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Miles Guo 20201114_1

Miles Guo 20201114_1

(The live broadcast begins, first with Mr. Guo’s Divine Comedy "Fight for Hong Kong" and "Wine Destruction of the CCP")

Comrades in the New China Federation, please go to support the election in Washington, the election of Israel, the election according to law, the U.S. Constitution and the one-fourth parade in support of President Trump!

This one-fourth (the parade), our New China Federation of East Coast Caoshan Farm's Long Island brother, Washington DC's comrade-in-arms Bing, as well as San Francisco, Los Angeles, West America, and our Connecticut farm, and the United States Comrades from all over the country, as well as Japanese comrades from Asia, gathered in DC collectively, voluntarily, and asked the United States to ascertain the fact that the Communist Party participated in elections in the United States, used fake elections, and truly interfered in the internal affairs of the United States. The people of the New China Federation will never make fakes, and resolutely destroy the Communist Party! The people of the New China Federation insist that they are opposed to ruling the country with fakes, ruling the country with black, ruling the country with deception, and ruling the country with police! This is the principle followed and pursued by the New China Federation. Today, in the United States and in the world, it has been echoed and recognized by more people. When mankind is encountering an unprecedented crisis, especially during the 2020 US general election, it has more prominently shown us that we have persisted in the past few years: "Only the truth is not broken", "Through the truth to destroy the fake", and "Take the good to destroy" "Evil" is of great significance. Today, the fact that mankind has encountered major problems has confirmed the orthodoxy that we follow every time, and the "only true and unbreakable" we are now pursuing. It is better than any so-called catchy politics in history. Philosophy, what kind of pseudo-religion, is much more useful!

Moreover, not only that, but everyone sees that the criminal methods that the Communist Party has carried out against the Chinese for 70 years in the past few years are nothing more than ruling the country with fakes, ruling the country with deceit, ruling the country with black! "Country thief" dominates the resources of the entire country and enslaves the people of the whole country. This is the real fact that we Chinese have been enslaved by them for 70 years! Now, we not only see the true face of the Communist Party, but also see where the power of the Communist Party comes from: it comes from Wall Street and Hollywood in the United States, from Washington in the United States, from the "marshland" of the United States, and from a handful of people. Several families of the Chinese Communist Party, and several interest groups in the United States! Together (they) may (and) no more than one hundred families, (but) affect the safety of our 1.4 billion Chinese people, the American people and even the people of the world!

Are we living in a real illusory world controlled by the so-called serious media, or are we fighting back so that the people of the world can see clearly that the Chinese people, the American people, and the people of the world have been enslaved for so many years (the truth)? Democracy controlled by the Western media, and the terrorism that they arrange alone? (They) rescued the evil method that draped over the Chinese people--communism again and again. This is the "good thing" done by the Western media, Wall Street, Hollywood, and some Western interest groups, including Europe! This time we can see more clearly that these people do not want the Chinese people to be liberated, and they do not want the Chinese people to get the "freedom" that Westerners call all the time, and they do not want the Chinese people to live a decent and safe life. life. I believe that many Chinese people can see clearly that (in fact, there is no "evil US imperialism" as the Communist Party calls it, nor is there any "traitor" as China calls it! What really exists is only a very small number, a few tenths of a percent, that are squeezing the Chinese people, collaborating with some of the Communist family’s families, cheating, deceiving, and concealing—it is not the entire American people, it is just a very small number of those. Those with the power to control the media, propaganda agencies, and huge military powers are called "deep state" in the United States and "shadow government" in China. Once the Chinese people see this, you can feel why you work so hard every day and never save money; why you never have enough money to spend; why you can’t afford a house or a house if you work every day Car, you have been paying off your debts all your life; why can't your children go to an Ivy League university... The most fundamental question: We are all enslaved by these people in the world!

Moreover, we can all see, dear comrades-in-arms, that now our "revelation revolution" allows more Chinese people to truly see what the relationship between the West and the East is, and what is the relationship between the United States and China (what is the relationship). We Chinese have never been able to see everything that happened in the United States and the world through the "revelation revolution" and the New China Federation like today. All things that happen in the world are closely related to the destiny of our Chinese people. relationship. why? The reason is very simple. There is a force in the world that has been ruling the Chinese people for the past 70 years, and even the bastards like "Zhongnankeng" are ruled by them. We need to find these roots!

