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Miles Guo 20201007_2

Miles Guo 20201007_2

(Play video: Texas comrades in arms protested outside Fu Xiqiu's home. Three comrades in arms were illegally arrested and taken away by the police.)

Okay, let’s start, dear comrades-in-arms, on October 7th, Wengui will chat live. First of all, you saw the live broadcast. We found this live in Texas today. Our comrades from all over the United States have spontaneously organized to Texas to protest against Communist Party member Bob Fu (Fu Xiqiu) who illegally represents Chinese Christianity. (You turn off that voice. Guan, my dear brother) Illegally represent China's Christians and Catholics, cheating millions in donations every year, and a large number of political immigration. More importantly, how did he represent Chinese Christians from the Communist Party and deceive the US government in front of the US government? How did you enter the United States as a member of the Communist Party as a pastor? Did he truthfully fill in the passport he applied for in the United States? He used to be a senior lecturer at the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. He was trained by the Ministry of National Security and the Second Department of the General Staff of the Communist Party of China. He is a professional international public relations officer. He turned out to be a political asylum person, how could he enter and leave mainland China casually?

How many ethnic minorities in China seek political asylum from others. Christians and Catholics, because they sought political asylum, not only gave money, but also cheated sex. Most importantly, many people have been arrested in China. Who provided the information? Bob Fu is in Texas, playing with the (relationship) of Neil Bush (Neil Bush: the third son of Bush Sr.) in President Bush's house... Neil Bush I met him many years ago, and this relationship threatened intimidation. To many domestic religious figures, he posted photos of him, the president, Neil Bush, and his family, and the local mayor of Milan, and the photos of several U.S. congressmen, and sent them to China, proving that he has blue gold in the United States Power and relationship.

Not only that, but over the years, many people disappeared after dealing with him, and their family members could not be found. How many people were killed by him? We only want to know one truth, that is, Bob Fu has obtained American citizenship (identity), did he truthfully fill in the identity of the Chinese Communist Party, and his identity as a senior lecturer in the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and that he was once a member of the 12th Bureau of the Ministry of Security. My good friend of the Ministry of Security at the time, and Deputy Minister Ma Jian who is now arrested, is in a superior relationship. Director Tao of the Twelfth Bureau is from the Hainan Security Department and is his direct leader. Has he directly said that? We have to make it clear in court.

Bob Fu’s annual fund has received several million dollars. In the United States, you are a fund that is completely tax-free, a non-profit organization. Where did all the money go? There must be an explanation. His money goes in and money goes out, almost the same every year, how come these donations are all from the same group. The same goes where the money goes. As a senior lecturer who is a member of the Communist Party, how can he become a pastor at once? I want to see if he recites the Bible, the New Testament and the Old Testament, when did he learn Christianity and when did he learn the Bible? Who allows him to represent Chinese Christians and Catholics? We have been talking about it. Well, our comrade-in-arms protested spontaneously. The police and the police in Midland, Texas, set up roadblocks at intersections, illegally seized and checked the ID cards of our comrades many times a day, and took photos with their mobile phones. On the first day, the police were wearing plain clothes, standing there to protect (Fu Xiqiu), even threatening to let these comrades go away and leave.

Now everyone sees what happened in Texas. The first day of this police officer did not look like the first day in Hong Kong. On the second and third day, the police put on their uniforms and tried their best to touch porcelain comrades. At the door, a dozen red-necked people from Fu Xiqiu's church threatened them and followed these comrades to the hotel. After arriving at the hotel, they threatened one by one, (asking their comrades in arms) that they wanted to plant and buckle the hat. Who does this scene look like? Does it look like Hong Kong police? Does it look like mainland urban management? The hotel where the comrades-in-arms stayed, the last hotel required a 14-day quarantine. Then there were sneak shots (comrades in arms) and stayed in the same hotel. More than a dozen foreigners with red necks threatened their comrades with death. Everyone saw all the tweets of Fu Xiqiu's lies one after another on Twitter. What did his Twitter say? Some comrades threatened him. Are we that stupid? Are we so low? He spread rumors around the U.S. State Department and Capitol Hill in Washington, saying that we threatened death. Then he told his mayor, the mayor of Midland, and the former mayor of Midland, that Fu Xiqiu bought him, bought him, and went out to tell his comrades to tell the terrorists. hat of.

A Midland city and the police treat our comrades in arms exactly like the black police in Hong Kong and the urban management of the mainland. It completely violates the administrative law of the United States, the US Constitution, and the federal law. The comrades-in-arms protesting there in accordance with the law is completely autonomous, free, and legal. This is the right of the United States' constitution. As a result, I saw this afternoon that my comrades were arrested yesterday, arrested the day before yesterday, and arrested today by force, and the handcuffs were tightened on the spot.

Just before the live broadcast, I had a meeting with the lawyer team. The lawyer team has contact with the prosecutor of Midland City and the relevant FBI department. The first thinks that no one of our comrades violates the rules; the second is that the police are over-enforcing the law; the third is that Fu Xiqiu will definitely be investigated; the fourth is that the mayor bastard came out and said that the comrades-in-arms terror hat is a bastard. We must make him pay the price, walking and watching, Mayor of Midland City. Who is a terrorist, who is a corrupt, which police is over-enforcing the law, this is the Republic of America.

Today, I gave a lot of these friends in the United States, members of Congress, and related organizations, and I asked them a question. A Bob Fu controls the mayor and administrative officials of Midland City, and judges first before trial, replaces the law with officials, and asks the police to enforce the black law. Is there any reason? One Bob Fu controls you and the United States (mayor), and the Communist Party sends 1,000 Bob Fus, and your United States will fall. None of the Americans disagree with my point of view. Bob Fu what we want is you to stand up, what we want is you to take out your dark power.

Just an hour ago, our lawyers and team in Texas called me and said that on the side of our comrades' protest march, they found 8 rifles, which were held by the red neck of the Fu Xiqiu church. I am legally responsible for 8 rifles. Fu Xiqiu, you are a pastor. You find 10 red necks to live in our comrade-in-arms hotel and threaten our comrades-in-arms. Then, he followed his comrades in arms, holding 8 rifles. Fu Xiqiu, you pastor, do it all. Let’s walk and see, Fu Xiqiu! Don’t you have a picture of the Bush family? Don’t you (have) a picture of Neil Bush? I also know Neil Bush. Wu Xiaohui met him through me back then, together with these big beauties of China back then, we ate at 32nd Street. At that time, I knew what a bastard Fu Xiqiu was. Tell him, I know him, at Bush's house, I don't know one, Jack Bush, I also know him, I have known him for many years.

Fu Xiqiu, you are under the name of the Bush family, you are under the name of this pastor, you have found a dozen red-necked churches, you even threatened our comrades-in-arms. You are in the U.S. Congress and the State Department. You went to Washington to the State Department two weeks ago. Fu Xiqiu is only known to me, Guo Wengui. Is there someone who will take care of you? Does the State Department take care of you? Without seeing you, you bastard took a small amount of money to sponsor a few members of Congress and said this for you because you lied and deceived others. Who is the State Department investigating? you know. You are struggling to death. You got 10 red necks and eight rifles. Do you want to kill all these comrades? Do you think we would be so stupid? We are not afraid of the Communist Party. I'm afraid you are the mayor of Midland City. Are you kidding me? Fu Xiqiu, we are not even afraid of the Communist Party, we are afraid of you! Your grandson, you have 8 guns, what can you do? You kind of come to me, Guo Wengui, your uncle, you lie every day on Twitter, who threatens your life and death? Just by your threat, our lawyers just said, just by Bob Fu's, on Twitter that he was threatened with life or death. If the police enforce the law, everyone is a crime. I don’t believe it! How you treat our comrades-in-arms today, we will treat you as well.

