狼。Never, you know, have confidence. And my friend, what can do now is my wife angry men we need to move.出去看了吧。Now you have good job. You can take back the dignity, put your tank r. Go to the channel, stop.
  All the family respect you 1, 我说你就回来吧,你老婆永远不是在说他。你带着孩子吧,他说你是因为他不敢上街干的,你干你这个主意好啊,就绝对牛了,奔驰他家里面能卖吗?三克就三台,香港当时一次订了10台吗?刘连雄订了两台,等黄永玉当时定了一台,我是定了两台,让他订两台,我们第1批。去的时候,我说你把他卖8个车都开出去,还有我说你们家里面那个拉货的那个那个香车呀,很简单。
  简单最聪明的啊,所以说香港还有很多手段,太多了,还有什么其他的。照片再给你放一下,战友们。希望你们一定要相信,我们当我们发到我们的战友们的革命书,或者是这个号码。I love this, 你知道吗?
  这个事儿继续执行啊,就咱说那个就是这个,刚才那个80平的看着吧,是挺累的哦。特别only one, 这个比100万人。真管用吗?1万个车就结束了,根本不需要100万人,咱们在北京大战的时候上海大战什么?
  一定要记住,把你们周围旁边的拉土的货车都练就好,哥们姐们都练会,开完以后拿剪子把你掀一剪。他就走人了,结束,多少解放军都没有用Chinese China this is this is。Declaration. This is the best way is this way. We just put our dark, or the expectation is put on the street.That's just finished. Only thing we this is the bus. Today is history.
  你敢撞吗?你不敢谁是谁都不知道发生什么事情。That's the story, 对了,39413.Password. I need somebody I need I need go to.搞什么东西,我要去给我们兄弟打个电话去。
  照片。购买。哇哦up.两个人打着雨伞,amazing. I guess boys up.
  Is any to be or not your birthday to you.Or yes. How to forget someone OK.That's not in my YouTube channel in black is the block.That is, the temperature is still alive. It is amazing.
  What's the moment there is啊。颜色still alive, or you to stop live pictures. Picture.我们很多战友都听到被停掉了,战友之声频道都市频道我的频道,还有每个学生的价格,你会过来吗?我是听到我不知道,现在回复你的时候,do we have.
  你还给我摸一下,yeah. Is that.So what what what your thoughts of the day you been on the Sunday, what what you thought.The religion is very powerful. They sing the song all night and you 830 morning. I think some with them.Whole night one我wow.
  If they just keeping your song please believe, be quite enjoy so much, 唱圣歌的人一直唱了整夜。直到今天早上8点一直在唱歌,就在就在现场唱歌,我们大家也都看到了。Share Hong Kong people so organized的。我没有声音。
  It's rainy. I don't know.Any are friends again, 你。Maybe it's about the first might be because right.
  OK it's not ready now they just for you.公司一到现场没有下雨,但是他们是一种嗯,是一种表示。不知道什么意思,要问一下。我把那个雨伞革命以后,雨伞after the.
  对the.As a simple at the Flower. After that are a few years ago, the action of them, the.We are number one shot, 为什么我。对对,the symbol of the umbrella is a Flower. Just take that Flower.
  Okay with this then I will share your own picture the girl. The night she sing the song.
  因为I sure the picture as amazing, 你可以把那个那个那个图片发到那个。现在这个时代的权利我们就能看见了。爱你的假装。把这张照片给张先生看。
  小张看到吗?Snap yes that night 1.我。微信吧你,他就像以前就是这样。
  The block the way all the traffic stops. Wow, 就前面几辆车把整个路全都堵上了,你。I thought you are crazy, but now那。I have no face too high.珠海。You know how many we are you every time with the Hong Kong people watch us. The boys.不卡。More than one is the 1 million from Hong Kong.
  This is why I give STH is very important. 兄弟姐妹们。但你要记住啊,我们在国泰,我们失去的国土做的时候要比这还厉害,你们记住。到那时候是我们所有人的人生最精彩的时候,我现在不能告诉她绝对不能告诉,等到我办这件事,我们站在这儿的时候。告诉大家说,咱们开始精彩的关得。
  China and next time I was standing here together again, we will see the heart that things happen.这个因为猪你咱简单说一下,你说中国的弱点在哪里呢?今天是香港在在这个现场的人,真的是他们都不上班。罢工大使,然后你说你想干啥呀,你根本就进不来,进不来,这是香港的这个这个优势。但他也有个夜市,你知道同样也拿下你大陆,你这个一旦答应了,是全面爱还继续保持这种怪物。
  Let's go你当。没办法。你去想一想小哥,你去想想,你能在。我跟你说一个最简单的事,天然气管道破坏,炸掉了,现代城市给了你追求。
  只要你聪明,欠你的。Today is the act. What is happening for these things.Hong Kong is a place, yes, it is. You can you can see this result, but if these things happen in China made on every city.We got the same things happen every thing that Chinese companies. It's very much.
