1 00:00:03,666 --> 00:00:06,100 How are you Brother Miles 2 00:00:07,000 --> 00:00:09,466 FBI Maybe the FBI doesn't quite agree 3 00:00:09,466 --> 00:00:10,500 thatwemeet 4 00:00:10,500 --> 00:00:12,300 Haveyoucommunicatedwiththemyet 5 00:00:12,300 --> 00:00:13,333 please doone moretime 6 00:00:16,733 --> 00:00:22,500 FBI Miles,FBI doesn't seem to agree that we meet 7 00:00:22,600 --> 00:00:26,950 But I feel that we hav to think of a way to meet 8 00:00:27,233 --> 00:00:29,166 Haveyoucommunicatedtothemaboutthis 9 00:00:29,600 --> 00:00:32,366 Their HQ in DC has agreed to it 10 00:00:32,766 --> 00:00:34,600 Can you givemea response? 11 00:00:38,166 --> 00:00:43,433 Brother Miles,FBI just called FBI 12 00:00:43,433 --> 00:00:49,133 They don't agree with our meeting 13 00:00:49,600 --> 00:00:51,233 Iam still liaising with them 14 00:00:51,400 --> 00:00:53,466 and hope you are doing the same 15 00:00:53,466 --> 00:00:54,700 coordinating our meeting 16 00:00:55,033 --> 00:01:00,400 Let's strive to meet up at least once 17 00:01:00,466 --> 00:01:01,200 Thanks 18 00:01:02,933 --> 00:01:06,300 FBI Miles,Bother Miles,FBIcalled 19 00:01:06,900 --> 00:01:14,166 They don'twantme tosee you 20 00:01:14,166 --> 00:01:18,166 .. They.. 21 00:01:18,166 --> 00:01:21,133 I think we needto try to meet up 22 00:01:21,566 --> 00:01:23,900 lam trying to liaise and response them 23 00:01:23,900 --> 00:01:26,000 Hope youcan liaisewiththemtoo 24 00:01:26,000 --> 00:01:26,600 Thanks 25 00:01:28,333 --> 00:01:30,833 Once you get this message,please response 26 00:01:30,833 --> 00:01:32,166 Thanks,Brother Miles 27 00:01:39,700 --> 00:01:42,000 They don't want us to meet 28 00:01:42,000 --> 00:01:45,367 to have a good chat with brother Miles 29 00:01:46,633 --> 00:01:48,800 Of course, you don't really know 30 00:01:48,933 --> 00:01:50,367 I know the situation clearly 31 00:01:50,367 --> 00:01:52,533 You don't have to beat around the bush with me 32 00:01:52,700 --> 00:01:54,567 They told me everything 33 00:01:54,567 --> 00:01:58,033 say your purpose of the visit is about me 34 00:01:58,033 --> 00:02:00,400 you're here to visit me They grant you the visa because 35 00:02:00,533 --> 00:02:02,100 They (FBI) are hoping 36 00:02:02,100 --> 00:02:02,933 that you break the law 37 00:02:02,933 --> 00:02:05,000 They're hoping you would, for instance 38 00:02:05,000 --> 00:02:06,300 not have the appropriate Visa Those travelling with you might 39 00:02:06,300 --> 00:02:08,167 so they can arrest you, get it? 40 00:02:08,167 --> 00:02:10,200 and using you for spy-swap 41 00:02:10,700 --> 00:02:12,100 You have to be very wary of this 42 00:02:12,100 --> 00:02:12,933 be careful 43 00:02:13,433 --> 00:02:15,300 It shouldn't be them to agree 44 00:02:15,300 --> 00:02:16,667 with our meeting 45 00:02:16,667 --> 00:02:18,100 It's impossible to deny our meeting 46 00:02:22,133 --> 00:02:23,467 In any situation, Brother Sun 47 00:02:23,467 --> 00:02:25,067 I don't wish you get into any trouble 48 00:02:25,067 --> 00:02:26,800 no matter what you are thinking 49 00:02:27,300 --> 00:02:28,333 The purpose of your trip 50 00:02:28,333 --> 00:02:29,800 They (FBI) are clear about your negotiation 51 00:02:29,800 --> 00:02:30,967 is to bring me back to China 52 00:02:31,167 --> 00:02:32,633 No problem, this is your job 53 00:02:32,633 --> 00:02:34,133 But we as brothers 54 00:02:34,133 --> 00:02:36,900 I don't wish you get into trouble 55 00:02:41,433 --> 00:02:42,600 OhMiles 56 00:02:42,600 --> 00:02:44,767 This time you really got me wrong 57 00:02:44,767 --> 00:02:50,467 Icame to the USunder the invitation ofJusticeDepartment 58 00:02:50,867 --> 00:02:52,767 Thepurposeof the talkis 59 00:02:53,100 --> 00:02:55,400 abouttocooperationon network security 60 00:02:57,000 --> 00:02:59,700 and as soon aslgot to the US 61 00:02:59,900 --> 00:03:02,200 already done 2rounds oftalkwiththem 62 00:03:02,900 --> 00:03:04,100 two rounds 63 00:03:04,100 --> 00:03:05,400 All went pretty well 64 00:03:05,400 --> 00:03:06,633 youcancheck withthem 65 00:03:06,633 --> 00:03:07,833 duringthetalks 66 00:03:08,067 --> 00:03:10,400 Including the presence of FB! FBI 67 00:03:10,981 --> 00:03:12,981 I never mentioned your name at all 68 00:03:13,600 --> 00:03:17,300 ifIdidthat 69 00:03:17,500 --> 00:03:19,000 we wouldn't be brothers any more 70 00:03:19,633 --> 00:03:21,833 Sothistimetruly 71 00:03:21,833 --> 00:03:23,500 you have mistaken me 72 00:03:23,667 --> 00:03:25,100 Because something happened 73 00:03:25,100 --> 00:03:26,133 toLiu Yanping 74 00:03:26,300 --> 00:03:28,300 that lended up still here in the US 75 00:03:29,667 --> 00:03:32,667 duetoYanping's incident 76 00:03:32,833 --> 00:03:36,300 those planned one-to-one talk with 77 00:03:36,533 --> 00:03:40,967 cancelled,thisisthetruth severaldepartmentswere 78 00:03:41,033 --> 00:03:43,167 tillnow 79 00:03:43,300 --> 00:03:46,967 Ididn'tmentionyourname infront of theAmericans 80 00:03:47,100 --> 00:03:50,867 including their law enforcement department like FBI FBI 81 00:03:51,500 --> 00:03:53,267 This you can check with them 82 00:03:55,000 --> 00:03:57,100 In fact,I would leave the US oncel was done 83 00:03:57,900 --> 00:04:00,367 ifitis not for Yanping 84 00:04:00,367 --> 00:04:01,667 having a situation here 85 00:04:01,833 --> 00:04:04,500 