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Miles Guo 20180627

Miles Guo 20180627

Dear comrades-in-arms, today is June 26th. Wen Gui is in Guo Media. It is a completely different system. We will try our live broadcast for the first time. Try the video effect. The equipment used today is completely different...
I drank too much today, but I am particularly happy. Within the past 48 hours, not 48 hours. I think it should be more than 3 days. After 3 days, I really didn’t sleep much. This is my first time, in my life, as a witness and a dual role of hearing. Very interesting, very interesting. I especially want to share with my comrades... Wengui, Cheng Tian said that China must govern the country by law, and then, I really use my body and everything to go to the United States, a judicial system that we respect very well. Country, it is good to try the feeling of ruling the country by law. Too much information to share with everyone.
I drank a lot of wine today. If something is wrong, please include it.
When I sat in that chair, I saw the judicial system in the United States... How do I feel? It's that the entire American judicial system is really too great, too great. At the hearing, there were big tables on both sides, big long tables, huge long tables, and all the lawyers on the opposite side were the best on the Internet, and the best, I won’t say who it is... Then We are here, and then here are the judges. Wow, people asked this question, hey, really stupid, they brought 20 boxes of documents. …….. Take a break in the middle. Next to a room, free meals, cafe.
Upstairs, it was easy to see the entire landscape of the Hudson River. The questions asked are serious and professional. You have to pay for lying in this place, and you have to pay for lying. The question people asked was terrific, I really enjoyed it. Because when you are faced with others who are professional and you want to get the truth, you will respect each other. Although we were in a hearing and I was in another role, the questions asked were very direct and the questions asked were very professional. People prepared 20 files of my God.
 Then the Presentation made by others will show you the computer. It is the American legal system that is truly amazing. I just sat there thinking, what would it look like in China? Someone bought the judge, or had fake documents. But this is absolutely impossible, because just before you, no one knows who your judge is, and no one knows the procedure of this matter. But this legal procedure is inevitable.
When everyone was sitting there, everyone was very kind. The last one I arrived, everyone shook hands and met, because they were very curious to see me. I don’t know many people, and some do. Then start, the formal start procedure, bang bang, that is very polite. Then this program is launched. You simply can't falsify. All the typing, recording, recording, preparing documents, and then asking you questions. What is my feeling? Last night I thought, I must share this moment with my comrades. In this case, China cannot have so many letters and visits.
If China has such a fair degree, there can be no letters and visits, because you must be convinced, you must be convinced. People ask you questions, the documents you show, the questions you answer are not emotional. It’s useless for you to be emotional. You are interrupted by emotional people and say sorry. The question you answered, Yes, No. You don't want to narrate the way in Naha, that's impossible. What do we Chinese say? Dumpling culture. Then, ah-talk about feelings. People don’t talk about feelings, Yes No, true or false, it’s over. Then, after asking here and asking there, wow, you want to falsify, you want to hurt others, you want to trap others through this judicial system, it is absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible. Only true and false, there is no opportunity for speculation.
 Of course, I am also very unhappy, and there are many things that disappoint me. For example, someone I respect very much, Wow, he is lying, I am dumbfounded. Wow, he is lying, he is lying so professional, so smiling. But when I took a break in the middle, a very important person told me that he said you don’t mind lying, if you lie and you can have evidence to pierce him, then he will be miserable, and his life will be over. He loses, and you are correct, proving that you are great. But you can't prove it, he succeeded by lying. And, you don’t want to talk about any political views, you just talk about your evidence, Yes No, what do you take.
When feeling this way, you really have too much respect for this judicial system, this country is too great. In this place, it’s absolutely impossible to fake, and fake is really impossible. Oh, I sincerely admire. Before I went to the hearing here, I barely slept for two days. I think the documents we have prepared are very sufficient. Comparing with others, our team is the youngest. Comparing with others, we are very disadvantaged. Although we have talked a lot, they are such a black, ruling the country with blacks, ruling the country with police, their cooperation, how are they like this. Sorry, evidence. Then everyone, I especially share with today’s comrades-in-arms. Pay attention when speaking in the American society. Pay attention when speaking. I'll ask you when I'm on the crack. When VOA interviewed you, you said you have 11 passports. What about your 11 passports? Where are your 11 passports? You said you are a resident of the United States. Others did not say that you are a US citizen.
 People challenge your credit first, take out what you say, word by word, and tell you, you answer, you can't answer, you don't need to explain what you say. Yes No. Yes or No? You say Yes, Ha Yes, Yes. You open it again, and a month ago, I asked you what did you say? There is also a document you provided to the US government, which is flashing in front of you. Wow, I sincerely admire it. People's work is too fine, not a single word. 
Another one I feel is the procedure, time, fairness, and other people's ruling on this matter. You agree that you disagree, saying that I accept your consent or I do not accept the disagreement. After 8 hours, 7 hours in Austria. Although I was very tired, I was inexplicably excited. I finally understood the meaning of governing the country by law, and how important it is to everyone. If you want to govern the country by law, you must recognize which corrupt officials are arrested. If ruling the country by law is done according to this procedure, then corrupt officials, bad officials, bribes caught or bribes, you have to be convinced, and it is fair to everyone. Although it is not absolute, it is not perfect,
But in terms of the variety of human beings that exist today, it is perfect, which is great. If such an environment, like me from a business background, we will do all our energy to do business, we have absolute security. We are not worried that someone said that the buddy sitting opposite gave money, and he would wrong me. Once again, I am worried that the person on the other side is getting fake documents. You don’t have to worry. It’s just fake. You can prove that he lost it completely.
Another thing is that the behavior of this country is that the government has representatives and lawyers, the White House has lawyers, and you can’t talk nonsense. It’s not impossible for an administrative officer to give a single order. Wow, this is amazing. If China had this system, this country would be great. This is my deep feeling. And that talent. Oops, I really feel that people in suits and shoes during the meeting every day.
 Manners, status. Come to think of it, the old man, who is almost 80 years old, sits there, from morning to night, he has to prepare for almost 9 hours. Our official hearing is 7 hours. He sits up at least 2 hours in advance to prepare. People get up in the morning and come here again. You can think of people who insist on till late. The state is completely okay. When they take a break at 1:30 in the middle A little tired, but people feel that the spirit is not bad. Then, we Chinese, then our instrument form is really inferior. Is there a problem with our nation? We also discussed this issue during the break. It is not a problem of our nation. Look at the Japanese, look at the Singaporeans, look at the Hong Kong people, look at the Taiwanese, and many excellent overseas Chinese. There is nothing wrong with the spirit and spirit. There is absolutely no problem.
 It is our education system, our social environment, the political background of our entire society, the relationship between people, and there is no belief, no principle leads to a near-esteem, what is called a near-esteem What? As long as I know you well, there is no respect. Hatred from afar, what to do, irresponsible. And there is no principle when doing things, can't hold on. Go directly to the ugliest side of people. There is no consideration of other factors. Just like the Japanese, not disturbing others is their absolute foundation.