  还是宿舍还有谁?Easy easy easy,北京上海,天津城。重庆,广州深圳,same time,same action,掐死。Just you know very.U feel people over, they cannot kill all in, 我告诉你政府有强大的武力,但政府有。你可别忘了啊,所以你们要记住等那一天到来了,只要我们能有香港10%的团结。
  能下载,能让香港人能够认真听过公会的10%.很快,just only 10% compared to doing here today in China mainland.In percent of the people going to do this. We win. Can we get the shot on the place of like him? Council.视频现场视频休息,今天毫不夸张的说我们爆料革命。
  第1张就是先把我不是醉了吗?This is the first one. I don't think it's wrong is not running is the rain.不here is not重要。This is nothing is this point, 你在看。你如果没有那个什么,解决不了半年了吧?What would what was one of those truck driver and.
  In the cars to black the highway, 你翻译一下,Hong Kong to get this.你是little c.Just to China.This is just now, for you is the three on the mountain.
  In the center of you, in the UK design.这次的one channel one chance.48 is this this is so what happened in the plaza with the young people is the automotive and the truck. Also, so.Nothing or that more organized. This is so hear the show you is all the Hong Kong people.
  就看他的意思,now we don't care. 5 million people don't stop in the.我们现场的这些自发的这些群众的共产党,不怕你在上了100万,在上了500万,你只要有秩序的这样弄。因为它的交通没有没有被阻止,它可以进来参与行动,他可以进来来阻止你们上街,但是如果交通被堵了,所有的。东西都停下来了,所以说这个才是关键让共产党害怕,共产党不怕这些上街的百姓,他共产党进不来,管不了这些百姓。
  为什么?要听到我说话吗?听到我说话吗?我现在想做一个最新的现场报道。听到我说话吗?嗯,所以说这个我们签的战友们一定要记住,这一天我们在大陆we are the movement。
  Get the point. 中南海北京in the west Hill.Mountain in the royal mountain. 老家,北京too easy啊。二敏。You cannot tell me kill me with those cars. We want to go back to the cards in the truck and those cars are put up the guy walks alone.But the state come to be that makes the city to take the truck and compound and takes it for their property. Right? So you lose yes.
  You have to sacrifice. Yes, yes, sure. Look I.可惜呀,这次最帅。I really the shop. One.So easy more easy. You know what we have you got就算。很重要,加上所有的有两条被中国控制一条蛇,你把那个给他赚了一毛钱了。
  还是不能充钱,你充啥?你说你在充啊,缺就缺一个郭文慧。And I 8.大爷啊的代理。该打什么不死吧,啥都不是。
  他都夹掉了,我不知道那时候就不是他想要天到香港九龙去了,你就别听那个,只要是在城市中。空军计划没有任务,就咱们这种和平作战,没有价值。We need to worry about the air force of Chinese companies that may be the on the sky will stop the ground that must don't believe that.And you like the most useless for me is Chinese air force. What do you say that?
  Doesn't have any experience for the just this is my.What would this would they continue in is now what it is.One o'clock in the afternoon. It's especially lunch time. They've they continue that they have.I look like no interest in the crowd, in fact continue to get bigger. How do you think this thing is out to the rest of the day, 他们现场的人。
  现在一点要离去的意思,今天今天看起来已经赢了,他就是今天他已经接了一个什么。不是让你。Now that she is got to she is got to go他开店一定会会出大事,他一定会出大事。我你觉得像。
  而香港人和香港人怎么可能会容忍一个这样的他公开的吹牛啊,就是我的。对吧,这有多嚣张啊,再老实你也不能这么欺负人家。能不能把这个车的这个这些照片哇?We get all the parents all this is this is great.
  哇哦,我分享了一张整个香港交通图,到处主干道被堵。我发到了那个直播间,I.Whatever is learn from you, 所以说干大事的人都不是那种吹牛的人,都是谦虚的不得了,你看就行。唉呦,我的妈呀,就怕他捞不着啊,这事儿是我干的,这事儿是我干的万岁。
  This is the the people what they stay there, because they ask the government.The 43 PM the government has to announce withdraw.另外just announced withdraw. Otherwise they will continue. Stop working style school.Everything will stop continue the job, the tax people not accept.
  Delay the way you have to with going. Love it. And all the.都是。对,已经发到直播群里那小庄,it's amazing.这个this is this is a area of all the signs are where you see this.
  Cars and seas from to the world the block Hong Kong.到香港的话,你完全能看得懂,这个香港整个市中心全部被这个停在路上的车给停掉。那个是鼓掌鼓掌太厉害了,我。The bank of China tower and get the memory hotel you got the head quarters.
  万载can make love and I need to work shop. I mouth II was there.Before you are a small baby, much.One怎么样在哪里?I have have have have you seen this this thing we had the show down. Quite amazing.
  那个同学,that is the rain.大学随机。Is the function is from the metal. So now we know we got another day they are not leaving at three o'clock. They want to.你。They want the drawer of the traditional.
