
郭文贵2019年8月31日视频 20190831_1


郭文贵2019年8月31日视频 20190831_1 文贵与班农先生直播,关注831香港

涉及人物:木兰 张献忠 宋徽宗 林郑月娥 三毛 ling 茅屎坑 耶稣 
公司组织:CCTV CIA WHO GE SEC 穆斯林 Line 共产党 
国家地区:俄罗斯 美国 香港 北京 华盛顿 中国 唐朝 烟台 清朝 湾仔 铜锣湾 
名词解释:爆料革命 CCP 今天你健身了吗 灭共 BAT Action 
  嗯,谢谢啦,小百合叫我保重,射天弓如梦初醒。黑郁金香。睡不着,我的嘴角全都烂了,8, 怎么都睡不着觉,我没有睡不着觉的时候,睡不着。
  太可怕了,既然占有了,我看了。有的留言的真是都很多人无奈,这种无奈的感觉你深思数太悲哀了,太悲哀了。Hi morning sir.
  我们那九牛一毛啦,连毛都不是了,啥也不是了,所以说这两天。你看老人家这几个,拿着牙刷刷牙。不是一样的,hello sir come here because goodbye, goodbye.Yes come on. In China and Hong Kong, 刚刚起床。
  Is everybody see the best for you? I miss you, I miss you. Young people in Hong Kong.叫在的。The kill kill kill the people of people are agree they will not. Bye bye. The deals.International stage three years ago, five years ago, in 1984, the real by the United States in 1992 and then.
  Seven to country of one country, two systems. What you have is they want once, and the people.Tonight I am not going to there never going to with as a season.What are you doing now? Very.Therefore行。
  We have on track tit. But it's not, but this is what they are doing the rest. The rest.这是why?还有人吗?We can I know we may be going to but we are.All the family. So the somebody is very 14 people. See the people, the two people for people.
  The room in the home, 我。They just I don't want you.Repair my family.You are go to street counter back.1万准备搞活动。That is the make you want it. Criminal person.
  This is that the city has no believe individual.我这种以后using the Hong Kong police. Please to.On the world.The western countries now can look away from home before they can look away. Because it was not the whole world.
  Has to Hong Kong. But it's.没有位置啊,as much as we can do to try to make sure that turns out.Many many Hong Kong friend is it please, please. I really appreciate you know, how about this? I.It is me is the hope they get the they get more.
  They are they have enough. U, we are the world can.The world, the truth in the Hong Kong in world history, people are going to realize what happened here is exactly.It happened to the pain in 1776 and the Hong Kong people.The people in the inspiration to everyone so easy.
  你走运了。For the on the.的。辛苦。
  那个36b的。Mouth from two years ago, almost three years ago to the United States the same and we all of wall street.Cct, we have to.CCTV is money. Now he is right.
  Told you three years ago that was going to have what he is exposed to the world came back away from.Is the criminal ment ality, in the criminal organization, things like criminals and on the street.好女生得乖啊,在。These are not people support.
  Broadcast in Beijing said these are people support.
  股市中我们还是谈我们的贡献,太无聊了,那是犯罪啊,姐妹们。啊的。周末带我去,他就回来了。I want you know的。Broadcast and watch this is the people.
  Apple TV not half of the company, 1.出来的is very good这。电子。Before you give me, I really want to go there.
  来自澳洲的钙to this the cake.We never seen this is miss a.Think about what the is the.He has never been able to make it in the world stage. But you have.
  Case for rational logical.Reason that with freedom, if you like the Chinese people with English. Yeah.This is for the.It's not gonna happen tomorrow.
  Have a choice between these are between.这。Is the leading the world is probably the.Probably will have to convince see too much as.
  两个队。物质上面看and the central government.And people know that it's not what is the same thing is always the central government. A handful.All the well have power of money. You just have to do is take all the well from.
