Gwins DataBase

Miles Guo 20170425_2

Miles Guo 20170425_2

So, netizens don’t send me this information. I think netizens, we should all act collectively. Based on the clues I provided, you should provide me with more information related to this evidence. I was particularly moved. Some netizens sent me that they have mastered HNA’s overseas banks, some of the deposits, and the hotels they stayed in during overseas flights, and they went outside and sent a message. , Really important.

This is very important when we hold global press conferences in the future, so I once again implore all netizens, we must act, we don’t need to care about anything expensive, we all act in concert to face our problems, I expose The country thief, as well as the truth and evidence of these criminals, okay, then there is a lot to say about the rest. In the future, I will have a different time and recorded videos. I will share it with you, and at the same time I will put it up on my book, and on youtube. I hope you can see it on the website. The relevant video is still a long way. The text is expensive. I’m ready for everything. I won’t succumb. As Vice Minister Ma Jian mentioned many things in this video, I will give you answers one by one. From this video, I can see why I said he was affected. In my whole life, he has been my respected Deputy Minister Ma and will always be my Deputy Minister Ma. I will always respect him. From his information, I can see his wisdom and character, and his most attractive kind. His personality, he also gave such an important message under the situation of being held by a gun. Wen Gui is patriotic, and he has made many contributions to the country and made first-class contributions. It is General Secretary Xi and Meng Jianzhu. The secretary, what the country wants to issue to me is given to me by the country. Wengui didn’t take a penny from the country and did not do an illegal thing, but they are all ignored now. This is what the Chinese are worried about. There is nothing good about patriotism. Reporting, loyal ministers have no good results. This is the best example. I am not their minister, I am a patriotic people. After spending so much money on them, I still give them back. My whole family is destroyed, if everyone can't see this essence in this fact.

That’s really pitiful. We are all. I hope to work with you to find the truth that belongs to us. It belongs to our dignity. We are grassroots. We are born from the poor, but we are not. Pigs. We are not animals. Just kill us, it’s human. We need to retrieve the minimum dignity of human beings. Don’t worry. Everything is just beginning. Wengui will give you an unimaginable future. It’s unimaginable, a rebound in the past 5 years. The truth is, I will bring new contributions to this country, let everyone find their own dignity, promote the rule of law, so that everyone can live safely, and then your money will not be stolen by these people. Let’s wait and see, let your family be ruined, I will speak with facts, thank you, thank you.