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Miles Guo 20190427

Miles Guo 20190427

Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Today it is very important to have our comrade-in-arms, Mr. Luther. Flying from afar, flying from afar. It was supposed to be kept secret. I think Mr. Luther did not keep it secret. Some people have guessed it. A lot of things have happened in the past few days, and this week has world events. China's Belt and Road Committee, the Belt and Road Committee and the so-called international warship visits in Qingdao, China. What's more important, what attracted the world's attention was the meeting in Manhattan called the "American Current Crisis Committee", the Manhattan meeting. 
This meeting has aroused great attention. On the scene, there was an unprecedented appearance in the United States. A few decades ago, the United States called the current crisis committee to almost all the members of the Soviet Union. Of course, they were all living people. Those who did not live did not come. If someone who is no longer here comes, that's really a big deal. If President Reagan comes back, it is estimated that the Communist Party directly scared the guns and screamed. But Mr. Bannon's speech that day caused great shock. Ah, right, Mr. Luther. I think this is the most exciting one of his recent speeches. And everyone noticed that he became more handsome after losing a dozen pounds. 
So today, in order to respond to all the questions of our comrades-in-arms, it is because many people leave a message to Mr. Luther and leave a message to me, saying that they would like to ask this list of "Current Crisis Committee", the issues that everyone is concerned about. Our translator grandma is a real-time translator. 
Mr Bannon: 
Let me say a little bit. First of all, I told the Chinese audience that he (Mr. Guo Wengui) is my manager and my agent. So, to be very serious, Guo Media and Mr. Wen Gui were in the mid-town Manhattan on Thursday, a very noble live room. We talked about, you know that there are many Wang Qishan in China, and they also need to spend a lot of money to buy these noble residences. But he (Mr. Guo Wengui) is simultaneous interpretation and live broadcast in such a noble place. And this place has gathered all, a lot of live broadcast rooms, compared with TV stations, live TV stations. Moreover, we have 7 shooting scenes, and he (Mr. Guo Wengui) has already served as my manager and agent. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
I have now made this transaction with him (Mr. Bannon). Mr. Bannon also had a CBC interview before, which also caused a huge sensation. An hour before us today, Mr. Luther and I came to ask Mr. Bannon on behalf of our comrades. Mr. Bannon answered us in the fastest time, each answer should not exceed 5 sentences, and we asked no more than one sentence. After an hour and a ten-minute break, Mr. Luther and I continued to answer the questions of our comrades on these questions, okay. I now, on behalf of my comrades-in-arms, let me first ask the first question: Mr. Bannon, do you think the "Current Crisis Committee" is valuable to China? 
Mr Bannon: 
That is my thought. First of all, I welcome Mr. Luther. I am honored to be able to live broadcast with him. I am honored that you have come from afar. In my opinion, the power of the "committee" and its value is to awaken Americans and let them know the situation in China. Chinese people still live like slaves. And don’t let us America, Wall Street help these
Power holders suppress the people. So we want to let people on Wall Street know how they help these people in power to oppress Chinese people. 
Mr. Luther: 
I would like to ask, how many full coverage of the "Current Crisis Committee" meeting in the mainstream US media? 
Mr Bannon: 
In fact, many of us, such as CMBC, come to interview us directly. Moreover, it has received a lot of attention in the United States and a lot of big reports, all mainstream media have to report. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
It was a very expensive hall held at the St. Regis Hotel that day. Who will pay for this meeting? 
Mr Bannon: 
The St. Regis Hotel is also on Five Avenues, one street away from Trump Tower. The streets are all the most expensive in a street, houses and properties, so (the robbers of the country) bought it with your money. Then there is, our committee, we will also raise funds to operate. We also have some supporters and sponsors to help us operate. So I am grateful to Guo Media and the Rule of Law Fund. 
Mr. Luther: 
Everyone knows that the blue-golden ability of CCP is very strong, so how can the people in your committee avoid the influential people in the CCP from mixing into the organization, and become a CCP in the decision-making process, an organization that helps CCP speak? 
Mr Bannon: 
We have to be very careful, because this is the second time when the committee restarts and becomes effective. Therefore, we must be very careful to select our members and members. Of course, we also know that the Communist Party's penetration is also very strong, so we must also be very careful. We are aware of the strong penetration of the CCP, so we are very careful in this regard. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
I saw that day, many people behind the venue were mysterious figures with absolute strength in the United States. This I think is the biggest highlight of the day. Mr Bannon, how did you organize these people together? 
Mr Bannon: 
Yes, some of us may be sent by the Chinese Communist Party, but I told Wengui that I actually like to bring these people together. Because, so that we can let them know that our committee is very important. This is the first time we have convened such a formal meeting, so it is also good to have some spies present to let them know how much we have received the attention of the mainstream media. 
Mr. Luther: 
These participants, Mr. Wen Gui said that there are members of the secret executive committee. Was there a lot of very influential people in the venue yesterday? Although they did not speak, are the very influential people in the American business community also fully participating in the action of the committee. 
Mr Bannon: 
Yes. We only have 6 members who are our secret committee, so at that time, we only had some time for the most important people to speak. But next time we should have the next media report in the Washington capital. Because many people in the outside world now hope that we will hold this meeting to let everyone know about the "committee". So the next time we are in the capital of Washington, we will have this media report. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
I hope that this next meeting will allow Mr. Luther to have more of our comrades-in-arms and the comrades who broke the news of the revolution and the anti-communist revolution. 
Mr Bannon: 
In fact, anti-CCP is already a big trend, because Guo Media and Mr. Wen Gui have already participated in many Chinese patriots. So in the United States, we have seen that the general direction of change is that many people know the power of the Communist Party. But we are mainly aimed at the elites on Wall Street, because you know that the money of the elite on Wall Street helped the CCP and gave them such a great power, so we must let the people on Wall Street know. 
Mr. Luther: 
Listening to your speech that day, I heard Guo Media, Guo Media, why did you mention Guo Media on such an important occasion, why? 
Mr Bannon: 
This means that we are in the United States, and we can broadcast the meeting directly to China through Guo Media without being blocked. So we directly broadcast live through Guo Media, so Guo Media is a very important tool. Moreover, you also know that I like to live broadcast with Mr. Wen Gui very much, and we also see many such interactions. I like Chinese audiences to see such meetings directly. 
Mr. Wen Gui: 
After Mr Bannon’s committee was opened that day, there was a huge reaction within the Communist Party of China. But what we are most worried about is that you have turned into an overseas muzzle party organization. Like in the past when China faked overseas democracy movements, it shouted slogans every day for 30 years, nothing happened, and worried that you, a big flicker in the United States, engaged in this muzzle party, muzzle committee, how can you become Action? 
Mr Bannon: 
But we will really take action, we first withdraw from the fund. You have to see that there will be a lot of money in the United States that will not flow into this retirement fund. You know yesterday, we already had a lot of people on Wall Street talking about how to stop investing funds in the retirement funds that support China. 
We know that with this Media 100, they are all loyal to the CCP. In the past, people on Wall Street said that not investing money in China discriminated against Chinese. But in fact it is not. The Chinese funds and Chinese companies we invest in are used to support the freedom and democracy movement that oppresses the lives of Chinese people and oppresses China. Therefore, we can no longer invest in these enterprises, state-owned enterprises. In fact, we have liberated the Chinese people. In fact, you know, China is very smart. In the past, they used racism to make us continue to invest in CCP enterprises, but we must let everyone know their real purpose. 
Mr. Luther: 
It was that day that many netizens were very concerned. On that day, many people greeted Mr. Wen Gui. Why did Mr. Wen Gui get so much attention at this meeting? Can you tell us the reason? 
Mr Bannon: 
Because Mr. Wen Gui, in the United States is very concerned by the American media. Moreover, many people in the United States are talking about Guo Media. We know that Guo Media can directly broadcast through the Chinese firewall to the Chinese people, so he (Mr. Guo Wengui) is very capable. And he can also get to know some of the top hedge fund managers in the United States, so many people will listen to what he says and receive a lot of attention. Moreover, he has spared no effort in attacking the Communist Party of China, so if he does, he has also received a lot of attention from many Chinese audiences. So, here, we also pay high attention to him. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
In fact, the answer is simple. Without Mr. Bannon and these friends, we would not be so popular and concerned. Without the hard work of these comrades-in-arms, we would not have received so much attention. Thank you Mr. Bannon, thank you comrades. 
After that, I am very honored to be invited by some organizations to Washington in May for a more important meeting. Like Mr. Bannon, the committee will speak on Capitol Hill next, and then in several places. The Legal Fund and our Mr. Bannon will continue. With this opportunity, we will let more comrades-in-arms participate. 
Many comrades-in-arms asked Mr. Bannon, another very critical question. Many domestic and institutional figures sent me a message saying that the US "Current Crisis Committee" would have specific implications for the decisions of the US Congress, the Pentagon and the White House. What kind of impact? Will it influence the White House's decision on China like the current crisis committee did with the Soviet Union, and the final decision is to punish and destroy the Communist Party instead of reaching an agreement with it. 
At present, the current crisis committee has a very clear goal for the Soviet Union, killing the Soviet Union and destroying the Soviet Union. This, the letter that destroyed the Soviet Union is our common friend. One of the important people at the meeting that day was called Roger Robinson. He wrote this letter when he was young. Now there are Frank, Steve Bannon, Roger Robinson, Bass, and many more people. Will it be the same slogan: Kill the Communist Party, will it happen? 
Mr Bannon: 
Yes, our focus is on a few extremely centralized people in the Communist Party of China. Chinese people see Guo Media, they know it. We are very passionate about Chinese people, and we are very concerned about all aspects of Chinese people. The problem now is that what we do as a committee is not aimed at the Chinese people. We Americans have a lot of retirement funds, and their investment goes to Wall Street, but Wall Street uses this money to support the activities of a few extreme people of the Communist Party of China. No one outside knows. Therefore, our main focus now is from the economic aspect
To prevent the CCP from infiltrating the US retirement funds, we cannot allow our retirement funds to participate in the oppression of the Chinese people. 
So we deleted this hose, (they) have no money, and we can better crack down on the actions of the Communist Party of China. In fact, you know, I always represent our people. Also, I know I want to say it briefly, but there is one more thing to say, Wen Gui will do a lot of actions in May and June, and will give a speech in Washington, and I am also invited to Europe, especially Germany, speak with the local. The two themes of my speech are the actions of the Legal Fund and the committee. Tell Germans and locals to understand that we cannot support the few extreme and centralized individuals in the Chinese Communist Party. We must strike and fight back through the economy. We hope to get help from Guo Media and report there. Spread this information throughout Europe. 
Mr. Luther: 
The important person at the meeting that day was Roger Robison. As far as I know, he is one of the important members of the US Economic Security Commission. Does his presence represent the Economic Security Committee? I understand that the Economic Security Committee has a regulatory role for every dollar. Is it that as soon as he stands up, it makes many Wall Street gangsters already very afraid of it, that is, Wall Street, which has any relationship with CCP. Including the meeting after that day, the US stock market and China's concept stocks fell in response. Do you think it is related to this meeting? 
Mr Bannon: 
Yes, Roger Robison, who was with Reagan at the time, they were economically attacking the Soviet Union at that time in Russia, liberating the people of Eastern Europe. To break this iron curtain, Mr. Roger is an important person to promote this action. He founded it at the time. Knowing that if we stop providing money to the Soviet project, we can crack it. So now Mr. Wen Gui provides a lot of information about the CCP. We learned that we blocked the CCP from the economy. In fact, the Communist Party of China took all people's money overseas to launder money. We must tell everyone this information. So the CCP took away the cash from the people, right? Then they are laundering money in the United States. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
All current committees have been given sacred missions and hopes! Everyone is worried that the current committee has become an advocacy organization without actual implementation capabilities. This is Mr. Bannon. Many people ask you: The current crisis committee
Specifically, for example, this time I saw a series of fatal such messages pointed out by Roger Robison and Kyle Bass to him economically and the next economic action prepared for him. But Mr. Bannon, you yourself. What will you do, in addition to speeches, what other actions can directly strike the CCP. 
Mr Bannon: 
In fact, the US capital market is now booming. We in the United States have a very good economic system. There are many laws, and there are also many regulatory mechanisms. Then we also have the China Securities Regulatory Commission, which oversees all our regulatory agencies. So the "committee", Roger, Kyle Bass, they will tell the SFC. They said that the SFC actually supervised. But every time they talk about the CCP, they have no supervision. Because the SFC will also benefit from it. 
So now we have two things to do: 
the first. Let's go to the pension fund. I told them that you can no longer invest in these state-owned enterprises manipulated in China. 
second. We also have to tell the Wall Street Securities Regulatory Commission. We don't want more other laws or regulatory laws. We said: But we must let the Communist Party of China abide by our laws in the United States, and we can no longer override our laws. We also know that China is talking about the Belt and Road Initiative. They continue to raise funds to support the Belt and Road. So now we have to let everyone know about this in China. Let everyone not support these economic actions. 
Mr. Luther: 
Some netizens want to ask how the current crisis committee needs the people in the wall to cooperate with the current crisis committee to carry out the crime. What they need to do. Tell our audience on this show. 
Mr Bannon: 
The most important thing is that you have to tell us online, you saw our live broadcast, you saw the committee. What effect do you think we have in China. What will happen. Because you know that all the rights in the world come from the people and the people. Therefore, I think that the changes that have taken place in China should not be the United States. The United States cannot spur these changes. The main change comes from the Chinese people. Your destiny and your change are in your hands. 
So first, what we have to do is, we continue to broadcast live. Let Chinese people know that the United States supports you. And we support your strength. There is no power to lead the people to take action on their own. Take control of this power yourself. So you have to tell your friends constantly. Tweet us on various social media and tell us what changes you have seen after seeing this information. What is your opinion? To support us. 
Then the United States can understand it, and the United States can understand it better and cooperate with you more. You know that in the St. Regis venue, there are many elites from Wall Street. They heard our message. They also felt very shocked. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
This time the current crisis committee, your speech, Roger Robinson announced an important message: the US Government’s Economic Security Committee is paying attention to every dollar trend! Karbas made it clear that the threat of RMB and Hong Kong dollar. China's false economy. Including speeches, our Chinese Communist Party is buying American freedom to control American media. Frankly speaking, your speech was the best. Very straightforward, hitting the point. And it has a huge impact in China. Especially this time I feel a lot more special in the system to leave a message saying: Our family must rely on the Communist Party to eat, we have no second choice. We have only one government that is now controlled by the Communist Party. 
Say Mr. Bannon and Roger Robison, Kyle Bass as my best brothers, what you said is absolutely true. But you Too Naive! You are too naive. Just like I was there that day, several American friends said. How about Miles? This law or something, I said all the problems are you Too High (too high-end), he said what happened to us, why we lost, I said I said this to Mr. Bannon five times a day. I said you Too Naive. 
Mr Bannon: 
Yes, I am just a child from a simple rural area. I grew up in the rural area. So I don’t know about the blue and golden. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
He needs BGY, haha. So Mr. Roger Robinson also said. I said you are "0". Do not think that you really understand the Communist Party, you are "0"! why? All your questions to American society to high. Law, human rights, humanity, religion. This is your question. The Communist Party is all under the belt. He doesn't care how many people die! What morality, what faith! 
So that day I told many American friends. I said you are going to Washington. He asked me to go and arranged a mysterious speech. Say: "Miles, you can talk as long as you want." I said the problem is your Too Naive, about outside China
I am a silly X, I am "0", but I am absolutely confident about China! You are too naive. You guys are too high! But this question, Mr. Bannon, how do you solve this problem? 