  This is one of the reasons that's so shame ful is.In Hong Kong have not supported the people.For the.Where is here? The great.
  Hong Kong protest yes, 是。U can see the monkey please. Hong Kong is one of the great cities in the history of the.Right is really not no resources.Fishing village and from that fishing village. Because of English common law, the Chinese people had rule of law.
  You can buy Chinese people and roll that the work the hard work that the Intelligence everything with the Chinese people with that.Yet you're going to get something like Hong Kong and incredible incredible that one of the great cities in the world I would say that you know.In the啊。爱,everybody people in other countries with many people in 1997.
  The world. Let me to let go back in the China.So we have have you told people were in the desert. The zona. I want to show my order.In the sun is just about to come up with a beautiful and the mountains. The.Most of everything on the broadcast now. One stop shopping.
  说。一定要use this.这是not money,这是昆明的1.
  是不是15号?Do you remember and 1989?Somebody to you, kill my.I mean there is a fire with all the city to dangerous.
  Very cheap. All the seasons. This style quickly in the city.Absolutely. With the best in the in Paris. But.I take what this could you could see is this spring in the cities in China stand there.Because this is the gang to the city.
  Almost everything you said was going to have.Y have you been able to predict so much? You sir, 我现在给大家。Yesterday give you 3.所以cp还玩那个1先生一会给他。
  I do this because of my great love for the this is just like to do.Popular in America this is the Chinese people to this is for the Chinese people is is.As bad as the sea c because there and only it's a great honor to be on the broadcast.这个是一方面在all the people is that I really appreciate.
  行行行。搞到了航空的厨师的country and world.就是这个号。The potential, I think it's because of the.Remember to want to the broadcast, much of this in Washington in New York people wouldn't understand that the broadcast that you've done now for 13 weeks.
  For years and all the topics for remember we first in the broadcast.They felt more important that they thought it was going to go away and kept saying this is not going to go its only going to get here you are where it looks like to me they.To call for the ccp is not about this is in them on the world stage. This is she.Is not so powerful and the whole world, you know where and what was what she they cant control down the Hong Kong.
  So there being human and every day is on on on the broadcast is the power of the world and I think that there are.I don't see the west allowing this to happen to much longer. I think i'll take away the Free trade agreement in a room.Got many got a very tough democracy act that before the senate and I have to think is gonna be on on that their back next week I think you are see people on.For the will make a speech as soon as he is back and he will start to become you know he was a guy that that would be president one day and he b.
  So badly that he is that can be back into the mix of American national leadership because he is taken the one time.Is the Chinese people in the sea cp and he is taking the leadership on, we have to take the west, because Hong Kong啊。What should the the best of both China and the west? That was the Hong Kong for so many English common law.With the Chinese people Smartisan spirit of which is for the Hong Kong about the whole world.
  Hong Kong in the world are 50 more cc PS. If you gave in the world.Rule of law in the Chinese is a more you rather have more see see.Take the people in the Chinese cities of made in China the between the Hong Kong in the sea cp.A.
  Right. Because they understand that there one day away with me at the prison, right? So with with the anti campaign.是不是and it's which is.The French100%的。那的。
  Think吗?娜娜爆啦,have a bad day. Exactly what you want.This is not a good day. Yes, yes, yes, yes.
  你说的话。没关系对不对?为难try.安全。Can you hear some.
  第三铜锣湾。都是被饿30万元,1 on the start yeah.The next spring you have money 1 waiting for your city.这give your show time.
  10 the.给。What you never see you see you everything is in my car.的。
  Come back after the break, I think she will be the fire was elected.Number one, number one, when she is the.Not all the story is the Hong Kong. Today is fire.The不。
  Today is the many, many people may have the problem. 3.This was all the people, 你说的对啊,的啊。The the sea cp can do anything to.Is this China dream, is that 3.
  在用的APP China dream.这是一个the Chinese chemical October first, is this what is this what you know the seven years.The blood in the streets of.The rest is the where is the uniform?
