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Miles Guo 20170910

Miles Guo 20170910

Come up. Why is this dark? Why is this dark? Hello everyone! Hello everyone! Hey! what's up? it is good!
(10) Dear friends! Dear friends, Hello all friends!
This is the live broadcast of Wengui newspaper on September 10! Report safe live!
Hey! well! The new system was replaced today. A new system has been replaced. very good. Do you think lighting is OK? Is the sound ok? it is good! Today is another system. First of all, I apologize to all my friends again. When we were on the ship yesterday, it was indeed that we did not handle it well. But the actual situation at the time was that we tweeted this phone all the time to hackers. He hasn't mastered another system of ours, so I said yesterday that you shut it down. He was closed. After it was closed, it was also because Wengui was usually too domineering, and told the children to execute, not to execute at a discount. It turned off and he could see the screen but I couldn't see it. I will adjust it today. They will not tell me. Say everyone calls for open to open. In fact, he thinks that indeed my video is too dark. The second is always hacking. I didn't get it. He shut it off. (10) Sorry again, all the friends. Make you anxious. My heart is always unreliable. I hope all the friends I bring are healthy and happy. I don’t want to bring everyone nervous and unhappy. I'm really sorry.
Yesterday, I actually talked about many things on the ship, and many friends have many reactions. A lot of repercussions. As for yesterday’s live broadcast content, I have a very big impression. After yesterday’s broadcast, that is to say, Wengui actually has an important premise every time it is broadcast: I try to put as much as possible Things to say some civilian words, and then try to say some things as far as possible. I started to say one by one, this is my way!
So in this case, I especially hope that my friends can seriously think about things. In fact, many of Wen Gui's remarks meant something, not so simple! not that simple!
[Topic] One of the most fashionable actions across the country
Today I will talk about some of these issues. Especially Guo Qitiao I was talking to a veteran. During the conversation with the veteran the night before yesterday, one of the things he really touched was Guo Qitiao!
Guo Qitiao has caused a huge response within the entire domestic system! Great response! It can be said that Zhongnanhai absolutely did not know that it caused a shock within the party. Absolutely don't know. Their arrogance and their power have made them lose their eyes and lose a basic ability to judge things and to judge the truth. That's what I always said, I'll be deceived! Their entire utopian thought has penetrated into the bone marrow! Can't listen to the truth! I talked about it last time!
What are they afraid of? Fear of getting sick! Fear of telling the truth! Fear of double rules! Don’t joke about telling the truth, because when you tell the truth, you strip off the emperor’s new clothes! Telling the truth will make them lose their confidence! No confidence! all fake! Do you emphasize if you are confident? No need to emphasize! No confidence! So telling the truth will pierce everyone's lies! Now the whole country is maintained by lying, deceiving and threatening to falsify! Then this truth cannot be said! The impact of Wengui's Guo Qitiao on the system is huge!
Many of the veterans of this veteran are in the army, and now the video and audio of Guo Wengui are circulating in the army, which has become like copying the heart of a girl when I was in school. We saw the heart of the girl at that time, and we were slammed by the teacher several times. Calling to stand in the class and go to Biabia to give us a big mouth. Fanned me. At that time, because of my family education, the teacher was more important than the father and mother. I don’t dare to fight back, just because I heard that the girl’s heart has been recited, but what is the girl’s heart now? Right? That's a natural thing!
Now Guo Qitiao has been used by everyone in various versions and services. Because this veteran veteran is quite a cadre, and there is an in-service general, he said that all Guo Qitiao is definitely beyond ordinary people’s imagination, the judicial system in the army within the party is transmitting, and no one doubts Guo Qitiao’s No, everyone feels the voice! Isn’t it wrong to oppose corruption and corruption? Isn't this what Zhongnanhai pursues? Against the pursuit of all humanity by police against corruption? It is the pursuit of the whole world to oppose ruling the country by police! It is at least human nature to oppose Islam and anti-corruption! Is there something wrong with this? ! Right? So I said that I am not against the country, not against the nation, not against the president!
I never said no against the party! I have never talked about anti-Party! Anyway, I think the Communist Party is not a good thing! All mankind does not think that your Communist Party is a good thing! Is there something wrong with this? Guo Qitiao expressed everyone's voice. Guo Qitiao brought a truth to everyone. The standard for telling the truth.
Therefore, Guo Qitiao has caused huge repercussions inside and outside the party. This is what Guo Wengui must stick to in the end. We can't counter President Xi! Chairman Xi was definitely kidnapped by them. They were definitely deceived by them. Of course, President Xi, I said he is a monarch of thousands of years is an adjective. He is also human! He is not a god! He is a god and he will make mistakes! And I think there is nothing, there is nothing to doubt, President Xi is now our absolute next three years, we can watch the people moving forward in three years. No one else can replace him. This is from my heart.
As for the whole situation today, everyone can see a clue that all the leaders of Zhongnanhai are also aware of the seriousness of this matter and the seriousness. That is all my breaking news today, I have reminded everyone! I told them at least that they don’t know, or that they already know different information, and the impact is huge. In addition to the influence inside and outside the system, in China's cultural and intellectual circles, the influence is huge! Including Peking University that hurt me. Peking University 99.999 are good people. How many national talents have been trained by Peking University!
The bad guys like Zhu Ranran Zhu Maoyuan Zhang Xuebing is still like Li You, Li You is not Peking University! What Wei Xin na, these, what summer hemorrhoids, this is all animal-grade, not counted as Peking University. Peking University! He doesn't deserve this word!
From this series of things, it has caused huge repercussions in the intellectual circle of culture! Many people suggested that I say: Wen Gui talks about the Renaissance, talk about the cultural world. I said that I can't talk now, I have too many things to talk about. But the point is that this is Wengui's personality and my way of life. I will go all out to deal with the blue-golden people at home and abroad, and the power of silence. This is the dog and the beater who undermines China's progress toward democracy and the rule of law! We must set aside all the dirt and dust that cover our heads. Just like Xia Hemorrhoids Chapter Hemorrhoids Wei Shi Shi Nuo Toad Li Weidong, what else is He Qinglian, and what series of things, these things are smashed! These people are great gifts for us! They will let us see these silent forces, threatening our entire pursuit of democracy, freedom and the rule of law overseas. See what these people really do! See Taiwan see Hong Kong
Tell him that I received it. Ouch! I'm embarrassed now. What do I want to say? This phone burst! exploded! Are all intercede! There is really no way! We must see that in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, Europe, and America, the hidden forces one by one must let him burst out. Don’t care if you tweeted. Look at Youtube, fake Zhaoming, Xiaoping, Heping, and Fake Monkey King. Don’t care about them. This is all villain behavior. The big things we have to do are all too small actions. This further proves that the thieves of the thieves are despicable and their fear! Don't care at all! No need to consider! So what about us overseas, it's just my rushing to beat rabbits!