People watched the ball to pick up all the garbage. People eat on the planes of the buses and take a plastic bag to eat inside. This is what people consider to be a minimum respect. Our society has turned people into the most natural stone age. And as long as you are familiar with it, you will be completely disrespected recently, and hatred when you are far away, what do you want to do. Ah, my feelings, the environment of others, and the preparation of that seem particularly straightforward.
It's very interesting, people have prepared water, it is estimated to be one dollar of water, my team is good, prepared a bunch of such water. Boom, let me put it on the table, I will tell you to take it away. Whoever drinks water in a plastic bottle, how can you drink it? I am embarrassed. Then people ask questions, this is challenging, it is definitely helpful to the truth of the matter, you may not be comfortable, but it is really great for the truth of the facts and the fairness of the facts.
From this I thought, Wen Gui's call for ruling the country by law is too correct, too correct, too good. The Chinese have no laws. You said that I want to talk about faith, I want to talk about religion, and I want to talk about feelings. That is bullshit. That is, pure bullshit. Among people, the most important thing between people is to have a rule that everyone agrees with and agrees with, and that they all abide by, that is the law. Wow, not only us, there are many groups beside us all sitting at the same time. That feeling cannot be described in words.
I especially feel the pain of Chinese entrepreneurs. I think I have developed in the past few decades in China. We have had thousands of lawsuits and many hearings. I have not participated in it once. I am here and I am very honored and very happy to participate in this hearing. That is, you can feel that a person can face a fact with such dignity, and can easily and happily face fairness with evidence, in this case of not being afraid or not afraid, you come to pursue what you want, get what you want It’s great to be fair and get the goals you want. Then everyone respects this rule. The whole country is too healthy.
Then everyone abides by this rule, and the entire national society is too healthy. Oops, this feeling is too much. I can't talk too much about this hearing because it is absolutely confidential and cannot be said.
Then, let me talk about some hot spots that have happened recently. Many people have come to ask me, it is really beyond my imagination, the Western world's attention to our breaking news revolution is beyond our imagination. Including many people asking me about the incident of veterans these days, I was surprised. I said, how do you know about the veteran incident? How do you pay attention to it? In the past they never paid attention. And they never met or greeted me. They only met at this hearing. They asked me in private.
I said why are you concerned about this? (I just learned) Now the United States and the Western world are absolutely concerned about the hot events in Chinese society. Then they all know how much one-time compensation the veterans gave when they retired. After going back, there is no personal insurance, no medical insurance, let alone child education, let alone housing, not to mention pension. They think it is very, very unfair, which is unimaginable.
The next one is about big truck drivers. They said that the big truck driver did not overload, they would have to lose money, and the police would be fined if they were overloaded. After the penalty, they would have to lose money, and then the truck was loaned-this is a vicious circle. He asked me how many such veterans are there? How many such big truck drivers? I can't count the statistics accurately. The state of the truck driver must be over 10 million, and the veteran is close to 10 million, between 7 million and 10 million.
He said how to solve it? I said, then maintain stability. China calls it stability maintenance. They don't understand what is stability. I said it was just catching people. When you come to trouble, you will be given certain changes and certain compensation. They cannot understand this. So the life of the citizens of a country is safe, his fairness and his devoted youth, when he is not guaranteed, when he feels unfair, he feels that my life is not worth a bottle of wine under your leadership Time; and others will get more as long as they cross the red line in violation of the law, but I honestly get nothing, nothing, and even minimal security. How can this society be okay? There must be a problem.
The other is that I let them watch the videos of two old Yunnan people who we tweeted recently. The two old people went to sell vegetables, but they did not sell them for two days, even if they sold it, it was only a few hundred dollars. Then they saw them crying in the video, wow, they also shed tears with me and couldn't stand it. This makes me feel too deep.
My guard also has soldiers and veterans. They generally retired before the age of 40, including the police. And the police here, you see, these people beside me are all active duty policemen. After work, you can come directly to me from the Trump Tower, you can work for a second job, you can earn a second money, which is completely Is legal. Then they have more opportunities, they abide more by the rules of this job, and they are more law-abiding. Those veterans, either forty or police, retired before the age of forty and received a lifetime pension, with an average salary of about $80,000 to $150,000 a year, with full medical insurance, but also There are various benefits.
People can also participate in various social activities of the original army and police, and they can also get a job. People's social system is too healthy, too healthy. So everyone is very happy. Many of the retired policemen and soldiers have their own boats, tens of thousands of dollars, each of them has a few cars, and they also have our own Chinese name, Bieye, Dabieye, and a garden house. Very peaceful, very peaceful. This does not need to maintain stability. This is the cornerstone of social stability. How important it is!
Then, one thing that impressed me and moved me these days is that a series of other hot issues have occurred in China. For example, the North Korean issue and the North Korean issue are all concerned. When the people are well-dressed and their safety is guaranteed, everyone cares about the fate of the country. If you look at President Trump’s immigration matters so much, you can see that there may be 5, 6 people in a house, half of whom are opposed and half are supported. Everyone is calm and quiet. You can't talk nonsense at all. You can't curse people. You can't talk about it insults. You can protest, but you can't attack personally, you can't have a language that supports terror, and you can't have excessive actions. These are so important!
Think about the meeting between President Kim Jong Un and President Trump, think about the recent hot spots in China, and then think about the US immigration policies that everyone cares about. Then everyone said their views. Later, I talked about Malaysia. Wow, everyone has their own point of view, but everyone is very careful in their speech. Because of what? The speech here is used as evidence. You are legally responsible. You are responsible for that person. Look at our social media today, my goodness! It’s crazy—everyone just wants to do everything they can to get everything from lies and fraud.
Then, even an American asked me. He said that we got all kinds of news. Now that the thieves in the country have a series of plans in the country, they are called to lift the pot, just hold me, hold it up, the higher the lift, the better, and then bia, throw it down, smash it down, just throw me The pot was smashed. It's a pity that my pan is flexible, and the "non-fluid" bounced back, and the pan is firmer! Then someone took it, and bang threw it down again, just want to give this pot to cei, smashed it. But the more you hit the pot, the more flexible you are, now you are in a ballet state, anxious state. But, I just want to ask why do you understand so much? What shocked me was that all of us on this day paid too much attention to every word and every line.
People asked me three questions that Westerners are most concerned about me, saying that you kid is a madman, where is the madman? Three aspects: The first one, the Malaysia Airlines incident feels that you are talking about this nonsense. Why is the Malaysia Airlines incident as crazy as you said? impossible! The second one is selling sperm. You are a lunatic. You! The third, say you want to change China's system, you have to challenge yourself for three years, madman! Why do you say three years, what do you rely on? Why do you say that there are other conspiracies in Malaysia Airlines? Why are you? Why are you selling sperm, are you crazy? Like those celebrities, no one said to sell sperm, why should you sell sperm?
