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Miles Guo 20170429_1

Miles Guo 20170429_1

Dear netizens and tweeting friends, this is expensive. Yes, it has reached 130,000 followers. Thanks for the video.

Although me, our enemies, and thieves have adopted all kinds of indiscriminate methods, but this netizen’s attention to me has not diminished. This is the biggest encouragement for the literati. My motivation, I must live up to this kind of support from netizens and tweets. Today, I want to mainly talk about it. From yesterday to today, the thing that everyone talks about the most is HNA. .

In fact, I have prepared most of these evidences and facts. I am going to talk about it at a global press conference. Let me briefly talk about this point. Don’t always talk about evidence about this fact. In fact, all relevant economic data and financial data of HNA are now available online. I don’t need to provide evidence. HNA has grown from 10 million to 1 trillion yuan in just a few years. 1 trillion is rare in the world. Each of his 7 shareholders is now 140 billion, and the average output value is 140 billion. This is unprecedented in humans. Then yesterday I saw Mr. Qin Weiping, in the tranquility of Mr. Chen Xiaoming. Among the fire factions, some of these arguments are very professional, so this is a program that all our followers and netizens should pay attention to. It is to listen to some experts to say something, instead of listening to some of the so-called Professionals, commentators, just evidence, evidence, as long as evidence, regardless of facts. As long as I give evidence, and I don’t look for evidence, or look for the facts, this clue, Wen Gui is not a judge, no one is a judge who violated the rules, is not a policeman, or a prosecutor. This is something everyone works hard together.

Mr. Qin Weiping gave me a good angle, that is, he asked a few questions, which was very good.

What does HNA use as collateral for this loan? And nearly 100% of his money is borrowed domestically, so why doesn't he borrow abroad? What did he use as collateral?

The second question is very good, according to what Mr. Chen Feng said. His assets are now 1 trillion, and 70% of his liabilities are 700 billion. In fact, it is not more than 800 billion. Whether this is nearly 700 billion goods, 800 billion loans, 12% average interest and financial expenses, then it will make about 80 to 90 billion net profits a year, and people have to deduct all his costs. According to China’s current government announcements for various industries, the rate of return profit is almost 5%. It is actually a drug dealer and a criminal underworld. Corrupt officials will have no cost, but 100% profit. If it is a normal business, then count him like this. The net profit is about 80 billion and 90 billion. His turnover is about 2 trillion. This is 2 trillion. Obviously, Mr. Qin Weiping just said,

The third good angle, he said. The most important thing about this money is that he said it is more than 40 billion. This is overseas, which is wrong. About 60 billion US dollars have already gone overseas. The main body and structure of this 60 billion investment are mostly against HNA's domestic loan institutions. It doesn't matter anymore. It has nothing to do with listed companies. The ending is very simple, that is, when his company goes bankrupt one day in China, then it will go bankrupt slightly. How can the 60 billion US dollars be recovered overseas? Who can get it back? Mr. Qin Weiping said that for 100 years, the money cannot be recovered through the judicial organs. On the other hand, Mr. Qin Weiping made a very important point. If he has no background, how can this loan be borrowed? It is impossible. We can be responsible today. I am willing to talk to Mr. Chen Feng and Mr. Wang Jian. Face-to-face confrontation can be litigated anywhere. I guarantee that his loans are not compliant and illegal.

Ah, from another very important perspective, the people in China are not even letting children with 3,000 dollars and 5,000 dollars go to school, so how did you remit the tens of billions of dollars? This is a very important matter. How do you control the U.S. dollars you remit and invest in domestic banks? According to the current situation in China, the control system for all loans is impossible. So from this point of view, Mr. Weiping Qin gave us many good opinions and professional opinions. This professional opinion and these opinions are a fact that contrasts with HNA today. HNA has no grudges against me. I really am here. I hope that Mr. Chen Feng and Mr. Wang Jian will understand that I have no grievances with you. I also know how difficult it is to start a business. It’s not easy to be able to swim in such a big dung pond and to live to this day. I have no grievances with you, and you don’t need anyone else’s. When you look for some Forbes to black me out, you look for this, this and what American underworld. , Think of a way to kill me, kill me, and then do everything possible to study me, Mr. Chen Feng, Mr. Wang Jian.

Especially Mr. Chen Feng, you are a believer in Buddhism, and you are a devout Buddhist. I respect you very much. Think about it. There is no choice in this matter. What you do is not literary. Sooner or later, you have to explode, and you also know that you and Secretary Wang Qishan have known each other for decades, and all of your cooperation in Hainan is very close, including the relationship between the bank presidents who loan you money, and these The president gave me various reasons for the loan. Everyone was afraid of being arrested by Secretary Wang Qishan for the process and details. Moreover, every day for almost a year, we will give you a count of the past seven days. In eight years, Mr. Wang Jian and Mr. Chen and Mr. Yao Qing spent about 20 times more time together than his wife. Mr. Wang Jian and Mr. Yao Qing have been flying for thousands of hours, which is also possible for humans. Is the most.

So Mr. Yao Qing and Mr. Wang Jian gave bank loans. It was almost Mr. Yao Qing who appeared on behalf of Secretary Wang Qishan, and it was Mr. Wang Qishan’s wife, Yao Mingshan and Yao Mingduan, who often took your plane, not once, no. 10 times, that is N times. It is very simple. Whoever has this ability in China, only Secretary Wang Qishan and Secretary Meng Jianzhu have this right. Of course, President Xi also has this right, but he will not do this. Then only they have this right.

