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Miles Guo 20190223

Miles Guo 20190223

Wen Gui: Dear comrades-in-arms, today is February 22, Wen Gui is now on-line with Mr. Bannon, chairman of our rule of law fund. Mr. Bannon is now in Italy, in the Vatican in Rome, Europe, then he is being interviewed by Wen Gui from the balcony of the Vatican. We want to talk. 
We mainly talk about today that the Vatican is about to usher in a very important guest, and probably one of the most important guests in recent years, that is Mr. Xi Jinping, President of China. Then on September 28, 2018, the Vatican announced that it has signed an unprecedented understanding agreement with China on this underground church. Later, in December 2018, this agreement was revised again. It is said that there is no evidence for this. 
Then later, in China's Catholicism, Christianity, and underground religions, the so-called underground religions are underground religions that do not listen to the Communist Party. Then from September 2018 to the present, tens of thousands of Christians and Catholics in China were arrested and threatened, and hundreds of churches were
tear down. In Minnan District alone, many churches in Minnan District, including the bishop, were removed from their posts or changed from past archbishops to assistant teachers. Then this time the Vatican will sign an important religious understanding cooperation agreement with China. This has a major impact on believers all over the world. So it has caused widespread concern in the world. 
Then Mr. Bannon knows that he is a devout Catholic, and his whole family is a devout Catholic. He is very concerned about this matter, because it is closely related to his faith and religion, and he is a party. Well, we have this many discussions with Mr. Bannon. Now Mr. Bannon has raised various questions about the content of the so-called "China-Vatican Agreement" or "Vatican-China Agreement". Today we come to hear Mr. Bannon's views on this matter. Please answer Mr. Bannon. 
Mr. Bannon: I want to say hello to everyone and the audience of Guo Media, thank you very much for watching, and I am very grateful to Guo Media, their professional team, so that we can talk to you online today. The place you see where I stand is actually the balcony of a church where our nuns, the bishop of Our Lady of Mary, are. The church we see is St. Peter’s Church, and below is the Vatican Square. This place where I am located is also the place where CBS TV station reports and interviews, so it is because Guo Media is so professional, so that we can stand in such a beautiful place to report for everyone. 
I also heard that this is the first time we can have a media station in Vatican Square for live broadcasting, and send this video to China, so that Christians in China's underground church can see some of our direct conversations. , So it is a very important moment. And the place I am standing now is because we will have a four-day summit, which is held by the pope. Because they have to deal with child abuse incidents within the Catholic Church and make adjustments, that is, make some solutions. So we are now standing in this place where the summit will be held. 
And you know that in fact we are more important to explore. Now an agreement signed by the Pope with China a month ago, an agreement announced this, is an agreement signed by the Communist Party of China, this is also an important thing . In particular, we must understand the content of this agreement and its impact on Christians in China, especially those believers in the underground churches in China. In particular, I call them a saint, because they are faithful to carry out their faith in cases of persecution. So for these persecuted Christians, we must understand how deep and how great their influence is. 
Well, I want to say more now. In fact, this is the only time we have allowed the Chinese media to be allowed to live broadcast within the jurisdiction of the Vatican, so this is a very important moment. and
And what I want to say, in fact, what we have just said about the Vatican agreement signed with the Communist Party of China is actually strongly opposed by our Bishop Chen Ri of Hong Kong. Then we have to understand more about the agreement they signed, or signed it in secret, that is to say, the agreement signed between the Vatican and China is not public, and no one else in the world is knew. So this secretly signed agreement actually violates various treaties, especially a treaty signed with the United Nations. 
Because it is stated in the treaty, all agreements signed between the Vatican and other countries must be public, and the whole world needs to know. Therefore, they have violated the provisions of the provisions of the United Nations. And this agreement was also opposed to the archbishop Chen Rijun we just said. 
The status of Bishop Chen Rijun is actually the same as that of the Dalai Lama, that is, a saint. He strongly opposed such an agreement. Because he believes that this agreement completely betrayed Catholicism, and his devout Catholics are also believers who have betrayed some underground churches that have followed the Catholicism in China for so many years. Because you see the Chinese government, he kept coming to some places in China, arresting some bishops, and demolishing some of these churches. Under such circumstances, the Vatican still signed this agreement with the Communist Party of the Chinese government. An act of betrayal. 
Mr. Bannon: Leaders such as Wang Qishan and Xi Jinping, under the pressure of their power, let the Vatican sign such a secret agreement. The first aspect of the content of this agreement is to give China the power to appoint the archbishops of the Chinese region, and second, we also know that after signing this secret agreement, the Chinese side has removed and arrested the bishops of the two underground churches. This we think is completely illegal and unacceptable. 
As Archbishop Chen Rijun said, this completely betrayed the principles of Catholicism all over the world. Therefore, this kind of behavior is also strongly opposed by some Christians and Catholics and bishops around the world, and it also betrays some living saints in China. So we have this task. An action is now taking place in the Vatican. We want to let the Vatican disclose the agreement they authorize China to appoint bishops. Let them disclose the agreement so that our believers in the underground church in China can understand the contents of the agreement and the Vatican. All aspects of the agreement signed with the Communist Party of China. 
And I have to say that I have been in the Vatican in Rome these days, I have met with many senior leaders, some bishops, and some believers in the church. We all have a consensus that for so many years in China, Dear believers, brothers and sisters, we are not
Forget yours. We will talk about the persecution of the church in China and the demolition of the church monastery in our summit in the next few days. 
As Archbishop Chen Rijun said, we cannot just sit back and ignore. These believers of the underground church betrayed in China, we cannot forget or ignore the appointment of the bishop and the persecution of the bishop of the underground church in this article. And Archbishop Chen Rijun is also highly respected in Christianity and Catholicism, he is also a very sacred believer, and he also said that the believers in these underground churches in China, just as some saints who are born are also very sacred, we They cannot be ignored. 
So we must continue to insist that the Vatican openly sign a secret agreement with the Communist Party of China to let everyone know. So I think this is a very sacred task. I am very proud to be able to conduct this live broadcast in Vatican together with Wen Gui, and make this matter public, because we must not ignore the destruction of churches and monasteries by the Chinese government, and the persecution of believers. Well, now I really want to hear some questions from Wengui, that is, watching us all over the world, especially watching any comments and questions from our audience through VPN. 
