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Miles Guo 20200122_2

Miles Guo 20200122_2

Dear comrades-in-arms, today is the second live broadcast of Ping An on the afternoon of January 22. Today's newspaper Ping An live broadcast mainly has two things:
The first one is to report to everyone. Now about our motherland in China, something earth-shattering happened: the so-called coronavirus—that is, let’s call it SARS—in Wuhan. New development. Regarding this matter, I rarely say it recently, because it is too big: you should be able to think of the worst. Mr. Luther and Jiang Caishen and An Hong, they are all done, I don't need to say more. However, there are mainly two changes today: very scary-I will tell you about it.
Now, I will read it first (read the names of my comrades)
Dear brothers and sisters, when we are on this live broadcast today, I want to say to everyone: Because we are preparing for these two days, I think it is very important tomorrow,-the annual meeting of the rule of law fund, the rule of law society, 2020. It has been several weeks of preparation, and everyone is very hard, very serious and very serious. Every word and every subject must be seriously reviewed by a lawyer. So now, basically the written materials-the copy and the time arrangement are all over. At this time, when we were working hard to prepare for this, we received two core, two aspects-from the United States, from the CCP. The CCP is their early morning, probably at their 5 o'clock, which is called at 4 o'clock here-very polite, very polite. Thank you, the old leader, also called the old leader, collectively called the old leader.
The first thing to mention: I hope that our G-news will no longer extensively report some domestic and ulterior motives about the Wuhan incident, the so-called infectious diseases and epidemics. Remember: from domestic, ulterior motives, abnormal. Some reports-false reports. I told the old leader: "You first tell me what is meant by ulterior motives and what is false?"
The old leader said politely: "Wengui, if you want to, if you G-news want to report, we can provide you with some official documents, you can go to report. But at this time, you have to assume historical responsibility. In particular, it is proposed to say that Luther, Luther’s pure rumor, is totally afraid that the world will not be chaotic! Your performance these days makes many of our domestic friends who know you feel relieved." said Guo Wengui, still Very good character, still patriotic, and said that I love the party-I love you ass party-love the party. It is said that this critical moment is not like Luther's-lest the world is not chaotic, standing in the country's perspective. So Wengui, in this matter, our interests are the same. Let’s not talk about who you are, or who you are, and talk about your attitude in this respect. We are willing to provide you with first-hand information. In G-news, you said in your live broadcast that this is very good.
Some leaders even said that they should reconsider Guo Wengui's affairs. Say Wengui at this critical moment, as long as you stand upright and sit properly, your assets can be returned to you. Even when the Spring Festival is coming, why can't we let your family reunite with you? We can send a plane to send the family to you, even if you come back to pick it up. When it comes to this, Mr. Luther sent me WhatsApp, and Lao Jiang sent me WhatsApp. I told a yellow joke-it was funny.
I replied to this old leader friend, and I said, "I will reiterate it first. The reason why Guo Wengui didn't express his attitude so quickly on this matter is that I am observing. I have read all Luther's attitudes. I want to tell you something: I think Luther’s is right-we talk about it calmly-as a social media, as a modern social media means, as Mr. Luther himself, and his current collaborators Jiang Caishen, as well as Ms. An Hong, including those who appeared on his show, now Dr. Bo, Ms. Ai, Dr. Xiong, anyone-they have the right to speak, they assume the United States in the United States to give them , Let them have their legal responsibilities."
So, I told the old leader that you are critical of him, which is a bit unacceptable to me. As for saying that you provided me with official documents, I can tell you clearly now: "I won't use one, I can't be your minions, you can't be your propaganda system-this is at least common sense."
Another one, the Chinese New Year, you said to send my family to the Chinese New Year, you don’t want to send one-you don’t send it, I don’t want it. Who are you sending? My two older brothers are in prison, and you won't send them. My brother who is now outside, you have sent them, and my two are in prison-are we worthy of him? Sorry for them. My dad is so old, and he can't fly so long.
Another, very important: If you say that I really stand on the national interest and national interest, you think I am on this issue... I said the only way to stand on the national and national interest is what I want to tell you Is to tell the truth to the Chinese people! What are you afraid of? One case occurred in the United States, and immediately told, is the United States chaotic? No mess!
He specifically talked about this Xiangya Hospital. There are two doctors at Xiangya Hospital. They called me and were arrested by them. They had been arrested for two days. I didn’t tell everyone. I told the old leader: "Can you let these two doctors go, these two doctors just told Wen Gui what is happening in the hospital now, isn't it that you haven't made any fraud? I haven't reported it, nor have I Did not say-I am afraid that these two doctors will hurt you." This buddy is quite interesting, the old leader: "Release immediately, say you can rest assured, immediately, don't put the phone, I will call them now. Let go." I said: "The people tell me the facts, and the information they send to me is also the truth. I said that the information about the Wuhan epidemic obtained by our comrades and the major hospitals in the country is not an exaggeration at all-- There are also a lot of 50,000, and we basically didn’t adopt it. The reason for not adopting it is that this thing is not simple-it’s not a person’s corruption, we have time to verify it, we have time to prove it. If it is wrong, it will cause many people to accidentally injure and die, turning a small incident into a major one."