Punishing thieves in accordance with the law was organized jointly by our overseas Chinese. As long as it is in accordance with the law, we must punish these Chinese thieves who deceive the United States. These so-called false religious thieves who deceive the Chinese are called Moss thieves. You belong to Fu Xiqiu and Guo Baosheng. It is you Fu Xiqiu who steal American interests, sell my compatriots at the cost of American national security, cheat with the Communist Party, cheat money and sex, deceive politics, and deceive lives. Just started with you, we can't stop this war. This is a war between justice and evil. Who is right and who is evil, let the American law have the final say.

Don't you say that Neil Bush is your backstage? You are not the mayor of Midland, are you backstage? You have 120 members of Congress on Capitol Hill, are they all your buddies? Let us let the United States...More than 300 million Americans, I don't believe they can be bought by you. I will let all the money you have donated to show up in broad daylight. To whom did you donate the money and for whom? Why did you donate money to support the Communist Party. Mayor Midland is sentenced before trial, how old is he? If you scare the Chinese people, you can scare the mayor of Midland. You scared me Guo Wengui, I am not even afraid of the Communist Party, I deal with this person, you Fu Xiqiu, you are still peeping in the women's toilet, you are a hairy, you! You bastard, you beast, you play with this kind of inferior people. Xiong Xianmin touched porcelain, Meng Weishen said falsehood, you made up falsehood, Xia Yeliang told falsehood, you said that you beasts, and Guo Baosheng, you are overwhelmed.

Remember what I said, in our war between justice and evil, there will definitely be people going to American prisons. It depends on who goes to American prisons. It’s the evil power you bought. By deceit, in the name of God, you go back to China every day to buy US officials and play this black police. It’s the eight rifles, fake Twitter, and more than 100 members of Congress. Are these more than 100 members of Congress? Was bought by you.

Comrades in arms, today’s comrades in Texas, the arrested comrades, are always holding my heart. This is why you must punish thieves in accordance with the law! Comrades in arms, have you thought about it? If you are at home and you are oppressed and come abroad, have you ever thought about it? Fu Xiqiu, Guo Baosheng, Meng Weishen, Xia Yeliang, Hu Ping, and these grandsons like Wu Jianmin, and bad guys like Gong Xiaoxia. Do they have the ability to deceive Americans and white people? No ability at all. Does he have the ability to hurt others? nor. All people hurt us, that is, they sell their compatriots to deceive their compatriots, then buy American politics, and take the American official Blue Jinjin to trade with China. This is the most evil place.

Let me tell you, you still don’t understand what it means to punish thieves in accordance with the law. Because the injuries and injuries of our family members in our country are all done by these bastards and grandchildren. So, those comrades who have come to the front, when you understand how meaningful what you are doing, you will kiss your own face for yourself. The things done by comrades-in-arms in Texas today and yesterday and the day before yesterday will be recorded in the history of Chinese justice! In the history of the New China Federation! Because he asked the United States and the West to record that scene forever. After the United States was bought, the American police dare to handle the case like this. They touched porcelain, threatened, interfered with mobile phones, and held handcuffs. They were arrested for crossing the road and arrested for crossing the road. Eight rifles, ten red necks, follow him every day without catching them. How can the world make sense? This is how our comrades-in-arms exposed the thief in accordance with the law! Let the world see clearly, if there is a Bob Fu in a Midland city in the United States, it can be like the United States. The United States needs a thousand Bob Fu. Can our comrades in arms survive, comrades in arms? Either you will be a slave to these people, or you will be double-cultivated by him, or you will just resist him to the end. Comrades in arms, everything must be in accordance with the law! firm! never give up! Never compromise! This is what I said today.

I did a lot of things today. Just now I just finished the meeting with the lawyer. We have to fight him on the battlefield, in the judges, in the courts, in the Congress, in the State Department, in the FBI, we want all departments, the Department of Homeland Security, and let them know whether we are terrorists or peacefully protesting! Are we making America safer or making America more dangerous! In the end, the police abused law enforcement. The Mayor of Midland said that we are terrorists. We will definitely let him give us an explanation! Walk and watch!

Bob Fu is always your Midland City, Midland is your home? Is the police in Milan your father? You bad guys, you still want to think it's the same as in the past, scaring us are scared, do whatever you want, is it possible? All your comrades remember that your fear is the enemy's weapon. Now Fu Xiqiu's fear is our weapon, and he cannot return to the previous Bob Fu. These lies he made up, he took advantage of his dark forces, the fears created by the police, and his family, and his money, and his funds, and his identity. It is no longer possible for anyone to whiten him.

Today, think about your comrades, what would be the consequences without G-TV? Can this reality be recorded? Can you broadcast it? Do we have this ability without comrades from all over the country who spontaneously come to Texas? If you don’t see this with your own eyes today, would you believe it? Without the New China Federation, the Chinese are really pigs and dogs overseas. These people sent anyone back in minutes. When you get to the church, you listen to him. Give him information, you were kidnapped by him. Then sell your information to the Communist Party, and there are black police officers in the local area. Can you survive? Go in and say that you have broken the law, or that you have taken drugs, what should you do? Who is a terrorist figured out this afternoon, eight rifles and eight rifles.

Oh, by the way, you can get the result of that inspection. Comrades-in-arms, for the first two days (wait first, wait first), I was confused every day by our scientist Yan. By this Mr. Luther, I met at least 300 people last week. I can't wear a mask yet, because I am the protagonist, I can't tell you what I did, can I? Then, the people I met go back to check this and that, I won’t talk about it, because they are all private. Think about it, I'm done talking, I said last week, I almost concluded that 99% of me should be infected, not 80%-90%. I have only one reason not to be infected, and that is to say this, our road head Luboche said that this medicine works, our breaking news revolution said this medicine works, our great heroic scientist (saying this medicine) works . There is one thing in my mind, if I believe them, who will? I have to take off my mask wow, because my job requires me to take off my mask. Hundreds of people, more than ten hours a day, still hug others. The most exaggerated thing, that day, when I directed my comrade-in-arms on October 1, I hugged me, and they warned me, Mr. Guo, as a result of your hug, you are almost 100% infected with the virus.