Wen Gui: I am very honored, and I feel very much today, especially here to talk to Mr. Bannon about the underground religion in China and the agreement reached between the Chinese religion and the Vatican. There is a very important thing at this time in the Eastern Fujian Diocese. We have been paying attention to it. At that time, there was a Guo Xijin named Guo Xijin in the Eastern Fujian Diocese. There was also a Catholic diocese in Henan Province in China, and Jin Lu in Nanyang Diocese. The bishops of the post were removed from office by the Communist Party on the basis of the so-called standards that did not meet the Chinese patriotism, and became threats as assistant teachers. Well, after China and the Vatican reached an agreement in September last year, many of China’s past were not arrested and threatened by their dismissed family members because they did not comply with the Party’s education standards required by the Chinese Communist Party. This is very serious. Next, I would like to ask Mr. Bannon and the Vatican what actions will be taken to protect their interests and safety? 
Mr. Bannon: I think there are two points. The first point is that the question that Wen Gui just mentioned is to ask the core. Our main task in the Vatican is to make the contents of the agreement public to the Vatican. Because we actually don’t understand the content of the agreement at this time, we don’t know what other provisions or conditions it contains, so we have to carry out this task. Let the Vatican and China make this suppressed secret agreement open to the world. Because you have to know that the Vatican is an independent country. He has some treaties with the United Nations and the world. It is determined that the treaties he signed and some agreements must be open. Well, the secret agreement he signed with China now completely violates his provisions as a Catholic independent country, so we cannot allow him to continue under such a secret agreement. 
And you have to know that in the past, in the Middle Ages, the Vatican would not bow his head under British power, nor under German Nazi power. They also did not allow Britain and Germany to freely carry out various acts of Catholicism in their own country. So why do we bow our heads under the power of the Communist Party represented by Xi Jinping and Wang Qishan at this time, so that they can appoint bishops themselves, and let them freely dismiss the bishops underground, loyal to the Catholic loyal pastors of the Vatican, this Is not acceptable. 
So this proves that, and we have also seen that China is very determined and persecuted the underground churches in China. They are constantly destroying some monasteries and churches. For the removal of these bishops, this is also unacceptable. The second point is that the archbishop is Chen Rijun. Like the Dalai Lama, he is respected all over the world and very protects the Chinese underground church. They devout saints, they follow these believers in the Vatican Catholic Church so loyally, he also strongly opposed this clause and agreement. 
And we also have to remember that Wen Gui published a video of the Dalai Lama not long ago, which already explained all the promises made by the Communist Party of China, which are in fact lies. They have deceived the Dalai Lama for so many years, and have said everything to him. Are all lies. This is a very good precedent. So what the Vatican must understand, any agreement with China is actually a lie, and Archbishop Chen Rijun also understands this. 
Wen Gui: Mr. Bannon, it is necessary for me to report to you the relationship between the simple history of Christianity, Catholicism and religious people in China and the Communist Party. This is the historical evidence of the Chinese Communist Party's treatment of Christians and Catholics and the logic of some ideological behaviors. This is a fact. I will give you a brief report now. 
In 1934, the founder of the Communist Party of China, Fang Zhimin, kidnapped the American missionary archbishop in China, called the Shidaneng couple, and kidnapped for money. Later, it was cruel to kill him because he didn't give money. 
In 1935, the Red Army of China kidnapped the British Catholics in China, Mr. Rudolf Alfred Bosshardt (Bo Fuli), who also asked for money, and did not give money, and also killed. 
At the most important time in China, the Communist Party in Beijing University launched a "non-Christian movement." Li Dazhao, the most important founder of the "Non-Christian Movement", and Hu Shi, all of them participated. In the "Non-Christian Movement", Li Dazhao, Chen Duxiu, and Cai Yuanpei were at Peking University in 1922. This
These suppressions of Christianity are unprecedented. Compared with the three or five emperors in Chinese history, a buddha eradication campaign is even cruel. The impact is now profound. Then, in recent years, in Hong Kong, the Archbishop of Hong Kong, Mr. Chen Rijun, was threatened, even threatened with assassination, and completely aerial. Then, after the strong Catholic, Mr. Chen Rijun, was removed from the archbishop, he found a retired man named "Tang Khan." Tang Khan became one of the biggest jokes of the designated Catholic Pope in China. This is the basic history of the Communist Party's treatment of Christianity and Catholicism. 
Now I would like to ask Mr. Bannon one question is that Hong Kong is now at a time of Christianity and catastrophe, and Tang Khan became a joke, and many Hong Kong Catholics cannot understand this. Why is it not Jesus with the Seven Star Sword, how come the god in the tunic with the sickle and axe coming, to lead them, they can't stand it. What should we do, what are you going to do now, and how can we solve this problem, Mr. Bannon. 
(No sound here) 
Bannon: •••••• China’s bishop was removed from office. We all know that these bishops are very respected, so their removal is too much practice, and it is unacceptable. So we have to deal with their affairs. 
Wen Gui: Then how can the rule of law fund in the Vatican, Italy, and Europe have concrete actions to stop this and stop it, and concrete results can happen immediately. Mr. Bannon, please answer my question. 
Bannon: This is a very good question, Wengui. The first thing our rule of law fund has to do in the Vatican is that we have to take more actions to put pressure on the Vatican and make them sign secret agreements with China. Let the Chinese people and the Catholic believers in China have access to information to know how much the content of their agreement has affected them, what kind of damage is involved in their churches. Then we must let the Chinese people know. You know that because of Pope Francis of the Vatican, he and Wang Qishan and Xi Jinping, those with minority rights, agreed to let them appoint bishops themselves. This is the various churches that betrayed the underground churches in China, as well as some bishops. They have followed the Catholic Church of the Vatican loyally for many years, which is unacceptable. 
Therefore, we must ask, or even force, to publicly read out the contents of these agreements and submit them to the United Nations. So we are through Italy, these lawyers in the world, take a legal approach to let the senior leaders of the Italian church know that through the international legal approach, they are pressured to let them announce the contents of some secret terms. This is after World War II, many countries around the world have carried out many secret agreements, this kind of thing can not exist and is not acceptable
of. And the current Pope, Francis, is not constantly saying that he wants to make the church more transparent, more accountable, and more accountable. Because so many of their bishops abuse children throughout the world. 
So he is now convening a four-day summit to make this entire Catholic organization more transparent and more responsible for these responsibilities. So how can we allow him to have some secret agreements? Therefore, we must pass certain legal channels to require them to disclose the contents of the secret agreement. We cannot let them freely dismiss the bishop of the Chinese underground church, or destroy the church, or the monastery, in the presence of secret agreements. 
Wen Gui: Many comrades now, and Guo Media’s network has been hacked. YouTube is still broadcasting and will be back soon. 