I said, now you put Wuhan, prohibiting entry and exit. Many people on the highway sent me a message saying that the highway was blocked. My comrades in Xiangfan, our comrades in public prosecution law, said that the entire Fancheng, various guest houses have long been full; what kind of farmhouses in the country have long been full-all ran out. You now seal Wuhan City, can you seal it? Now Xiangfan, the entire Enshi and Huangshi are full of people who ran out of Wuhan. In the past 48 hours, many people drove out of the car. Now the first-class locomotives, as well as train tickets, now everyone is taking the opportunity to make a fortune and prices have all increased.
I said this old leader, you really have to stand in the interests of the nation and the nation, don't talk about your Communist Party, what do you say... the Communist Party, you are a bastard-I didn't speak on the phone there, I said it here. We can't control the Communist Party. Our goal is to destroy your Communist Party.
And I told him clearly, I think this time, natural disaster-I doubt 50%; human disaster, I think 50%. If you have done this man-made disaster, I say this is a big deal. I said that when we exterminated the Communist Party, it would be the first year of the Thunderbolt. what happened? It's okay to say...Yes, scared me to death, Hong Kong girl, I thought you brought the epidemic here, no one found any illness, right? Haha, no.
So comrades-in-arms, I told the old leader that he said something like this: "Wengui, we can make a deal on this matter and we can reverse things completely." Frankly speaking, this matter cannot be reversed, how Could it be reversed? I said, "I can't make this deal, and I say that you don't approve of Mr. Luther's evaluation. Not at all. And not only do I not approve, I think I hope you should correct your attitude. Mr. Luther's I think this show saved a lot of people. You have to encourage him and praise him instead of criticizing him now." He said a lot about what he said.
I said that if your government does not falsify, the government stands up to clarify these facts, what is wrong? What's wrong? Didn’t it turn bad things into good things? I said that we must now tell our compatriots the truth and tell the people that this is a good thing! If you hide it, it's a big deal.
I said, did you let the fire captain Wang Qishan come out to fight the fire? He said, "Ah, let's not mention specific leadership, not specific leadership. "Okay! I won't mention specific leaders. Let me mention Hu Shuli. Is Hu Shuli coming out? He said that Hu Shuli wouldn't talk about it, not about individuals. I said it's OK not to talk about individuals.
Therefore, comrades-in-arms, judging from the current situation, the Communist Party has messed up its rules and regulations regarding the SARS in Wuhan. The epidemic in Wuhan exceeded our thinking. I believe that Mr. Luther’s program and Mr. Lujiang’s program have caused a huge impact in China. I am convinced that they have also saved many people. I feel that this time they have saved many people.
I also feel that it is very, very important. After restarting the dialogue this time, after the first dialogue, I feel that the CCP’s emphasis on the breaking news revolution is more serious than we thought, haha, even more powerful. The influence of Mr. Luther's program is much greater than we think. That's why I gave Mr. Luther and all the comrade-in-arms of Jiang Caishen that they wanted to hug, and they must hug. Because now it has affected the destiny of the country and the nation. So comrades-in-arms, this is not an ordinary thing, and I have to tell everyone in an emergency broadcast.
At the same time, I want to talk about the second thing, that is, we broke the news of the revolutionary treatment of the spread of Wuhan epidemic and our views. I hope that Mr. Luther, Jiang Caishen, Ms. An Hong and all the comrades will increase the intensity of spreading the truth. Rescue the compatriots in Hubei and Wuhan who are in hot water. We want to let the Chinese learn to see the truth. We want to let the Chinese see the power of the truth. At the same time, we hope to appeal to all comrades who have the resources and information to send the new epidemic and new information to Mr. Luther as much as possible. It's very, very important to send it to Carlisle, to the small cobbler.
Don't send it to the chicken leg pan, he will give it to you, and he will not report it. This grandson does not say a word now. Don't send it to Fu Xiqiu, but Fu Xiqiu, he will give you dull honey. This group of grandchildren just cheated money and donated money. Did they say something conscience in front of the epidemic in Wuhan? Do they care a little bit about their countrymen? No.
Why does the Communist Party want Guo Media to cooperate with Guo Media now? G-news is now too influential, and G-news has now become a portal that really influences East and West. This is why they are now willing to make a big deal for Wengui. Wengui depends on the billions of dollars. I'm finished. I'm fooled again. What else? I am an adult dog again.
In addition, the Communist Party knows that it is very difficult for this year, and that it will not pass. This time more reflects our perseverance and dedication of Mr. Luther. They have been suspected and questioned...
