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Miles Guo 20181009

Miles Guo 20181009

Dear comrades-in-arms, this is October 9th, Wen Gui broadcasts live on the ship in Manhattan, hello to all comrades-in-arms! 
Just sent the guests away haha, his voice is dumb, like everyone. 
Today’s live broadcast, pure chat, no news, don’t waste time waiting for the news! 
Look at the beautiful Manhattan behind it, how beautiful the blue sky and white clouds are, and how beautiful the water is. It is really incredible. 
There are too many things happening these days! These days you say, one year ago, you can imagine Ma Yun, everyone think about how terrible things Ma Yun, who I believed, Wang Jian, and Meng Hongwei when I said a year ago, is really a big joke, you are in Think about what is happening in the country. 
I said Ma Huateng, everyone always pays attention to Ma Yun, then what happened to Ma Huateng, how much is gone on the stock market? 
1.4 trillion is gone! 1.4 trillion is gone! Ma Huateng was also killed. We don’t want to think about the concept of being killed on WeChat. They killed WeChat, not just money. This is a huge symbol and a more sinister purpose. 
What about Ma Yun? The friends I met these days are very interesting and arranged to meet with Wang Qishan on September 9th, the financial tycoon of the entire United States, Morgan and what, everyone in Blackstone, and Wang Qishan, what a big event in the United States! Almost all the big names in the American financial circles on Wall Street have gone, just that Sunday, after going there. 
The former Assistant Secretary of State of Asia in the United States, wearing a suit and tie, sat there, and Assistant Wang Qishan came and said, take off the suit! The tie is off! 
Everyone said, I came in a suit, forget it! 
Just exaggerate, do you know? Going directly to help people take off their suits and help others to loosen their ties. This buddy is on fire, don’t touch me, don’t touch me. Everyone knows a little bit about how big it is to touch people’s bodies and pull people’s clothes in the West. People say that no one has touched my tie in this life. Don’t touch me. I take it off myself. Jiang sao ten (English name, I don't understand it, probably read it this way) Ah, I thought that this financial meeting was very face-saving, and I had a deal with China. I never dreamed that Wang Qishan gave him this hand. 
When I came here, I came here, everyone knows that Wang Qishan came in pajamas, the chairman of Goldman Sachs, the chairman of GP JPMorgan, the chairman of JPMorgan Chase, six huge fund presidents, and 10 of the most important financial figures in the United States were invited by him In conversation with Wang Qishan, Wang Qishan first asked Zhou Xiaochuan to be a presentation (speech) PPT, on the PPT, there were three key points 
We Chinese don’t want to be your enemy to the United States. Our economic policies have absolutely no effect on you, and we have no intention of challenging the dollar. Then I explained China's economic and financial policies and made a speech saying that we are China, five! thousand! year! Come! For 5,000 years, this has always been the favorite of the Chinese Communist Party. It has never been expanded and never invaded. How friendly we are to the United States, and then talk about financial policy, 
Then, it is the current bank of China, the chairman of the Bank of China, to tell everyone, what policy, after speaking, Americans are convinced! Say, look, we haven’t challenged you at all, and challenged the US dollar. Your Trump is a lunatic, ah, that American government (jiang pao ten, jiang bao te. Here is an English transliteration, I don’t understand) is a lunatic , A group of politicians, all on Mars, don’t ignore them, they will bury you in America, listen to me! 
Having finished speaking, Wang Qishan wobbled out in pajamas, and then said here, buddy, you said what you want, we can't give it to you, the original saying is this, you have invested so many years, have you lost money? Others dare not lose money, haven't you all made money? The bank gave you, the equity gave you, the fund made you make a lot of money, and there will be big money in the future! 
There is only one country, one government, the Communist Party of China, and you can make money if you guarantee it. I let you make more money. In the past, you made billions of dollars, and in the future, you made hundreds of trillions of dollars. That is the original words of Wang Qishan, this is the original words of Wang Qishan! You say how bad and rampant this kid is, and then say, we not only guarantee that your generation makes money, but also ensure that your children and grandchildren make money, and then say, do you oppose the Communist Party, do you oppose it? Then say that China’s economy is rich, how, how, how Chinese, Chinese, eat grass, one year or two, those years are okay, you Americans, do not take a shower, do not use Iphone, do not drive, do not take a private plane, you live Yet? 
Our people are fine! Can you afford me? Our bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes. Don’t interfere with Taiwan or Hong Kong. How many years have Hong Kong returned? Twenty or thirty years! If we don’t accept him for fifty years, don’t we have to come back? Look at Hong Kong. In the past, Hong Kong accounted for 25% of China’s GDP, now how much? 1.5%! Then you look at the past, Hong Kong's freight accounted for the highest proportion of global freight? 45%! ! Doesn't it depend on China? How much is it now? We all moved to Hotan, Shanghai and Shenzhen, how much is Hong Kong? 5%, did you come back with Hong Kong and Taiwan? Taiwan’s Guo Taiming’s companies have all come to the mainland, and 70% of Taiwan’s high-tech has been brought to the mainland. What do you want to do? We can eat PK with you if you really eat grass. What do you have to eat? You have to eat Steak, you have to take a private jet, what are we afraid of you? You will earn money, don't talk so much nonsense! Make money honestly and guarantee you make money! Win this mid-term election, don't let Trump as a madman control the United States, or everyone will be finished! 
In private, Wang Qishan told everyone this way. The Americans are mostly greedy. Wall Street, there are really not many people. I can’t speak directly. I really sold my ancestors for money. I think this is true. But this
After the meeting, a big event happened. I was dumbfounded. China lowered its standard. Hahahaha. All the participants in this reduced standard were dumbfounded. Wang Qishan was wearing pajamas to see them. They were quite unhappy. They pulled them off their ties. He It’s also quite uncomfortable to get rid of his clothes, and he is also unhappy. Wang Qishan’s tone of speech is a kind of blasphemy against the Chinese people and a kind of joke about the Chinese as dogs and pigs. 
They are also unhappy, including the threat of US companies that have invested in Taiwan and Hong Kong, but they are still waiting for hope to make money, but they haven't dreamed of it, huh! I was dumbfounded as soon as it fell. why? All the financial tycoons who came to participate came back, bragging with the US government, and reporting to the government. They all said that this meeting proved two problems. The Chinese want to deal with us and do transactions. The Chinese Say I don’t know what you want! The discussion before the meeting and the discussion after the meeting are the topics just now. 
The serious topic at this meeting is that all Zhou Xiaochuan, Liu He, Liu He, Liu He, and Liu He are the key figures, arranged by the Chinese master of Liu He. 