We continue to ask. Now many comrades are asking a question, everyone is very concerned. That is to say, Benedict XVI was the only Pope who dismissed himself for nearly 600 years, and Francis later succeeded him. In the history of the Holy See in the past 2000, only four people voluntarily resigned. Those three people are indeed physically incapable. The only one is that no one in Benedict XVI knows the real truth behind it. Many people said that the Mafia behind the Communist Party and the Pope had cooperated and made threats, forcing him to leave, and that the Vatican’s Supreme Court and senior officials of the legal system were all exempted. Then the Holy See appeared a lot of communism, socialism. This is what led to the signing of the 2018 secret agreement today. The secret is not a good thing. Anything secret from the Communist Party is not good. Please ask Mr. Bannon to answer this question. 
Bannon: For some of that time, a greater power was pushed behind it! There may be a general trend that made him resign. Then let the current Pope Francis take office. What I can say is that we were John Paul II and he was the greatest pope of the 20th century, and with Benedict XVI, these two Catholic popes, the holy popes, were very close to Archbishop Cheng Rijun. Very respectful of each other. Therefore, I think that Archbishop Cheng Rijun is a respected religious leader in the world. 
He loves Catholics in Hong Kong very much, and he is also very protective and loves China's Catholic followers and fellow believers in the underground church. So I think they have a special kind of enthusiasm to protect these believers. Of course, in this situation, we have the Pope of Francis, and we also hope that when he comes down, he agrees to make these agreements secretly signed with China open to all Christians in the world. Learn more, this one
The agreement explains something. Only in this way can we be more transparent and let us understand more about the situation of religion in China. This is some of my insights! 
Mr. Guo: We are now an hour, 
Bannon: What about this news! They all have to report. Our time here must be over. I must end the live connection with you. 
Mr. Guo: Alright, Mr. Bannon wishes you success in Europe and returns with the greatest victory. We thank you very much for the interview. 
Bannon: I am finally here. I would especially like to thank all the participants who livestreamed in New York, as well as watching this livestream in the Vatican in mainland China. I must remind everyone that behind the place I am standing is St. Peter’s Basilica. This St. Peter was the Catholic saint who was crucified and died at 63 AD. So, it reminds all of us that they are actually the saints who sacrificed in order to be loyal to their beliefs in the first generation, and all religions were built in sacrifice. 
But we are saying that we must pursue religious freedom for the entire world. Whether you are in Latin America or China, we should not sit idly by or silently, and then watch everyone put the Chinese underground church these loyal believers It is unacceptable to betray. So come down and make every effort to let the Vatican disclose this secret agreement, and we will not allow a destruction of religious belief. We must let China have a freedom of speech and religion, that is, all kinds of things that Wen Gui said while watching the Spring Festival Gala, and say what the Dalai Lama was deceived, so we must pursue religion and freedom of speech . Thank you.. 
Wengui: Wow! Sister translator, now the grandma translator has been changed to a sister translator. I squeeze sweat for him. Two of the most difficult to translate for humans are Bannon and Guo Wengui. Thank you for translating my sister, thank you! Go home now! Thank you, thank you, we are going to give the interpreter sister with warm applause, thank you! 
It is often said on this network that if Wu Mao can be so bad at night, it is all one sentence. I eat at a table at night and no one knows Guo Wengui's name. Don't be so ignorant, don't be so stupid. There are also so-called comrades-in-arms who send me messages. Mr. Guo, I am back home, and no one has heard of you breaking the news. That's because your old family is sick. Don't lie there! Just now Mr. Bannon live broadcast online with everyone in the Vatican.
Everyone knows that Mr. Bannon is in Europe. During the first two days of our live broadcast last Saturday, we said that we will be elsewhere in the next live broadcast, that is, in Europe. 
So he went to Europe and went to many countries, mainly for three purposes. The first is to find out what secret agreement the Vatican signed with China. What clauses are included in this secret agreement. This was signed in September 2018 and announced in December 2018. After signing the agreement, Mr. Financial Port of Nangang District, Catholic Church, Henan Province, China, includes Archbishop Chen Rijun of Hong Kong, Mr. Tang Khan, Acting Bishop, as well as many current Chinese dioceses, including Minnan District, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Districts. Earth-shaking changes. That is to say, the true missionaries were completely crushed. The past bishop became a bishop assistant, now called patriotism. The patriots came out. 
So what is the nature of religion? Everyone knows that religion first chooses a bishop, it must be a virtue, and the bishops are selected based on the virtue. So what are the bishops in China now? All the selected missionaries in China are called patriots, patriots, what is the concept of patriots? Politically trustworthy person. What is a politically trustworthy person? That is to love the party! This party leader does not teach the world, unless you are the past emperor, I can lead this teaching. So what are you now, you are a rogue now. So what is the secret value of this secret agreement signed between the entire Vatican and the Communist Party of China? What is the secret reason? What is the secret? This is the core of the present, we must understand. So he went for the first time, and in the end he understood what your secret is all about? 
Next, Mr. Xi Jinping, the Chinese leader, will visit the Vatican. What should I do in the Vatican? How can China's underground religion be safely protected? I also put forward various requirements to them. As a believer, what I hope the Vatican can do: Let all Christians and Catholics in mainland China, including the Tibetans and Muslims in Xinjiang, have the right to be interviewed, and the Vatican is protected. With this power, the Vatican must fulfill its obligation to protect believers before you can say that the signing of this agreement is legal. Otherwise, your signature is illegal. This was his first goal. 
So for the second goal, we have to figure out exactly what the black hands behind the deal between the Communist Party in the Vatican, the Vatican and the Chinese Communist Party are advancing, what causes the agreement to be signed, and what the process is. 
What are the blackhands, including what should be understood by all your comrades just now. A lot of people are paying attention to this. What are the reasons and legends of Benedict XVI? Should we understand? I heard that many people in the Vatican's Supreme Court are also questioning. So we have to figure out how much of what happened in Vatican in the past years has something to do with the Communist Party? This is the second part of us. 
The third one is how Mr. Bannon discussed with Vatican and European countries how to protect as much as possible the people who were held in concentration camps due to the explosive revolution and millions of people in Xinjiang, and Tibetan believers who were suppressed in Tibet, including The people who believe in following the saint Dalai Lama are framed, including those who are now Catholics and Christians, because the underground religion is suppressed and persecuted, how to protect them. Get political, economic, and legal protection. These are the three purposes of Mr. Bannon. So he is very hard. In recent days, he flew around and went to many countries. So what did Mr. Bannon have to do? Let's wait and see. Wait and see. 