By the way, when it comes to this, this Js Shepherd son, I haven’t contacted you with the Shepherd Son yesterday to today. Why did you start challenging Mr. Luther again? I was wondering, what the hell are you doing? The last time I said to Js Shepherd, you challenge Luther again, then I will take action on this matter, you should not be like this. This is not like a comrade-in-arms, you can tell me something directly, you say directly to Mr. Luther, you tell everyone, you don’t have to challenge Mr. Luther. Now the CCP's response proves that Mr. Luther's program hit him.
So I told the old leader that I absolutely disagree with Mr. Luther's program as he defined it, and spread false information. It was precisely Mr. Luther's warning in advance. I believe it will be beneficial to the resolution of this matter, reducing proliferation and reducing casualties. This is why our comrades-in-arms must believe that "the truth is not broken". Why do we believe that he can really save lives by breaking the news revolution.
Of course, the impact of G-news now is not enough for five Lutheran programs, nor does it affect the five Luther programs, because G-news has Chinese and English. Let's take a look at how many people have reposted G-news. Everyone sees that the vast majority of clicks are reposted. This is why he told G-news not to repost this other fake news, so we G-news should spread the news about comrades' outbreaks more widely and spread internal documents and truth from the country as much as possible. society. At this critical moment, like in the Hong Kong incident, we have to stand upright and sit firmly.
Today we have an English channel and opened it. We opened an English channel, which is to prepare for today's live broadcast. All the equipment today, as well as the simultaneous translation system, as well as the lights, including these personnel are all new. This is all new, this is a real professional.
Mr. Luther belongs to "non-professionals", Gong Xiaoxia said. Gong Turkey, haha, Turkey Gong. As soon as Gong said that Luther was not professional, he shook his head and shook his head, as if picking her family's grave. I think Mr. Luther is one of the most professional I have ever seen, very professional.
But today we are our Guo Media, step by step, we are moving towards the top professional.
Now we are only 1200 online, no one knows, comrades don't know. Now you can go to the English channel of GTV with simultaneous translation. You can listen to it, English channel.
Don’t say that shepherds are not good guys.
GTV's English channels can be listened to, English channels.
Say "Shepherds are not good guys", don't say this, don't say this. This, he is still our comrade-in-arms, but as we said this morning, you cannot challenge our comrades in the name of "revolutionary revolution". You can't provoke some people in the name of Guo, this is absolutely not allowed.
(Mr. Wen Gui interacts with his comrades.)
I believe today, this live video and audio may be the best ever. Because of ours, our new photographer, as I said last time, it is very, very professional, very young and very good. Oops, my mother, this audio system is much better with the translation system alone!
So, dear brothers and sisters... On January 22, Wen Gui reported an emergency in Wuhan. Hey! This foreigner has done a good job! Huh? I really didn't pay attention to the design, they designed it well!
 So, today, I will report to my comrades about this Wuhan epidemic. The old leader's phone call, let him use his words. After talking with me, it made him feel very depressed and depressed. Then he said, "I feel like I am under the control of some kind of force now, and I don't say anything in my heart, it's understandable." Thank you for the old leader. I know what it means. Because I am controlled by the United States, I dare not tell the truth. I can tell this old leader that I have no cooperative relationship with any intelligence agency in the United States, nor any cooperative relationship! I am not controlled by anyone! There is nothing inconvenient for me to speak!
 (Mr. Wen Gui interacted with comrades-in-arms, understood the equipment status, conducted equipment debugging, and conducted simultaneous interpretation tests in Chinese and English.)
 Translation is very good, very good, this channel is particularly good. Now I think, I want to give this to everyone, in this live broadcast. (Mr. Guo answered his comrades: Spring Festival Gala Live! Live broadcast!)
I repeat here again. Tomorrow, that is, 23rd New York time, is the whole day, and the morning is the annual meeting of the entire rule of law fund. All the directors are present. Since Mulan is the director, she is in Australia, and this is not coming, so she can only live broadcast on the online phone, and the online video may give everyone a meeting. Then, after the live broadcast meeting, in the afternoon, that is, at 4 o'clock, from 3:30 to 4 o'clock, a full live broadcast will be performed on this table. Who is there? Tomorrow will be Mr. Bannon, Mr. Kelbas, Mr. Bill Geez, Mr. Luther, Ms. Sara, Ms. Kylin, and another Secretary-General Jennifer, as well as lawyers and n consultants. Out of the camera. There will be six people sitting on this table, so now it is a round table, now it is a round table. So tomorrow probably, that is, about this time tomorrow, it will start to broadcast between 3:30 and about 7 o'clock. This is tomorrow.