Ah, to be honest, I hate myself the most. I want to slap my face in English. English is a mountain in front of me! I think I have made great progress in English now, but I am dumb as soon as I get to a formal occasion. I can understand very well, but it is useless. When I say it, it is dumb. I don’t need it at all in my life, and I don’t have any problems at all, but as soon as I get to a formal occasion, it’s disgraceful and totally unacceptable, so I’m in a hurry and I need to translate. I am anxious to answer this question. But when we talked about it, we Chinese people talked about this problem and loved to treat it like dumplings. They cracked and piled them together and threw them to the other party. The other party could not understand.
How do you understand? You have to say what is your evidence, what is your logic, what can be corroborated to prove that you are right. For example, Jho Low, who is it? Why do you say that? I broke it for others. People say, don’t say too much, what evidence do you have? This is very interesting, very interesting, I especially enjoy this process. Because this kind of challenge makes me pay more attention to the scale of my speech and the basic red line principle of my work.
There is also one that must understand Western culture. I think President Trump said very well: Some people have failed in their country, and when they come to the United States, they want us to do things in accordance with their failed national system. Isn’t this crazy? I totally accept it. We can't ask Americans to say, you have to follow my logical thinking, how is it possible? Then you go back to your own country-this is a basic logic.
Of course, my answers to these three things are now very clear. Malaysian Airlines matters are not to be decided until the result is available now. I said, I said there was a conspiracy here, and I said it must have something to do with the thieves of the country. In the future, I will use evidence to speak, but I can't give evidence that I am a liar and a lie. Hey? They accept, accept.
I said that I can let China govern the country according to law and change this system. I said that I have the following two core points: First, China's social contradictions are outstanding, and China's economic development is now a pathological development. In the end, it will inevitably lead to social hot events, such as big trucks, veterans and Pan Asia. The series of e-renting events will lead to many protests in Chinese society. The final maintenance of stability is ineffective. In the end, we must face the facts. , Give everyone an account of the truth. How to explain in the end? That is, there must be third party participation, open media, judicial supervision, and then set fair game rules. At this time, China was moving towards a country ruled by law.
Then it is impossible for the Communist Party to govern the country, the world of the party, and the world of the family. In the end, it has to be like Venezuela and Malaysia, which will inevitably change. Just like Turkish President Erdogan, although he has won the presidential election and there is still controversy, there is still a re-election in the parliament. I don’t believe that he will continue to be elected. He will continue to be president.
In another African country, there are other countries. Everyone sees that there is no rule of law in a country without democracy. In the end, it is a mess. Eventually, it is open to the media and subject to the supervision of the people. They said that they were right and totally agreed.
Another thing about selling sperm. I said that you should take a good look at my video. I said that people let me do this. They are just a suggestion. It’s half a joke. It’s true. I’m also a joke. I said that I can’t sell sperm. I can't take this seriously. I said the result, I said that social media allows everyone to speak, I said this thing, the fact that I did not do it, and I am talking about people who are half joking I am also half joking, I said of course I can not do it. They also accept.
Later they said, which of these words are true and false? I said I can’t tell you that one hundred percent is true. I said because I faced a powerful thief group. For example, when I talk about Zhang San, I might say Li Si because I want to protect many people. This is my strategy. You can’t ask me to be 100% true. I said they are almost 100% fake. You make me 100% true. I said I will harm many people. But I will not say things that are not there as things that are not possible. I can switch roles and possibly change things, in order to protect the parties, and let me achieve my goals and the thieves do not seize my handle. This is my strategy. Hey! They agree, totally agree.
所以我们在听证会就有一段,他说郭先生,你哪天哪天做视频了,你哪天哪天采访了,然后他们说的是还是不是?我说是。他说,那你撒谎! 我说是。我说,是和不是之间我没办法一个字就解决,我需要解释。他说那你解释吧。我说首先我面对的是一个强大的盗国贼集团。我说你看我的强奸案,他们两次改换了诉状,第一次他们说我在美国强奸,最后发现不对,改成了巴哈马强奸,然后又加上了美国强奸未遂英国强奸。我说但是呢,他的诉状说什么呢?马蕊跟我工作三年,我一年多时间把她给囚禁在我的房子里面,收走了她的护照,我说事实是,她从来到走,总共不到一年半的时间十四个多月。而且十四个多月里边,她有将近四个月单独住在纽约,我住在伦敦,我说她随时可以离开,没有囚禁她吧。
我说我再问你一件事情,我说马健副部长的视频是在什么时候出来的?是在我VOA 4月19号采访之前不到24小时放出来的。哎?他说这是对的。我说为什么?他说这个我明白了,就是阻止你发言。我说第二,红通事件。他说这个红通我们非常清楚。人家都查了,怎么回事,这个事情人家绝对是要陷害你。我说但是我还要解释。我说红通事件是在对VOA 施压之后同时在美国历史上前所未有的把直播采访从中间给掐断,在几个小时之前发了所谓的红通。而且国际刑警组织根本不认这个。他们就知道这个是证据信息。
他们说,你说的有道理。我想问的是,为什么会发生呢?他们就做了解释。我说例如这么多案子,比如说那9个建筑公司。我说那9个建筑公司我请问一下,我跟他们有啥关系?我跟他们没有任何关系。我名字叫郭浩云,法律护照,现在没了,现在律师要正式地取消所有的香港护照,什么都没有了,我说郭浩云跟郭文贵跟盘古跟证券在法律上有什么关系?没任何关系而且这俩公司完全承认欠他的钱,账上也有几十个亿人民币现金,几亿美元的现金,上千亿美元的资产,完全可以还上啊!他找我干什么呢?他为什么在419  VOA之后来立这个案子呢? 而且是不合法的。他们完全明白。我说这就是盗国贼对我进行的陷害和法律上的缠诉,叫超限战。他们接受,完全接受。
我爆料王岐山,孟建柱,还有傅振华孙立军两位先生。 所以说,我说就是一个事实啊,我的家属被抓,是因为你们美国政府采取了不当行动所造成的。 他们完全接受 。所以基于此他们都听进去了 。
然后人家就问了110个问题, 首先得证明你郭文贵,Miles Guo是一个值得信赖的人。你说过的话我要进行亲自验证 。你个人的信用没有问题, 然后说你做为听证我才可以相信你 。然后说你,讲的这些事情你有证据吗 ?你有文件吗 ?