Just now I talked about 1922. I can’t remember what it should be. In 1922, the non-Christian movements initiated by Beijing Duxiu, Li Dazhao, Hu Shi, and Cai Yuanpei were forgotten by many people. This place of Peking University can be said •••••••In history, we have a Buddhism extermination called Sanwu, a Buddhism extermination movement, the Emperor Wu Han of the Western Han Dynasty, the Wu Emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty at that time, the most important The reason is that someone found a weapon in Buddhism. They think that this Buddhism must have doubts and become rebellious. 
In the end, everyone saw that from the time of the Han Emperor, he ousted hundreds of schools and respected Confucianism alone, to a series of later Buddhism extermination movements, including Nestorianism came to China, Nestorianism, Protestantism, to China, and finally This included Hong Xiuquan’s Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, and later a series of opium wars, which led to conflicts with the religious world. In the modern history of our Chinese people, Christianity, Catholicism, and Tibetan religion in Tibet are all meanings, ugliness, propaganda, and utilization. Including Muslim Xinjiang, as well as Chinese Muslims, that is, Muslims, are all framed by the Communist Party. 
As I said just now, in the past few decades of the Communist Party of China, the Red Army Fang Zhimin at that time kidnapped American missionaries in China. Master Danone, who was kidnapped for tearing tickets at that time, demanded great prices. In 1935, the British bishop who lived in China was kidnapped and named Bo Si. It wasn't Pu Yi, called Bo Si, who was also tearing the ticket. Everyone should see this clearly. 
Of course, I entered the so-called Long March of the Communist Party at that time. All the temples and churches were robbed. Funny things. In the early days of the Communist Party, many religious facilities saved many Communists. From the historical point of view, Jiangnan was developed at that time, including this south, Fujian, southern Fujian, Guangdong, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Many Christian and Catholic facilities at that time saved a large number of Chinese people, including Communist and Kuomintang members. . 
At that time, there were a large number of religious temples in the so-called protected areas of the United Nations countries in Shanghai. Save a large number of outstanding Chinese personnel. This is familiar to everyone, too much. But the Communist Party has enjoyed the privileges and asylum brought to him by religion, and now every time he makes a movie, he is a Communist
They use the so-called cults, Christianity and Catholicism in the West to cover them in religious facilities and engage in the justice activities of the Communist Party. They are called justice activities. While photographing the activities of these religious facilities, they are also cruel to the Catholic, Christian, Buddhist and Muslim people in the country. Nothing is more ridiculous than this, no more schizophrenic. 
Here, the Japanese were torn by hand, and they were truly sheltered in Shanghai, France, Germany, the restricted areas of the eight countries, the restricted areas of the hundred countries, and the churches. Anti-Japanese, later anti-KMT, and then won China. Then I have just entered Beijing City, and as anyone promised to them, they can get one female student per person, and each of them has won many female students. It started smashing, smashing, feudalism, superstition. Smash all the good things left by the entire Chinese ancestor and burn them all. But the best ones were not burnt down, and were all hidden by the CCP leader. Those antique calligraphy and paintings, this is the catastrophe of mankind. 
Anything that destroyed religion in the past in the history of China must have been a dynasty change. At that time, Emperor Beiwu suffered a lot and destroyed the Buddha. When the Buddha is destroyed, it is destroyed. Finally, the Emperor, I remember that the Emperor came to the throne. Therefore, in the history of China, among the three and five emperors, one destroyed the Buddha. When Tang Zong destroyed the Buddha at that time, none of them ended well. Whether it is the destruction of the Buddha, including the final suppression of Nestorianism and Protestantism, it is finally another suppression of power. Including Hong Xiuquan's Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Hong Xiuquan, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom When he was preaching on behalf of Jesus, no one came to teach him, that is to say, official, but also true Christians, Catholics, no, but Hong Xiuquan established the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. 
This is the basic history of our Chinese religion. The basic history is that our Chinese religion flourishes, but our nation is strong. The country is peaceful. When the ruler challenges religion and faith, the country breaks the national weakness. That is, the country is ruined. It has never been so. Everyone can see from the history of the past thousands of years. From the earliest Northern Wei Dynasty, Western Han Dynasty, Eastern Han Dynasty, Northern and Southern Dynasties, including Han Botao, then he was the most serious in destroying the Buddha. The destruction of Christianity is also the most serious. What is the final outcome? Everyone saw it. The last is how miserable, from the Ming Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty. 
Therefore, historically, anyone who does not respect beliefs and does not respect the beliefs and religions of the Chinese people will not end well in the end. From today's point of view, Vatican has reached an agreement with China, reached a secret agreement, and added two words called secret. There is nothing to be known. Catholicism, Christianity, and the most important thing is publicity. The main thing is to get sunlight. So why should a secret agreement be reached? Now in China, among the Ten Commandments, you should not worship anyone but only Jesus or God, so why should you remove this inside? The first internal propaganda of the Communist Party said that because the Chinese worship their ancestors and worship mountains and rivers, it sounds reasonable to say that they should not only worship God. 
Then you remove the Ten Commandments and choose to worship the freedom of the common people. You can’t let the people choose to worship your Communist Party and Wang Qishan. You can imagine that Catholics and Christians now worship a white-haired, white-haired giant with two eyes like the sun, holding a seven-star sword to kill Bad guy. Then brought peace to the people and protected his people. Such a person suddenly changed, wearing a tunic suit, holding an axe and hammer, with two fierce eyes, followed by a person with particularly strong hands, Wang Qishan, is not it? A bunch of bells rang, and then appeared, and then let this Christian and Catholic worship him. Is that possible? The Chinese worship the ancestors. I think this is the choice of the Chinese, yes. It is possible to worship the sun, the moon, the rivers and the rivers. But Catholics and Christians should give people a free choice. 
According to the criteria of "Sund", people choose Sind to be bishop, so what's wrong with this? You must not be party-oriented, politicized, and patriotic according to what you call all the teachings in China now. This is impossible. This is impossible. Therefore, from the perspective of Chinese history, when the Chinese reach the state of religion and belief, it is always closely related to the peace and strength of your country. This is what I have emphasized time and time again. There are two Chinese people that we absolutely pursue, and the others I think are unrealistic. That is a real China ruled by law and a China ruled by supervision. 
Otherwise, like the incident of Wang Qinglin in the High Court, if you burst your own material, you will also find Cui Yongyuan. After the explosion, you said that you stole something. Is there such a thing in the world? Only the Communist Party will have, "Dying in a plane", "Hiding a cat or cat", Wang Jian's "Photographing death", "Drinking water to die"••••••Only these absurd things happen, scene after scene. In China, every second is performing, but we don’t know it. Every day, people are killed injustices, and every day people are killed by justice, robbing wealth, and occupying women. 
