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Miles Guo 20200101

Miles Guo 20200101

On the live broadcast on January 1, 2020, first of all, Wen Gui is here seriously and seriously, like swearing in court, swearing to his comrades: in 2020 we must eliminate the Communist Party, which we define as the "Pangu Year of the Thunderbolt".
Dear comrades, if you think this year, we need, we can, we should eliminate the Communist Party, please raise your right hand and join me in making a solemn oath for our Himalayan goals and missions.
Dear comrades, Wen Gui is sworn in.
Today, at the beginning, we will solemnly, seriously and seriously serve our 1.4 billion compatriots, Hong Kong compatriots, Xinjiang compatriots, Tibetan compatriots, Taiwan compatriots and people all over the world. Together with our tens of thousands of victimized comrades-in-arms and Chinese compatriots, wipe out the biggest cancer in human history-the Communist Party of China 
Comrades, now we have officially entered into January 1, 2020, our Pangu year of the thunderbolt, that is, we have entered the year of total extinction beginning on January 1, 2020 AD. Dear comrades, today, I want to chat in this area, not so solemn and not so serious, when and when to talk, go to the bathroom if you want to go to the bathroom in the middle.
Then, I hope that my comrades can talk about it easily. My personal thoughts of Guo Wengui in the breaking news revolution in 2019. I also hope to share some of the experiences I have not talked about in the past with my comrades. I will also give you a rough summary of what we should do in 2020, of course, the most important year for us Chinese is still the Spring Festival, but the world has entered the moment of global automatic communist and joint communist era. The calendar year is very important.
So comrades are all very relaxed. If you should eat melon seeds, you should eat melon seeds.
Today I first apologize to my comrades-in-arms. In 2019, I think I have made too many mistakes. Looking back now, the time of the last week, strictly speaking, the last two weeks, from Phoenix and Los Angeles (travel) to now, I have been thinking about what I did wrong in 2019, how can I not make this in 2020 mistake.
The more terrible the more thinking, Wengui has done too many wrong things. For example, recently, we are more lively, Guo Baosheng's court case, and the chicken leg pan establishment fund fraud case, against our comrades and the rule of law fund, and turkey Gong, including turkey Gong can enter the rule of law fund and become a series of directors. These few cases have greatly affected the focus of our communist party, and shifted and blurred our focus. Distracted our attention, and even divided some of our comrades-in-arms, which has a considerable negative impact on our breaking news.
But these things, like when I was in court in Washington, I blamed myself every moment. When I saw that Mr. Gong hurt Mr. Bannon, when I was completely glaring and talking nonsense, and when Washington was negatively affecting us, I absolutely felt that Guo Wengui was really guilty of death.
Then there was the little rotten chicken leg pan, and many kind comrades were hurt. But if you look back, dear comrades, turkey gong, fake priest liar Guo Baosheng, and chicken thigh pan, this one of them, which one is not Wengui in the live broadcast, let the comrades believe them, Let the comrades support.
Last night, in Mr. Shun Hong’s show, Taiwan’s sister, our sister Huang, made my heart feel uncomfortable. Many donations to this Sisipan were because they supported the breaking news revolution and Wengui, but they were heartbroken after reading it. Japan's comrades-in-arms donated money to him for a year in a row, but this Japanese comrade-in-arms was to give away takeouts, and give out the monthly money for takeouts to him.
Let’s look at the turkey gong again. Among our comrades-in-arms, there are a few pure Americans who work in the US government, all are very frugal Americans, and some in the media, say Miles, I just believe you, I Only donated money to him. In our presidential election, I did not donate more than 500 US dollars, and I donated more than 1,000 US dollars to Sasha Gong.
Like I said, one of our eldest sisters in Washington has worked in the US government department for decades, without a white hair, and saved a total of hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is a lot of money in the United States, she also Unmarried all his life, he donated tens of thousands of dollars to Guo Baosheng, so Guo Baosheng cheated. Like I said, we have a comrade who is from China, does an online store, has a physical disability, immigrated to Canada, from a series of people like Lai Jianping, Yuan Hongbing, Guo Baosheng, etc., including Yang Jianao, the bastard, one People in the series cheated and cheated, pitted and pitted, and finally got pitted by Guo Baosheng. After being pitted by Guo Baosheng, he said, okay, Wengui, I have to be careful, and finally I was panned by chicken legs.
This comrade-in-arms completely heard Wengui's praise and praise for these people on the show, and thought it was a comrade-in-arms.
Comrades, this turkey gong hurts us in Washington more than money. The turkey gong took the mission, went to Capitol Hill, went anywhere, took her with her, she thought it was good, but Americans think that she is a succinct Chinglish rotten English, rumours are spread all over the world, rumours are expensive, discredit Bannon, discredit the rule of law fund. You don't feel that injury, comrades.
These things happened with Wen Gui's cowardice and excessive kindness, which also included Wen Gui's ignorance and planted these evils. After the breaking news revolution succeeds, everyone will find that the bad role that turkey Gong played in our breaking news revolution in Washington is something comrades have never imagined.
You didn't think about it seriously, she is from some official media. Not everyone in this world can tell right from wrong. Especially in the case of national governance under the abduction of the Chinese Communist Party, with a firewall, an absolute big publicity machine, and a big publicity machine, our 1.4 billion fellow citizens can figure out the facts, distinguish black and white, and distinguish good from evil. difficult.
Not only that, the Guo Baosheng fraud case has a great impact on the entire pastor community, as well as the past comrades, and the psychological impact. There is a false pastor Guo Baosheng in the religious world. Many Chinese religious fields in the United States, many friends sent me a message saying that Wengui, we know that Guo Baosheng is not a good thing, but because you say good things to him every time, we still support him silently in the end, and even donate to him Money.
As Mr. Luther once said, the first time he met, he (Luther) took him (Guo Baosheng) to the white church. Guo Baosheng had no idea what kind of church, and immediately sent a donation slip to everyone to make a donation. Guo Baosheng, who used our breaking news revolution to send donations everywhere, how much money he cheated.
Everyone saw Gong Xiaoxia, which I launched yesterday, and WhatsApp that Turkey Gong sent me. Gong Xiaoxia clearly told me that she knew that Guo Baosheng had donated US$2.08 million. Turkey Gong clearly told me in the WhatsApp newsletter that the white man he was looking for in the lawsuit was the grandson of the president. This is quite Guo Guo's news. Later, because Fu Xiqiu, a leader of the Chinese religious community called Fu Xiqiu in the United States, was specifically engaged in political asylum. This Fu Xiqiu gave Guo Baosheng money for 1,800 US dollars an hour to deal with the explosive revolution. The purpose is to let Guo Wengui have no energy and time to break the news.
At the same time, everyone also saw that the boss of the roast duck restaurant was Gao Gaohan, Gao Binghan or Gao Shenghan, and he also paid money to pay the lawyer's fees, and said that he would win US$3 million in Wengui, half in half. The owner of the roast duck restaurant and Mr. Fu Xiqiu, the so-called leader of the Chinese religious community in the United States, pestered Guo Baosheng. This is a joint operation of the false religious world and the false pastor world, which attacked Wengui and the breaking news revolution.
So, do you see Guo Baosheng's case or the $2,000 case? Is it still the case of $25,000? Is it still the $42,000 case? Of course it is not!
You can also make it clear from Mr. Zhao Yan’s WhatsApp that I launched yesterday. One named Zhao Bo, it was remitted to Think Chen and Chen Jun for 2 million dollars at a time, and there will be more, to Xiong Xianmin and Meng They are good friends, and the rented house is for these people. In the words of Mr. Zhao Yan, the purpose of these people is to destroy the breaking news revolution. Think about it, Meng Weishen, Xiong Xianmin, and Xia Yeliang have also moved up. Has Xia Yeliang got the money? Everyone knows that he has also made hundreds of thousands of dollars. This animal is extremely bad, which is not to take the money of the Communist Party, which is not to take dirty money.
The Guo Baosheng case, the Meng Wei case, the Xiong Xianmin case, the Xia Yeliang case, the Li Hongkuan case, and the Chen case, all belong to one person: Wu Zheng. Who is behind Wu Zheng? Sun Lijun, Meng Jianzhu, Wang Qishan-Communist Party. So, if you look at Guo Baosheng’s case, can it be that simple?
Then, the chicken leg pan case just happened again. Think about it, you can see that in 2017 and 18 years, no one knows, the so-called filament, this person contacted me before, he showed that he has the ability to hack, he has the technology of hacking, but we do not have Use him. We never let him hack, technology, master any information, never, he can now say that we never did. Even what he said did not even reply. We gave him money, and it was not terrible. Guo Wengui even shouted for him ignorantly and stupidly every day. Today, all the comrades believed in Wen Gui’s shouting and created the swindler. On social media, in the past two years, everyone has believed that he is fully supportive of the breaking news revolution. He is quite venerable. Extermination of the Communist Party. It was not until recently that he found a fund.
Everyone remembers that there are many kinds of funds. He is a fund for playing for himself, which is a scammer fund. It is purely the 2019 version of Guo Baosheng, how many people have been cheated. But looking back now, whether it was chicken leg Pan's deception and Guo Baosheng's stupid person, for a time, he was also a very influential person on the Internet. And turkey Gong cheated the money of the comrades, almost 90% of the money, all of them broke the news of our revolutionary comrades, their popularity, it can also be said that eight or ninety were given to them by our revolutionary comrades.