I said I trust my scientist and Luther because I have taken hydroxychloroquine. I have been eating for 20 days and I believe her. And I believe that my comrade-in-arms will also take hydroxychloroquine, and he will not be sick. Just what can I do with death, I went to hug, and I came back after the hug. This my doctor said, you are brave, and I admire you, but have you ever thought about being irresponsible to your comrades in arms, in case you are sick. Hey, what I think, is it, what if I pass on my comrade-in-arms? Especially the first big beauty Wen Zhen to embrace, Wen Zhen said, I was the first to embrace Seventh Brother. They stayed at home for 6 months and came out to hug me. You said that after the hug, what if they have children? I said that this is because people believe me, and I am not responsible. I am not afraid of dying if I embrace, but what if I get sick? Check it out. My doctor is, yesterday you saw a checkup here, did you see it? The doctor is holding a lot of equipment. I was shocked. It seemed as if I had already gotten sick. A long root was inserted into my nose. Ouch, it was really uncomfortable. Then I would draw blood, I said I would draw a tube. I also added an intensive test, took a shot of blood, and watched the blood lick out. Said after smoking, and went away. Then give me a message this afternoon, saying, Mr. Guo, have you taken hydroxychloroquine? I said I took hydroxychloroquine, but zinc tablets? have eaten. He asked why you eat? I said that we are the first in the world to recommend people to eat, there is a big head named Lu, my brother Luboche asked me to eat, and a scientist, we Yan Limeng.

Because yesterday, when Scientist Yan made this live broadcast, he shocked the world. My comrades-in-arms, you don’t understand the power of this media. Yesterday, the live broadcast (influence) of Hero Scientist was the sum of her previous live broadcasts, right? why? The whole world was shocked. This, this, this, this beauty, how can you tell us this beauty under the world, you said, she also talked about President Trump. Now I heard that the Trump family was furious. The whole United States says, curse our president and his family to die, Curse, curse. Then I said that the virus was released, and then said that Miles Guo must be there, so come and ask me. I said that I tested my test. After I finished the test, I told myself that if I did not contract the disease, it was not because the disease had not been close to me, it must be hydroxychloroquine and zinc. I believe that the scientist and Luther are right. Just now I sent Getter, and many of my comrades were scared to death. I will not talk about the test results. I love my family and I am scared to death.

Then the scientist was scared, hey hey, Mr. Guo, your test is not positive, right? Mr. Luther will not. You two are fooling around, let you eat hydroxychloroquine and zinc every day. Flicker, it's too big this time, they are stupid. I said Huyou is big, I said do you have confidence in your medicine, I am absolutely confident, you can't do anything. I said to eat exactly what you said, I also eat exactly what you Luther (say), I said I am not afraid, I am not afraid of getting caught. Of course, I don't want to get it. The key is to let my comrades know that I have held so many people, I have to give them a reply. Seeing me these days, I opened my mouth that day. That day, there were a bunch of models, beauties, and handsome guys. There was a shot. They were holding clothes and looking at them. Then I went over, I wanted to see it in that area, and they showed it to me. It's so close, mouth to mouth. There is also a girl from China, super beautiful, from Shandong, I said I will not film this show. Because I have been opening my mouth, people have been wearing masks, and they suddenly took off the masks when they were filming the show. What if there is anything to do, right? So I said no. But today, everyone is dumbfounded, and they are all waiting for my result.

After I announced it today, I want to achieve three goals, my comrades. The first one, I tell everyone, you have to eat hydroxychloroquine, you have to be responsible to your family, you believe in the breaking news revolution, believe in scientists, Mr. Luther, eat hydroxychloroquine; second, I want to tell everyone, do remember, the virus It is far from the beginning, and it will definitely be worse than in the past. Everyone must wear masks for protection. Third, I told my comrades, this is really terrible. This virus is terrible. The Communist Party virus is really poisoning everywhere. Let me push the results out, everyone, don't be afraid.

What kind of thing are you black, then what are you doing? Two pages. Is this one page? Change. I will look at a large list today (talk to the staff). Frightened the comrades to death. Comrades, are you scared? I thank my comrades-in-arms today. Several of my comrades said they got goose bumps and trembling after seeing it. It seems that Brother Seven is very important. He spoiled everyone and spoiled everyone.

What is my biggest feeling today? Let me tell you that August 16, the 16th of the lunar calendar is the 35th anniversary of my marriage with your Qisao. On the 35th anniversary, whether in the Antarctic or the North Pole, I will fly back to accompany you Qisao. But this year is so close, I didn't accompany your Seventh Sister-in-law. Because I am so busy with this, I have to check or something, which is too much trouble. But for my comrades in arms, I really have to check. I hugged with my comrades-in-arms, and there is another one I haven't worn for so many days, I have to explain to others. There is another medicine that I want to verify our big brains, Roboche, scientists. I tested both of them just now, they are both in my phone. I said you two are confident? You two fool around! I am confident, absolutely not. I see, look at Luther and say, it must be feminine and confident. The scientist said, I have studied with confidence. What was the problem with Dr. Mo at the time? What was the problem of social distance? I said you two are ready to commit suicide. Then the scientist said, I will give you the password before I commit suicide. The two of them are so confident, and I really feel it. I was quite excited just now. That is, our scientist is really not fooling. I took my fate to gamble with her. I bet whether my coronavirus is true or not. This scientist is true. Luther's medicine and scientist's medicine are real, this is one.

Let me tell you one more thing, the people I meet can get the virus. Not joking, not joking comrades in arms. Think about the many people in the White House, do you know who I have met? Think about it, how many people I met that day. Mr. Giuliani saw me before he went, and he saw me again when he came back. He doesn't wear a mask. Can you pay it back? People around him don’t wear masks. Can you say I can’t check it all at once, right? So, this time, after my examination, the doctor performed another examination. He said that all aspects of my blood cells were the best and the best examination in the past 5 years. As far as our family’s ancestral tradition is, the blood concentration is high, thick, thick. So my father had a stroke, a very serious stroke, so my blood is thick. As a result, after the test, I told me that my blood was the best tested in the past 7 years, and the blood concentration was the best. He said that it seems that this zinc and this hydroxychloroquine are very helpful to you. Besides, my workload is 4 hours a day, right? With such a heavy workload every day, I recently smoked two cigars every day, right? Various indexes. More importantly, I have had high cholesterol for more than 20 years, and my cholesterol has also gone down. So, comrades in arms, stop drinking, exercise, and I think hydroxychloroquine is zinc. This scientist is too good and Luther is too cute.

So the comrades-in-arms only really don't break it, this is a life-saving, I took my life and I tried it. I'm not kidding, I'm taking my life, you see, I don't wear a mask every day. I can't wear a mask. Look at so many people who came to Niuchan yesterday. They went upstairs and took off their masks when they got upstairs. By the way, Mr. Luther said that hydroxychloroquine has anti-thrombotic function. The anti-thrombosis has been confirmed, and Mr. Luther has published pictures. Scientists are watching (live) here, and they are terrified. Today you two absolutely experienced my test, the scientist and Mr. Luther, absolutely experienced my test. Today, if there is any ambiguity between you two, I will put your ambiguity on the screen. I can't deceive my comrades-in-arms, you two are 100% confident, this revelation revolution can withstand. I have recorded your two faiths with factual life.

I have seen too many people for the first two days, and I saw people with coronavirus. You show that I have been exposed to the virus. This is for sure, right? So this hydroxychloroquine is absolutely effective, absolutely effective. Brothers and sisters, what touched me today is that our comrades in arms were shocked when they heard my Gate. But I have to let the comrades I hugged that day, Na Wen was really hugged by me several times, and our Long Island brother, right? And some of our buddies from our army, right? I heard they are from this background. I hugged them, right? I have to be responsible for letting you see, it’s okay, I’m okay, I’m okay.