哎呀我觉得特别有意思, 结果是另外的律师代表哪一方的在休息的时候跟我说。他说,这个国家这个地方很多人一样撒谎,但是我告诉你,撒谎是要付出代价的。你只要准备好了付出代价你可以撒谎。还有一个他说任何事情都要写下来,要有文件,不写下来不算数 。证据,而且一旦你说出来的话就都要作为法庭的证据的。 你要负责任的。 所以说这就是为什么西方的媒体不敢随便报道一个人。 这也是我们中国媒体这几年来不好的, 当然是没有自由了, 完全是党媒体了。 但是当我们的媒体开放的时候,有没有问题呢?当然是太大的问题了。
我说【财新杂志】,我告诉他们,我说你现在往回看他所报道的,说我是权力的猎手,我到底是权力的猎手还是权力的猎物?他们说你是权力的猎物。我说为什么,然后123我都说了。财新杂志是什么背景,股份的构成,财新的胡舒立是什么样的一个身份, 她和王岐山是什么关系,他报道过的人都是什么人, 他怎么得到的这些信息, 为什么别人没有, 这是党媒体。 党中的权力媒体,权力中的腐败媒体 !他们说是的他们完全同意 。
那么像财新这样的媒体在中国那么多, 在中国谁有机会说出真相呢? 被他报到的官,谁有机会说话呢 ?它会负责任吗? 当然不会负责任 。永远不负责任。他说假话也不负责任,我说这个媒体就成了党的工具,盗国贼的工具 。我说很多记者收了钱就可以随便写, 你看中国过去的这么多的媒体, 你看有多少是真的, 你拿出一样来给我看看。 包括海外的你像博讯,博讯报道了我将近100多条的信息, 当时谢建生,人家还拿出来谢建升,说这个人你认识吗? 很有意思啊, 谢建升, 郑介甫 , 李友,全都是。
我说你看我们的证据,哪年哪月哪日报到的 视频,他说认识我2, 30年了, 他说这个人我们查了他确实不认识你。我说他是假的。 他是个骗子,他为什么假, 为什么骗?
为什么在曲龙宣布释放之后,谢建升马上消失。 因为他想抢夺的是中泰资产 ,那都是谎言, 中泰资产的另外的相关人郑介普他说他认识我2 ,30年了 。我根本不认识他。 证明了,完了这两个人完了。在美国犯法了,美国要抓他们的。你到美国制造虚假诉讼, 你说的都是假话, 不单单是诽谤,在美国你是要负法律责任的。
我说曲龙又为什么被放出来了呢? 他被判了15年,在监狱里待了六年半, 中国公安部最高检最高法给河北省指定管辖,服刑了六年半,说他没有罪。不但释放了, 你说他没有罪,应该是国家负责, 是国家造成的错误的审判。 赔偿是必须的 。他让我赔偿, 他出来录视频说是我的错 。我请问你我有没有这个能力, 这个权力来指挥最高法最高检,和公安部指定管辖给河北 。
I said that even if Deputy Minister Ma Jian gave me money, did Deputy Minister Ma Jian have the power to let the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Supreme People's Republic of China have the power to let the Supreme People's Court appoint Qulong to Hebei for 15 years. He said it was impossible. Although this is a dictatorial society, it is also impossible. Why did he push it to Vice Minister Ma Jian? Of course it's all fake!
I said that Vice Minister Ma Jian has the opportunity to speak? Is there any chance for the person designated by that jurisdiction to speak? No! Then I provided a lot of files, bang! I found that the laws of the United States are particularly good.
This is what must be done in the United States. When you speak, you have to show evidence. You have to have facts and be logical. Then the evidence from the investigation can be matched. Eventually it must be in line with the facts.
Guo Wengui, how do you believe that we believe in a Chinese billionaire. Ten billionaires don’t send money to the Communist Party or corruption. Can you be a rich man? impossible! none! I said what you said is too absolute. First of all, you have no evidence, you are conceptual thinking. Let me give you the simplest example. I said that many people in China can succeed without corruption. This is not absolute.
In my life, Guo Wengui has only three real estate projects, Zhengzhou Yuda Phase I and Phase II, Beijing Pangu and Beijing Jinquan. The land I bought for these three projects came from the villagers, with private hands. I don't need to pay bribes to government officials. I don't need him to help me to grant land, and I didn't have the so-called land bureau when Gai Yuda was there. What state-owned land I bought was from villagers. And at that time I was a joint venture, and my finances were jointly invested by multiple countries, and every penny was supervised. If I wanted to be corrupt, it would be difficult. Let me tell you again, from the time I came out of prison in 1991 to Henan Yuda in 1999, you can take a look,
At that time, if I were going to be corrupt, I said I would tell you that by 2004, I was investigated by Liu Zhihua because I investigated Liu Zhihua’s Wang Qishan’s case. I was first arrested by Liu Zhihua. I spent 15 days at the Shuangguo location and three days at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital. I was stunned and rescued for six months. I was basically watching me at home for six months. I also exposed Wang Qishan and Liu Zhihua. Checked my background carefully. If I am guilty, can I escape? Wouldn’t that kill me? Yes, what you said makes sense.
No, I did not evade taxes. If I evade tax evasion, I will be over. At that time, Liu Zhihua said that as long as Guo Wengui entered the sauna, he arrested him, saying that you were prostitute, I didn't.
In 2004, Vice Minister Ma Jian was commissioned by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Central Committee to set up a special task force to investigate the cases of Wang Qishan and Liu Zhihua that I uncovered. A joint case handling team was established at this time. I said that after I disclosed Wang Qishan and Liu Zhihua, who else of the Communist Party of China officials dare to collect my money? Do you dare? No dare. At that time, did Ma Jian dare to collect my money? impossible! I am shit in the officialdom, I am alien.
In many meetings within the Beijing Municipal Government, Wang Qishan and Liu Qi made it clear that whoever dared to go to Pangu for consumption will remove you from employment when you return. I said it was all true, take the documents. Everyone knows, and they also know.
Another one, my project, I don’t have to pay bribes. No one dared to ask for my bribe. How can I bribe?
Deputy Minister Ma Jian said, I bribed him because he bought my Zhengquan house. He made a profit of 60 million yuan. I said you check, what year did he buy the house, who bought the house, I said you look at my documents. How much did I sell to the society, how much did I sell to him, his family bought, and the Ministry of Security did not buy it by himself, the Ministry of Security bought dozens of sets. Now the Ministry of Human Security lives in Zhengquan Garden. I said, see if the price I gave him is the market price. Why did you say I paid a bribe?
Then I said that Minzu Securities bribes. I said Minzu Securities. The stock price I bought at that time was 1 block 3. Later, I put another 13 billion in it and made it a capital increase. I now have 1.84 billion shares of Founder Securities. , Everyone check how much is worth. I lost 8 billion yuan. Why should I bribe? Who shall I bribe? As a deputy minister, Ma Jianqi, does he have the right to grant me National Securities? Does he have the right to let me buy national securities? I don’t take money, can I get ethnic securities? This is a fact, and then I showed him the buying process and I understood.
What I want to tell you, my history, projects can be checked, sources of funds can be checked, I said that I left China on December 24, 2014, and I haven’t been back to now, I didn’t get a penny from China, Instead, I remitted more than one billion dollars to my domestic company. Nearly ten billion yuan.
You also said that I was laundering money, I should wash it from the inside out, why should I wash it from the outside? I have so much money in my account. What Liu Yanping told me is very clear. I am a better company than Xu Jiayin, better than Ma Yun and better than Wanda. He admitted that I have a net worth of 80 billion. The debt ratio does not exceed 20%.
I said you said I was guilty, they said I was kidnapping, and what crime, Liu Yanping said on the phone that I was not guilty. They fully accepted what Liu Yanping told me on the phone. Will Liu Yanping talk to wanted criminals, rapists, kidnapping criminals, loan sharks, and came to the United States to meet him? Is this reasonable? Certainly unreasonable.
why? Just let me shut up. Because I broke the news. That's very simple, and it's very clear that as long as you don't explode Wang Qishan's Meng Jianzhu's materials, you will be fine immediately. Everything is resolved, you are still a hero.