Mr Bannon: 
I'm just a very simple person! I'm just working class, it's incomparable compared with Wengui. I want everyone to know. In fact, the first thing I talked about is doctrine, that is why we should do this live broadcast at St. Regis. Why is our live broadcast happening in April 2019? You know we have a lot of elites, Robison, Bannon and Kyle Bass. We are at St. Regis and talk about this never happening before. There are no Asian elites like Miles and other hedge funds present. No! But you know that the speech we said on the venue that day was a very cruel reality presented to ordinary people. 
So even though he said that we were naive, we all Americans are very naive, and we have not yet learned the truth of the CCP. 
However, it was Wen Gui who started the live broadcast, and slowly learned the truth. It also takes time and needs to be gradually carried out. Now Wall Street has also woke up. So let me tell you that the front page of the Wall Street Journal reported on China’s president of Interpol. He is now imprisoned by China. He turned out to be the number one leader of Interpol. He is now imprisoned. You know that this is the case from Wen Gui Live Broadcasting, so now it is also being reported by mainstream American media. 
So we are naive, because our mainstream media in the United States has never reported about the Communist Party of China, nor did we know about it, but now Wengui has awakened Americans and Wall Street, and now more people are reporting. the truth. Like Wengui, they are connected to produce action. So this one hundred committee is the most elite Chinese in the United States and Americans. Well, generally speaking, they are going to some high-level occasions, cocktail parties, but we now know that what they all say is false, but you know that people in the past think these are the most successful Chinese Americans, Americans, Then they wear the most noble clothes, go to noble occasions, then what he said must be true. But now everyone is awake. 
In fact, this has been the case for the past 30 or 40 years. Now we know the truth through live broadcast, so you will also watch Luther’s live broadcast in Taiwan, and many of us also understand our live broadcast through whatsApp. So now everyone sees some beautiful masks broken, what we see is the truth of the devil inside the mask. So you have to understand Wengui, this is still a process for us, a process. 
Then, through your live broadcast with Luther and some people, continue to wake us up and make us no longer naive. But we saw very important things in the headlines of the newspapers. You know that in the past no one in the United States would pay attention to the matter that the international criminal police Meng Hongwei was caught. Guo Wengui said HNA, and it was HNA's thing, then the CCP presided over This action. Well, Wang Jian of HNA was killed, and then Meng Hongwei, the international criminal police, was also cut by him. 
Mr. Luther: 
As we know, the latest thing in the Sino-US trade talks is to say that the firewall is not what you said during the speech that day. The firewall does not seem to be not included in the Sino-US trade talks. This important task, I think it can affect the US government in the Sino-US negotiations, that is, don't. Our netizens are very concerned about not putting the firewall in the Sino-US trade negotiations. 
Can it be done? 
Mr Bannon: 
I am also very angry about this, and I am also very angry. We are an American company, and American technology turned out to let the Chinese Communist Party build a firewall! In fact, the firewall is the first important tool to enslave the Chinese people. Therefore, when we serve as a committee and have a rule of law fund, we have to take an important task to fight against the firewall. In Russia, people in Eastern Europe can be liberated because the sky is broken. So we know that Guo Media is committed to breaking this firewall. But this is a very complicated task, an action, so we have this task, purpose, we must take this firewall down. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Mr. Bannon, I have been saying recently: If you want to do everything you can, we take down the firewall. They said let us do this. Another one is stop investment to CCP. This is Mr. Bannon’s slogan, so Mr. Bannon. What is said is the key. Last night, just a few hours ago, I talked to a friend in Shanghai. He asked me to ask Mr. Bannon today. I hope you will see me online and ask me in person. Does the US government know that all of China's firewall technology comes from the US? The firewall technology that enslaves the Chinese people and the maintenance assistance they get every day now come from the United States? CCP, the money that abuses Chinese people every day, also comes from the United States. What should Mr. Bannon do? Now that you know you have done evil, most of the suffering of the Chinese people comes from the United States, that is, the Communist Party says you are American imperialism and your capitalism. What are your two problems? too high, too greedy. So greedy! 
How do you take responsibility? How do you give us the Chinese people a solution? Luther and I are in trouble. My family has lost their freedom and cannot go home. They are all done by Bannon. Now you can answer this question. 
Mr Bannon: 
I also said that when the committee said the same, American companies were all proponents of the CCP in the past, and their supporters, Wall Street is also an investor of the CCP. If we stop this way, we must understand that our common investors must understand Where did our money go? Should not support China to continue to build this firewall. 
So, we also discuss with Wengui about the rule of law fund, and we know more about the current situation in China. 
So we have to take action, we Americans, ordinary people, we don’t even know that our pensions are in the hands of Wall Street, and then they invest in these Chinese state-owned enterprises, they can come to enslave Chinese people. Build a Chinese firewall to fight against the US. 
Well, to expose this matter to us Americans, then this is a fact and it is also very shocking, so it also makes many Americans wake up. They also feel that this is wrong and they will not support it. So you have to tell your good friends in Shanghai that we are taking action. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
heard it? Comrades, I finished the question. I’ll say what you said. Now please ask Luther. 
Mr. Luther:  
We have been paying attention to the US government just now. Now I would like to ask to what extent does the committee have an important influence on Western allies such as Europe, Australia and Japan? 
Mr Bannon: 
This is a good question. We also went to Europe as the committee and told the Italians, Germans, and French to let them know our actions and our tasks. And tell them where the western capital is going. Prime Minister Abe will come tomorrow and we will also talk to them. Tell them how careful Japan should be, they cannot be seen as invisible. They must face up to the problems we face now and take action to deal with them. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Now the entire Chinese economy is absolutely worse than you think. 
Mr Bannon: 
Isn't it an increase of 6.9%? That's Wall Street, not just China, Wall Street says so. Why does Wall Street always say so? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
They are partners of CCP, they want to keep their shares, they don’t want to lose money. They want to kidnap 1.4 billion people to control the world and steal the world's money. Both are scammers, Wall Street and CCP, with common interests and common goals. 
Mr Bannon: 
I want Chinese audiences to understand that whatever number the Chinese Communist Party says, Wall Street repeats what number, just like their Bible. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
A few weeks ago, I attended a high-level economic conference in the United States. Everyone likes Wang Qishan. They say that Wang Qishan is a great person. Wang Qishan can lead the world and is the first person. Wang Qishan can help the United States solve any problems. 
Mr Bannon:  
I tell you that Bloomberg is one of the right people in America. ... he can raise funds up to three times the Trump campaign. Last November, he flew to Singapore specifically to do one thing-introduce Wang Qishan, he said that I do not care about President Trump, I do not care about President Xi Jinping, this talent is the most powerful person in the world. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
A few days ago, people in a room, they controlled the 2.5 trillion dollars, they said, Wang Qishan is better than Xi Jinping, all our problems come from Xi Jinping, we need to defeat Xi Jinping. 
Mr Bannon: 
Xi Jinping, you have a question. The market believes that Wang Qishan has more rights. 
Mr. Guo Wengui:  
A gentleman asked me to ask you, do you think both Wang Qishan and Xi Jinping are bad, or is Wang Qishan more evil and worse? 
Mr Bannon:  
I think Wang Qishan is the manipulator of money, and he is the bond of money. If you go to Bloomberg, Wall Street, etc., you can see traces of Wang Qishan everywhere. He is behind the scenes of various transactions. He is also the manipulator of Chinese centralization. So we thank Wen Gui for revealing the truth. 
Previously, what Wen Gui said in the news of HNA, Guo Wengui said that HNA is not Hainan, nor is it Chinese. He said that HNA belongs to two people, and is controlled by Wang Qishan at all. Everyone thought that Guo Wengui was talking nonsense. Guo Wengui was prosecuted by many people. Now all the prosecutions have been dismissed, and all prosecutions have been dismissed, proving that Guo Wengui is right. Wang Qishan is the real manipulator behind it. Wang Qishan and Xi Jinping did not distribute the money to the Chinese people. I want people in China to know that all your money went to the hotel next door and went to a private jet... Why did Wall Street like Wang Qishan because they can make a lot of money. Wang Qishan seemed to be the godfather on Wall Street. He came and threw money, so they said that Wang Qishan was too good, he was too good. The money is all Chinese people's money! 
Mr. Luther: 
As I said just now, with so much money, according to Mr. Wen Gui, these money for these thieves. Does the United States now have such laws to support sanctions against thieves’ funds and their agents? 
Mr Bannon: 
This is a good question. Wall Street is regulated, and we have the SFC. Like Kyle Bass, they know what regulatory mechanisms are in place. The Communist Party is also very aware of these mechanisms. We want to tell everyone that the Chinese government is laundering money, and we have to pass laws to ban them. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Mr. Bannon, many domestic people are now concerned about whether Trump will be under personal and political considerations under the lobbying of Wall Street, and finally let the Communist Party take the lead to reach an agreement on Sino-US trade. In fact, CCP has been killed by President Trump, and half of it has been abolished. If it persists, there is no trade agreement, no longer invest heavily in CCP, and continue to crack down on the threat of CCP to the security of the United States and the delegation of spies, the Communist Party will soon be finished in the future, what do you think of this? Are you confident? This question is today's code, haha, code. 
Mr Bannon: 
This is a question that many people ask. As I said before, President Trump received unprecedented pressure from Wall Street, saying that if you do not sign this trade agreement, we will lose the support of China’s Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
But I want to add that I am with Mr. Bannon almost every day, we are upstairs, 10 hours a day, there are many people like Mr. Roger Robison, Mr. Kelbas, and my name does not appear , Because we are many•••••• I am just like what broke out two years ago today, I tell you responsibly, what you are worried about is that President Trump is blue and golden by them, and I tell you, impossible! 
The biggest difference between the United States and China is that China has too many thieves and traitors. Our Mr. Bannon is next to him. If he wants to sell the United States, the Communist Party will have to pay him a high price. Wang Qishan asked CITIC and the former president of Goldman Sachs when he left the White House. His good buddies, I also know, use a special plane. When I received Wang Qishan’s chat, if it was blue and golden, Steven Bannon would sell himself, and it would have been sold long ago. If President Trump wanted to talk about selling his country, he thought he could not do it. Because there are too many people like Bannon staring there, the United States is the first great national system, and the United States is the greatest in the world, impossible! 
Rest assured, President Trump will always be with us! This is like what I said to Mr. Bannon. I said that the two of us knew each other. I don’t mix American politics. You can’t say anything bad about President Trump. If you say, I will turn your face. I said we have to support President Trump, he said yes, why? President Trump and Mr. Bannon are the only anti-communists, so rest assured. (Mr. Guo looks at Bannon) You, one hundred percent, one thousand percent. 
Mr Bannon: 
President Trump, he has a great impact on the world. I know what he said is that you see China, they go to Hong Kong, they don’t have the resources, they don’t have the resources to go to Taiwan, But many Chinese, they came to the United States, they started from scratch, so I think the Chinese are very smart, hardworking, hardworking, and President Trump respects these characteristics very much. For example, Trump also believes that he gives freedom to the Chinese people, gives freedom to the space, and has a legal system. It can be rooted, survived and prospered here. So he believes this very much. What we mean by populism is to empower the people. Everyone can survive in our free space. Then this is a power that our people can control and defeat the Communist Party. . 
Mr. Luther: 
Okay, now everyone knows this Huawei. The UK is currently partially banned from Huawei, but there are still many products that allow it to use Huawei in Huawei’s 6G system. The British Prime Minister has already made this decision.
Strategy, as to whether our current crisis committee can be involved in this incident, this matter is an important project, that is, can action affect the United Kingdom, and now we will completely abandon this Huawei? This is a matter of great concern to us! 
Mr Bannon: 
Huawei’s biggest problem is that it not only recognizes the PLA, but not only their tools. In fact, they are part of the PLA, and they are subject to the PLA. . . The whole is an organization of this part of the PLA, so we all know that it is part of the PLA. Well, they think that they should not be oppressive voices, so we should not cooperate with Huawei, because in fact Huawei is part of the People’s Liberation Army, and it should not penetrate the Western world. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
I asked a question, (looking at Luther), and then you ask another question, we are over today Mr. Bannon. This is a very important comrade in the current crisis committee. . . After the meeting, he sent me a long message. This is a Chinese general, a general in active service. He was originally in the South China Sea. He was on a mission in the South China Sea, and now he has gone somewhere. He knows very well what the Communist Party has to do. Now the Communist Party uses the vast majority of intelligence, detectives, satellites, and network forces in the Communist Party to hack and collect information against American individuals and the government. 
This is what I told Mr. Bannon for the first two days. There are Kyle Bass, Roger Robison, and many of our comrade-in-arms friends in the United States. I said I can guarantee you that 100% of your mobile phones are being monitored. In this regard, your innocence is beyond my imagination. You are holding several mobile phones, holding them forever, and holding them, which is more terrible than bombs. The problem is that this friend said, can you tell Mr. Bannon this person, as long as they carry a mobile phone, as long as he is in a room with electronic equipment, I can hear him, let him pay attention to safety, I beg you , Can you tell us these buddies, comrade-in-arms American friends, you don’t do it before CCP, because you guys (means cell phone) wiped you out, please, here I am. 
Mr Bannon: 
I think we have to be careful in this regard. This matter is actually an information war. Luther, you are constantly broadcasting these online, and it is also a war on information. Of course, we have to understand that we are engaged in an information network war. Up to now, I think we still have a chance to win because we It is the most powerful. With this technology, our network is the most powerful tool. 
So if we continually distribute information and continually awaken everyone through the information, let everyone know the information. For example: take a look, I know that security is very important, Wengui, you can’t go out without security, and I can’t go out without security, we all understand that we are full of all kinds of Threats, but we are still committed to doing this, Bannon is also committed to doing this, I don't care how dangerous the crisis is in front of me. 
It seems that Mr. Luther may also be threatened, but this does not mean that we have to stop, we certainly need to be careful, but we are committed to doing this, we will not give in, and I have nothing to stop me To do this thing. 
Mr. Luther: 
There is one last question. Everyone knows that the last live broadcast, Mr. Wen Gui also said that Guo Taiming is now a long-term arrangement for the election of the president of Taiwan is the CCP. Last time, Mr. Wen Gui also told you (referring to Bannon ) Speaking of the importance of this Taiwan, Mr. Wen Gui also said that if the United States does not take action, the next president will definitely be Guo Taiming. Then there is Guo Taiming who once became Taiwan’s president, it is sure that Taiwan is completely'one country, two systems' by the CCP, (Mr. Guo inserted a peaceful robbery), peaceful robbery, that is, I said the current crisis committee, which is another major Is there any way to influence Taiwan’s actions and prevent Guo Taiming from succeeding? Is there a way? 
Mr Bannon: 
I actually have some competition with Wengui. I don’t want to say that he is right. But we also heard him talk about Korean Yu, he told me: "Korean Yu will not win, and Guo Taiming will run for election", and now it has proved that what he said is true! In fact, the situation in Taiwan proves that the Chinese Communist Party is so ingenious, so mature, and so experienced in operating a country's political power. When they understand that Tsai Ing-wen cannot be elected in the next term, they feel that Korea Yu has a chance. 
For Western media, we think that South Korea Yu is a young star like a superstar, it seems that the next president is none other than him! But it was only Wen Gui who understood the strategy of the Communist Party of China behind the scenes, and I said, "He is wrong, he is not right!" But in fact, now that we see Guo Taiming coming out for election, Korea Yu will be withdrawn! 
Therefore, it is also confirmed that Wen Gui is right, he (the Communist Party) can not let any Chinese have freedom, including Taiwan! Whether it is Hong Kong, Taiwan, or the United States, any place where Chinese people succeed, including overseas, the place where Chinese people succeed in prosperity is the worst news for the Chinese Communist Party, so Xi Jinping will not allow Chinese people to succeed overseas, so They must take back Taiwan's autonomy! 