The other one of our most important is: After the reaction from the legal circles in the intellectual circles at home and abroad, and after the legal circles, everyone is silent. I don't want so many people to sacrifice! I have felt it, and it is also in my plan to make an impact in various circles in China. Especially in the intellectual and cultural circles, there are so many people with conscience! Very much! Everyone has been doing things silently with their own strength. We are planning for our future, we are planning, we should not worry.
At our grassroots largest basic level, it is now a taxi driver, the most difficult of us are in the city. I call all the taxi drivers in China who are sweeping the floor in our nightclubs. The little brothers and sisters who send plates are collectively called little sisters and brothers in the nightclub. They are the worst. Watching someone else make sex, thousands and tens of thousands per hour, I swept the floor there, listening to the climactic sounds, the false screaming sounds, and then took three hundred dollars a month. This is miserable! There is no way to prove one's sexual ability. There is no sex life. Every day I get that kind of stimulation. That stimulation also comes from abnormal stimulation. So taxi drivers are one of the weakest classes in China. The construction workers are even worse than our rebar workers. Who respects taxi drivers in China? No one respects! Taxi drivers are very important and basic support for Wengui. Because they meet different people every day!
What they saw in their hearts, he worked better than that camera. They use their brains, they have wisdom. They have a conscience. They have judgment. And taxi drivers are very intelligent people. Otherwise, most people would not dare to drive a taxi driver. What they have seen is too much. No taxi driver is worse than a professor at Peking University! Any Chinese taxi driver, especially one in Beijing, is better than Professor Xia Hemorrhoids!
You stand there and talk to him. I guess Professor Xia was lying on the ground in half an hour, so he had to take off his pants. My brother you said. So, these taxi drivers are too important! If one day, we Himalayan realize that day, I will definitely let the taxi driver and taxi driver redefine their status! redefine! Taxi drivers are our huge power of communication! This is a huge help for us!
Except that the taxi driver is now opening a restaurant selling meat and vegetables, everyone is standing there watching Wengui's video! Listen to Wengui's video! It has become one of the most fashionable actions across the country. The equivalent of listening to Teresa Teng’s song was to send a girl’s heart! This is very important. This is a new goal reached by Wengui in the past seven or eight months. This is within the scope of my plan!
I want to say that Guo Qitiao is our foundation. Guo Qitiao is our pursuit. We must not cross Guo Qitiao. Many people want us to become Guo Bajo. Become Guo Liujo. Everyone remembers: Anything that thinks like this is irrational. Anyone who thinks this way has either a problem in his mind or a problem in his thinking. We must not be fooled by these people! Can't jump into this? ring! Everyone must remember! This is the first one I said.
Hey, I'm going to drink some saliva, and I'm excited when I say it.
[Topic] One day when you are in trouble
The second one is Ma Yun. Everyone looked at 10:28 and I was a good friend and sent me a message in a hurry. Because I sent out today to talk about Ma Yun. My friend is a very good man, and has given me a lot of help and support in the months of breaking news. I respect him very much. Very very ordinary person. He is also one of the elements of June 4th. But for so many years in silence, he helped a lot of people, especially the things I admire. He was already poor. He was great in Liu Xiaobo's family. Helped so many things, and I respect it at this point. We have too many rich people. What kind of deeds did you do? Don’t want to be poor when you are rich! I'm running out of money and thinking about the poor. Many people say that Guo Wengui would have thought of today if he had something to do. Then you are absolutely wrong. Guo Wengui never wanted to be rich! The wealth I have accumulated is for today! You don't know Guo Wengui, let's look down slowly!
So ah, Mr. Ma Yun had to talk about many things today, because Mr. Ma Yun was very simple and had to say a lot. Just a few words today. I have already sent it out, and Mr. Ma Yun will not say anything. I will show you the flight records in your plane, and your pants in China will take off! Stop speaking on business. What are you talking about? is not it? I have more than 180 flight records of you. Flight records cannot be changed. Secretary Wang Qishan went to Central Station and this and that, can you change that flight record? Didn’t Song Jun give you a part of Wang Qishan’s flight records? I didn’t even take out one thousandth? It’s not that one-hundredth of a thousandth is not taken out! Moreover, after I came out, I asked Secretary Wang Qishan to answer the people of the whole country and the people of the world. These were not given by Song Jun. Did your family fly? When your plane flies to the world for five or six hundred thousand hours an hour, this plane only serves your home Yao Qing! Only serve Yao Mingshan! Only for Zhao Jun! Only serve Zhao Rong! Only serve Liu Xinyang who just passed away! Only serve Liu Chengjie Guanjun! The record of the plane is unchangeable in the world. Can't you change it? Can you change it? Do you dare to go to the central stage? Do you dare to confront me? Then Fred Mu was the part I sent to him and asked him to make a video for me. You caught him. Now let him speak out, and I know you will do so! Will I put all the eggs in one basket? Is it that stupid?
Mr. Ma Yun, don't fight this with Guo Wengui. I hope you come to the United States to sue me. As soon as you sue me in the US court, you said you took out your flight records. Who flew with? Is there anyone on the plane taking drugs? Did you mess up with the party there? Are there any videos in the Macau casino? Isn't it over! Where does the money come from? Guo Wengui's words are not written, I am not looking for death! I have been here for seven or eight months and no lawsuit has been brought against me! Light shouted there! What are you calling? The eunuch watched the emperor go to bed and yelled, that's your number! You have the ability to be true! Don't listen to the windows too much, scream! Scratch and scratch! You have something to do with both parties! Right? Don't scratch yourself! What do you call? What is it called? Come in and come up! Are you capable? No skill! What can I call? Why did HNA sue me? HNA is looking for you? If you don’t tell me, you won’t be called HNA! I have asked the lawyer to reply you in full! Let's take a look at you, HNA, would you dare to beat the lawsuit?
Mr. Ma Yun, I will give my friend a face today and I will not go down! Let's stop here! When the younger brother of the Macau casino bought me the video, I gave him two million. He said you are not enough for Ma Yun to poke! I was fired at that time! If I say you want to be Ma Yun, do you have Jiang Mianheng? Do you have Jiang Zemin? All China Unicom Telecom serves one person: Ma Yun! Another person is called Ma Huateng! The communication rights of 1.4 billion people are monopolized by them! do you have? Are you greedy? I said can you be greedy? Give you two million and you think Ma Yun will be gone! Jack Ma played dozens of billions! Ma Yun is rich! Where did Ma Yun get his money? That piece of money in Ma Yun is money laundering! Right? So, I won’t say more about Ma Yun today! I gave my face to this man today, and I will stop here. I had to repeat Mr. Ma Yun.
Mr. Ma Yun, I especially hope that you will sue me. Come and sue me! You don't sue me, but I'm going to open wide these days. Because you are directly related to the economic lifeline of the Jiang family. Your Ant Financial Costume will be 5 trillion! Your five trillion will cheat the Chinese again by five trillion! Five trillion is one trillion dollars! Now that there are so many high-ranking children, what son-in-law helps the secretary to ask someone to help the illegitimate child to lie on you like a lice!