lwould have already gone back 86 00:04:06,000 --> 00:04:08,467 Because of Yanping's incident 87 00:04:09,300 --> 00:04:11,567 and furthermore you 're willing to talk 88 00:04:11,567 --> 00:04:13,200 that is the reasonI stayed behind 89 00:04:13,900 --> 00:04:16,433 Brother Miles,this is the truth 90 00:04:16,433 --> 00:04:18,032 Idon't have to lieto you 91 00:04:18,032 --> 00:04:19,100 Youcancheck withthem 92 00:04:19,100 --> 00:04:22,767 if our meeting is about network securitycooperation 93 00:04:25,133 --> 00:04:28,300 If their blaming of me can awaken you 94 00:04:28,300 --> 00:04:31,600 to the right perspective on many issues 95 00:04:31,600 --> 00:04:33,300 I think that's worthtotaketheblame 96 00:04:33,300 --> 00:04:34,233 lam willing to be arrested 97 00:04:36,800 --> 00:04:38,533 Enoughsaid 98 00:04:38,533 --> 00:04:43,200 Brother Miles,please expedite in liaising with them for us to meet 99 00:04:43,200 --> 00:04:46,233 It would worth a trip to come and meet you 100 00:04:46,233 --> 00:04:48,567 and many things can be clarified face-to-face 101 00:04:49,233 --> 00:04:50,700 I understood now Brother Sun 102 00:04:50,700 --> 00:04:52,967 No matter what, you are my brother 103 00:04:52,967 --> 00:04:53,900 Under any situation 104 00:04:54,133 --> 00:04:56,633 Let's liaise further with them, alright? 105 00:04:56,733 --> 00:04:57,867 Wait for my news 106 00:04:58,367 --> 00:04:59,733 fully understood Brother Sun 107 00:04:59,733 --> 00:05:01,133 I am very frank with you 108 00:05:01,133 --> 00:05:01,800 Whatever they tell me 109 00:05:01,800 --> 00:05:03,200 just relay to you 110 00:05:03,200 --> 00:05:04,733 This is one thing that you know 111 00:05:07,567 --> 00:05:09,967 Miles,all those thatIsaid earlier 112 00:05:09,967 --> 00:05:14,900 allare true.. .. 113 00:05:15,733 --> 00:05:18,533 Wecan still trusteach other 114 00:05:18,533 --> 00:05:21,600 whateverl said just now are not lies 115 00:05:22,167 --> 00:05:24,500 youcan check with any law enforcementdepartments 116 00:05:24,500 --> 00:05:26,300 youcanask yourlawyerto check 117 00:05:26,800 --> 00:05:28,933 During my 2 days of meeting with them 118 00:05:28,933 --> 00:05:31,100 we never mentioned anything about you 119 00:05:31,233 --> 00:05:33,367 Never mentioned your name 120 00:05:33,967 --> 00:05:35,333 Ibelieve this will 121 00:05:35,333 --> 00:05:37,667 enable us to further cooperate 122 00:05:37,800 --> 00:05:41,300 in the next 10 years, or even 20 years 123 00:05:41,300 --> 00:05:44,733 Brother Miles,you can go check with them 124 00:05:44,733 --> 00:05:45,933 You can ask your team to check 125 00:05:45,933 --> 00:05:47,967 Or ask your legal team to check with them 126 00:05:47,967 --> 00:05:50,233 During my meeting with them 127 00:05:50,600 --> 00:05:53,233 we absolutely never mentioned your name 128 00:05:53,500 --> 00:05:55,533 Thisisthetruth 129 00:05:55,800 --> 00:05:57,600 and please trust me 130 00:05:59,700 --> 00:06:00,833 Becausetheseareourfuture 131 00:06:01,667 --> 00:06:04,367 as the basis of our collaboration for 10,20 years 132 00:06:05,133 --> 00:06:07,400 Ibelieve youcan trust on this 133 00:06:07,400 --> 00:06:09,667 So previously you have mistaken me 134 00:06:09,833 --> 00:06:13,000 Sayinglcame to DCfora2nd solution 135 00:06:13,000 --> 00:06:14,800 AIl those solutions are absolutely nonsense 136 00:06:15,800 --> 00:06:18,033 Brother Lijun,Iwas trying to fly to you 137 00:06:18,033 --> 00:06:20,800 BeforeI boarded the plane, at least 3 attempts 138 00:06:20,800 --> 00:06:23,067 plane, barred me from going They wouldn't let me board the 139 00:06:23,200 --> 00:06:25,100 I said"No" to them asI have promised you 140 00:06:25,100 --> 00:06:27,100 Why, because there are no grudges between us 141 00:06:27,100 --> 00:06:28,733 You're doing your work 142 00:06:28,767 --> 00:06:30,000 And the country does not belong to you 143 00:06:30,033 --> 00:06:31,267 Also, like what you said 144 00:06:31,367 --> 00:06:33,567 We have to look forward to the next 20 years 145 00:06:33,633 --> 00:06:34,867 We both are stil young 146 00:06:34,967 --> 00:06:36,967 This is true, this is true 147 00:06:37,100 --> 00:06:39,233 Don't be naive, so doI 148 00:06:39,600 --> 00:06:42,600 The US government will not care about us 149 00:06:42,967 --> 00:06:44,800 Neither the Chinese government 150 00:06:44,800 --> 00:06:48,200 Zhou Yongkang is arrested You know it very well, even 151 00:06:48,200 --> 00:06:50,233 Who can survive? Don't be naive 152 00:06:50,433 --> 00:06:52,667 I regarded you as my brother, so todayI must come over 153 00:06:52,667 --> 00:06:54,767 Rest assured this wil go without saying 154 00:06:54,933 --> 00:06:56,433 Let me be honest Brother Lijun 155 00:06:56,667 --> 00:06:58,133 I wil tell you whateverI know ok 156 00:06:58,400 --> 00:07:01,767 You are a genius, you wil eventually think about it 157 00:07:04,067 --> 00:07:06,033 You can go check with them 158 00:07:06,267 --> 00:07:07,600 or ask your team to check 159 00:07:07,900 --> 00:07:09,633 orask yourlawyertocheck 160 00:07:09,800 --> 00:07:11,700 during my meeting with them 161 00:07:12,200 --> 00:07:14,667 there is absolutely no mention ofyournamewhatsoever 162 00:07:14,967 --> 00:07:16,900 Thisisthetruth 163 00:07:17,700 --> 00:07:19,167 Pleasetrustme 164 00:07:19,267 --> 00:07:20,700 