  就是香港王岐山,香港福利的好傻,我还以为他多大呢,我们山东。老家有句话你认为你哪个大爷菜刀?Hong Kong government trying to Challenge the people. This is the thing is in the postcard. 这。Crazy crazy没。
  不知道。快快来联系it太了不起了。This is a historical, yes. Quite historical. What I like to buy what I like about is the double.Put down the bed. It's just not. You can you can you can buy this delay.
  You can keep on the bridge. It's amazing, just me.If you were on what's my parents would not like to work out to see that.不过你要是香港政府人员,你绝对不想看到这个简直是太疯狂了,香港市民你们到底要干什么呀?很多人都是熬了一整夜。
  背景。有点事给忘了,u. Not much, but I was good.那是谁上的?How many too much and he is not.Of course, is much your life, 每天只睡5个小时啊,那个我先睡的更少。
  这个这个这个这个香港这一大的这个现在不算最漂亮。但是是非常棒的,因为毕竟你一定会成功,一定会成功的啊,而且现在还是非常,我觉得这次还是香港。组织上目前还是散,Hong Kong with this action with the government of the sea cp的。You are successful, but not the best it need more organized. More. What is what you said more?
  No no no this life is good, but it's not very useful.Evening is the today yesterday is in the air. They do they don't give you a.Yes, we take back, get out. She gets.July the wife. We can come on oh.
  就昨天开始粑粑给它弄完,然后我这个老百姓今天就是前天上街了,100多万直接就到这几个地方,只有老百姓没有。香港开啥玩笑都给你封掉了,你说待会她会说我要我要推迟直接就把他送监狱去。If this.Action. We took a nice of June. And there is no announcement from you, 回来。Oh my god.
  你们谁知道谁给我赌的赢了吗?赢了吗?100 in the dance more, today.这世上。Chinese ccp is gonna be by my crazy the problem they just like this day.
  $7 billion的。患者护理是。At1.59%还好还好,谢谢谢谢,大家看到了吧,香港的现在。1多少钱啊啊?
  Old Hong Kong stock price. They will pay the double price of this point. Yes or yes, 我们现在要。再说一下那个号。What is the man is the mask, 你说你。你们你还愿意继续直播的,还是愿咱们都咱们去结束?I such a.
  Huge than yesterday in Hong Kong. The story on going. Thank you is not the only one is not shut down.Thanks for you and you know is the design of Hong Kong the movement那。Which we think we are together in the creat new history. 家这是一种。We just shows the world, 我。
  Great great friend现在今天是伟大的。那天我们一起度过,大家看看这两个在那边啊,这是最体现的战略。而所有的啊,过去两年半爆料是真实的结果和发生,更重要的事情,大家记住港币必须被灭掉。香港经济是我们重要的杀手,然后香港人的团结和香港人的反抗,让台湾让大陆人觉醒。
  然后同时让全世界展示共产党,他没啥了不起,他就那个德行,没啥了不起的啊,扳手碗不中啊。还不如铁板生,我估计他三秒钟我是30多分钟,所以说我不是郭丹表啊,咱战友们一定要相信自己,一个相信自己。This is his story of time today that show us how we stand together to fight with with the people. And Hong Kong.Will drop that that that the first five and the way we we are win.
  我们接下来呢,就是主要是把相当的精力来,很快就会出大问题啊,刚开始。We have a big problem, 他们就是最大的任务代表法律基金。停止香港自贸区,制裁香港所有的政府官员。Let us government know that we need to stop a Hong Kong, 所以说。
  Yeah然后呢?我们我们接下来我们和班主任和所有战友们我们在准备我们最大的概念啊。Is our plan to Big Bang. To to make pressure on Beijing yes. R.那其他战友记住我一会,我现在我先回家,回家我洗个澡一下,然后可能要先休息半个小时,然后呢,我会跟你们联系,在现场的战友千万记住。
  别显摆自己啊,有一天会证明的,一定要捂捂,别把我的果子越小越好。The most important thing is for.Our friends in Hong Kong is the keep on our plan. We we focus on don't do anything stupid. We just keep keep on the plan.我们再次要感谢在前线的啊,这个战友crystal战友啊,还有这么多人不是艺术,还有这几天来陆德先生。也可以说是已经累得她天天讲话都不敢讲话,我都累蒙了,然后骚扰女士啊,莎娃妹妹在这个战友之声这么多战友背后的支持。
  庄烈宏先生气死小哥,我们这从兰州来到纽约,他俩真是进了天堂也进了监狱一样,75没出结果。就在这工作,所以说非常非常感谢,我们也衷心的感谢半农先生,这几天大家看到了他真的是分分钟全部在说就是关系。那就是香港的事情。We have a great thank you for every are friends Sarah and all the friends including a MR John and.MR and we continue to focus on what's happened to Hong Kong and we will keep on everything happens today.