  那就是吧。定期的培训。Yes or not just for you. Everyday.Ccp. Also I know Chinese.
  It can be something你in Hong Kong Chinese.没什么大问题very.For this is the one thing in the witch is is that you sa old hundred names.Remember from from ins, to all the way to the west is that you.
  Have as much right to the king. The king doesn't have the power. Pollution was that.The little guy had is just as were the as the Top guy. Justice.Just doesn't see the the powerful is no difference with she. And those kids over exact same, you have the exact same side of right?That's what this all comes down to is that those young people in the streets of Hong Kong for the individual has been, as we say in the.
  West in the American revolution, declaration of independence is these are god given, right? No government.The American government, the British government when the British the king in England, could not take away the rights of the lowest poor person.In America because those rights are given by god, not these are the god given right of the young people.He no go to carry on here. You are where just like in 1776.
  That's what this way comes down to the poor thing is that they have the same rights as one she and she.That in those rights are natural, they are given by god to the young people and that's what the.啊so.On a short of the new year is right now, right? Think these guys now.
  Little stronger.这是他的。这个套路才。This is very just one, and this is out of control.Americans and.
  This is Chinese.这个案子。There anything is the deep.For the first.
  In the direction is at the two is the young people that are have their cameras out there. This is unbelievable.The finish this is in remember you and she can get up there and.One person from friend. I don't think she is talking about.The show is line shi.
  On down the Singapore is the most.比赛。The answer was in what is your.I think the China dream in the street, they have the things we want to do this.没人来我都忙什么?
  一会儿我们和半农先生啊,给大家讲讲更加震撼的啊。这就是的的。Uncle miles的。第1个就是阿海8.
  这是可以的,10 minutes the sleep.这是畜生。In the global is 5000 years never have a life.It's similar. There is the first time human yeah.This is why I always have she and they don't understand的。
  No, thank you because the internet you can not OK.The one of this this fashion is too old.你的动态那的。第4个five Hong Kong with the the sea cp in the destruction of the Chinese family the destruction of.
  The destruction of classical education education of what they have done to the boys Chinese society.To make it a slave society that they run in Hong Kong with kind of rule of law.Education what young people can do not, all these guys lie as every second that there out there.On the prepared to the world, no matter how much there being, no matter how much tear gas, no matter how many right there not prepared to back down.
  Police for fun. They don't know what to do the running around street by ST hit the gas, but the if this is what she wants to shine.
  The things is a looks good to the world of an organized. See see this is this is not a good luck.It was criminal right again against against the hard working people in the streets of Hong Kong and so.The financial times the econom ists and all these papers can say that she is the world if it seems like you're not doing a good job in in.
  You know you say that this is your country, one country, two systems.他第2天。
  11 was to class four.一张嘴爽啊。Look at the first went to the in the.In the 77.Is beautiful. The hard work in decent标准。
  The city is very good society environment in a good food.Hard work they also very high quality life is the.The thing on democracy is taking care of time, but it through the legislation about.Which is what should be that the power in the rule of law in China.
  Would drive me so crazy that the west and the capital and the cooperation and all the intellectual are hiding. Now don't want to talk about this. How is it?The Chinese people, hard work is the Chinese people are the Chinese people they all come over here, the harder the Top schools are a great student, right?How does the parents and the brothers and sisters how do you have a fire wall to understand?Dangerous there be like animals are too dangerous if they have the Chinese people can have any Information. 
  那problem,in a great nation like China with all the wealth of the land, all the material is it just on by.Yy can to be taken any longer the money. So goes in the New York city write for real for one.His family to say that people should say the broadcast, the young Chinese reporter working for the wall.你知道吗?Right was from coming back into Chinese guy working at the wall street journal of the great paper in the world and why was he bad?
  He he did they did not agree with this. These are he he couldn't get back in the country one reason. He is writing articles about his family.As soon as he wrote that article.On all the property and all the world and then money out of China into real estate in London in the city.What when you feel this.
