
郭文贵2019年6月13日视频 20190613_3


郭文贵2019年6月13日视频 20190613_3 班農郭文贵直播

涉及人物:班农 庄烈宏 林郑月娥 茅屎坑 
公司组织:CIA GE Line 共产党 
国家地区:香港 北京 华盛顿 重庆 鞍山 
名词解释:灭共 Action 
  战友们该睡觉睡觉,千万不要因为这个事不是那么简单,这是第1站第一战斗的战,反共第一战没那么简单。但是咱已经取得决定性胜利,这是毋庸置疑的,但是所有在现场的战友们为此付出了很多,希望你们注意安全。接下来港府和共产党一定更加嚣张,那么就要先看这个视频,请大家。Thank you very much today is.This life stream ING online we are very honor to in in we have missed and here and with my school. As as everyone we know.
  And last few days in the Hong Kong is nice of June. And Hong Kong do you really good? Historical Pro test on on the street.There is more than 1 million people on the street peaceful e to ask Hong Kong government withdraw they're not change ment. And.In last few days Hong Kong government Caroline just trying to force people to get.Back to home and the Hong Kong government doesn't accept people on the street as a peaceful protest. So today.
  We we saw Caroline had some announcement on the on the TV show now we are going to play the TV show in front of us.好,请放一下这个视频吗?大家看一下这个视频的。重庆还是挺大的的。我要去看老男孩的。
  看了这个视频以后我相信你们啊,这是咱们战友做的很搞笑啊,表达了一个态度啊,那么咱们不是在。这不是严肃啊,咱们主要是表达心情在不在用,现在啊,咱们请半农先生简单看一下,根据昨天晚上啊,就是昨天刚刚的这个清。使用这个瓦斯弹,还使用这个大陆发明的叫布袋弹,以及一系列的行动,以及林郑月娥的讲话,听听半农先生的看法。We would like to have your opinion, what do you think about last night Hong Kong police.
  Office as use in the tear gas and some rubber bullet to to do with the people in Hong Kong last night.First of I'm, not too sure that those are actually Hong Kong think this word. They look like the totally different in almost like the ability for she.In made in China. Police officer was very different they were dressed for come back. You know this was the riot police.I honestly love this great. These young people have been very peaceful three of the day, and they have the right to Free assembly. They have the right now the back of the.
  What they have the right to assembl that's what the basic rights of Hong Kong. And it seems to be care of them, in the in the legislation.So the democratic elected panic. And I think they are running dogs for the Beijing criminal.A radical country. It's a clear out you no over night we want to clear out the rest of the young people. This is the first time.And miles pride me from more than great produce we have here that working I think it's the first time in Hong Kong history that.
  Here is used. Please tell me what Pro vocation. Because I have seen all the videos i've seen I watched every.Take that come out from western media and the sight of the website of every body. I haven't seen any.Attacked by young people are not started by this looks like riot police.Sorry啊,先生说我不认为这个香港的这些景。
  茶是真正在香港执行任务的警察,他们看起来非常像大陆的警察,因为他们穿的衣服那是那是防暴警察,那不是什么像。香港的那个正常的警察制服,并且他们用的这些对付这些民众的手段也是非常非常极端的,不像香港警察能干的出来的事儿。这是香港历史上第1次用催泪瓦斯弹对付平民百姓。What's your name? In the sun?Hong Kong. I find offensive. I find it a fence of a citizen of a Free democracy. Toc.
  Brave young people, look like high school college in young adults that were there in their right to address gr even sas.To suppose a democratic elected body. And first of the first of the plaza. But.We got worse. The the buildings, the use of Robert, the use of tear gas, the use of pepper.Spring. The use of I think police boat aloe to visit on the fence. You know.
  There and I think there is a set of lies. I didn't see the people, throw it breaks it certainly was not a right. If anything, what you had was a police.Try and I have been many Hong Kong so many times throughout my life. The Hong Kong police.Address in the light blue with the hat on the yellow bus. The people in those black uniform did not look like Hong Kong special train riot police.Came in with the very specific agenda of Carolina. And that's to tear a rise Kimi date.
  In blue lights, young peaceful, 林郑月娥在这个这个事态发展中,它会一步一步的强硬他的。一开始他只是站出来说,我们不喜欢你们这个这个游行啊游行,我们也会通过法律的,然后他过了一天以后就开始态度强硬。并且命令这个军队开始使用瓦斯弹,还有这个,嗯,包括橡皮子弹,还有什么布袋子。然后这些武器呢都都用在平民百姓上,本来这个香港的警察穿的是蓝色制服黄色马甲的,但是这些对付香港市民的这些警察穿。
  那是黑色制服,它们看起来像非常专业训练过的防爆部队,他根本就不是香港警察参与了,这场对对付老板。百姓的行动Carol l. With three acts of the last 72 hours has lost her more authority.The one her response to the 1.3 million peaceful democrats on Sunday was not acceptable. Her.Press release and then her a story and take a ship saying I don't care what you had to say. We're going to vote we're going to move this for it on Wednesday.