But the three of them, at different times, in different ways, to different degrees, and in different fields, have caused tremendous harm to Wengui and the breaking news revolution, and have deceived the feelings of many comrades in arms. What's more, it's especially bad, like this person with a silk, a wife and two children, every day on the Internet, in the name of being a virgin and handsome man, brows and eyeballs, gossips, and a hippie smile, passed to many of our female comrades. A lot of incorrect information.
Therefore, there are pornographic scammers, emotional scammers, family scammers, nominal scammers, political scammers, religious scammers, as well as Meng Weishen and Xiong Xianmin who are all scammers who make false political asylums, and Xia Yeliang such educational scammers, then Not to mention the scammers who eat the June 4th blood buns and under the guise of democratic democracy.
The worst thing is that because of the indiscriminate mention of Wengui and emotional use, this has brought such serious consequences. This matter, after January 1, 2020, I want to reflect, reflect, and correct. I will never mention anyone's name in the future, and I will not go to the platform for others in my programs. Because I do realize that my comrades trust me, I cannot abuse it. I sent my heart to the deceived comrades, and the comrades who hurt the feelings, here to express my heart apologize to you, apologize, apologize, apologize!
At the same time, these people who were cheated by money, Wen Gui appealed here, please contact Mulan, Luther, Sara to provide you with the cheated bill. We must return justice for you, get justice, and never pull them down.
The legal proceedings in Australia are ongoing. As we all know about Guo Baosheng’s case, there are two more cases waiting for him, and a few more cases are waiting for him. Xia Yeliang has at least ten other cases waiting for him. All cases of Xiong Xianmin and Meng Weishen this year will allow him to stay in prison and the court for a lifetime, and neither will let them go. Chen thinks, Ding Jing, He Pin, we will definitely go to court this year.
So comrades-in-arms, Wengui did his utmost to recover the injury and hope to get your cooperation and understanding. So the first thing to talk about this year is Wengui’s ignorance, excessive kindness, and childishness. From these little things, you can see from the point of knowing people and doing things.
Therefore, I am definitely not suitable for politics. If I want to engage in politics, the country will be in chaos, and the people will be in dire straits. This is absolutely not enough. So you have to say that the Communist Party is gone. If someone like Guo Wengui is going to be in power, then it’s over. This country may be even more miserable. The people will be even more miserable. People cannot be blended.
Speaking of which, let me tell you something. It's already 2020. On January 1st, there is also our Captain Yin. The so-called rescue of Captain Yin, no one can tell the specific situation of Captain Yin. I once again reiterate that our comrades in Singapore, comrades in Thailand, and comrades in Japan were all ready to go to Thailand to rescue the so-called captain Yin. Our rule of law fund prepared a budget of 500,000 US dollars, and I personally prepared a budget of 500,000 US dollars to prepare to save him.
Mr. Luther has done 100%, benevolent, and takes risks to contact him. Our Jiang Caishen, our Ms. An Hong are silently caring, and Sara, hoping to do something for him. Later, as everyone knows, his so-called murder case in Thailand, whether it is self-defense or whatever, as long as it is a criminal case, we must respect the local laws, we can only go in any country and local laws, involving the relevant national laws Save him.
It is impossible to bribe the police as he said, and buy the police through the money, that is absolutely impossible. In a society ruled by law, the rule of law fund can never do this, nor can it, nor can it do. It has strict system management and is impossible. At that time, the U.S. embassy in the country had already contacted, as long as he was wronged, as long as he was framed by the Communist Party, he would definitely be given a visa to come to the United States.
But yesterday a comrade in our domestic system sent me a message, thank you comrade. I sent this message because I can't send the voice to everyone, because everyone knows who he is after hearing the voice. I will send it to Guo Media in a moment. I took a screenshot, and I will not elaborate on many voices, I will reply to you. Probably, he (Captain Yin) was born in January 1987. His real name is indeed Kan Zhe. He has many cases in the local area and has been investigated. He is an ordinary policeman and an ordinary policeman in Anshan.
His first case was to secretly sell Toyota Elfa from another friend's friend, and the second case was a friend's 5 million. He deceived others by using the name of his father-in-law to resell oil. He mainly engaged in small loan fraud as a policeman, and his wife was also a local policeman.
He worked in the field of economic investigation. He cheated the 2 million captain of the economic investigation. (Reading the document) "In the Public Security Bureau, if you can get to work in the economic investigation, you have to have someone on the side, or you have to have money to go. This department is the department of cattle. Yin should be the father-in-law. He has a small loan and cheated many people. The money, those who were cheated are also trying to make money, not thinking about the loan can not be recovered, plus the usual squandering, how can I afford the money, I can only run." Some voices I don’t say in detail here. Too. The thing about Captain Yin is already very clear. His own identity is an ordinary policeman, a scammer in many cases.
So comrades, I think today, who do I really need to pay attention to. Therefore, our domestic comrades sent me a message after seeing these situations. In addition, the domestic ones said that they knew Kan Kan. I have not verified it. These friends sent a lot of photos of Kanzhe, some small videos of Kanzhe, and some information, I will not let you put it here because everyone will be very uncomfortable after reading it.
Basically Kan Zhe is a wife who is a policeman, and his father-in-law is an officer of the policeman. But I must reiterate that, as I told the police friend, Mr. Kan Zhe said some rules about these policemen, yes. He also agrees with me. He (Yin) is right. These facts of the police he told were not wrong, but he did not say what he looked like.
I told these friends in the police community what kind of Kanzhe I am really not interested in. He is a murderer, he is a rapist, he is a scammer, I broke the revolution, and there is Mr. Luther, and Jiang Caishen, and Ms. An Hong, Guo Wengui, Sara, who are not qualified and do not need to know him.
This is what I said. Who he is has nothing to do with the fact that we broke the revolution. Whether he is against the Communist Party or not has a lot to do with me; whether he has caused harm to the Communist Party or not. These local police comrades, our comrades, and the comrades of the Ministry of Public Security said, Wengui, you are right. He talked about this set of things in the public security.
I said so, even today, Kan Zhe, who is called Captain Yin in Thailand, if it is within the scope of the law, I hope your family listens and we will save. I repeat here again, if Kan Zhe really has a family in your family, you are honest and honest, you contact Mr. Luther. Say your identity, your name, I can verify it immediately. There is no one I can't verify. Look at the strength of our comrades.
As long as it is true, you are his family, on behalf of his family, willing to help him, within the scope of the law, we will help him as much as possible. But it is not a promise, there is no guarantee, this is our principle. We only give you about two weeks. If you are a family member, please contact Mr. Luther.
Our contact is limited. It is up to the local judiciary to decide whether to kill him or not. We must also respect local laws. Hope family, really family members contact us. In view of what he said in the Hong Kong incident during the revolution, it is true that we don't care who he is, we don't care.
Zhou Yongkang will come out tomorrow. We will support him as long as he destroys the Communist Party. Tomorrow Wang Qishan said, Wengui, I’m going to start breaking news with you. Alas, immediately, Mr. Wang Qishan, except for you don’t want to play double cultivation or small hands, let’s provide him with environment and support immediately. Of course, if we need our money, we dare not say it. Within the scope of the law, we definitely support it.
So comrades, this is called breaking news. Including at the beginning, Guo Wengui was a liar, Guo 3 seconds, Guo rape, and now Guo Wengui's penguin legs, Guo Wengui just rubbish everything, is this related to the Communist Party's killing and raping in Hong Kong? Does this have anything to do with the Communist Party's arrest of 2 million people in Xinjiang? Is this related to the wealth stolen by Chen Feng and HNA? Does this have anything to do with Wang Qishan's double cultivation? Does Wang Qishan kill 1 million party members in the party?
This is like the turkey Gong, Guo Baosheng, chicken leg pan, my Guo Wengui is a liar, my Guo Wengui is not human, does not talk about friendship, is it related to his cheating? Establishing a fund with him, in the name of Xinjiang and Hong Kong, to save humanity, is there anything to do with human rights fraud? Is it related to his fraudulent claims?
So people discern things, I discern things, I'm sorry, let's separate this matter clearly. What is right, what is wrong; what is good, what is evil; what is true, what is false. In the world, I say there is no right or wrong, no black and white, only good and evil. What is good, what is evil. Is Guo Baosheng guilty of cheating money? Is it evil for turkey Gong to cheat money, hurt Bannon, and squint?
Sisipan has a wife and a child. Every day she is facing the camera at her face. Do you dare to face the second half of you? If Guo Wengui is a penguin, you are a crippled penguin, and you take photos of your family. Facing every day, as long as it is a female color, give someone a frown. Do you want to cheer, is this related to Guo Wengui being a liar?
So comrades, this is Captain Yin Zhe. What he did in the past and cheated other people's money, it was your Communist Party's business, it has nothing to do with me, this is his past. However, Captain Yin’s materials in those few issues I think are very good, so at the beginning, our comrade-in-arms of the Ministry of Public Security said, "Wengui, I strongly oppose it. Both my daughter and I oppose it." Your opinion is wrong. Can we believe what the bad guy said? I said if you say that, we can't be comrades. In the eyes of the Communist Party, is there anyone worse than Guo Wengui? In the Communist Party, I had a crime of burying a living person, and everything else. Look at the blue pass and red pass it sends, then listen to what I say. I said I’m sorry, the breaking news only cares about one thing, whoever opposes the Communist Party and destroys the Communist Party, it’s OK to smash Guo, but you can’t be like Sisipan, the thing I can’t accept the most. Speak, you still don't destroy the Communist Party, then this will not work, then this will not work. I said that you saw Captain Yin telling him that he did teach his comrades to understand the dark side of the Communist police. This is our revolution.