You see clearly Mr. Ma Yun! One day when you are in trouble, no one will follow you! Who follows you? The tree fell apart! I have seen through this set, Mr. Ma Yun! We also know each other. That day I told you to drink and tell you, don’t believe these grandsons, who are the second generation of officials, what son-in-law, and which are human?
How good is Chefeng to those people! Lend you money! Eat and drink as you like! Someone Che Che has an accident. How many people stood up to speak to Che Feng? That Bo Xilai did not help anyone less! The plan did not help others! In the end, someone didn’t even answer the phone!
Ma Yun, you will be even worse when you arrive that day! You have to say bad things about you! You have to step on your head and scold you! Don't you understand this? ! Don't be with them anymore! These cannibal demons! How can they not even follow the basic logic of the basic people in their hearts? ! Wake up quickly? ! Don't hurry to rescue your family! Get the assets out! What else do you want? Mr. Ma Yun! Imagine what China will look like in five years? China doesn't pack you, foreign countries pack you! Foreign countries will clean you up if they don’t clean up you! Don't you really think you look like an alien? ! Really accept you! Don't be naive! Can't you see clearly? Mr. Ma Yun for so many years? I never doubt your cleverness! I never doubt your wisdom! But I doubt your guts! I doubt your guts! And your courage!
And Mr. Ma Yun, very important things, any of those things you have pierced is not a kill! Kill 100 million times! Wake up quickly! Stop being fanciful! Looking back at what Xu Ming, Li Ming, Guo Guangchang, Wang Jianlin, Dong Wenbiao, Zhao and what, what's the end? You will have as much difficulty as you have in China! How big a person you lose as much reputation as you have! There is only one person in China: that is the head of the Communist Party! The rest are slaves!
Don't you understand this? Speak all day! You can flicker for those children. Your success is simple, it is the monopoly of official communications! Market monopoly! Financial monopoly! Then there is corruption! But you are definitely a wise person. Super smart people. Super capable person. Super executive. This is absolutely beyond doubt. Otherwise, the second generation official had the right to play by himself. He doesn't have that ability. He has no wisdom like you. He doesn't have the special charm and talent for you to do things. they do not. So you become a tool for others! You don't want to admit that you are too! Do you admit it! There is still a lot of respect for you in the world! You still have time! When going farther, when Ant Financial is doing 5 trillion, people will eat you sooner or later! What are you doing? His son is not in good health! Just that son! is not it? You are a fan of gold every day! Any functions? Don't be illusory! I also know that you are afraid! Once the Jiang family is over, you think you are over! You are climbing the second! Is that possible? The Chinese government has changed so many emperors in the past. In the end, which one do you think is finally a merchant? Not even Miss is us! Misses are not! People play you two days to give you a face to reward some people just forget. We have also been rewarded a lot of people! What is it? Not killing us is the biggest player! Hurry up and save your life! Haven't you seen it? Think about it! Wife and child suffer so much sin! See how much sin my wife and children suffer? Don't mix it up there!
【Topic】Meng Jianzhu, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee
Let's talk about Sun Lijun again. Sun Lijun is about Sun Lijun. The evil of Sun Lijun is beyond your imagination. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Sun Lijun has little official position and high authority. He has abducted Meng Jianzhu, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. Under the power of Meng Jianzhu, he was under the guise of Meng Jianzhu, and Meng Jianzhu himself agreed. He kidnapped the Chinese Political and Law Commission in its entirety. All 4 million police officers were kidnapped by him. This is why the former Secretary of the Eighth Bureau Liu Yanping, he built the entire Eighth Bureau. This Sun Lijun lives in the Eighth Bureau. Eat and drink. Collect money. A murder plan is brewing! why? Secretary Liu Yanping belongs to the Shanghai Gang. People who belong to the Zeng family! It's just a horseman from the Zeng family. Sun Lijun is the extension of the Shanghai Gang! Then he is a killer catching fast! There is no principle!
Nobody in Shanghai helps him not hate him! I hope he will die soon! Because I know too much! But no one needs him! Because he dares to start! But everyone gave him a bunch of wishes in front of him! Almost promised to let him be God!
So led to this expansion of Sun Lijun! He didn't even look at the general secretary! And under the guise of the general secretary everywhere! I once reached a tacit agreement with Wu Zheng through an intermediary! Wu Zheng provided me with evidence that Wei Shi collected money, and he also provided it. I no longer mention Wu Zheng! But Wu Zheng recently returned to the United States. Started quietly again. I told everyone in Beijing that I will not blend in. Sun Lijun is still active. Wu Zheng, I'll tell you here. Next, I will explode you and your wife! Start with your wife doing uterine cancer removal! Since you met Sun Lijun! Including Li Dong of Beijing Security Bureau! You are a dog from Shanghai Gang! I want to start bursting you! Don’t you know that you come to America? Didn’t the FBI talk to you? ! Are you not subject to American supervision when you take an American passport? You are still cheating the calf here! You are still arrogant! Sun Lijun trained a group of people like Wu Zheng! Engaged in blue and golden overseas! In addition, all of these intelligence systems, especially the people from the Jiangsu and Zhejiang generations in Shanghai, and the secret agents of the Security Agency, are controlled by him. This is why most of us who hacked all of our computer friends and those who caught us were mostly from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong and Hubei Zengxin. For the past five years in China, it has been smoldering. No laws, no standards, no rules, completely deceived! This is called Mengjiabang! The Mengjiagang serves the Jiangjiagang and Zengjiagang! The beater who came out was Sun Lijun! 100% represents Meng Jianzhu and Shanghai Jiangjia! That's why Liu Yanping came here, he told me clearly. He also told me in London. China is the world of the Jiang family! You challenge the Jiang family, you challenge the Meng family! You challenge the Wang Qishan family! You just don't want to live! Don't mention Sun Lijun! Sun Lijun's position is strictly more important than Secretary Meng! What makes sense? Let's think about it!
One has just become the deputy minister of public security, what is he doing? Has he studied law for a day? Has Meng Jianzhu studied law for a day? The Secretary of China's Political and Legal Committee, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Public Security, also manages the Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security! China's public security are all cowards! In addition to the people who sell vegetables, the Chinese public security officials beat those who come from the countryside to sell some apples. I said that I have goose bumps all over my body. Do you dare to fight Sun Lijun? Do you dare to play Meng Jianzhu? The veteran veteran said to me: "Wen Gui, to what extent have the Chinese police officers? They have the ability to bully us, the old veterans! They have the ability to bully those old and weak, sick and disabled! Got it! Do they dare to glance up? Your bureau chief, your secretary of the Political and Law Commission, your director is corrupt, do you dare to say a word? This veteran was really sad when he said it! It's too sad! Human purgatory! Millions of public security police officers, don't you know who Sun Lijun is? The entire Ministry of Public Security compound Yang Huanning was taken in! Li Dongsheng was taken in! Minister Ma Jian was taken in! Zhang Yue was taken in Go in! The Beijing Public Security Bureau has been messed up! It is Fu Zhenghua Sun Lijun kicking here! It has never been so dark in Chinese history! Even Zhou Yongkang has not been so dark! You wiped out all of Zhou Yongkang! Zhou Yongkang has committed a crime, have all the public security officers committed a crime? You said that the public security department went to the Ministry of Security and the public security department was all taken care of by you. The Public Prosecution Law, you wish you could kill the people who used your Meng Jianzhu! All the people in your Sun Lijun Do you have it? You can’t even get out of a child?! You don’t dare to get it out legally, and get an illegitimate child to go there?! Your kind of personality disorder, rape the Chinese police all the public prosecution law Your public prosecution method stares at Meng Jianzhu and Sun Lijun telling lies, and abducts all the people of the world! Fu Zhenghua Meng Jianzhu and Sun Lijun's evil of public prosecution law in the past five years highlights the incompetence of China's public prosecution law! There is no justice in public prosecution law! The public prosecution law loses its conscience! You are the daily newspaper, and you will definitely have to pay back!