Then only this rule of law is the basic foundation of human management, how can it be achieved? There is only one nation in this country, Changzhi, Jiu'an, wealth, peace, harmony, and joy, freedom of belief. Religion is the expression of faith, religion is not faith. How can China be free to believe? It's very simple, just like we can learn a lesson in history. If religion is left alone, it will be a disaster. Just like the Southern and Northern Dynasties at that time, the most critical time, especially during the Northern Wei Dynasty, was that the monks were too exaggerated. Many monks have thousands of acres of land. There are piles of this concubine at home. Gold and silver jewelry, so-called The escort of the year was the Emperor Wu at that time, then the Emperor Wu must kill you at the end, that is absolutely not possible, that is, religion is actually at a most critical time, what everyone did not see, this is the end of our Northern Zhou Dynasty Emperor Wu After the Buddha, he reached one of the most important, as far as Chinese history is concerned, religion and belief cannot be involved in politics, that is, separation of politics and religion. 
Emperor Beiwu was very cruel and did many bad things. But he did one thing. From his beginning, basically, politics and education must be separated from China. I think what should I mention from the separation of politics and religion? The separation of teaching and teaching means the separation of money and teaching, and the separation of money and teaching. I think that religion in the West is definitely not perfect. There are too many child abuses, too much of this monetary benefit, too much power to intervene. Only by separating politics from education, money and education, can there be a future in China. We don't need another Wu Emperor to kill so many people. We don't need to teach Nestorianism and Protestantism any more. The religious culture and religion that has been passed to China for so many years is to control people's hearts. No party, no emperor, no government can bring people together, only faith. 
I think a good government and a good politician, you have to manage three things, you are the greatest person. The first is to control people's hearts, that is, religion and belief; the second is to control money, which is to give money to the people, that is, money is in the people, money is not with you, and money is not with you. At the age of one thousand, you will manage your money and distribute it fairly; the third is power. Power must never be privatized. Power must belong to the state, and it must be nationalized. Most people control it, as long as it is nationalized The vast majority of people have the final say. If you want to hide money from the people, you are the richest. 
As long as there is freedom of religious belief, just these three rules can understand that you are the man who created the greatness of human history. Such a person can achieve righteousness, or whatever you call it. The West is capitalism, money is too powerful, and money education is the biggest problem in the West. China is divided into politics and religion, and money education is not divided. You can pass it and die as soon as possible. Either you are the third member of the party, or you are money and you have become a teacher, and you have become money. This is impossible. 
China’s politics is concentrated as soon as it is managed, regardless of chaos. This is because there is no basic democratic foundation. Therefore, China must have a basic democratic foundation. Rule of law China must have a public power, supervised, and rule of law foundation. Religion and belief enact the strictest laws. Instead of letting the party control, instead of bringing in party members, this is all nonsense, and it is so stupid that it cannot be so stupid. It's like a person who has never seen an airplane to try to fly an airplane. He must have broken it up for you. It must not be able to fly up. It's as simple as that. 
So what Wen Gui has repeatedly emphasized: What does the rule of law fund bring to the Chinese? A truly viable society governing the country according to law, a freedom of religion and belief that truly controls people’s hearts. Of course, I have repeatedly emphasized that it must be carried out under the real national law, constitution, and regulations governed by the vast majority of people. Otherwise, the law will be unlawful, and the law will become the law of the minority; teaching will not teach, and it will become the magic and teaching of the minority. This means that there must be media supervision and third-party supervision. This is what we see today, two thousand
Over the years, various teachings have spread throughout the world, the spread of these major teachings, the failures and the things we have absorbed in this success. 
Especially in our China, it has been China’s 2000 years, especially Christianity and Catholicism. At that time, Nestorianism, and later Protestantism, Buddhism, and Taoism have experienced thousands of years of hardship in China. If we Chinese today do not have the wisdom to turn religion and belief into the best way to manage and lead the people, and turn it into a feared devil, it means that you do not understand history at all, you do not understand management, you do not Understand the history of human development. 
If you still rule out the rule of law today, it means that you are not confident, that means you have a problem yourself, because the rule of law itself is to make everyone safe, and the rule of law itself will make the regime more stable. The country with the rule of law has been the most prosperous and stable in recent years. Ah, it can be said that it is relatively the most prosperous, richest, strongest and most civilized country. 
Why can't we absorb all the experience accumulated by the ancestors of the two thousand years of human (history) in the history of civilization of two thousand years, good and bad, let us today, in a society of modern civilization and scientific development, have What people in the past have spread in the gods, Buddhism, including all kinds of Christian religions, Taoism, clairvoyance, Miles, these are the mythical means realized by the reality of science, become people happy and safe What about tools that respect each other? is it necessary? It is not necessary, but to use this divine power that we have hoped for two thousand years to hit our human beings today, cover our eyes and ears with the most foolish means, throw him into prison, and even kill them. 
Xinjiang, now I understand recently that it is not a million people at all. In the whole country a few months ago, the Political and Legal Commission was again the Political and Legal Commission, which is the largest underworld organization. This Politics and Law Commission secretly transferred 600,000 people detained in Xinjiang to all parts of the country. About 2 million people in Xinjiang were arrested, detained, and disappeared. The whole Xinjiang is a religious group! You used such a painful method to a religious ethnic group in Xinjiang. Everyone was worshipped in the party. At that time, Wang Zhen went to Xinjiang to kill without amnesty. The Wang Zhen family established the so-called military authority. Behind the Wang Zhen family, Wang What kind of retribution will the Zhen family receive in the future. If the Chinese out of Wang Zhen think you are a hero, then one day another group will send out thousands of Wang Zhen to kill the Han people. In the past, the Han people were heroes who worshiped murderers, and were almost wiped out in our history. Isn't this reincarnation? Isn't this retribution? 
Today's Han people treat Xinjiang people, Tibetans, and ethnic minorities with such inhumane methods of genocide and annihilation. This is simply contrary to the development of human civilization today. 
There are more than 10,000 ethnic groups in the United States, and more than 10,000 ethnic groups are in the United States. People from hundreds of countries around the world are here. At that time, the Minister of Security had warned me face to face, patting the table and telling me, Guo Wengui, you should stop going to think tanks in the West. Go to those think tanks to speak, especially emphasize the propaganda of the greatness of the United States. 