In addition, when I want to talk about this now, when I look back at the 2019 Guo Media, I am really blushing. If I can put my head in the crotch, I will really put it in. I really have to double-repair myself, really shameless . I can only describe myself as shameless to a certain degree in order to face comrades and talk about this Guo media.
Rotten, from last year everyone accepted that it was a tractor and endured. Now the wheels of his tractor are almost gone, and he can suddenly jump. Our GPost has basically become a blog of Wengui, it sucks. But the private message function played a lot between Wengui and his comrades. It's really bad. We have developed three platforms for live broadcast development software this year. After the development, investors are resolutely dissatisfied. Because of this, I feel that this is one of my biggest failures this year.
I can feel this kind of dissatisfaction from investors, because this is another expensive sentimental problem. Originally, people were capable, too pediatric, and when it came to them, they looked for the world's largest software company that they cooperated with. If they write well, they will fully reach the YouTube live broadcast function.
Investors have come to the information again. At this time, it is estimated that they will not let me say that they are watching. They will not let me tell them. They will not tell you. Rest assured.
That is, people have the ability to do it, and you don’t have to manage it, but I am the one, let us comrades, and other comrades, I also paid three copies of these three, let others write. As a result, the two things cannot be shot at all, and the other is half dead. So, originally this year before the solar calendar of this year, we had a GTv to be launched on January 1st. I felt 100% confident at any time. In any case, I believe that it is not a tractor that has also become a Honda.
Two weeks ago, the investor video said something that made me very uncomfortable, but I think it makes sense. Others say that Mr. Guo will invest in you and take risks with you, making Guo Media the greatest media platform in mankind, called a true political media platform, the world’s largest news platform, and a platform for Chinese and Western exchanges. He said that we took such a big risk, but we did not vote for your EQ, we voted for your courage, your wisdom, your morals, your credit, did not vote for your EQ, your EQ is too flooded.
I'm telling the truth now, I am very uncomfortable. On January 1st, I thought I would like to present a gift to my comrades-in-arms. You can download it. Our GTv, just go up, 1+1=2, 1+2=3, and then one, two or three parties live broadcast, I have thought about it, how can I be proud to tell everyone there.
I spent a lot of time. When I discussed this GTv, every time I tried, I was warned many times that you spent too much time on this part. But this comrade-in-arms is indeed a very good person, very very good person, I want to give this opportunity to my comrades-in-arms, but in the end I was very, very disappointed.
Comrades are good and do not affect our feelings at all, but this matter is very disappointing. It also seriously affects my credit and relationship with investors, so I told him last week that you can do it, and I will not do it. You can do whatever you can. Therefore, people have to spend almost half a year to start writing again.
Now people find a very, very good, purely British company and start writing. So my comrades, before the most critical June 4th, this incident was another fiasco for me, and I was defeated in personal feelings. The displeasure brought by Guo Media to comrades-in-arms, the waste and the kind of helplessness brought to comrades-in-arms, I feel the most. I often get angry in the middle of the night and drop my phone.
I am here, sincerely sorry for the trouble and pain caused by my comrades, sincerely!
Guo Wengui didn't fail to do what he wanted to do from childhood, but this really made me feel frustrated with Guo Media. Guo Wengui didn't do anything, and Guo Media didn't understand it.
Although GNews did a good job later, it was very good. The influence of GNews in China is now huge. GNews now in Chinese and English appeared at a critical time. This is the home of our comrades. Our Ms. Sara and our comrades behind the scenes faced GPost in the fastest time. When Guo Media was almost paralyzed and disgraceful, even when the wheels of the tractor were almost gone, GNews appeared. It can be said that the rescue was done and it did a very good job. And the influence in the English-speaking world now exceeds our original expectations.
So now we have a clear impact on the domestic political field, and the amount of forwarding in China is very clear, and it has exceeded expectations, but many need to be improved. GNews is important and great.
Then let investors, let people write a comprehensive version, and other comrades are also writing a comprehensive version of the platform, I am also waiting. The level of this comrade-in-arms is very high. I hope that this time, if he can write well, it will be a miracle. I will wait, and it will be soon.
Investors have started to launch the platform they want to write, and I can be sure to write an international platform within 6 months. This comrade-in-arms and several other comrades-in-arms will soon write a new integrated platform of Guo Media if it can do it. That is a miracle again, then God is helping us. The face lost to Guo Wengui was retrieved, but that might be a 1% possible miracle. But investors write that this is 100%, and it must be completed within six months without any problems.
So comrades-in-arms, this matter of Guo Media is mine in 2019. I think that once again proves Wengui's emotional use. And as the first one I said, due to Wengui's emotional use, it caused trouble to his comrades. All these problems are due to emotional issues, what matters in front of major events, I have repeatedly said that I have not done well. On the issue of breaking the news, neither the father nor the mother can do it. As far as my mother has lived, your son, please don’t break the news. You can’t break the news, and I won’t agree.
I came to this world with a mission, which is to destroy the Communist Party. There can be no ambiguity on this issue, there is no middle ground. As long as you do not destroy the Communist Party and do not support the breaking news revolution, you are my enemy. You don’t support it. You go to the side. You want to oppose and destroy. You are my enemy. It’s your problem if you don’t support it, but if you want to oppose and destroy, that is my enemy.
What's more important is that we broke the news on several principles of the revolution and will never allow political organizations. The Communist Party is extinguished, the breaking news is completely over, the mission is completed, and who is left to do what to do. Second, before the communist party was annihilated, no one was allowed to dip in the interests of a dime, absolutely not. There must not be any honor here. Accepting such a title, such a title, is absolutely not acceptable. There can be no political schemes and pursuits. This is impossible.
So comrades-in-arms, Wen Gui has personal feelings on this issue, not serious. Talk nonsense above, exaggerate this, exaggerate that. It's really like our grandmother in the country, in this bashful place, the result has serious consequences, very bad. This matter of Guo Media is also sentimental and made like this.
Then one more, I want to talk to you about another issue. Now the revolution broke out, especially in the second half of 2019, which made me think about a very important issue. It is in our country that Chinese people now have a fragile foundation for their livelihood. When I was very young, when I went to Russia, everyone should take a look at Russia's economy from 1983 to 1987. The former Soviet Union was in China’s Heihe River Basin and Heilongjiang River, in Heihe and Russia’s Blagoveshchensk, where barter trade was engaged. Later, there was a matter of China’s first rich man who changed planes, and later was Communist Party. Set to speculate.
I was very young there, including changing Lada cars, changing telescopes, changing helicopters, changing tanks, changing steel, and I went there at that time. I am very young. When you go there, you will feel that in the Soviet Union at that time, it was impossible for these people not to hate the Chinese. All Communist Party officials hold some things, take jeans, take Chinese things to change, and want to play with Russian girls and girls.
In Russia, people have villas, people have cars, cars run out of gas, there are villas, and there is no electricity in the villas, but people have villas and cars. At that time, the Chinese did not have villas and cars, so we got a few Radhas back there, and Boropolonez, Radhas, and got some telescopes.
Why is it so poor, so sober, there is no food, no bread. At that time, I remember very clearly, from the Heihe area, take some canned past, take some dried meat past, oh my god, you hurried away in my car, your villa, barter trade. The Russians can really give you anything. Someone really gave you their daughter. If there is a shameless mainland wife who goes to sleep, he pretends not to see it.
We Chinese all say that in the past, the Soviets killed many Chinese and harmed Chinese. Everyone also said that we have harmed others. What I saw with my own eyes was that if I was Russian, I went to the Soviet Union to engage in barter trade. I will have to settle the bill for you sooner or later. Laozi is going to eat rice now. You take my daughter and my wife away. And many are scammers, say 100 to 1.
At that time, the industrialization of the former Soviet Union and the fragility of the people's livelihood, and the shortage of daily necessities, the Soviet Union at that time had only large items, large industrial products, and no basis for people's livelihood. It looked very powerful at the time, and it was over in one click.
In the second half of this year, I really felt it. That is, whether China now has the Communist Party of China or not, the Chinese people may really encounter a country with excessive production capacity and excess production capacity that the Communist Party considers to be the only country with the most complete production chain and the best foundation for people’s livelihood. By the end of our Cultural Revolution, we were starving and leaping into the era of 58 years.
Because now everyone just has to think about it. The Chinese population, the Chinese food, the Chinese living facilities and the electricity they need, the water they need, and the natural conditions they need are the same. All these problems are just like the Soviet Union.
You’re out of electricity, you’re out of gas, natural disasters are happening again, you’re out of food, the economy has collapsed, the international blockade has occurred, and then the balance between the provinces has been disrupted, and the corrupt officials of the Communist Party will continue to live more luxuriously. Life. This is like a person who has a tumor. All the nutrients in the body have reached the tumor, and they have gone to the thief. The other bodies can no longer grow, lose their balance, and are unhealthy. No matter how powerful a person is, as long as you have cancer, your nutrients will be gone in an instant.
Now the Communist Party is slowly playing a role in this cancer, and it is now when it reaches cancer. What is the function that causes cancer? In 2019, 2018, and 2017, our breaking news revolution, as well as the constitutional amendment of the 19th National Congress in that year, as well as Xi Wang, Wang Qishan will be president and vice president for life, and there is a Belt and Road Initiative. There is also a challenge to the United States. There is a more exaggerated thing, which is to centralize the power of the Communist Party and fully concentrate it in private hands, and to publicize all the wealth of the country.