Then the day after tomorrow, which is 29 next year, the mainland, that is, the 30th night of the New Year before the Spring Festival of the day after the mainland, when the Beijing Spring Festival Gala begins, we are here, it is one hour later than it, at seven here, Beijing An hour after the Spring Festival Gala, at 8 o'clock, Wen Gui watched the start of the Spring Festival Gala. Wen Gui looks at the Spring Festival Gala. I said this morning that most of them are videos, recalling the history of our breaking news. No VIPs, we have no money! No money! Guo liar has no money! It's all over! So there is no money. I can only broadcast it myself, there is no VIP, no VIP.
 So, (the camera looks better on the side than on the front). So, comrades, hope this, I hope you can know this. So to speak, our geniuses have absolutely nothing to do in the Spring Festival Gala, and there is no such violence. Let me tell you clearly, because violence is absolutely impossible. I have some words now, not only among my comrades, but also some domestic comrades who have failed to respond. Many of my family members and colleagues say that they can never do this! Another one, Wang Jian's family, wrote a very long letter to me, I hope this Spring Festival, don't let Wang Jian's body become the Chinese New Year's dinner. Ok! I promised, but it will be released in the end, and the double repair video will also be released, rest assured. This is a.
In addition, the live broadcast time is probably 7:00 here on the morning of the 24th, and 8:00 on the mainland. At one or two o'clock in the morning, the live broadcast to the mainland may end early. I didn't applaud everyone's applause so I ended it early.
 No money, buy a camera! I even have water. Take the water from the faucet in the restroom with the bottle. Yeah, brothers? What's wrong? We just talked about it for a long time, and I told everyone that I finished this just today. After finishing this, I will tell everyone. Don't underestimate this call this afternoon. I think that for the first time since the Revolution broke out, Luther was truly listed on the official list, proving the influence of Mr. Luther's live broadcast. Jiang Caishen also entered the eyes of others, and An Hong also entered the eyes of law.
 correct! Today, I would like to say a special sentence, saying: "How excited is An Hong today! It is almost anti-national!" Ouch! I said, "You said it was really good. I really listened to An Hong's show." I said, "She is right! How deep is love, how deep is hate! Because she loves Chinese! She thinks that the image of the Chinese is too bad overseas! She doesn’t want the Chinese to go to the supermarket to grab other people’s stuff! To pee in the shop! Like the chicken leg pan liar, cheating donations everywhere Ah! I think Ms. An Hong speaks very well. I speak about Wang Qishan, he does not let me speak, the name of the leader, and does not target individuals. I say Hu Shuli does not let me speak, then you speak of us An Hong, speak Luther, speaking of Lao Jiang, why don't you let me speak?" Right?
Then, he said: "I'm glad that you haven't turned this thing into an international event. You don't want to discuss this issue with Bannon in your live broadcast. I heard you broadcast live tomorrow, don't talk to Bannon and Kelba Americans like Sri Lanka have wrongly conveyed the wrong message!" Haha! I believe that tomorrow, Bannon, Mr. Kelbas, Mr. Luther, and Sara are here, and there is no need to talk about this Wuhan incident.
 You said, I said I was this morning, I really did not watch Luther and this morning video. But after many comrades sent me this An Hong speech, and Luther talked, I went to the bathroom, where I put it in the shower, washing. As a result, you said, I just listened to him and An Hong, and Ms. Ai was talking there, and it made me feel hot! Very excited!
Hey, what about my cell phone? I am going to call An Hong to pay my cell phone. Today, Ms. An Hong and Ms. Ai dropped my mobile phone from the bathroom, because I was wearing a waterproof cover, "Bao" fell off, and I broke it in the corner. You have to pay for the new mobile phone!
(Mr. Guo said to the simultaneous interpretation) I am listening to your speech now, you have translated 40%. Did you hear, Gratis? You have translated forty percent, if you want to translate like this tomorrow...
So, dear brothers and sisters, from this phone call this morning, we can see that they were really afraid of the Wuhan incident. And I think this Wuhan event will be very big.
Let me tell you one more thing. This is the Year of the Thunderbolt. I will definitely stand on the side of the Chinese people. I will certainly bless the revolution and will join us in exposing the Communist Party’s falseness, ugliness, evil, and deception. The year of the thunderbolt is not yet in the Spring Festival, and it is less than a month after the Gregorian year. How many thunderbolts have happened!
I will tell you now that the Wuhan incident will see different results for me in the next 70 hours. Why do I say that the Wuhan incident is not the third gate yet. The Sino-US trade agreement is not the third gate, nor the third gate to the death of the Communist Party, so we have to wait.
Today, you see the corner of my mouth, cracked. This corner of my mouth cracks as soon as this time in New York. You see me in the corner, it's all cracked. Then I speak every day, I speak more than ten hours a day. What kind of mouth can bear? Think about it! You said that a good person could get rid of it by Chen Feng to Shuang Xiu, but it was only two or three hours. With my mouth, I speak for more than ten hours every day. God, my mouth is powerful enough! Can stand two or three rolling pins.
