
郭文贵2019年6月10日视频 20190610_3


郭文贵2019年6月10日视频 20190610_3 细思小哥在喜马拉雅大使馆与小庄、文贵和班农直播

  那我们还肯定了,我们还喝得下口不?199, 说是无价也是兄弟酒。我本来是不敢的,抽的感觉一样吗?完全很厉害的,我以前没说过别的,你你说那个。你知道最好的你买最好的嫁妆,为什么要那些贼人是吧,那我随便买23美金,我说你大爷的,你能买个一根,我现在8500米的一模一样。什么?又是酒又是雪茄。
  Thank you also also this gentleman China.The emergency movement leader啊。
  This is good.Let me have to.In China all the Chinese.
  The first the lady is the.你休假去了,在直播。This is so famous now and you so we are the对。
  就是好长第二one.那个真是我。What are what do you think the? Pretty good. Part of the.My produce produce produce, miles made some sort of at the sun. But the.
  Everything that kind of you know I give you.Special number.一看。Just take him.We are gifts, 你看我现在是个最牛的。
  Protest. Ever seen the common说。And I think the huge pressure to come this part in China. Yes.你的事我想明白之后。Now I want to talk to you.Today Hong Kong I think have moved 1.3 million people want tomorrow go to the street.
  Also.The start work the go to the street in the car. This is.Think this is this is very important if they allow.We are 10000 students in the yes. Check the possible.
  One by one take out in the city, but tomorrow everything is change, I think, if this these things.And again again, tomorrow is totally different from the weekend. 他。For them to take.单光3 it was unbelievable.
  这是all the other people want this way。Never never cross the regular.Chinese even really have rules of the law of the society much better. Yes, we are.我说在这边,they play by the rules. I.CC, you are too love, you know good education, you cannot have a rest.
  100 years sorry.第1道问题是do you see the god。T try to stand on this day with the leaders, but the leader is not respond with him.你要知道的,certainly one of the audience.
  给个麦,very bad u.不踏实的人,is everything is over. That was very hard to do this.放牛。又那个私人。
  Go to China is very 600 million times watch. Child你。U can see online audience more than 4000.There will be a lot of down loading from you是。
  Two hours of the two and what time your city or spend time around.That's the hour Australia.你不是早晚一次吗?我每天一次每天一次的,你前段时间不是找我一次吗?会家坡一次的,对啊。
  两次的吗?你烧得吗?One child.Now there were here.
  The 12th of June.12点了,we're taking the same through hope that if they pass this, I think they got one.在learn的。She said the day that there was.好那就完了。
  Is这样的话。It comes the time here is.We're so that today that we heard and we don't care its going forward with what what gets me is the use that case in Taiwan is that we.To do right now because the case.
  30923有外资三法的,看看这4块钱,3.Behind this too much in the threat. BTW, why? So we start. We.承包了,我给你看的开了。
  Broadcast people.Yeah and they never.
  人家,get me at this. This is too big man.All the team we are now is the watch listen, this is the nobody.那个team。In charge for the the last thing they are listening in your lovely they won't listen to the Broad.Yeah, they should the result and compare.
  目标是三个。Voice是的2 10.
  What is memory channel one the English can do the English Channel correct? Collecting the right build.But the mirror在。And Sara we are in the following in the world, 好吧。奥对。
  所以。Chinese from Australia in law, not so much. Out of Chinese from mainland in two years before I.Mask I'm not interesting. Political talks I'm nobody because.
  Chinese government is hope I can't rely on anything of them. A.And then 92007 seventeen 17.And I realize this is a guy, give me the hope.This is a girl in the hole. And you heard that from the voe broadcast, yes.
  No, no, nono, no, no. I start my video channel 2017. I will be one of the.And then after two months of study in my video channel and my family have been written by Chinese Garden.The family in many Chinese every one first time.
  First.然后。利润8.He is a big story in the drive some time.
  上涨的空间,你又来又来来个林彪,always.对,is not the country. I no freedom.So I love the country, I love you, I love you, Chinese can do when they have freedom.也我相信你。
  看看。Remember the empire always classes from the perfect.Yeah,that's what for two years ago this is very many people have好。这个double c book.
  You can't stop from the outside in this conversation that the Chinese people don't have a dream that the nation.How the Chinese can.
  That we are talking about the why is so after the voice, a.有了第2个。
  Global times as for the influence is is that the Hong Kong people, 1.3 million people is hot and money is all.你收哈。
  趋势。Maybe we should the later we maybe we should have some more here is made these people have something the same and maybe i'll come down to address the crowd is just like this matter.
  他不see is hug.Have the new life. 这样的。Million dollars stop burning对不对?Shi it go.