Do you like Ma Yun, Ma Huateng and Wang Jianlin? They should not publicize wealth. This is a common sense. No matter what you do, you can't make the power of this country yours, it's impossible.
More exaggerated things, when these cancer cells are going to expand, they will completely destroy the function of this body, that is, when the economy and finance are destroyed, it is no longer possible to use kidneys and livers. Challenge an America that is 10,000 times healthier than it is to play with the United States and play with President Trump. Played the United States in the name of an agreement for more than a year. Before agreement, after agreement, before agreement, after agreement; 90 days, 100 days, 200 days, 200 days; 30 days, 30 days; 500 tons, 300 tons, 50 billion, 50 billion. Just play with you like this, and then January 15th.
Yesterday I was in the office, the day before yesterday, I had a video call with many American friends and talked about the agreement on January 15th. I won't say much first. All these things make it more terrible is Hong Kong, Hong Kong's return movement, and its crazy idea of ​​preparing to fight Taiwan, it has already got cancer itself, it has to punch a thousand miles away from US imperialism, and then With the remaining hand, hold down Hong Kong to get it back, and kick this foot to Taiwan.
This is not counted. He still has to be the leader of the people, the whole people are soldiers, everything is mine, yours is mine, everything is mine, and then he will be the emperor of the jade emperor and the pope. This is terrible. Wang Qishan not only practiced double training, but also had to change his kidney, then change his kidney, and change his kidney for the third time. All these things in 2019, let me see, after the people's livelihood is fragile, I am really worried.
Almost the two of Xi Wang, the so-called reform and opening up of China in the past 30 years, is really called the economy of cutting the womb and the economy of selling blood. It has polluted the entire mountains and the earth, polluted the hearts of the entire generations, polluted the water and the land on which the generations depended. He made tens of thousands of dollars in money, which he completely ruined for more than 1,000 days. People's hearts are lost.
The past few years are completely over, let it be tossed over. The most terrible thing is that the Chinese people have face, Hong Kong. Now that the face of Hong Kong has been turned into a stinky port, what shamelessness to say now, Macau, and Macau. Macau is a casino and a place for prostitution. The Communist Party still has to make a face of it, even taking Macau out and talking about things, the whole world laughs badly.
An old friend of mine in France told me, hey, the CCP has been in a hurry recently. As an old friend, I think Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan are getting Low this time. He said that everyone knows that Macau only has hundreds of thousands of people. They are all places of prostitution, gambling, and the capital of crime. It is ridiculous for you to make it a national propaganda success.
This French friend saw the most serious problem at the same time. It was the same as mine. He said Wengui, I went to China for a whole circle, Hong Kong and Macau for 20 days, the friend who we shared with us, the original chief executive, was an official equivalent to the chief executive, and there was another chief executive, I will not say who Too. He took him on a private jet for many days, he said that you are right, Wengui, the next big thing in China is people's livelihood. It is really food, finance, and necessities of life. The accident happened for about a year and a half, which is even worse than the original Soviet Union; but they do not think so.
The other one is what I want to talk about next, and he thinks that we have seen that there are many truly successful politicians and economic figures in the world during the revolution, including the art world and the literary world, especially some professors and literati. With us. These people go to China on a regular basis, talk with people, get in touch with people, and understand people's feelings. It is one of the biggest energy supplies for Wengui and the breaking news revolution. Each time they can correct the direction and action of our breaking news revolution.
He said it was very important, Wengui, Chinese people's hearts, as far as the people's minds are concerned, the degree to which Chinese people have been brainwashed, Wengui, is really terrible. They went to China a few years ago, and now go to China, he feels that the eyes, body and speech of the people they know have changed.
He said that any foreigner, a sensible person, you go to China to learn the app of the powerful country, and a series of speeches by Wang Qishan, and China’s financial measures, including nationalizing private enterprises, robbing them, and then stationing To the so-called secretaries and representatives of the Communist Party of these enterprises, and then a series of unrestricted loans of state-owned enterprises, the loans are all turned into thieves' money, including loans and support for HNA, and fraudulent finances, and then quickly put the state Wealth is family-oriented, and family-owned wealth is quickly dollarized, euroized, and sterling. Then the children of these officials have basically not returned to their country, and have been completely foreignized. Even their children and grandchildren are dyed blonde hair and black hair.
With regard to such contradictions, human nature, distortions, and the entire ability and means to steal national wealth, they all think it is unprecedented. He said that before the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the families of these people had a very good relationship with the Soviet Union, and they could feel that they were going to close down. Because it's too much.
However, they did not expect that the current status of the CCP is more exaggerated than the situation they encountered in the former Soviet Union. I have a friend of ours who has talked in the past for years. I don’t know if you remember, one of the richest people in the United States. He used to have no home and had a great relationship with Wang Qishan. This is a German Jewish family. After Hitler had Germany, the painting he inherited from his family was about 5,000. He had a fund of nearly 20 billion US dollars. This buddy is also for tax avoidance, that is, there is a plane passing this bend 50, two planes turning 45, uh, selling it at 4 o'clock, and after selling it, I bought one 5 and flying around the world, meeting everywhere. He is now settled, in Los Angeles, then he did not get married in the past, but now he is married and has children.
Last year, no, in 2018, I was eating there with him in Los Angeles.
You may remember that I said him, he just came back after meeting Wang Qishan. Then he told me that time, and persuaded me to reconcile with Wang Qishan, how. When I told me this time, he completely changed, completely changed.
He said that the CCP’s current robbery and fraud against the people, and the few people above absolutely believed that China needed an emperor, that China needed absolute dictatorship, and that China needed absolute suppression and domination of the people. Even everyone is summing up to believe one thing. To treat the Chinese people, you must believe in Wang Qishan. He can’t open his mind in a hundred years. The common people must die. They can’t let him have money, dignity, or idleness. It doesn’t make him too healthy, let alone allow him to have internet.
He thought this was the case, he was so surprised. He said Miles. When you told me, he said that I really wanted to forgive me. I don’t agree with it, because what I saw was not the same as what you said.
But now he said, Wengui, the upper class believes in this, that is, what we call the five policies of Shangyang, treats the Chinese people completely, and the upper class has a unified opinion. As long as he thinks this is an inevitable condition for the so-called Communist Party’s ruling security, he said it’s not one or two, or three or five. At least the upper class thinks they are aristocrats. He thinks that the Chinese have no problem eating grass for three years. , They are safe to eat grass.
He said that the more tragic things, the Chinese people very much agree with these people's ideas, and fully accept. I'm a stupid guy. I shouldn't look at things outside the wall. I shouldn't use the Internet. The 2 million people in Xinjiang are too few to catch, and should be 20 million. Hong Kong is full of rioters and mobsters. The news broke that the revolution was all scammers and false rumors! If President Xi and Chairman Wang need us to eat grass, can we eat grass? The country, the state is the party, and the party is the country, so the party state cannot be divided now.
This buddy is really ignorant, he said that I have no chance to contact those who sell pork, I have no chance to contact, have the opportunity to reach those who are on the roadside. Eleven times, meet me last time, and now go to China eleven times. Every time he goes to China, this is definitely a must for Chinese leaders. He participates in various meetings and speaks Chinese fluently beyond your imagination. Hebrew, he is Jewish, German Jewish, Chinese, Spanish, English, and some French, but about six or seven languages. I think everyone knows who it is, and I know who it is when I check it online. I have just met Wang Qishan. With Kissinger, every time Kissinger goes, he pays respect to him because he is Kissinger. He gave him a lot of money. He is also a Jew.
So comrades-in-arms, he was very surprised to see the seriousness of the brainwashing of the whole up and down.
I want to talk about my relationship with the breaking news revolution today. Let’s go back to a very small matter, something that is not worth mentioning at all. The Guo Baosheng case, the Turkey Gong case, the Meng Wei case, the Xiong Xianmin case, and the Xia Yeliang case The Li Hongkuan case, the Tokyo Explosive Association case, Yuan Hongbing, and Xianglin’s bald donkey, what else would this say that this became a water rash, and this rotten boy in free China. There are also two scammers in the United States called Waller and Wallop, as well as the Wu Zheng case, the Ma Rui rape case, and Dong Kewen's Ke Wengui's, the so-called 7 construction company case. Champion Liang's parade downstairs and Zheng Qi went to the door twice to kill Wen Gui. Let’s go back and look at the Chen Jun case, Wu Zheng’s cases, and now we have a look. Since the anti-delivery campaign in Hong Kong, we broke all the media of the revolution. Have you seen what happened to us? How many people are right and wrong, how many people can really make a minimum judgment of the distinction between humans and animals, black and white, good and evil, this is the most basic understanding of life, black and white nights, day and night, Black and white, black and white, or black and white?
Comrades, if you think about it, I am a party. After more than 300 days this year, how many things? Without China after the Communist Party, people's eyes opened overnight? Kaizhi overnight?
This morning's Carlisle show, we will give the grass root brother, the grass root brother will reward Mr. Luther, every time 100 US dollars, 200 US dollars, play every day, how long do you play, that grass root brother has Money ha, that is very rich, handsome and very masculine. He thought of himself as a grass-rooted brother, and his mind was enlightened. He knew that the Communist Party was a bastard. He knew what was good or bad, what was black and white, and what was good and evil.
He was on the show for the first time and it was rude. The last quarter is asking me now, can I do this, er, very direct. I said very directly, we are grassroots, just say it in the grassroots, but if he is not in the breaking news revolution, he is in the country, everyone think about what will happen, what will happen?
