Gwins DataBase

Miles Guo 20191028

Miles Guo 20191028

Dear comrades-in-arms, this is October 28. Wen Gui because I just sent this morning that Guo Wen said that I will not broadcast today, because there are too many meetings scheduled today, and I will broadcast it now, sorry, because there are several situations Tell your comrades.
The first one, everyone should remember that in the past or in the near future, especially in the near future, there have been obvious hackers on your network, hackers on your mobile phone, including the information you have received threatened, such as using Message, WhatsApp, or Say you have a message on your live broadcast or under your external video. There are some threats, if you want to kill your whole family, you will be killed, and another one is to warn you, including your family, including your comrades’ family. Silent non-speakers who were threatened by security threats were invited to drink tea. Please send this information to our comrades Mulan Legend and Sara. This can be done, or leave me a message in Guo Media's private message.
Dear comrades are very important, very important, because there are some departments in the United States who want to know these things very much, and when you have some screenshots of these messages, take the other person's information, the United States will investigate these. At present, I strongly suspect that Wu Zheng, Meng Weishen, Wei Shi, Xiong Xianmin, Xia Yeliang, etc. were all responsible for this. We want the US government to make sure this matter is clear, because everyone has seen it clearly. They and Wei Shihe Wu Zheng is already closely connected, including French Wallop and Michael Waller, and many comrades are threatened and intimidated, so we must check this clearly, we must cooperate closely, everyone should not be silent, do not endure, must To act, to act is to send this information to us, let us check it out, and tell the truth of the matter. I don’t believe that the United States can’t find out the high-level and high-level injuries of these people. Now we must not be silent. This is the first question.
The second question everyone sees now, from General Spalding, Kyle Bass, Mr. Bannon, and many other comrades, we are anti-communist with us on different fronts. One of the videos of Guo Wen just launched by Guo Media is called Gingrich, United States In the video of the former Speaker of the House of Representatives Gingrich and his recent interview, everyone should pay close attention to it and support him under his Twitter. Everyone knows that Gingrich is a legendary figure in American politics, influenced by the culture of France and Europe, this person is a liberal and created countless legends that year.
At the time, the most important thing was that the Communist Party won the so-called Olympic Games and the WTO during the Clinton Democratic Party. During the period of Bush, it was when the CCP was most proud. At the time, and rewritten the 40-year history of the United States, the House and Senate have been controlled by the Democratic Party in this political situation. Finally, due to the change of seats in the House of Representatives, the Communist Party’s blue-golden color in the United States was completely defeated, so when President Kimrich’s two so-called scandals came out, including when he was hit hard, I personally heard the CCP’s top leadership Comrade Jiang Zemin spoke internally, not face-to-face. Others put a voice for me to listen to at the time. Jiang Zemin said at the time: Oh, this is the biggest gift for us. You have done a very good job. This Golden Ridge threatens us It's too big, we have to seize the close political sweet period between President Clinton and us, not to be missed, but Gingrich is our threat and Gingrich is killed.
At that time, I didn’t remember clearly. It seemed that he used the sponsor’s funds very illegally. As far as I know, the staff of the Ministry of Security who showed me that day said it was the information provided by the CCP to the US, saying that Gingrich used it illegally. In addition to the so-called political donations at the time. The second is his personal sex scandals, sexual life issues, and life issues, which are also the information provided by the CCP to the US. In fact, the Communist Party’s participation in US internal affairs is no longer a secret. I believe the US government knows.
Now looking back at the so-called scandals of illegal use of donations and personal life scandals by Speaker Gingrich at that time, at the most critical time, including the preparations for presidential elections, including the blue skirt case, the core scandals were all mentioned by the CCP. As expected, the CCP killed the legendary King Ridge. Now seeing Speaker Gingrich has what I think is the clearest indication that the United States can only deal with a Chinese government and people without a communist China and no totalitarian communism. This is what he said first. One very clearly stated. Of course Bannon is another matter, others are another.
The second one says that the Chinese and Americans are absolutely beautiful, and there is no reason to fight, but there is absolutely a problem with the Chinese government. At the same time, it is said that the centralized power and the current Communist Party’s actions, and the current Communist Party’s actions against the United States Threats are the number one threat to the United States. The third clearly stated that communist communism will not perish in China. The United States does not have any reasons and reasons for dealing with China, and it must not only get rid of the hook, but to do everything possible to get rid of this evil Communist Party. You can go to see Mr. Gingrich’s speech, interview in American (American Thought Leaders), very good, in American (American Thought Leaders) also interviewed General Spalding, and interviewed Gingrich, I think this program is great Great, everyone pays close attention to Gingrich.
The last thing I want to say, everyone must pay attention that your mobile phone, your computer, and your E-Mail must have been attacked recently, especially the comrades who are now on the front line, all of which are It was done by Wu Zheng, Sun Lijun, Wang Qishan, Meng Jianzhu, Meng Weishen, and Xiong Xianmin. Be careful of my dear comrades. I am breaking the news today. I urgently call on comrades to cooperate. Everything has just begun, thank you.
I have prayed for everyone today, and I will not pray.