  Right. Why why do you keep the guy?Be careful.提高的。Easy. Yesterday, all the China的。
  因为很大一个,what he is doing is so correct. He found the world that this is the right way to do it in Hong Kong.Want all the people in China it's so smart and the people in China sea.Is English now.Teacher. Because that is the in a very big heart very in the hand is.
  This is my teacher young boy.She is really appreciate you.The camera.Now he is the man who is the for 20 years I can't do it.
  In my dream right?You won't.先生要咖啡啦,哈喽。
  Oh, yeah, let's get the desert, 要抓。啊我。我看看啊。I want to see, 大家看看啊,哇,你们看看。
  这个整个兔桑啊,全都是这个这个数啊,全都是仙人掌啊,然后你后面的石头哇,这个发现陨石。Here is also beautiful man.Use it here.
  哦死了,beautiful.打开the beautiful wow.This is the camera is so good. You want to stand to get more MT你later we want to see you look so beautiful.作文啊,these days at morning is amazing.
  Wow, this is so beautiful.
  在你们看到这个这山上的石头多漂亮,太漂亮的石头。I hope time to person today is really make something happen.好不好看American needle, too much talking too much of opinion. I agree we need to take we need to take action.Yeah yeah. We need to stop them crazy to believe.
  It's so beautiful is really beautiful出来。可以,also the world is so good. Very good. Who is beautiful. Big TV.This one is she and don't know this the world change. What the change, this new technology world.Or you can keep your Information. This Information you can keep the Information from the people we have to the present and said in the brain and gate.
  And you know, in the 1980 years to the group of tear down the wall, the fire wall has to be turned right. This Information has to get out. And.Hong Kong people has to get to the Chinese people. This is why I don't understand of what the argument that she.Why is it that the Chinese people is very simple to things, why can they have access to Information like the rest?Are they too dangerous? But the Chinese people too dangerous to what what is what is so different that people number one, number two.
  What can the only like people if ccp so great and so much better than Canada and Japan in the United States is so great. It.A great idea. Why can you know the little guy in Japan and the United States and France and the little guy can join in China in number three.The rule of law. Why can't speak to have the roll with the law is essentially saying your god given right that the little sky, the most significant person in the audience to day.The poor person, the person was nothing, the person that struggling has all the rights. D, my god he has all the rights of the highest.
  In the he has all the rights of shame one she and he has all the right of the king of England is the main is the queen. Right? There is no difference.Everybody get the same way that's the world war and you'll be charged in justice based upon what the rules are, right? Not a point where your station and life is not not about.How well you are with your education is none of that means anything you are absolutely have your down with god given, right? And those god given right for freedom of speech freedom.Assembly all of that, that's what the declaration of independence witch doctor all people for all time. Right is about is.
  The knot. In that Chinese is the Chinese I from me like you know you know my family, not my history.If from China I have another 26 number one, another.Even see you and one. They know all the people everyday is the is the *** is here你。Chinese have dignity. One Chinese one family, mother sister.
  China is no religion, the family just say yes. Just to 1.Who want you probably the all the party on the older the lines, no problem. They can you know is that makes you can can read any way body.The shut up. But this is it now. I want you a hundred percent.I can kill you, I can tradition.
  Then you say this money, party lunch, safe education rules of the law. C is to luxury.Chinese to you talk, this is all my god to the gods kill me. You are my family. They take me out.They want me center, I agree. So happy I don't agree. You don't you know I kill you. So.How is everything of the land property education?
  American Chinese no food, no bread, but you can eat the beef.这样,先生刚才说的什么意思呢?就是说作为共产党来讲你在香港,你来骑马的人。人民的安全资产保护法制都没有,我现在真的是不知道这个宠物中国人要有基本的安全和家人的一个做人的一个基本。尊严都没有了啊,you know why I love you very much your problem.