Then I think the US should also support Taiwan, of course! I saw Wen Gui predicting that Guo Taiming would be elected, and I admire him very much. I can say that in 2020, the Taiwanese presidential election is a very critical moment. This is very critical for us! Because we want Taiwan to have a non-interference campaign, this is a very difficult thing. Of course, Wen Gui, when he said in September 2018 that Guo Taiming would be elected the next president of Taiwan, reality proved that he was right! 
South Korea Yu is now withdrawing, then Guo Taiming will be elected. I think this is a very important thing in Asia. If the Kuomintang Guo Taiming wants to win, Taiwan will fall into the hands of the Chinese Communist Party. We have to do something in this regard. action. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Just now you heard, I said to Mr. Bannon just a few minutes ago, "Korean Yu will not choose, and he will not be able to choose," I said, "It is Guo Taiming." I told an American friend, he said, "Impossible!" He said: Don't joke! Because many people are asking Mr. Bannon for help, Mr. Bannon asked me for my opinion, including many American friends. This is basically happening now, in the end I hope I am wrong, I don’t want me to be right. 
Because Guo Taiming was elected President of Taiwan, this is the humiliation of Taiwan’s 23 million ancestors and your future generations, and this is peaceful robbery. Seeing the day-to-day rape in the square of 23 million people, you have to say climax! You translate this sentence well, rape the people under the attention of 23 million people, you have to shout climax! This is true, because I said it on September 5, 2018, people in Taiwan know it. 
The day before yesterday I was on the phone with a good friend in Taiwan. He sent a brother he believed in to come here to meet me, and let my bodyguard bring him up, crying in tears, he said, "You want to call Bannon Help us! Don't let Guo Taiming be elected!" I said, "You cry and fart, Mr. Bannon is not yours, can't you help yourself?" 
The people of Taiwan must not let Guo Taiming play all the celebrities, play the celebrities without paying, and have a virtue with the Communist Party! Very bad person! So you choose such a person from Taiwan people? President Trump is a businessman. When don’t people buy a bill with you? People divorced three times, and Guangguang's hundreds of millions of dollars were given to his ex-wife! Will Guo Taiming know? Guo Taiming's wife died and ran away from the graves, and the flowers were fake. I will tell you that they all say plastic flowers! Can he love the people of Taiwan? 
Taiwan compatriots, only save themselves! I said to Luther the night before, I said, "Mr. Luther, you always remember, you don't depend on anyone." Every time I said to Mr. Bannon, I said, "I never hoped and did not rely on you to destroy the Communist Party! You will not, because you have your interests. I believe that we will destroy the Communist Party in order to destroy the Communist Party, to Our comrade-in-arms destroys the Communist Party, this is our only choice!" 
But we will make the world more peaceful, and let the Chinese become the nation and the country that America believes the most! I can say in front of Bannon today that our current comrades, alliances and comrades in the United States are beyond the Zhongnankeng of the Communist Party of China. You translated the grandma clearly. Zhongnankeng is not Zhongnanhai. 
Mr Bannon: 
Okay, I hope the next show goes smoothly, I will leave you first. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Today, Mr. Bannon and I broadcast live here. We are in English conversation. Next break for 10 minutes. Mr. Luther and I will answer the question of our homecoming on our dialogue. Mr. Bannon will go upstairs and continue to fight the Communist Party. . 
Mr Bannon: 
Your live broadcast, and this camera is the most powerful tool, thank you very much! 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Together we pray for 1.4 billion Chinese people and American people, and all Christians, Catholics and all believers! 
Rest in the middle 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Dear comrades, we are back. After a 10-minute break, Luther and I continue to report live broadcasts to our comrades. Just now it was an honor to have a live broadcast with Mr. Luther and Mr. Bannon. We asked a lot of questions on behalf of our comrades on the spot, which is very good, and I think this method is the next step we will use, because it is a direct translation on site, without interrupting the thinking, I think it is very good. 
I am allergic to pollen. You can see that your nose is broken, but it is very strange. When the live broadcast stops, you will runny nose immediately. Do you say this is uncomfortable? This person is really, we are the life of the live broadcast. Mr. Luther, we all have a mission. God said you have to live broadcast. 
In the question and answer of Mr. Bannon just now, I think there are many questions worthy of our deep thinking. For example, I just said about South Korea Yu because I never said that. The bully said that we are narcissistic enough, and that we are bragging, we don’t have to. We did a lot of magical things. For example, the case of Mr. Korea Yu, I was talking with Mr. Bannon a few weeks ago (when Korea Yu was still on fire), he discussed the Taiwan issue with me, and other friends in Washington. I told them that it was impossible, without him. . 
I said that he has a 10% chance that there is a change in the middle, and Guo Taiming will not choose, or say something. The rest must be Korean Yu, a double-gun policy. There must be a shot that hit you, but a shot is spare. There are two shots to deal with you one shot, you Cai Yingwen Lai Qingde will lose. Zhu Liwen is a fool, and has been victimized. He didn't believe it. Of course, several people bet on me. They didn't cash in, they lost, they didn't give me money, and they didn't cash in. Then we have won now. 
It can be seen from this point that Americans understand the Taiwan issue is still very shallow. His strategic level is absolutely high, but he still has a degree of culture and understanding on a specific level. This is one. The second is the very key Roger Robinson that Mr. Bannon said just now, that is, the question you asked him, it was very good. It was his appearance that he was a member of the Economic Commission, and it still means that it does not involve the full participation of the US government. 
I can tell you responsibly today that the current crisis committee does not have the acquiescence of the US government, and it cannot speak out at all. You don’t have to say what other meetings it has. Do you remember what Roger Robinson said up? I am particularly pleased to see here that many of the familiar faces of the current committee on the Soviet committee were here. You remember that he still has this sentence, he said it as soon as he went up, what does it mean? These are all important members of the United States. What is the full name of the committee? Many people did not explain. 
The full name of the current crisis committee is called "National Security Special Committee" or "Special Authorization Committee". It should be such a name. For example, the Cuban crisis, for example, the war on terror, the prison in Guantánamo, what does he rely on? National Security Law. It cannot be so arrested under American law. According to this special authorization law, he put you in prison for national security, and Guantanamo went to that prison. 
Well, the current crisis committee now has this identity and this role, the "National Special Commission". If the U.S. government does not allow it, Congress does not allow it, and there is no support behind it. The current crisis committee is not a meeting in Manhattan, let alone a meeting in this hotel. If you go to a basement in Central Park and you are arrested, wouldn’t it be a terrorist? ? How dare you represent the "country" of the United States? It carries the words "national" and "national current crisis committee". It is authorized by the state. 
So that Roger Robinson appeared that day, Luther, you said it was very good, he is not so simple, this is my absolute buddy. 
Mr. Luther: 
Isn't Roger Robinson an important member of this economic committee? Many of our netizens do not know what role the US Economic Commission is equivalent to in our CCP system? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Now that President Xi takes over is called the financial team, is he the leader of 8 teams? Is it the finance team? 
Mr. Luther: 
It is equivalent to a financial team. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
It is equivalent to a financial team. 
Mr. Luther: 
The financial team has a national security committee with the CCP. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
There are 8 groups under the National Security Council and 16 committees. To put it bluntly, there are three areas: finance, international relations, and intelligence. As for these pieces, it is divided into different bureaus, but the most critical one is the national financial team. 
Mr. Luther: 
This is equivalent to the National Financial Group. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Financial group, but the United States is the same, it is different from the CCP, it has Congress, it also has a military, such as the Ministry of Finance, it is Mnuchin Mnuchin, but this group is so powerful, he will say to Mum Mnuchin said, I give you a suggestion or something. Mnuchin has no chance of saying No, and he dare not take this responsibility. Because it is national security, how is it possible? So the power of this institution is very large. He is a member of it, he is not the past, but the past, he is still. 
Mr. Luther: 
If it is understood in this way, it is equivalent to being stronger than the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China, is it? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Strictly speaking, power is greater than it because of its wider scope. Specifically, it’s not as big as you, but it’s wider than you. Because it is specially authorized by the state, and the target is very simple, that is, to kill the Communist Party. It is to kill your Communist Party. It has great authority on this issue. So you are confident. When I was chatting with them, there were a lot of them. Yesterday, I told you some unspeakable stories. This is very powerful. 
第二个所有共产党现在海外打着国营企业在海外的投资和洗钱,全部100%,实时,他躲都躲不了,他除非把国门关上。过去的6年呢,我今天在这可以给你说,刚才没问班农先生,我们跟Roger Robinson 合作,我们跟当委会的合作,说老实话其他我真不感兴趣,我真不感兴趣。 
Was it in the court, you finally decided to still be in the court, unlike the Communist Party who directly arrested you in prison. Directly Sun Lijun, Fu Zhenhua killed you and got some dead in a plane. It cannot, it is through the court. 
So in the message that Mr. Bannon just conveyed, you asked him, and he cannot answer your question. That is, he must not divulge the country, because it is an important, boss in the National Security Council itself. Now it’s impossible for you to tell us about it. But I can say, as I guessed, when I was bullshit. I was bragging with Mr. Luther, he is the case. 
So what do I want to tell you next? We at the Rule of Law Fund are very grateful to Mr. Luther for donating $1,000 a month to the Rule of Law Fund. This is very touching and very meaningful. Mr. Luther really has no money. He donated $1,000, which is equivalent to Ma Yun’s donation of 0.001 cents, after 10 zeros. So, his percentage of family property is already very large, thank you very much. 
Then the rule of law fund is everyone's rule of law fund. The rule of law fund must cooperate with the local committee, which is what we are most concerned about. What we are not really interested in is the meeting. Let me tell you the truth. Before I joined the meeting that day, I said, "Can I not go?" In the end, they said that if you don't come, this will not work. In the first few days I also said that I wouldn’t go. I didn’t get a penny. We didn’t give the commission a dime. Let’s reiterate. The bully said that Guo Wengui gave money. Let's put that fart! This will not require money, how much money is needed, and what is our money! 
However, I am interested in Roger Robison's organization. You Ma Yun, you have the ability, you have written off all the accounts of the past six years, impossible, can not go back. You have been six years, you have slept with others for six years, how could you say I am a virgin! 
Mr. Luther:  
Robison went to that station, in fact, the understanding of the CCP intelligence, certainly know Robison's influence. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
I know very well, and they know that Robison has been recalled again. 
Mr. Luther: 
Then, knowing this influence, you also know that Roger Robison has such an important influence on this stock market, or Wall Street. Going to that stop, did they just look at it...because Robison said directly, he wanted to directly oppose the Communist Party! Will these people look at... Ma Yun's capital, including Sun Zhengyi, these people. Will Guo Taiming and Li Ka-shing be afraid? You feel. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
What you said is still on the second level, Mr. Luther. The first level is that, to the best of my knowledge, this "meeting" will take place a few hours later. The people you mentioned, Li Ka-shing, Ma Yun, what Guo Taiming, Li Yanhong, and Huawei's Ren Zhengfei, these bigwigs, the white gloves, will immediately know. 
why? Just now I told Mr. Bannon about the mobile phone. I was in his office. I said Mr. Bannon, what did you say... what did you say, and where was the committee meeting, he was stunned! 
Mr. Luther: 
Oh! Fully monitored! 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
 Ok! All froze. Including those who contacted, those girls, what did they say. Eh! She said how do you know? Impossible I know! You said what you and your wife said at home, and I knew it in a few minutes, it was impossible. He said how do you know? 
I said something went wrong with your phone. Because someone in China told me that you "the current crisis committee" and asked you to attend this meeting, don't you go? Eh! I didn’t say I’m going! He said, say you go! At that Regent Hotel. Then, Mr. Bannon talked about the key points. Mr. Bannon said, let Miles Guo take the stage to speak, say two words-Take down the firewall, and then stop investment to CCP. 
why? Take down the firewall. I spoke to Mr. Bannon for more than an hour, nearly two hours. The other members of the committee also discussed for a long time, as a few of us know. Only the change of this word is known to us-it is being monitored! So you said that when these people knew, it wasn't him who knew it when he stood here. He knew it when he made the decision. So, when it really holds, the stock plunges! 
And next you see, you just talk about the stock market, which is the third level of reaction. Higher level response. You have to see these people, Trust Found behind the company, Family Trust. There is also the entire flow of overseas assets,-a huge change! 
Mr. Luther: 
Because Robertson is still the Rockefeller family... 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
For more than twenty years..., the sixty-fifth street next door. 
Mr. Luther: 
Needless to say, Rockefeller is definitely for the United States, the old money of the whole family... because I have read reports before that JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and many other important financial institutions. This kind of gangster is all Rockefeller family has funds, or control. If he stands up, does it also represent this series of these, that is, the funds they control on behalf of the Rockefeller family, they may have to withdraw their investment in China in a comprehensive manner. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
If you use a series of these words, it is also accurate and inaccurate. Strictly speaking, these old families, to be honest, are quite broken. It’s not like everyone thinks, and it doesn’t have that much money. But there is the same, his influence is there. Especially all families, almost all have Trust, Family Trust. 
Like Roger Robison, the Rockefeller Family Trust, he is the most important supervisor in it. This supervisor is actually more important than having money. I leave this money, give my next generation, make a decision-whether the money is for you, is the supervisor, the supervisor is the most critical. Who can use the money in the family, you are a benefit holder, Beneficiary. He is the supervisor, and his influence in the Rockefeller family is very important. It can be said that he was the most crucial figure in the Soviet Union that the United States played against the Soviet Union. This was what I said in Washington at the time, and I couldn't say it—it was him. The most crucial person in all cases is that he gave President Reagan, from the age of 18 to 32, turned the dream into reality and defeated the Soviet Union. One and a half of his paper played a key role. 
He is in the Rockefeller family, including the Morgan family. Next I have two key meetings, which I can't disclose yet. As I said just now, that family, I went to a meeting of them. The Morgan family, I can say, is a meeting of the Morgan family. In the future, there will be a big family meeting to be held. I went to participate, and I invited them a long time ago. 
So what can you see in these things? The series you said, strictly speaking, can't be called a series, more serious than that, more serious than that. Strictly speaking, basically American capitalists used to be those who benefited greatly from CCP and benefited a lot. Strictly speaking, they were seriously "blue-golden" people. Now basically, the national interest is the top priority-their national interest is the top priority, and the CCP must be defeated. This issue, the point you see is very accurate. Even Roger Robison didn't decide that he could go before the meeting. He first had to get the acquiescence of the US government. You can go. Without acquiescence, he could never go on. 
Secondly, the message he said, his message is not his own... that violates the law! You, Mr. Luther, have that information and immediately grabbed you. I want to be, immediately arrested. It must be authorized by the US government, you can speak, can you speak. The third is the families he represents. You represent us, and you go up against the Communist Party. Can you tell me? So, these three representatives, you are right. He represents an old American capitalist, a very important oath. This is absolutely, sworn. 
The people under the Communist Party have to fool Wang Qishan and Chairman Xi Jinping, saying, nothing! He must be fooling him. This is how the Soviet Union died. Nothing, oh, dead! It's actually a big deal. 
Mr. Luther: 
You seem like he represents a veteran, right? Kyle Bass, according to my understanding, does he represent a new, folk. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Mr. Luther, I have been saying that you have the absolute talent to do this media, you must have this confidence. This is our overseas media, some so-called big coffee. What are all the gangs? Because there is no one like you, their existence is significant. What kind of Wei Shi do you look like, Hu Ping, He Ping, Chen Xiaoping. Chen Xiaoping will not say anything, this little zebra is very cute. These people exist because you didn’t show up. 
Your question just now is very good. Kyle Bass definitely represents the latest type of investment financial system, and the new wealthy class. That year was the 2008 financial crisis, he made so much money. He is different from Soros. When Soros shorted Asia, he shorted currency! He has a lot of political character. 