  Nono, no, no better. So this is why贝贝。Nobody can go back.Put the d back in the bottle, because that Hong Kong.Political yes, yes yes you can get in the way of making money just getting on with the right. So.你们我。
  Our living Beijing for two years in Shanghai for two years. In some other states for just to go.Always graduate as a doctor. Medical.You are what if OK, what do you think?
  Between them as well as the protest and Hong Kong is different, 如果有需要。Here I love you have a country that was promised is the difference. With the Hong Kong people Pro testing is that the British.In the Chinese and the world support, 在场坝龙山。
  一边去。也是5月份what the testing on as well I think is the city of a vote in a different government and clearly the guys in power.奥迪should support the new guy its its a debate about out about the system.About who is actually the charge of the guys there have you got the things that got all the guns things like that that is that all so I think is.
  Like I didn't support thought was foolish of the day we came of the bone and said we're going to lead basically.School, right on the head of the guys and nothing happened, have a change of I think that's just got to be continue its a democratic process.And then you'll see different is Hong Kong is totally different in that that is a deal that was cut that being taken back from the.Protest for moving forward. And the Hong Kong is processing for moving not exactly exactly exactly.
  ST like.我这有电,我这有电话的的。Totally, 在采访当中相声啊。
  完全是靠林建岳的best friend。也的,因为老家是北京万丰也有可能everyday.50%, 英皇,英皇,英皇。It's my fear and work. This guy is the very big but your player.
  OK also还是不是cp,因为his control by in the one phone call no more than。So easy好300 movies.What what people always said is Hong Kong is controlled by five or six family. Is that true?1 and new world, you know.
  Is the chen family and other is the two family of the ones.花了320 with the.They were like Hong Kong.但是投资,they are can now, no doubt there with.
  The family, all the people, new generations education, this autumn and.The culture is found in the English world of democracy freedom now, but will they no choice.They don't like, you know, 是we are the future。We can give Hong Kong more safe are these a lifetime real time? This is a real.
  You want to answer your questions as we got. Any questions don't always live like this year the corporate this is this is my.Now I want you.Generation u Chinese. They have a new life style, and they become to.And they not the international world, happen the truth. And they need have the.
  The other is not is like an is nothing is not the Chinese people. Yeah, that's what when you have the Africa.South Asia all of your all of Mexico and all the United States. Right, even Russia, when the whole place is basically got.The model of the internet of freedom and even though it was not perfect in some parts of the world central market center, only Korea and cp.
  In Korea, is a total control of the population. 1.这是原来的事,the Chinese.This is absurd. It makes no sense was over that make the head of the people in Hong Kong have to take their.In March, right, for something like a fish and bill is right that would have any places.
  It would even be a consideration. And 1 two weeks later they.Micro MS guise of $15 million and so on的。Until late at night when the.So I think now and here, this story was not really picked up by the western media. And then that it was a small.
  Us and this is a thousand. They have be seen your times or.1.3.你回来吧,who is the father is the French. Here is a great news.It's just like its just like other self organ izing thing around the people that follow your black as its like that it's perfectly like.
  Organize. Central is like the yellow umbrella movement is so this is the part when the party with no one.J.The self and the relation of never had one person as folks are one later that because they did they can they can't go on like this guy is corrupt is taken money.The tea party in the United States is really was the four runner for the room. There will be no of the people.
  I trust the process. And the tea party was in 910 write it had the huge they can have no one later on that was the.Was the power that's a yeah, yeah, because you can otherwise the authorities going to pick one guy, 先生说没有领袖。有有了领袖就会就会被这个成为众矢之的,变成有组织的了,就会找到那个组织的协调人,就说爱你你。什么坏事是吧?说话啊。
  这是没关系是吧?Do it tomorrow and I say yes.哦在美国。
  你是在哪?Do you think the Hong Kong protest will become the next马斯克yesterday.Worked up for a month of the upset I guess it was for the yes I did not want that.The gentleman I don't think the west.As you can't, you can't just go in. That's why I think it's so important to yesterday.
  That now you have the BBC the time in the west of media is now on this, right? And I think you're going to see more and more cover for that what I think we go.Exposure to this. I also think that.To Hong Kong is most most people.But that's where most people know what the movies and things like that they take the fun.
  A啊a。I think it's a huge huge for the western. 不要。APP团队。No, no one.But in Beijing nobody.It was the during the spirit of the other than that.
  There there not like in Hong Kong is so there is no freedom.啊是那个officer. You get there and it was a trick. Hong Kong everything was happened.I was a day, it was people everywhere you can get anything. It was just it was actually the most amazing place on earth and you just had an energy.实验小学have that. Just things happen.
  Hong Kong.Big time every second.
  我也没听。来首。We got to be careful about that you don't hurt. You and I think I think.
