
郭文贵2020年1月5日视频 20200105_2


郭文贵2020年1月5日视频 20200105_2 郭文貴在喜馬拉雅大使館採訪班農 談美國擊斃伊朗二號人物蘇拉曼尼

涉及人物:ling 茅屎坑 
公司组织:证监会 WHO GE SEC 共产党 
国家地区:伊朗 香港 北京 中东 苏州 中国 
 Sir how are you time all day with you together.Yeah不是。You and interview in the world. And the future of we are all the friends really love this, so we have to question.
  One, how do you think are American kill the you think this is a big big you are not deal.Big time you think this the kill the money, this is the can move on tcct, the fox in the American.Money is a bad guy, but let's talk what he's been doing. Y was super money, even they will be target ID by the americans. The reason why.He was flying around from the road to bed that to run, and why is he going because the moves in the in the deep.
  In Iran have the same problem that their partner is the details in Beijing Hong Kong the root bad add that you're on.Street is all the same young people. There are tired of the countries, you know take him.All the money and not let them with opportunities and take away the freedom of the Hong Kong in a room in bag dad or tear on its all the same.I think it's going to come out this, which I think is gonna be positive, of people are asked the question with the center is on the moon was how they have to get their money.
  Who they sell the boil two and where they get the cash from and that's the ccpI think we'll make it very evident of the next days and weeks ahead. Why so?The money is just a he just the right he said he is a gun he just the gun he is going on the trip very great is a great guy and nobody but.Is the one who are the property of whose pulled in the streets is the its the moves in her on the post that young people.The streets just like its one she and she in Beijing on the same thing to the young.
  Please translate翻译一下就是首先这个问题就是那个苏州哪里啊?在那个最近在伊朗被杀死的时候那个情形啊。怎么会影响我们在那个就是整个那个国际的那个那个平台上,就是反共的那个那个行动的,那首先呢,就是我们的回复只是帮她回复。他说是内蒙的,他是坏蛋,是他最近在做什么呢?为什么最近我们才能就是抓到他了,他一直在从那个被录的那个班长。不知道那些地方一直飞来飞去的,为什么呢?因为这些地方呢,他们就是跟香港那个问题是北京市在香港的一个问题一样的,就是伊朗在那个台上。
  就是啊,要我翻译小哥,现在帅哥还没有进入状态,所以他没有全部翻译出来啊。Sorry to take take a picture for me to teach me. So so question. You know we are rules of the society of the foundation now.This is order, you know we are Chinese side and American in the Chinese and also American friends they are very serious look for about.The two rules of the foundation of Chinese, but it was something happened in the sea cp read about the foundation as they are.
  都拿走了,怎么办呢?But you know this never can English us can I take the ccp, how do you think what you prepare is the foundation?Is this the must have the meeting is here do you prepare to tell something with friends? Think so exciting about it is that you know.So who's the chairman of the war foundation and the chairman of the society r have had a very important year with miles and we're looking.Forward to the broadcast on the 22nd of January live here from from New York city where have our annual strategy meeting and there are two things were going to do.
  We're going to go through the years that just passed and talk about all the major events that took place on how the rule of law so important to the Chinese people.Look forward to what's going to come on the way we are going to do this on the 22nd writing for Chinese new year wish we could be more excited about and I think it's going to be any.Broadcast we want every body to watch live because it's going to be many hours but we've got a lot of things were working on that think of the very very exciting remember.The number one thing that the ccp want to keep from the Chinese people is the rule of law. Because under the la everybody is equal.
  Everybody is equal under the law and that's what the sea cp does not what they don't want freedom for the Chinese people. They certainly don't want to look for people and that's what we're so proud of.Talking about the year behind us in the year ahead and we're going to do that together with my life myself and come back on the 22nd of January.1月份的22号我们接下来要开会,然后直播给大家看看,大家分享啊,您有没有就是特别准备了,然后特别重。还要讨论什么,然后跟大家要分享啊,我们那个就是法治的那个基金和法制的公会,要怎么去那个要去那个就是对我们所有的。
  就是老百姓得到反而就是法治,跟这个就是自由,所以他现在最想要的就是讲这些,就是在中国老百姓不得到这些资源部得到一些。法治的,所以啊,我们要记住这一点,这是现在我们现在想要做的,是那个中国的中产党最害怕的事情在其中之一。嗯,其实刚才这个他专门提到的伴奏全是说,因为法制让每个人都是平等的,在法治面前就把这个重点忘了,这个就是。法制面前really must a genius is the really这个真的是。
  MR me hear the main reason that the heart is so against the rule of law is because of the emphasis that place is on the quality of the people and many people don't seem to realize right.Now is the situation in China is very unfair. It's a situation that some of the area and it's almost the family of authority of the circumstances you have with the relationship.The current the ones you know that in the country itself and it's almost in and it's almost the sleep of a system where anyone was not with.The part of itself doesn't have any access to the same amount of the same amount of freedom, 我们今天和半农先生在这里我们看了一遍。
  证监会昨天下午开会,我们每分每秒都在考虑的是如何干掉共产党,如何让全世界认识。和共产党的邪恶。We have a meeting here on myself and I'm so yesterday today as well and for every minute, every second of the meeting that we will discuss ING is.Not only a how to go about the feeling the Communist the Chinese Communist Party b how to express the Evil of the Chinese Communist Party, 然后最后。我要这个咱们站有很多人这两天都会管,关于伴奏,现在最近这个情况,我想大家都关注22号我们的两个基金会啊。
  开董事会的时候,半农先生有一系列的决定。So I know I have been very very concerned about our MR and what is going to be doing. So I hope that you will be a part of.Event on the there is a series of our decisions and plans for the future that are going to be discussed and address the event on the second we hope you all.Thank you, 22.