  不管number two washer order. And it was her order coming.Obviously from Beijing, to take the police of the riot police on innocent young people.To be done. The tear gas them to them that his number two and number three.Stand from the world, the entire world in the press conference on to lie about those people. People in Hong Kong of every.
  Generation should be ashamed that she represent you and should be more shame that she is Hong Kong Chinese. She has.Trade u. Because she is a running dog for her masters. In Beijing she has lost for in total.Moral to those young people in the streets and I think in the eyes of the world, 林郑月娥在过去这些天了。犯了三个非常非常严重的错误,第一他站出来说,我不在乎你们百姓上街与否,我这个法律必须要通过第二他指挥了。
  他可能受了北京的命令,指挥了香港警察对学生进行了这个镇压,包括使用这个这个催泪的这个喷雾。第三他又站在了全世界的面前,就说把这个事件定义为暴力事件,这是这是他作为一个中共的走狗。没剩3000块钱。As as as brothers know I was not supposed to be on the broadcast day I'm actually heading to watching the sea but I was so sad about.Caroline performance. That I talk to me as I said, I want to come in at least for the first part of the show that it's absolutely great in the hero ism.
  The hair was on of the young people in Hong Kong is an example to the entire world.And I think it's come on us and go media and others to get that word in the name of China. So the mainland China can see what young Chinese people.These people were raised with the memory of freedom. And it shows you what an educated population can do.These people are heroes like those of the American revolution in the French revolution and other revolution that come before hand that have stood for the freedom.
  And yesterday was a historic moment, I think the days even will be more I will say another thing for a turn back all the miles there is no turning back. One size.Is going to win on this in one side is going to lose Carol lam in Beijing have have made a decision. Hong Kong this is not this is not about the.说的是tree。This is not about addition. This is about your sovereign, right, where they can beat you like a dog.They can guess you like an animal. They think you are worth nothing to take your children in the freedom like they treat them your day they think you.
  You are nothing. And they are going to treat you just the same way they have slave, the brothers and sisters in mainland China to intend to a slave you the exact same.确实了,我去华盛顿的这个行为,我现在就回来了,来参与这个直播活动,我想参与这个。这个罪恶历史性的时刻,我想在我在我去华盛顿之前,我必须要要来这个直播,林郑月娥的表现就是对。
  和平的抗议的老百姓,还有老百姓当回事的态度的转换和玩弄都将被社会。国际社会和世界上有良知的人和关注的人和利益相关的人啊,都会记录在案啊,然后我相信这都叫丑。接下来国际社会对香港以及对这些坏人行动的证据。I think at the any action.From today now I will be the evidence for for the international the government or the other countries for two.
  The further action for Hong Kong helping the Hong Kong people to get out of this this tragedy, 接下来我觉得香港将发生的事情呢,现在。先不在这说啊,我们现在啊马上把电视就转,我们会转播的一个香港现场的直播台上,然后我给你。小哥哥拜托先生,我们就要去吃晚餐去了啊,然后呢,这个在吃完晚餐回来我们再坐着继续。只不过啊,半天也可能来,可能不来,但是请战友们记住啊,昨天我就说了不到十五,大家保持体力精力阿大战。
  但即将开始,这是灭共第1站。All right, we going to bring the a live from Hong Kong.TV and we we are prepared for the biggest fighting in the next step, but now we're going to take a MR.Our friends to dinner and the the next show will be what happen in life from Hong Kong ST.好吧,嗯,大家呢就可以,你们愿意继续看这个现场直播的转播,然后他叫我们中午回来在现场呢。
  按原计划办事,everybody in Hong Kong and don't be so get to mad.You have to stay on the plane, just every everybody watch the TV you can just keep watching a channel. Or you can you can.Do whatever you need to do on this plane. 我们先上去吃饭,晚饭准备好了,然后开始转播现在。现场的一些节目好,巴基斯先生和张立宏先生,大家也看到了,今天现场的完全变化啊,经过庄烈宏先生和西斯哥的辛勤努力。
  而今天完全大变样,相信视频和音频大家都会感觉很不一样,这就是战友的力量。We gonna have a.Dinner and thank you everybody in here and MR John and MR.嗯,see you guys later,谢谢你。
  都发了。Yeah you can come here.Hong Kong 1.
  I love you so much. Baby lady must be.怪兽color.
  But he is going to take me off that how much stronger and is this how much?You can tell the Hong Kong guys.嗯。嗯。
  588, 朋友们大家好啊,这个因为我们得到的那个。