Kyle Bath is completely economic and professional. In this life, when you sit and chat with this person. Kyle Bath, you will be very surprised, this person is not the same, you know! It is this person's idea that the way is different. Another one, he is a director in so many education funds and foundations. 
I said it was useless because I was too lazy to say it. The Communist Party knows him. In this fund, he is not necessarily sweet in sugar, but vinegar is definitely sour, because they believe him. Because I was with him just now, I attended a secret meeting, and that house was 2.5 trillion dollars. Wow! The challenge to Kyle Bath is simply... don’t you want to play China? You play you
Go to China, don't let us foolish us! The Communist Party has made us a lot of money, and Wang Qishan is my buddy. We think Wang Qishan is better than Trump. Americans come here, they come here. 
Kyle Bass is the main speaker, I think this buddy is done. I thought to myself, wouldn't this be destroyed? The whole house hates him. 
However, this is American culture. There is no high or low. After the challenge, say, Kyle Bass, we must say that we admire you. All of your financial information is true, these data are true, we all believe. The most powerful person in the world, the annual big brother meeting. They are very young, most of them are good buddies with Wang Qishan, really. They hated Xi Jinping, a house... Xi Jinping did all the bad things, it had nothing to do with Wang Qishan. 
However, after Kyle Bass finished speaking, he was silent. You can feel this influence, do you understand what I mean, Mr. Luther? This influence means... some people are influential. Where is Li Ka-shing? Li Ka-shing is influential throughout Asia, he is not only rich. Ma Yun has influence in technology stocks, no influence in business, he has no credit. Everyone knows that this is a liar, you know, he has no influence. Liu Chuanzhi is not as rich as Ma Yun, and Liu Chuanzhi is the most influential. This is not a concept. Kyle Bass doesn't have that much money, but he has influence. 
So those fund tycoons are sitting next to me, I say how much money do you manage? Eight hundred billion dollars, very few. That Soros buddy, I said how much money do you manage? This is less for me, and I am only 1.2 trillion dollars. Wow, you both have 2 trillion dollars. But he respects Karbas, why? Because of his glorious history and his research on finance. There is his office here, have you seen it? On the fifth floor. The people he met here that day were all nightmares of the Communist Party, people who could become their nightmares. Do you know what one of them said? 
He said that after I went back to China for a round trip, I felt that in the past Miles said that the Communist Party was about to finish, and I thought this buddy was crazy. He thinks this man is telling fairy tales, saying that I am telling fairy tales, is it crazy? He said after returning this time. Before I left Beijing, I told them to have a meeting. I sold all my investment to you. What price did you give me? This person said that next year there will be 30%, and in the end can get 10 times. I said so, I will double it, and you give me the money, no one squeaks. Didn’t you say 10 times, I’m going to double it. Finally, if it doesn't work twice, can you give me the capital? Now give me the money. Everyone is stupid, are you real? I'm serious. He said, you must redeem my money. I don’t want a lawyer to write to you. I want you to let me redeem it. 
Why, Kylebeth's research was checked, he checked it, and after the check, Kylebeth said, only low. So these people can't be fooled, fooled, you see Mr. Bannon fooled, he gave himself to fooled. Right from the start
Fudge, Roger Robison has been in the Soviet Union for decades, can't you flicker? Can't flicker. So your question is very good, old capital and new capital, old politician and new politician. 
Bannon at Roger Robison is of Sun's generation, and you have never seen how much he respects him. Roger Robison ignored him. When I was in the Soviet Union, where were you? You Stephen Bannon, you are still squatting in the submarine and pulling urine, right? So you are right, these three, this is why you Mr. Luther I said you are very accurate, very clear, this is really too meaningful. 
Mr. Luther: 
Also, you see, let's follow you. Bannon started before, then Kelbeth, we saw that private capital came out, right? Now it's Robison, a more bullish one, and what you will bring to our audience in the United States next, maybe I don't think it will be long before a more bullish one comes out than Roger Robertson. You will give us in-depth insights and show the comrades in the audience, what will be next than Robison, I believe it may be less than two months, there may be someone who is more powerful than Robertson to come out to destroy the Communist Party, and is Is it all around you (will there be)? Of course, you can not say this name. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
First of all, ah, the truest of us who broke the news of the revolution, said from the heart that they were comrades in arms. This is definitely not to say that I want to make my comrades happy, absolutely not. To be honest, every time I meet them, I let them show this side of our comrades-in-arms, they all admire you, you also feel that from yesterday to today, you also feel it. They respect our comrades-in-arms and care a lot. 
But on the American side, to be honest, those people who are higher than Bannon, higher than Roger Robison, higher than Kelbeth can be counted, they can already be counted. The above is not to say that the infinite is big. Unlike two years ago, you can guess. Now you don’t have to guess. The few people are on their heads. I can't elaborate. 
It is the people who now run the power of the state. These people, military power, intelligence power, and economic power, can be counted. I can tell you, they must be the vast majority, I dare not say 100%, it must be more than 80%, I would imagine talking with Bannon, Kelbes, Roger Robison, and the few who spoke that day, including those sitting behind Ladies, they will stay with us. Several are preparing to retire soon, leave the core of the country, declassify, declassification is to come to us, come here to work. Which of these people is a legend. 
So, everyone will wait and see. That is, the rule of law fund has become a communist party, and represents the power of Chinese people to communicate overseas. This sentence is not nonsense, it is not a slogan. It has become a fact, and it will become more powerful. There is a direct relationship. 
Mr. Luther: 
In all of your processes, what you actually show in the live broadcast may not reach 1%. It is your communication with these people. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
That's for sure, definitely less than 1%. 
Mr. Luther: 
If one day in the future, when I decrypt this, I remember you seem to have a video every time. When it is decrypted, it is estimated that those who cheated the thieves and the intestines that smashed the pot have regretted it. . When can this be decrypted? How long do you think? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
I think, first of all, we have to contact our client to comply with local laws. Because of the things we told him, we paid great attention to proportion. I think that apart from a small part, most of them are from... In the future, you are like Roger Robison I did this year ago, I speak every time, I dare not say it. He has now stood up and I can speak. And I can tell you, I know where his money went. Now you know where he came from. This was not made by me. He said it himself. 
I can publicly say today that Roger Robison will give us all the information, he will give us, this is now the law, he must give me. Because I have a contract and cooperation with him. So, now it can be said that this will be decrypted. These people will come out next, he will also say, then we will also say. I believe that in the next two or three months, Wang Qishan, including these people in Zhongnankeng, could not imagine how these people would come together with Guo Wengui, and how these people would come together with the rule of law fund, How dare these people do these things, they can't even dream. You will see their surprise, everything is really just beginning. 
Mr. Luther: 
In fact, I made a special program yesterday, and I talked about this. These people, themselves and the CCP, are already vested interests, including Robison, absolutely? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Yes, absolutely. 
Mr. Luther: 
Including, in addition to Kelbe, I think Kelbe has been there, many years ago he was doing... 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
He still has 6 billion US dollars in the country, and 6 billion US dollars. 
Mr. Luther: 
This is one aspect. The second aspect is that as long as he is anti-Communist, he must be certain that the CCP will destroy him one day, right? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Mr. Luther: 
I just want to ask what kind of power he is. I said it when I was on the show yesterday. First, you must be 100% influenced by you; second, you will also see the success of this opportunity to destroy the Communist Party. Just like 30 years ago and 40 years ago, they felt that cooperating with the Communist Party was the leading role in the coming decades. Next, I must have seen it, and the Communist Party must have dominated it. I think these two aspects are the main reasons why the two of them stand out. Do you think there are other aspects? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
I think you summarized it very well, Mr. Luther. In fact, strictly speaking, there are three major aspects. The fundamental problem, to be honest, God sent one of the biggest gifts to the Chinese people-Wang Qishan. 
Mr. Luther: 
Wang Qishan? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Well, Wang Qishan, and then Mr. Xi Jinping, huh, huh. What Mr. Bannon said here just now, he is not going to bluff here. This is the consensus reached by the US government, that is, this "Belt and Road", "2025", "2035", "2049", China plans, the Belt and Road Along the way, then 2049 will challenge the world and lead the world. He thinks that the chief designer is Wang Qishan. No one thinks it is Xi Jinping. You saw it just now. Even Xi Jinping raised his hand and said: I did it, he didn't recognize it. Who recognized this? Not only these people in the United States, but also all Europe and the United States, all the West, including those West who are wearing a pair of pants with the Communist Party. Privately, I believe that today in China, the former state teacher was Deng Xiaoping, and now it is Wang Qishan. So these people think that this kid Wang Qishan is too dark. 
Well, at this time, after Xi Jinping came out, he made an order and challenged the United States directly. At this time, the two of them gave a gift, Wang Qishan, and then added Xi Jinping, sir, Mr. Xi Jinping, I am not against you, I dare not against you. Then, created the "Belt and Road", "2025", "2035", "2049", just "2050". The revision of the Constitution at the 19th National Congress, the revision of the Constitution, the West dumbfounded. Then as soon as the plan was announced, this was the biggest gift God gave us, and the whole West was suddenly stunned, and it was stupid, and it was there. What happened? There is no direction at all, and it is torn apart. When most of them have to go with them, it is already close to success when being blue and golden. 
What is the second condition? As you just said, all these capital gainers, Kelbeth, including President Trump, did not invest in China and Hong Kong, but he has many friends who are all beneficiaries. Including the people around him, people in the Goldman Sachs circle, people in the Morgan circle, people in the Black Stone circle, people in the big fund circle, which are not his friends. At this time, let him deeply feel, ouch, we will make a lot of money with the feedback of these people, but we are not stupid. Next, he believed that these people would kill us, we would have no money and lose everything. 
At this time, President Trump came out, and Trump was elected. Trump, the second big present, is here. Once President Trump was elected, this was a big deal. He completely changed the entire tendency of capitalism in the United States. What is this: he is anti-communist in his bones. He has anti-nationalism and national capitalism in his bones. He believes that businessmen and nationalism are incompatible. 
Mr. Luther: 
Yes, inside. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
This is a fundamental contest between private enterprises and state-owned enterprises, that is, Trump will never accept your national capitalism to deal with my private capitalism, which is called so-called marketization or so-called state-owned capitalization. God gave Trump a second gift. 
The third condition is that at this time, Trump elected the president, God gave Wang Qishan and Xi Jinping, so many plans, when the world Mengcha suddenly came out Guo Wengui, and then added Sara, Luther, We broke the news that a group of revolutionary comrades came up. This is a big deal. 
These three conditions, we told the West at once: "Hey..., buddy, President Trump, you are right. China is preparing for the privatization of the country. The private economy is nationalized." Trump said: "This seriously". Let's tell him: "Look at HNA, you look at Ma Yun, you look at Ren Zhengfei and Huawei, you follow the 500 companies in China, and then you look at China's overseas military expansion." "Hey!" Trump said : "Yeah, I'm right, I'm right, you see what I said is right, what do you think."  
At this time, the Constitution of the Nineteenth National Congress was revised, 2025 appeared, 2035 appeared, and 2050 appeared. So this time these three conditions are really God's will. What you said just now is very correct. 
When Kyle Bass first met me, he had a bunch of questions, and I was almost blindfolded. He is all numbers, and I am not sensitive to numbers. Ask him. I think I said what do you want to do? He said I would tell you now that I still have 6 billion US dollars in China. 6 billion US dollars of investment, WeChat has his investment, Ma Huateng. Ma Yun, Alibaba also has investment. 
He said, "Miles, I want... I am a big deal." After I finished. He said: "But I'm from Texas, I'm American." This is really American patriotism, no propaganda. He said: "Americans cannot lose to centralization, Americans cannot lose to the values ​​of the Communist Party. Then centralization at the cost of human rights, national resources, and future generations, and then let me submit to the United States to them, impossible!" 
I thi, a group of people sitting next to him, look at the little girls, what Yale, the University of Texas, UCLA, then Stanford, George Washington, wow thi, just a bunch of angry youths, all of them are not bad at home, all Is future, each
I want to choose the president. So in the United States, everyone has two dreams, not Matsu’s dream, nor Chairman Xi’s Chinese dream. One is the president's dream, running for president himself, this is the president's dream. The second is the dream of being an actor. Everyone wants to be an actor. So you ask them all. Now I have three dreams, now I really have my third dream, and I want to broadcast live. 
Then there is Kyle. Bass, which is a media called realvision, first-rate media, started. He is rich. Then he launched these education funds, you can't stop investing again, you have to stop pension funds. At this time, Mr. Luther, if you look back, you are not feeling at all now, and you are completely in a state of montage. You will see it again in one year, and you will look back on it. You can't imagine, I really believe that I especially believe in God's will now. 
Just like the story I told you yesterday, three shots, can you flicker. He hits three times and hits three, then you go and try. It's just that the situation is favorable, and it is not accidental. He is driven by a force. He is the beginning of the end of something, and he is also the beginning of the beginning of a new good thing. This is where these conditions are formed, so it is crucial that you look at these issues, and no one can change this era. 
Mr. Luther: 
It was just a few days ago that the meeting was being held, and Beijing is the latest in the Belt and Road Initiative. This time, it seems that Beijing's performance is bigger than the first time. At least ignoring the common people's feelings, 180 countries participated. The People's Daily has a full-page headline, Xi Jinping and this president and that president, but many important countries have not gone, what is the President of Argentina, the President of Brazil. What do you think of this meeting of the Belt and Road Initiative? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
When it comes to this, I think the problem you are looking at is particularly good. Six don’t know, that’s what you and all your comrades-in-arms and all the Chinese people don’t know, that is, six don’t know. 
Mr. Luther: 
Which six? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
The first one doesn’t know, you don’t know what Wang Qishan is doing recently. I tell you, Wang Qishan is the chief commander behind the entire Belt and Road Summit. You don't know this. You don’t know the second one. The first Belt and Road Initiative was the first Belt and Road Summit in 2017, and it was also a military exercise. Did you know how many planes were on the military exercise? 
Mr. Luther: 
There seemed to be many military exercises at the time. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
From 380 to 360, there are probably hundreds of warships from various countries. How much do you know this time? 
Mr. Luther: 
This time the warships seemed to be dozens or more than twenty. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
There are 20 warships and 39 aircraft. In the hazy. So you don’t know that this military exercise was the United States’ shot, telling various countries to warn that the frigate that people go to Japan this time is a medical ship, and it is an exchange condition for Xi Jinping’s visit to Japan, and the Japanese flag came to Qingdao to add light to others. , Don't glorify you, what other country? Is Russia coming? 
Mr. Luther: 
It didn't seem to come. Oh, here comes one. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
What's that, what kind of ship are you talking about first? 
Mr. Luther: 
It seems to be a frigate. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
That is not called a ship. Strictly speaking, the place called the toilet is called a toilet ship and an escort ship. Do you see any ships? No. So what you don’t know is that the entire military exercise and the Belt and Road Initiative are officially shot by the United States. No one knows that is blocking you. The third one does not know. All the foreign ministries have a list of the results of the meetings after the first Belt and Road Initiative. You may not have seen this, go back and take a good look, all the comrades-in-law will go to see it, which is available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This list of achievements and the list of achievements this time, in comparison, is a gap between diamonds and cabbage. 
Mr. Luther: 
Diamonds and cabbage. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Even counting a theater for others is not a nonsense. 