Yesterday and the day before yesterday, in the United States, several so-called "old friends of the Chinese", and several large European families with long-term investments in China, all called the CCP, one after another with Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan. The really wealthy tycoons and political families call, including pressure on the Japanese families to recognize the Biden administration as the newly elected president of the United States as soon as possible. Everyone should know at least one common sense by now: The US election is now uncertain. Why are the so-called "old Chinese friends" in the United States arranging such things? What are their intentions? Isn’t it the current relationship between the Biden family and the CCP? Isn't Biden's faction just blending with the CCP? (Isn't it) Will they continue to support them to continue to rule and squeeze the Chinese people? In particular, there are some huge interest groups in the United States, in different countries, trying every means to threaten and induce them to recognize the so-called election of President Biden. You must keep your eyes open. In these matters, there are no borders; in these matters, there are no truths and no principles.

Today, just two hours ago, a friend of mine, a friend from a very small country in Europe, called me and said politely: "MILES, I don’t want your pressure to be greater than in the past few years. Don't participate in American politics. American politics is also very dark." Listen, what he said is very simple, what is the implication? This is the threat, what to say, "If you continue to support the search for the truth, the "revelation revolution" and the New China Federation continue to be the enemy of the Communist Party, and you will even announce in the relevant media about the truthfulness of the Biden and the Chinese Communist Party. (Then) Your future will be more painful than the past four years! American politics is also very dark! "Look, doesn't he mean a threat? I also answered him very politely. I said: "It's just because you live a lot of pressure every day. You see that your age is completely out of proportion to your face, because you live so dirty and dark! All Human beings are facing the problem of viruses. Everyone may catch the virus or even die in the next second.” I said, “Our comrades-in-arms, at the time, on October 1st, during the parade in Manhattan, New York, I rushed over and followed The risks they embraced and the so-called threats and crises to my personal life, death and safety brought about by the embraces are far greater than the so-called “political pressure in the next four years” you said. I did the same. I have done it in the past few years. Many times. In Guo Wengui’s life, in my dictionary of life, there is no fear, there is no danger! It is because you want to live without fear and danger, your country will be so poor. You have been the head of state for so many years, and your people are still embarrassed; and you still have a yacht at home, are you (really) comfortable sitting in that yacht?” This is the difference between good and evil!

Dear brothers and sisters, we can't bother with the first end! Seeing many comrades-in-arms of the New China Federation today, from the west and east of the United States, Asia and Japan, gathered in Washington once again under the organization of Herb Hill in the East of the United States, let me see the hope of the Chinese people even more! New Chinese, New Chinese Federation, will never be slaves! In the past few days, every moment, I have faced trials and choices. The more this happens, the more determined I am: "The Communist Party is over!" Our domestic comrades tell me about the domestic situation, all domestic financial markets, and all domestic companies that have a little potential. Being firmly threatened and controlled by the intelligence department of the Communist Party, it is waiting for the results of the US presidential election. They are very clear about what that moment means-if President Trump is elected, it means that the Communist Party will die when it counts down!

I have repeatedly told all my friends around the world that we do not choose any Democrats or Republicans here-I don't even know what the Democrats and Republicans are doing! Now, we only choose who will stand with us to destroy the Chinese Communist Party, who will stand with the Chinese people, and who will blend with the Chinese Communist Party. (Whoever blends with the CCP,) Then who is our enemy! If President Trump is now blending with the Communist Party, then he is our enemy! Absolutely, right away! If Mr. Biden (breaks) with the Communist Party and now resolutely destroys the Communist Party, then he is our comrade-in-arms! Regardless of what Republicans and Democrats, we have only one enemy-the Communist Party! In our eyes, there is only one enemy, and that is the Chinese Communist Party (Chinese Communist Party); we (make friends) have only one principle: whoever is the enemy of the Communist Party is our friend! We don't care about any country, this party or that party. All our "revelation of the revolution" and the support of the New China Federation, who stand with it at all costs, are the anti-communist forces and the forces that oppose the Communist Party of China!

As you can see, Lin Wood, the largest super lawyer in the United States, is our brother and our comrade-in-arms; the former General Flynn’s assistant Aiza Cohen, this lady, is our sister and our comrade-in-arms; Julian Ni, then needless to say, it is definitely our brother; Stephen Bannon is our brother, our family! Also, next, you can see that hundreds of our comrades in arms, whom I have never told you about, (all) will surface. Moreover, these comrades-in-arms have a common goal with us: to destroy the Chinese Communist Party!