Under what circumstances did they allow you to carry so much money? If you transfer the US$60 billion to overseas, how can you guarantee that the money will be paid back? Mr. Chen Feng, you may sound uncomfortable, but on this day of Mr. Chen Feng, Chen Feng and Wang Jian, you will have to face it sooner or later. These money are all people’s money, and those children cannot afford to go to school. Look down on the disease, you see that most of the people in this mountain village in this country still live together with animals. The worst moment on mankind, apart from this Stone Age, there are many people living with animals. .

Let’s think about it for a while, a housewife from a family in the mountainous area of Sichuan, whose husband was disabled. In order to live on, he finally cancelled the 300 yuan subsistence allowance, and finally he hacked all 4 children to death. In the end, he committed suicide. He only needed a few hundred yuan. But now any entrepreneur of us must have a conscience. How can we explain to the society after we transfer all this money overseas? So Mr. Chen Feng and Mr. Wang Jian hope you can understand Wengui's behavior, but you can't help me if you don't understand, you are a believer in Buddhism. This may be our destiny. The Buddha God gave us a mission and played different roles. I hope you can really calm down, think carefully, this cycle of causes and conditions.

This is the beginning, especially the video I recorded yesterday. The full version of the BBC interview report is actually incomplete, because in the adjusted subtitles, he cut a lot. The reason why this BBC was not broadcast at the time was very simple. It was Hu Shuli and many people in China who exerted pressure. The BBC needed me to modify the 19-minute version and the twenty-minute version, and I personally went. I met him at the top of the BBC headquarters. I, I clearly felt that it was our domestic media. The BBC has been deeply affected, and they are in charge of the global news department. They have just visited Caixin, Caixin, and met with Hu Shuli. Therefore, I feel that their BBC has been influenced by China. Pressure from various quarters, including the fact that they also summoned several reporters from the BBC and asked them to cancel their visas, let them, threaten them not to broadcast. I can understand the BBC.

Then later, this video, because I had it, and later we had the English subtitles and the subtitles that we equipped ourselves. It was just pinched. The editing is not good. I want to reiterate that $100 billion. When I asked about several of our funds, the total assets under management of these funds, the total assets under management are about 100 billion US dollars. That is not expensive. That is 100 billion US dollars. Don't break the news, do other things.

The second is that our family’s assets under management and assets owned by 28 billion US dollars, I hope don’t get me wrong.

The third one is that it is talking about the mantis block car, the mantis block car, I am talking about the mantis block arm, there is a story in the middle, because of this. I made a verbal error, and the leader who talked to me was also a verbal error. So, I said, he corrected me, and I told him that the mantis block arm and the mantis block the car are actually the same. I'm a small person, you just think I'm a shrimp, so I pinched this paragraph. I hope everyone understands it, but I don’t care. Many critics on the Internet are literally uneducated, really uneducated.

If you want to be equipped with culture, it is so tired and pathetic, I don't want to pretend. But, I am very confident of my own level, cultivation, and morality. All literati criticize Wengui for being uncultured. Let me say that I am a gangster, a bandit, a scam, and a murderer. , The court decides.

What I did today has nothing to do with my wealth. The main thing is to see if I broke the news, whether it is helpful to this country, whether it is good for the people, whether it can really promote the rule of law, and even whether it can really be. Promote, don't fight corruption with corruption, don't fight corruption with police, don't fight corruption with gangsters. This is the most important thing, and you should take care of yourself. Wengui's level, to that Wengui's own success level will bring any positive and negative effects to Wengui. So don’t waste time on this.

In the end, I want to say that I will return to the HNA incident. In the HNA incident, the future of all loans from these banks involved will surely be the truth, and the truth will be the truth. I know that Beijing has recently sent the highest-level officials, some from the Central Department, some from the Political and Legal Committee, and from the Ministry of Public Security. They all went to Washington, the United States. These days I have received news. Domestic and foreign people just want to do it at any cost. Get Wengui back. They really think that the United States is one of their bureaus, the Public Security Bureau. What does Jiang Liangdong of the Beijing Municipal Bureau say? Thought it was Liu Leguo, director of the Dalian Public Security Bureau, who said it? You can give it a try. When you move forward without a bottom line, you can see what happens. As long as you don’t kill me with a single shot and don’t blow up my building, take a look. What will happen, you have tried for many years, two or three years. Wen Gui has been performing for you for two or three years. There are not many performances again, and I am fully prepared psychologically, although some people also come into contact with me privately, to slow down.

Ah, this different aspect talks about burying troops in the back and preparing to seal Wengui with a sword and shoot him. You are also in the Republic of the United States. If you can do this, Guo Wengui will be worth it if you die. Wen Gui will use his life to prove that you are the real country thief, that you are really nasty, you are bad guys, and the United States, this country cannot be trusted. It is worthwhile to use Wengui's life to awaken these. I hope that all of you in New York, in New York, in Washington, who come to exchange for national interest with the US government, want to get back the wealth of people, I hope you can live well, how about you? Pay attention to safety, this is not the world that you say is the final word, Wengui makes all preparations, and I hope you make all preparations, let's wait and see. Everything is just beginning, thank you, thank you all tweets, thank you.