How did I promote American greatness? I told all Chinese people at the time, all European friends, that the United States is not a country, the United States is a real, gathering the elite of all mankind, the wisdom of all mankind, the wealth of all mankind, condensing the elite of all human history, one The place where more than 10,000 ethnic groups gather is a platform for all mankind. How great is this country? Always young, with an average age of 26 to 30 years old, will always be the best talent of all mankind to arrive in the United States, and the wealth that all mankind has wants to be placed in the United States. It is because there is freedom of religion, room for faith, and a truly believable rule of law system. Not everyone in the United States is good and great, but the national system of the United States is relatively the best in the world. 
So I said that for any race, humanity, or country that challenges the United States, you will die without burial. In the past nearly 100 years of history, everyone can look at 70 years. After World War II, all who opposed the United States, no one has a good ending. Including Japan in Asia that year, including Germany in Europe at that time, what is the end. In the end, it didn't end well. Now with the United States against Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, North Korea, and our great Communist Party of China, hum~ how to deal with him? What is the ending now? What ended in Iraq and Libya? So Japan in Asia today is the best comparison with North Korea and South Korea. 
The United States is not a country. When officials of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Chinese officials gritted their teeth and scolded the United States, why did they send their families to the United States? Even Gaddafi and even Saddam’s closest people in Iraq have their property in Europe and the United States. Why don’t they put it in your Communist Party of China? Why didn't he go to North Korea? Why didn't he go to Iran? This is the best and best choice in the world! 
Therefore, many elderly people in our country love the party whenever they can, and take to the streets whenever they can, for the party and the country. You haven’t even eaten a meal. What did the Communist Party give you? Gave you clothes? Gave you the house? Gave you joy? Gave you health? Or gave it to your children? Every time a child is born, your generation will be cut off, and you will be cut off. You can’t afford to die, the cemetery is completely monopolized by the Communist Party, and all the land in the country belongs to the Communist Party. China does not have pension insurance. China's GDP of more than a trillion US dollars, how happy are you? Has a hairy relationship with you? 
The national GDP of the United States is 20 trillion US dollars, 65%-70%, all spent on the various expenses of citizens and the country. China's GDP, if you look at those dozens of trillions, it took to maintain stability, grab you, and the corrupt officials moved the money overseas. You have no endowment insurance, no endowment insurance, no free education, no public welfare medical care, what are you happy about? What does it have to do with you? Who raises the elderly now? The poison created by the CCP propagates every day that the communist party members' father and mother are ill and dead. As long as you are loyal to the party and sell your future for the party. Everything belongs to the party, and everything listens to the party. Which cult culture is this? This is not the case with cults! 
So in China, all disasters in China have happened in China in the most absurd time when there was no bottom line. Even on the Internet, a large number of people follow the Communist Party and allegiance to the Communist Party. May I ask your conscience, why are you loyal to it? Does it protect your grandparents and make your grandparents safe? And did not kill your grandparents? Is it for your homeland or for your homeland? Did it give you money or give you the future? Is it a free graveyard? None of them! 
Your so-called loyalty is because you are afraid, you are cowardly, you dare not face this centralized power, this rogue regime, you are afraid of it! It's like when some people are kidnapped and extorted, to praise the kidnappers: you are a good person, you are a good person. In Western and Eastern history, such people can be seen in various movies. He was kidnapped, he was arrested and he praised the kidnappers because you were afraid that he would kill you, because you have no courage to speak the truth, so you see the absurdity of Jinggangshan! Ma Yun, what other Jingdong bosses ran there, put on the clothes of the Communist Army, and ran to Yangge, your shameless thing. 
Your fear makes you perform the most ridiculous life drama in your life, which will be burned forever in your life journey. Whether you are in hell or in heaven, it will be written in your entire life: you have once visited this rogue and betrayed your soul and personality. So many comrades-in-arms, don't go to those people's so-called singing and dancing, go loyal to the Communist Party, and ask the Communist Party to have dinner. Because of their fear, because of their weakness, and cowardly fear to lose the basic personality of being a man, recognize a thief as a father, a thief as a master, a thief as a husband, and a thief as a mother. 
This is the most concrete manifestation of no faith, no religion, no education, and no wisdom. No matter how much money you have, no matter how much power you have. When your personality is no longer human, even when the animals are not as good, you have lost yourself, you are no longer yourself, you are walking dead. This is what we today, the rule of law fund must pursue, so that every Chinese must have a happy, healthy, and safe life in the future, and live in a day without fear. Guo Wengui is no ordinary person. Guo Wengui also has a lot of bad things. At least I knew it was against my heart, I knew it was wrong. I know I am nothing. 
But now I want to do something that makes me proud and proud. I know that is the wrong thing, and I don't want to do it. I don't want to recognize thieves as fathers and thieves as mothers. I wouldn't call my brother or brother with those bandits and rogues. I am convinced that God will punish all those who do evil. There are many wicked people in history, but in the end they were punished. No matter how arrogant he is today, he has nothing in the future. He will lose everything, he has no future. Even if there is no heaven waiting for him, there is no so-called prosperity of his family, staying in the world. He must be a man in hell, a living family member, a grandson, a grandson. Thousands of years of history have told us this answer. We don’t have to guess. No one has the right to decide who’s future. It’s just your own decision. 
So what we saw today, when talking about these freedoms of religion and belief, and the rule of law in China, it should be from the heart. If you doubt, if you don’t believe, you don’t want to participate. If you think this is not right, you should not be involved. You should criticize us and crack down on us. We will thank you for your crackdown and thank you for your criticism. Because you will let us find a better direction. Anyone who really wants China to be good, China to be safe, China to be harmonious, and China has a true rule of law, faith and freedom should be very clear. The more challenges we face, the more we show that we are right. We must accept criticism. We must treat criticism as a gift of spiritual wealth and enemies. Only in this way can we live better and live stronger. Only in this way can we realize our Himalayan and ideals. 
This is what Wengui sent from the heart, now happy and struggling. This is what I hope all of my domestic colleagues and comrades-in-arms, you can see Wen Gui's spiritual life today, which is the same as today. Whether it is my friends from the religious circles in the past, the teachers who taught me, or the education circles in the cultural circles, or the economic circles and political circles in China, all those who have cultivated culture and wealth are angels sent by heaven. 
Without your help, Wengui is not even worthy of a rogue, neither is shit. Without the help and help of those of you, and these different events of the real life that I have experienced, I cannot create such a unique one, and I am willing to take the mission of spreading and communicating God as the goal of my life. It is my responsibility to change the current humanitarian situation and survival status of the Chinese disaster, and I am willing to take all risks, including the challenges of life and death. No matter what we lose, in the past two years, I truly feel that most Chinese people are great and wise. The vast majority of party members are good. 