I will always wear a mask from tomorrow. I will start from tomorrow, tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow night, and tomorrow one day I still have to see many people, my job. Our sister Tang Ping was scared to death just now. Send me a message Brother Seven, you won't scare me, I said it's okay. She will arrange things for me tomorrow and let me record songs. What am I going to do tomorrow, tomorrow, I can’t wear a mask, right? I will finish recording the song tomorrow, and then check it again the day after tomorrow, check it again, and after checking it again, I won’t see anyone. Then, in twenty days I went to the deep mountains and old forest, no live broadcast, no video, comrades in arms, twenty days. There is no video, no live broadcast. I have gone deep into the mountains. Then I checked it, and as soon as the result came out, it was all right, I just left. I'm taking your Qisao out for a romantic trip. I have to accompany her. Think about it, I live here with your Qisao. How long have we not seen each other? It has been almost 6 months, right? Oops, I haven't seen each other in 5 months.

On August 16th, I was always sick. You said I didn't dare to say anything, so I wrote her a love letter. Thank her, I am always moved by what I wrote. My daughter secretly recorded her mother with her mobile phone and sat in the courtyard where she smoked with moon cakes next to her. Every August 16th, she has the same routine of making the full moon again, very strict, she is a traditional woman. Then he smoked there to the moon and slept almost all night. My daughter recorded it for me, how uncomfortable you say I am! Yes, you Qisao knows I'm busy, so I can't help it. This August 16th, I said that so many people came that day, you know, so many people came from all over the place, and there was no way for them to have meetings. So, your seventh sister-in-law, I didn't accompany her this August 16, I have to go with her. Three weeks, three weeks, don’t wait for me to broadcast, and there is no live broadcast. I see the date in three weeks. After three weeks, I am scheduled to come back on November 6. How many days, three weeks, will leave from next week, right? Three weeks.

So dear brothers and sisters, you must remember hydroxychloroquine if you are bold. Hydroxychloroquine works, and hydroxychloroquine definitely works. According to the doctor, you must take hydroxychloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. Today I tried the medicine by myself and showed it to everyone. I used to have witnesses here, and I saw them all. Every day I meet with about 50 to 60 strangers. If you say you don’t wear a mask, can you still pay it off? The key is someone, he is really infected, he really has a virus. You said that the people I met from Washington, waves of people, what do you do, they don't wear masks. They are all infected now, do you know where he got it? So I am really grateful to the scientists and Mr. Luther for saving my life. So look at who, yes, this Mr. Luther said Giuliani, Giuliani said when he saw me, thank Doctor Yan, thank our Luther, for saving my life. I said what was going on. He said that I sat face to face with the president for two days, one or two hours a day, hugging and hugging. He got it, I didn't get it, I took hydroxychloroquine. Scientist, Mr. Luther, I have endorsed you both. I’m testing the medicine on my own, trying to see if you two live on this live broadcast every day. Okay, it's real this time, really, it works. Let me tell you, this medicine is not available to everyone. It is really not available to everyone. It is not easy, it is not easy, it is hard to find a medicine.

So brothers and sisters, family members must protect and never go out. I tell you, I have received all kinds of information, and the worst will never come. Now the United States is playing the general election. After the general election, a series of virus incidents will scare you to death. If you would regard our scientist as a god, she really is a god. Luther is God two, he is God two. You don’t even say Lu’s big head, it’s God’s big head, absolutely. Our Doctor Bos, Doctor Mo, our Doctors, Ellie, An Hong, these famous mouths have all become heroes of the world. Not to mention breaking the news of the revolution, let's save the world. So today, this live broadcast, everyone understands it.

The last one is a trivial matter, because I have been busy with G-Club these two days, G-Fashion will be online immediately, until this afternoon, 3 hours before my live broadcast, we only selected the final registration Address and country. Because at least 60 countries and cities are competing for us to go. Yesterday I sent a message in our comrades-in-arms group, you know which zero tariffs, I want zero tariffs. Finally, after all the confirmations, the top leaders of a country called me in turn, Mr. Guo will definitely bring your G series to us. He said that I had a meeting with your Foundation, fund, and lawyer. We let you come and give you the most advanced policy that this country can have. What is its No. 26 regulation and what is its No. 17 regulation. I personally sign it for your use.

My comrades, when I announce this registered address, we have two conditions that must be met. The CEO of the market operation must be in this country, which is the law. So in this country, we need to build a headquarters of about 100 to 200 people. So I hope everyone will go there, very close, and the United States will fly very close. Anyone who has a green card and a visa in the United States can go, very close, one of the territories of the United States. At the same time, this buddy is absolutely anti-Communist. He said that we strongly support you, all the cause of extermination. Including your comrades-in-arms here, we used the national security and the Ministry of National Defense to set up a special team to protect your security, so it was the last one today. why? We have to get the G series, we have to find a good place. Yesterday afternoon, I had a meeting with officials from two states in the United States, and we invited the New China Federation to buy land. Let the G series settle in, it is almost very cheap. An acre of 500 US dollars, an acre is only 6 acres, an acre is 6 our Chinese acres, 500 US dollars, but the premise is that some of the G series must land in his place. Then give us the authorization of the New China Federation, you see, you see, you see, you talk, you talk, you talk.

Then this Hawaii, this hairless Doudou, she can't avoid us if she wants to hide. Hawaii has a 26,000 acres of land in the Grand Canyon, which is controlled by a single person in Japan. Donate it to us today, don't need a dime, donate it to us, and hand over all the preferential laws and regulations signed with all local governments to us. There is only one condition for the development of our GTV in Japan, all technologies are shared, and he will be GTV Japan. Look at it, so say you, look at this stuff you made. Brother, please. You see, after the meeting with you today, I went to talk to me, and I told me after I went up. I said, let’s think about it, more than 20,000 mu, not small, not small. But our brother Henry is there, and I want to develop 20,000 mu of land for brother Henry. What does it feel like. But I want to get more, 100,000 mu, at least, right?

So G-Club, everyone sees that the 15th is online, and the 15th is online. You guys look good, absolutely shocking. G-Fashion on the 15th and G-Club on the 17th, sorry. Correct me. G-Fashion is online on the 16th and G-Club is on the 17th. So absolutely, you are shocked, absolutely shocked, absolutely shocked! The era of Chinese people selling cheap goods, selling fake goods, and copying goods has never gone since our G-Fashion went online. You see, you see these great people, genius among geniuses, using the best fabrics in the world. You said that the clothes you wear are 200 dollars, why I wear more than 10,000 dollars, then the material is different, right? The material is the core. We Chinese copy everything, and copy everything from others. We are all original, all the best designs, the best fabrics. All production, 100% Italian, and all shipments 100% Italian, do not touch American hair. There is only one design center in the United States, nothing. The headquarters has gone to this country now, and it has gone, and the market has gone there. The production is in Italy and the distribution is in Italy. In the future, there will be a G-Fashion material production line in Japan, and in the future for the rough machining center, we will have a shoe production line in Japan, which we want to buy. The next large number of mergers and acquisitions, all production lines of super brands, will be announced in the future.