You have to answer the question, you work for the CCP, spy! How do you explain your merits? They all say you are a spy. You are here to maintain stability.
I said the evidence? As the media said, you can answer or not.
I said, I answered.
At that time, because of the Dalai Lama's visit to the United Kingdom, I stopped the diplomatic relations between China and the United Kingdom. Later, during the British Prime Minister Cameron's request, I resumed diplomatic relations with China. Because of this, I wrote a letter to Chairman Xi through Vice Minister Ma Jian, and in a very short time, that is, less than a day, I gave a reply. Then for a few days, the foreign ministers of both parties called and said that we can resume diplomatic relations.
Then everyone resolved, and there was no harm to the Dalai Lama. Diplomatic relations have been restored and I have been given first class merit. What do I say I did? What I did was the friendship between the two countries. I made full use of the resources that they regulated me and restored the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Am I saying that it hurts the third party? No.
I said the second one. I was commissioned by them to meet the Dalai Lama. Several times, I flew over, I used my private jet, and before that, I did a lot of work. Eastward and westward, and the Dalai Lama also wrote an original letter to Chairman Xi Jinping, I just want the Dalai Lama to return to China, so that the Chinese have a choice of religious freedom, and the Tibet issue can be resolved peacefully. The interests of the Tibetan people can be guaranteed, and the resources of Tibet can be protected. The original letter is still with me, they took color copies. Am I doing something wrong? Hurt others? No. I have evidence, I have everything on it.
And I rejected the so-called first-class merit they gave, and asked me two or three times whether to join the Communist Party of China or not, or not, to join the organization. I rejected it all. I didn't take them a penny, I didn't help them to do any bad things, I was all good people doing good things.
Then I said that I would maintain stability overseas. I said that if I come to overseas democracy and democracy to maintain stability, the first one I have to hurt people, I have to let them go to prison, lose their freedom, and hurt the economy. I said I let anyone lose their freedom? Did I give anyone to the Communist Party? Did I give anyone's information to the Communist Party? Did I hurt anyone? Please give me an example, right? No.
In turn, I donated a lot of money from the beginning, this is evidence. I donated to so many people, I did not make any demands on them. What to do for me, I criticize the fake democracy movement, use the democratic democracy movement to deceive wealth and deceive, deceive information to deceive the country, and cooperate with the thieves. I have evidence, and I showed it.
 For example, Guo Baosheng, this person is a Christian, a priest. He got an American passport, and all the information he filled in was false. His tax returns are all false. And he went to Japan and went to watch striptease. Then all "wow!" are shocked. I said, "Look at him, how good I was. So now, how much do I say?" Boxun said more than 100 articles are now proved to be false, what responsibility should they bear? What about Snow, what about Li Hongkuan, what about Xia Yeliang, what about incest, I said that I would sue them, what Chen Jun, what by the Yellow River in Canada, I would all sue these people. I said we make sense, we have evidence, this is basic common sense. The explanation is very clear.
Do you think what I said makes sense?
This explanation is justified and supported by a lot of evidence.
Then I talked about some events of the overseas democratic movement. I said that in the past few decades, many people have not worked. But many people also live in luxury houses, villas, luxury cars, and do not work. Some people also asked for marriage notices to change their wives. Some people wear it very well. Where does his money come from? Inhale the air?
I said that you look at this Wang Jinzhong in Japan, known as an old democracy activist. I would like to reiterate here that Wang Jinzhong is not a former staff member of the Chinese Embassy in Japan. I used to make a mistake. I'm sorry I was wrong.
He was in contact with some people in the Chinese embassy in Japan, sorry again, sorry sorry. I want to apologize to Mr. Wang Jingzhong. Nothing else has changed, this information is wrong, I want to apologize to you.
This I said, in addition, Canada, Europe, and Australia, you look at how many people, you see that Yuan Hongbin, I said this Yuan Hongbin, I let him look at the positions that this person has held. Everyone knows the positions he has accepted, the donations he has received, and the donations Guo Baosheng used to know. This is a liar, a low-level liar. Rotten liar!
I said it was not called the democratic movement. I said that China’s sad thing was that all four of our [civilians] were destroyed, the democracy was destroyed by the Communist Party, the democratic movement was destroyed by these bullying houses, and the civil rights were stolen by the thief. No more, no more, our public opinion was also represented by them, and all democratic rights and democracy were gone. All four people were destroyed.
Applause applause, well said, applause.
You said that I will maintain more than 100 billion yuan of assets in the pro-democracy democracy movement abroad. I will send 18 brothers, nieces, and family members into prison. I woke up every morning about the crying and pain of my family. Hundreds of my employees were arrested and humiliated, and dozens of my employees were sentenced while standing there and attacked. My tens of billions of assets overseas were seized and then hunted down. Someone downstairs held a sign to protest. I am a rapist. I am a rogue and a liar. Do they know me? Why do they do that? Who instructed? I have never known so many pro-democracy activists, and have described me as a fairy. I refused.
Now it's like shit, what's the reason? Why is a person's personality split to such an extent? Why do I have to take so much money, then the life of the whole family to maintain the stability of the overseas democratic movement? If there is such a person who is willing to maintain stability, I am willing to give him a kowtow every day. He takes my 10,000th of the resources, safety, and cost to maintain the overseas democracy movement, and I give you a kowtow every day. I'll do whatever you want me to do, I can do whatever I want! Is it true? Is it logical? What is my purpose? What do I need? Some people believe it!
Someone believed! Someone even said it was a tragedy! Not the national character, but the thinking of our nationality (original: national us) was raped and kidnapped. Is there something wrong with what I said? Is this the case? and so,
60 minutes 26 seconds
Dear comrades! We are really in the Western world. Our words and deeds, what we have said and done, will ultimately be true and false. Then many people say, you are a lunatic, how can you overcome this system? I said that we, it is my right, and the result! result! I said that Shenxian Yanggu is cashing in now (Note: I don’t know how to write this colloquial word). Let’s use the result to say what I said. I’ll say three years, 2020, 2020, and expire in May 2020, yes Right?
Let's see! Also said, why don’t you retaliate? Why don't you oppose the Communist Party? I said that I was against the Communist Party. I don’t call on. I want China to change its one-party system and let the people decide! I am not against Xi. I always think that Mr. Xi Jinping is now capable and capable! There is a chance that China will truly realize a society ruled by law. Let us take the time for democratic democracy. The Singapore model, as I said, is just a reference. It is impossible to copy the Singapore model. But I said, what way, what kind of form, I can not decide,
It’s not decided by anyone. If anyone decides, that’s not what we want. It’s decided by 1.4 billion people. What I want is decided by 1.4 billion people. This is the Chinese model. This is called Chinese righteousness. That’s The world of the people is not the world of the family, not the world of the party. I said today's army, some people say, this person is the home security, the party security, is it pitiful? Not worthy of pity! I said you were wrong, he had no choice, these veterans are poor, we must help them! The big truck driver is poor, he has no choice! If there is a choice in the world, is he willing to leave it as a security guard? Will he kill his compatriots on the June 4th incident?