Foryou andl 165 00:07:20,700 --> 00:07:24,500 this is the basis of future collaboration 166 00:07:24,500 --> 00:07:25,833 for 1020years 167 00:07:26,433 --> 00:07:29,167 Ibelieve youshould trust me on that 168 00:07:29,167 --> 00:07:31,400 timeyouhave wrongedme so previously for a period of 169 00:07:31,750 --> 00:07:33,750 accusing me of coming to DC for a 2nd solution 170 00:07:34,767 --> 00:07:36,567 That's all nonsense 171 00:07:41,867 --> 00:07:45,000 Brother,willwaitfor you in DC,wllwait for you 172 00:07:45,000 --> 00:07:49,867 Really hope to be able to meet up 173 00:07:51,100 --> 00:07:53,133 That's is our handshake 174 00:07:53,133 --> 00:07:54,433 andthehandshake for thefuture 175 00:07:58,400 --> 00:08:01,200 isalsodarn comical about it Sometimes,tothink about it,it 176 00:08:01,367 --> 00:08:03,967 for so many years in Beijing we never shook hands 177 00:08:03,967 --> 00:08:05,300 And now we have to meet in DC to shake hands 178 00:08:05,300 --> 00:08:07,967 Brother Miles,you really got away 179 00:08:08,233 --> 00:08:08,933 Oh brother 180 00:08:08,933 --> 00:08:11,667 You think you can stay in this business forever? 181 00:08:11,667 --> 00:08:13,867 Absolutely impossible 182 00:08:13,900 --> 00:08:15,333 Must not be naive 183 00:08:15,333 --> 00:08:17,467 If that is so, then you are indeed lying to yourself 184 00:08:17,733 --> 00:08:18,600 Enough said 185 00:08:18,600 --> 00:08:20,100 Iam already on the way 186 00:08:20,100 --> 00:08:22,333 Rest assured that we will see each other in a bit 187 00:08:28,733 --> 00:08:30,367 another thing,Brother Sun 188 00:08:30,367 --> 00:08:32,833 Today those 2-3 people accompanying you 189 00:08:32,932 --> 00:08:34,099 are there trustworthy 190 00:08:34,432 --> 00:08:36,432 Because we wil discuss the 91 books 91 191 00:08:36,432 --> 00:08:39,500 which involves Meng Jianzhu 192 00:08:39,500 --> 00:08:41,466 Will it be safe? 193 00:08:41,466 --> 00:08:42,800 you got to give me some assurance 194 00:08:42,800 --> 00:08:44,900 What should I say,what should I not 195 00:08:45,433 --> 00:08:46,867 Otherwise once three of you go back (China) 196 00:08:46,867 --> 00:08:47,567 They might betray you 197 00:08:48,000 --> 00:08:50,467 One more thing,we both are temperamental people 198 00:08:50,800 --> 00:08:52,633 Sometimes we trust these people too easily 199 00:08:53,300 --> 00:08:54,733 Think about how we should approach it 200 00:08:59,833 --> 00:09:01,800 Aboutthis,Miles 201 00:09:02,567 --> 00:09:04,567 Thisisthetimeforanopen hearttalktothecoreissue 202 00:09:05,067 --> 00:09:07,500 we can only talk about it between you andl 203 00:09:07,500 --> 00:09:08,467 No problematall 204 00:09:08,600 --> 00:09:10,333 Only between you andl 205 00:09:10,333 --> 00:09:11,100 Noproblem 206 00:09:11,300 --> 00:09:13,633 Furthermore,these2companions are pretty trustworthy 207 00:09:14,067 --> 00:09:15,533 Igot it 208 00:09:15,900 --> 00:09:18,200 Also,it that is not possible 209 00:09:18,200 --> 00:09:19,400 Ican only bring one to the meeting 210 00:09:19,400 --> 00:09:20,633 only two of us to meet you 211 00:09:20,633 --> 00:09:22,000 orican bring one more 212 00:09:26,000 --> 00:09:27,433 In addition,Miles 213 00:09:27,500 --> 00:09:30,367 We both must not be used by FBI FBI 214 00:09:30,367 --> 00:09:32,533 FBI FBIas you can see,promised you 215 00:09:32,533 --> 00:09:34,667 thatwecanmeetwiththeirpresence 216 00:09:34,667 --> 00:09:37,167 orwithouttheir presence 217 00:09:37,433 --> 00:09:38,900 on the contrary you ee 218 00:09:38,900 --> 00:09:40,467 they informed me that l'm not allowedtomeet you 219 00:09:41,167 --> 00:09:42,733 I'm not lyingatall 220 00:09:43,433 --> 00:09:44,533 If you want 221 00:09:44,533 --> 00:09:48,433 Ican forward you those that they sent me 222 00:09:54,300 --> 00:09:57,067 Let's not to be manipulated by them 223 00:09:57,300 --> 00:09:58,867 Brother Miles,you know it verywell 224 00:10:02,633 --> 00:10:06,100 In the end,we both got used by themFBI 225 00:10:06,100 --> 00:10:07,600 Brother Miles,you now it everywel 226 00:10:08,000 --> 00:10:09,467 Those are meaningless 227 00:10:09,567 --> 00:10:12,567 In fact like what I suggested to Brother Yanping and yourself 228 00:10:12,567 --> 00:10:13,700 Don't get mixed up in their affairs 229 00:10:13,833 --> 00:10:14,667 Just do what you need to do 230 00:10:14,667 --> 00:10:16,100 You both have no grudges with me 231 00:10:16,100 --> 00:10:17,833 why get mixed-up into things like this 232 00:10:18,000 --> 00:10:19,267 Those created the troubles 233 00:10:19,267 --> 00:10:21,100 asked you and Liu Yanping to clean up the mess 234 00:10:21,400 --> 00:10:23,533 You and Brother Yanping have no grudges with me 235 00:10:23,533 --> 00:10:24,600 Why get involved in this 236 00:10:24,600 --> 00:10:26,567 We have to look far 237 00:10:27,767 --> 00:10:29,533 Miles,undertood what you said 238 00:10:29,600 --> 00:10:33,767 FBI anyway please try your best to liaise with FBI 239 00:10:34,133 --> 00:10:36,267 We over at our end are liaising with FBI too FBI 240 00:10:37,233 --> 00:10:39,333 It that doesn't work outletthem FBI)bepresent isalright 241 00:10:39,700 --> 00:10:41,000 As longlcan meet you 242 00:10:41,167 --> 00:10:43,933 Igladlywillcomplytoo Even the bureau chiefis there 243 00:10:43,933 --> 00:10:45,233 Let's