The fourth one does not know, this time the Communist Party and Russia’s largest, Putin is here. This is the most unhappy meeting. They had 30 meetings, and President Xi had 30 meetings. This one was the most unhappy. Why? China and Russia have to sign a new oil agreement, which cannot be signed. In the past, the brothers were good, and how are they. Now that the core problem is encountered, we continue to sign hundreds of billions of dollars in oil contracts, but we cannot sign them. Not all contracts signed in the past can be honored, and the Communist Party of China cannot afford this money. Very unhappy. More than 80, 88. It has been 88 to 90. You don’t know about this, it’s a major change. Look at Putin's attitude towards Kim Jong-un, that is very clear. 
Mr. Luther: 
Give Kim Jong-un a coin. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
He gave people a sword, Russia is unlucky. He has to give you a money that I bought for you. Otherwise, did the sword stab me, or should I buy it with money, or should I use my body to fetch it? Is he sure to give you a money symbol? Just like the Chinese give me a pair of shoes and give me a dollar, this means. But what is the core, Russia is going to retreat, I can't be so close to you and the Chinese Communist Party and Kim Jong-un, and I want to be good with the United States. Therefore, everyone does not know the matter. This second Belt and Road Summit is a new beginning for the breakup of China and Russia. 
Mr. Luther: 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
break. In the triangular relationship, the Soviet Union resists the United States and Russia resists the United States. This is a major event. The fifth one does not know. Among all the national leaders who came to this summit, you can find me who is the most important one. 
I tell you that all the people who participated in these countries called twenty countries. The first session is 1600 people. This time it was said that there were more than a thousand people, but the level went down. The United States and Europe did not go. I can tell you that this time the leaders including the UAE went to a deputy prime minister in Dubai. Is he from Dubai, the UAE is equivalent to never been there. You are like Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia didn't dare to go. Saudi Arabia didn't dare to go. Americans say you dare to go. It is said that this time the participation officials are as low as ever. Or the lowest. Who did it? America and Europe, I will treat you if you go. Even Italy has made tens of billions of euros, and even France has tens of billions, who went? 
Mr. Luther: 
Didn't the Prime Minister go...? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
You see... he is impossible. What result? You don’t know this fifth. The sixth you don’t know, this second Belt and Road meeting, held in Beijing as a whole, was unprecedentedly boycotted by the party. Oops, the following complaint is contained. Everyone knows that with money, they can't eat their own meals. People have no way to deposit in the bank. The firefighter's salary can't be paid, let alone the police. 
Now it is from these three months before returning to the WTO in China, that is from 1983 to 2001, when it was called road tolls, you remember that at that time, railing tolls later became official channel tolls, especially then urban management fines and traffic Fine, a whole lot. Now I’m back, I’m fined everywhere, but I can’t pay much money. This is very annoying for domestic party members. It is said that in this case, if you engage in such a show in the Belt and Road Initiative, I heard that many old leaders wrote letters together, including the old leaders, and it took tens of millions to hold a two-hour meeting in a conference room. Carpet? 
Mr. Luther: 
Tens of millions? 
Mr. Guo Wengui:  
Tens of millions. In a new international conference hall, just for this large room, for a two-hour branch, the carpet cost tens of millions. The old leader said how can you ordinary people accept it? Can't accept it. Then the whole speech, saying not to challenge the United States, said that you don’t know that the second Belt and Road Summit was blocked by the party. More importantly, love, it has 11 changes. You read Xi Jinping's speech. 
Mr. Luther: 
11 changes? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
What is the Green Belt and Road Initiative? This does not interfere with politics. This is to strengthen education and focus on long-term investment. It cannot allow local investment countries to fall into economic traps, increase debts, and avoid mutual economic exemptions. Article 11. All are aimed at the Sino-US agreement to the United States, and the gun is delivered in advance. So you don’t know these six, what is the problem? The Communist Party is now holding on to death. Now the legs of the trousers are gone, all are skeletons. Just don’t talk about peeing...the peeing guys are gone, now do you know? So he was dressed now, looking at the suit above, and looking down... nothing, nothing. 
So his current economy is actually 3.5. At the meeting that night, in that secret meeting, so many elders, I asked them, I said: What do you think of China's economy? He said: I think no more than 4%. At that secret meeting in the evening, there were so many financial gangsters, so everyone said no more than 3.5. what does this mean? This means that nothing needs to be done, and CCP can't support it for two years. Therefore, the Communist Party is a fake, big, empty, and cheating. 
Mr. Luther: 
Regarding the Belt and Road, many people have done a lot of such programs, but you don’t seem to have talked about the nature of the Belt and Road. Can you tell us the audience, how do you think about the nature of the Belt and Road? We very much hope to hear your higher interpretation of this. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
I dare not tell you the essence of what I know. Speaking of which, I want to tell you about the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, our Communist Party. Mr. Luther, let me ask you a question first. The propaganda policy, two months ago, called the entire external propaganda caliber of the Belt and Road Initiative. What did you say? 
Mr. Luther: 
not sure what it is? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
I tell you, you will know its essence after I finish this. You see all the Chinese media outlets, what is the Belt and Road Initiative? How did the Belt and Road Initiative come about? First of all, this is the Chinese Marshall Plan after World War II. Publicity, all countries go... 
Mr. Luther: 
Is this publicity? caliber? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
External publicity. This includes persuading the leaders of this country to participate. Do you know what the Marshall Plan is? It was Europe that was destroyed after World War II. In order to support it, the United States gave it a relief, an environmental plan for economic recovery. First of all, religion, the revival is religion. The second is education, the third is the financial system, and the fourth is welfare, the most important thing is... 
So you see this Belt and Road this time, when President Xi Jinping gave a speech, Wang Qishan designed it for him. Green Belt and Road, then education, development education, and then there are 15,000 mutual training courses, exchange classes, then culture, theater...and then no mention of religion, no mention of religion. It is tied to Maher's plan, which is absurd. You are going to plunder people, you are going to blue and golden people, how do you call the Marshall Plan? 
Mr. Luther: 
Mr Bannon said this was called the East India Company plan. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Yes, the East India Company plans, what to say next? To convince foreigners to foreigners. You said that we Chinese have a character called "Jing". How did you say "Jing"? Who of our comrades knows the word "Jing"? Take a look at this "Jing" character. This past 100 days is the one with the highest click rate in the past 100 years. Can't you answer it? 
The "well" in the Oracle inscription is very interesting. Let's take a look at the word "well". Ah, there is a little in the middle. Now there is no more. The word "well". The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China even explained the word "Jing". Go all over the country, all over the world... 
You know the Communist Party, as soon as I talk about this, he knows if I have...Is there any high comrades within us? When I first saw this version, I couldn't laugh anymore. Hey... he dare to say that the deception of the Communist Party does not blink. It's too much like a bully. 
He said that we Chinese people are "wells" because humans used to drink water by the river, and you have nowhere to drink water. Because drinking the dirty water has caused a lot of diseases, say digging a well, you can clean the water to drink. Humanity 
If you don’t drink the polluted water in the river with your livestock, you are in good health. 
At this time, when everyone came here, it formed a way. There are roads beside the well, and in the middle of this road is the well. Wells can prevent you from drinking livestock water, and the Chinese have created the largest civilization. What is it called now? Call the Belt and Road, and the Chinese are coming again. Don’t drink water from your livestock. Follow the Chinese to dig a well for you. Then I will build a Belt and Road for you. Don’t people who have wells come to drink water? Didn't drink form the road? When the road is formed, everyone will move closer here. Is he called Shijing, a small piece of town, a house built along the road, hey, this is called Shijing, this is called town. With commercialization, the population will increase, it will gather, it will be modernized, and it will be civilized, so the Chinese bring you...The Communist Party brings you the Belt and Road Initiative. 
Look at me and let you not drink dirty water like livestock. I invented it when I was Yao. I am now in Africa, Pakistan, and Pakistan. Because you are coming to this road, if you want to build a city, you will make a fortune and call the new Belt and Road, the "well" plan. 
Hey, Lu, Jingquan is here. You see how good Fool is, it sounds pretty fooling. However, when I replied to the leaders of many countries, the "well" in China was called a trap. If you look at a trap in China again, when killing people in Chinese history, it is generally not safe to put it anywhere, and it is thrown into the well. 
I say the Chinese are called traps, and I say this is called the “Belt and Road”. What's next to the trap? In order to run away in silence, the police supervised the whole. In the old towns, they were all managed by the royal government, and they all depended on them. Then you are an object to be robbed, an object to be supervised, an object to be enslaved. 
I say that its Belt and Road is a huge trap called debt trap, religious trap, and cultural trap. Because wherever the Communist Party goes, it must believe in communism. Can communism tolerate your religion? Can you tolerate Jesus? Can you believe in God? Can you believe this God? impossible. 
Mr. Luther: 
There is another sentence, the frog at the bottom of the well. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Frogs at the bottom of the well, yes, look at them bullshit! The second essence is to go to Africa. An African leader said how do you think about the future of the Belt and Road in Africa. Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi said, "I will tell you a friend's word, how many people are in Africa now?" Do you know Luther? All of Africa. 
Mr. Luther: 
It seems to be 500-600 million. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
1.23 billion! So 1.23 billion Africans, Africa will reach 2.4 billion in 2030. 2.4 billion! What is the concept of the 2.4 billion market? As far as Africans are concerned, he averages one woman and she has about four and a half to six. The women in China used to have an average of four to four and a half children. You have six children, you are. . . When the average human being gives birth to two and a half, it does not increase or decrease. It increased when more than four, four and a half, 2.4 billion. 
He said: You see, our Chinese population may be reduced to 800 million to 900 million by 2030, or by 2035, some people say that by 2040, that means fewer and fewer people. Africans are doubling more and more people. I now bring all the production technology to your Africa, and I want to help you build a great Africa. I want to dedicate the wealth, technology and production capacity of the entire Chinese to Africa. How good this is! Lei Feng! 
But what is hidden in this, two core concepts, can Africa reach 2.4 billion people? There is a big question mark here. About 2 billion is possible. If the Communist Party can really succeed in Africa, the Belt and Road Initiative. 90% of Africa’s energy is controlled by the Communist Party by 2030! Not to send you energy. Nor is it to make you a powerful Africa. It’s just that you were Luther before you grew up. Before your child grew up, I drained his blood. You cannot have a future. Energy plunder! 
Secondly, after you grow up, you owe you eight years of life and you can't afford my money, and you are completely kidnapped financially. Debt trap. Third, before you grow up, you completely believe in the culture of the Communist Party. I believe in my teaching. There will be no civilization in Africa. They all want to be dictatorships, they want to be Wang Qishan, they want to buy 787, they want to kill others. Whole africa
Will enter a looting era of dictatorship warlords. At that time, there was no church. There is no Christian Catholicism. Not to mention Buddhism, no! There is no Islam at all. Isn't the Communist Party arresting two million people in Xinjiang just because you are a Muslim! Can African Muslim countries let you exist? Impossible! So, I said, I tell you, all this goes to you, the so-called Belt and Road to Africa is not for you to dig wells and drink clean water, built on the commercial road, commercial center. Is a huge trap! This is how the Communist Party lets the West, Africa, and the Middle East. They can understand! 
I talked to a prince in the Middle East for the first two days. I told him. He said, Wengui, he asked me to participate in their Belt and Road Initiative. What do you think of me? Do you think it's mine, or did I give Xi Xizi, Wang Qishan personally invited me. I said I will ask you a sentence, what do you want to get when you go, it is not very simple, Mr. Luther. What do you want today? Mr. Luther took the live broadcast today. You support breaking news. Today you met Mr. Guo. The two of us are answering questions to our comrades in arms, and we have a purpose. You always have a purpose. What are you doing? give face! I said I told you. If you let the real Wang Qishan have a face, you will make your country an enemy of the West, the United States will definitely sanction you, and Europe will also follow the sanctions. Your face may be worth tens of billions of dollars. Are you worth it? 
Second, you went to Beijing. Dangling, I said you are with those people, there is no one in a civilized country. You are an enemy of how many billions of people in the world. 4 billion people are enemies! The minimum is also 3 billion people. I said do you think it's worth it? Another one, what can he give you? What he said can be fulfilled or not. Can you give us a billion, two billion, five billion, ten billion? Sign a 50 billion contract. Can it be fulfilled? Can't. What are you doing? Self-deception. Decided not to go. 
Finally he said something. As soon as this meeting is over, the day before yesterday, oops, I thank you for not letting me go, I listen to you. I'm going to trouble. They said they went. Very arrogant! You look back now. I said to my friend in the Middle East, I said a few people came to ask me in the first two days, you see today, the Communist Party invites you to participate in the Belt and Road, Mr. Luther, now you think about it, when will you tell the Communist Party in Chinese history Most like? 
When persuading the United States to join the WTO, it has always spoken with the state of propaganda. What are the major events, education, religious freedom, faith, laws, openness of the country, increase of privatization, reduction of negative lists, openness of finance, and permission Foreign holdings, exactly the same! Oh my god! I said you asked your secretary-general to check, it's different. Second, when China applied for the Olympics. Look at the difference with this Belt and Road. When applying for the Olympic Games, China should open education, open finance, freedom of religion, freedom of belief, increase the privatization of enterprises, and accelerate the opening of the country. He has been talking for 70 years! If you look at the Olympics, promises, and commercials again, it looks different from today. The propaganda caliber is uniform
kind! The story you find is the same. It’s on that word. Whatever Olympic Games you run, start, and do, you look the same. Use Oracle to deceive foreigners and Chinese culture to deceive foreigners. Cultural deception, concept deception. Same thing, the Olympics? What else is the same, everyone take a good look, join the WTO, the 2008 Olympic Games. 
I said, look again. What did the Communist Party say to the world when it was before the 18th and 19th National Congresses? You're full and you're okay to do your business. Who does Wang Qishan care about? Interpol, why send Meng Hongwei. The development of the Belt and Road Initiative will first remove your vigilance. Second, there can be no one against me inside or outside. Anyone who is against me will arrest you, and I will want you. All NGOs go abroad and have full control overseas. What he wanted to do was to cover up the bad things he had done in the past and continue to do bad things. They said, hey! Makes sense. 
I said next I would like to ask you to see how much has been fulfilled since the last session of the Belt and Road Initiative. You look at how many WTO has fulfilled. You can see how many promises made in the 2008 Olympic Games were fulfilled. You think you should go along the Belt and Road! 
Mr. Luther: 
Just said a little bit. It is in Africa, these countries along the Belt and Road. They are all very small countries, and plainly they are relatively poor countries. Economic and financial. But now the United States. Including Western countries, there is no corresponding policy for Africa. There is no similar to the previous, there was a Marshall plan before. But for Africa, to put it bluntly, these countries have no money, and if the CCP loses some sweets, they will get close. Not to mention tens of billions of dollars, that is, 120 million to 300 million US dollars, their leaders are very happy. 
From a practical point of view, what I am talking about is from a practical point of view, that is what I said just now, you tell them that the future will give you a poisonous sugar, and he knows it. But he can't resist the reality. At this time, what do you think, whether it is the committee or our revolution, is there any way to make them one, verbally, that is to tell them that they are a trap, and whether there is any other help for these countries. In this regard, the economic stimulus. Does the United States have such a policy? If there is no such policy, to be honest, with vested interests, I think they will still follow them. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
This is very realistic. It is true that the problem you are talking about is very serious. It really gives the Communist Party a blue-golden color and has the ambition of the Belt and Road Initiative. Swell! There is also a fundamental motivation for capital, but this is not the case. 
I have a lot of relationship with them, especially Europe and Africa. The leaders of at least 50 countries have maintained a close relationship with me, and I am one of several organizations in Africa. Political supporters, we still support them now. We have more than 300 people in that office in London. I am the largest financial sponsor. I don’t want to say that name. 