Looking at our series of new comrades in arms, I have seen his background. If there is no such media influence on education and culture in the West, everyone is a Communist Party. Those who have eaten the Communist Party’s dead body are in danger of being washed away. molecule.
Speaking of which, I tell everyone that no one can understand my inner feelings. It was better in the first half of the year. I asked myself every day in the second half of the year. China without the Communist Party is good for China? Without Communist China, will China be chaotic? Will China without the Communist Party be like Russia before the fall of the Soviet Union?
My answer is that only in China without the Communist Party, Chinese talents will not dedicate their daughters for a piece of bacon, for a few jeans, for a box of bread like the Soviet Union did. If the Communist Party is not destroyed, and the Communist Party is not destroyed soon, the Chinese will definitely go to that day.
I said here, you see my muscles are shaking.
That is, I saw how many foolish overseas people were, they were cheated by others, they were cheated by money, and you were still on the platform for others. It is these poor bugs, these poor people, that make us want to see that only by destroying the Communist Party can we stop the brainwashing machine! Only by destroying the Communist Party can everyone of these scammers be punished and severely punished by law!
Only by having a legal system in China, a legal system supervised by the media, an independent legal system, and a kind-hearted, free-believing, and ethical society can stop and stop it.
We Chinese are not like when the Soviet Union collapsed, we took a girl-girl wife for some bread, a tank, an armored car, a binoculars, a pair of jeans, a bag of bread and butter, and it might be fake.
If China does not quickly destroy the Communist Party, China is now really back in slavery!
I am European, the most arrogant friend politician in the United States, a former head of Europe in the first two days. We had dinner at my house about two months ago, and we had a very serious dispute.
He fully agrees: Wengui, the Communist Party must be eliminated, but it must be given two or three years, and it will take 2025.
I was so disrespectful to him for the first time, and he really hasn't contacted me since. I said: The Communist Party cannot give me more than 2020 like this, the Chinese are now close to slave society.
Our comrades told me: Wengui, Liaoning and Northeast did not kill dogs. Yes, it’s not about killing dogs all over the country. Some have killed, some haven’t. We respect this fact, Beijing is killing dogs.
But I asked this comrade-in-arms: Do you think the Communist Party will be dark in 2020? Heilongjiang in the Northeast did not kill dogs, Tumen did not kill dogs, and Daqing did not kill dogs. Do you think it will kill you? They said: It may or may not. I assure you, this is what we mean by revolutionizing the news. What we say is not necessarily accurate. Beijing kills dogs, Hangzhou kills dogs, it is equivalent to the next, it will kill dogs in many places. Do not believe it, let's wait and see.
It arrested 2 million people in Xinjiang. Does it not arrest people in Beijing? Does it catch people in Guangdong? What are you doing in Hong Kong? I said that a year ago, I and one of the four big shameless families in Hong Kong, one of the richest families, actually had more money than Li Ka-shing. I said to him at my house: I have told you for 4 years, every time you say, Wengui, it is impossible for the Communist Party to be there, it will not move us, the Communist Party will not go to Hong Kong to arrest people. Hong Kong has caught people! really? They all came from the mainland, not Hong Kong people. Catch the people of Hong Kong! Oops, really?
Then he greeted the lawsuit and the Communist Party greeted him, and the judge sentenced him to lose. Alas! The Communist Party still controls our justice? Our judicial independence. How are you done? Students take to the streets. Why did the students get upset, Hu Lai, it's gone in a few days, and it's not finished yet.
Judges in Hong Kong will never be bought up and lose several lawsuits. When I arrested Xinjiang people, I said to him: Do you know how to arrest Xinjiang? He said yes, but it was impossible. It happened later, and I said what to do if I wanted to go to Hong Kong, he would never be possible. Without this idea, I tell you: yes! Now Liaoning did not kill dogs, Tongmen did not kill dogs, Daqing did not kill dogs, North West did not kill dogs, and then the whole country will definitely kill dogs. Because Wang Qishan is a rat, Xi Jinping is a snake, and a snake, a rat, a dog, you think you are kidding!
Comrades, Wang Qishan dared to tell the Americans how many people that dog meat can save, and the Cultural Revolution killed dogs to save hundreds of millions of people. The dogs are all eaten up. You say what to eat. When there is no dogs to eat, it is like eating people directly during the Cultural Revolution.
We don’t oppose the challenge, we like to discuss very much, the argument will get the truth. But malicious so-called neutrality, so-called freedom, respect, so-called sensibility, it is a poison that will never turn us back.
In this breaking news revolution, it can never happen again. Our heartfelt intention is to destroy the Communist Party. Everything must serve this goal. In this process, no matter how much the individual pays, or what happens in the process, as long as the communist party can be destroyed, anything can be done. Of course it is within the law, because we are saving the Chinese people. But we have to see that Wen Gui is sometimes really worried, really sad, and I have almost 10,000 hearts hurt.
It is that we are brainwashed in our country, as well as those ignorance, and that selfishness, and that shameful and ignorant. These scammers, fake pastors, what turkey gong, what chicken leg silk, what Meng Weishen, Xiong Xianmin, Xia Yeliang, this is the best example.
Dear comrades-in-arms, I said that this is the domestic living environment, and the popular heart is a huge challenge to our breaking news revolution.
It’s called the toxicity of the people, and the entire country’s foundation of people’s livelihood is fragile.
In 2019, we can say that the elimination of the Communist Party with the United States has achieved a comprehensive victory.
With the global automatic destruction of the Communist Party, we have achieved a comprehensive victory.
We have achieved a tremendous victory in the global joint communist party.
This is reflected in these aspects: The United States has passed a series of legislation on the Hong Kong Human Rights Protection Act, the Chinese Uighur Protection Act, the Taiwan Relations Act, and the Taiwan Protection Act, and is now preparing to pass the “Xinjiang Black Investigation Act”. It is necessary to further increase the punishment for cotton planting and cotton exports and some products held in prisons in Xinjiang, including Xinjiang officials.
Then the "Hong Kong Summer Investigation Act" is Hong Kong's entire human rights in Hong Kong since June, the human rights under Hong Kong and the punishment of Hong Kong's senior officials, including the asset seizure bill are all in progress. The Spring of Taiwan is now the "Taiwan Spring Act", which is to manipulate the Taiwan Spring election in this Taiwan election and the Communist Party's infiltration in Taiwan. The United States, Europe, etc. will conduct a series of investigations, punish the parties and take necessary measures.
Dear brothers and sisters, when I say this, let’s look back at our 2019, our entire breaking news revolution is in difficulties and challenges, we have seen many great events and great individuals, just like me Guo Wengui in 2019 He was fined 60 billion yuan, and his assets were seized overseas for more than 20 billion US dollars.
Everyone saw that the tens of billions in Jinquan Square two weeks ago was a property under auction. A few months ago, the office building of Pangu Longtou Building A was auctioned at a price that was not as good as the toilet price, and was taken away by Wang Qishan's nephew, Jinyu Company. The Yuda International Trade Hotel is also being auctioned. Under these difficult conditions, all these companies have been operating normally for several years. Everyone has seen such a case that all humans are paying attention to.
Everyone will see in the future that the 60 billion fines tried by Pangu, Zhengquan, Yuda and Dalian will become all the universities in the West-this is one of the biggest cases that we are specifically doing-to study Chinese law. These things are the same as the great voices of the comrades-in-arms. I won't go into details, I won't talk about it. I will talk about this greatness and that greatness, and I won't talk about it.
We have many great comrades-in-arms, but really great comrades-in-arms are silently, as everyone sees one message after another without us all knowing. Our university, our comrades who informed us of all the activities and information of Zhongnanhai. Including the Chen brothers who were arrested before, the Chen brothers were arrested, and many comrades were also implicated. There are many comrades in the public prosecution law system. I can’t talk about it now, nor is it the time.
It’s like my nobles don’t talk about how much pressure and pain I have had in the past year. I can say this. The personal sufferings I have suffered in 2019 are really unbearable. But I tell everyone that I chose to go this way, and I have prepared everything.
From the first day of breaking news, this day has always been regarded as the last day, and I have prepared everything. This is why the establishment of the rule of law fund and the rule of law society, I am very unwilling, I am very unhappy, and now I am also very unhappy. It affected me too much energy and time. However, he is indeed meaningful and valuable.
That is why I made Mr. Bannon, Mr. Kelbas, Mr. Bill Geez, Mr. Luther, Ms. Sara, Ms. Mulan become directors. It is carried out under the supervision of comrades-in-arms and influential people in the United States who do not lack money. He belongs to the Chinese. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was to rescue and help those who were framed by the Communist Party and contributed to the breaking news revolution. After annihilating the Communist Party, he needed to lobby overseas, establish relations, and supervise China when he became a nation. He could become such a fund for a country ruled by law and free in faith.
Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was to destroy the Communist Party and help those who were framed and destroyed. And everyone must know that there is a standard for the so-called framed people in the process of destroying the Communist Party. So everyone also knows that Mr. Bannon and Mr. Kelbas have been lobbying the second and third countries for the future, including now, even after the founding of the country, some people who do not want to stay in China, give these rule of law fund donors and the rule of law As verified by the fund, major contributors in the CCP have issued passports or visas for overseas immigrants.
Things have never stopped, so even after the Communist Party was eliminated, some people did not want to stay in the country. However, because of the contributions made in the breaking news revolution, I hope they can also provide some help and support overseas. The premise is that the standards to be used are determined by the rule of law fund and the rule of law society.