How many people have died in these five years? ! How many people have been wronged? ! How many people were framed? ! How many people died? ! Displaced! Just because you caught the last net! Just because you caught the last net! Handcuffed! Bring your shackles! A teenager was beaten by you like that!
(30:14) Fu Zhenghua, Sun Lijun, Meng Jianzhu, Wang Qishan, the sins of you man-made, no country in the world will pull you down! Let's watch! Your family, all your illegitimate children, and every penny of you, Guo Wengui, will pursue it with you! Your suppression of the intellectual community, your suppression of the education community, and your control of the people's thinking far exceed that of North Korea!
Is there another country in the world that has built up such a high network wall? Is there another country in the world that has deprived 90 million party members of their WeChat and mobile phones? Can another country in the world come to New York to kill? How many countries in the world like you, Wang Qishan, Meng Jianzhu, Fu Zhenghua, Sun Lijun, who control a regime of 1.4 billion people? You don't tell about your HNA, you get Yao Qing out, you bring it out to brighten the street, it's extremely dark!
You control finance! You control all information 1 You control all private entrepreneurs! You have controlled all channels of external communication! It is to cover your sins! In the name of anti-corruption, this is called anti-corruption with the police! Fight against corruption! Greed against corruption! Run the country with police! Isn't it?
So Sun Lijun, you are a woman who plays with! Killed people! Can these people live with you? Can you pull it down? How did Li Leishi die? What is the end of Li Leishi's family? Why are people at Meng Jianzhu's family so healthy after organ replacement? Where did your serum come from? Where did your serum come from?
The young man in Xinjiang killed someone at the age of 21! How many days have they been in Beijing? Just get a crime of rape? Who raped? You will kill someone!
Who left Xinjiang people who disappeared in Beijing? Who disappeared? Where did those kidneys and livers go? Do you have any records? Do you dare to come up with all these hospitals to transplant kidney and liver? The most affected is the Xinjiang people! The Xinjiang people are almost a white mouse in your eyes! How much you want to kill!
Don’t you know that Secretary Meng Jianzhu and Zhang Chunxian quarreled in Xinjiang? Are you arguing with Zhang Chunxian? You want to kill all those who happened that day! More than 500 people are buried alive! This is what you Meng Jianzhu did! And we must push this blasting incident to the Xinjiang people! As a result, the information provided by the Ministry of Security said that it was not so. You shut them up! The people of Xinjiang did it!
And Secretary Meng Jianzhu, let me tell you: your entire casino, Secretary Meng Jianzhu, the triad casino you arranged, the Macau casino, the money laundering of the Macau casino that you and Sun Lijun controlled, including online gambling, and the secretary Meng Jianzhu , If you die, I will get these things out of you! I'm (showing something that looks like a small crystal ball), look! take a look! Guo Wengui worked hard on you in the casino! I made this! I believe you are no stranger! All you have done in the casino, my logo! Look at this cufflinks! He helped me a lot! It is Guo Wengui's Logo!
Meng Jianzhu, you know this when you see this! How much effort Guo Wengui gave you! All the money you laundered in the underworld, all the money you gambled out, all the evidence that you control Macau, and the proof of your control has been controlled by me, and few people in the world know! You and Sun Lijun want to kill each other and kidnap each other! Also want to kidnap! Abduct each other! I all know! Leave evidence with each other!
Remember: all these black money will be the people's money! Will return to the hands of the people. Jiangjia monopolized finance. Meng Jianzhu, Sun Lijun, Fu Zhenghua, you control China’s financial underground money laundering, you control,
Don't hurt Youtube anymore today, haha ​​push friends will kill you, they don't want to.
Meng Jianzhu, Fu Zhenghua, and Sun Lijun have been in charge of Chinese politics and law for so many years, for almost 9 years. These 9 years are the result of a disaster of these incompetent ignorance, ignorance, conscience, immorality and lawlessness of the court of the Chinese Public Security Procuratorate! This is also the retribution of those arrested in China's political and legal circles!
Hey! alright, alright! came back! Come back!
What is this stuff? Everyone cares! Watching (showing a seemingly small crystal ball), a few years ago, I created 1,000 pairs of this! Made in France! Quite high quality! This is why I asked the promotion team to make something of this quality! dice! As long as you get this, you know what it is for! I have an organization! Specially investigating casino-related criminal evidence related to China! This thing records all the black money from China! Mr. Ma Yun is in the casino, you should know this! Cufflinks! (Show) See? Do you see the quality? Now it has been exposed! This is the case before, everyone with this cufflinks knows it is a family! What should be done! what! well!
This Meng Jianzhu secretary is not a secretary anymore, Meng Jianzhu! This Sun Lijun, Fu Zhenghua, has committed a heinous crime in ruling the country by the police in Heiyi! Control China's Public Security Law! Deceive President Xi! Deceive the Party Central Committee!
Wang Qishan controls the financial empire! Murder more! Eradicate dissidents!
Fu Zhenghua controls the entire project team! Eradicate dissidents! Eradicate insiders! Embezzle all the stolen money and stolen goods! Control public inspection method! Everyone who has something to do with him! At the same time, let his brother Fu Lao San pay Wei Hua to launder money overseas! Huge wealth! Extortion!
Today's Wang Qishan, Meng Jianzhu, and Fu Zhenghua are already angry! God will not spare you! Meng Jianzhu's murder and Meng Jianzhu's lover, you know a few more! Your genitals poked everywhere! You know how much you poke! Sun Lijun, you poke everywhere you poke you know! Fu Zhenghua divorced your wife! Sun Lijun only sleeps and does not get married! Only have children! Meng Jianzhu is not married to having a baby! Because the ex-wife can't have a baby! This is all cover up! Wang Qishan is unable to have children and goes outside to have children with others everywhere!