sit down and have a nice chat 244 00:10:45,233 --> 00:10:46,400 No bigdeal 245 00:10:47,933 --> 00:10:50,300 assured you Brother Sun, we are liaising now 246 00:10:50,300 --> 00:10:51,600 I have reached the meeting room 247 00:10:52,500 --> 00:10:53,700 -will follow you arrangement 248 00:10:53,700 --> 00:10:55,467 follow you arrangement Brother Miles 249 00:10:57,100 --> 00:10:58,200 Iwill wait for you here 250 00:10:58,200 --> 00:10:59,533 Let's me know when you are on the way 251 00:10:59,600 --> 00:11:01,600 I will get someone to meet you downstairs 252 00:11:01,600 --> 00:11:03,133 No worries, just come over 253 00:11:03,133 --> 00:11:03,667 Alright Brother Sun 254 00:11:05,800 --> 00:11:07,900 Brother,it doesn't matter where to meet 255 00:11:08,033 --> 00:11:09,033 Location is not a problem 256 00:11:09,033 --> 00:11:10,567 there are vehicle here that can bring me there 257 00:11:10,567 --> 00:11:13,633 The key point is FBI refused to let us go,brother FBI 258 00:11:17,900 --> 00:11:20,000 FBI We are still liaising with FBI 259 00:11:20,000 --> 00:11:22,333 FBI Can you also liaise with the FBIok 260 00:11:23,300 --> 00:11:24,700 We've already liaise with them 261 00:11:24,700 --> 00:11:26,533 Their response is very clear 262 00:11:26,667 --> 00:11:28,833 Say if you coming to meet me, there is no problem 263 00:11:28,833 --> 00:11:31,867 meet me, no problem about that They are wiling to let you come 264 00:11:32,033 --> 00:11:32,900 But, that is to say 265 00:11:32,967 --> 00:11:35,333 this is a personal meeting 266 00:11:36,600 --> 00:11:38,267 This is what they said to you 267 00:11:38,267 --> 00:11:40,233 Butthis is not what they said to me 268 00:11:40,233 --> 00:11:43,100 They have given me a clear instruction 269 00:11:43,100 --> 00:11:44,767 thatlcannot gomeet you 270 00:11:45,467 --> 00:11:46,767 We have been told that way clearly 271 00:11:46,767 --> 00:11:47,967 Cannot go meet you 272 00:11:55,867 --> 00:11:57,967 They have notified not just to our delegation 273 00:11:57,967 --> 00:12:00,367 also notify our embassy police liaison officer 274 00:12:00,533 --> 00:12:05,333 Told me clearly that l'm not allowed to meet you 275 00:12:07,867 --> 00:12:09,367 Ifwe insist 276 00:12:09,400 --> 00:12:12,700 tonotifyourdelegation FBI we'll have to waitfor the FBI 277 00:12:12,700 --> 00:12:14,967 or to notify our police liaison officer 278 00:12:15,733 --> 00:12:17,200 Brother,thiswon'twork 279 00:12:17,267 --> 00:12:20,333 What's the problem after you've done this 280 00:12:20,400 --> 00:12:22,767 Ifwe talk alone afterwards 281 00:12:22,767 --> 00:12:25,800 I would have the same problem as Liu Yanping 282 00:12:26,033 --> 00:12:28,500 Iwould be in big trouble 283 00:12:28,800 --> 00:12:30,500 I can't take that.We don't havetodothis 284 00:12:30,900 --> 00:12:33,333 Brother,don'tbothertosendacartopickmeup 285 00:12:33,533 --> 00:12:35,800 I'm coordinating as much as you can 286 00:12:36,233 --> 00:12:38,567 FBIto notify the embassy Youtrytocoordinatewiththe FBI 287 00:12:38,567 --> 00:12:41,700 Call the police liaison officer or inform ourdelegation thatlcansee you 288 00:12:41,700 --> 00:12:42,933 Icangoalone 289 00:12:42,967 --> 00:12:44,500 It's fine for you to send acar 290 00:12:44,500 --> 00:12:46,500 acarto pick me up But now you'resuddenly sending 291 00:12:46,500 --> 00:12:47,700 and they won'tagree 292 00:12:48,000 --> 00:12:50,867 IfI go there and then they set up some obstacles 293 00:12:50,867 --> 00:12:52,067 orforensicsstuff 294 00:12:52,067 --> 00:12:52,867 that'llbeabigtrouble 295 00:12:54,467 --> 00:12:56,700 Soplease don'tbrother 296 00:12:56,700 --> 00:12:59,833 If youdo it,would cause a series of consequences 297 00:12:59,833 --> 00:13:01,567 Ican'thurtyoubrother 298 00:13:04,367 --> 00:13:05,767 Got it, Brother Lijun 299 00:13:05,767 --> 00:13:07,133 " continue to coordinate and communicate 300 00:13:07,133 --> 00:13:09,600 Iagree with you completely 301 00:13:10,433 --> 00:13:12,633 OurembassywrotetotheState Department 302 00:13:15,567 --> 00:13:16,633 Today,the embassy 303 00:13:16,633 --> 00:13:20,900 I've repeatedly stressed to the Embassy that 304 00:13:20,900 --> 00:13:28,767 todowiththismeetingwith you The embassy has absolutely nothing 305 00:13:29,033 --> 00:13:31,667 Absolutely not,not even to coordination 306 00:13:34,767 --> 00:13:37,500 have been away recently atthe USState Department 307 00:13:40,733 --> 00:13:42,600 They were either on holiday or on a business trip 308 00:13:42,600 --> 00:13:43,933 They're not in the US at all 309 00:13:44,300 --> 00:13:46,033 FBI The FBlis lying to you,brother 310 00:13:46,100 --> 00:13:48,200 I can assure you 100% 311 00:13:48,200 --> 00:13:52,667 So far only the FBI has contacted us about you FBI 312 00:13:52,667 --> 00:13:56,433 None of the departments have mentioned you to us 313 00:13:56,500 --> 00:13:57,933 Icanassure you 314 00:13:58,267 --> 00:13:59,733 Okay were al coordinating 315 00:13:59,733 --> 00:14:00,867 'm coordinating 316 00:14:01,800 --> 00:14:03,067 If youdothat 317 00:14:03,067 --> 00:14:04,833 We're becoming their mouthpiece 318 00:14:05,100 --> 00:14:07,033 You're dragging me into it 319 00:14:07,033 --> 00:14:08,400 Aswellasto yourself 320 00:14:08,733 --> 00:14:11,167 Besides,l'vegotFBlagents everywhere 321 00:14:11,167 --> 00:14:13,700 They're all watching me FBI 322 00:14:13,733 --> 00:14:15,500 Howcan youevensee me if youcome over 323 00:14:15,667 --> 00:14:16,800 Probably even before your arrival 324 00:14:16,800 --> 00:14:19,300 They're already causing troubles 325 00:14:19,633 --> 00:14:20,567 Let'sputupwithit 326 00:14:20,600 --> 00:14:22,133 Try tocoordinate,okay 327 00:14:22,133 --> 00:14:23,267 There'sstilltime 328 00:14:23,400 --> 00:14:25,033 I'm telling youtodaybrother 329 00:14:25,033 --> 00:14:27,333 Ihave to see you no matter what 330 00:14:27,367 --> 00:14:29,167 I'llwaithere 331 00:14:29,400 --> 00:14:31,033 l'm not going anywhere tonight 332 00:14:31,033 --> 00:14:31,833 I understand, Brother Lijun 333 00:14:31,833 --> 00:14:32,700 'l wait for your news 334 00:14:32,833 --> 00:14:34,133 and coordinate from here 335 00:14:35,267 --> 00:14:38,800 Brothernowyou understand what's going on,right 336 00:14:39,033 --> 00:14:42,300 We didn't.. 337 00:14:42,600 --> 00:14:45,300 Idefinitelywanttomeetyou Fromthebottomof my heart 338 00:14:45,300 --> 00:14:46,633 Do you believe me? 339 00:14:46,967 --> 00:14:49,300 They won't let me see you now 340 00:14:49,333 --> 00:14:52,400 There's theFBl outside mydoor upstairs and downstairs FBI 341 00:14:53,000 --> 00:14:54,567 They won't let me see you 342 00:14:54,633 --> 00:14:57,467 I'm not even allowed touse thecarorleavethehouse 343 00:14:58,100 --> 00:15:00,133 Idon't know what's going on here 344 00:15:02,700 --> 00:15:04,367 Ontheother hand 345 00:15:04,367 --> 00:15:07,900 Itwasn't easy for the old brother(Liu Yanpingto see you lasttime 346 00:15:08,200 --> 00:15:10,000 lt wasabitofarisk 347 00:15:10,000 --> 00:15:14,800 so complicatedattheend So youcan imagine why it got 348 00:15:16,400 --> 00:15:19,800 If they don't get back to me in a few minutes 349 00:15:20,167 --> 00:15:22,033 I'm also going to cancel 350 00:15:22,033 --> 00:15:24,900 morningandgobacktoChina all the official events tomorrow 351 00:15:26,600 --> 00:15:28,433 You'vegot somuchtoeat 352 00:15:28,433 --> 00:15:31,167 Ihaven't even eaten Lunch yet 353 00:15:31,667 --> 00:15:35,100 I'm glad to see you're eating so well 354 00:15:36,433 --> 00:15:37,767 Oh, Brother Lijun 355 00:15:37,767 --> 00:15:40,900 It's not easy 356 00:15:41,467 --> 00:15:44,600 We caused all these troubles ourselves 357 00:15:44,733 --> 00:15:45,967 It shouldn't have happened in the first place 358 00:15:45,967 --> 00:15:48,333 Why do you think we're doing this? 359 00:15:48,567 --> 00:15:51,900 What can't we solve ourselves? 360 00:15:58,700 --> 00:16:04,000 Miles,I've been intouchwith youoverthepasttwodays. 361 00:16:04,467 --> 00:16:08,200 Beforethis,Ididn'tknowmuch about you 362 00:16:08,700 --> 00:16:12,867 after Maystartedtoknowmore about thismatter 363 00:16:13,200 --> 00:16:17,500 Nowl'm abletotalktoyoudirectly 364 00:16:17,567 --> 00:16:19,067 including all the things happened today 365 00:16:19,500 --> 00:16:22,700 I think there issome truth inwhat yousay 366 00:16:24,833 --> 00:16:28,500 Ifeelthat fromthe bottomofmyhear 367 00:16:28,500 --> 00:16:31,967 Brother Miles,Istill want to solve some problems 368 00:16:33,650 --> 00:16:37,300 I think it's like a cpuple fetting divorced 369 00:16:37,933 --> 00:16:43,870 is like acouple's relationship Your relationship with the country 370 00:16:48,700 --> 00:16:52,100 Lived together for so many years 371 00:16:52,330 --> 00:16:55,070 Do not point fingers when you're getting divorced 372 00:17:00,770 --> 00:17:03,430 Even after the divorce can still remain friends 373 00:17:03,430 --> 00:17:05,230 that's the highest level 374 00:17:06,000 --> 00:17:08,329 Idon't knowif I made myself clear 375 00:17:08,600 --> 00:17:10,829 What I'm trying to say is that 376 00:17:15,930 --> 00:17:17,699 We still have to communicate 377 00:17:17,829 --> 00:17:23,829 lknow that June 16th is very important to you 616 378 00:17:24,199 --> 00:17:28,870 I will coordinate this matter seriously whenTreturnChina 379 00:17:29,330 --> 00:17:31,600 I'm caught up with this now 380 00:17:32,130 --> 00:17:34,500 The other thing is that you also said 381 00:17:34,930 --> 00:17:39,470 youtrust me and Brother Liu 382 00:17:39,800 --> 00:17:43,930 he two of us will actively heip you to coordinate 383 00:17:44,800 --> 00:17:46,100 This is the first one 384 00:17:49,800 --> 00:17:51,470 Asfor thedocuments 385 00:17:51,500 --> 00:17:56,830 is notagood thing Brothera lifetime ofexileabroad 386 00:17:57,870 --> 00:18:01,230 In my personal view,Ihope you wil becomea'normal person',brother 387 00:18:01,330 --> 00:18:03,870 which means doing business asusualallovertheworld 388 00:18:04,330 --> 00:18:07,770 doing anything that you want and going back toChina without any limitation 389 00:18:07,930 --> 00:18:11,070 contributiontothecountry You could still make a great 390 00:18:12,330 --> 00:18:15,330 Ireallywanttohelp you Ididn't cheat you 391 00:18:15,800 --> 00:18:18,000 because l didn't know you well 392 00:18:20,430 --> 00:18:26,630 Falsodecidedtocancelal officialmeetingswiththem 393 00:18:27,130 --> 00:18:28,600 allofthem 394 00:18:28,930 --> 00:18:30,530 Inever ask for something from them 395 00:18:31,070 --> 00:18:32,630 I'm also a man having backbone 396 00:18:33,670 --> 00:18:36,230 ratherthanlaskfor him Currently,heappealstome 