I regret it a bit now. To be honest, this GTV stock is sold too cheaply. Yesterday, the brother of a comrade-in-arms finally understood his assets. I believe you know who it is. The big group in his family has collapsed. It declared bankruptcy in the first two days, and it went bankrupt with HNA. His brother is bad and his brother is good. Tell me, Mr. Guo, I want to invest US$200 million in GTV now, and then I plan to invest US$500 million in total, and I want to invest US$500 million in G-Fashion. Looking for me yesterday, I said it was impossible. The most GTV stock is one share that cannot be given to you now and cannot be invested. So G-Fashion does not accept external investment now, let's talk about it in the next phase of private equity. Dear brothers and sisters, how much is this worth? Think about it these few months ago, when we talked about this, what is the concept of talking about this today? Before the virus, we had 16 people working in this building, and now there are nearly 40 people working. There are also forty or fifty people who do not come to work. There are more than 100 offices outside of us now, excluding Los Angeles, Phoenix, or the mysterious city of the United States. What concepts do you think about, comrades-in-arms, are creating every moment. The G series is in full swing. When G-Coin and G-Dollar are launched next month, you will be shocked again, my comrades.

Today, my comrades-in-arms, I saw the live broadcast of the Texas farm, and no one left a message below, maybe I didn't watch it all. Everyone has thought about the consequences of not having GTV? That's it! Absolutely shut us all up, no one knows what catches you or kills you, and it is impossible for the Americans to say. I asked him to watch GTV and call Washington, and the congressman immediately turned on GTV to watch. I said you take a look, what are you doing? Catching people! "Wow, Miles, really? Is this America?" I said, this is your America! Secretary of State Pompeo was silly when he heard it, and when he saw this scene, many of the State Department were silly. Is this the United States? Bob Fu has so much power?

My comrades, most importantly, today and yesterday proved that Bob Fu lied, he lied on Twitter; the second one is that he used all his power. What is this? Compared with the kids on the streets in Hong Kong, what do we compare to others? What's the arrest? This is America. You want to be arrested in Hong Kong, is it your turn? Just killed you and gang-raped you. This is still the United States, right. You think about Washington, the United States, don’t you watch it? Don't care? is it possible? Do you think people in Texas have no comrades in arms? Don’t have our friends? Will he leave it alone, right? This is the contribution of our comrades-in-arms, and the contributions of our comrades-in-arms in Texas will never be forgotten.

Canada, Japan, and New Zealand are a little joke. The old squad leader in New Zealand flicks a lot, and he flicks a lot. In destroying the thief, the old squad leader lost points; in Australia, our An Hong and Mulan have completely fallen, and it's over; now Washington comrades in DC are completely unable to do so; The test of comrades in arms, the heart of the people, the ability of people, the wisdom of people, the punishment of thieves in accordance with the law, and the conscience and wisdom and courage of each of us are tested. Seeing the Texas comrades, I was so touched several times that I couldn't stand it, the kind of courage and the kind of determination, but I don't say the big guy behind it. There are a series of wise comrades who support each other, so I won't talk about it.

(Interacting with my comrades) I am using OBS now, so I can't add it. I gave me a suit this morning. I gave me 30 suits. This is a new one today. When he gave me a suit, I also had a meal with him at noon, and a light meal. The old man is there, the Ali who took pictures of President Trump. As soon as he sent clothes to President Trump, he met with me after he returned from the clothes, and President Trump was infected with the virus at that time. I said you were crazy, you meet me. So I have to check, you know? It's scary. Just send me clothes today, not your boss (English: Brioni). Seven brothers, you talk about 3 fists, 3 fists, and you will be missed. This dress is the first day to wear today, I did not expect it to be broadcast live tonight. But, this dress is very good. I prepared this dress for other things, but I put it on today, the first day. There is also the stinky 5 hairs on the screen.

Now I want to kiss our Luboche, the brain gate of Lu's big head brother. I want to kiss the small, onion-like hands of our heroic scientist. That hand is just like our scientist’s "click" on his fingers. As a result, everyone wanted to kiss her finger. I said that your hand shouldn't be swaying too much, and you have to kiss your finger. What's the situation? Chachacha. Damn! But my biggest feeling in the past two days, my fellow men, China is really declining. Just look at our scientists as soon as they came out. In the past 70 years, there has not been a man in China who looks like a scientist. That feeling, that emotion control, this logic, when you look at me, the opposite side nods. She looks too long for the Chinese. Just yesterday, oh, don't let me talk about it. A family leader said, Whoops! I love this Dr. Yan. When she talks about our house, I love her too much. Miles, you must protect her. Miles rose, Miles rose must protect her, love her to death. Have a face. I feel that China is really declining over the past few years.

Then look at Texas, my god! Look at the scene in Texas, look at the girl, the head shape, clothes, and standing posture that our compatriots wear, the kind of Yi Ding being handcuffed, the kind of fearlessness. Of course, we also have men, and the ocean behaves very well at the scene. This man, I must meet him immediately, meet him, absolutely hero. Look at wisdom and English, and look at our Chinese compatriots. So the Chinese still have hope, because Chinese women have not lost. Chinese men are over, there are really few good men, but women are great.

I had a meeting with one of my important friends this afternoon, and she said she didn't believe in men. I said I also suggest that you don't believe in men, especially our Chinese men, don't believe it. I told my daughter that you better not get married in your life, I think. She also has a boyfriend now, but you better not get married. From when she was very young, I told my daughter not to believe in men, especially Chinese men, who are perverted by the Communist Party. No seed, no morality, no faith, this fart is a big deal, and it's frightened. It doesn't look like a dress, it doesn't look like a dress, and it doesn't look like a meal. It’s not like being a bad person, and being a bad person is very nasty, do you know? The bad guys also look like. The Hong Kong underworld movies are also made to look good. The Italian mafia movie made by others is black, and they look like that. What do you think of our Chinese men now? One by one, the malaise, the bad nasty, the good one does not believe it. Oops really, hey! I have been scolded by my dad many times, my dad said, what do you mean? Net said this. Hey! Anyway, I think my father is not as good as my mother, and my father is always upset.

Oops, brothers and sisters, as soon as I talk to you, I can't stop, you say this, can't stop. Then that day I sent a message to your Qisao, and I wrote half a love letter. When I got off the boat, I felt very uncomfortable. Looking at the moon, right? A love letter. Then your sister-in-law said it was okay. You treat your comrades in arms well, you owe too much to your comrades in arms, and your comrades in arms are doing their best for you. You give them time, you tell them more, chat. This daughter-in-law touched me. To be honest, my daughter-in-law is really good. This god gave me a daughter-in-law of 35 years, this really is. My mother, my daughter-in-law, and my daughter, this is my gift from heaven, it is definitely my gift from heaven. I have, strictly speaking, the 5 most important women in my life. My family, these three are the most important. No, I really can't believe I can live without my mother. My wife is really, she has a conscience. At this time, she was thinking about saying that her comrades in arms took too many risks with me. Including the brother on the opposite side, they all took their lives, and the whole family gave me all of them, and the family brought me here. If I don't treat him well, then my comrades in arms.