This fund is now in Africa for the past 18 years. This year 18 years, next year 19 years, 20 years to celebrate. Among these hundreds of people, this is a non-profit organization that sponsors Africa every year. We have been one of the largest in the past two decades, so we maintain a deep relationship with them. It has also recently been penetrated by the children of several Communist Party officials. The result was found out by us. But this is in cooperation with the country, I am the biggest funder. Let me tell you a few numbers, Mr. Luther. This is a misunderstanding by many people. The event that most watched the world after the 18th National Congress was the Asian Investment Bank. 
Not just a few systems, the World Bank, IMF (European controlled). Then these banks are for international support. The Communist Party got the Asian Investment Bank, ah, China also called a country to open the bank. It is to challenge you to the World Bank, to challenge you to the IMF financial organization. Then at this time, I found out what Asian investment bank, basic Asian bank, and Asian and Chinese banks along the way. It is to challenge the Western financial system. These financial systems bluntly support some poor countries, its institutions. Don't keep thinking about going to the World Bank, don't look for European banks. I can support you too. It is exactly the same. 
What's the difference? I want to tell you that I told several leaders in Africa that, in one country, this country also allows dozens of daughter-in-laws. Take him dozens of daughters-in-law to meet me in the Middle East. My mother, dozens of daughter-in-laws are twittering, you can't stand this. He asked this question, I said it is very simple, why do you want to give money to the Communist Party, do you know the reason? The Communist Party does not give much money. With the support of the World Bank, you can check the number, European banks check the number, the World Financial Organization gives you a number, not less than the Communist Party. It is not the same thing for the Communist Party to give money, what is the fundamental gap of the Communist Party? The Communist Party gave money to certain European leaders and certain military forces. 
Mr. Luther: 
For private. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
For private individuals, the money is big. Give him 100 million, and you give his country 100 billion, it is completely different. The operation of this legal organization in the United States has been given to the country for many years. And the supervision is not available to individuals. And the money is too tightly regulated
weight. The Communist Party is for the leaders, to go directly to your household, love what to do, buy planes, buy houses, it is corrupt, this is the first essential difference. 
The second difference is the essence. One of the Communist Party propaganda. When we go to invest in Africa, what do you get for me, you don't have anything for me? Oops, I am also like the Marshall Plan. I am very simple. I will build a road with you and exchange the management rights as your investment. This is how Africa does it, the Belt and Road Initiative. Say I will build a road for you. The right to operate this road belongs to me for 50 years. I charge a fee, and I will give it to you after 50 years. Did you know the first two days of Mahathir in Malaysia? The management right is back, you 50, I 50, and the right to vote, sorry, I have the right to veto. Investment is reduced by one-third, which is the most obvious example. 
Liu Tezuo's work, Meng Jianzhu's play, Sun Lijun's work, Wang Qishan's work. You imagine: you think about it, no one thinks about it. In this way, one third of the money of a railway in Malaysia has been reduced. Second, the manager is 100% taken away by CCP. Now 50% of you are returned, and they still have a veto. What is the difference? Their investment in Africa is investment. I want your management right. The management right is the land right, which is the state power, and the surrounding development is all owned by it. This is 100% economic aggression, 100% national corruption, and 100% sacrifices the interests of the vast majority of people in the interests of very few people. This is real economic aggression. 
So you said that Americans have no support, the United States is not, the United States has a lot of support, the United States has to supervise the whereabouts of the money, where the American money goes, the Americans have to manage it, they have the final say, the interests of the people, the essence is here . 
Therefore, the poor countries of Africa and the small countries of South Asia have only achieved it because of corruption and personal interests. Of course, the United States has big problems. Recently, the relief has been a big problem in the past 10 years. If it is not cashed, the amount will not be that large. Sometimes. The second one is that the procedure is too complicated. One application means no news for three to five years, and the leaders have changed. Communist Party Wang Qishan beat his thigh: buddy gives you 50 billion. Chen Yuan made a phone call and gave him 20 billion. Today, I took two Boeing planes and gave it. 
Therefore, the efficiency, the amount and the direction of capital use are essentially different. In fact, this is complete economic aggression and the scale and standardization of the West. This kind of support for the people is essentially different from their support for dictatorship. So: the Belt and Road and the Communist Party of China in 2025, 2035, and 2049, a century of China, and 2021 is a century of the Communist Party. The essence is dictatorship. It wants to establish world dictatorship to compete with Western democratic politics. 
As a religion, communism must challenge Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, and all religions, including Buddhism, to be wiped out. Mankind now faces choices on both sides, and there is no third side at all. One chooses dictatorship, which is also a religion, or Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, or Muslims. The culture of democracy based on faith is as simple as that. So its essence is so simple, everything is nonsense. 
Mr. Luther: 
Because I found this Belt and Road, it is now like this. I have also done programs specifically before, such as projects like it, such as this kind of railway project in Malaysia, the Chinese Communist Party is now very good to play, first signed with the Malaysian government, the previous Najib is Well, once signed, McKinsey is an all-round investment consultant, and after taking this, he will raise funds on Wall Street in the United States. Then, for example, to invest 20 billion US dollars to build this railway, the CCP began to subcontract, such as China Railway Construction, to take this order, such as 10 billion orders. The 10 billion railway construction can also be financed in the stock market, because taking this order can raise money in the stock market, and most of this money comes from, such as railway construction, such as in Hong Kong, there are now Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect , Listed in Hong Kong, can get a lot of money in the United States, so this money comes from overseas capital. 
The CCP’s money is tantamount to saying that as long as he signed a contract with the government, he used this set of financial means, and the money came from the American people, who really participated in it, like McKinsey, Wall Street, like Mr. Bannon. In fact, Wall Street and the Chinese Communist Party really combined to do this one belt one road. They got a lot of benefits. Do you have any way to break this trick in this regard. I think this trick is very ruthless. As long as you cooperate with the local government to buy the dictator, everyone has an interest, and then the money does not cost the Chinese Communist Party. Instead, it comes from the stock market. How do you break this trick, I think they have a perfect plan, I feel, how do you think of breaking this trick. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
So if you look at Mr. Luther, you are really essential. This is that Wang Qishan is really powerful, absolutely Wang Qishan is powerful. Therefore, Chairman Xi does not have this skill, nor does he have this ability, nor this team. Absolutely, China only has Wang Qishan. This is what the West sees now. 
So for the first two days, a retired general in the United States, he said to me: Miles, he was still very nervous when he met me two years ago (you said this buddy is really interesting). He said, when you said Wang Qishan, I really didn’t think he was great. Later, when I met this guy in Beijing, when I met him in person, I thought he was a devil, and the answer he got was the same as Bannon. of. 
Later, his buddy came back the time I said to meet in pajamas. After telling us the whole process, he said that we started to pay attention to him. Really you are right, the CCP has been so cruel to the people in recent years, implementing state capitalism, privatizing state power, revising the Constitution of the 19th National Congress, HNA, including the expansion of these large enterprises abroad, all are Wang Qishan's affairs. Xi Jinping doesn't have this ability, no team. He has a completely different view of me, he said, I have a completely different view of you. 
The second he said, you are the only one, including Roger Robison, when I met him, I was very rude to him, wow, you don’t even know Roger Robison, the people on the podium are the same, In private, you don’t even know that Americans sometimes don’t call self-confidence. I think sometimes ignorance is arrogant and stupidly arrogant. You all think of yourself as president, do you know that this is also a disease. Very arrogant. When I finished talking with him, he didn't say anything at all. He said: Look at this data, I also know about this •••••• said for a long time, I said that since you all know what you saw me do, you all know that your American money was swindled by the Communist Party, 
You all know that HNA of Wang Qishan came to you to get you, do you know what he does? Don’t you all know, he said I really don’t know. I said I told you that it was because you all knew that you were played miserably. We Chinese have a saying, being knocked on the door and robbed. This is normal. Anyone may be robbed. If you knocked on the door, robbed, and put you to sleep, then when you left, you still gave away your family's money bag, and really gave others a pot of wine to drink, I said this is really a bit Shameful. You’re the one, and I’m speaking to him. 
I said you know what Wang Qishan said, Wang Qishan’s most important thing is to set a trap for you in the United States. I’ve scammed you for money, but you dare not say that you have to fall because you are the most afraid of your capital system When everyone runs out of confidence, the stocks will fall down. I said that I heard how Wang Qishan designed you. What are you doing? It means going public in the United States and going to hundreds of listed companies in the United States. How much did you take away? For trillions of dollars, where is the money? I tell you, that day I said Roger said, Roger said, Miles, you want to say it is true, let me do what I do. 
I said I bet you, you Berkeley University, Stanford University, Harvard University, go check, I will not tell you which one? There is a university (a little bit hot, I especially like this feeling, although it is a little hot, but I especially like it, black and white, mystery, God is taking care of us!) Do you know how exaggerated Mr. Luther is? There is a university, and his fund, 82% of the money is invested in Morgan's finance, and 90% of the 82% is invested in China! I tell you, if something goes wrong in China, he will be over! This university is completely over. All go to prison, I said I told you, your pension
Insurance, retirement insurance, veteran insurance, an average of 18% to 25% are invested in China, this buddy was ignorant at that time, I said you go to check. Didn’t Roger say that day? 18% to 20% of the US pension insurance went to the CCP. Who said that? I am the first to say, all human beings I am the first to say! 
I saw a big country in the Middle East, the CEO of investment. I said you should stop bragging and put it bluntly. You are an agent. You took money, 15%, 20% interest! I said you give me money, I give you 100% in any given year, don't brag me here. I said I said two questions, can you answer me? Where did the money invested by your country go to China? He didn't know what happened. Where did the money from your boss' country go? Got all these fraudulent subsidiaries of the Communist Party? Did you earn BYD? Lost? You only said that you earned, how much did you lose? Companies, companies engaged in electricity, what is that Guangdong called? The solar panel, what's it called, Hanergy, which fell directly from hundreds to •••••• They lost billions of dollars at once! I said you earned 300 million people and lost 7 billion. 
At that time he asked me if I could vote for Hanergy. I said that we Chinese have a saying, you seek my profit, I seek your capital, just like I went to court yesterday and went to court, which is the Pacific Ocean. He gave us Pangu For my loan, I personally guarantee that one dollar is 28 interest. When interest was finally demanded, the police found him. You belonged to a loan shark, so he changed it to 15. He did not dare to say in court, I said you waited, and when I put it through, I let you kid All go to prison. Not scared. Yesterday I only said that we can block the apartment we live in. On this issue, yesterday we lost again and we won. Three times, we all won. The judge said: No. However, I want to buy an apartment, and I want to tell him that you can't seal it. 
I told him, you wait, next time I clean up you, why? You have sought 28 interest from others. If you want 28 interest, you just wait and give you the money. You still sue Mile Guo, what are you doing? Then the buddy in the Middle East went, invested money, and said as soon as I went in, I made 350 million, and gave me a bonus of 100 million US dollars. He was very happy. I said you waited and lost your books. Over seven billion dollars, Hanergy. 
How many such stories! How many such people? So I said, I gave that, and I said to these American friends: I said that the Communist Party is very smart, you seek my profit, you seek my capital, and why tell this story to you now? The Communist Party doesn't play with you like that. I give everyone a high price. Hanergy is now the Communist Party of Great Hanergy. Do you want interest, profit roll, Ponzi scheme? I will get it for you. So where is the danger in America? The Communist Party has played through with you, as long as you dare to deal with me, and you dare to get my money, I will let you crash on Wall Street overnight, and the entire American people eat people! These retired funds, the United States really can't live! 
Mr. Luther: 
How to do it? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: So there is only one trick now. What you asked is very simple. Now I openly say today: Liu He is sorry! What do you like to list me? When I was in Washington at the time, I said that Liu He was coming, how can I guarantee the success of signing the contract? I said it's very simple, don't you believe in the Communist Party? How to do? You said to Liu He: Since you signed a contract with me, I’m afraid you won’t cash it and buy your national debt (Is the national debt guaranteed)? As a result, the buddy told Liu He that Liu He said goodbye, I dare not say this, don't talk, don't talk, don't talk. My idea, my idea. 
But he didn’t dare and the national debts were confiscated. Then, of course, he didn’t dare, but they didn’t dare, so let President Trump let everyone know that this buddy just tricked me. This is one. The second answer to you again, this pension has been taken away? I said I told you? Today we are the core of the live broadcast, I also follow Mr. Bannon, (Mr. Bannon is still sitting there). What is the core? The United States has no choice, just do CCP! As long as the CCP is there, you have no hope in the United States! Mr. Bannon just went to jail. If you don’t believe it, try it, you will, because he will use Wall Street to get everyone in! 
The essence is here, so, after listening to me, the Belt and Road Initiative, you want to stop him, you want to stop the United States from being kidnapped by finance, you have to be like Mr. Bannon just now, just do CCP, this will not take the job today ? 
Mr. Luther: 
Long pain is worse than short pain. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
It doesn't matter if you want to hurt or not! I was in the meeting place that day, and I said: You are too naive, and now someone ran to your house, I said to Mr. Bannon, they ran to your house, they killed your family, and you said: you killed Is my family illegal? Is the way you killed me wrong? Is it wrong that you killed my family and took my money? Did I go to court with you or killed you? I said you were too naive! Too high too high! What did he say? I said: took out the gun and killed him. I said hesitate, don't hesitate, it's better to take the gun in your pocket and kill him. Only by destroying Wang Qishan and these devils can the United States have hope! Only China has hope! 
Mr. Luther: 
You are like, that day the Eight Dragons, the virtual bamboo monk just came out, and the chess piece fell there directly! Completely solved the game. He always considered how to talk to him about the law, without having to worry about it, he just collapsed with a shot. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
You say people like Mr. Bannon, Americans say he is lunatic, so naive to say, eh, is this illegal? Isn't this alright? Is there no human rights? I said you too high, too high, do you understand what I mean? too high This is all the problem of the United States. You know that night, I was there in the secret committee. I said I heard my head big. When I came back, I said to Mr. Bannon: I said, Mr. Bannon, I said that the United States really is. I should deceive you for 100 years. Because the buddy said when I said: Miles, I am particularly moved, I hug you! I said you don't hug me, I said you hug me is a shame to me! 
I said that I have never seen it. This is raped by others. I especially like to come back again, right? I said that there is no such thing, I love to give this example, You rape me, I am enjoy, you rape me again, rape me again! This is not called rape! It’s called adultery, it’s adultery, and you enjoy it. You turned a robber into a gentleman. Do you want to turn the Communist Party into your husband? They said: You are right, you are right, I said you are neurotic, he wants to give you some interest, he wants your life next time? Who is that buddy? Our best buddy is arguably the most talented person in the Republican Party. This person came out and said that he is more cattle than the ones you just said! Maybe I think he is the candidate for the next president! 
He has great economic strength and strong family politics. He is very kind to me and a good friend of Mr. Bannon. He often comes to us. And in the past, our building was a shop selling antiques. For more than 100 years, he bought the most antiques. As a result, he finally went to appraise antiques when he moved. All fake, huh, huh. This building was demolished to cover this modern building, which is very interesting. This man told me that night, what did you say he said? He said Miles, I made 20 billion US dollars and 20 billion in cash in China. Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, um... What is Shanghai, and more than 40 listed companies have invested in him. And he said, "I am also a big share in Ping An." Then many financial institutions have his shares, including people's livelihood. 
He said that I started to sell and sell my fund fully a year ago, and I will close my fund. He said: I have listened to you and must not let the Communist Party lead the Chinese. He loves China and can’t do it. He is surrounded by Chinese people. He eats Chinese food, hangs out at home, buys antiques and chooses antiques from China. He wears Chinese-style clothes as soon as he goes to my house, designed by my buddy Deng Yongqiang on the beach. Love Chinese, love China. 