397 00:18:36,400 --> 00:18:37,930 Ihaven't nothing to beg from him 398 00:18:39,070 --> 00:18:40,830 -wasplanned to implement some issues 399 00:18:40,830 --> 00:18:43,530 discussed by leaders in both countries 400 00:18:44,670 --> 00:18:46,170 not begging anything from him 401 00:18:46,570 --> 00:18:49,030 Besides,also want to make apromiseto you 402 00:18:49,300 --> 00:18:52,700 Inever mentioned anything about you 403 00:18:53,470 --> 00:18:55,130 whenl was talking with them twodays ago 404 00:18:55,130 --> 00:18:56,800 Ihave a sense of propriety 405 00:18:59,000 --> 00:19:01,730 Of course,because of making a phone with you 406 00:19:01,730 --> 00:19:03,030 and the issue of Liu 407 00:19:03,470 --> 00:19:04,600 linvolved init 408 00:19:05,170 --> 00:19:08,030 After communication in the two days 409 00:19:08,400 --> 00:19:12,100 Tobehonest,I think there arefew thingsthatneedtobeadjusted 410 00:19:12,400 --> 00:19:14,070 really needtochange 411 00:19:14,230 --> 00:19:16,870 We can try it again 412 00:19:18,870 --> 00:19:21,000 My true words,Brother Miles 413 00:19:21,170 --> 00:19:24,400 Idon't want to watch you disgraced in frontofancestors 414 00:19:25,900 --> 00:19:28,230 Itis the crucial time now 415 00:19:28,330 --> 00:19:31,370 Ihopewecan handle thiswell 416 00:19:31,370 --> 00:19:32,970 withoureffortstogether 417 00:19:33,730 --> 00:19:38,370 Ihope youcan live free in the world 418 00:19:38,470 --> 00:19:39,670 including going back to China 419 00:19:39,870 --> 00:19:42,500 Ihope you are free to do business 420 00:19:42,500 --> 00:19:44,600 including managing the domestic business well-off 421 00:19:44,700 --> 00:19:50,000 toourcountry Ineed you to make more contributions 422 00:19:50,370 --> 00:19:52,870 I believe you,and you are willing to do this 423 00:19:53,400 --> 00:19:55,130 Think about it, brother Lijun 424 00:19:55,230 --> 00:19:58,230 Those strengths are huge and they're also not simple 425 00:19:58,430 --> 00:20:01,130 Furthermore, our boss, Mr. Meng got confused 426 00:20:01,130 --> 00:20:04,070 and they would be happy 427 00:20:04,070 --> 00:20:05,070 if go further as they anticipated 428 00:20:05,170 --> 00:20:07,200 Keeping it up is Miles Guo's ability 429 00:20:07,200 --> 00:20:08,770 and I believe that many people know about this 430 00:20:08,770 --> 00:20:10,570 It will become the nightmare of Meng's 431 00:20:10,670 --> 00:20:12,900 and others 432 00:20:13,130 --> 00:20:16,730 Including executing that step, is that I killed Meng at the most 433 00:20:16,730 --> 00:20:17,800 and then everyone died, right? 434 00:20:18,000 --> 00:20:21,200 You think about it, who wi likely watch Miles Guo going further 435 00:20:21,200 --> 00:20:23,200 kiling Meng first and Wang Qi Shan afterwards when I'm alive? 436 00:20:23,200 --> 00:20:24,270 afterwards when I'm alive? kiling Meng first and Wang Qi Shan 437 00:20:24,600 --> 00:20:26,730 They don't care about whether you live or not 438 00:20:26,730 --> 00:20:27,730 when you decided to kil Sun Li Jun at first 439 00:20:27,900 --> 00:20:29,300 and kil Fu Zheng Hua afterwards 440 00:20:29,300 --> 00:20:30,870 They hopeI wil do like this 441 00:20:31,030 --> 00:20:33,030 the bunch of men like you all died, right? 442 00:20:33,100 --> 00:20:35,500 And now,every step from Meng 443 00:20:35,500 --> 00:20:38,170 is folowing the other people's mind 444 00:20:38,170 --> 00:20:38,930 You should think about it 445 00:20:39,970 --> 00:20:43,230 Brother,youspemakingsense 446 00:20:43,530 --> 00:20:46,000 Enh you should believe me that 447 00:20:46,000 --> 00:20:50,400 Ireally want to meet you at this moment 448 00:20:50,400 --> 00:20:54,370 It's true,butlbelievejust us,Enh 449 00:20:54,370 --> 00:20:55,930 we have similar ages 450 00:20:56,030 --> 00:20:59,200 1020 thefutureislikewhatyousaid enh,have10or20 yearsleft 451 00:20:59,870 --> 00:21:02,330 to arrange a meeting We are supposed to have a chance 452 00:21:02,400 --> 00:21:05,530 Whatever where you are,I would meet you 453 00:21:05,530 --> 00:21:08,000 To be honest, that day is coming soon 454 00:21:08,200 --> 00:21:12,230 Enhandlalsobelievethatwecan notonly have a meeting together 455 00:21:12,230 --> 00:21:15,600 but also become good friends 456 00:21:15,600 --> 00:21:17,800 We can do alot of things 457 00:21:18,430 --> 00:21:20,170 which is the first thinglwantto tell you 458 00:21:23,630 --> 00:21:27,400 Second,Isaid if it does not work 459 00:21:27,400 --> 00:21:31,730 youcome backtoNewYork assoonasyou havedinner 460 00:21:31,730 --> 00:21:37,030 Don't let Guo Mei and Guo Qiang feel worried 461 00:21:37,200 --> 00:21:39,300 becauselcalledthem yesterday afternoon 462 00:21:39,700 --> 00:21:41,930 Ifound that they are very good people 463 00:21:41,930 --> 00:21:45,200 and they are very kind and also man of sense 464 00:21:45,830 --> 00:21:51,200 Ibelievethattwokidswillbecome promisingpeople in the future 465 00:21:51,530 --> 00:21:54,100 Even beyondyou 466 00:21:55,770 --> 00:21:58,270 Imake a promise to you here 467 00:21:58,270 --> 00:22:01,300 Your wife including Guo Mei and Guo Qiang 468 00:22:01,300 --> 00:22:05,600 willbe absolutely safe when they go back to China 10000% 469 00:22:05,630 --> 00:22:08,170 lamsafetheyaresafe 470 00:22:08,430 --> 00:22:11,630 Iwillinvitethemtodinner No matter who of them