So, my dear brothers and sisters, you have seen how many of our comrades in arms in the past have gradually come forward. I can tell you today that in the past 24 hours, the US government has taken a series of unprecedented actions. Internationally, in (China), including within the Communist Party, I have watched comrades-in-arms commenting on the "National Emergency Law" announced by US President Trump in the past few days. No one has clarified the announcement of this "Emergency Law". What it means. Let me tell everyone that it means the two most core tasks and the most core purpose: first, delinking from the CCP, economic war! Remember this, it contains everything, not just the thirty-one companies mentioned by Pete Navarro, but one hundred companies. I can tell everyone that only our "revelation of the revolution" and "Interview with Luther" were the first to say "decoupling", and only our doctoral army is discussing every day, our Dr. Ai Li, our Ms. An Hong, our blog Dr. Yi, Dr. Guan, and Dr. Mo are talking about "decoupling." In fact, this is the prerequisite for preparing the law for "decoupling", and it is not affected in any way and does not require anyone's approval. Don't forget this issue. So what does this mean? (Meaning) all companies in the United States-Communist Party companies, assets are about to be seized, no one dollar will be left for it! All, as long as they are under the jurisdiction of the CCP, whether you are public or private, there are no PetroChina, Sinopec, Ma Yun, or Lufax, all of them are sealed for you! So, brothers and sisters, the first is to start an economic war and make a comprehensive (sanctions) policy and warm up preparations. What's more important is to tell the US market: "Decoupling" is already imperative for the United States. This is no joke! Then, next, Hong Kong dollar and RMB, you will see what it will look like. The so-called "no food shortage this year" and "great grain harvest" that the Communist Party brags about, the so-called "rolling pin economy" of the Communist Party of Shanghai and Hong Kong, and the so-called "bulk goods" market, you will see what the reaction is. Look!

Second, what everyone hasn't seen, is even more core: the preparation behind all economic wars is one: the beginning of modern cyber warfare! The core of this is for these network companies. Secretary of State Pompeo repeatedly told (the whole world) in private that "China's firewall must be overthrown!" In his hands, he will surely overthrow the firewall. Secretary of State Pompeo knows very well that whoever overthrows China's Great Firewall will be the next President of the United States! Of course, whoever kills the Chinese Communist Party will be the elector of the next president. I believe that the Republican Party of the United States, in 2024, after it has clearly eliminated the Communist Party, the President of the United States will once again appear in their party and be elected by their party! It is clear that whoever defeats the firewall is the elector of the next president. Therefore, it is very likely that the next president of the United States will come from the two people who killed the Communist Party and overthrew the firewall-the secretary of state and the president. They know very well that this is why Secretary of State Pompeo first announced that "we are going to kill the firewall!" because he wants to run for the 2024 president.

Let me tell you, dear brothers and sisters, the next Secretary of State and President must destroy the Communist Party and overthrow the firewall! So, the whole policy this time-overthrow the firewall, who must be killed, brothers and sisters? First of all, we have to get rid of the big technology companies that really support the Communist Party and build firewalls in the United States. All these companies that support the Communist Party will be sanctioned. Give them time. They call it a "quarantine period" and give them a "quarantine period." It is the time to quit, to be completely separated from the Communist Party. At the same time, these companies investing in Chinese technology stocks will give you a "quarantine period" and "withdrawal period", which has already issued a red warning to you and sounded the alarm. More important things, technically, have already begun preparations in a comprehensive way. As far as I know, the international optical cables, the submarine international optical cables in Hong Kong, and the submarine optical cables around the Taiwan Strait are already under comprehensive protection. They are preparing for protection according to military standards. What will happen after preparing for war, including in space , The satellite system and communication system of the CCP have fully entered a state of quasi-war.

How to bring down your firewall? When Secretary Pompeo talked about it, he knocked down your firewall? There is no such problem! How can I kill you? First of all, the first point is that technically, physically, all American controllable technologies and chips, international optical cables, including your current Internet root device and service system, including those authorized by the International Communications Association and used by the CCP All international contact information will be turned off for you! That is to turn off your water valve. Then the Communist Party said, "What kind of'local area network' I have become in the country, and what is called a'domestic Internet'", you are nonsense! You lie to the people! Those who say this, even pigs and dogs (not as good as), (at all) do not understand the Internet! When your Internet is wiped out internationally, all the computers and software systems you use, can you exist? You don’t have a Microsoft system, you don’t have Windows, you don’t have Android, you don’t have all these chips, what do you mean by ‘Internet’, ‘Regional Internet’, you feel so good about yourself! You are not fart! At home, let's see, we can only shake the phone and call: "Zhongnanhai? Zhongnanhai? Old leader, right?" Shake, there is no such thing as a smartphone! All the mobile phone chips, all the software platforms for mobile phones, including those developed by the domestic military, are Oracle and IBM finished? So, what everyone should remember today is that the "Recent US State of Emergency" issued by the President of the United States "due to the threat of the CCP..." This is the beginning of a real all-out war! Economic wars and technological wars have all started, and the overthrow of the Internet is already in the war. Who is the biggest beneficiary? The Chinese people, the people of the New China Federation, the "revolution of the news", GTV, GNEWS, do you still need to say?