He also likes to eat Mr. Bannon. Most of his belly is eaten with Chinese food. So these people have no problem in loving Chinese, and in Chinese culture. But you have to remember that if you want Wang Qishan to be a big devil, behind the Belt and Road, I tell you that Xi Jinping does not have this IQ, nor this ability, nor this team. 
Mr. Luther: 
Absolutely, 100% does not have this IQ. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
But all that night I hated Xi Jinping and wanted to strip Xi Jinping away. Wang Qishan came to lead China and lead the world. Isn't it ridiculous to think about it? 
Mr. Luther: 
What you said just now really awakened the Americans. Just what kind of law was there before? It didn't need to be used at all. When you enter my house, don’t you already have a national security law, which is equivalent to you entering this house, you still tell him, your robbing is illegal, and it is right to collapse directly. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
And just collapse his core, you don’t necessarily collapse next to him. Because he has now kidnapped 1.4 billion people. I said you were facing those bad guys, right? You collapsed, and then you discussed with the Chinese, what kind of government would you choose? 
I said that I told you that the Communist Party was just like Mr. Bannon. I asked him exactly the same question. The general asked me to ask Mr. Bannon. All our sins were cultivated by you. The Communist Party you cultivated, you gave him. Money, you give him technology, you give him firewall technology, what Take down the Fire wall, you make the fire wall, does that mean? Then you are responsible, what are your responsibilities? I said that we are communists and I'm a general. He said, of course, he is in Beijing, he said that he is quite good, he said who do we choose now? We don’t do anything with the Communist Party, who do I do with, where do I go? Am I going to the Kuomintang? What about my wife and children? What about my family? You give me a choice. In this government, in this party, you can destroy the Communist Party now, and I will shoot first. He said you ask Bannon, how do you Americans make a fire wall, you make the fire wall, you need take down the fire wall, American. This is true. I think what the general said is not only a patriotic general, a general who loves the nation, but also a general in the world. 
The essence of the general is to safeguard world peace and the interests of the country. is not it? Is this not true? So, let me tell you, Mr. Luther, how important our breaking news revolution is. I can say absolutely without bragging today. Without our breaking news revolution, the United States has to recover five to ten years later before he wakes up, Europe and America. 
Mr. Luther: 
So, what we have to do now is to lobby the United States and directly (hand shot) just what you said just now, collapse him. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
The word lobbying is wrong, because I have corrected a lot, so don't use it. Lobbying comes with a huge one, so you don’t have yourself, you are speaking on behalf of a certain party, we are not. We are all victims, we are breaking news. We are the victim, we want to tell the world that we have been victimized. We will tell the truth. You are like what I said, I never talk about third-party things, I only talk about what happened to me. What I told you just now is what I personally experienced, and Mr. Bannon sat next to it. And I can tell you that the few people I have arranged for me to speak in Washington next May will definitely affect their profound views on China. Two of them are Wang Qishan's most feared people, and they are both the American political elite and the political future. 
Mr. Luther: 
Yes, if you shoot directly, they actually have no chance to operate. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Yeah, even if they say they threaten me and kill you, I never care. I told Mr. Bannon and I told Roger Robinson that Roger Robinson said that he is not safe now and he cannot go to Hong Kong. I said: Wrong, before you stand up in Danghuihui, you go to Hong Kong, he kills you, you die, poisoned you, you are poisoned, you take a sauna, you die. A little daughter-in-law is only in her forties, a model, and a child of several years old, I said that your little wife will be gone. 
But you walked on the streets of Beijing today. I said you are okay with your bare ass swaying. I said that the Communist Party police is in charge of you, including Mr. Bannon. Why? If you die on the street, it will become a national war between the United States and China. The Communist Party is wise, don’t die, don’t die, buddies, don’t get involved here, we hold hands to protect you. He said, what you said makes sense. I said this is the Communist Party. 
I said including me, he killed me, I said that he shot me down, I said that my life would be complete. It can definitely achieve the effect of Chiang Ching-kuo, turning Taiwan from a dictator Chiang to a democratic government, an absolute Jiangnan case. The most important contribution of the Jiangnan case is to the Taiwanese people. So I still believe that Taiwan must come out with a Jiangnan. Guo Taiming, the kid, must have been eliminated. With regard to the further sublimation of democracy, Taiwan remains independent. 
I don’t agree with national independence. I don’t agree with Taiwan’s independence, but political independence is necessary. Independence in operation, but don't be independent or split in the country. I don't support it. So I think the United States now includes you. Do you always say that you are safe? Don't worry, he really gave you a shot and you will become immortal, and if you can't be killed, you will turn the Chinese and the United States into a war. It must be a war. 
A year ago, Luther was killed on the street, and 100 Luthers would not be killed. The United States would not go to war with China. Now, Luther will be killed. The United States couldn't find a reason. Lao Tzu would just go straight, Trump's temper, and the missile would pass. So now all comrades are safe, not safe at home or abroad. 
Mr. Luther: 
There is one of them, including the general who just said that the Communist Party is now gone, who do I choose, who do I go to? The elite bigwigs of the Americans will certainly ask this question. Did they ask me if I don’t know? I think they might ask. Then you said to wipe out these people, who will maintain the order in China and so on? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Taiwan’s buddy’s representative, the old man, I have received the letter, I have seen it, and the tears have shed. Thank you for life. That day, Mr. Bannon left and left and met without meeting. Next time everyone comes back to meet and talk about this matter. 
What I am going to tell you, you also asked me in the end, if Wang Qishan was destroyed, the heads of these Communist parties were destroyed, who will lead China? You are very concerned about this issue. I can tell you what I am telling you now. Many Americans are asking me. The world is asking me. Just now Mr. Luther is really a genius in the media. I thought deeply, thought deeply When Mr. Luther came out, he criticized Luther in my group for being unpleasant. Now I have heard that I regret it. I feel that Mr. Luther is gifted, and I am convinced that he will, even if he didn't have it at the beginning, he will definitely go further. The question you asked is particularly good. Almost every day I will be asked this question. 
Mr. Bannon said Miles just a few weeks ago. Wang Qishan’s people said that you are Xi’s people. Hehehe, I said Mr. Bannon, you’re so funny. I’ll take my parents, my siblings’ family and several Hundreds of billions of assets, my life, I will go with a party. I say you are too insulting, and you don’t know the Chinese too well. impossible. I am not that great, not so great. 
Then he said, then you said, he said everyone in Washington is asking, if the Communist Party is destroyed, who will? What party? Including a leader in Jiangsu called me, thank you, you called me at such a big risk that your hands were shaking every day. Now the Secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Governor are the most conservative. How dare you call me to show that you still have kind. I tell you, you guessed wrong. I'm doing a show here with Mr. Luther today, and I will reply to you collectively. 
The Communist Party has been exterminated. The elites in the Communist Party are really more than one million, and there are more than ten million. The Chinese elites are all in the Communist Party society, and they will definitely find people who are better than these people. But the character of Wang Qishan, which combines great evil with great evil, great demon with great wisdom, is rare. This man is really, this man is the master of evil and wisdom, this buddy is a devil, that is, Zhao Gao, Zhao Gao, Zhao Gao, eunuch can not be out of a thousand years. Wei Zhongxian, Wei Zhongxian will not come out in ten thousand years, come out. The Chinese ancestor did not have Zhang Xianzhong for five thousand years, killing countless people, and then following him out at the same time. This is Wang Qishan, gone. But I’m telling you from the Communist Party, it’s simply stupid to the point of not setting anyone up now. 
No one can control it, nor can the United States. But I am convinced that I told all American friends that the future of the Chinese is just a few hundred days into this future. Just for a few minutes, these Communist Party heads suddenly changed, and after they changed, they could definitely choose a very good leadership team. The Communist Party should become two parties, it will definitely! Moreover, it is certain that the two parties will actually implement intra-party democracy to the primary level of democracy in this country, and then realize national constitutional government. First, the rule of law is independent, and the judiciary is independent. 
Mr. Luther: 
Is the Communist Party definitely extinct in the first place? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
It must have been extinguished. The friend told you that there will definitely be no more Communist Party, but the vast majority of this party will still be formed, and two parties will form. Like the former Soviet Union, I think it will be faster than the former Soviet Union. The former Soviet Union Well, it has a transition period, strictly speaking it is a transgender dictatorship, corruption. 
I think China will be direct, and it will not be the Singapore system. I think it is impossible, and no one can control it. Directly entered a society ruled by law. Two parties, two parties, and a society ruled by law are subject to the law. This rule of law is supervised by the world. I am convinced that China’s next 100 years, or even 1,000 years, will be the best era for international cooperation among all countries in the United States, Europe, and the West. Because you have the rule of law, I will do business with you if you have the rule of law, I welcome you to go to school when you have the rule of law, and I will communicate with you if you have the rule of law. If you don’t have the rule of law, you can close your country. It’s that simple. 
So as long as you respect this law, this party will choose a clear person. At this time, the Chinese will be peaceful, the Chinese will make the world like it, the world will do business with China, the Chinese economy will become stronger and stronger, the country More and more safe. True national defense is definitely not a spear, a cannon, or a weapon. National defense is the security of the country’s political system, and the people of the country are happy. There is a good religion, a good faith, and a good education system. The people are happy, the people are educated, and the people have no ambitions. This is the biggest national defense. 
So what is the future of China, China must walk the people to rule the country, that is, the people do not want to rebel, and you do not have to spend so much money to maintain the people. As long as the era of stability and high pressure is maintained, this is the moment for the demise of the regime. So I believe that, soon, I believe you will hear a sound overnight, Boom, Wang Qishan is gone, these 10 people are gone, then this is overthrown, the Communist Party is gone, and then China has achieved constitutional government , And then the world absolutely intervenes. The world wants to conquer China, the Communist Party’s biggest liar, and foreigners want to destroy China. That is absolutely impossible. This is the biggest lie on humankind. There is no one country, one regime, one energy. Except for black holes, the energy you know cannot do even the moon. It wipes the Chinese from the earth and invades China. This is really fart, this is the biggest threat. It’s a fake. 
All human beings are saying, "Hello China, you don't have to mess up." At that time, it means that the world is, hey buddy, I welcome your children to come to study with us, we welcome business exchanges, I am willing to provide you with financial assistance in such a large market, but if you have a law, we must have rules. The biggest problem in China is that the gangsters of the Communist Party do not engage in education. His policy of ignoring the people has made the people so bad and so poor. The world is not waiting to see them. Right. 
So China treats the country according to law, treats its citizens with education rather than weapons, and then makes the Chinese people a popular force for peace in the world. Are you Chinese unhappy? Who do you choose now? You said you chose Hu Chunhua? You choose Wang Yang? You choose Wang Huning? Did you choose Jiang Zemin? Did you choose Hu Jintao? No one can. Whoever is chosen will die fast. Only the people make the best choice at the last minute, I think this is the choice of heaven. 
So the final result is that the Chinese have come to choose their own future and the best moment for the leaders of the national system. No one can stop them. Second, God will help the Chinese people choose their own future, their own government, and their own leadership, and no one can stop them. 
Mr. Luther: 
Here is how to make money politics. When Chinese democracy chooses, if it chooses such a secret service politics as Russia, Russian Putin, he belongs to the KGB. Add money to the intelligence system. . Then they had a lot of money because of the thieves before, plus he controlled this intelligence system. In the process, even under the supervision of the United States, they still played a drama and continued to act like Russia. What should I do? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
You can be completely relieved of this kind of worry, or you can have 10,000 kinds of worry. In fact, this kind of thing will not be discussed later. You know why, Mr. Luther, I never think about these things. I have been dealing with the Communist Party for many years. I repeat, China’s management power is in the Communist Party, and they have no choice but to let the gangsters and the robbers who kidnapped the country kill him. As long as Chinese people of China age can be selected, it doesn't matter what you think. There will never be a military government in China. It is absolutely impossible. 
The first condition of the military government is that foreign countries do not intervene. If the Chinese military government, then the United States does not intervene? Does Europe not intervene? Just close your foreign exchange for you, and you can play it. If you want the Thai military government to be the United States, you don’t want to provoke you, ignore you, and take a minute to close you. Just like Mr. Bannon, Mr. Roger Robison said that we will never take more than an hour in the Middle East, and you will be able to control your country in a few minutes. I have a very good reason. In order to maintain international oil security, I immediately put You take over, you have no ability to fight back. 
You are like a big country in the Middle East, my buddy, telling you to close it will close you. The Communist Party wants the military government to threaten you as a whole mankind. Well, it’s for you. No one dares to try this path. Another one is that you want to go backwards and play with the second Communist Party, that is impossible, absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible. 
I think that within the Communist Party of China, these are the dozens of years and the 18th National Congress and the 19th National Congress. Everyone in the party knows that the only way to play evil is to kill one. This is the year God has given China more than ten years of disaster, and it is also the biggest gift to China. In fact, it is teaching China to tell you
If you want to go this way, Wang Qishan will go this way. What do you have in the Belt and Road, you are a hanging belt, and then the road of the coffin factory, Huangquan Road, this is not the Belt and Road, what do you have. 
You come back to cooperate with the international community, treat the people well, and govern the country according to law. You have freedom of religious belief. Don't even think about it. What a daddy is worse than a party, let's put your grandma's ass right, right? Who do you believe that, of course, we kissed our father and mother, right? Children are the most important thing. What is for the party, fathers and mothers do not want, children do not, shit. Why don’t you have children? This is respect for humanity, human rights, the rule of law, and religion. This is what we call the rule of law and freedom of religious belief. This is what we are after. China must be great by then. Everyone Unstoppable. 
Mr. Luther: 
Okay, the questions I asked today are almost the same. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
What time is it now? 
Mr. Luther: 
It's 12:06. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Oh my God, so fast, I don’t think it’s started yet. 
Mr. Luther: 
An hour and 37 minutes. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
it is good. Let's do this, I ask you two questions, don't keep asking me. We are in the process for more than ten minutes. I have to ask Mr. Luther two questions. You give me a positive answer. I asked for my comrade-in-arms, I agreed, there is no secret code, this is the domestic secret code, no secret code haha. 
I'm embarrassed by the question you asked me about this comrade-in-arms, but I will ask strategically. I can't ask as you want, because this comrade-in-arm is our old comrade-in-arms, a comrade in the country, this Comrades are particularly worried, that is the road
Mr. De knows you very well. He is a friend of the Public Prosecution Law. He said that Mr. Luther’s economic conditions are not good, and it is no problem to eat. Now this month’s income is no problem to eat. Several children. Then come down and the Communist Party will definitely impose a blue-golden threat on you in various aspects. He asked you a word, Luther, whether you insist on this path is for faith or money, why do you have to pay the price, can you sustain it? Why are you doing this? You speak first. 
Mr. Luther: 
Okay, this question. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
You stare at the camera and ask your comrades to look at your face. You look at comrades, I asked. 
Mr. Luther: 
I think that, when I get to this point, I feel that this is the step by step. I think it seems that there is a way to move forward here, that is, all my ten years, decades, I am a company in China. Although I am not a company, I have had many dealings with the system. But in 2009, that was when I participated in the parade. At that time, at that time, in 2009, I felt, at that moment, at that moment I felt that China's physique is a huge problem, a huge problem. 
Later, I came into contact again, including some of my friends who were also anti-communist in China at that time. There was a person I said before that there was a Master named Shengguang, and there were many others. We were discussing these matters, and he was later caught in. In 4 years, he met with the... Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama took a special car for more than ten hours and came to meet him specifically. This is the case. 
These things came later, and then I learned Buddha myself. I have been in the country for many years and many places to worship any master. At that time, I thought it was people-learning Buddha does not talk about enlightenment-in the end What is Wu, do you know? Because this kind of Zen in China makes this kind of thing very mysterious, you know? It seems that after enlightenment, people come to another realm, people fall into that kind... Later, because I also visited a lot, I understood the truth, people should actually know their sense of mission, what is the sense of mission? Not how much money do you have, what is this sense of mission? It is you who want to inherit a spirit. You must tell your children and grandchildren what kind of spirit you have. You have to pass it on and tell him. 