Impossible, I said that we must be logical, objective, and that environment. Make it clear? I said that mankind has only hatred, violence, and seized power. He will be ended with violence, and it will not be accepted by the people, and it is not in the national interest of the people (Note: any mistakes?), and it is not in the national interest, ( Note: The more than 20 words in the preceding paragraph are a bit confusing, as if they don’t understand, did I understand?) I just want to oppose violence, the so-called liquidation, and the violent revolution! Because of what? I said what is the biggest revolution in the world? What is it? Communism and capitalism, the contest between the United States and the former Soviet Union, is the great President Reagan, using technology to go to the moon plan, the Manhattan plan,
Then in this military, every aspect of the battle is substantive, the former Soviet Union is broken down and disintegrated, the German wall is collapsed, things (note: the West is redundant?) Berlin is liberated, is there a war? Is it dead? No! In the past, the mode of war, the mode of violence, that was too old, that was a disaster, that was the most stupid decision, and the result was all bad, it was a vicious cycle. Good and evil (note: it should be a verbally redundant word). It is wrong to use evil means. I said why can't China and the West be resolved in a completely peaceful way? Let Mr. Xi Jinping see the situation clearly and the people's appeal! Didn't he say that?
The people's longing for a better life is our goal of struggle. Wow, right? not bad! Just do it! Let’s yearn, yearn for democracy, the rule of law, freedom, Chinese uprightism, that is the Himalayas, the Himalayas are the people of the world, not to the Himalayas to freeze us to death, we really can’t get up, really up to the Himalayas, I It is estimated that when we climbed to one-thousandth, we froze to death, and we all became human beings. I am talking about a very high one, which makes us look up, respect, and difficult to challenge, but he is a goal for us humans. It’s not that no one climbs up, it’s a leader, tell you, this is a goal we are pursuing. This goal is the world of the people, and the past party world.
Some people have changed the world. This is why I said that Mr. Wan Runnan explained it well. Take a good look at the June 4th, people Wantong, Wanlao do things, Chinese entrepreneurs, Ma Huateng next door today, Mr. Ma Huateng, you To have his ideal of one hundredth of a billion, what you have left, Mr. Ma Huateng is now 50 years old, you live another 50 years, 15,000 days, what can you do? You can still live 3,000 for 300 years. It’s impossible. What great things you can do in these 15,000 days. You can do it, and Ma Yun can do it. Chinese entrepreneurs have a conscience. I think that any entrepreneur in China is different from others and is great. He is an elite everywhere. He has no choice. People are the world. If you want to give people the choice today, people are the people, the government the people choose, The government that people like will accept it,
What are the problems of environmental pollution today, what is the problem of unfair social distribution, what is the difference between the quality of poor mountainous areas and urban people, and the cultural background between the 50 ethnic groups can let everyone make a decision, the decision is not absolutely beautiful , But it is a standard and result acceptable to most people. What is wrong? At that time, Ma Yun and Ma Huateng must have stood up as Buddhas. I am convinced that they must be! definitely is! In essence, no one is bad. Chinese entrepreneurs are not even Primary Three,
It’s just the lady in the brothel, it’s just a brand, but you gave him a dignity, gave him a choice, marry me, still want to marry me, of course, I chose to marry, now I have no choice, so This system, this environment determines the quality of our people, and all the decisions, as well as the choice he has no choice but to be forced to help, which is why we are pursuing the Himalayas. They accept, accept, and accept very much. This explanation is very interesting, I hope comrades, you criticize, scold, criticize and criticize.
(I can see it here, there is no monitor here...)
I want to talk to you about another topic. This topic is very interesting. What are your recent feelings? Oops, it's uncomfortable to say...
(I can see it here, there is no monitor here...)
I want to talk to you about another topic. This topic is very interesting. What are your recent feelings? Oops, it's uncomfortable to say that we have rescued several people recently. They are here now. They are comrades-in-arms. It has nothing to do with my company, personally. They are persecuted. Recently, as long as I watched Luther videos, as soon as I was found out, I was immediately detained, including Zhaoming. Yesterday, I heard that Mr. Zhaoming was not good enough to watch Zhaoming. You can go to twitter and youtube.
Ah, you can't forward it, and then the younger brother, Temei, "I'm going to be one hundred thousand!", Biao! In the name of Guo Wengui, I sued the younger brother of the government affairs and stopped him. You see that it is not terrible, it is terrible! Who? The thieves did it! So, at the same time, we rescued a few comrades, what about these ladies, what did you do in the past? An important person in the past connotation. In the first two days, we communicated in a special way, rescued them, and stayed in Hong Kong in a silly way. Hurry up and leave. How can Hong Kong do it? I’ve been to Japan now, and I have never met my Japanese comrades-in-arms. Immediately after receiving it, the arrangement is particularly good. Ah, it’s very good. There are so many great comrades, too! This touch is really, really can't speak, there is too much silence,
Too many comrades, ah, this is what I met on Twitter, I said if you can do them a favor, just help, Mr. Taohua, I have to thank you sincerely! what! You can save a family of 5 people, including a woman who has been pregnant for more than 5 months. The family has been abused and miserable. Recently, I watched Luther videos and brothers in government affairs, and I watched videos of Mr. Zhaoming. Yes, there are videos of Carlisle, these hot videos, that is absolutely not enough! When I was asked, I was caught. If you watch my video, you must be caught!
Moreover, due to the occurrence of Guo Zhanzhuang, I heard that a special team has designed a complete set of plans, that is, once Guo Zhuangzhuang enters the country, how to get me, how to convict, how to frame me, let these people put on the battle Installed, Guo Zhanzhuang, self-immolation, supporting Wengui exposure, self-immolation, you see, Guo Wengui did it? I became the second Dalai Lama, you holdings, you let the Tibetans set themselves on fire, is it possible? you holdings When I saw the Dalai Lama, I said would you let the Tibetans set themselves on fire? He said, do you think I will let the Tibetans set themselves on fire? Do you think? He says
How can I be willing to watch them burn themselves? Then he was very painful and impossible! Well, Tibet has carried out the largest public case in 50 years. Tens of thousands of troops went in to seal off Tibet. Excuses, make an incident! I opened here, Guo Zhuangzhuang is about to start, so I don’t send it domestically, I know it here, I know that way, I’ll give it to you a few points, I’m not afraid of them being framed , I’m just a costume, and we have changed the costume now, we put Guo Zhan costume on a Guo website, and then, everyone in the future, we are qualified,
We set the qualifications, you are qualified, you have a Guo video, how long did you register, and then how long did this Guo media use, in the past was a real Guo Guo person on youtube, and Twitter People like Guo, this dress will be given to you automatically, and all our laws are set according to US laws, and they will never be fooled by them! However, all comrades must feel that they are staring, you must not be fooled by them, this is one. One more thing, everyone must remember recently that this veteran incident is a good one for us, and there is the big truck incident,
Let’s not be violent, don’t do anything to kill, beat, burn, or smash a house, it will be destroyed, just like June 4th, the mob, the riots, after giving the handle, we are not so Stupid, if you smash a room, you smash a thousand rooms, you can’t change this thief, but you let him prolong his life. We can only peacefully protest and appeal to wake up the souls of people who have lost their senses. Let them make rational decisions. Why are we so stupid? Don't use your own stupidity, don't use your own impulses, bury your ideals, comrades, bury the beautiful era, the era of the rule of law, and your own beautiful future. Don't be impulsive, not be exploited, never make excessive or excessive actions, let alone give others a handle, and make unnecessary sacrifices.