Let's talk about the Jiang family again. (38:50) Today’s Jiang family, if half of Shanghai’s Jiang Mianheng University belongs to you, I believe no one in the world denies me? The entire communications kingdom has achieved Ma Yun and Ma Huateng, right? How else could it be? The boss behind Ma Huateng's true master is mainly Wen Jia! The Jiang family controls most of the communications empire! Without the help and monopoly in communications, there can be no Ma Huateng today or Ma Yun today. So is this a good thing for the people? Of course not a good thing! What do these things mean? It shows the interests of 1.4 billion people in China, the security of 1.4 billion people, and the security of information are all deprived by you!
Because of your continuous familial crimes, this has led to the stolen country groups in China. In order to survive between robbery groups! For your money to be protected! Protected for your benefit! For your evidence of murder! For your black money to be safe overseas! You use blue-gold to fight for the interests of your country. You use the national intelligence system to control local politics and buy local politics in the country where your black money is located! You use your huge wealth and your intelligence system to erode the national security and political security of individual democratic countries! You have used your family's various interests to kidnap Chinese public inspection laws and foreign public inspection laws! This is why Meng Jianzhu is in front of several leaders on a diplomatic occasion and dare to say that I am 100% in control of Malaysia! Philippine I have 100% control! I am 100% controlled in Myanmar! I am 100% controlled in Laos! Then who do you want to control as the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee? Can you give this power 100% to the country? Can you make it clear why Liu Tezuo and Liu Tesheng's brothers, who are wanted globally by the United States, are protected in Shanghai? Why can you explain Zhao Yong’s casino in Laos and Myanmar clearly? Can you make it clear who killed you for you?
Zhou Yongkang was so miserable by you! Zhou Yongkang has more murderous goods! You just didn’t say it! Do you have to say anything about future killings and huge corruption? is it possible?
【Topic】Conversation with Mr. Liu Yanping
I would like to talk about the conversation with Mr. Liu Yanping, which released the first box and the second. There are various interpretations in society. Let me briefly talk about it first. In the future, I will release the first and second of Secretary Liu Yanping, or release more in the future. Not so I still have Sun Lijun, and talk to other leaders in Beijing. I release them one by one!
Then I have my interpretation when I release it! Is the most authoritative! Of course, Mr. He Pin is also ok to get two cups of coffee! I did not deprive others of their power! Anyone can read it! But now I can say that I read that everyone's interpretation is basically wrong! Because you don’t know the first and second contexts of the dialogue between Secretary-General Liu Yanping and me, and there is also a premise and sentence that you didn’t hear the whole dialogue, so you just get out of context! You all guess!
For example, in the first paragraph, what is the core of the first Secretary Liu Yanping's speech? The first time all of Yanping Liu's speeches met me at the core. He just reiterated: Guo Wengui did not commit a crime! Guo Wengui, you really did not commit a crime. Among Chinese businessmen, your assets are the best. What is Evergrande like what is Wang Jianlin what is Guo Guangchang, these people, including Ma Yun, use the country and machines to make a fortune! The debt ratio is six times and seven times the assets of one dollar, not to say that 100 yuan borrowed 80, 100 yuan borrowed 800!
Guo Wengui owes only 100 yuan to the outside. He said 20%, I said 18%, the best asset in the world! He also said that I have no criminal offence! He knows the Chinese Communist Party, whoever wants to commit a crime will let anyone commit a crime! What is your question? As long as you agree to cooperate with us, stop breaking the news! Your business is nothing! Of course it obscures the fundamental facts!
It means that he didn't expect to dream, you didn't listen to that paragraph. After he finished sitting there, I took two pieces of paper and placed it in front of him. I said, "Look at this, Secretary Liu!" He was stupid! Because just 30 minutes before he entered the house, I received these two documents. I said that the two documents were given by Zhongnanhai? Was it given by Zhongnanhai? He is stupid! Because he came to the United States in a secret meeting, Sun Lijun came and brought a group of Zhao Zhaomei FBI to the US CIA and the US State Department, just to repatriate me! Here, Mr. Liu Yanping came here to persuade me in person. Delay me. Anesthetize me. Originally it took more than ten days to prevent my wife from coming. He thought that he would take me down before that. He couldn't take it. Only my wife's wife was guaranteed, and then took me down. Then my wife and daughter had to go back. On that day, we met the prince in the Middle East at the US President Trump. He thought that the prince would propose to him that he would send me back to Abu Dhabi, UAE! This is the context in his dream!
So he is arrogant! He thought that day you must go with me! So when I entered the house, I wobbled in! In that state, he doesn't care about you Guo Wengui, what are you talking about now? And he had this intention, but he didn't expect it, so he was confident in the whole situation at that time! Unexpectedly, when I got here, he was stupid! I said you three moves! It is clear that Washington Sun Lijun is here! It is clear that you came to talk with me! There is a wave of Sun Lijun in Washington! Third, there are people from underworld Fujian, Fujian, Fuqing and Gang! What a triad! The power of silence! Take the opportunity to do away with Guo Wengui! He is stupid! Because this meeting can only be obtained by the Standing Committee! No one can get it! So at that moment, Mr. Liu Yanping and Miss Wu brought him, another Mr. Liu, and another Director of the State Customs Bureau are also our intelligence leaders! I deeply realized that Guo Wengui had the truth! That feeling is scary! At the same time that day he really spoke his heart. Liu Yanping is absolutely, because he came with the machine, he knows very well that he thought I could not record it. Don't dare to record. He absolutely is. But he recorded the sound. He recorded the sound and was detained at the airport! The deducted recording is in my hands! Everyone should understand this question. This context explains that this is the first paragraph.
In the second paragraph, I have debunked his behavior in Washington later. He also phoned Sun Lijun. He was a little ignorant! Do you know the difference between the first paragraph and the second paragraph? In the first paragraph, he left my house and left my house. Was he left by FBI? ? Was pressed there by others. He signed the visa on the spot and said that you will get out of me immediately! 24 hours! He just didn't tell me! At that time his heart was already panicked! He knew that Guo Wengui could not get back this time! At this time, my friend from the Middle East also came. Washington also told him. It is impossible for you to move Guo Wengui! It has been protected! So he failed in secret! It's up to him! When relying on this hand, when talking to me the next day, you will be close to me. The purpose of the close is very simple. It is absolutely not allowed to participate in my global news release! It is absolutely not allowed to order to complete my news release! Why doesn't he say Zhou Yongkang? Why doesn't he say Xu Caihou? Does he say Guo Boxiong? He is telling the truth! I believe it is absolutely true! Also tell me that you are not allowed to explode Wang Qishan! Meng Jianzhu is not allowed to burst! Fu Zhenghua? I don't care about life or death! Let Fu Zhenghua you better kill him! He talked to my ear in private, there are a lot of things here that can't hear the recording!