returns China 471 00:22:12,070 --> 00:22:15,700 Iwill leave my domestic phone number to them 472 00:22:15,700 --> 00:22:17,600 If they have trouble, they can call me at any time 473 00:22:18,600 --> 00:22:20,300 When you go back to New York 474 00:22:20,300 --> 00:22:23,530 ifpossible,wecould haveapleasure talk 475 00:22:23,530 --> 00:22:27,530 Sincelstay in the US when l go back to China 476 00:22:27,530 --> 00:22:30,970 it's also convenient to do something for you 477 00:22:31,970 --> 00:22:35,500 About otherissues,sincelstep in these things 478 00:22:35,500 --> 00:22:40,100 ljustwanttosolve theproblemswellwith you 479 00:22:40,100 --> 00:22:43,430 Dealing with trouble perfectly makes everyone happy 480 00:22:46,370 --> 00:22:49,200 If possible,we could make a call tonight,just us 481 00:22:49,430 --> 00:22:51,170 By the waycanalso tell you 482 00:22:51,170 --> 00:22:54,370 what is the real thought of them in our countryenh 483 00:22:55,030 --> 00:22:58,270 find a way to solve the problem together 484 00:22:59,570 --> 00:23:04,770 You don't need to totally blame them 485 00:23:05,150 --> 00:23:09,325 It's simple, you are pushing them so deep, maybe 486 00:23:10,030 --> 00:23:12,400 Perhaps,they have their own difficulties 487 00:23:12,400 --> 00:23:16,230 and coupled with complexity of domestic issues 488 00:23:16,230 --> 00:23:17,570 Ihope youcan understand 489 00:23:19,570 --> 00:23:22,200 Anywaybother,inme 490 00:23:22,970 --> 00:23:26,000 Iwon't watch you sink into this thing step by step 491 00:23:26,300 --> 00:23:29,000 Enh,Ineed you to buck it up 492 00:23:29,070 --> 00:23:31,670 and come back to normal life again 493 00:23:31,670 --> 00:23:33,130 Do yourbusiness well and make contribution 494 00:23:33,400 --> 00:23:36,800 to our country as your responsibility 495 00:23:39,200 --> 00:23:44,030 Admityourfaultandembrace thebrightfuture 496 00:23:46,800 --> 00:23:50,270 Last night was China's Dragon Boat Festival 497 00:23:51,500 --> 00:23:54,070 lwalked on Washington's street alone 498 00:23:54,100 --> 00:23:56,230 Couple ofus walked around 499 00:23:56,630 --> 00:24:01,930 andfelt that it was interesting ... 500 00:24:02,000 --> 00:24:03,530 It's amixed feeling.. 501 00:24:04,270 --> 00:24:06,770 It's not easy for you to be alone abroad 502 00:24:07,100 --> 00:24:09,030 Don't know if you can enjoy rice dumplings 503 00:24:09,030 --> 00:24:11,400 Don't know if your wife can make it for you 504 00:24:11,400 --> 00:24:13,370 enjoy rice dumplings anyway We didn't have thechance to 505 00:24:13,370 --> 00:24:14,930 Next year's Dragon Boat Festiva 506 00:24:14,930 --> 00:24:17,030 brother,you have to treat me with rice dumplings 507 00:24:17,700 --> 00:24:20,270 I was forced to reach whereIam 508 00:24:20,270 --> 00:24:24,370 I really don't want this to be true, it's horrible.. 509 00:24:24,730 --> 00:24:27,070 It wi become even more terrifying 510 00:24:27,070 --> 00:24:31,530 a field littered with corpses One step forward would be 511 00:24:38,870 --> 00:24:45,300 Brother Miles,I've sent outalettertocancel 512 00:24:45,800 --> 00:24:51,370 FBI allevents with the FBland other U.S.governmentdepartments 513 00:24:51,370 --> 00:24:55,070 for tomorrow morning All the activities they have scheduled 514 00:24:56,870 --> 00:24:58,070 We are going back to China 515 00:25:02,600 --> 00:25:05,600 ljust listened 2 audio records of yours 516 00:25:07,500 --> 00:25:09,470 Ialso have a new understanding of you 517 00:25:09,600 --> 00:25:13,770 First ofallthank you for commenting onthismatter 518 00:25:13,770 --> 00:25:14,700 whichIwon't say much about 519 00:25:15,100 --> 00:25:21,930 At least it proves you're a trustworthy friend 520 00:25:23,030 --> 00:25:25,530 You know who's your real friend, you're quiteparticular aboutthat 521 00:25:25,530 --> 00:25:27,800 you'requiteparticularaboutthat You know who's your real friend, 522 00:25:27,800 --> 00:25:34,270 You know how difficult it has been for Liu Yanping 523 00:25:35,430 --> 00:25:39,700 told Guo Qiang the other day ... Tobe honest,letmetellyou.l 524 00:25:40,170 --> 00:25:45,370 Both hiswifeandtheelderly inthefamilyhavecancer 525 00:25:45,930 --> 00:25:48,700 and he didn't even accompany them 526 00:25:48,700 --> 00:25:53,570 overhereforyourissue It's really not easy for him tocome 527 00:25:54,230 --> 00:25:56,400 during the Dragon Boat Festiva 528 00:26:00,030 --> 00:26:03,530 Ihope he can be treated well for his entire life 529 00:26:04,470 --> 00:26:08,870 He doesn't have any selfish purposes 530 00:26:09,170 --> 00:26:13,270 A pure sense of responsibility,to talk to you 531 00:26:16,325 --> 00:26:18,325 We need to remember those who treat us well 532 00:26:18,900 --> 00:26:20,900 andl hope you can treat him kindly throughout yourlife 533 00:26:21,670 --> 00:26:24,670 tothe US for the rest ofhis life It would be a pity if he could not come 534 00:26:24,670 --> 00:26:26,400 Hetold me before that 535 00:26:26,670 --> 00:26:29,000 after he retiresnext year 536 00:26:29,370 --> 00:26:32,430 notbeabletooperate because his wife's illness may 537 00:26:32,700 --> 00:26:35,370 He is also planning to bring his wifetotheU.S.fortreatment 538 00:26:36,000 --> 00:26:37,870 which is highly unlikelynow 539 00:26:40,770 --> 00:26:42,900 The possibility of us meeting in NYC 540 00:26:42,900 --> 00:26:45,400 orDcisslim 541 00:26:46,130 --> 00:26:49,500 whichThavenoideawhen Before yougoback toNYC 542 00:26:49,500 --> 00:26:51,130 ifyouwant 543 00:26:51,300 --> 00:26:55,900 IIl give you the phone number of this hotel 544 00:26:55,900 --> 00:26:57,730 We'll use the hotel phone 545 00:26:57,730 --> 00:27:00,600 tohaveanice,detailedchat 546 00:27:01,500 --> 00:27:04,900 From my heart,I feel that 547 00:27:04,900 --> 00:27:06,800 itis not a good idea to drag this matter on 548 00:27:06,900 --> 00:27:10,200 Istill want us to work together ... 