There is a film called "Pirates of Dreams". The moment that "Pirates of Dreams" later entered the death of his father, his father was very rich, billions, his family had a lot of money, and later told his son Say: I hope you don’t like me
Living like that, then I realized that sentence, you inherit your spirit again, rather than saying that you live under his shadow and halo, can't, just mean, what does it mean? 
Because of me, I play music and rock. When I was 18, when I was in college, I listened to American music every day. I basically don’t attend classes. I listen to it every day. That kind of bayonet belt, click and click. I was amazed when it was cut, because what kind of music did we have at that time. In 1995 and 1996, I listened to the Black Panther in the Tang Dynasty at most, but once I finished listening to American music and foreigner music, there were many styles, each I was surprised at all kinds of styles. I said what kind of soil can produce such a culture, such music, I have never heard of this music. It’s what he created. What we used to do is "unity is power." "Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China." This kind of song includes your melody. It turns out that what you can never hear in this world was originally in the United States. This can be created. 
Later, when I was doing business, including when I was a company, I always wanted to make a breakthrough. What is the breakthrough? Domestically, it is said that sustainable development is required. With regard to the sustainable development of your company and factory, what is sustainable development in China? As long as your relationship is sustainable, I am not good at relying on any government relationship to operate. In fact, what does my company rely on? In fact, I have been trying every way to take the road of the market, and then rely on the research and development of my own products, product innovation, and take the path of technology, but in fact all have reached the bottleneck. This bottleneck is actually in the soil of China. You simply do it Nope. 
If you are an enterprise, to put it plainly, if you don’t have a backstage, if you want to take the road of technology and innovation, you have a dead end. Several reasons, I also talked about the live broadcast before. First, you don’t have such an employee. If you have such an employee, in your company, you say that we want to do a research and development. That’s it, you just made it. Maybe this product It was very popular in the market just now. This employee went out to copy immediately and got the same one as you. He is still legal because you can’t control him. This is the case in China; 
Second, if you make a product that is very influential, it may be that the government, the competitor you are related to, he is related to the government, he will copy immediately, you are just a dead end, That's why everyone goes to find a relationship, everyone. At that time, I told you that when I was in 2005 and 2006, there was an American product at that time, and we... because under that system, I have to say, we just took it apart, and then included the circuit. Just brush it all, it’s easy in Shenzhen. If you have complicated 5 or 6 floors, you can find someone-20,000 yuan-you can copy all the circuit diagrams and copy them out. You do it. But the chip inside is the same when you go to Shenzhen. You can decrypt it. If you decrypt all the 50,000 yuan, you can do it. 
But then I thought that this way wouldn’t work, you know, this way wouldn’t work, because you do it, if you do it, you pass it on to your employees: your boss depends on stealing, cheating, copying Then, your company must have no future in the future, because everything else must be based on cats and tigers. Your employees follow you to learn this kind of evil, so there must be no future and no sustainability. 
Later, it can be said to be Xi Jinping... After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping came to power. For the first time, I remember going to a museum to give a speech. Three paragraphs, each of which quoted the old Mao's poems, Before he came to power at that time, many people pinned his hopes on him, because he was the son of Xi Zhongxun, he suffered so much again, and felt that China depended on him. But when those three paragraphs came out, I felt that the signs were wrong. What happened later? He often engages in mass movements, criticism and self-criticism. Do you remember that many municipal committees met in 2013 and 2014. Criticism and self-criticism, eh I think there is something wrong, right? But at that time, we wouldn’t think it was impossible to say that there is such a hope in China. If you say that the Communist Party has been destroyed, there is no hope at all, but vaguely feel that there is a problem. 
But when you stand up and do the live broadcast, when you watch it, I think, because I feel that China has made a turning point. This is absolutely 100% of your huge credit, and it has definitely affected it. With all my previous experiences, I know the absolute as soon as you say anything. They had a meal in Beijing before, and they had a meal. At that level of ours, a restaurant like "Xiang E Qing" is a very ordinary Hunan restaurant in Shenzhen. In a private room in Beijing, the minimum consumption is 20,000. Of course, you may have received one million, but we haven’t heard such a number at that time... 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Our casual meal is one million. 
Mr. Luther: 
But for us, the minimum consumption, a "Xiang-Eu love" is a few hundred dollars in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and a minimum consumption of 20,000 in Beijing, and then drinking red wine is very expensive wine, all... 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
all fake. 
Mr. Luther: 
Yes, it’s all fake, but these are all these people, and then meet and say that you give a 50,000 yuan to say that the meeting fee is not charged by others. I think you are too low. This is simply melancholy and not very high. Those at the level are the cadres at the department level. What you said, because the level of the department I contacted is like this, then the one in Zhongnankeng will be affirmed, and the meeting fee may be millions or tens of millions. That is definitely normal. 
So after you finished the live broadcast, I knew China, just to open our eyes, and open our eyes. This is the first point. 
The second point, I think China must be changed. If you don’t change the Chinese nation, it will be tragic sorrow, but after you have finished, you said that so many thieves and tens of billions of dollars have all gone out. Is shocked. We must have known that these people got money before. This is undoubtedly. I think of a few hundred million at most. The rich members of the standing committee are dozens of billions. When you say hundreds of billions of dollars, this is a shock. . 
Another thing is that you are like our Chinese overseas, and then I realized that no matter where you go, you are under the invisible control of the Communist Party, and Chinese, like you, I found that the Communist Party implanted us from an early age This kind of poisonous thing, coupled with the cultural gap is in line with the world, there is also a gap in language, there is such a huge gap between the legal system and the world, any Chinese come to overseas It is difficult for you to integrate into the international, let's talk about the legal system. If you don't understand the American and European legal systems, it is difficult for you to integrate. You like Japanese, Korean, and Taiwanese can easily integrate into the world. At least their legal system is a thinking, Chinese... 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Their education and religion are basically the same. 
Mr. Luther: 
Without this thinking, there is religion. So I think China must change, not change, to be honest, even if the Chinese are staying overseas, to put it bluntly there is no long future. You can only hope that China has changed. There is another, you just said that this is back to me. Is this for faith or money, then it cannot be for money, is it? Of course, it means that I just want to pass on to my children and grandchildren that one thing is to say: anything you do, the more impossible things are, the more you have to do... 
Talking about my words, I just graduated from university. I was in a company. The company did a good job, but I was doing a list at the 110 Command Center of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau. This list is more than 10 million. Our company thinks that the list is impossible to succeed, because I just graduated from college at the age of 23, others think it is impossible, you are kidding, this list is more than 10 million, there is no one
At a certain level, you do not know what the secretary of the municipal party committee or the director of the Guangzhou Public Security Department or the director of the municipal bureau can't do. But at that time, at that age, I actually made this order. At that time, our company's largest order never had a contract of more than 5 million yuan. My order was 14 million contracts. For the command center, eight Wall, Hitachi's wall. So why do I know this very well, because the entire design is made by me. 
Mr. Wengui, you are the same, Mr. Bannon, including Trump, the impossible makes him possible. This is what I want to pass on to my children and grandchildren. Tell them the more impossible this is, the more I will do Only in this way is life worthwhile and meaningful. This is what good is what I am after, an important psychology. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Well said, I think this comrade-in-arms, I think Mr. Luther is sincere and sincere. Yesterday I communicated with Mr. Luther about eloquence, because there is no question of eloquence in the world, as long as you tell the truth, What you experience, your absolute eloquence is good, and you are naturally good. You only have Hu Zou, talking nonsense and wanting to perform. That must be bad. Why should the actor memorize the script, because that has nothing to do with you, fake. You have to tell your own story. How come you recite the script, there is no script. 
Today, Luther is talking about his heart, of course I am very touched. My bigger responsibility, because my news is indeed true, and expensive, because of your news, what happened. Including some children sending me messages, I was so moved. I haven't let anyone read the information of our comrades. As long as I have the contact information, I have contact with you. I haven't returned it once. Many of you who have contacted me unidirectionally can't return it, too much, but I haven’t let anyone else watch it, so touched. Because of my breaking news, many people have hope. 
So in the first two days, one of them wanted to invest in me. He said, Mr. Guo, we will launch Guo Media in the future, saying that Mr. Guo’s cooperation with you is in danger, and the Communist Party will block me. I have a lot of investment and how to do it in Asia. I said, I tell you, you are right. It is more dangerous than you think, and even life-threatening. But I tell you, there is only one Chinese now, Guo Wengui, is the hope of the 1.4 billion people, there is only one person, Guo Wengui’s explosive revolution, and our comrades, are the media that let the Chinese look over the wall, we are not Entertainment, we are a justice, a revolution. 
Second, once the 1.4 billion Chinese people turn on the Internet or can freely see the information, we are the only media that is believed, so what can we Guo Media become? Become the only truth platform for China to understand what happened in China and what happened in foreign countries, the only truth platform for foreigners to understand what happened in China, and then we put all the comrades who broke the news about the revolution
Together on this platform, how big is this market? This buddy was dumbfounded. My value is the enemy of the Communist Party. My value is because I am the enemy, so I have a future. I am the hope of the Chinese. You can vote for yourself in the future. So remember, we are the hope of the Chinese. Including Sara, all comrades, so comrades should keep in mind that we are hope. That is for sure. 
After the second question, let's finish. A comrade-in-arms is very concerned, Mr. Luther in Las Vegas and some of you worried about the exchanges, worried about the safety of him and his family. Since he came yesterday and returned from my court session, I spoke with Mr. Luther for 5 hours. One of the most important things is to let him leave Las Vegas, in one, he doesn't want him to interact with dangerous people. 
Everything I do is public, and I told him everything you said. This comrade-in-arms has met you, but I won’t let you tell you, in fact, I don’t know him. I am surprised by the information about you. I know your wife’s name. When I get divorced and when I get married, I know. He told me. The child of the leader of a certain place in Guangdong is also a policeman. Later, when he came to safety, he is now out. Very worried about your safety, I told Mr. Luther everything you said, and it took me about five hours. 
I smoked in my throat yesterday. After smoking, I took a shower and looked at the documents. After reading it, I squinted. I got up at 1:30 and worked until four o'clock. I squinted again, probably forty minutes. Mr. Luther, Mr. Bannon engaged in live broadcasting, I have finished your words, very worried. Because he knows you especially, you are a very simple person. After chatting with Mr. Luther, I found that indeed you are right, he is very simple, but believe that people with missions can not have fear. We can prevent that once there is fear, you will lose miserably. You can't worry about what happens. If you don't worry, it won't happen. If you worry, it will happen, but you have to be careful. The last question, comrades let me ask, what are your plans for the media, and the next plan for Luther News Agency. 
Mr. Luther: 
Planning, in fact, is mainly a self-media. Wen Gui chatted with me for so long yesterday, and I felt that I still had to come to New York. Secondly, I would do more programs and interviews. If I say that the longer-term, I think that long-term planning is not called the media. It’s self-media. More provides a platform to let more people speak. Others really don’t think about it. For example, like Ding Jing, I don’t think about it. At most, it is a self-media platform. Mr. Wen Gui, let's eliminate the Communist Party, do a good job in all aspects of interpretation, and pass on the latest news of the American Communist Party. 
Why do I do a lot of time evaluation, mainly because there are too many interviews in the past. Interviews can only be organized after a day or two, for example, people have to make an appointment. But many people need timely news, such as President Trump, what you just said, you are too late to do an interview two or three days later. So I added more time comments and quick comments, because many people went to Ding Jing and looked at them. They were misleading and it was too late. The program has more quick comment, time comment, time comment, plus important interviews. This is the program form. 
There is also to see if you can come here, more interviews with some Bannon, important meetings, Mr. Wen Gui can take us to the scene, important people conduct on-site interviews, let everyone know the first time , This is what you said to spread important information, spread first-hand data, not second-hand third-hand. Spreading one hand can save more people in the country. Your show saved a lot of people. Many people said that I had watched the show and sold it before, but now it has been sold, but if it can’t be sold after half a year, the money won’t come out. This is what we want to tell firsthand. everyone. 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
Too many people have been saved. 
Mr. Luther: 
Sometimes I haven’t. I said on the show that day. VOA, they only reported after the event came out. You told everyone half a year before the event came out. Guo Taiming was about to run for president. Do you have intelligence? Coupled with your intelligence analysis capabilities, I believe that the United States also has intelligence, but they do not have analysis capabilities, and many ordinary people do not have analysis capabilities. Not only do you have intelligence and analysis capabilities, you can save many people. 
I believe that similar to this, many of you said half a year in advance, and only one year in advance. At that time, I wanted to help you, and finally let everyone believe more, knowing many things you said, let everyone do it earlier Good precautions and preparations, to put it bluntly, save money and save lives, they don’t know if they have revenge, but at least they can save money and save lives. For example, your live broadcast said a word, others have passed it, but we tell you through many different programs. , Prepare in advance for early warning. 
In fact, this also does work. Before I made the show, I said that there was a movie called "Schindler's List." Save more than a thousand people. I said that Mr. Wen Gui saved tens of millions. The second one Let others have a way to spread, but now the letter is constant, as you said before, this one has been fulfilled, and it has been fulfilled. Many people pass from one to ten. The only Mr. Wen Gui in the world has said that Guo Taiming will run for president. Many things, the Chinese are slowly in the group, and the more they build, the bigger and bigger. On that day, Mr. Wen Gui said that we will all go to the streets tomorrow and drive cars When you park your car there, this action
Someone responded quickly, and we really need to establish a process. I think our mission is to help you do it and make everyone believe it. Many people are surprised that I seem to have hatred for resonance. This is what the CCP did. When the wolf came, the wolf came. When Wengui would launch something, others would not believe it. The biggest harm was that they were demolishing this thing. We are building this thing. In the future, if the Chinese Communist Party collapses, continue. The newcomers who come to power should also expose ugliness, do you think? 
Mr. Guo Wengui: 
I completely agree. I am very moved. I think Mr. Luther spoke very well. You are really very simple. Mr. Luther is definitely much simpler than everyone you see on the screen. Very simple. Well, Mr. Bannon has been waiting now. In this way, today some of our programs haven’t been finished. Don’t let Mr. Bannon wait. We have to talk for a long time. 
We recently, after killing HNA, we have to kill several financial institutions, including the Bank of China. We will kill him. The Bank of China listens and must defeat you, even worse than the end of HNA! You watch. On the other hand, many people unite the voice of comrades together. I told Mr. Luther that I hope he will come here and come to New York. Because the world's financial center, power center, and media center are in Manhattan, an island in Manhattan has more than one trillion GDP a year, and the whole of New York has more than two trillion GDP a year. What is the concept? This place has great potential. 
You are like Ding Jing and Boxun are harming people, they are tireless, let's not save them. Asked Mr. Luther, even after reading my news, Luther ran away. He found something was wrong. He sold all the things, but they had money, and they had a lot of money. You go and think about it. Since I started to report, how much has the Chinese stock market fallen, how much has the RMB depreciated, and how much has the People's Bank's deposit changed? How many real estate fell, how many people were arrested, how many people ran out, and more than 10,000 Schindler lists. Speaking of which we can't stop, Mr. Luther will be one of the most important forces of our revolutionary revolution. 
Dear comrades-in-arms, thank you for watching. Mr. Bannon and I and Mr. Luther have our chat today on Saturday. We will continue next Saturday, but Mr. Luther is not here anymore. Mr. continue, we haven't talked about many topics, we will start next time. We pray for 1.4 billion Chinese compatriots.. 
Thank you comrades! Everything is just beginning!