Wang Qishan asked the American delegation, what the hell do you want? Tell us! We all give you that! No problem, you said that we do not open the financial market, we are all open, you can come to 51% investment bank financial securities, don't you give them all? 
You said this trade war, we promised you at first! You Trump are all back! Betray the promise! We are said to have no rule of law in China, we have reform and opening up, we have the rule of law, we have no democracy and freedom, we are the first to support the UN Human Rights Organization, we have human rights, we have the rule of law, and the market is open! Say we threaten Taiwan, you see how good we are to Taiwan, we put all the red flags in Taiwan, then all the temples in Taiwan are inserted with the red flag of the Communist Party of China, you go to see the streets of Taiwan, who believes in the Communist Party? Whoever believes in the Kuomintang, who believes in the DPP, everyone believes in the Communist Party! 
You talk about whether conscience is good for Americans, we help you wipe your ass, you see the people on the streets of Hong Kong, Hong Kong people, you ask, who are they grateful for? Thank the Communist Party! 
This shameless, you listen! Say, we don’t know what you Americans want! What the hell do you want! ! ! 
Our people are fine! Can you afford me? Our bare feet are not afraid of wearing shoes. Don’t interfere with Taiwan or Hong Kong. How many years have Hong Kong returned? Twenty or thirty years! If we don’t accept him for fifty years, don’t we have to come back? Look at Hong Kong. In the past, Hong Kong accounted for 25% of China’s GDP. How much is it now? 1.5%! Then you look at the past, Hong Kong's freight accounted for the highest proportion of global freight? 45%! ! 
Doesn't it depend on China? How much is it now? We all moved to Hotan, Shanghai and Shenzhen, how much is Hong Kong? 5%, did you come back with Hong Kong and Taiwan? Taiwan’s Guo Taiming’s companies have all come to the mainland, and 70% of Taiwan’s high-tech has been brought to the mainland. What do you want to do? We can eat PK with you if you really eat grass. What do you have to eat? You have to eat Steak, you have to take a private jet, what are we afraid of you? You will earn money, don't talk so much nonsense! Make money honestly and guarantee you make money! Win this mid-term election, don't let Trump as a madman control the United States, or everyone will be finished! 
In private, Wang Qishan told everyone this way. The Americans are mostly greedy. Wall Street, there are really not many people. I can’t speak directly. I really sold my ancestors for money. I think this is true. Yes, but after this meeting, a big event happened. I was dumbfounded. China lowered the standard, ha ha ha ha, this standard reduced all the participants in the meeting were dumbfounded. Wang Qishan wore pajamas to see them, they were quite unhappy, they dragged them off Tie, he is also quite uncomfortable, he is also uncomfortable to get rid of his clothes, Wang Qishan's tone of speech, the kind of blasphemy against the Chinese people, the kind of joke about the Chinese as dogs and pigs, they are also unhappy, 
Including the threat of US companies that invest in Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland China, but they are still waiting for hope and can make money, but they never dreamed of it, huh! I was dumbfounded as soon as it fell. why? All the financial tycoons who came to participate came back, bragging with the US government, and reporting to the government. They all said that this meeting proved two problems. The Chinese want to deal with us and do transactions. The Chinese Say I don’t know what you want! The discussion before the meeting and the discussion after the meeting are the topics just now. 
The serious topic at this meeting is that all Zhou Xiaochuan, Liu He, Liu He, Liu He, and Liu He are the key figures, arranged by the Chinese master of Liu He. 
Wang Qishan asked the American delegation, what the hell do you want? Tell us! We all give you that! No problem, you said that we do not open the financial market, we are all open, you can come to 51% investment bank financial securities, don't you give them all? 
You said this trade war, we promised you at first! You Trump are all back! Betray the promise! We are said to have no rule of law in China, we have reform and opening up, we have the rule of law, we have no democracy and freedom, we are the first to support the UN Human Rights Organization, we have human rights, we have the rule of law, and the market is open! Say we threaten Taiwan, you see how good we are to Taiwan, we put all the red flags in Taiwan, then all the temples in Taiwan are inserted with the red flag of the Communist Party of China, you go to see the streets of Taiwan, who believes in the Communist Party? Whoever believes in the Kuomintang, who believes in the DPP, everyone believes in the Communist Party! 
You talk about whether conscience is good for Americans, we help you wipe your ass, you see the people on the streets of Hong Kong, Hong Kong people, you ask, who are they grateful for? Thank the Communist Party! 
This shameless, you listen! Say, we don’t know what you Americans want! What the hell do you want! ! ! 
This is the official theme, and then come back, 叽, RRR cut, this buddy meets me for a meeting, my voice is almost dumb these days, these silly X guys on Wall Street, I said what I said before the meeting, I said Now that the standard is lowered, the grassroots of our people do not understand what this means, which is a shocking thunder to the financial industry! It was the Communist Party who found them going to a meeting. There was no information leakage at all, saying that I would lower the standard, which would have a great impact on Wall Street, because he mixed water, and the entire economy had a huge impact on their investment. Helping people and I met privately and said, this Wang Qishan, Liu He, Zhou Xiaochuan, this bastard, told me to lose face in the United States, I came back to promote them everywhere, the Communist Party wanted to make a deal, want to make deal, I don’t know what we want What, the result was suddenly lowered, he said everyone called me and called me crazy! 
I am happy to hear that you have finally seen the essence of Wang Qishan, the essence of the Communist Party, that is to deceive you, to deceive you will never discuss, and I tell you that they will continue to lower the standard, they will be dumbfounded. , Wengui! real or fake! 
I said that I will guarantee you that if they did not lower the benchmark more than twice, I will lose to you Guo Wengui and Tm, you will take one piece and I will lose you one piece. I have been discussing this in the past few days, dumbfounded, dumbfounded! 
Then, I can’t say, a few military personnel asked me, then you think, Texas, and the military personnel we met yesterday, said, you think, our problem with China, in simple terms, in the end People ask us what we want, what should we say, how do we answer, I said now I will ask you a question, the first question. Mr. Xi Jinping, Mr. Wang Qishan, will you shake hands and say that we and I will do the transaction? What kind of transactions do I say that I accept the terms of your trade war, and the requirements of the United States, all Americans, I have asked, and the upper class, asked President Trump, I asked Mr. Bannon, what do you want? 
People are very simple, and they have returned to the Deng Xiaoping era politically. Economically, there must be a rule of law, transparency, freedom and openness. For these two requirements, you let the Communist Party say, the Communist Party says I have the rule of law, Wang Qishan told you, this is mine Rule of law, Deng Xiaoping era, I am now Deng Xiaoping era!  