So, brothers and sisters, it's not that simple! Our doctoral corps spoke very well, but they didn't understand the huge significance here. It is no exaggeration to say that this announcement has already informed the CCP of all the strategic intentions of the Trump administration in the United States. There are many specific explanations, I don’t want to say, there are more! Without the "revolution of the news", without the New China Federation, there would be no today's so-called wartime plan!

The other one, I won’t say much about the US presidential election. It must be President Trump who won! The two best gifts the Communist Party gave to the New China Federation: our Doctor Yan, Dr. Yan, a heroic scientist, without the Communist Party’s coronavirus, CCP virus, the world would not know how evil the Communist Party is. Did you see our buddy Lin Wood talking about it? "It's very simple. The CCP manipulated the U.S. elections through software, (this is) the number one crime; the second, sent the coronavirus to the American people and killed the Americans, see it? The third, the long-term impact, Theft of American technology and American jobs. So, comrades-in-arms, brothers and sisters, why I said the coronavirus—a virus made by the Communist Party. When the "Pandora Box" is opened, the Communist Party’s time is the countdown. .What do you think? Who can turn this over? Is that possible? Absolutely impossible!

So, the other one, brothers and sisters, the coronavirus is over. "Boom!" someone rigged the American elections and offended most of the people in the United States! Think about it, whether it is the Democratic Party or the Republican Party, everyone knows that the evil force behind this election is the Communist Party! Why does the Communist Party control elections? It just controls the Americans! Many friends from the Democratic Party said to me: "Miles, we all know that even if we the Democratic Party wins, we have to listen to the Communist Party." He said, "We breathed a sigh of relief. We won a president, but we lost the United States. In the future, the independence and dignity of the United States will be lost." This is a wise man, who understands people, this is right. On these two points, all Americans agree. So, brothers and sisters, you can see that the comrades in the New China Federation who are going to Washington today, you can see that the angry Americans today gathered in Washington from all over the United States. From yesterday to now, Americans are also scared. Now, this America is really Trump's America! The Republican Party has become the Workers' Party! It really became the Workers' Party! The sources of their donations are ordinary people, all drivers and farmers, and the middle class. And these people are the most brutalized by the Communist Party, just like the two most brutalized of us Chinese. The peasants are the farmers at the bottom who take their lives as pigs and dogs to live so that they can control the Chinese market and productivity; (the other end) is the middle class that has been hollowed out by them and sucked away blood. The middle class in the United States is the backbone and core of the United States. They account for 45 to 51 percent. These people are because the Communist Party has infiltrated the United States, which has affected their jobs and livelihoods. They live in mortgages and car loans for their entire lives, and they are part of the middle class that has suffered the most. These people are now in Washington, and what they hate most is the Communist Party!

So, dear brothers and sisters, what does this mean? "Break the news," the New China Federation, stood with the vast majority of people in the United States, with the vast majority of the middle class and the poorest people in the world; our enemy is a very small number of vested interests and vested interests. interest group! Brothers and sisters, look back again. If we position any of these things wrongly, we will suffer a huge blow. We have chosen to stand with the overwhelming majority (percent) of the 90-odd people in the world; our decision and our pursuit are to stand with the overwhelming majority of people who destroy communism in the world , More than 90% of people stood with us. What we call annihilation of communism is opposed to ruling the country with fakes, ruling the country with black, ruling the country with police, and ruling the country with deception. This is what people all over the world oppose any government (the same thing). Now, the Communist Party has spread the world to govern the country by black, fake and deceive.

(We) oppose anti-corruption. As you see now, not only is the Chinese Communist Party using the so-called anti-corruption, it has taken all political opponents within the Chinese Communist Party into prison. (That is) millions of families, millions of Chinese families have been affected! Some have their wives scattered and their families are destroyed; some people are now drifting overseas and should have lived a decent and dignified life. Nowadays, there are countries overseas who cannot go back and cannot see their family members. This so-called "corruption and anti-corruption" has captured so many people and created so many single-parent families. The father leads the children, and the mother leads the children. They are wandering in some countries in the world where they cannot survive and live safely. It's the Communist Party! These "spirits" and these "isms" have been implemented all over the world and are now close to success in the United States. Once the Communist Party controls the president of the United States and the elections in the United States, it controls all mankind-not an exaggeration-and controls the universe! Because now only the United States can send stars to other planets-farther stars, and NASA is the only space technology that has the best development. This is not scary. The ultimate goal of (they) is to enslave the 1.4 billion Chinese people, and all of their goals are to carry out the so-called "fox hunt" all over the world. No one can stop them. Anyone who wants to be caught will be caught; all The goal is to control the Western media-"you must vent your nostrils with me", which will allow the Chinese people and people all over the world to sacrifice their security, freedom, and democracy-of course, there is no religion or belief. Freedom-at the cost, this is called "international communism."