  It's make everybody is everything we can的in the is the root of the.我的爱呀,we don't need each other. But they don't you know.Because you are you everything is baby everything to me.Even they know you don't me kill you.
  我是盼头的地方之一。Because everybody love this public is everybody is equal? Yes, yes, yes.Is gonna come to China, population is going to come in our lifetime.Talk about Hong Kong and public is first go to you can have the America那个。
  China China China. In the啊。How can he really need?What we should do the people that, but my mom gave to our lecture.On on the master of to our Chinese history that was much Chinese history as I study as a foreigner is a foreign devil.
  It was magnificent we have to you have the film that one day and because that it helps people in the west understand你。Have a very dangerous understanding of Chinese history. Remember its most Chinese history is given by right as from university to the sea cp.It is by CC p, so they really can't put out the ccp version of history. You don't really understand Chinese history until you have some one like yourself.Does not write you have the the what's the voices in trying to have been trying to tell people that have been surprised that has a.
  Because昨天我们谈了两个。三个小时关于中国的历史来看一本书叫太平天国,太平天国。The first time I'm a student that this is very good that i've seen the mouse.We focus on civil war which was Free the slaves and was a huge civil war and really all most of our country, but 600000 people in the.
  But the same time the type in 30 million more people died in the choices is lived in the hall of America at the time.我跟班主任讲,我说你看太平天国的时候,你要看一个张志忠啊,看张志忠的时候,然后他说为什么中国的男人那么弱啊?为什么共产党中国70年是不是这个,为什么汉人那么那么软,我告诉他说,你要看中国的小脚女人是吧?还有男人留了辫子,那么长几百年大清朝让女人裹上小脚,就成为一个生殖工具玩弄的工具,一块肉。
  但是这个张献忠啊,张献忠你就知道中国人对中国人是世界最in the history of human history,only one nation.Is Chinese kill each other is the some time.Child is history and they came for 70% people, people.30 million is that I瓶in the Chinese history is not the words. Not.
  你的夕阳。3 the kill all the people is all the young kids all the wife.运动的目的。This is the number one in the world. Even is how many people hundred 50.They can nearly all the country 7080 percent. They want to take搜American.
  Please now China have a good in the civil culture, food philosophy. And China is.Good family DNA is Chinese religion and very kind of hard job but Chinese is no road of the law Chinese.Know in the like the courage. They likes colors all the man. It's all the Chinese don't respect the women. This.Also know it knowledge. In the knowledge and no idea is equal is how good they just think.
  比赛the king and maybe I sleep you can I could do with you only to you.Go to here with me I'm the king and you may be sitting here, this is too bad China.I need you 500 years. They have the rules of the we have a democracy. We have the relationship.This is very important. Today go to kill people the rest.
  Hundred thousand 10000 people and tradition in America in the international.Martial law in Hong Kong based upon the freedom of Hong Kong have to think the world to come together in your.Take away the Free trade zone, take away the capital movements and continue the violence that they tried to think that.So I think that's where the west come together, that is where the ccp search the club. Right. But I think you are saying here that the words got to understand.
  That will make money with the see see people just hope your way at this week Chinese Hong Kong is said that.Protest the right no air port, no no gathering in the streets and you see that all day long they had to move around Hong Kong on tonight.Paper trade by train by the by the Hong Kong. And so are you know this thing just continues to the serial. Also.The missing element is Carrie lam, where is the Hong Kong authorities? Where were they are hiding? Right? You never seem to come out you never seen in age the public they've not engage the.
  Just as they put that on the Hong Kong police who is popular now is like 2%, right and that's because the color of the sea.The color of the Hong Kong of the Hong Kong police. So the situation is only the right and the west is going to have to make the decision.Right. How much is enough? When is it too much, right? And here's how the west and the leaders I think you're going to be forced to do that is broadcast like this.Or what apple is doing right now with the young people with the camera show in the whole world that she can learn about that once you can about the Carrie lam can learn about that.