Will he answer that you have arrested more than 1 million people in Xinjiang? Will he tell you that Tibet has been arrested? Will he tell you to prepare for Taiwan? He will tell you the truth. He is CCP coin, did he make 29 trillion dollars? Will he tell you to enforce black rooms everywhere in Hong Kong? Did he tell you to kill and set fire overseas? Will not. 
Then you say he will shake hands with you and make peace? They said NOooo, ZERO! So they have no possibility of peace with you. 
Then I ask you, the second question, just go on like this, don't say it back, five years later, how will the United States, the Western world? They said, wow, Big Trouble. I said, okay. If you cannot make peace, you will be half dead in another five years. right? Yes. 
The third question, I ask you, is it possible for RMB and Hong Kong dollar to continue to live in the next year or two? They said, impossible. I said that the Renminbi and Hong Kong dollars are gone. Can the Chinese people survive? Can't live. I said, would you say that CCP will still be there? It's that simple. Don't talk nonsense on this question. 
I said that you have so many generals, so many bullish forks, ah, that's all. I said that our people know everything. Just said that no one heard. I will ask you, so many generals, I say so many bull forks, Samsung or something, I ask you questions and answer me. Will they do this deal with you? NO, ZERO! Your deal with him is suicide! is it possible? They can't deal with you. This will continue in the next three to five years, not to mention that you are bullish, not to say that you won, what will happen? you are dead. You are half dead, it is impossible to say that you live better. This is for sure, 100%. 
Third, can the RMB and Hong Kong dollar be sustained? He can sustain you and you are dead, you are not half dead, you are 100% dead. It's that simple. I said that I said that China was corrupt, and Americans said, ah, that's about my fart. Everyone is corrupt, and the Communist Party knows it. But what I told Americans is that next time, you remember, it is not the Chinese people who are corrupt, the Chinese have been brainwashed by him, and the money has been stolen. You look at our veterans, you look at our P2P kid, you look at our 1.4 billion people, the social security of the entire 1.4 billion people is not as big as one-twentieth of your US. I said we were exploited, but the next step is to exploit you. This is why it is called RMB Trail, because the only organization dares to challenge you once. 
I said I asked you two other questions from the United States. If Americans are running out of dollars, can you still bulldoze in this world? Look, I said, look under our plane, it's all a swimming pool, it's all a super mansion, and it's an entire eight-hour flight across the United States. From east to west, flying across corners. What supports you on all mankind makes you America so arrogant, such a good life. Because of America. 
Your dollars are gone, I said you are all cannibals. They said yes. I said I would ask all of your American generals, if the dollar is gone, will you still wear your uniform? Is this dress respected everywhere in the world? impossible. You don't blow the boss with me. Without dollars, you are nothing. I said who can make you doom with dollars now? Think about it yourself. This is the first question. 
My second question, I would like to ask if the proportion of the population in the United States, around Canada, and the entire surrounding, the world and the environment. Now there is not much CCP. Put these people here according to the average growth rate of the past five years. Is your country safe? Is there Rule of the law? Look at Taiwan, look at Hong Kong. Taiwan and Hong Kong will be filled with red flags and it will be inserted in you New York Manhattan. 
I said, now you look at Queens in New York. Look at China Town. How many white people are there in you? If you look at Canada, there are a few white people who dare to dangle there in the Chinese area. what? I said you have the ability to wait, you wait a few days to try. So I said, I tell you these two questions. There is no dollar in the United States, neither your shit. Without Rule of the law, you are not shit. Who can change you? CCP. 
Then I asked them, I said you slogans now, anti-China, can you wipe out 1.4 billion people from the earth? Can you tell me? Do you dare to kill a Chinese? You dare not be scared to death. Neither can you, nor can you. Then you are crazy than CCP. 
So you don’t want anti China, anti Chinese. Is it possible that you are against China against the Chinese? My dear leaders and generals, to be honest, what anti-Chinese do you have? What is wrong with you in Chinese? They told me a lot of details. They said that when they saw all the Chinese people on the street, they were wearing long-sleeved suits, all of them were leaning over their shoulders, walking along the path, and they were all unhappy. 
I said it was not a problem with our race, it was a problem with CCP. We have tens of thousands of handsome and dashing people in China, I said they were all made by CCP! I said you told me any American, beat your face every day, abuse you every day, brainwash you every day, what can you do? 
I said, look at that great American, what North Korea has done for two years, it has died. That American was imprisoned in a Middle East prison, and it was miserable! Don't say you are great, you are strong, that's not it. The environment determines people's mentality. I said you look at how great China's 5000-year culture is, but it was killed by CCP. I said you anti CCP, you anti CCP, don't oppose China, don't oppose Chinese. I said that as long as the CCP is over, China's economic future must be the world's leader. But it will never be an enemy of the world. 
Does it make sense for me to go back and think about it yourself? You don't believe me, I said you don't believe me Guo Wengui. I am a rapist, I am a liar, I run a train full of mouth, I am a liar. I'm a stupid fork, no culture, don't believe me, you only believe this fact, Exact, what I said makes sense. 
Then, the big guys in the financial industry, these days are just like, oh, I'm falling, the world after Pence's speech has completely changed! 
Comrades, I just met with a few people, and they said this Pence speech was too important. He said how hard we prepared, too important, did not expect such a big impact, buddy. He said it four or five times, important participant, I cannot say. I just said one of them. I said, buddy, you told you, where did you come from? Grandpa is from Lebanon. I have been to that place many times. My mother came from Canada. Grandpa later immigrated to the United States and then to Canada. Then there are a few mixed races. I said that now I ask you the most basic words. I said that you can tell me in a simple sentence. You tell people all over the world, what is the focus of Pence's speech? I said that you have been involved for so long. He said, Anti CCP, the total war has changed. My original word is Fuck You, and I said you are not shit. You didn't understand the core points here. 
why? Comrades, let me tell you the truth. After Pence’s speech, China was dumbfounded, CCP, dumbfounded. Because before that, the Communist Party believed in the blue-gold color of its intelligence system in the United States, and the entire force was very confident, saying that this thing could not happen at all, nor could it happen to Hudson, nor to happen on October 4. No., the first anniversary of Guo Wengui being blacked out, impossible. More important things, I read on Twitter, social media speeches, there is no one, including those pseudo-classes, democratic movements, scammers, fundraisers these bastards, in the United States under the guise of democratic democracy , He didn't make a point. It is Pence's speech that he wants to have three absolute conditions. Not even Americans believe that he happened. 
The first one, he must have the Ministry of Finance, the Pentagon, and the most important Federal Reserve, all eight departments must agree. If he disagrees, it is impossible for him to disagree. 