China does not need a revolution, all it needs is for the Communist Party to disappear. The Communist Party is definitely the devil, and this system is definitely the devil. It comes from Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, these people have been defined as wicked by all mankind. No one said he was a good person, including his family and his family
township. That's what I said, the people who created this idea don't use it in their country, nor do they use it in Russia or the former Soviet Union. Now they come to China, but let the people use it. The Communist Party itself does not believe it, because they did not put their children and money into the Communist Party system. They put it in the United States, the so-called capitalist society that hates most. Therefore, based on reality and essence, and basic common sense, we must believe that the best choice in the world today is a democratic system based on the rule of law. 
I don't like the capitalist system, I love money too much! However, this rule of law and democratic capitalist system is the best among the worst systems at present. China must have the freedom of the rule of law in order to protect all people. How many people have cheated by P2P! All are official propaganda and official licenses. After cheating the money, he finally reported the case to the police, the police extorted a sum of money, and the judge extorted a sum of money. In the end, the mistakes were all deceived people. Since everything belongs to the party, since everything listens to the party, the rule of law is also the party's responsibility, why don't you take responsibility. Where is the reason? Where is the reason? 
Now I see, just like the rogue logic of Wang Qishan, even saying that the Communist Party members, you have to thank the party! The party has protected you, not killed you. According to the regulations of the party and the state, the anti-corruption law, and the provisions of the Chinese Constitution, you must be killed if you bribe 200,000 yuan. Which one of you does not embezzle 200,000? So you didn’t shoot you, then you are grateful! Under this world, how can there be such shamelessness? The robbery went to Shangren's house. Then, they said that the other party was a robber. Then, the whole family put him in prison and said that I wouldn't kill you. It would be nice. All robbers are killing people! Does this make sense? 
You Wang Qishan, you have more than 200,000 bottles of wine, and you will not be killed for 10,000 or 100 million shots. Who is HNA? Chen Feng is your secretary, how did Wang Jian die? Doesn't Chen Feng "take a picture to die"? Who is Guanjun? Who is his father and who is his mother? Dare you say it? Do you dare to do DNA identification? Who is Liu Chengjie? Who is Liu Chengjie's father and mother? Wang Qishan, Meng Jianzhu, Sun Lijun. Look at the videos of Zhen Guan Jun, Zhen Sun Yao and Zhen Liu Chengjie you recorded. Do you want to cheer or not? The whole world thinks you are ridiculous to the extreme and treats all humans as fools! You guys are all on TV videos, including Wang Linqing just now. Is that your confidence? Is that your law? Is that true? 
Wang Qishan saw what the other man said was the mountain, erm... could China be judicially independent? impossible! China’s justice must be the party’s final decision. Isn't the constitution written by humans? It can be changed as you wish. Since you have not respected the Constitution, you have changed it, then you should not let us respect your (speaking) Constitution, which is more important than life. Since you say you have rights, you can write anything, do you give us a right? We can believe what you wrote or not. 
Now I will not let this go. I will change all religious believers. Believe you, Wang Qishan! Believe in the Communist Party, what is the reason? Your illegitimate child's future... can you spend all those trillions of dollars? How many people in China look down upon the disease? They eat fake medicine and can’t afford a house. When those people went to the hospital, they couldn't get a shot for two cents. 
Wang Qishan, Wang Qishan, Meng Jianzhu, Sun Lijun, are not exaggerating at all. The money you use for tissues is more expensive than his house. Then you engage in anti-corruption, and then forced demolition, why not force your house to be demolished? You are in the Siheyuan of Nanchizi, taking the house of Wang Ruilin's family. Wang Ruilin was unwilling, so you said: Would you like to follow me with a wrench? Deng's, I am worthy of you! In this case, Wang Ruilin made you bully to death, which is not fun, and arrested Wu Xiaohui of the Deng family, and all the money is for you. 
So, once a corrupt official comes out, the amount of bribes is huge! Who paid the bribe? How much is it? Where did all the money go? What is treasury? Who controls the treasury? If Yao Mingshan holds the key of the treasury, then it is not called the treasury, then it is called your private treasury. Dear comrades! Our country and our nation have reached an unprecedented moment of disaster. You can't live well, you can't die, you can't afford to die, you can't afford to bury. You can't be sick when you live, and look down on if you are sick. You don’t earn money, you still break the law. Doing business is not good. If you go to be an official, the official can be corrupted at will, and you can arrest you for 5,000 yuan. People can set fire to the mountains, you can't light up in the middle of the night. This is the catastrophic system of China. 
China is still cheating, and China's economy continues to develop. Please Chinese people, pat your head, pat your heart, is your family really rich? What can your family buy for ten years ago? What can I buy for today? Twenty years later, what can you buy for all the money and houses in your family? Children can go abroad, can your children go abroad? The medicines used by children are from foreign countries. Can you come? If your money cannot be spent in foreign countries, it is equivalent to a person trapped in a very small well, but tells you: practice martial arts well. Who are you going to fight? Not a frog at the bottom of the well, but a person at the bottom of the well. What can you do to make it? Because your money is useless. 
Why does Wang Qishan say that Chinese people are pigs and dogs? In this world, only pigs are in captivity, and a distance is set next to the pigsty. Only eat, only grow fat, waiting for me to kill you. We are not even wild boars. People also have dogs, dogs can run out, find some food! He said that the Chinese people are pigs in captivity. If our pigs just bowed their heads to eat, they would often raise their heads to thank him for feeding our pig food, and finally wait for them to kill us and 剐喽! They are pigs, they are pigs! We are humans, and now the pigs have "raised" us. The biggest problem now is that pigs are feeding us, turning our people into pigs. You really believe you are a pig! We can only tell ourselves-I
We are humans! We are not pigs, you can't put us in a pig pen. I can't look up at the pig food you gave me, I think I am a pig! 
Which of those who went to Jinggangshan was not a pig? Alone, what kind of pig are you? Alone, I don’t bite, why should I be a dog to bite? No matter how much selfishness you have or how evil you are, I am convinced that it is caused by this institutional environment. 
Many Chinese have arrived in Japan, and I have seen that they have become well-organized and clean. Many Chinese came to the United States and learned the law. None of the truly high-level Chinese in the United States, Europe, or overseas are democratic. People don't engage in that fake democracy and fake democracy movement. You look at how high-quality Chinese are in Silicon Valley; you look at how many high-quality Chinese are in Canada. How can there be rich, workable, and well-qualified Chinese who are with Hanhuazi? 