My wife always talks about me, and your Seventh Sister-in-law said that you are right with any comrade-in-arms in Wengui, and you can only be sorry for your comrade-in-arms. If you have one sorry, then you really broke the conscience of the eight generations. You said that as soon as she said this, I was angry, as if I said, what do you mean, she said too many people treat you well. I said you don't watch my video, how do you know? She said I know that people in China have sent it to her. Do you know me now, your Qisao uses WeChat every day. People who use WeChat are all headlines and are completely brainwashed. Because she doesn't read English, you can't help it, she just looks at that. However, she knows all this, how many people in China place hopes on me. Her classmates sent messages to her, and sometimes there was one occasionally, and we just waited for Wen Gui to save us, and we knew our seventh brother would save us. My two of us have a teacher in common, and her teacher is also my teacher. Send me a message, send a message to her, saying that only Wengui can save us in China. So she felt that you can't sorry these people.

So I feel bad for August 16th, my comrades-in-arms, do you know? But you said, your Qisao said something to me, oops, you said I was there looking at the moon. I didn't eat moon cakes on August 16, because I really didn't want to eat them. Every year I eat with my mother, with my father, with my whole family, with this damsel, and with your sister-in-law. This year you say me, I sit there alone, and I eat mooncakes, and I haven't eaten them either. As a result, these moon cakes were all eaten by you (the staff in front of Mr. Guo) and all of them were eaten by you. When I wanted to eat, I found it was the only one today, but (the staff) took a long time to find such one for me. Hey, brothers and sisters, breaking the news about the revolution is not easy.

Sunglasses left a message, breaking the news that the revolution is to pay, just like our comrade-in-arms in Dezhou Ocean was taken away today, the two ladies were taken away, and the second sister was taken away, you have to pay. But if you think about it, what happened on the streets of Hong Kong. It is common for us to break the news that the road the revolution has to take is challenged and arrested in the future, not how it is possible. Just like you, you will be afraid if you catch it once, and you will not be afraid if you catch it twice. What can we do, we don’t kill people, we don’t set fires, we don’t break the law, and we don’t defraud. We are saving mankind. Whoever catches us is a badass, right?

(Mr. Guo is reading the message and the name of his comrade-in-arms) Rule of law, you are a sincere man, a son of a deep mountain, a foreigner arguing about the world, the tears of a crocodile, the death of Qin and Chu, the sea is really bright, Henan Dahan, Enron, Wendao, Athena, Wen Shouxiang, ilove God of War, how many are online now, oh my mother, silver is scared to death. But VPN is definitely much more than this.

Well, next month, comrades-in-arms, you will join me in the absolute magnificence of life, get rich, and see how Wengui can do business for you and earn money for you. When I talked to those funds, I said that I had no account, no credit card, and no dime. I just hope that one day when I realize my faith, don’t you don’t lend me the money, I borrowed it. The money will never exceed 10% of the money I bring to you. Now these Foundation people all know that Guo Wengui was so great back then, but he understands today. I did not say that I did not honor it once. You can ask all those who have worked with me. I did not say that I did not honor it. What Guo Wengui wanted to do since I was a child has only one thing I haven't done so far, Take down the CCP. Now my comrades in arms and I are doing it. I didn’t think about it. I confessed that there was nothing that was not done. If you don’t believe me, you will come to see if you have verified what I said. I will definitely do it. I will never break my promise.

(Mr. Guo is reading a message) What amount of hydroxychloroquine, baby, ask me what amount to eat. I was the one who ate as the scientist said. The first time I ate five 200g tablets. Then I added half a grain of zinc. The first two days I added a grain of 250 zinc, which was given to me by the scientist and given to me by Mr. Luther. Then, I have to make way for Mr. Luther as soon as possible. I can't afford him if I give time. I have to let Mr. Luther go live.

(Respond to cell phone information) One released, other two will be released suddenly. Ridiculous judge This is the best American, best lawyer, personally deal with it, ridiculous judge. OK brother, thank you very much, you help we, we are the brother and sister, they are my hero, thank you very much, We're all appreciate you. Give you one bowl of soup. I will take a photo of him and give you a bowl of soup. brother thank you very much.

After I called him today, I was shocked. What? I caught you guys. I said we protested, oh, that (Midland) was corrupt. I said hurry up, everyone has been caught, and they have to be released immediately. Frighten, Fu Xiqiu, you can frighten those foolish Guo Baosheng. You frighten our revolutionary comrades who broke the news. This time we believe that the comrades who go to Texas will have to fight with Fu Xiqiu for a lifetime. You have to find a way of saying it, right, right? Your police, your mayor called us terrorists, how can we terrorize you? You said that we threatened your life and death, where did we threaten you? We have to understand this, right? This is not the Communist Party, it was pulled out and shot to death; this is not a Hong Kong policeman, you pulled it out to rape or gang rape and threw it downstairs. Who are you scaring? We have a native dialect in Shandong, I'm too crude to say it. OK, rest assured, my comrades, as long as you believe in the New China Federation of breaking news, anyone who punishes thieves in accordance with the law, anyone who contributes to the United States, exposes the Communist Party and the spy system, as well as anti-our breaking news revolutions, will not leave you alone , Will never let you alone. I believe that 100 million Chinese overseas will stand with you. We have 100 million Chinese. What you see today, comrades-in-arms, is that they stood at my door and shouted to me three years ago. Today it is the comrades-in-arms who went to the world. In a few months, remember what I said today, the Communist Party will really know, including the Communist Party, the bastards bought by the Communist Party in the United States, he will see the power of the Chinese. When we walk on the street again, it is definitely not 3000, 5000, nor 30,000, 50,000, let's walk and watch.

Please remember that there are only two options. Either you follow the Communist Party, or you follow the revolutionary New China Federation and follow the national interests of the United States. There is no choice, which one you choose. You said that when I was selected, I was silent, so I didn't say anything, I shrank my head, I can live well. Without this option, there is no such option on the computer. Why, Americans will see, you stay in the United States, you neither support the New China Federation, you do not support the opposition to the Communist Party, do not support this virus, then who do you support? You support the Communist Party in your heart. No one is a fool, who is fool? And those who have recently jumped out and shouted every day that President Trump is dead, suffering from coronavirus, happy, and gloating, remember that you will definitely be sent back to your CCP. After the CCP is destroyed, you will not be able to return to the United States. You walk and watch, you curse the Trump family, you walk and watch. Regardless of people Biden or Trump, we can't curse people, right? This is human common sense. Wang Qishan, I will never curse him. I can't curse Wang Qishan and his family. Is that human? Right? We can't do such despicable things.

So, dear brothers and sisters. Only true is not broken, the little bee, the Japanese cherry blossom group, I found it very warm. You shed tears when you hear my voice, and you shed tears when you hear my voice. I will not dare to broadcast live. I watched Dr. Doctor Yan yesterday. I was having a meeting, so I hurry over and broadcast it on TV. By the way, hurry up and buy Fox's show, and Wang Yanping told you whether or not. Then Wang Yanping came over and took a look. As soon as I came out at the beginning, I heard from behind and pulled the paper. Wang Yanping wiped his face behind and wept. I was there pretending to be calm and it was fine. I was watching the scientist there. As soon as the camera came out, Wang Yanping started crying as soon as she came out. Oops, my mother, after seeing it, crying until the end, this Wang Yanping.