Second, if the Senate of Congress does not tell him this, then it cannot happen. The core condition is the House of Representatives. 
The third, any American, you ask all the people in the United States, if it is in the White House, cabinet staff, if it is opposed, it is difficult to happen. Just his core security consultant. The Communist Party CCP did not expect him to dream, all these people say YES, all passed. This is impossible, which is equivalent to saying that the sun came out from the west. Why, everyone, check the laws and game rules in the United States. Those pseudo-democratic democracy movements can't even bear their farts. This is the core foundation of the United States. But Trump let him happen. 
Trump calls everyone and tells all the cabinets, if you don’t pass, then you will say no (the reason), tell the Americans, nobody dare to say, er, I agree, I agree, just that One day, speak at that moment. So I told the buddy that the most important value of Pence’s speech was the unprecedented 100% unified opinion in American history, and the strategic repositioning of the country, from anti-terrorism to anti-Communism. This cannot happen. So the Communist Party sent N people to the United States. What happened? what's up? What do you want to do? This Pence speech is too crazy. What do you want to do, do you engage in world wars? Crazy. 
However, I can tell comrades-in-arms that you have not understood another core value. Before Mr. Pence's speech, President Trump may turn his head. Everyone is worried and changed the policy. President Trump lost the midterm elections? What did Trump lose in 2020? I tell you, from that day on, you don’t have to worry anymore, who wants to turn the U.S. aircraft carrier again, saying that I would shake hands with the Chinese Communist Party, it is absolutely impossible. Absolutely impossible. You said that the American people said that the leadership had lost. I'm okay with China. CCP is our buddy relationship. We can do deal. I tell you that the credit of the United States in the whole world will be wiped out. 
Other CCPs now say that you are so good with the United States and spread it all over the world. These four years are the left, these four years are the right, and after another four years, the whole world believes, so they all ran with the CCP. If America really turns around, who will believe you America. Impossible. Therefore, the second meaning of Pence's speech has allowed the United States to legally and publicly position the country's future direction for a long time. Irreversible. 
Another core meaning is this. Pence's speech, including President Reagan, he did not need to say publicly, I want Anti all the world Communist Party, never All the world communist Party.  
President Trump told the United Nations that I want to fight Communist Party all over the world. Pence speaks Chinese words here. Everyone tells you that you are dead, and clearly tells the CCP that nothing can affect the next step I take against you. 
This is what I told you for the first time, a comprehensive breakthrough in military, political, economic and cultural. Has it happened? Pence talks about those little things in the most popular folk language, the most common slang, and does not engage in this philosophy or that philosophy. Tell the world that you understand that the United States has formally taken action and made decisions in these areas. 
What else do you want? After you read that, what happens next. South China Sea, I keep this secret. The actions of the South China Sea will be crazier than you think. 
I will give you a simple secret now. Insiders are discussing an issue, what should we do if we talk to the CCP on the South China Sea issue. The US has made a decision. For the first time, I revealed that the US directly notified the CCP that I will give you 72 hours. Remember this number. In 72 hours, I will let you remove all the illegal military systems on the South China Sea. Immediately, I will not discuss with you. I close all the consultation system, you will not remove it within 72 hours, we will remove it for you. All flattened for you. Remember what I said today. 
What kind of joint show do you want, joint show, what kind of joint show, which is too polite to you. Once you want to see the generals in the United States, you can look at what China's Zhu Chenghu's sample is like a silly fork, that silly Zhu Chenghu, that is a terrible person. 
That is Hu Shuli in the military, Wei Shi in the military, and Xia Yeliang in the military. Just a bunch of scammers, not garbage. He licked his butt to American generals and it was not his turn. American generals tell you weapons...Where are the CCP missiles? Where is the space missile? Where will the submarine be arranged? When I asked him... the grandfathers all spent their lives in submarines, their fathers spent their lives in submarines, and their mothers spent their lives in submarines. He is still in charge of the submarine, my mother! 
In the past five hundred years, humans have really fought wars on the oceans, real cows, and ancestors have fought in the oceans for generations. Only Americans and British. what! What are you playing? The designer of others, now the designer of "72 hours", is Mr. Bannon. Now it's all decided internally. It will give you 72 hours, not more than a minute, and not talk to you nonsense. Don't communicate with me, I won't communicate with you, and don't talk nonsense with me! 
For Taiwan! Others told me not to be so detailed, not to be so detailed, I will first briefly tell Taiwan. I am particularly concerned about Taiwan, because without Taiwan and Hong Kong, there would not be my precious today. China is the place where I was born and raised. However, there is no Taiwanese culture, no Taiwanese friends, and no influence of Taiwanese beliefs. Guo Wengui is a real hooligan, and a big hooligan, or a low-level hooligan. Without the investment and support of Hong Kong, I could not (19) go out of prison in 1991 and quickly become a billionaire, a family business, impossible! 
Therefore, I regard Hong Kong as my financial mother and Taiwan as my spiritual mother. When I protect Taiwan and Hong Kong, I must protect my father, mother, siblings! There is no doubt about this. It has nothing to do with anyone. This is mine—the will God gave me. I have too much affection for Taiwan! I have too much affection for Hong Kong! what! 
So, next (about) Taiwan, I asked him... Everyone in the United States has discussed it. So many, the next big drama, financial drama, internal mess...72 hours...ah! They are ready, they know the information, a lot of information, let's not say much! Go to Taiwan. There is a faction in the United States that says: Alas! How to do? What if they want to fight Taiwan? At this time, the United States cannot send troops to protect Taiwan. This is a very loud voice! Another point-if the United States will send troops to protect Taiwan, that's all! America is finished all over the world! Then next, the United States is over! Another small part, ah... so and so. 
In the past year and half a year, when we discussed the Taiwan issue. The vast majority of people say that... even Mr. Bannon, I asked him about five or six times. I said that if the CCP fights in Taiwan, the first time I see him, I will ask him this question. Will you protect (Taiwan)? He didn't even hesitate to say: NO! The second time is no way! The third time is: NO, NO, NO! The fourth time is: impossible! However, this time I asked, he said: Ouch! We seem to have a hard time choosing, I said: I am in front of so many generals, I ask you again, do you have a choice? Just like the topic I gave you today-if CCP shakes hands with you, will you shake hands with peace? Will it shake hands with you? You have no choice. 
Do you have a choice on the question of Taiwan? You have no choice. You say you don’t care! let's hit! Smash him! Don't worry about it. What do I say about Japan? What about your Japan? What about your friends in Asia? You are not (yet) the same! You have no choice. So you have to send troops, but there is another way of saying how you send troops. 