I see you translation, rolling pin, rolling pin I see translation. Do you know what a rolling pin is? Laugh, what is a rolling pin, do you know? So with this translation, I am listening to you. It's your rolling pin, you must translate it. This is interesting.
(Mr. Wen Gui interacts with his comrades.)
So, comrades, today, thank you! Thank you!
(Mr. Wen Gui interacts with his comrades.)
Kim San Fat, you will hear the news, you will hear the news.
Dear brothers and sisters, you will soon hear about these huge, thunderbolt years.
Okay, dear brothers and sisters, we are here for today’s live broadcast. Okay, we are praying this morning, and I will not pray. Simple, thank you comrades, thank you! See you tomorrow, see you tomorrow afternoon! Tomorrow morning, I might have a simple one, record a small video for you all for a few minutes. But tomorrow night is a big live broadcast.
Thank you comrades, everything is just beginning! Thank you!
-January 24, 2020 
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Text version: January 22, 2020 Wen Gui talks about the Chinese Communist Party's new 4000 hermit extermination plan and the practice of stealing the country in the name of the Sino-US trade agreement
January 22, 2020 Wengui Talk: The Chinese Communist Party's New 4000 Hermit Explosion Plan and the Practice of Stealing the Country in the Name of the Sino-US Trade Agreement
Comrades' Home Dictation Team
Is it black or is it? Wow! Yeah so dark! My mother is here, right!
Dear comrades, good! Today is January 22, comrades, have you exercised? Have you spread the truth about the Hong Kong crisis? Comrades, ah! Wow! Our photographer bought me this new equipment, Super Super Cow, Super Super Cow. Just such a small one, this small one spotlight is many times the past. Wow! This technology is really amazing.
Dear brothers and sisters, good! Why should I hurry up? I said, everyone see it! I just finished finishing my hair, this healthy body, finished my hair. and then! Suddenly give everyone a safe live broadcast. Because of my two phones! As soon as I looked full, I couldn't help it. On the other two phones, people told me that it was already full, so comrades, you have sent a lot of messages, I can’t get it back, I can only reply to you in this group.
When I was exercising today, first of all, when I was exercising, I was excited and my body was swollen. I saw so many people in Hong Kong and in Hong Kong at that scene yesterday. sorry! Wow! So many people in that Hong Kong shouted, "Recover Hong Kong, the top five appeals." The people of Hong Kong are too great, that is, the people of Hong Kong are so great that there is really no way to describe them.
At 6 o'clock this morning, I and a friend in Egypt, we had a video. The friend of Egypt just returned from Hong Kong. His respect for the people of Hong Kong is really like the Tao Tao River that our comrade Lao Jiang said. It is really Tao Tao River. It is full of praise. He said that he has visited some of the restaurants in Hong Kong and these public places in Hong Kong, including some government agencies in the past, including Nanwan, Deep Water Bay, Repulse Bay and some places in Kowloon. He went to see them for three or four days. time. Because he is old Hong Kong, his ex-wife is an Indian who originally settled in Hong Kong.
His view of Hong Kong is different from the original one. He said this time, this kind of blood in Hong Kong was a baptism of Hong Kong people. Hong Kong people deeply felt that the peaceful lives of Hong Kong people, the compromise of Hong Kong people and the ostrich consciousness of Hong Kong people in the past few decades thought that the Communist Party had to give us 50 years and so on. They reflected on it.
After reflection, they began to break out in this movement. This explosion was reflected in the streets of 800,000, 1.5 million, 2 million, and then 2 million people; then the Hong Kong people died from the abnormal death of six people to 68 Individuals died abnormally, 300 people died abnormally, 700 people died abnormally, and now 7600 people died abnormally.
This buddy is definitely an amazing person. He is a rare person in Egypt who knows Jewish history, Egyptian history, Mayan culture, and Chinese civilization. He said that this time in Hong Kong, this movement will never stop or stop silently. No one can stop him. There is another, he said, that he saw this (movement) as a major spiritual and national enlightenment for the Chinese nation. After I heard goose bumps, I didn't have this height. As soon as he said it, I understood.
He said, I said from the following points of view. I probably don’t say it one by one. The core point of view, I very much agree-that the Chinese have paid for this kind of economic life today. The price they pay is the country’s land, air, soil and water. For the next hundred years, The devastation of soil that could not be restored for hundreds of years. He said that it is really the Chinese who drink thirst to quench their thirst.
He said that the country's economy has become stronger. But this country is now facing the core of this nation, where should we go? In terms of the spiritual realm of the Chinese, the belief of the Chinese, and the national spiritual quality of the Chinese, he is called the spiritual constitution. He talked about one, the other completely followed one, and reached the most dangerous state. Many of our behaviors have reached a level that is incomparable to animals, or to pets, and some pets are more civilized.