Then he defaulted that Sun Lijun was indeed in Washington and asked Sun Lijun to come and meet me. This is a big change. To cover up 100% from the menacing to take me away, and then three strokes! The next day is frustration! Then the visa is cancelled! Then there was a failure there. What he said at this time is true. not that much. So, here is very simple. Worried about making the appearance appear! Worried about Bo Guagua's appearance! Let me completely die for them! So give me? ? Ma Jian's matter is not a matter at all, it is not a matter at all! You haven’t sinned! Everything is easy to solve! Don't break the news! At that moment, I was deceived back to the heart of persuasion, not so obvious! What he really is, let me never connect with Bo Guagua and the order! This is from his heart! Then hope me, slow down or stop the news! To be honest, this time he has lost! But I really don’t know what the US government has done to him! After the second time, he went to Washington again, and that happened. When I came back from Washington and met with me for lunch, he had to leave the country for only an hour! Only then did I know that he had to sign a visa for someone else, which must be equal to repatriation and deportation! deport! I knew this! Only then can I prove that he threatened me. If threatened me, he was sentenced in the United States. As a result, I put my personal feelings first. Thanks to Liu Yanping, he always said that he did not threaten me. Then they left my house. After lunch. When I arrived at the airport, I asked someone to stop it, and took all the things on my body! This environment is like this!
Before the process of this environment, it was too much to meet me in London, including after he returned to Beijing, to call me. More than 150 hours. I will broadcast it to you. I had a call with Sun Lijun for 3 hours and 30 minutes! I talked to Sun Lijun for three hours and thirty minutes, which I recorded. This is what I recorded. After I release it, you look at who Sun Lijun is. You have to wash your ears that day! Then you sit there and you have to think about it, don’t hurt your brain, your heart, your eyesight and hearing! So in these processes, the struggle process that occurs every moment is itself an important piece of information. Because in the past so many years, no one has heard of such a high-ranking official of a political and legal commission in China, the secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Ministry of Security. But you must not forget that Liu Yanping has been the person whom Zeng Jiajiang believes the most for so many years! No one does not know this in Beijing City! The Jiang family Zeng family believed him the most! That Meng is the dog of the Jiang family! Then you must believe in the same level! Therefore, people come to represent the Jiang family, the Zeng family and the Meng family! General Secretary Xi will talk back! Wang Qishan by the way! Wang Qishan is a common alliance! The key is not to mention the Jiang family and the Meng family! Zeng family! So let's take a look, it's too important to see this character clearly! It's so important to bring those few people! He is a high weight! Orbit does not have high power! Because he is very popular!
It was originally Dong Fuyuan, the deputy director of the Ministry of Security, and the deputy director of Dong Dong was immediately cancelled by Cancel. He was not 100% trusted! So everyone’s situation before and after is completely different! So answering you is inaccurate! I will answer them one by one in the future.
At the same time, these two dialogues have a huge impact on the entire Western world. As far as I know, the West attaches great importance to these two voices. Because this thing really reflects Chinese politics! What happened to Bo Xilai? What is the plan? What he said is true! The fight in Zhongnanhai is not as mysterious as you think. So tall. It's exactly the same as playing with children. The form is different. The essence is the same. Take a photo and pass it on!
The girl played on the plane. I got pregnant after playing, and where I got pregnant, I had a miscarriage. It is inconvenient to use it. It is inconvenient to transfer Zhongnanhai. Going to the Great Hall of the People and the Great Hall of the People are not convenient. Just stay close to yourself and use it at any time. Why did I say that this girl, everyone in the Great Hall of the People has not been to many people, I go there often. There are many secret passages there! Secret way! The head of the central government said! These children were often dragged aside, and ten minutes and five minutes longer than Guo three seconds, they would be resolved once. These leaders must have sex when taking a nap! Then have sex during the meeting! They are stressed! They are about to be released! They treat women as a tool to relieve stress! It's the same now! Don’t sit there as you think! It seems that their family does not use genitals! They have no sexual desire! Big eyes stare and write there! It's all deceiving! All of their stuff came blindly!
They use genitals to rule the country! Why use genitals to govern the country? Because he knows what he looks like! This is the simplest logic! Speaking of Ling Jiu and Bo Xilai, I have no intention of evaluating others! Of course he said, and Liu Yanping is the case handler! He is the case handler! Including Wang Dan! Including Minister Ma! Including Zhang Yue! Including talking about Li Dongsheng! Including Xu Caihou! Including many of these cases, he is an insider! He is the person involved in the case! He is qualified to say this!
And Liu Yanping respects him very, very personally! I like him very much! He is a rare honest person in the party! Is a good person! And this person is harmless! He is completely brainwashed by politics! He has no judgment! You can't say that his level is not good! He has no judgment at all! You see, from the past June 4th, Wang Dan sent him three times and three times to send him out to say this. He was a typical Communist Party and was brainwashed! The deceived Communist Party! Strictly speaking, it is also a toy tool! I definitely like to respect and appreciate this person! When I let out his voice, I was really helpless! I am very uncomfortable! very uncomfortable! So there are many clips in the middle! I have deleted many of the words that he said are of great harm to him personally! Don't listen to some words! After listening, you will really get mentally ill when you go back! Really get mentally ill! I didn't say that rash word! You can't think about those things about the current leader of the big leader!
Let me give you the simplest example. What kind of woman was abused by them, then after you said that, our lesbians would not dare to take a bath after returning home! is not it? terrible! So I only choose a part!
The next news, I hope that after I have finished, when you come to study China's political form and state. Very important reference tool. This information, because it is difficult for you to have a person like China's Ministry of National Security, in fact, he has more power than security minister Chen Wenqing! Chen Wenqing is just a listener! Business cadre! Meng doesn't believe him! Xi didn't believe him! Who believes him? He is not theirs! Only Liu Yanping is believed! The Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection will do whatever he wants! That is absolute! He is a participant in all major cases in recent years! Important case handler!
Therefore, everyone can see the real situation of what I said after ruling the country with the police, punishing the country with the black, anti-corruption with the police, and anti-corruption with the police! You will hear that it is a cadre at the central level. Lesbians still want to be members of the Standing Committee! Just kneel in front of them, kneel and hug your legs, please, please don't tell my family, please! Go to his house and kneel there! Please him! You said you still want to get the Standing Committee now! That is, you can see Zhongnanhai, you can see the rostrum, the real hypocrite of those cadres! False woman! Wandering! Then how could he love the people? ! How could he love the people? ! How can he represent the people? ! Just use Bao Baotong to say a few words, he was sad! Whoever listens is sad! This is a triad! Rule the country with black! So why do I say that President Xi is miserable! These people can't follow him at all!
These people have an idea to continue the Jiang family's power, the Zeng family's power! At the very least, it is necessary to achieve a balance of political terror for President Xi at the 19th National Congress! That is, you dare not move us! He wants to achieve this goal! This is what he said in London!