Now, the people who keep in touch with me in the past are completely, as they think, as long as the soldiers and the people of Taiwan are subjected to a lot of looting. Or when all sectors of Taiwan have made heroic actions, the United States has no choice but to intervene! And it is the intervention of conventional tactics beyond everyone's imagination! Because he couldn't let (the CCP) continue to kill. impossible! I said: You said that CCP entered Taiwan, now I am in charge, plug in the red flag, I will go to the presidential palace as president. I said impossible! 
I said that the people of Taiwan shed blood into rivers. I said that you Americans can sit and stay at home? Eating your steak? Say the people of Taiwan die, die! Die, no matter! The child and wife were killed, the Communist Party CCP raped, no matter! I said can you do it? I said, I tell you, the American people will say-you gang of bastard governments look at it, kill so many people over there, you don’t care? Oh! Our five million Chinese will look at your U.S. government and sit there eating steaks, regardless of whether Taiwan is looted or raped? Plug in the red flag? They say impossible! I said the people of the world? Also impossible! I said at that time, you were forced to participate, and you lost. Therefore, you must send troops! 
So, what I said is the true value of the United States, the democracy and freedom of the United States-just justice! You only have justice, you will keep your dollar. Only if you maintain your legal system and your commitments will your national legal system be safe and only exist. You have no choice. I said that anyone who wants to discuss this issue again is a neuropathy. I said that no one of you can make this decision. The American people stood on the street and said, "Don't you protect Taiwan?" Impossible, impossible! 
The people of Taiwan and the Chinese are overseas. I dare to guarantee that more than 80% of people support Taiwan. Because anyone with a conscience does not want to see siblings killing each other. Only CCP is fratricidal, only CCP disregards the feelings of siblings and fellow citizens! It is a liar! It's a liar! It's that simple. 
I said you have a choice? You have no choice. Since you have no choice, why don't you prepare now? You are ready, when it is going to block and blockade Taiwan, when it comes out to tell you a book. Without saying a word, kill it! This is the simple truth! 
Therefore, comrades, Taiwan is one of their goals and a big ambition in the future. I absolutely want to dry Taiwan and I absolutely want to shift internal economic issues. However, you must remember that the United States, Japan and Western countries throughout Europe will be 100% involved! 
But if the people of Taiwan—ah! We welcome the Communist Party. Then, the Taiwan army scared away, and the coalition forces will not intervene 100%. In short, when the CCP took action against Taiwan, in the first 24 hours, the Taiwanese people's anti-communist determination, Taiwanese military's decisive performance and professional performance. Decided whether the US and coalition forces would protect Taiwan! 
Now it has completely changed, which was impossible in the past. We (the United States) cannot send troops to Taiwan, absolutely impossible! Now everyone feels that they have no choice. However, your performance in Taiwan, (if) you Taiwanese people say that I welcome the Communist Party, what is the US involved in? Taiwan’s army has run away. What are you going to do? Impossible thing. 
Therefore, Taiwan must be prepared, and Taiwan must have a truly international politician. Someone in Taiwan really wants to stand up and wave his arm! In that second and moment, the people of Taiwan are united-the Americans are coming! The Japanese coalition is coming! It's finished (CCP)! Taiwan will become independent, in fact independent! Don't leave our family of nations! Leave CCP! So, this is a Taiwan issue. 
Next, the issue of Hong Kong dollars. The entire Hong Kong dollar reserve is worth US$400 billion. Its entire (exchange rate) is 1:8. It's a dollar... its leverage is 1: 8. Because of its service industry, all aspects of this
Everyone has accepted the traits, and they are healthy in many ways. However, the Hong Kong dollar has become the largest tool for CCP overseas to print money and cheat the US dollar. In fact, it has exceeded 10 (1:10)! Even 11.12, ah! 
So, to short the Hong Kong dollar now, we have been discussing for the past six months! Some people say that I am in charge of 30 Billions, 30 billion dollars, and I am in charge of 20 Billions. Soros did that in the past. We discussed. Recently, we have a very clear and unanimous position. what! See the recent changes in the Hong Kong dollar? China has three trillion US dollars, 307,000 billion. Everyone, this was announced last week! Hong Kong has 400 billion US dollars. Any Hong Kong dollar of seven cents and eight cents in Hong Kong is a dollar. It must be linked to the US dollar! We ordinary people must understand this common sense, we grassroots, poor people. That is, every seven dollars and eight cents of Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong is equal to one US dollar, which can be exchanged at any time. 
what! You can change it at any time. That is to say, under any circumstances, ordinary people can change it, take the Hong Kong dollar and exchange it for the US dollar, and leave. Can be freely exchanged, RMB is different! So how many are there in Hong Kong now? It is 400 billion US dollars of foreign exchange reserves. That is to say, you can exchange 400 billion US dollars at any time, and I can exchange (equivalent to) 400 billion Hong Kong dollars. But now, the core question is, how much is it printed in Hong Kong dollars? It (should) be printed eight times, that is more than three trillion. Probably printed (corresponding) more than three trillion Hong Kong dollars, because there is leverage here, because I have a good economic situation here. 
But the fact may have printed more than 4 trillion and 5 trillion US dollars, for whom it is used, because the CCP’s money is not exchangeable, and all assets in China are effectively usable overseas for 3 trillion US dollars. It has to pay for trade and buy oil Ah, under normal circumstances, I'm talking about bank deposits. How much is it now? 70 billion. In other words, the law can only use 70 billion US dollars. If there is any problem, it must use the 3 trillion yuan deposit because the RMB is not in circulation. 
Hong Kong is fully circulated. In law, it can legally use 11 billion US dollars throughout Hong Kong. Soros stupidly intercepted the Hong Kong dollar that year, because the mainland helped it with US dollars. Suo Kang, however, had too little money. After a long time, they would kill him, but why look back now? Because the CCP also uses the national currency reserve, just like the guarantee money our family gives to others, you play games illegally and lose. 
Now if we go short on the Hong Kong dollar again, the same number of roads, the Hong Kong government will definitely spend more than 500 billion US dollars on the mainland, and immediately give me the 3 trillion immovable money. Just like our people borrowed money from the bank to buy a house 100
Ten thousand, three hundred thousand gave the bank a reserve fund, which is unmovable, you have to steal 300,000, the house is cheated, 
The CCP and the Hong Kong government will take the 300,000 yuan away to buy a house and repeat mortgages and loans. It's that simple. It must do this, how much? $500 billion. In the past, everyone added only $200 billion. If you want to get rid of the Hong Kong dollar, I said you cannot lose as much as you can. How can you short the Hong Kong dollar? Is to buy futures empty Hong Kong dollar, people insist on it, don't you die. This is playing big bets. As long as there is more money, I want to win and win. This is an unprecedented opportunity for you to play with the boss. You can win by betting big. 