This is, really, he said, so this time let the Chinese and you quickly reach the second place in the world's wealth. Then let you see what will happen to your lack of spirit and lack of faith, just as your left leg and right leg cannot be balanced, you will be planted like a head.
In Hong Kong, Hong Kong gave the best reflection to the Chinese nation. When Hong Kong and the Chinese have reached the level of civilization like Hong Kong, the society ruled by law, then, is moving towards a mature democracy and the so-called Communist Party's all-day political system suitable for the Chinese. When the economy is extremely developed, when life is extremely rich, what should you want? Hong Kong has given you the answer: the priority and common selectivity of conscience, social order and social groups, which is the will of the vast majority of people.
We went to school too little, too little to read and read, it was Guo San seconds, Guo rape, and Guo liar, and I didn’t want to study these big things. Now when I heard someone say it, I suddenly felt infinite height. Yes! Yesterday it was possible to see the panic created by Hong Kong in the Communist Party! Are predicting. The so-called new type of SARS, when the virus on bats prepares Hong Kong people to dare not take to the streets. Hong Kong people gather in this place in Hong Kong again and again, and the five major demands of speaking are equally important, and their voices are louder. When I returned to Hong Kong, I shouted louder.
So another point of view said by this Egyptian friend, I very much agree. Anyway, what you see now is that China and the Chinese nation have the most disadvantageous roots, and they are not even comparable to animals and pets. We have reached the lowest level of humans and the animal world, but you can see the true attribute of the Chinese nation, that is, Hong Kong-that is, Hong Kong people give you an extreme answer at the same time, Hong Kong people give you with life and blood Extreme answer.
There is no problem with the constitution of the Chinese nation. There is no problem with the personality and unique attributes of the Chinese nation. The ethnicity of the Chinese nation is absolutely no problem, and it is very good. it is good! No matter what anyone says, everyone believes that the Chinese nation is fine and the Chinese are fine.
Therefore, the Egyptian friend said: "What is wrong with China? The biggest problem that the Chinese have now is the "tumor tumor" that has been in China for thousands of years, all the so-called "historic cancer" that has condensed on the body. ,'Mental cancer'. It burst out when I encountered the poisonous inducement of the Communist Party! So the Chinese now either choose to die from the "virus" cancer of the Communist Party and history; or they choose to go to Hong Kong and become the best in the world. Let the most respected nation in the world!" "Okay!" (Raise your hands to praise!) You can't do it without saying good! (Again, raise your hands and praise hard!) Hong Kong people are so great! The people of Hong Kong are one of the directions we go, the example we learn, the goal we pursue!
When it comes to this time, I will not say much, I will talk about this recently "Ping Bing Group" has a plan called "Four Thousand Hermits". I only learned yesterday that I will report to you again. Comrades, recently on Twitter, YouTube, and on all social media, just write "Guo Zhanyou" and "Ting Guo Zhanyou", everyone of Ting Guo must remember, you see him behind him, he Have little followers and they are all new; or some are very smart, they have plans to say that the group of people is very smart, and the people who are very smart are very smart. They all follow your Twitter to whom you transfer. (Text). If you've never turned Guo Tweet (text), Luther's tweet (text), and Guo Zhanyou's tweet (text), they will block you. So they also transferred some Guo Wengui's news, and also Mr. Luther, Kalixi, ah, and our "little tanner", our "Bai Ye" (and so on) everything, Our "Mulan Legend". But if you look at it, it's all new, probably at 30, 50 and 100 views. Even quickly reached 500 followers, making you feel that I am not new.
Comrades, I appeal now! (Salute with both hands) To eliminate the so-called "hermit" of the Communist Party-the "four thousand hermit" plan. I just put on Guo Zhuang suit, put on Guo Zhan hat, named Guo Guo, then turned Guo Guo's news, and then scolded our comrades. Many of us have been fooled! They know very well (the purpose) is never to scold you. For example, running under a comrade who is not determined, doubting you, challenging you, and pointing you in the name of Guo Guoying, and supporting Guo comrade; do not fan you, and then let you "hate" you to fight him, Ah you are Guo Zhanyou. Then he was not determined, and slowly pulled, "Bang ~" passed, this is called "four thousand hermits." Comrades, don't be fooled! (Salute hands folded)
Comrades, we have enough wisdom. In the past, the comrades named "Guo's" specifically, you can change the name. Our true Guo is not necessarily written on that name. Tell all (hermits) to be exposed for a while, let them lay them on the beach, let them, the people who mixed into our water, we withdraw, let them all called Tingguo, fake Tingguo all sun on the beach on. Dear brothers and sisters, you must remember! The "Four Thousand Hermits" are very toxic-many of the "Four Thousand Hermits" were reported by Guo in the past for a long time, have been arrested by the police, or threatened by the police. Let him tweeting (text) on social media, Twitter, Guo media, and Gpost, including under various live broadcasts, in accordance with his (his own) tone, to carry out this provocation, separation, and abetment in his name Many people follow him. Comrades, don't be fooled! When you live broadcast, there is something below (in the name of Ting Guo) to question you, you don’t need to think, this person has been controlled; there is another (category) called Ting Guo’s name, specifically saying that you are uncomfortable The words are what make you doubt and make you angry. Comrades, be sure! Comrades (hands folded together) We have nothing to do without this IQ! right? ! Hope everyone, as soon as possible! (Salute your hands together) Treat yourself (the hermit found).