  Images of fact opinion as long as I keep coming the west is going to be forced the stand up to the ideas and it's idea.It's idea of being fought for in the streets of equal justice.The people are so good, kill people America can immediately stop with China ne economy.Trump said last night said yesterday that he believes his negotiations the radio has actually kept it from being a.
  Network support the president trump in love with president trump's done on the engagement. I don't agree with president trump and everything. I certainly don't agree with everything on Hong Kong.I'm sorry. But his point is that he is he knows that the the the ccp, what they want is a trade deal with the right to get back to.A morning economy and in the reason that you don't have a economy in China is is very simple.The Chinese economy is for one day, so the leaders can scheme as much money as of the Top of the past steal the news agency is like ha.
  And I born in this company and one way to wonder that money into the west and they get their money really out of China and put it in the real estate in the in London in NewYork.In places like that to get out of the together the China. And then that system just can keep going on. Right? Is that has.The the the wealth and the other growth of China has to be shared with the Chinese people. They just can't be off the time that is that is leading to.Tremendous equi librium. And the reason is that the Chinese financial system is a kind of.
  And and really have no thought at all to the hard work in Chinese people think it was all the things they have no retirement right there is no label or other the other.The suicide rates in this factory are the highest in the world in the reason is that the run with the Chinese people don't have right?Out the world and having your new ages and the like that all the whole system has to stop.It has to stop it on the streets of Hong Kong you seen the very beginning of how it's going to stop where people who have had a taste of freedom.
  They just had a small taste of freedom are not prepared to give that up. And what I keep trying to bring the worst is that if you see the Chinese people the heart.
  Working smart family are and tough will not quit you that with the rule of law. That is what.A call from not from a Chinese fishing village Chinese fishing village. One in 1841 when the British came to Hong Kong is the tiny fish.London was only the biggest city in the most important thing in the world New York city it was right before civil wars New York city was about to establish.
  So as a global center of finance which have been right after the civil war, new Hong Kong was a fishing with a few thousand.That Hong Kong was there, these are the two cities were already on the one was the global capital of London.About to become was a few decades away from becoming the most powerful financial. And the United States Hong Kong was a fish and you look at the day you have new.Powerful. But Hong Kong is the 3rd grade capital market in the world. How did that happen? In in less than 200 years.
  It's very simple. Here's what happen the answer is in the Intelligence in the heart of Chinese people.复读也是English can you can find the ship Hong Kong. And you can have all of China tobe Hong Kong.If you have the rule of law is the people in China these are the thing that the Chinese people and I realize that the dignity but that was called.Is there is no king, there is no government, there's no emperor, there's no political leader like she does not give.
  The rights to the American people to the core of those write your name, my god to the and they remember that the small person in the United States has.Many ways down from. Right, and before the law that both considered that what has to have been in China and quite frankly it's out rage on that when the 21st century.With the internet with all the power of technology, the rest of world to all the benefits and yet all the benefits of the world. Are you against the Chinese?这一步the rest of the world even in the even in the in the most practical and Central America and south Asia.
  Stan and parts of any up in cash me where the they still have Free access to the internet Information about the world. We have total access to the.They can go to go media right now and watch us. Every person that you can you can.Great universe a tea in China to Beijing university is great universe is right and the kids there do not have access to what the the.Poor person in South Africa or Central America and south America or places of south.
  English is poor English is the English people have access to the internet in the Chinese people the Top students at the best university in China.Has less access to Information. In the first person, how can you.That is right. A new look at some of these countries in the first person, only more property. More problems.The most intelligent, a hard working person in mainland China that it's ridiculous that system can I continue on that's the way.
  The same is the great story, the first of the 21st century is the freedom of the Chinese people in the Chinese people is the west, can't won't keep.In the freedom to them are it's going to come from the Chinese people that the Chinese people are going to take it in the wrong hands and Hong Kong in Hong Kong.Buy stop, right? The like it you can learn more. They like to the whole world when she went to divorce in 19 19 20.72 days before he was crazy. He was there were they come to the hell.