In London, Secretary Liu Yanping said it was scary to complete a passage! He said that if this matter was to break out, it would be a great disaster for the country! As much as nuclear war! This is his original words! Saying that the order will be completed and I want to go back to China, what will the country do! I just put his words on, I always deliberately put on his words! Everyone, you have to notice a lot of words, I don’t know anything! is it? Damn! do not know! I'm always saying it! I know no less than him! Some are more than him! That is for sure! I'm just saying it! Then I really found out when he put his words, that the information he mastered would definitely destroy them too many times! Not ordinary material! Then he spoke his inner thoughts, and he drank too! We are drinking too! The only benefit of this drinking is that you can tell others what they say! This is my secret! Now that I have decided to live broadcast from the day of drinking, I haven't drank a sip of liquor today! I have promised my friend and my wife that I will never drink liquor again! Without a sip! I lost my gaze that day and I deeply confess! It turns out I've done a lot of drunken bastards! Made many mistakes! Many people have been lost! But this time I drank too much wine and live broadcast made me heartbroken! Heartbroken! This resolve to stop drinking liquor! It turns out that drinking liquor also has a purpose! You are with these maggots, you do not drink liquor, this maggot does not spit the truth! So he told a lot of truth to Mr. Liu Yanping that day! It is very clear that the Shanghai gang of the 19th National Congress of the Jiang Zeng family Zhu Rongji and Wang Qishan must reach a balance of terror! Xi must be disqualified and unable to even think about it! Can't do it! This ability to fail must be a balance of terror! Then this is absolute! All those are illusions! All these leaders serve two purposes: to keep their own money! Keep your offspring! What other national interests and national strategies are nonsense! It's all nonsense! Don’t be naive! All 4 million public prosecution laws are just to protect them! How to protect the people? So don’t rebel! How do you love life and death! You can kill you as long as you oppose me! It's that simple! Ordinary people must understand this! That would be stupid! That city management, really came to control your order? That is to let you listen to him and set a rule! Listen to his service to him! Serve his interests! The purpose of hitting you is to make others afraid! Do not dare to expose my corruption in the future! This is to kill the chicken every day to show the monkey! Kill the monkey and show it to the tiger! Kill the tiger and show it to all the opponents!
From talking in London, if you listen carefully in the future, you can hear what the 19th National Congress is doing! That's why I have always insisted that they absolutely disagree with Chairman Xi! They absolutely want to be at least the best holding! The People's Republic of China is a company holding company. You Xi is our CEO! But I found Chairman Xi unwilling to be the CEO! That's no problem, you 50 me 50! You must not be 51! Then my horror balance! So for all opposition forces, they used a very legal way to convince President Xi of the undoubted way, and convinced that undoubtedly is a good way for President Xi! It must be wiped out in a national security way! Using Chairman Xi’s anger and fear and worry and doubt, indeed everyone has shit! Investigate and deal with the iron evidence of the other party! Then President Xi willingly signed the order! Extinguish! Use his hand to destroy all the opponents of Jiang Zengmeng Wang Qishan Fu Zhenghua! Then what is it? Isolate President Xi! So they said that President Xi can do it in the military, and he has no decision-making power in other respects! He also cannot have decision-making power! He is too busy! Isn't this the end? You have no team! You have no one, I can't control it for you! Just take care of your army! Can you still kill us? That's what it means! That's what it means! Then he talked about the Chinese network, intellectuals, and the Chinese intellectuals are all stupid! Chinese intellectuals give two dollars, let's go to the boring honey! Chinese intellectuals give a little reputation, give him a professor, hang two gold medals, and be honest on the side! These intellectuals in China have no backbone! What's the point? What's the use of this group of people? All nonsense! Let him say what he says! How can the Chinese teacher education community have the ability to judge? Do whatever you want with some money! So in their eyes, intellectual education is basically like the dog who has been hungry in a cage for a long time,
You're grateful to Dade for giving you some meat. Give you some dog food, and you will kowtow him! What is the principle? So these people, in the most common words in their hearts, said everyone's concerns, all major concerns!
[Topic] The era of the Jiang family, I think it should be over!
(1:02:34) So these things in the future are very interesting. When you saw that Sun Lijun was talking about Xiao Jianhua, all the cases he handled said: "The case I did." The case of Xiao Jianhua in the future will be handled very well. it is good. I left that day in Washington. Do you remember the next day I said on the video: "Xiao Jianhua will release it, even control, and even let him be a representative. "Why? Xiao Jianhua's Qian Sun Lijun will take it away!
This greenland group Zhang Yuliang is his spokesperson! Zhang Yuliang is so smart! And Meng Jianzhu! This robbery is planned! It is to get land in the name of Shanghai's state-owned enterprises. In this place, basically no money. State-owned! The government of Shanghai! After taking this place, everyone can see, can you? Construction company: Sun Lijun! Building materials: Meng Jianzhu! All financial advisory bank loans: Jiang Mianheng's! Then the profit from the sale: the other company took it away. You see the green land has the lowest rate of return in China! why? Wearing a state-owned hat, all profits and projects are all gone! Enjoy all the treatment of state-owned enterprises: tax free and low interest loans! Huge loan! All money goes overseas! Flow to the Jiang family of Meng Jianzhu! There are also some columns including the Zhu family! All Zeng family! All flow away! Then there is so little profit left in the state hat! This is the most real example of robbery in the name of the country! This is why Zhang Yuliang was under the leadership of Meng Jianzhu several decades ago in the Shanghai Agricultural Commission! You see how powerful Meng Jianzhu's brain is! Such a large real estate developer was trained when the Agricultural Committee! It is actually the boss of China! Not at all Vanke! Not Evergrande at all! Not Wanda at all! They are all fools! People are potentially inside the water! Big crocodile! That crocodile can eat the whole Vanke, the whole Evergrande and the whole Wang Jianlin in one bite! What do you know? Let you be the boss! Let you stand on top! Covered the real boss! Several layers! Who is it on top? Wang Jianlin, Xu Jiayin, and that fool in Guangdong, what is Li Silian and Zhang Li, what a fool like this fool! It's on top! People dive under the water!
So it is not as simple as you think! Everyone thought about it, and the Shanghai Agricultural Committee trained Zhang Yuliang! I have a sister, Sun Lijun arranged to visit Zhang Yuliang's office. Many years ago, before 2008! Wow! How about this! This is all mine! Dare to say so! Dare to say so! You can't imagine what Zhang Yuliang has arranged for Sun Lijun overseas! They use other layers of trust companies to hold their assets to Hold! It’s all trillions! It’s all trillions! Friends of the Public Prosecution Law: You sit there and think about it. When Meng Jianzhu, Fu Zhenghua, and Sun Jianjun who gave orders opposite you are all trillions of assets, let you try a case in accordance with legal justice. Do you think it is absurd? ! Is it the sorrow of the country and the people? ! Is it a human tragedy? !
Then, like Lei Yang, he knew some details, but he didn’t know that much! Just strangle the neck! Li Ming Xu Ming holds your evidence: Die! Immediately die! Jilin's two husbands and wives asked from the house. When they saw the account book, they pushed it directly from Biaji upstairs! Both of them died! Insiders in Sichuan, go back after the trial. Let's drive away at one or two in the morning, and a car accident on the road will kill me! Insiders in Gansu jumped off the building! Officially announced that 600 people have died! (1:07:00) During these five years of anti-corruption. I tell you that it's less than 10,000 people, even 20,000 people. I tell you that everyone comes to palm Guo Wengui's mouth! Human tragedy! Human tragedy! Now I dare to do this with glaring eyes!