All the so-called democracy and democracy movement people today are marginalized and mentally ill! Unhealthy, rogue scammers who have no work and no food, are displaced. Not to mention that in the communist system, in the American system, he also cleans the toilet in heaven. In heaven, it's the one in heaven, little Satan. It's a born rogue! 
But he is one of the very few people, like Wei Shi, Shi Nuo, Ye Ning, Yuan Jianbin, Guo Baosheng. Isn't that the character Chen Jun, wherever he is. What else is Gao Bingchen, and Li Hongkuan, these beasts, he eats anal hair everywhere, anal hair party. In heaven, he did the same. He also pulled out the toilet and wiped the toilet. Is there no toilet in heaven? There are toilets! This group of people is cleaning the toilet. In the United States, it's still so dirty, isn't that how it is? There are a bunch of people on that network, you look at the pits and abducted them, and the juniors are indecent. This is the mental virus! 
However, you can see that more than 99% of the Chinese are overseas. We can see the Chinese in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Chinese in Silicon Valley in the United States, all of whom are full of spirit, spirit, diligence, wisdom, Honest and cute. Everyone can see how many outstanding people in China are overseas and are respected by others. It is not Liang Champion and Zheng Qi, and Zhao Lizhen and others. This does not include these triad societies sent by the Communist Party. Ah, these people can't go anywhere, just pit each other in the Chinese circle. This is what we want to see. The evil nature of the Communist Party, the evil of the Communist Party has turned the people into little devil and big devil into little devil. This is why we want China to have freedom of religion, space for belief, true rule of law, and true media freedom. 
How many Chinese intellectuals have conscience! But what about Chinese intellectuals who have been put on a sleeve and put a rope around their neck? Pay. The position and honour all let the party make the final decision. Once the hands and mouths of the intellectuals were put on cages and collars, it would be over. It's not that you dance in shackles, you're talking in a cage, and shackles in shackles, you can't dance! This is a series of tragedies in China that are inhumane and tragic to the unimaginable. Dear comrades! Today’s live broadcast, let’s stop here. Let us pray for all 1.4 billion fellow countrymen and comrades in arms! (Fold your hands together to pray for everyone) 
Comrades, when you pray for blessings, I will share a joy for you. When you close your eyes, don’t close your eyes, and look down through your eyelids, thinking about the blue river under your eyelids. Ah, and the blue clouds above it, after time, you will find that many beautiful scenes will appear in your eyes. Then, when you meditate, you have to stand above the sky and step on the ground. Then you have nothing to do with the blue sky above your head. Reaching the fantasy, and then, with both hands, pull the cloud in the middle, pull the clouds on both sides, and then pull the cloud back. In just a few seconds, you are in a state of meditation. 
Then you will think that the Communist Party is too shit. What is this? In our nature, he is, someone may be God, who carelessly put a fart, it smells so bad. We just need to make Dan'er blow and shout, and let the Communist Party's fart and God's fart go away, and the devil is gone. We will welcome the fresh, blue sky, white clouds and air we need. Dear comrades, thank you for your support, thank you all comrades for donating to the rule of law fund, I will read each of your donation messages, and I will always collect each of them. I remind again that no matter which donation method you use, it is very important to leave a bill! Very important! Very important! Be sure to leave the bills you got out of the bank account information! 
The Communist Party, bullying the thieves, and more attacks and rumors on our rule of law funds. Dear comrades-in-arms, you must remember when the CCP sends a large number of people and money to attack our rule of law fund, and when the news breaks out, you remember! Be sure to let them perform! There is a cost to their performance, and he is legally responsible for their performance, ah, this is in the West. Also, the more important thing, regardless of him, the stronger the performance, the more severe their internal divisions in the future. Just like I said about the pro-democracy movement a few years ago and more than a year ago. I said that your democracy movement is a good and shameless thing. You guys must be able to cooperate. I will give you money and I will admit defeat. 
To be honest, when I announced the rule of law fund for the first two days, why didn’t I go on video for a week? I knew what the Communist Party would do, and I knew how many people would bully the thieves to stand up, and among the comrades, among the comrades who wore their comrades' armor, the true power of silence would also stand up and smash Guo. I give him
A week of performance, let the bullets fly for a while, what happened in a week, everyone saw it. Let them perform as they like. More importantly, comrades-in-arms, understand that many people can be tested through the rule of law fund. It can also prove how powerful our revolution is. Another one is the fourth right of China in the future. It belongs to the Chinese, and no one can use a penny of the rule of law fund. All the money you donate is for yourself, your future. 
I can take all responsibilities to everyone, because many people donate to leave a message below, I use the money, I pay 100% responsibility. Every penny will be used in connection with our pursuit, killing the Communist Party, and giving China freedom of the rule of law and freedom of belief. Any penny cannot be spent on personal luxury. Fully in accordance with the standards of the United States, 501 C4 and C3, accept the management of New York, and the United States, IRS and New York prosecutors. This is what I promise. So comrades-in-arms, to accept the challenges and criticism of others, the more challenging it is, the more critical it is to show that we are more valuable. When no one challenges, the Communist Party does not take action, and when there is no fifteen cents, we are absolutely worthless. 
When I stopped the live video for a week, I was thinking, if I told these pseudo-classes at that time, ah, this bully thief, who will come forward and say, "Guo Wengui this rule of law fund is good for China! I strongly support Guo Wengui’s rule of law Fund! I do not support Guo Wengui!" Whoever has this political wisdom, I announced on the spot, not to sue him! Ah, I said to my lawyer! It is a pity that bullying the thief, he does not have this wisdom, he does not have this state, he does not have such a mind! What kind of democratic democracy do you engage in? You can't even eat or eat! What kind of democratic democracy movement does this kind of person engage in? So they are all asked by the fringe group. Forever they are looked down upon by people, just a bunch of villains who are not even worthy of a liar. Every day they are losing their chance, and they are putting rope around his neck every day.  
Look at Guo Baosheng's inferior performance. This is called Monkey King Lin Yudan, ah, ask, refuse to ask her to sue her, ah, soon there will be results, she is over again. Ah, that watery rash, Las Vegas, we sue him, he said you don’t sue me here, sue me in California, ah, I don’t live here. As a result, the court ruled last week that you must be tried here. Ah, he rejected his rogue, he lost again! Just like Yuan Jianbin, just like Guo Baosheng, it must be true in the face of the rule of law in the United States. You can't be true if you are fake. In the past few years, these eras of hooligans and cheating people have passed! 
Dear comrades, everything is just beginning! Thank you sincerely!