The methods they use are extremely dangerous and despicable, and that is the coronavirus today! Coronavirus is very simple. (They want to) rule the world with drugs, threaten the world with drugs, kidnap the world economy with drugs, and share the benefits of the world with drugs. (It wants to) use this drug to tell politicians from all countries: "I help you solve the vaccine, you have to listen to me! If you don't listen to me, I will poison you! If these countries listen to me, I can follow you Let’s develop vaccines together.” Just like Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, “chigging” went up for a few suspensions and then sold the money. The profit would be hundreds of millions, billions, and tens of billions, sharing the benefits. If you are not obedient, get your market down and kidnap your economy. Give you hope in a while, disaster for you in a while. It is the left hand that decides you to die, the right hand to decide you to live, and the third hand in the middle also gets some genitals. This Communist Party is too evil!

Everyone has seen it very clearly, what kind of coronavirus now, even the Democratic Party’s New York will not let this vaccine come. Whether the vaccine came or not, let’s not talk about it. Pfizer and the Communist Party’s Renaissance Pharmaceuticals have made a lot of money. How many people have to make money! Therefore, (they) control the world with drugs, control the world with vaccines, and use the drug economy and vaccines to determine the delivery of political and economic benefits. The other one is to control the media. The media has to listen to me, as long as I say something, you have to do what I say. Who am I talking about, did you see that? My weather was bad—I scolded the Communist Party—at the beginning, Guo Wengui had no money, and Guo Wengui was a liar. I got on the boat, (it said me) the house was gone; I entered the house, (it said me) the boat was gone; I was not on the boat, not in the house, (it said) Guo Wengui ran away, and ran away in a plane ; What did Guo Wengui do when he couldn't find Guo Wengui? (It just said) Guo Wengui has been repatriated... it will always be like this! These bastards! Those who say these things don't even buy their own underwear.

President Trump, someone who built hundreds of buildings in Manhattan, in the first two days, (the bastards) said again, President Trump hasn’t gone down yet, (they) said, “President Trump has no money. Up". Do you say that all mankind has such shameless rascals? If you say who has no money, you cannot say that President Trump has no money! He has no money. It's a matter of you. What does it matter to you? It has money in its eyes! The richest people in the Communist Party are the people in the "Zhongnan Pit". They say that they have no money all day long: "I am a proletariat!" Wearing a jacket, Li Keqiang is wearing tourist shoes for more than ten years, and Wen Jiabao is for decades. He carried those tourist shoes everywhere. Look, this is the lowest lie in the world! Can Wen Jiabao and Li Keqiang not afford a tourist shoe? You say you are the poorest. As a result, they are actually the richest! A HNA is wealthy enough to be an enemy country; a Bohai financial control is worth trillions of dollars!

Everyone knows that the best food and red wine for all mankind are sold to the CCP; the world’s best red wine, best cigar, best food, and most expensive fashion are all sold to China's. In the past seven months, during the virus period, the statistical results of 70 major brands in the world, Hermès all the most expensive luxury products, including the best red wine, including those in France, including whiskey, including Japanese sake , Nearly 60% of it flows to China. When I saw (this) report, I was not surprised at all: the world only has the money of the Chinese Communist Party, which has this ability; it buys things, it does not spend money, and it does not care about the price. (They) At home, during the so-called quarantine period, they are playing "double repair". They are not afraid of viruses and enjoy the best fashion in the world. They buy the best fashion products for their lovers, 6% More than a dozen of the best wines, the best fashions, and even handicrafts of all mankind, including these large cars, the latest cars, and the CCP has the most orders. Just like North Korea, when you arrive in North Korea, you find that there are a lot of poor people on the street and they have no food to eat, right? But there are a lot of Rolls-Royce and Land Rover, row by row, all of the Jin family and all of the military. This is why it defends the dictatorship and builds a firewall. Why do Chinese people live worse than pigs and dogs?