The role played by Wengui is that I am the largest donor and I guarantee that the money will not be used, consumed or consumed by anyone who is useless to this goal. It is absolutely necessary to supervise you under the laws of the United States. That is called the law, that is called social supervision, and that is called national supervision. Third-party supervision is called social supervision, independent lawyers, and independent audits. And it must be disclosed to comrades and donors in due course. And it is this premise to ensure that personal dime spending cannot be related to this.
After the founding of the People's Republic of China, there will be more comrades' participation. He will become a new China-a new China without the Communist Party, can he achieve the Himalayan goal, so that the Chinese really have an independent rule of law system and independent supervised media , This rule of law system and freedom of belief. If this is not the case, then the rule of law fund and the rule of law society will work with their comrades-in-arms to launch the second breaking news revolution and PK with them to the end.
At that time, there must be no Guo Wengui. This is why Wengui let them operate independently. Wengui will be killed from time to time, and these will not be affected after the kill. At the same time, after Wen Gui is hiding in the mountains and forests, this matter will get bigger and bigger, and will not be affected. This is the rule of law fund, and I have made it very clear to everyone.
Let me tell you now, it was never announced. When the rule of law society and the rule of law fund were established less than 2 months ago, the People's Bank of China issued an internal letter: to strike all the rule of law funds as long as they can be attacked, as long as they donate.
For the first time today, January 1, 2020, I want to tell you the following figures. Everyone has to practice their heart, a bit... some data is beyond your imagination. What I say is legally responsible.
Let's rest! Go to the bathroom! When we talk about this article, what time is it?
it is good! Then I will tell you about this rule of law fund. From the beginning to the present, the number of donations actually received by the two funds from the rule of law fund will exceed your imagination. Guess what it is, I guess how much you guessed it, take a look below.
100 million, there is a guess of 100 million. 10 billion, 500,000.
10 billion, let’s see, I see everyone... 50 billion, Wenhai’s 30 billion, US$10 billion, Mochai Tingguo’s diary, US$10 billion, Yehuo 300 billion, 2 billion, 79,200 per person, 200 billion, 10 trillion, God! 10 billion, this 4.5 billion, 500, 20 billion, trillion, 120 billion, 80 billion, 1 trillion, no one has guessed right now, and no one is reliable. 200 billion, 200 billion 100 billion, 10 billion, 100 billion, 50 billion, 40 billion, 30 billion, 10 billion, 400, 1.2 trillion, 1 trillion US dollars.
Why should I talk to you about this issue today? Everyone think about 1 billion US dollars, 1 trillion US dollars, 1 billion US dollars, 80 billion US dollars, let me tell you something.
Why didn't you say it before? Why didn't you say it before? I want to tell everyone not to affect the rule of law fund. After this was established, his morale was not legal. 50 million USD, 100 billion, 5 billion, 200 million, 1 billion.
Let me tell you, we actually receive donations. At home and abroad, we can see that the ratio is about 4 billion US dollars, and the amount of donations is about 4 billion US dollars. Do you know how much we actually received? ? $6 million, $6 million! Absurdity is not absurd. Among the $6 million, Wengui donated a fund of $1 million, and then I have a 98 million, um, a check of 98 million pressed on both sides.
Why do I tell you, when PayPal account, including Stripe account, our money was not given to us in 1120, even the money we didn't give us a year ago. Only two hundreds of thousands of dollars in this account were transferred to our account two weeks ago, namely the rule of law fund account and the rule of law social account. Before this, Mr. Bannon, Mr. Kaioubasi, even Sara, even Luther, even Mulan and Bill Goetz didn't know the number. It is to protect the normal operation of the entire fund and top secret information within the scope of legal protection.
The Communist Party carried out a comprehensive blow to the entire donation system. It was nearly 4 billion US dollars, and finally there was no account there. Of the 6 million US dollars that were received, more than 200 were a little cash, because at the time I was an account, one million was put in a fund, and the other 98 million was a check. , So just add my 98 million, this is now 104 million. Only 4 million were donated by comrades. About 90% of the 4 million were donated by overseas comrades, and about 1 million were donated from China. Most of them were clicked off, and most of them were stopped by the Communist Party, or they were corrupted. Wengui could bear it.
Why let the rule-of-law fund rule the society and let him persevere, because what I just said, he will always have a breaking revolution in the future, the Communist Party is gone, who will supervise the next government, who can guarantee that this Himalayan goal can be achieved, who can Really, these comrades who have paid the price of life and blood, the results of this revolution can truly achieve the rule of law and our goal of freedom of faith. To be honest, Wengui is very sad! This is the people's heart now!
Our donation amount, don’t forget that within the 4 billion yuan, nearly 3.8 billion in 4 billion are overseas donations, and the result is threatened by the Communist Party, that is, our donation information is controlled by the Communist Party’s intelligence agencies. The cheques of all the big donors were taken and finally canceled. The evil of the Communist Party, which of you can bear it, you have to tell Guo Baosheng, Xia Yeliang, Meng Weishen, Xiong Xianmin that 3.89 billion yuan of money was taken, and he was mad. You said how much bad news I have heard, comrades, I will sell this for a while every day, for a while to catch this person, for a while the money will be cancelled, for a while the man will be caught, for a while the oath will break with me, this How many years are there? Let’s not talk about the past three years.
I sit here every morning to give you peace, and I also need to do fitness. This is really unbearable.
Mr. Bannon and Mr. Keoubas, when people saw this donation, including me in two secret hearings, there were CIA people, I said this for the first time, when the CIA was present, I Tell him that they were dumbfounded at the time, a few people, in Washington. I talked about the situation of this fund and how did the Communist Party suppress it? A Singaporean family took over 500 million US dollars at a time. The bank refused to allow the account. The bank said that I had to verify your money. I had to verify. After the verification, I am sorry that the money cannot be accounted. This person returned to the hotel in less than two hours and called me to say that Mr. Guo will not be going for dinner today. I will go back to Singapore and donate here. I guess, until now I don’t know if I was threatened by the Communist Party.
A Japanese comrade-in-arms took 200 million US dollars, I have experience, I said you put the check here, when you want to understand, when it is not threatened, we will go into the account, completely as I expected, less than two days ah So, this bank is completely communist. The People's Bank of China has issued a real letter. In the future, I will send it to you, and then I will tell you that they are completely controlled by foreign banks. Finally, the Japanese friend said, I really can't donate this money, thank you. I didn't ask, I never asked anyone why, what's the matter, how pitiful and shameful, it's normal for people not to donate. I immediately and sincerely thank you very much, thank you, because I apologize for the trouble you have caused, you don’t know how much I apologized, I didn’t get the money, how much I really did... I didn’t get the money , I said I have to apologize to others.
A Taiwanese friend took 20 million donations. It was a long time for others to make trouble. I was afraid that the Communist Party would find out that there was an industry in the country and it took a long time. I still set up a company from Europe and spent a month or two to donate. 20000000. I said that I already have experience. You put the money here first. I said I will put it here now. When you finally say no regrets, we will donate. I say you don’t take it back. Later, he still don't donate.
In the end, he persuaded me, Wengui, why do you want to do this? You see that I am so pressured to donate money, how come you survived. I have repeatedly persuaded me to say that I apologize to you for the trouble I brought to you. My venerable is that old saying, that the princess opens a kiln and does not want to make money to be happy. Is it because someone is prostitute? It’s merry, I said I’m going to drive me here, I give money to others, the princess opens a kiln, I don’t want to make money to be happy. This is mine. I am happy. I am willing to do it. You are not willing to do it. Don't do it.
When I announced this number today. As everyone knows, if there is still confidence in this country and this nation under this circumstance, and it is necessary to engage in this CCP, I believe there is no second person.
From the establishment of our rule of law fund to the present, all the expenses for airplanes, investigations, public relations, media, and administrative expenses are paid by Wengui alone. If you put all the money into the rule of law fund, the social cost of the rule of law, buy chicken legs, buy turkey, Guo Baosheng go to a meeting, right, if you add all the money, this rule of law fund is now negative 0 It must be negative 0. Hundreds of thousands on a plane, hundreds of thousands on a plane, aren't you minus 0? Comrades, you will see a rule-of-law fund and a rule-of-law society report at the end of this year. Mr. Luther, Ms. Sara, The Legend of Mulan, Mr. Kiobas, and Mr. Bannon say we are still in debt of millions or hundreds of thousands of dollars. . You will see the money again and again. All the money you donated took the plane, all stayed in the five-star hotel, all we paid.
Including who we have funded now, we can tell you now that we can’t afford it anymore, let’s say it low, no less than 400. People, we rescued, funded no less than 100 projects, including investigations, and we have this, which is what the rule of law fund should have done. We paid all of our money, and it was more than ten million dollars. That is to say, if the project carried out in accordance with the requirements of the rule of law fund and the rule of law fund, the project carried out from the establishment until now means at least a negative five or six million dollars. Intentional donations of US$4 billion, US$6 million in hand, and US$2 million in valuables. What do you think of such a rule of law fund, a society ruled by law and law, who wants to establish and who wants to run?
At the time of 1120 last time, 15 million donations reached 120,000 US dollars, do you think it is ridiculous? And it was only last week. The suppression and difficulties encountered by the breaking news revolution cannot be described in words. To be honest, the breaking news revolution can continue to this day, and Wengui can still live to this day. He is already a miracle of miracles.
Yesterday afternoon, an American friend from the original military said: Miles, you can call the explosive revolution to today, not to mention action, you are all miracles.
No one knows the amount of the rule of law fund. Only a few weeks ago, Mr. Bannon, Mr. Kelbas, Mr. Luther, Ms. Sara and Ms. Mulan knew a few of them. There are only lawyers, accountants and financial managers of the Rule of Law Fund. I don’t even know. I only know the general situation.