Ah, why some comrades were caught, I can't say it, the more I say, the more I hurt you, I can't say it! Henan has a saying, don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t do it, ah, no. So, dear comrades, Wen Gui has recently been sublimated, really sublimated. He is more determined and full of hope for this legal China. This is very good and very realistic. And don’t tell the Communist Party what to do. The Communist Party must accept a non-governmental election peacefully. That’s it. If you are elected, you will be elected. You said that you will be liquidated and violent. I’m sorry. , I will not participate.
This kind of trade war between China and the United States, trade disputes and what I will tell you next, the military interaction between China and the United States, so, at this time, we want to see our opportunity when the trade between China and the United States The contest and many military operations to come, and joint operations with multiple countries, will bring unprecedented opportunities to China's legal environment and legal process, opportunities that you cannot imagine, and opportunities for peace, Matisse The Minister of Defense saw this room a few hours ago, who
Ye, this Wei Fenghe, and then see Xu Qiliang, and then President Xi Jinping, and then fly to South Korea, and then go to Japan, take a photo in China, talk about North Korea in South Korea, talk about the South China Sea incident in Japan, fly back, Ma This buddy, Tis, is a genius. Look, he is the only person in the Trump camp who has no controversy and does not speak. This person is really amazing! There will be a lot of military incidents that you can’t imagine, and I will tell you about it here,
I am convinced that the United States has no choice. The United States made a statement at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore. Why did we cancel China to participate in the US military exercise, because President Xi promised President Obara that China would not send troops to the South China Sea , They turned their backs on it, so they did it. I didn’t say it in the video for the first two days. Fang Fenghui was arrested. This is absolutely true. I once met in Maraago and asked Mattis Defense Minister, what kind of troops do you like to fight most? He said, I like to fight with troops that have never trained in battle every day. what does it mean? One person is confident, and the other is to maintain peace and not fight.
Ah, I heard that. In addition, I also heard that Mr. Kim Jong-un visited Beijing. This time, he met President Xi and talked privately, saying how do you think about President Trump? Kim Jong-un said with a very clear attitude, I think this person is a little crazy. After seeing this person, I think this person is really smart and not so simple. And he said, I do feel this person is terrible, why? He said that the past president did not believe in North Korea's war, and said that he was so dare! He may dare to press the button at any time and dare to go to war. This is his feeling. Really! This time in the United States, this president really dared to work, this administration really dared to work, and behind the change in the entire trading environment was the support of military forces, the change in the support of military forces,
So I think this world is a huge change, so I hope to say that the United States and European trading partners have split, so there is a chance to trade China. The G7 in the world challenges the United States. It is impossible, impossible, according to our thieves. As Chairman Hu Youxi said, we have a card in hand and we have a lot of leverage that can be changed. Neuropathy! He doesn’t have a card in his hand. He has a card-making machine. What use do you have? You have 54 cards. He has a card-making machine. He has 54,000 cards and 504 cards. why?
Democracy! Absorbing talents from all over the world, he can also print dollars. He has the richest land in the world, the safest border, and the smartest people! These days I feel that this American is too smart. The Chinese, in the first two days, Wu Ting said in the group that when the Chinese arrive in the United States, they look down on the Americans, saying that Americans are stupid, saying that they are actually smarter than Chinese ,
Be brave and have great wisdom. I am not necessarily right, I fully agree. Americans, they seem to be silly when they first contact, they are very smart, and they are very hardworking, hardworking, and very brave. This is really some national personality that is really different from ours. If Mr. Kim Jong-un really said that, he would be right. He really dared to press the button this president. He is not fake. Peace on the peninsula now means peace on the peninsula. North Korea’s denuclearization is not at this Sichuan-Golden Forum. It is called denuclearization of the peninsula. Pay attention to this word. This is strategic. Now, in this world, we want to engage in fire fighting.
Real wars are impossible to solve the problem, so I think that China will bring the trade war to an end in a peaceful manner, and it will not be too long, and it will not be too long for everyone to imagine. All countries will destroy the Communist Party and China will be in civil strife! Impossible, the United States does not need it, and he can’t do it. In the end, he will make a deal and be a diu. This will start mutual trust. Everyone’s relationship with China’s political system, trade environment, economic opening, market opening, and external relations With thorough and essential good changes, President Xi’s prestige will rise internationally, and then the Communist Party will face the demands of the world, the demands of democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and fairness.
There is no choice, the end is the world of the people, don't want to do the world of the family, don't want to do the world of the party, don't want to say that President Xi governs 30 years, 2025, 2035, 2050, impossible, absolutely impossible. Anyone who is in contact with Western leaders, you will think that it is impossible, that is crazy, that is absolutely impossible, this is what I said, our generation is too great, too happy, really we Every day when we sleep, we should be happy to sleep and wake up and laugh. Our generation is in human history. At this stage, there are the least wars, the least number of abnormal deaths, the least natural disasters, and the most human food supply. Well, people have the highest exchange information, the longest lifespan, the most diversity of life, and the most abundant exchanges between peoples,
Then mankind has more space-space, we are not grateful for this era, we are not grateful for this great moment of mankind, we really don’t deserve to live in this world, we are grateful for everything every day, all the troubles encountered today, you and Compared with history in the past, it is not bothersome. Compared with World War II, it is nothing and nothing. In World War II, when you say you die, you die, you are gone, and you are displaced. Now, it is a matter of the political system. This is what I said. When any country wants to privatize its government and publicize its wealth,
The people have entered the waters. China is a bit on this path now, but I believe that through the environment of the world, the information age, the age of science and technology, and China’s real strength, you have no choice but to follow the mainstream, ah, fashionable words, and go against each other. Ah, walking in the same direction is to work hard together, that is peace, right? It's peace, there is no choice, ah, no choice.
Comrades, we will start the arrival of a great and unimaginable peaceful prosperous world. The 1.4 billion people are really like the beautiful legal environment I have seen, and will gradually be realized in China within a certain period of time. The Chinese people There will be more joy, and in the case of belief and religion, there must be no political religion, no political belief, political belief and political religion is absolutely sad, that is not called faith, not called religion, this In a situation where you meet each other, meet each other, and meet each other, China will move towards a prosperous and prosperous era through our two generations. That is the real people's longing for a better life, oh, that is ! And it will surely be achieved. The entire big international environment, big world environment, economic environment, technological environment, and information environment, which one is a politician or two politicians, are you impossible?