Then my mobile phone became violent. Whoops, my American friend, Amazing, Unbelievable, This angry. (Respond to cell phone message) Oh, Thank you, I get the picture, thank you very much. Oh. So, Washington is crazy, and friends in Los Angeles, Chicago, and San Diego are crying in a mess. It's amazing, breaking the news of the revolution really makes people cry every day. Really, I really like it. I haven't seen a real hero until now. I haven't seen it before, nor have I seen our hero.

Mulan and An Hong have been killed by Drumstick Pan, alas. The Texas Cowboys successfully repelled the submachine gun mob, but the police released them after interrogation. Let me tell you, Texas Cowboys, it's not that the police release people after interrogation, he must release people. Did you see that just now, the lawyers from the Department of Justice in the United States will work for us personally to save our comrades in arms. What do you think? Submachine gun, you see that submachine gun, 8 submachine guns, 8 submachine guns. Fu Xiqiu got a lot of trouble this time. Many officials in the United States called me, and many members of Congress asked me if you are sure. I said I’m sure, Fu Xiqiu is looking for someone with 8 submachine guns. Ask the local police. This matter, the fishing is big, thank you, Texas Cowboy.

Having a glass of New Zealand, Mr. Wengui can't scare his comrades like this. I'm not scaring you, I'm telling you to be careful, take hydroxychloroquine, I don't take hydroxychloroquine, I am 100% infected, 100%. You must believe this hydroxychloroquine, Giuliani and I are the best (example). You saw it with your own eyes. You can eat it too. You can buy hydroxychloroquine if you buy it yourself. Boy, I just threw you down, you can pay it back, you are so capable. Today I went to someone's house and stretched out my hand to tell me, Mr. Guo, can you give me 5 pills of hydroxychloroquine and 5 pills? This is the president of Brioni. I told him to give him two shots.

Seventh brother reads me, and the god of war is with you. Seventh brother reads me once. God of War with you, find this, add it to my phone, God of War with you. Brothers and sisters from Texas, these sisters, you are here. Our little pink pig, the one in the red vest is called the little pink pig. Little Pink Pig’s husband is said to be an American, white, and also from the Marine Corps. You said he saw this wife being repaired, would he be willing? Americans are not as frustrated as Chinese men. Americans must avenge their grudges. 8 submachine guns. Are the Marines afraid of you? 8 submachine guns, you Fu Xiqiu. Who are the terrorists? You totally understand. Texas Cowboys, don't keep yelling there, don't brag, call Texas Cowboys, do something real. Just kidding, we are not even afraid of the Communist Party, afraid of your 8 small submachine guns. Whoops, you play this. When Guo Wengui was in China, you asked, what the underworld has never seen. The triad in Hong Kong, 30 years ago, more than 300 people, Xiang Huaqiang and his wife took the man, from Central to Kowloon, just a few of us. I pointed to the nose and scolded him, you kill me, you shoot. He took me to the Regent Hotel. At that time, the martial arts star, the big fat man, Sammo Hung’s nightclub was playing billiards, and all the beauties below Gada Gada shook their heads and jumped there. Then there was a big billiards case above, and after going in outside, I opened a bottle of wine so tall. I held a big cue and pointed at his nose, I said you shot. What are you underworld, underworld are you still alive? You are more afraid of death than anyone else. In the end, I was so scared and apologized again and again. Finally, I took the phone, and I said I would give you a call to listen, and when I finished the call, I knelt down there, and hugged me again and again to apologize. Pour a big wine glass and punish three glasses. What is his wife's name? His wife scolds the celebrity all day long. Cecilia Cheung was there at that time, Cecilia Cheung was like a child, thin and hala, and later I knew it was Cecilia Cheung and became famous. What is her name, what is his wife's name, what is her name from Taiwan, what is her name, what is her name, Zhang Lan (should be Chen Lan).

Shit, you still Fu Xiqiu. When I killed the underworld, you were not born yet, you were in your crotch. Sorry, I was wrong, you don't know who is in the crotch. Rubio spoke to Bob Fu and gave the money. Anyone who speaks for him must have donated money. I am legally responsible and must have donated money.

Seventh brother, I want to go to the mountains with you, a democratic and legal company, all right. Following the breaking news revolution, there are no tears. Following the breaking news revolution, you must remember that this is a major test, which will test your mind, your wisdom, your courage, and your courage. Brother Seven hasn't seen anything, hasn't seen anything, hasn't he? As long as you stick to the two bottom lines, don't break your conscience and moral bottom line, and don't touch the red line of the law. As long as you don't touch this, no one is afraid.

In the future, we must have tens of thousands of mu of land, anyone can go, you can go. I assure you that this will happen. As long as you are willing to go deep in the mountains, don't blame Seventh Brother for eating at that time, knocking on your door to eat at any time. Definitely, there must be! Remember, comrades in arms. Within 1,000 days, you will definitely be allowed to go, and after that, it will be your home. Absolutely what you want to do, and it is protected by our law.

There are also 20 boxes of hydroxychloroquine, in the ancient city of Loulan, keep it, keep it. This is Xiguo Pangu, please write it down and add it to me. Okay, it's Luther's time. Luther should be angry for a while, now I dare not provoke Luther, and give up time to Luther. Seven brothers succeeded in fishing, absolutely. Old girl Wensu, you have been broadcasting well these past two days, very good, very good, very good. My old girl has emotions, absolutely emotions.

Well, let us pray for all the people of the United States, the people of the world, the people of China, the new Chinese Federation, and our compatriots in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mongolia, and Tibet. Yeah, you also started to pray. Amitabha! You also start to pray. Seeing you startled, you are really in a state. You thought you started to meditate. I didn't scare you, right? Seeing that scared you into a jump, uh, you can't make you jump.

hong655565, you have to add him. Seven brothers talk about GTV, comrades in arms, think about it, this technology, the mobile phone connects immediately. There are several worlds, just our family, in this connection comrades... Yesterday in Texas, it was definitely a police car that interfered. There was a jammer, and it was finally discovered. The other thing about that is, when you connect, you must turn off the microphone, it won't work if it receives too much radio. To understand live broadcast, you have to remind everyone of this problem. Rubio supports Bob Fu, it's very simple. He donated, he supported Bob Fu, he donated to support Bob Fu, he supported Bob Fu. Let me tell you, as far as President Trump supports Bob Fu, we don’t care, we only care about American laws. Our comrades-in-arms are especially Chinese thinking. They trembled at the sight of a big leader and frightened at the sight of the police. You are only afraid of one thing in the United States. Have you done anything bad? As long as you don't do bad things, don't be afraid of anyone. Who provokes you will be unlucky, not you. If you are about to do something bad, no one can save you, so just believe this sentence. What is Rubio up to Rubio, Rubio is a god, he supports Bob Fu, why does he support Bob Fu? We only need Bob Fu to know whether he is a member of the Communist Party (identity), and is he actually registered in the United States? Who donated the money from his fund? Where did his money go? Why did he crack down on the breaking news revolution and hit our scientist Dr. Yan Limeng? He and the Communist Party, why can he help political asylum and return to China? Right, it's that simple. Did he invite those black policemen? Did he get the eight submachine guns? It's as simple as that, with Rubio, when you talk about Rubio, you are scared to death. What kind of revolution can you do? In the past few years, I have been threatened by more people, and all the bigwigs in the United States are going to repatriate me, all looking for President Trump. How big is the matter, do I care?