Dear brothers and sisters, not only that, during this virus period, when they are enjoying these lives, they are more importantly achieving unprecedented control in the media, the greatest control in the history of mankind, and in the modern media. After this virus economy After this new period of poisonous isolation, they more unscrupulously control the voice of the truth for all human beings. Even we, GNEWS and GTV, want to control, not let us talk nonsense, and be consistent with them! Mankind is already facing a critical moment of life and death. The New Chinese Federation has become one of the most important forces chosen by heaven to change mankind. The people of the New China Federation have truly reached a common breath and fate with the fate of mankind. The New Chinese Federation will create a new type of economy for all mankind, and will truly affect the economic trend of mankind! In the past few days, the number of people buying our GCLUB has doubled. This is the popular support and popular support! If I talk nonsense here, I am legally liable.

why? Everyone knows very well that GFASHION, GCLUB, GTV, GNEWS, and the future GCOIN and GDOLLAR are the only, trusted, international, and largest platform with the largest safe assets for our new Chinese Federation and the Chinese and the Western world in the future. In fear, and after a series of facts have occurred, people have repeatedly verified our judgments and influence on the world economy, politics, military, and culture. It can be said that we say first, no one dares to say second. We use facts, we use strength, and we use courage to gather all our comrades in arms.

(They) have knowledge. I have never eaten with anyone for more than four hours in the past three or four years. Yesterday I ate with a comrade of ours for nearly four hours. (This is) a young comrade in arms, a very cultivated comrade in arms, a very simple comrade in arms. I chatted with him and thought a lot. I saw the hope of the Chinese in him-frank, objective, sunny, and loyal. I saw the hope of the Chinese. He is one of our investors in GTV, and he has supported the "revolution of breaking news" with his family for a long time. I was very moved. I said a word yesterday. He said that his mother once thought about selling a large amount of insurance of his own and investing in GTV. He has already invested a lot of money in GTV. He said this inadvertently. At that time, I felt a "thump" in my heart: the family has supported the "revolution of the news" for several years, and the family must support the "revolution of the news" at all costs.

Another comrade in arms arrived in Canada from Japan last night. Yesterday he told me: "Mr. Guo, I wanted to fly to Washington, I really can't go." He recently wanted to vote for 70 million US dollars, to vote for GCLUB. I said, "GCLUB, you can't invest 70 million US dollars. You buy one card, fifty thousand; your family buys two or three cards, only a hundred thousand, and you can't invest (that many)." He said: " I must vote! Then I vote for GFASHION!" I said, "You can't vote now." He said, "I came from Japan to Canada, and I did two things: First, I invest my money. Going out, many of my assets are in Canada. The second one is to choose a few people in Canada. I want to donate 10 million U.S. dollars to him so that they can build up Canadian farms. "This comrade-in-arms was when we were in Japan. One of the people who stood up to save people during an important rescue operation of the People’s Republic of China, I only found out after saving people that he was an official in the system. I said: "You can never return to your country again." Since then, he resigned and stayed in Japan.

He told me yesterday: "The past two or three years I have been in Japan and what I see now is our'revelation revolution' and the influence of the New China Federation. (Really) are not the same!" His Japanese is so good, he At that time, he was an important official representing the CCP in Japan. He said that many people in Japan are now learning about the New China Federation, GNEWS, GTV, GCLUB, and G series. When he arrived in Canada, many of his old friends in Canada were asking him about this, including the few times that our comrades in the New China Federation of Canada took to the streets. Canadians have seen it, including the recent GTV, GNEWS is a series of earth-shattering events, the so-called "Thirteen Days to Change the World". God created (used) mankind for seven days, and we came to a "Thirteen Days to Save Mankind". This is the power of the New China Federation. He is an expert. As soon as he saw President Trump, Pompeo and McConnell, including Peter Navarro yesterday, he knew it. He said: "The US government is really going to act this time. , I really have to act!" He understood very thoroughly. On the other hand, he also talked about Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan-the so-called "Tsai Xiaoying" Congratulations (Biden), he said: "This is a disaster, this is a disaster!" He has been engaged in this work for a long time, and he said: "For Taiwan, This is definitely a disaster."

He agrees very much and firmly supports that we do not mingled with American politics this time. We cannot be forced to choose to openly support President Trump. We do not support any party. We only support those who destroy the Communist Party and oppose those who collude with the Communist Party. This is our principle. He is very supportive. This is the common aspiration of most of our comrades in arms. We can't be the mouse at both ends, we can't be afraid of wolves and tigers. We are not even afraid of the Communist Party, who are we afraid of? The so-called risks that we rushed to the street and embraced by our comrades are far greater than the so-called risks of anything. But we just want to do it, because we are from the New China Federation! So many comrades-in-arms gather in Washington today because they have this kind of pursuit and firm courage. We are not the timid Chinese of the past, we are not the Chinese who are frightened by the Communist Party every day, we are not the so-called spiritual "sick man of East Asia" that the world will see again-selfish, fearful, cowardly, and lying Talking Chinese, absolutely not! That is the communist Chinese, we are the righteous Chinese of the New China Federation!