  Him because he talked about global isation he talked about the China model now they know about the way they know about the about the.And they know about the passion of rights in Hong Kong they knew about everything they were taken away from Hong Kong is just a couple of years ago yet the capital in the corporation.And the people in this world like she in the Chinese system is perfect, the lives of them are you seen in the streets of Hong Kong and that power of it.IPhone, it would be so easy. The easy way, the easy way for those kids to lay down and say OK fine will go back to school and we just do it.
  It's not easy to want to doing being tear gas being beaten have and rubber bullet to write being told that you're going to throw in jail and stay seven and 10 years.Disappear and you never gonna have a career you never gonna work for a good company and never going to work for a bank u never going to have any thing your family is going to be destroyed and still.They refuse to surrender. That's why this is a story in a hundred years from now. 200 years they are going to look back at the time of living in the.The young people in the streets of Hong Kong they had and what she had the same, if you just you just got the streets, we just go home, we will be fine.
  I will go back to normal u know everything will be fine and they and that's what they are they are fighting for their finding for their their children on the grand tour.And these people in the 20 on the ground but there also fighting for everybody that came before the right there for every generation is talking about in China they didn't have anything, right?These kids have had a little bit of taste of it in the not prepared to give it up. That's the whole thing is that in Hong Kong they have a taste of freedom and the not prepared to give it up. That's why.The story for the 21st century is the member so many people in China died in the 20th century Asian culture.
  Revolution civil war to the the 20th century in China will be blood bath in the fortune of the one child.Just a blood the right of just Complete chaos in energy and and and and family and blood and just everything. And.The 21st, it's not the 21st century. You're going to say, the people trying to say I have had enough. Right? We deserve as many rights of the rest of people in the world.Wise for Chinese people we don't deserve right that's what about this everything the Chinese people of science and technology and culture you remember the 2008 open.
  Ceremony for the olympic games as powerful as that was all the great beauty in the history of China one world one dream.And the beauty of the year of the year that if the director of the famous director of someone you know very well as is just a man.Job. But with that they treated like slaves and that that that can't go on because the that you cant hide from these images you can't the internet connection.The body the kids in the streets of Hong Kong and put the image is up every day I have go to divorce this year and talk about what they.
  Talk about what they didn't know what they have Free press the one Chinese guy that right like you said a short story and what is the.It was about money is about his family is in the money they have there during the money.And that is coming on for guys this MR right away. So this on believe, 1.4 billion country.Just for in the small small voice talk the truth they do the job. Good job.
  We kick off the use the country, the power force. Unbelievable. Dancing is the wrong time is.What the people are young people also is the policy of the west.The policy of the leaders, the policy of the of the capit alist in London and New York city in the corporation.So when it comes to China and it comes to be where they were they were they are making so much money.
  Making money because the pressure of the Chinese people right when it comes to those lines, they don't you know they they don't want to discuss it, they don't want to break.The business model is made of so much money. So it's a this is a so this is great to the west and we're not staying up the more you voice on call.The criminal of the gang to that run the Chinese chemical foundation, particularly in one shot.我我跟班头先生,现在我已经是从昨天,我昨天在这里,本来是下周才做了一下午6点直播,一直坐在这里。
  都快晚了让他回去了,因为搬到现在要睡一会儿,我也到现在我也没换衣服也没洗澡,因为半路上站着我的卧室洗手间我也没刷牙。早餐已经来了,我们去吃早餐去办东先生,然后我刷个牙洗个澡,换换衣服,回头我们再直播,好不好再报告相关情况。他的战友们一会儿见,我先关一会儿啊,谢谢大家,有什么香港现时的信息,请发给我,谢谢,we go to the library.Goodbye welcome, so good, perfect.