Never possible! So, comrades-in-arms, we hold ourselves and cherish our first moments, ah, this, look at how good we are now, so many people hack our media, you don’t even know, I can’t help Show, to what extent Guo Media was hacked. I was cheated by Taiwan’s blue golden color, I was cheated by Taiwan, and also by Japan. This Wang Jingzhong is definitely one of the black hands. Mr. Wang Jingzhong, if you hear that, you can come over and sue me, I I also know that you have done a lot of things behind you. Zeng Hong introduced a lot of people for interviews. You introduced them. Ting Guo also introduced you. Several people in Japan also introduced you.
Even you want to support Guo, but I know the background behind you, lifted high, and smashed hard. My pot is flexible, titanium alloy, smashed, collapsed,-still ringing, singing the white fox's music, Acacia Parting, Teng-went up, snapped down, came back, played a beautiful music. Why don’t you smash us all the time? I'm sorry, Mr. Wang Jinzhong, I'm kidding you, I'm going to Japan, I must ask you to drink, I heard you can drink, ah, and that Miss Wu, Mr. Li Xiaomu, Mr. Yeliang Cat, Your Majesty , I'll give you a drink, think about it, really Guo, don't always want to smash the pot.
Our current political environment in China is basically to get the bird into the sea. This bird is very comfortable when I enter the sea. I am very unique. I have created a miracle. In the sea, I release the fish. Go to the woods, the tree has gone, you see me all the fish are on the tree, it is short-lived, his result will face death, the fish must be in the sea, the fish with water is called the fish, the bird must return to the woods Go inside, that is called a bird, a bird that can fly. Our society is upside down. We turned the water and the bird, and the fish and the bird upside down. You see, we should have stayed inside Zhongnankeng now, we have wise man,
People with conscience are now a bunch of confused, many of them are bad guys, put those bad guys, they should be put in jail. Now they enter Zhongnankeng. It’s like putting fish in the woods, hanging in Put the bird into the sea on the treetop
This is wrong, this is called the end of the book, this is the fault of the system, there is a problem with the society, there is a problem with our hearts,
At noon today, a buddy said that you like this way of life. I said that the most dislike of our family is high-profile, and the least willing to be known by others. I said that none of our family is happy. Now when I go out, no one wants to follow me, and they are far away. I am afraid that others will know. I said that I have already gone this way, and I really don't care.
 Today I saw a few compatriots in a Japanese restaurant. I am very happy with such a high-end Japanese restaurant. A few guys are beaming, young generation, handsome, very sunny, very very good. The young generation abroad is really sunny and beautiful. , Good physique, well-dressed, new generation, thoughts, ideas, really amazing, I met 7 or 8 students from China the day before yesterday, "Mr. Guo, Mr. Guo" people immediately gathered around to prevent others from taking pictures, Very consciously looking at me in the face, and then talking to me, very polite to say no problem with our bodyguards, Mr. Guo, we never take pictures with you, they are very polite, the children wear very well, Uniqlo, but very Decent.
We look at us Chinese, one year old, 5 years old, all different. Just eat at the age of 10 and swish your mouth, wipe your mouth with your sleeves, your suit splayed your sleeves, you didn’t stand, your legs were not straight, you sagged your legs , Why? Do we have any questions? No problem. Looking at Japan, looking at Asia, looking at South Korea, looking at Singapore, looking at Hong Kong, Japanese football has all entered the World Cup. They are all yellow races, and all ethnic groups are the same. It is a problem of the educational environment.
When we are overseas, foreigners always ask me why Chinese people don’t laugh, they don’t say hello when they meet, they don’t reply when they are greeted, and the younger generation doesn’t. Our older generation sees people to say hello, don’t care about how others respond, don’t move, and don’t move. Discrimination, don’t go where you stand, you don’t stand, you don’t sit like you, you speak louder, you have nothing to eat, everyone feels like an emperor, the last few people talked like they were cattle The leadership is really bad.
So foreigners ask this question, it’s very direct, it’s really our fault, we have to correct it, dear comrades, you are the most important part of my life, and I don’t have the right to refuse, to choose, we only have Struggle together, be glorious, destroy me, destroy me, realize our Himalayas, let China and the world coexist peacefully, let China truly realize the modernization of the world, the people are the masters, and the people truly realize the idea of ​​a better life to.
Let the Chinese police, public prosecution law, army, and urban management not oppress the people. We all have parents, wives, children, and husbands. Let us not be bad guys who oppress the people, and do not be fooled by people. They say that the people are of poor quality and shameless. People are all dignified and human lives are equal. We have to enjoy, be grateful, communicate, and do every action we do overseas. Chinese people lead by example, lead by example, and live like the Chinese, Oppose false and evil, spread good and true, reduce hatred and contradictions, let alone catch secret agents.
Yesterday, Li Xiaomu was very good at WHATAPP. No matter who is the secret agent, as long as Guo is a friend, I think he is very realistic, and he can be a politician by this point. That’s right, as long as he can make Chinese Live a good life, be healthy, safe and secure, and realize the rule of law in China. All are friends.
Sometimes I also have emotions and neuropathy, and I can’t hold my words. Sometimes I talk nonsense and emotionally. You just treat me as a child, with low education and poor quality. Don’t be like me. You have to look at my good side.
My breaking news, everything is true, but there are strategies in it, and the result is final. I feel that I really have a mission. My task is to enlighten more people, kill the thieves, and let the Chinese people go to the rule of law.
I really hope my colleagues in China can see that when I used to work with them, I always felt that I was right. Now I think of how many things are correct. I give employees a meeting for 2-5 hours all day. The words are too ignorant. The bigger feeling at this hearing is that we are all using unprofessionals to manage the most professional things, which is too bad. Specialize, do whatever you want. I am the most professional person in the company now. Pages and clauses, page Alibaba's IPO listing documents, page.
After returning, I told my wife how I felt, but my wife stared at me for a long time, saying that you regarded the security department as your own child. 50% of our company’s executives were brought up by the security department. More than 570 employees in the company followed You are 27, 8 years. It’s scary. This is my advantage. Half of the employees are security guards. I think this woman is not easy. You know this number, and you don’t work. After you left Beijing, every time the ad hoc team said that your husband is a madman, a whole bunch of security guards, doing such a big enterprise, building such a big building, how did he manage it, we watch the video, 1 For a few hours, did the security guards understand and still manage the company? It was not broken down. My wife learned about my company through the task force and it came up with these things for me. She and I never talked about them. Thing, is it painful to talk about it? 89 My wife and I, this family, never talked about, too painful, never communicated.
We are all graduated from the most professional and best universities. I have learned a lot this time, so I am now full of confidence in our realization of Himalayan. Dear comrades, everything is just beginning. I hope that today’s video communication will let everyone get With a lot of information, I hope you can criticize a lot. I wish all my comrades all the best. Thank you.