In the past 6 months, they have raised US$1 trillion from 300 billion now, and everyone will see how they will hunt for the Hong Kong dollar. This war is too exciting. No one in the Hong Kong government will believe that a trillion dollars will be intercepted. they. The stupid forks wear communist shoes every day to go to Dongguan to play virgins and make money. Every stupid one will not be able to betray all Hong Kong people. Look at the faces of zombies, the bright and free expression of Hong Kong people in the past It's all zombie faces now. I attended a memorial service in Hong Kong many years ago, and I wore them so brightly in the crematorium. Everyone was very happy and polite. It was too enviable. Now you look at the funeral in Hong Kong. Everyone can send funerals directly. Dead face. No one is happy. 
The Hong Kong government does not know what happened? I tell you today that there will be 4 major actions in less than 3 weeks. CCPs continue to flicker, and what I say is 4 weeks, or even shorter, what kind of decision you will see. Government actions and the world's finances, one of the world's most CCP-friendly national funds, is Apple's 8% shareholder, 9% AMAZON shareholder, and there are about 10 companies in the United States that control 5%-8%. This buddy and I met 4 or 5 times, and now we have to withdraw all Chinese money to short the Hong Kong dollar. 
Unless you let everyone in the world shut up, all blue and golden, this time the organization of the world, everyone understands the short Hong Kong dollar, the funds of the past 3 months and Kyle Bass, their funds you invest a minimum guarantee of 5%. ( 6-8 months) Then lose money and lose him first, he has 45 billion in there, lose him first, then lose you. It used to be 15%-20%, now I only earn 10% of your money, you can see how confident they are, but now it is changed, I don’t want management fees, I only make 5% of your money, and the fund game is completely changed. By the way, 1 trillion U.S. dollars are shorting Hong Kong dollars. 
If CCP can win this 1 trillion, I will admire it. Tomorrow I will write on my head that I love CCP, and I love Hong Kong. This is what Wen Gui said about withdrawing money from the air. You took my house, the plane was under control, you arrested my family and employees, you sealed my cash fund, you insulted my employees, and arrested so many supporters
People, people with conscience. You cheated so much P2P, Pan Asia. Remember I said this is the first move, I still have 5 moves. I think you can win with these 6 moves. 
On Friday, the CCP will have another trial in Dalian. The national securities will be confiscated, whatever! If I'm stupid enough to believe that you can give me these things, I'm a pig, but I will make you pay tens of thousands of times, and I will tell you now. 
The Hong Kong dollar war is about to begin. Unless it is a fairy, CCP can escape these six moves. Next, within two or three weeks, the US official and government sanctions and measures against CCP will exceed the imagination of the comrades. And it is extremely powerful for Hong Kong and Taiwan. I haven’t done this for so many years. The most pro-communist organizations are now completely defeated. It turned out that the bastard who helped the Chinese Communist Party to speak bad things about Taiwan every day was to use the money of the Chinese Petroleum Company to ask him to give him 12 million a year. 
One of the lobbying companies was lobbying for Lee Teng-hui, saying that Lee gave me 1 million plus a $500,000 bonus, and the Chinese Communist Party gave me 15 million, so I want to speak for CCP, you bastard. Now it has turned around to support Taiwan. 
Now all foreign companies that support Taiwan and Hong Kong can't bear to see what Hong Kong people are going through. How crazy you think about it, even if you wipe out an organization, you will catch people on the street. Then I saw the low-level shame of the official, that LOW, hated to death. But the vast majority of Hong Kong people and Taiwanese have a good or bad mind in their minds. This is why Wengui has brought the battlefield to the world, and made the world feel that what happened there is not just a danger to the Chinese people. The next goal is you. The purpose of killing the security guard at the door is to enter the house and rape you in the United States and the entire Western world. We have no money and have been raped back by them, 
50-60 Danica 
For decades, there is nothing to rape, he has played enough. He is here to rape you and to grab your money. Do they believe it or not? See the action. That’s why I felt so uncomfortable in the first two days, I couldn’t pass that Kaner, because when I saw that these actions were really going to happen, I was really uncomfortable, saying unpleasant things, I sat on the veranda several times, I My tears came down when I smoked and smoked. I couldn't stand it. I couldn't stand it. I couldn't stand it. But I think about the bosses of China, including Ma Yun, Wang Jian, Ma Huateng, Xu Ming, Li Ming, Lei Yang, my brother, and the family of tens of millions of officials in prison, 
They are good or bad, they must be treated according to law. There is no one in all human beings, including North Korea, who says that this person has committed an accident. He wants to control his father-in-law and his mother-in-law’s daughter-in-law who are in love, only China, Guo Wengui.
There happened only one. Last night a buddy was here, crying in front of me. It was my brother for many years. He was crying. I yelled at him at the blood sprinkler. Yesterday, I was pro-communist and made more than 100 billion business for the Communist Party, more than 100 billion. The renminbi helped the Communist Party cheat money in Hong Kong and cheated N money. Over 100 billion, he is the chairman of an investment bank. 
I said that the Communist Party of China has used three methods for renminbi in these years. He can print it in the world. The first and most terrible thing is that he used the terminal in Hong Kong and used a lot of private lending. Let me show you in the future. Private lending is now in China. The curve goes up like this now, and he gets US dollars, he can’t live without them. The second is to deceive a large number of foreign investors to invest in China. The third is that stupid Taiwan compatriots in Hong Kong give all their life money to the Communist Party, and you, the gang, have contributed to the CCP. Why did he cry yesterday? 
I told him to watch a video. I said you look at the video that I can't put. He watched crying wailing. I said you look at the time when Meng Jianzhu was the Minister of Public Security. The deputy secretary of the Political and Law Commission and Wang Lequan did it in Xinjiang. The decision was made, they were the people who went to the town to protest. Meng Jianzhu said that I was with Wang Lequan. I now order your security minister Ma Jian to destroy them all. Ma Jian thought they would arrest them, he said Kill them all! Kill them all! They killed as young as that child. He watched and cried yesterday. I said that anyone killed your daughter. Tell me how you feel. I said you still believe in the Communist Party. He said, "Brother," you told me that I really didn't believe it, but now I have all believed it and wept. 