Therefore, the era of the Jiang family, I think it should be over! The era of the Zeng family should also end. It is time to give President Xi the time of China! You must not let the Jiang family Zeng family endorse it to control it economically. This is why Ma Yun came out to destroy me! I have to pay! And a fool in Dandong also came out to pay to chase me down. There is another boss who is going to chase me down. Xu Jiayin framed me everywhere! Start with me too!
Quite simply, as you think I have influenced your interest group's plan to steal the country! Debunk your truth! Do you want to destroy me and Guo Wengui? Come not to reveal your truth! Then you are wrong! Then you are wrong! There are only two ways to solve it: let's sit down and talk and return the money to the people! Let's pull down! If you want to destroy Guo Wengui all the time, try it out! If you can’t kill 99.9, if you kill me by 0.1%, let’s all die together! It's that simple! Let's try it if you don't believe it! So Guo Wengui, you can't buy me with money! I don't want power! I don't care about the name! So what can you do to me?
Today it is reflected in me. It took me 28 years. I have been lurking for so long. The quality of life of any Chinese boss, and the cleanness of your money, don’t compare with Guo Wengui! No one compares! Stronger than you! The things I see eat and drink are stronger than you! My personal money and wealth are better than yours, I have no dime. My family is enough for me! I definitely don't want it! I wouldn’t go anywhere like Ma Yun to talk about the world’s wise boss, that’s a fool! We all know very well! I don't want this thing! Sell ​​your reputation! So Guo Wengui has nothing to buy!
Guo Wengui only needs the truth! As long as Guo Qitiao! Moreover, the 19th National Congress of the People's Republic of China will never be allowed to make balance of power and terror! Never allow these families to control President Xi! It's that simple!
I have no relationship with Chairman Xi! Say everything! Various people have come to tell me these days. Chairman Xi is full of communism. Chairman Xi will not engage in democracy, freedom and the rule of law. I don't care about anything! I am three years! I watch three years! I can't return to my country in half a year. What benefits does he actually have for me in governing the country according to law? Right? It's that simple! My pursuit will not change! I am only responsible for 1.4 billion people!
Fifty cents always say to whom to give money to, who do I love to give money to, can you control it? I gave you everything you can control? Zhaoming I gave it. I gave it to Chen Xiaoping. I gave it to He Pin. I gave Guo Baosheng. What did I give? One person gave 100 million. Do you have a way? I’m legal to give you money, can you control it? Every day I said I gave this money to that money. Many people came out to clarify that I didn't ask for money. You said that I received it, and I gave it all. ! The money we give is legal, indicating that I am generous. Explain that I have money. What does it have to do with you! These five cents? What's the point? Besides, Guo Wengui raped! Guo is three seconds away! Killing people! Spent money from the Ministry of Security! The plane is not yours! What does it have to do with you? Then there are laws in the United States that are now governed by American law! Don't need your control! Eat salty carrots and worry! is that useful? You five cents, your unruly little actions, let all your friends see your face! You have been abandoned by the times!
These Sun Lijun Meng Jianzhu Fu Zhenghua Wang Qishan all of your actions have proved your incompetence! All prove your ignorance!
Now I basically talk about here. Let me see what my friends have to say. Everyone must remember: when you meet at the 19th National Congress, you will hear thunder and thunder! Thunderous thunder! Let all people be shocked! I hope that Chairman Xi will not misunderstand. I have nothing to make you uncomfortable! But what I said is the truth! Take the evidence!
Let's not mention Lai Changxing's affairs, there is no time to mention him. Too many things to do!
Dong Qing's son is 100% Sun Lijun! Dong Qing's son is 100% Sun Lijun!
Shandong fellow! Shandong fellow!
Ma Yun wants to take advantage of me!
Wang Xiaohong must be the deputy secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of the Minister of Public Security! definitely!
The 19th National Congress will not understand this! No matter how you open it, don't understand!
Jilin fellow! Jilin fellow!
These Wu Mao low-grade vulgar to the extreme! Sin!
[Topic] Guo Wengui is the home field of the 19th National Congress this year!
I will not say much. That's all for today's safety report. (1:13:19) In the next few days, I still have to go all out to prepare for the global news release! And everyone in the global news release must remember: our form will not be said for now, you remember: the result is the most important! The result is the most important!
This time I will tell you at the Nineteenth National Congress: The Nineteenth National Congress will never be the same! This time, the 19th National Congress of the People's Republic of China will always ask them to understand. The age of information! Not what you want to say! Open a press conference, you send a draft! The questions you arranged will be pulled down! impossible!
Guo Wengui is the home field of the 19th National Congress this year! Let's wait and see! The home field of the 19th National Congress is Guo Wengui is the home field! I believe that there are 1.4 billion people in China. If you have a bit of a brain, the most you want to see is the overseas home! I will open at the same time as you hold a press conference! When you answer the question, I will also say you this question! Whoever is your host, I will say that you are the person! As long as you stand out, I will tell you which standing member is a good person and who is a corrupt element! Then I showed the evidence!
Let's have a meeting at the 19th National Congress! This will let you see: As long as China does not govern the country according to law, as long as China does not solve the problem of using corruption to fight corruption, governing the country by black, and governing the country by police, the 19th National Congress of China must stop! Because it will continue to harm people! It will continue to allow countless Yang Gailan in China! Countless Lei Yang! Countless Nie Shubin! Countless Guo Wengui! Countless Ma Yun will also be generated! Xu Jiayin! Countless such people! The country will not be a country! Everyone is done! Therefore, the 19th National Congress of the People's Republic of China must solve the problem of governing the country according to law.
Not to mention you Meng Jianzhu Wang Qishan! you try! What do you know? Did you try it for seven or eight months? Then go down! Bring out all your moves! Bring out all your moves!
Everyone in the Nineteenth National Congress made a good rest for a few days. We'll have a meeting with him in those days! At that time I was ready to adjust the jet lag! We will meet when he meets! We will close when he closes! Just drive with him! When they went to various provinces to have a discussion, I led the discussion among the leaders of the provinces, like the secretary of the provincial party committee in Anhui, and took Yao Qing to the birth of Yao Yilin for a hundred years. He must have Wang Qishan grabbed his handle! Double gauge at any time! This little gadget! You wait to see!
Everyone hopes that all of your friends will keep in touch with Wengui at any time,
There have been many discussions in these two days, and I don’t know what conference. Are all established. Baosheng's recommendation. I do not take up any position. Anyone who raises money will cut you off. Want to party. We cannot be looked down upon. The donation is unclear. I firmly oppose all fundraising. Don't engage in fundraising. Therefore, we absolutely oppose any form of fundraising related to Guo Wengui.
Mr. Zhang Jian. Paris show. Sister Zhu. More and more people are concerned about national democracy and the rule of law. China's justice must be independent. Guo Qitiao is the basis of my pursuit to combat thieves. This is Wen Gui's claim.
That's all for today's live broadcast. Thank you!