(Answer the phone)
Another one, when we do the social media of the breaking news revolution, everyone should remember: the Communist Party’s challenge and the Communist Party’s so-called things to us, don’t care, don’t care! You care and you lose! look! You say I am a liar, I am a liar, what can I do? ! What the hell are you doing? What are you doing? You just love to watch the video and not pull it down! Don't lie to you, don't lie to you. is not it? ! Don’t let you, you don’t have to donate to me, do you? ! "Law Fund" If you don't want to donate, don't donate! Right? ! It has nothing to do with me. is not it? ! If you don’t want to see it, don’t watch it! You said I was "Guo Rape", I didn't rape you, and you didn't rape you, only you know. right? ! (Laughs) Right? ! So, if you call me "Guo Three Seconds," I will take three seconds. I'm not going to bed with you, what can I do? ! Everyone remember! Don't be fooled! Don't follow their footsteps, (if) follow their footsteps, we will lose!
Especially this year, at this time, don’t waste time or be fooled! And there are a lot of people with deep lurking will jump out! Let them jump out. rest assured! As long as he jumps high, you give it to Wengui, and I will take it for you all! He was there, unreasonable, you let him die by himself! This is all right! Very clear! That's it.
Another one, I want to say one. In the past few days, everyone should pay attention to the actions of the United States! What are you waiting for in America? What is the US waiting for? Comrades, the United States is waiting for the effective period of "30 days"! All the United States now, I can tell you, I met Americans, I did not see anyone optimistic about this so-called "first agreement", "Sino-US trade agreement"; I did not see a person think this agreement It is good for the United States, and no one thinks that this agreement can be implemented. However, everyone thinks that some of the Communists on Wall Street, the so-called "partners" of the thieves will use this opportunity to show to the United States and China: we got such a license, we got such a license, we This is XX. Everyone will see a lot, and the Communist Party has already worked with them. According to the information I have, in the next month or two, the CCP will show it to the United States: I bought your soybeans, I bought your pork, I bought your agricultural products, and then signed a large contract with Microsoft and signed with IBM Big contract. It's exactly the same! Then, the fund was allowed to come in, and the bank was allowed to hold 80% or 90% of the shares. "Pappa" came out like a firework. As you all remember, when the leaders of the Communist Party want to go to the "blue-golden" or "BGY" countries, when you go to this country, you remember that a bunch of state-owned enterprises have flooded. At the press conference, the reporters interviewed and voted 3 billion and 5 billion. Just like in "Davos", I bought the British company, and I bought that company. It's exactly the same! What is this called? Does everyone remember what this is called? This is purely political propaganda, this is pure "BGY", public "BGY", "blue-golden". Nothing will be honored! What is needed is the political effect! What is needed is the brainwashing effect and the purpose of deception. More important thing! He wants to cover the illegitimate children of thieves in the West and steal Chinese money with these Western partners. He wants to "cross the mountain and the sea." You see, I have reformed and opened up. For the sake of national policy, for the benefit of the country, I strategically introduced XX funds from the United States and XX banks strategically, giving him 85% or even 100% equity, including Give them the state-owned so-called bad assets. What is bad assets? If your comrades don’t know what bad assets are, then you don’t understand the Communist Party. Zhu Rongji began to separate the assets of state-owned banks from state-owned enterprises, and separately handled and packaged the so-called separation. Produced China Cinda Assets, what is CITIC Assets. Remember, in the end, all these bad assets have become the best assets in their homes!
Because of what, who will determine the price of bad assets, Zhu Rongjiding and Wang Qishan have set it for the past 30 years, but no one has set it, and Huang Ju has set it for a few days. Huang Ju, on these two orders, Zhu Rongji's family and Wang Qishan's family, of course, as long as they are gangsters, Jiang family, Jiang Zhicheng, Jiang Mianheng want, then you go aside, I want to eat first, of course, choose the best eat.