This number is very sad! The rule of law fund, all donations from the rule of law society, excluding the expensive money, the more than 4 million US dollars in this account are added together, and there is no more money that Guo Baosheng has cheated! At least, He Pin gets tens of millions of dollars. He Pin, the biggest beneficiary of the revolution, is it? When I was rewarding, I heard that hundreds of thousands of dollars a month, and tens of millions of dollars from investors. You also saw that the communication was yesterday, and people gave millions of dollars to the "si roast Chen". It is in our breaking news revolution that we can see the power of evil and justice, unlike what everyone imagines. So all the domestic friends and comrades are talking about Wengui: do you think it is worth it? Do you think it can be done? Do you think it should be?
What is the biggest test for Bungui in 2019? It is under this kind of challenge, under this kind of pressure, do you still believe that it makes sense to destroy the Communist Party? Can the Communist Party be destroyed? The answer I tell you: on the contrary, the more I think, the Communist Party must be eliminated, how it should be eliminated, and how. I have told you what China will be like after the Communist Party is eliminated.
Through three years of breaking news, let the world know whether the Communist Party needs to be destroyed? Everyone says you need it! Everyone sees international action; second, should the economic challenges of Xinjiang, Hong Kong, and China challenge the world, should they be destroyed? It should go out!
How to destroy? Now I see: The military, economy, technology, and media of the world are turning around completely. The Communist Party must be completely eliminated, and then the Chinese and the Communist Party must be separated.
Everyone agrees what China looks like after the Communist Party was wiped out. China should have a rule of law, a true rule of law, an independent society ruled by law, the media, and a free society. It should truly give power to the people, and the privatization of wealth is sacred and inviolable. The rights must belong to the people, and tampering is not allowed under supervision. Then everyone has the freedom to believe, and only then can there be a healthy education, can Chinese people have true faith, and this nation can save, and what kind of China will be saved after the demise of the Communist Party is clear to everyone. right?
Without the rule of law fund and the rule of law society, will we not destroy the Communist Party? It doesn’t affect it at all, so when I’m from my heart, my comrades, I beg you not to donate. Your donation makes me very stressed. My $98 million is put on hold there, and I can’t use it. How happy the Communist Party is what? ! You get a total of 4 million US dollars when you have a total of 12 million US dollars in cash. Guo Wengui has paid more than 10 million US dollars in cash. You still have 98 million US dollars to rest there.
So, comrades, Wengui is in this situation, I have to be forbearing. I not only forbeared, insulted, humiliated and slandered by these flies and rubbish, chicken leg pan, Guo Baosheng, Xiong Xianmin, and Wu Zhengmo, Lan Li and other people sue me. Why don't I receive a lot of money when I receive the donation I sent? You know I'm under pressure. I haven't eaten other people's meals in vain since I was young, never let anyone pay for me, and never confiscated other people's gifts. This rule of law fund seems like a big deal.
I’ll calculate it for everyone: the minimum cost for a plane is $3 million a year, and the minimum cost for a boat is $3 million. The apartment I live in is charged $1 million a year plus garbage. The office of the rule of law fund Himalayan embassy rents nearly 100 Ten thousand US dollars, management fees, electricity and water fees, and other fees also get 1 million, 2 million US dollars, which is called employee expenses, at least 4 to 5 million US dollars a year, the lawsuit fees last year was 5 million US dollars, more than 500 nearly $6 million. Let's just say that this is totally, what kind of fund we are behind, don't say anything. We spent nearly 10 million US dollars on the investigation cost. Forty or fifty million dollars went out. This is all out of cash, and I don’t say anything about other big money at all. I don’t want to say that these 40-50 million US dollars are necessary for Wengui to take out. You can see, feel, and tell him to revolutionize every day. To use, what happens every day.
Do you want to compare and count on this rule of law society, rule of law fund, then don’t you starve to death? It’s more than 10 times worse, has you starved to death 10 times? I can only live for a month, and I can’t live, and strictly speaking, I can’t live for two weeks.
We Chinese, our Chinese compatriots, have not been lovers of charity and public welfare since history, and we are even more reluctant to help others and hesitate to bleed. So-called public welfare and future. It is better to spend money in nightclubs, to buy land for his filial sons, rather than to take money. The so-called caring for the country and the future of the country is concerned with the rule of law, human rights, and others. He is not this culture. It is even more abused if the Communist Party is abused for 70 years.
So, comrades, I will tell you this on January 1, 2020, and Wen Gui is very relieved. It is necessary for comrades to know the truth.
Later, we will take out this letter issued by the People's Bank: including some detained information, including letters sent by comrades, why the money was returned, why it was not received, why it was returned to me, etc.
So many comrades have to donate all the money to the rule of law fund. There is a 007 comrade who wants to donate all the money to this rule of law fund. I told you: don't do this, don't donate, don't allow you to donate. I don’t particularly like it, some comrades-in-arms, this greatness and this selfishness form a fresh contrast. The biggest pain in forming a sharp contrast is Guo Wengui. Those selfish people want these great people to pay for their futures and their children. Why?
Speaking of this, I also tell you that this bully thief, pseudo-classes do not know how to say, on June 4th I believe that the Communist Party will be wiped out, then the Communist Party will not be destroyed, will Guo Wengui live? Do you jump? Don't jump off the building! Certainly not jump! You don’t want to think here, whoever asks this, I’ll take your uncle for ten thousand lives, what have you done? You let me jump off the building, and Guo Wengui has done it for three years. You still let me jump off the building. Whoever wants to say this word again, and who asks me again, I will be your ancestor. Guo Wengui made the world to be learned, not you rotten people, bully thieves, bastards said at this time, those who say this are beasts! The Communist Party did not extinguish China's lives in June. Of course, China is alive, Guo Wengui must also be alive, and comrades-in-arms must also be alive until the Communist Party is eliminated.
Of course, I presuppose that I said yes. On June 4, I believe that it will become the new National Day for the establishment of a new China. Don't believe it, don't pay attention! Don’t believe it, don’t force it! Don’t watch the breaking news revolution, don’t worry.
Including donors of the rule of law fund. I will tell my comrades-in-arms that if you don’t have the ability to live, donating alive will not make you happier and happier, you must not donate! Why not stop donating? After all, its rule of law fund and rule of law society are still there! It is Chinese money, Chinese fund. After all, it has four million dollars from society.
So why do we have to answer everyone again, Kyle Bass on January 22, and all the directors of this Bannon meeting to spend the money this year. Because everyone knows clearly how the money is spent legally and how to spend it in the United States, it is strictly stipulated by American law. How do you spend C4, how do you spend C3, there are rules for every penny. Then this time the board of directors will spend all the money on the account, and will come up with a plan. This is a unanimous decision of the board of directors. Including, the 100 million yuan I donated and the remaining 98 million US dollars will be spent. All these 98 million are spent. Now the rule of law society and the rule of law fund will pay 100 million...104 million, which can be fully spent. It is to spend the 104 million at the critical moment of the end of the Communist Party era this year.
So comrades, some people cheat and donate, your conscience is greatly broken! If you can use the money as a source for charity and human rights, and let the Chinese have the rule of law, you will also be donated. In addition, if you have this ability, you can really find someone like the United States to help you manage this fund, let third-party supervision and transparency, and you are also worthy. But don't put your hands in the pockets of your comrades, no one can do it!
The Tokyo Explosion Association is the best example. This group of hooligans, did you remember the photos they took at the time? Do you remember their plan of action? Do you remember the pictures of the beasts in Las Vegas? The Chinese have really lost people all over the world!
Fellow comrades, you have no feelings. How many places are you in Wengui? Seeing this kind of disgrace, suspicion, and shame from foreigners towards us Chinese! Therefore, we must make it the success of the rule of law society and the rule of law fund.
Speaking of which, I will talk about another topic, that is, the image of the Chinese overseas.
Comrades, I don’t know if you realize it. The Communist Party of China has been tolerant in recent years, and the Chinese have made these words all over the world: spies, extreme communism, and extreme terrorism. Then what is it? ——It is shameful to completely disobey the law.
Since the repatriation of Hong Kong, these rich second generation, official second generation, rich third generation, official three generations, and these ugly performances, as well as a series of various countries, have been infiltrated by the Belt and Road, and the Communist Party’s overseas penetration, and This kind of huge wealth and money that has appeared overseas have already linked the Chinese to the underworld, terrorists, scammers, unlawful and uncivilized people, and then saw these fraudulent donations by the bullies, and the fake June 4th, eat 6 The democratic pro-democracy elements of the four-blooded buns, and the ugly performances of the so-called democratic pro-democracy elements of the June 4th movement in the so-called decades of movement in Hong Kong. In the end, when there are righteous people and the Chinese people all over the world, and the revolutionary revolution, and the Communist Party is about to launch a decisive battle! As well as the prototypes revealed by these people, Westerners saw the Chinese people's despicable, shameful, false, hypocritical, cowardly, and selfish.
The most terrible thing is that these people, very few of these people, are the ones who have hurt our image of Chinese overseas. Hundreds of thousands of students in the United States want to blame them. Hundreds of thousands of students are behind hundreds of thousands and millions of families, who have to bear the blame. There are nearly 80 million or 90 million Chinese overseas. No one realizes that you are facing the most terrible international environment in history, far more than Indonesia’s anti-China incident! You didn't realize it, let's walk and watch!