As a result, while crying, this buddy and my brother are really unlucky enough to make a phone call: the stock you bought is now in Margin Cut time, what should I do? He has no choice, Margin Cut, so big money, sell! The phone rang again: Ouch, what to do with the stocks bought, this Tencent's? Sell! Ouch, yesterday I saw too many people just calling. Yesterday, my brothers here, almost everyone got the call: Margin Cut, cut positions! I said that when your elder brother told you a year ago, two years ago, or four years ago, you were all mad and crazy. 
They said yesterday that if you don’t experience these things in person, we absolutely don’t believe it. I said you look at what you still have members of the Sichuan CPPCC, Chongqing, Beijing CPPCC, and Jiangsu CPPCC. I said you look at some of your bastards, and they have made hundreds of billions of dollars for CCP. You are all sinners in history. So, dear comrades, you really can’t feel it, and you don’t know, you really take this too seriously, the times are really changing, irreversibly. Vice President Pence’s speech is an epoch-making speech in history, and President Trump’s United Nations speech will be an epoch-making speech. Don’t listen to him any anti-Trump, you don’t have to think about it. 
No one has a choice. This battle will definitely go on and win, and you and I are honoured to be important participants, but don’t ask for help, saying that this is what we did, that neuropathy, we can’t do it, we How old is it? We are just moving forward in this big era, we ran two more steps, or God shouted two more voices for our purposes, just like we did in this era, it’s just a matter of time. Without our family, we might run even more. Come on, don't brag about it, I'll do it. Vice President Pence's speech, I gave advice, I said you better go to Hudson to give a speech, 
October 4th, but how do I know people have not listened to others' suggestions? Right? How can I know that no one else suggested that Luther suggested it, or if Xiaoxia suggested it, right? Let’s not ask for help. I said this to me the other day. I’m a bit bragging. I feel like I’m fanning my face a little bit. Your suggestion does not mean that others will accept it, and Vice President Pence will not listen to you. Why do a thousand people advise you to listen to you? If anyone wants to say that I think I am important in this battle I became famous in history, 
You are a trash, if you want to make some money in this history, you remember that you will die terribly. I have said from the first day that this revolution cannot have private interests, reputation claims, and more There can be no fluke. If anyone wants to be famous, I am important. This is a big shame, no matter who it is. The RMB exchange rate, right away. I said a few months ago that the RMB will go from 7, 8, and 9, and it will definitely be even more exaggerated. Let me say it again, the renminbi must be 7, 8, and 9, I said it six months ago. Certainly, it is even more exaggerated. Even the final outcome is no renminbi, no CCP, no CCPB-China Currency Printer Bureau, Chinese currency printing The game is gone. So, comrades, let’s set things right, don’t think that Wen Gui just said so much, 
Oops, this is Wengui. The Western world is anti-communist, and the Western world has listened to Wengui. Isn’t that a neuropathy? Do you think Wengui needs to have this ability, do I still stand here, I have all stood up, is that still human? Impossible, don't brag, don't invite this merit, I just have an idea, everyone asked me these days, wow Sai said Wengui, no one is like you, Fan Bingbing you are right, Jack Ma you are right, You're right on WeChat, you're right on HN, Meng Hongwei said a year ago that this kid had to be arrested, and who else is right, I can't say for the time being, I'm talking to US government officials. You are all right, you are too good. 
I’m sorry, to be honest, you don’t think I am a cow, because you are too stupid, or you are not paying attention, it’s not my cow, I’m focused on doing this, this is not my purpose. Everyone asked me, Miles, what are you doing without the CCP? I say you remember, if the CCP is gone, I’m still talking here, and I’m still here with you every day.
Speaking, I said that I am your biggest liar. The day after the CCP ended, Guo Wengui disappeared into your field of vision, and walked to a deep mountain old forest, my farm of 2,000 Acres, now I buy another 6,000 Acres in talks, promised me 8,000 Acres, I want to Buy two thousand Acres and ten thousand Acres. I want to build a big one and a big place where comrades meet. We want to ask all comrades to come. There must be no photos or videos. 
Comrades often come to drink, eat, grow vegetables and chat with us casually. I say that I am me. This is Guo Wengui. It disappears in all social perspectives. This is the dream I pursue. This is what I pursue. . I said I would refuse anyone to discuss me in the media and say that I am, what is the point, Lincoln is great? Is Washington great? Who remembers Qin Shihuang now? What are you doing? Silly? I don't need money, 
You said I was famous, how miserable I was, I went to a meeting yesterday, I was going there last week, and I drove under the light rain, I said I went out for a turn, I went to the national park and recorded the video Before, everyone saw yesterday, I said I went to go around, I saw that the park is particularly good, foggy, I just went there, a row of people opposite, our fellow Chinese: Hey... Guo Wengui, Guo Wengui, oops Guo Wengui, Everything is just beginning. I was scared to say get back in the car and run quickly. I found that most of the people there are sometimes Chinese. 
(Read comrades' messages) 
Thank you, comrades, because I was disconnected for an hour, sorry. 
Automatically disconnected in an hour! I don't know if this Luther and the younger brother have recorded it, I haven't saved it! But now Mr. Luther and the younger brother have recorded me poorly every time, especially poorly. These two people are getting less and less serious now, less and less serious! 
(Read comrades' messages) 
Thank you Mulan, thank you, thank you. Luther is broadcasting live, well. I hope Mr. Luther and the younger brother will get it right. I lost it all, but it didn't even exist. I don’t need to save when you are here! I don’t want advertising fees either. You all earn advertising fees! , I don't care about the number of clicks, I don't care about the advertising costs, I just need to know it. 
(Answer questions from comrades) Not a technical issue, Insatgram automatically breaks in one hour. Why didn't I use Guo Media today? Because Guo Media is undergoing an upgrade, it is not very stable now. Another big killer is now in use. In the past two days, we hacked our Guo Media 5 billion to 6 billion times a day. 
(Reading comrades' messages) I want a hat... I'm sorry, the hat is basically gone. The hat is gone, let's talk about the second batch. 
I finished just now. Wengui does not have any political demands, no nominal demands, no interest demands, and even less merits. They are all comrade-in-arms, and they belong to no one. They have nothing to do with me. This credit... Whom do I ask, don’t say "credit" on Twitter, don’t talk about it, what's the use? As long as the CCP is gone, you are happy to say that I am shit, I am a liar, and I am a rapist. CCP is here, we are nothing, we are all some artillery parties. 
So I have met every day in the past few days, and I saw that many cattle, and I told them, I said, don’t care who Guo Wengui is, and don’t believe who Guo Wengui is. Guo Wengui is a rapist, a gangster, a liar, a muzzle party, a Loser, and a fugitive, but you should remember that if Guo Wengui said the information works, you should remember it. Comrades, you remember, what did Guo Wengui do? Then the CCP is over? 