549 00:27:10,800 --> 00:27:14,470 todeal withthismatterproperly Ithinkweshould worktogether 550 00:27:16,330 --> 00:27:17,970 What do you think? 551 00:27:29,870 --> 00:27:33,700 l'm worried theaudiolsent you earlierdidn'tgothrough 552 00:27:33,700 --> 00:27:40,270 Let me repeat it,before you leave DC 553 00:27:40,270 --> 00:27:44,270 Maybelcan give my hotel number 554 00:27:46,430 --> 00:27:51,300 We'll talk on the phone to discuss howtodeafwiththismatter 555 00:27:52,400 --> 00:27:54,170 It's saferthatway 556 00:27:54,500 --> 00:27:58,900 Anywayi ecan't talk to each otherthis time 557 00:27:58,900 --> 00:28:02,200 All the things happened today fromthebottomofmyheart 558 00:28:02,200 --> 00:28:05,070 Ihope wecan work togethe 559 00:28:05,500 --> 00:28:07,970 if youcan deal with thismatter 560 00:28:08,670 --> 00:28:11,400 I think it's good for everyone 561 00:28:11,930 --> 00:28:14,800 Brother 562 00:28:14,800 --> 00:28:15,700 Imust be worthy of you 563 00:28:15,700 --> 00:28:15,800 Don't worry, eave it to me 564 00:28:15,800 --> 00:28:18,330 Don't worry leave it to me 565 00:28:23,200 --> 00:28:25,070 You can also ask the FBI FBI 566 00:28:25,400 --> 00:28:29,030 that didIcancel all the activities or not 567 00:28:30,670 --> 00:28:34,500 1,Ithink.I'mhonest 568 00:28:34,500 --> 00:28:36,630 Iwasn't going to talk to them about you 569 00:28:37,300 --> 00:28:40,100 But they accused my intention of meeting you tomorrow 570 00:28:40,100 --> 00:28:41,630 asan attempt to kidnap you 571 00:28:41,630 --> 00:28:43,170 whichisabsolutely unnecessary 572 00:28:43,870 --> 00:28:46,830 I didn't ask them for anything what's the big deal 573 00:28:47,030 --> 00:28:50,830 So,we want to save our own face 574 00:28:51,030 --> 00:28:52,170 There is always a chance for the two of us 575 00:28:52,270 --> 00:28:55,070 toresolvethematter betweenus 576 00:29:01,500 --> 00:29:03,430 AIsoyou also think about it 577 00:29:03,600 --> 00:29:08,730 if this time we cannot meet up in DC 578 00:29:08,830 --> 00:29:12,870 See if there is any otherway ... 579 00:29:13,600 --> 00:29:15,530 wecanfullycommunicate 580 00:29:16,400 --> 00:29:19,630 You can also make a phone call or arrange 581 00:29:19,630 --> 00:29:23,230 a meeting with Guo Qiang or Guo Mei 582 00:29:23,230 --> 00:29:24,630 Youponder thismatter 583 00:29:26,800 --> 00:29:29,430 when it's convenient for you You can give me your number . 584 00:29:29,430 --> 00:29:30,400 ' give you a call 585 00:29:30,500 --> 00:29:32,470 I can also call you when Igo back to NYC 586 00:29:32,470 --> 00:29:34,670 Let's talk about it and arrange a timeline 587 00:29:34,930 --> 00:29:38,200 3 again on the 3rd Because I have to do live broadcast 588 00:29:38,470 --> 00:29:42,400 OnceI start the broadcast, there won't be an end 589 00:29:42,400 --> 00:29:44,370 'm sure l do it before the oth 10 590 00:29:44,730 --> 00:29:48,130 Also 16th is an important date 16 591 00:29:48,500 --> 00:29:51,170 During my broadcast on the day before yesterday, said 48 hours 48 592 00:29:51,170 --> 00:29:52,900 Isaid 24 hours you said 48 hours 2448 593 00:29:53,400 --> 00:29:57,770 them arrange bail pending trial You could simply call China and let 594 00:29:58,100 --> 00:30:01,270 You have a few meetings can easily solve the problem of my assets 595 00:30:01,270 --> 00:30:03,500 It's not that complicated at al! 596 00:30:03,500 --> 00:30:06,000 We both know this very well 597 00:30:06,300 --> 00:30:08,200 The problemIjust mentioned 598 00:30:08,200 --> 00:30:11,900 It would only take a few announcements to solve 599 00:30:12,200 --> 00:30:16,070 Then we can meet in the UK, okay? 600 00:30:16,400 --> 00:30:18,400 I have more connections in the UK than here 601 00:30:18,630 --> 00:30:24,070 Brotherlistentomyadvice andstop messing around 602 00:30:24,070 --> 00:30:26,000 Don't mess around 603 00:30:26,400 --> 00:30:29,530 Ijust hope youmake good money and live a good life 604 00:30:30,870 --> 00:30:35,930 Have a good time with your wife and children 605 00:30:39,570 --> 00:30:41,370 which is more important than anything else 606 00:30:43,200 --> 00:30:48,930 616 Youjust mentioned June 16th 607 00:30:50,370 --> 00:30:52,900 If itis convenient tonight 608 00:30:52,900 --> 00:30:54,470 let's talk about iton thephone 609 00:30:54,770 --> 00:31:00,300 We need to go into details 610 00:31:00,570 --> 00:31:02,930 So,whenl go back to report 611 00:31:02,930 --> 00:31:05,100 Originallywantedtotalkwhenweseeeachother 612 00:31:05,230 --> 00:31:06,670 sincel can't meet up 613 00:31:06,670 --> 00:31:09,700 Thenwejust talk over the phone aboutthespecificsoftheplar 614 00:31:10,000 --> 00:31:12,270 which might be good for everyone. 615 00:31:14,975 --> 00:31:18,100 Brother, trust me, I really want to help you