Why non-performing assets, I can give an example, how much is the total assets of CCB, 80 billion, when I brought it, I said 80 billion is 80 billion, when I deal with non-performing assets, I put 80 billion Instead, one less zero is called 8 billion yuan. I want to sell it to my illegitimate children. I only need eight yuan to remove one hundred zeros, and all of them can be zero or eight. All laws and policies, you must see that it is pulling rubber bands, how flexible it is, and where is its elasticity, everyone should be clear, this is what is written in the Sino-US trade agreement. The United States allows American funds to buy The CCP’s bad assets are so stupid here, who will buy them? Who is going to buy it? An Hong to buy? Ms. An? Dr. Bo bought? Dr. Xiong buy? Luther buy? is it possible? Call Lao Jiang to buy? Lao Jiang can't afford to buy a zero, don't look at Lao Jiang's family living in a mansion.
The reason is very simple. We all saw in the process of the revolution that the Communist Party wanted to know what it wanted to do at a glance. It was a designated robbery of the country, which was written in the policy. The US pension fund, the US retirement fund, and the US education fund have already Stop investing in the CCP. Let the US government agree that the money can be invested in certain Wall Street funds. These funds will buy these assets. These assets are bought in the United States. After a period of management, the management fee is charged. The illegitimate children of the thieves in the United States wearing wigs, blond hairs, yellow hairs, Wang Qishan, Meng Jianzhu, Sun Lijun, Jiang Zemin, etc., reappeared in their image, controlling the CCP, and turned around outside. That's it, comrades, this is the core.
Therefore, everyone will see a series of US investments in China and a series of mergers and acquisitions. They are not Americans, and behind them are all Communist thieves. The first part of the China-US trade agreement is the most important part of the plan to steal the country.
Another one, comrades-in-arms, when all the Sino-US trade agreements are signed here, you have to see one, and the other is a mystery, Hong Kong stock market, Shanghai stock market, New York stock market, look at the past now, from before signing to signing Afterwards, the entire gold market and bulk trade transactions, this change is almost the same, some people make big money, some people play big money, this is a conspiracy, absolutely a conspiracy, our breaking news revolution will let the world know the truth, our breaking news revolution will Let the whole world see and understand.
Dear brothers and sisters, a lot of things, now I will not say much, today we are all in the early stage of preparing the first all the board of directors of the legal fund of tomorrow, so the meeting will be held at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning. It is not live broadcast. It may be possible to meet with you briefly in the front. Look at the scene. All the directors, except for the director of Mulan, did not arrive, then about 3:30 to 4 in the afternoon, 3:30 to 4 in New York time Point, all the board of directors live broadcast, will live broadcast, probably live two to three hours, two to three hours, this is tomorrow's plan.
Then on New York time on the 24th, which is the 30th night of New Year’s Day in Beijing on the mainland, the entire GTV live broadcast is at seven o’clock in the morning in New York and 38 o’clock in the New Year in Beijing. I am talking about Wengui alone, and then it is a video with a large amount of review, and then it is to talk about Wengui’s views. There are no VIPs, no moderators, no new news, no blood, no violence, I will repeat it again , A violent picture will not be displayed, a double repair video will not be displayed, there is no new material, so everyone does not want to watch, everyone goes to the New Year.
Because this year's New Year's Eve 30th "Wengui watching the Spring Festival Gala" will be very simple, mainly some videos, and then review the three years of breaking news and some processes, then Chinese and English channels, Chinese channels and English channels are opened at the same time, simultaneous Translation, simultaneous translation. Because this year's "Wengui watching the Spring Festival Gala" is mainly for Americans, for Europeans, and for officials in the West, and many of us in Europe and America are willing to watch this program, but also transfer, It also needs to be rebroadcasted, because this is why we want to engage in English channels. Through this time foreigners and "Wengui see Spring Festival Gala", through the translation of Chinese and English, so that they can see more clearly the nature of the Communist Party as a rogue, fraudulent theft, Black nature. So let me reiterate it again, on the 24th of New York time from 7am to 1pm, that is from 8pm to 2am on New Year’s Day, Beijing time, ah, "Wen Gui watching the Spring Festival Evening" has no violent news, There are no double-education videos, no guests, and Wen Gui is alone, so everyone should do the New Year and New Year, what should they do, okay.
Then, tomorrow, it will be 9 o'clock in the morning on New York time on the 23rd. On the 24th in the evening on the mainland, the entire legal fund will hold a full-day meeting. After the meeting, it will be open to two o'clock. It’s all a vote, an agenda, and then go to dinner, after dinner, Mr. Bannon, Mr. Karbas, Mr. Bill Getz, Mr. Luther, Ms. Sara, and this work team behind us a dozen , All will come to the live broadcast room, but the shots, except for Ms. Mulan, all board members will be shots, will be shots, here, mainly for me to the directors, all the board, everyone asks some questions, including There are a lot of questions that comrades care about. I will ask, if you have any questions, you can send them to me, or leave a message below and I will reply you in time.
Thank you dear brothers and sisters, comrades. Now pray for the people of the world, the people of Taiwan, the people of Hong Kong, the people of Xinjiang, and the people of Tibet???????????????
Thank you comrades, comrades, bye, bye! thanks, thanks!