 Don't care about the rest. Don't don't...don't say Wengui, you are awesome, I never think. Compared with anyone, I have advantages, but compared with anyone, I rubbish more than anyone. why? From my experience, I know that I swimed out of the mao pit, and I came out of the maggot pit, saying that Guo Wengui didn't smell bad, who are you cheating? I believe in heaven, the god of heaven, he is just. The real can not be fake, the fake can not be real. This is what Wengui pursues. 
(Read comrade-in-arms messages) What do you do after the collapse of the Communist Party? This is the Communist Party... I say brother, I am very upset if you ask this. What should I do if the Communist Party collapses? The Communist Party has a very deceptive thing. What should we do if the Communist Party collapses? The countries without the Communist Party in the world are the best. Without the Communist Party, the Chinese people will manage better! Anyone who says this has a big problem in your mind! China has long had no Communist Party. What party? Mafia! 
Even asking such words! Ugh! Sometimes the problems of comrades are very sad. You said that people like this do not bully you? Who don't you rape? Who doesn’t catch you? If someone rapes you, please tell me, would you like to rape me? is not it? What if there is no rapist? People with guns forced their wives and children to kill you, and you said, what if you want to kill me? Do you say there is such a thing? what?
A country has been raped, it has been stolen, and you said that there has been no robbing, no rapist, okay? Of course you are alright! 
So for the first two days, some old friends of the American Communist Party, old friends, I had another battle with the buddy. I said you said all day that you love China and let China evolve peacefully. Have you been talking about it for decades? There is democracy in China's economic development-is there democracy in China's economic development? Is it democratic for you? I said you dare to tell American TV: The Communist Party says everything is party, everything has to listen to the party, father and mother are not as good as party, I said, who do you know? None of the people present knew. I said why don't you know? 
You only see the money of the Communist Party, because they are all robbing the money of the Chinese people. If he came to grab your money, you are afraid, you are now anti CCP, I said that is because it is about to grab your money. I said then you always said, what would China do without the Communist Party, and I said I would ask you now, without the Communist Party, what would the United States do? Who will give you money? Who paid you the consultant fee? I said I tell you, without the Communist Party, Chinese people will have tens of thousands of people, private entrepreneurs will have 100 million Jack horses, 100 million Ma Huateng, 100 million Wang Jianlin, 100 million safe Ma Mingzhe will become the world Of entrepreneurs, 
They will come to give you money, and hire you as a consultant. You never have to worry. You don’t always have to rely on rapists and robbers to pay you advisory fees, I say your time is over! Don't be fooled in this line! Then the Chinese are deceived to say that without the Communist Party, China will not be safe and stable. Only the Communist Party manages China like Communist Party propaganda: fathers and mothers are not as good as party members, and only the Communist Party can manage China. I'm really special. I called him very rudely yesterday. He said, Miles, you exaggerated a bit to me, and I said it was so exaggerated. I said that the Chinese will scold you if they ask. If you take too much money from the Chinese Communist Party, you are cheating us. 
The most ridiculous thing about all mankind is the sentence asked by comrades just now, what if there is no collapse of the Communist Party? When you ask, who wants to rape your family, you ask him: "What if you don't rape?" Is there such a ridiculous word? That Xia Yeliang is a bastard, you ask him, he always said that he loves the Communist Party. Yesterday I asked that American friend, I said, dear old American friend, you love the Communist Party so much, why don’t you immigrate? You don’t emigrate. Just like that Xia Yeliang's bastard, do you love Wang Qishan, why don't you give your wife to Wang Qishan? Why don't you give your mother to Wang Qishan? Wang Qishan skates, loves the youngest... (disconnected) 
So (to answer comrades' messages) old, surely old! Can I be old this year? What is old, what is old? 
Dear comrades-in-arms, everyone must remember: Meng Hongwei's arrest and Wang Jian's killing are now a great shock to the party and to the whole world. Wang Jian's wife and Wang Jian's son and Wang Jian's brother Wang Wei are threatening their lives. Anyone killed or disappeared will cause another reaction. This is why we were willing to postpone the press conference at that time, waiting for the news to ferment. 
Next, Wang Wei's family will be arrested and lost, and everyone will watch and watch! Then more big celebrity entrepreneurs overseas were lost. Then more domestic political and legal committees will be arrested, and Sun Lijun will also be arrested. Sun Lijun remembers Sun Lijun. Then Meng Jianzhu was killed or arrested. I said for the first time that I was killed or caught and walked around. 
Therefore, dear comrades, the era that truly belongs to the Chinese people and the Chinese people is coming. No one can change it, ah, no one can change it. I also hope that all the comrades here will be able to correct their position and conscience. For example, some comrades send me a message, I really can’t get back, I’m sorry, sorry. For example, if you ask me, what happened to your domestic cat, what do you ask me? Then say you can change the US dollar? Then, who is sick and what medicine to buy? I really can't get back. Because every day, if you look at more than 40,000 and 60,000 messages, I really can’t get it back. I hope you can understand. Sorry. Another one, repetitive question, I already said in the live broadcast, don't ask me. I can't go back, I hope you can understand. You give me some energy to let me go against the Communist Party. Don't let me do those things again. Don’t ask me another question about your personal life. I can’t answer these questions. 
Another Guo media has become a big killer. Guo Media now has no media to watch from any government in many countries. It can be said that it is impossible for major media in any country not to watch Guo Media, and they pay close attention to Guo Media. Everyone on Guo Media, I beg to ask Guo Zhanyou not to repost me, you don’t repost Guo Wen sent by Wengui, because everyone can see it, but you reposted it, but I can’t see your message. Everyone just left a message below, I will see the message, and others will also see it. And now I know that in Australia, in the UK, I use other software to translate Guo Media. Especially accurate and much more accurate. We are working with them now. 
So I said that the live broadcast is here today, my voice is dumb. Pray and pray for 1.4 billion compatriots, people all over the world, all comrades in arms: 
Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Ten Thousand Buddhas, All Gods, thank you for blessing 1.4 billion Chinese people to realize the Himalayas at an early date, and hope that 1.4 billion people will destroy the Chinese Communist Party at an early date. The people The people of Hong Kong and the people of Taiwan give the Chinese people freedom of religion and belief. willing
Ten Thousand Buddhas and Ten Thousands of Gods are shining in the land of the Divine Land and admired by the people. May the 1.4 billion people stay away from ugliness, get close to the truth and be welcomed by the people of the world, and wish the 1.4 billion people and the people of the world more peace. Amitabha.   
Amitabha. Thank you all comrades!