  By not being a calm a dating at all. She took the hard way you no Beijing was on the way.他的命运。Right? Maybe you guys get something we want to hear to have any suggestions. Get.She is really with from CCTV. She is so worry.
  So see like to this c CTRL.This is the guy. What they did s life stream.看得清楚,most of the most of the end was.Morning. On people this is just there going off you don't want to get back to work that never said they were because of you.
  If the stock market doesn't it will be fine and read this, because most of the year is a saying, you know we have seen this before.Small we saw it in the article 23 no people will get there were 500000 people. Remember you guys are young but when are 23 and I think it to.223 people because there were 500000 people on the street.We don't remember the the democratic from the begin. But you know.
  Hundred thousand people but the western the occupied.The yellow umbrella and you know the day they picked up just before and they have things before, but they always.Protest. And so the question is now, and I say that they never make three people like that right all in the way.Which was so so also, tomorrow have another story not only say yes.
  I think many and family.他的睿智。We die we no future of the day after we see we can not compromise.We can make the government will lose the hundreds of Asian and the power, so we must be我也是怕。
  Also the family. Even the past the case, we are all the people, they must be single.的early and take this as far as you can take it. And then.Replace her she miss and change her for another guy, make a week or you know some sort of compromise etc and try to keep it again.That I think will be there at the sacrifice, you know she got out of control she was you know we never said that.
  The guy never the week they come. He is very.But inside we want to show you in the Carrie he is very so you know I never go back.I think there is only one way 1 purchase, go to Hong Kong.
  看看够买个牛奶,another way, all the street. The call is the.同一个this is also.U software.
  I think it's the对外is.兄弟兄弟被是吧,我正在县城啊。MR have you ever seen?In this kind of size protest in any other country in the world, the only kind of protest the size was in the early 1980.
  When when when to defeat the soviet union on this should be less than everybody union president. 3.Agreed to put new clear of medium range muscles in to western Europe with the agreement of Germany. Yes, there were.I think 2 million people were here in central park against it. Again.And in London is a better man, so they were protest. Huge and eventually.
  And the only other big ones i've seen is in the 1966, the Vietnam protest and in France and 68, they had the state.Result in front of in 68, 69 to Vietnam war protest you have maybe.But yes, in in nothing. The people of Hong Kong should be very, I think this the states for hire.Basically the protest against people being the right here are much, much higher. And what I was most amazing about.
  他们the Hong Kong people in the Chinese people. It was so.This is so on. A determined yet. It shows that it to me on this is what I think the.They have a very tough position to defend. There are all the fences that Chinese people are not ready for.Democracy Chinese people are not ready for the freedom is right and yet you saw the yesterday, one of the largest protest in living memory.
  What? You got to go back, 4050 years to the nuclear protest. In London in NewYork and you have to go back you no six or seven years to the anti Vietnam.And the student in Paris to get in where near the size and they were quite some of those that quite violent you just saw the Hong Kong was perfect. That's what democracy is about.Let's compare and the big four, the right the the yellow and I think they had reasons for now I don't approve.But you know those I think even as the second week end violence, in fact they were bringing down, you know.
  And and and fine restaurant on the chances of the party. In Hong Kong is that is to me.The perfect thing of democracy. Right, its people getting out to protest and you know you saw the kids in the thing, you know there are.8 you saw perfect.Perfect. Getting the point across. Absolutely no problem, no problem with anything and I was.
  You see that that's the ocracy and quite frankly it was in the in the in the head guys and let go the.I should I have never seen. You go back even the the technical protest in the in the in the student results in the 60.The politicians and age people write the fundamental change of the, but the people here it was just like here you go.的。
  都不会爱为we call the u get around the place o.Is very important thing. People understand today they really haven't been.对我笑了Chinese.You know that something that something is not right here and that people in the west we had not import. This is the mind.
  This three anniversary. It's probably the one that he had the most important in the United States, but that is because of what happened.And so I think that you want to take you know, but now it's the moment.All of my word DC somewhere in time.
  No many people, 嘴里说的是Hong Kong China。America in the deep, 这三个词20米,how do you think is the Hong Kong.Lot of people.
  对中国他们是这样说的啊,不是说去香港就是做这个,all the Chinese American.American horror movies, you know everything in the everything that was us的。突出在衣服。
  A lot of me.Even if they want for two weeks and of course the ccp is just one of the airport and after the other, so they just go to a very limited.
  你的APP,what's the what's what's the deep?America is just for now.Basic freedom is that Latin America Africa south India.
  In the Washington post, the same people say.熬的。
  他有两个。好玩的I disagree you from China too crazy。To the light.
  20多岁多年的国会议员不知道咱中国人。不拥有土地,连一只都没有。Stupid of the crazy.