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, I hope that everyone will go to support and forward the comrades in the New China Federation who are standing on the scene in Washington today. They are standing at the forefront, that is, comrades in the front line of the battlefield. The Vanilla Mountain Farm in the US East, as well as the VOG Phoenix SARA Farm, as well as the US East A Bing, the San Francisco comrades, the Los Angeles comrades, and the Connecticut Farm have all rushed to the front line. I hope that the comrades-in-arms will, under any circumstances, see the dedication of their comrades, which is different from the way they are on the front line. We must support all our comrades in solidarity. It is said that the Japanese Long-legged Witch also organized to go to the U.S. Embassy in Japan. Good! Seeing our zero seven and grassroots brother in Japan quickly gather with the witch, I feel very warm. As long as we Chinese are united, as long as we Chinese are united, as long as we Chinese can bring our compatriots together, we are an invincible nation, a team, and a force in the world! As long as we Chinese let go of our fears, let go of selfishness, and insist on "only the truth is not broken", we will be invincible in the universe!

Guo Wengui gave you the best model. Taiwan's Daniel, Paris, Xiaolou, and Wenxin are also in action. We in Taiwan recently bought GCLUB cards, and many of them are Taiwanese and Japanese. You can hardly imagine how many Japanese! Look at my latest song, comrades-in-arms, thank you brothers and sisters, the song "Breakdown of the CCP" is now ranked first in the world, and countries rank first! I really know that this is the Chinese who went to the "World Music Chart" to make the list, and I am the only one! It turns out I thought that my daughter Guo Mei said, "Dad, don't say that, it's wrong, because they have it. Jay Chou, they have it!" It turned out that I was wrong, and the girl gave me a word. As a result, Tang Ping told me yesterday, and the Hollywood team told me: "Mr. Guo, you are the first one!" I said, "No, there is that Taiwanese, that woman, what is it called? One is Jay Chou, There is another girl called Yun..." He said, "That's the list in Taiwan; in the United States, in the world, you are the only one who plays the English list in the world!" I (really) are First person! It turned out to be the number one, wow, this is really a bit of a smash! As a result, I immediately picked up my phone and told Guo Mei: "Nizi, you are wrong, and your dad is the first person!" "This is not right, you are wrong, I checked it all." I said, "Check it again. Check!" As a result, she was honest: his father was right. I said, "If you don't believe me, ask your sister Tang Ping! You can ask me what the Hollywood team said!" This song is all based on comrades-in-arms! Now Wengui's songs can rank first in the world, without the power of comrades-in-arms, you call me a shit! My words are not modest, they are true! This is real!

"Drinking the CCP", Singapore first, Japan first, UAE first, South Korea first; "Bangji" all of a sudden, Britain first; wow, first in Japan, it is almost impossible, I tell you, This is the number one; then what is the number one in Africa; "咣叽" Canada first, Australia first; "咵叽" the United States first, the world first...... You say this is amazing, dear brothers and sisters? In the past two days, I have to talk to Tang Ping and Wang William for live broadcast, and talk about the origin of this song. There are many stories. You will be very willing to listen. What does the song "Destroying the CCP in Wine" show? The power of unity! Downloaded in Taiwan, "咵" is the top one; Hong Kong "咵" is the first, directly first; Macau is the first directly, don't you think it is amazing? Singapore ranks first directly, and Taiwan has a large number of downloads. That's it, the Communist Party actually ranked my data-many places first, (but) the number of downloads was "zero"! This is the same as the American vote. Guo Wengui's song is number one on the chart, but the number of downloads is "zero"! This is similar to the U.S. election, where 160,000 votes became negative! Therefore, the Communist Party is ruling the country with falsehood, and it goes to the world, "rolling pin" economy, "rolling pin" thinking, is the biggest insult to human intelligence! Brothers and sisters, so look at my song, now it embodies the power of the New China Federation, which can make Guo Wengui the number one Chinese in so many countries in the world, come first, come first, "Take Down the CCP", the second one is "Dear Mom, I'm Ending CCP", which is also ranked first! "You are unbelievable!" The Hollywood team was frightened. A senior ITUNES told me: "Mr. Guo, we can't believe this will happen, nor can we believe how the Communist Party is so afraid of you, so many people. Talk about this."

So, dear brothers and sisters, this is the strength of the Chinese people after unity! Overseas Chinese, if you are not with the New China Federation, who are you with? Who are you with, can you have as many investment opportunities and gain opportunities as the people of the New China Federation? If you are not with the New Chinese Federation, someone in your country will ask you in the future: "Why don't you join the New Chinese Federation?" If you did not join the New Chinese Federation, you have only two choices: the first one, you It is the Communist Party; the second one is that you are a selfish coward.