All Chinatowns, all Chinese people, as long as you have yellow skin, no matter which passport you take, as long as you are Chinese, you will see next, if you don’t think about ways to participate in this , To save the overseas Chinese, the image of overseas, it will be a nightmare!
This is why I proposed that on January 22, we hope that the funds of the rule of law fund and the rule of law society will be spent a lot overseas to change the image of overseas Chinese. Moreover, the rule of law fund and the rule of law society can use money legally, find public relations companies to legislate in the US Congress, protect the legitimate interests of overseas Chinese, and maintain the image of overseas Chinese and students. To establish such an organization, let the United States legislate to let the Chinese people's kindness, industriousness, wisdom, and trustworthiness, and the Chinese culture, the true culture, and the essence of the essence, let more people in the world know. This is the core!
We can't draw cakes to satisfy our hunger! You cannot say that now, the Chinese say that after another ten or twenty years, the Chinese will be fine. impossible! Not everyone has 10 or 20 years of experience. Many people may not have 10 or 20 years. And many children, they are hurt, he may miss ten or twenty years. We must start now! Let the West let all people around the world see the best of us Chinese. We are victims, the Chinese Communist Party does not mean the Chinese people! The relationship between the Chinese people and the Communist Party is a kidnapped relationship and a ruled relationship. How meaningful is this?
So, in 2020, we, the responsibilities are not far away. Our task is very heavy, but the road is really not far away. In this year, it is not far away, "Hula La La" will arrive, more than 300 days, and 150 days until June 4th. Hope comrades, think about it sincerely, what should we do? what can we do! What must we do?
So, dear brothers and sisters, what should we do in 2020, I will briefly summarize. I give myself the rules. Regardless of (others), it is Guo Wengui myself.
In any case, I promote a series of US legislation, and legislation and seizure of all the wealth of overseas thieves is our top priority.
Overseas, these deceived thieves are brought to court in accordance with local laws, so that they are punished financially and honorably, and change the image of overseas Chinese.
Overseas, through the rule of law fund, the rule of law society, in the country, the country, including the United States, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Canada, various countries, the United Kingdom ... to promote legislation, lobbying: "The Chinese Communist Party is not equal to the Chinese, China People are kidnapped by the Communist Party, we want to overthrow the Communist Party's propaganda. Maintain the image of overseas Chinese.
Then, we, Wengui, will open the Pandora's box at the right time to start the second core stage of the explosive revolution. At the most critical moment, the strategic deployment of the United States, economic punishment, economic sanctions, and concerted action of the international community will be the core and irreversible news of the Communist Party's high-level and top-level!
We have to be shocked for ten seconds. Within a minute, let everyone call them criminals without question, and call them the public enemy of thugs, criminals and humans! This is our target of breaking news. When the "Pandora box" is opened, they must be perpetrators.
Strive to minimize China's social shock with minimal sacrifice. On June 4th, let us achieve the highest goal of the Himalayas and allow China to live without the Communist Party.
At the same time, we, together with all our comrades-in-arms, made all possible preparations for the Chinese people and all our compatriots in China to greet the days without the Communist Party.
At our core in 2020, everything must be remembered. Spreading the truth of the Hong Kong crisis and standing with all our compatriots in Hong Kong is our core strategy.
At the same time, we must completely change the Taiwanese election, never let Han Yu be elected, and let the people of Taiwan stand firmly with our revolutionary revolution from 2020. Let them know that you are safe only when there is no Communist Party. Taiwan can no longer have (such) elections, only to destroy the Communist Party.
We must save Hong Kong and Taiwan, the two most important places for our Chinese nation, democracy, freedom, and the rule of law;
At the same time, we must stand firmly, bravely, and at all costs with millions of people in Xinjiang. Spread the truth about their persecution, and give them - all the support we can do, never forget. Treat Uyghur brothers as our brothers and sisters.
To spread the persecution of Tibet and the suppression of religion, we must unite the power of Tibet’s overseas power and the power of Xinjiang’s overseas power with the revolutionary powers of Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc. to form a consensus and resolutely destroy the Communist Party!
At the same time, we will work with major financial institutions, funds and media in the United States to accelerate our cooperation and form a common security and interest bond between us. Let them realize that only China without the Communist Party is in your interest; the early cut with the Communist Party is your best future.
At the same time, at the last critical moment, we look forward to it. I believe it will happen. I have spent decades in the Communist Party, even two or three generations of Communists, and the most wise and brave Chinese, and now in the Communist Party. The silent Communists who have been lurking for many years must be "Operation Thunderbolt", "Eliminate the Demon Thieves", and eliminate the robbers. Instantly changed the tragic fate of this slave who had been kidnapped by the Chinese for 70 years; prevented the Chinese people from being enslaved by the Communist Party; and prevented the Communist Party from kidnapping 1.4 billion people to challenge the United States and the world and make the Chinese a cannon fodder. For the true Chinese to live a new life without the Communist Party, with dignity, security, fairness, the rule of law, freedom of belief, and a good future for the people of the New China.
No matter what happens, I hope that all of our internal comrades in the Communist Party should persevere. There is always a death in life, it is Wang Jian's method of death, or when we close our eyes in our lives, we will never lose this life, this is everyone's own choice.
The rule of law fund and the rule of law society, of which this time requires the establishment of all the heroes and martyrs of the revolution to destroy the republic, and the criteria for judging and contributors; and the goal of allowing the rule of law society and the rule of law fund to always support and reassure, All comrades who have become justices, warriors and even martyrs, our rule of law society and the rule of law fund will protect your family as comprehensively and as possible.
This year is the year of the decisive battle! Year of the Thunderbolt!
Dear comrades! Pay full attention to this aspect. This is our plan for 2020! Today, January 1st, 2020, Wen Gui is talking about this. If there is anything else, please forgive me!
We must always remember that the breaking news revolution is truly unbreakable! The breaking news revolution is by no means an entertainment revolution. It is definitely not a media revolution, nor is it a prediction revolution; this is a communist revolution of life and death!
This is why we do not allow anyone to engage in the so-called media and neutral media in the name of breaking news, what kind of fund or religious group. No one is allowed to make it politicized, profitable, or entertaining. Once the breaking news revolution is entertaining, politicizing, and profiting, it will undoubtedly fail! This is the core of our breaking news revolution.
Guo Wengui once again reiterated four principles:
Never participate in American politics, and after the success of the Himalayas, there is no Chinese politics in the Communist Party;
Never conspire to any position and any title;
Never take a penny in this matter and have a penny for trading;
Never participate in New China without the Communist Party.
It is up to the comrades to decide the future of all comrades in the revolution and the series of organizations to be established by the rule of law fund and society. Guo Wengui will not participate in one word or one sentence. It is entirely up to the comrades to decide the election of the board of directors, the direction of every penny spent, and major decisions. It will be to some extent, after the establishment of a solid power without the Communist Party, the true rule of law of the Chinese people overseas. And everything is decided by the comrades.
Therefore, I believe in the future of the rule of law fund and the society ruled by law, do not look at the current six million. I Guo Wengui myself, I can promise to everyone, still that sentence, you take one and I take two.
I believe that in the future, from the basis of the $4 billion that has not been received in the past, I believe that it can receive a contribution of $400 billion, or even $4 trillion. This money will surely become the most important force for supervision after the Chinese people realize China without the Communist Party, a true new China with independent legal system, human rights, and freedom of belief.
This is my January 1, 2020, Wen Gui shared New York with his comrades in 2019, some of Wen Gui's mistakes and recollections, and some of my plans and plans for 2020.
Of course, for such a short time, although it is a few hours, it is difficult for me to tell how many great events and moving events in 2019. It is also difficult for me to bring the "decoupling", "Sino-US trade agreement" of 2019, the Taiwan incident, the South China Sea, the "Belt and Road", and the seizure of senior officials' assets.
It is also difficult for me to say, how many great comrades did great things last year, I can't talk about them one by one. We are breaking the news and destroying the Communist Party, as long as we can achieve it, this is our core.
Comrades! Let’s not think of becoming a celebrity, not entertaining the breaking news revolution, or mediating the breaking news revolution; nor letting it be profitable, let alone politicizing it; this is our core, and there is only one thing—to destroy the Communist Party!
Dear comrades! Today’s live broadcast is very long, smelly and long; today you heard Wen Gui lingering here for a long time, thank you for your patience and time.
Let us pray for the 1.4 billion Chinese people, the people of Hong Kong, the people of Taiwan, the people of Xinjiang, the people of Xinjiang, and the people of the world????????????
Comrades, let's stop here for our live broadcast today. The two badges I wore were asked by comrades. This is the "Pangu" badge. This is a badge given to me by an American friend. Everyone will understand the significance of wearing these two badges in the future.
It's so hard, Seventh Brother! Seven brothers, you really don’t know! However, these difficulties are when heaven and God give us a mission. It will give us difficulties. You have experienced these difficulties before you can really do it!
——"The seventh brother loves you!"
--I love you too! Love comrades, love comrades, love comrades! Now Wengui can only love his comrades, not anyone.
Thank you so much brothers and sisters! Thank you so much! Thank you so much! In 2019, without you, you will not have everything today! In 2020, without you, I can achieve nothing.
Say hello to the family of all your comrades again! I wish all the comrades-in-arms family and you safe and healthy! safe and sound! Rejoice! Rejoice.
Don't do any spring dreams! Don't engage in "double cultivation", don't engage in "double cultivation"! Do not engage in "double cultivation" or "double cultivation"!
it is good! Dear comrades! That's all for today, okay! happy New Year! Peace and security!