  不能垄断。信息for.1万元。They hear that one of these people live days of dollars.
  什么牛啊?Talking about it, in here look.和电视之外。You know how important we give the world all the truth, yes, 这是。Cct control the China lab23时一分在三水,谁肯出细则?我有个问题想问问先生。
  然后你帮我翻译一下吧,我都说不好,嗯,现在你年轻的时候是在海海军工作,对吧?Maybe in the back in the seven in the.是什么事?是什么事情?知道中国的这个政治。还有什么in Chinese.
  Right study in the world war ii, I come from a family from a family and it seems so and so far away and so I.照这个说呀,we stop the time.A very small.And see this magnificent city that I study it was the Chinese judges, you know I had the red rose on in the white week.
  And they were to the courts and they had the British and he had the Chinese and it was at the one child in the star ferry. It was I believe I said this is the greatest.你就跟我说。Because there is a little right now is so clean so that so it's so it's like a.感受到了香港的这个文化呀,环境啊。
  Unbelievable write the pair of business as a child in the world. Just incredible. One of these guys are these guys are.
  哪个中国?那您对这个反共和反中我们这个概念怎么理解或者为什么啊?还有这些东西。怎么会支持这个,只是发货不是,共产党把这个中共混在一起的。You know that the 98, 1998模拟最近。嗯你干啥呢?这的don't like Chinese people. Why do you.
  The Chinese government instead of Chinese the whole the whole country of homework of Chinese people how do you celebrate against the Chinese.我也试试,young Chinese guys work on business and cable TV.我上夜班的in Hong Kong and I said no Chinese people work for me to spend a great.
  因为。Overseas Chinese order earth.换个号。
  To look at Hong Kong as an example of what you really done with nothing. And it's the 3rd grade financial capital of the world New York city London.In Hong Kong is like how did the center with no resources and no help, 因为他在中国有公司。他经营了一个一个一个电视台电视公司,在上海经营的公司,它有中国的雇员,他感受到中国人的勤劳中国人。让最聪明最勤劳的一个一个准的一个群体,所以说他。
  无形中制造了一些民族仇恨,也导致某些地方认为姓名。或者向加纳,是吧,当地人当地的华人没有错,只是其次,想要在当地进行这个渗透的工作,所以。他是当地排华,我是说你问这个问这个原因是啊,问这个问题就是这个原因。Chinese they try to.
  We are Chinese people, we are China. They always say we are we were present every Chinese people. It's kind of kid.Chinese Garden up all the Chinese for one point of the Chinese people. And that makes all the other nations is good. Like.你的那些的1998.If the Chinese government is coming in.
  It's got to be their way. I think that you know China reverse.那么快咯。You want to say that? Right? First of the Chinese people are not expansion of the Chinese.And and I think that if we the one thing is going to happen, happen number one, freedom of speech is number two.The freedom of the subway, number three of religion. Number four is personal property rights. Number.
  Pressure days and into things, out of those five principles should be totally and reform that all in.Chinese people.Chinese people soul and reform number one in the person in the second is the fire wall has to come down the way.
  你是中国人,去干的事情实际上是中共在干的事,所以我觉得我们不能把这个中共中国分开。总共负债表最多this Chinese government trying to keep them for the people.We will stand比较强烈的地方,we speak to everybody. Everybody knows that Chinese company.
  Present Chinese people, we are totally different. Or.Absolute power full of how you know how you get the audience. Now the you have this is so.那就是我们为什么坐在这里站在这里直播,这就是我们存在的意义,阿班龙先生将是我们。中我们中国人最好最好的朋友MR will be our best friend for all the Chinese people well I guess.
  It's a great honor, 法治自由的中国,以后的中国人民都会记住,实际分班了。Even with we believe. We all will remember you are my best friend you are most important.All the Chinese, 当然包括还有把石先生给我们这个啊,我们党委会的这这些。美国的作为也是这些朋友。
  Do you think you're seeing more and more here is the one thing i'll tell you guys the more people see the broadcast is the more Information people in the west get. But like I didn't know that.You're going to get more and more for I have been that anybody. That is to get the Information to the same. You know we got the Chinese people like this is not right what what's happened to the.给她一生的事is bad and the sea cp. And guys are not good the bad guy.你是这样的吗?
  Running.好q。But I love it at any time.所以说这些问题,这个香港的这个。
  这里有望远镜,他刚出去了,你你把问题提给我,待会待会。你问行吗?大学然后老百姓现在大街上面在游行示威,然后老百姓。OK OK OK我去,待会去问问啊。
  哇噻,小孩主要是这两个鼻孔做的。嗯嗯看这什么啊Paris Hermes看看。看见没啊,看不清是吧,看见看不清,放在我的脸上,这个地方不太好对焦啊。