Therefore, my comrades-in-arms, I especially emphasize that we must remember the most important point after I come back 27 days. I hope that my comrades in arms can remember that more Chinese people will be awakened, and more importantly, the domestic comrades in arms are in danger. , Chinese people abroad have to wake up a lot. There are 20 million Chinese in the United States alone, and there are hundreds of millions of Chinese overseas! We connect (connect) all overseas Chinese, one million more, two million more, what is the concept? Once we bring hundreds of millions of Chinese overseas to unite together, we will be the biggest influence in the world! Therefore, after October 3rd, what I hope most is what my comrades-in-arms have in common. In addition to using our fingers to spread the "revelation revolution", we must unite the overseas Chinese as much as possible and awaken the bottom of the country as much as possible. People, compatriots. Within the Communist Party, we have matured. People in the Communist Party are literate and judgmental. Basically, most of them support our new Chinese Federation and support the destruction of the Communist Party. Now, we must wake up more pig-killers, vegetable sellers, taxi drivers, cleaners, including those who dig sewers, including farmers, including those who have been framed by the village head—like Wengui who has seen the village head frame the common people since he was a child. The yellow short film has awakened these people!

At the same time, let the overseas Chinese clearly realize that if you do not join the New China Federation, you will only have two explanations in the future: you are cowardly, you are selfish; second; you are the Communist Party! To awaken more overseas Chinese, this is our urgent force. We must prepare a new China without the Communist Party, and a new Chinese Federation without the Communist Party, to truly achieve the same as our "June 4 Manifesto" to establish a relationship with the Western world. The Millennium Peace Agreement" establishes a true sharing of civilization and peaceful co-construction with the Western world, allowing China to live in the West with humanity, safety, and dignity. This is why today we have so many comrades in arms to Washington, representing the new The Chinese Federation and the New Chinese have shown to the world: We pursue elections in accordance with the law and elections based on truth. We will not allow the Communist Party to infiltrate, and we will not allow the Communist Party to influence and "rolling pin" elections to take place in the United States. Let the United States and the world know who is Friends of the Communist Party, who is the enemy of the New China Federation; whoever sincerely destroys the Communist Party will receive the support of the New China Federation! This is the voluntary, active, and courageous participation of our great comrades in arms today. November 14 The great significance of Washington’s support of the United States’ elections according to law.

Now, to congratulate Joe Biden neurotically on his so-called victory in the US presidential election is dumbfounded. From this point, comrades-in-arms should see the power of the New China Federation. Israel is known as the country with the number one intelligence in the world. It says it is number one. No one is dissatisfied. No one dares to say second. Is Netanyahu's intelligence accurate? No, make the worst decision. What a foolish and unconventional decision made by Yoshihide Suga, who is considered the most traditional and least-minded in politics in the world. Boris Johnson, known as the big player in modern electoral politics, international politics, and founder of the "sunless" British Empire in Great Britain, made the most stupid and stupid decision. Tsai Ing-wen from Taiwan is considered the most thief, the most timid, and the least politically ambitious in the world, and Taiwan’s Tsai Ing-wen has made the craziest, boldest, and most irrational decision. The Communist Party, the craziest and most rogue organization in the world, has made a decision at both ends of the rat-"Ah, I support you; but..." I think Putin has a kind in Russia. Look at Putin: "Let's do it!" In terms of personal political charm, Putin absolutely can. Do you see it? (People) I haven't said anything until now, cow? It is said that many so-called pro-communists in the United States have repeatedly lobbied Russia to let it speak out, but Russia did not speak out.

So, dear brothers and sisters, in this major challenge unprecedented in human history, are democracy, the rule of law, and freedom a people-oriented state power or a power that centers on the profit group? To put it bluntly, it is the power of the state. Does one person, one vote have the final say, or are the people who control 99% of human assets and communism the final say? Is the dictatorship controlling the country, or the people controlling the country? Is the country owned by individuals or by a company, and China is controlled by the Communist Party of the People's Republic of China? Do we want a nation (regime) dominated by democracy in the world, or a state dominated by dictatorship in the world, and a power chosen by mankind in which individual elections are independent? At this time, a critical moment in human history, everyone's behavior and everyone's choices are so meaningful!

Dear brothers and sisters, so this time it is the power and opportunity that God has given us the New Chinese Federation, let us make a series of choices. More importantly, comrades-in-arms, we are the core force in the world that influences this major topic of mankind! God has given us an opportunity, we must cherish it, we do not make this choice, what choice? ! If you have a better choice, you can choose.

Brothers and sisters, today, November 14th, is destined to be another great day and another day to change human history! My live broadcast today ends here. I will connect again at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. I stand up and pray for everyone! Let us pray for the people of the world and the comrades who marched in Washington today on November 14th, as well as the compatriots in Tibet, Taiwan, and Hong Kong... Amitabha!