My comrades in arms, if you have not learned this from me, you will really follow me for nothing. As long as you don't break the law, love whoever you are, and care about what he does. Mr. Bannon and I had two or three conflicts. What was the conflict? The Wall Street Journal was about to report, and he was very upset, I said at the time. I said I told you Mr. Bannon, you can leave us, I don’t need you anymore. We never counted on breaking the news, counting on the extermination of the Communist Party, counting on you Americans, or counting on you. We are not afraid of the media breaking the news about us and spreading rumors about us. I said that what he wrote about me is true or not, he said it was all false, and if I was false, I said why should I be afraid of it? Why should I be afraid of it? I said that in the past few years, the Communist Party has given me more than one billion times, eight billion times of rumors about my online information. Has he ever said that I lied, deceived people, or committed crimes? I said that I only follow the Rule of Law in the United States, I don’t follow the Media, and I don’t care.

In the first two days, the Wall Street (Journal) will report again. That hairless Doudou talks about it, so what. I said you let her say, do I care? A head of state in a certain country is an old friend of mine for many years, and used to be a deputy. After becoming a prime minister, tell me, Miles, I can't maintain a relationship with you as an exterminator. I told him on the phone on the spot, I said you will look for me again, you are a bastard, I scold him very much... the phone hangs up. After he recovered from the recent illness, he always contacted me and apologized to me. I will always tell him, I said you will never be my friend. We never expect you to be the president of any country. You have been raped by the Communist Party. Rape and gang rape have become like this. What are you doing? What can you do Doesn't capitalism recognize money? Who speaks for Bob Fu, who dares to raise his hand and say that Bob Fu didn't donate money to me? Who dares to say a word? You are the Lord! Who dare? How about blowing a wolf egg, not just a few thousand dollars, three to five thousand dollars, would you stand and talk to him? This is the rule of the game in the United States, comrades in arms. When you go to Washington, you donate three thousand dollars to a congressman, and he must speak for you if you have something to do. I donate him and speak for me. Let's not do this mischievous thing. I really haven't seen it in my eyes, and think who is worth me to get some money for him. It's not bad if he doesn't give me money. Why should I give him money?

Breaking the news of the revolution is to rely on our own ability and strength, why do we want to build the G series? Why do you want G-Fashion, G-Club, G-TV? No one depends on it. You see my path of growth, I don't rely on anyone. I have never seen any official, Zeng Qinghong, or Xi Jinping. How old is he? As long as you can keep the moral bottom line and the legal red line, there is nothing to fear. As soon as we go to the house, look see that we Chinese are scared. When we see officials, we are afraid. When we see people who are richer than ourselves, our shoulders sag, and when we see officials, they shrug their shoulders. Up. We are human, and we are not beasts. Don’t just meet a butcher as soon as you see this official and rich man, as if you’re going to kill you. When you see the police, you will be sent up and stewed. Like you.

The comrades in the wall talked about it, the comrades in the wall talked too much. The comrades in the wall must first learn to recognize the truth and have courage, really. I would rather die vigorously than live lonely and lonely. This is what I saw from the newspaper on the wall when I was young. Li Qingzhao’s life is a master, and death is a ghost.

Can G-Fashion be bought separately? G-Fashion can. It has three prices: if you don’t buy G-Club, it’s the market price, if you buy G-Club, it’s the G-Club price. Let’s call it the G-Club price. The third is the price you buy with G-Coin. Dr. Mo's wife first said about hydroxychloroquine (repeat twice), ah, Dr. Mo's wife first said about hydroxychloroquine sulfate, we must not forget. Then Mr. Luther said, and the scientists confirmed it, right! Why does it take three weeks? Can it be shorter? No, I have an appointment with your Qisao, I want to see you. Because I have many people here in the U.S. It's been a long time since I saw them. I want to see them.

In the G-Club member, there is an entry, every year there are opportunities to have dinner and meetings with Brother Seven, ah, every year. I said at the time that I could not write this article. The lawyer said that I must write it. And there must be the function of downloading Seven Brother's songs for free. This is the law of the United States, ah, so there is a new song before the 16th of this month, called "Drinking the CCP". My sister Tang Ping, as well as King William, are fully arranged, very, very good! I believe it will surpass all the songs when the song "Break Out the CCP" is released, absolutely great, absolutely great! On that day, those who bought G-Club members could download and listen to this song for free. Then every year, G-Club members also eat and meet with Brother Seven once. Then, according to your purchase of 50,000, you will be the first table; if you buy 40,000, you will be the second row; if you buy 30,000, the third lap; if you buy 20,000, you will be the fourth lap; if you buy 10,000, the last The circle around. This is the rule of the United States. You must follow this. This is called the principle of fairness. Then, whoever takes a photo must also take a photo. You must also let the video, record whatever you want, and take pictures individually. This is G-Club.

So, every year we have the opportunity to meet, ah, we must meet every year. I said I disappeared in the deep mountains, and he said you disappeared in the deep mountains, you can also come out, you also have to meet your comrades in arms, wow it's very difficult! But I can say no, I can say no. In this life with Brother Seven... we must have made a piece of land and a mountain range. Oh, New China Federation, if you want to elope to the mountain, I believe many people will go. We want to build our Shangri-La, we want to build our Shangri-La.

Ah, there is still half an hour, forget it, don't tell everyone. Thank you brothers and sisters again. The worry you have about me today makes me love my comrades even more. What's more, everything I dedicate to my comrades-in-arms, everything that Wengui belongs to my comrades-in-arms. Now if I really say that if I can cut the meat for everyone to eat, I will certainly cut it equally for everyone piece by piece. I can do it, I dare to do it, I believe you know my courage. Comrades in arms, you must take away your fears now, don't treat yourself as a pig. When I saw the police, when I saw the high officials, the rich, I became trembling all over, thinking that he was a butcher here to kill you. Don't do this, as long as you hold the moral bottom line and the legal red line, no one is afraid. Don't look up at him, including your seventh brother. When I gave my comrades a hug that day, I was shaking all over. Of course, when a comrade-in-arms touch me, I believe some comrade-in-arms can feel it. Especially Wen Zhen can feel that I am very excited. Because I hugged up close with my comrades-in-arms, the life of each comrade-in-arms is great, and the comrades who can take to the streets are our great Chinese compatriots. I don't want to forget none of them, I really want to hug them one by one to the end. I believe that one day, Brother Seven will be with you. After we end the communism, or on a special day, when we get together, Brother Seven will stand there. You can hug whatever you want, or nibble whatever you want. It's okay. As long as you don’t be dirty, don’t think I’m ugly, don’t think I am old, whatever. Wengui belongs to comrades-in-arms, I am not a slogan, I am not propaganda, it is true.

Comrades, say it again, today I will tell you, scientists, Dr. Mo's wife, Dr. Mo, and Mr. Luther, that the hydroxychloroquine and zinc tablets are effective. Don't forget, don't forget, don't forget. Everything is just beginning! Well, shouldn't it be exposed! ended.