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Miles Guo 20200829_6

Miles Guo 20200829_6

Ms. Sara: Xiaobao, are you ready?

All comrades: ready

Ms. Sara: Mr. Guo is here

All comrades: Brother Seven is here! Brother Seven is here!

Mr. Wen Gui: How are you, Xiaobao, Xiaobao, Xiaolou and Mavericks!

All comrades in arms: Takedown CCP! Takedown CCP! Takedown CCP! Takedown CCP!

Mr. Wen Gui: Little Treasure, Little Treasure, Little Treasure is sooooooooooooooo good, Has this Little Treasure found a wife? Xiaobao, you are all red today, you are.

Ms. Sara: Hahaha he is the leader

Mr. Wengui: Isn't Xiaobao handsome? Why can't I find a wife? I wonder?

Ms. Sara: We ask Mr. Guo to hurry up, we only have 20 minutes

Mr. Wengui: Xiaobao, Daniel, Xiaolou, and Paris, Taiwan. Hello, all your brothers and sisters! Thank you Wen Gui in advance! Any instructions, brothers and sisters have worked hard!

All comrades in arms: Hello, Mr. Wengui! (Screaming)

Mr. Wengui: Can you hear me, Sara?

All comrades: can hear

Mr. Wengui: I want to tell some comrades in Taiwan, where you stand now, Xiaobao and Xiaolou, remember, I have been there many times, but where you stand now, I have been many times. The first time I went to Taiwan, I went straight from the airport to the place where you are standing now. Then I will walk in from where you are standing, I will see what is going on in the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, I look old and kind. Taiwan I love Taiwan too much, love Taiwan, love Taiwan.

Ms. Sara: Do you have any questions for Mr. Guo or let Mr. Guo speak?

Mr. Wengui: Please, please ask!

Ms. Sara: Do you have any questions for Mr. Guo? Mr. Guo is only 20 minutes.

Mr. Wengui: I want to smoke a cigar

Comrade Wen Yi: We have a comrade in arms to ask Mr. Guo. Hello, Mr. Guo, this is Wenyi. Before I ask a question, there is one thing I want to talk about. My father spent the last three years of his life in Taiwan. In 2017, the whole family was with you when you first appeared in front of the camera. My father was in mainland China and he was a military general of the Communist Party. He asked me to tell you, he thanked you for letting him know the truth, he left this world clearly and clearly, (broken)

Mr. Wengui: Good, greetings to your father. Please keep asking, Sara asks

Ms. Sara: They fell over there

Mr. Wengui: Huh? It’s not very clear, you tell them to make their voice clear, put her mouth into the microphone, and do it again.

Ms. Sara: They fell. The internet on their side is not very good. I don’t know what, so civilization quickly connects to them.

Mr. Wengui: It’s okay to connect slowly, wait a minute (English) Sir, give me more 20 minutes, I have an interview and you know this form Taiwan, we are friend, very important all the young ,you know we are friend , sister and brother ……

Ms. Sara: Look at them, look at Xiaobao, okay

Mr. Wen Gui: What about Xiaobao, Xiaobao, can this Xiaobao find a wife? You talk about this stuff when it gets dropped.

Ms. Sara: Yes, I don't know if the phone is hot.

Mr. Wengui: Sara, you must tell everyone that you can't be too close to the phone's microphone when you speak. This is one; the second microphone must be pointed at, and it should be closer, the microphone should be closer instead.

Ms. Sara: I'm so anxious

Mr. Wengui: Sara, many comrades-in-arms showed me today and sent a message saying that you sewed a skirt with the flag of the new federation. Are you too much?

Ms. Sara: Hahaha, my god, the same color.

Mr. Wengui: Will Luboche sew a T-shirt on the flag of the New China Federation tonight?

Ms. Sara: Haha, I am not willing, the flag is draped.

Mr. Wengui: Just kidding, kidding, haha. I said we shouldn't be poor, right? Ha ha……

Ms. Sara: Why can't they connect anymore, my God, it's anxious.

Mr. Wengui: Now you know Sara, a big problem, you must have experience. Sister, at this time, you must remember the one above. It is best to have three frames, and keep the best three frames.

Ms. Sara: Hey, here it comes.

Xiaobao: Mr. Guo, this is Xiaobao.

Mr. Wengui: Xiaobao Xiaobao.

Xiaobao: The mobile phone at the scene was overheated and the sun was too big, and it was broadcast for a long time, so it dropped.

Mr. Wen Gui: Are you all fake iPhones from mainland China?

Ms. Sara: Can you hear Mr. Guo's voice? can you hear me?

Sara: Camera up, camera up

Daniel: Brother Seven, Brother Seven

Ms. Sara: Camera up

Mr. Wen Gui: What about your girlfriend? Where is your beautiful girlfriend Paris?

Paris: Brother Seven, I am here.

Mr. Wengui: Hahaha, hahaha, well, I promised you to board the ship, and I promised you to board the ship. You have to bring Xiaobao, you two must bring Xiaobao. Daniel, Paris, Xiaobao, how is our curator? How is the curator? Daniel, how is the curator?

Daniel: The curator's surgery. He has now undergone the surgery, and his current recovery is okay, okay. Thank you Seven Brother!

Mr. Wengui: Let’s see how we can help him. We need money and people. Go all out to support him.

Daniel: Thank you Seven Brother! Thank you Seven Brother! Is Brother Seven's voice okay now?

Mr. Wengui: Yes, now, Daniel.

Wen Yi: Hello, Mr. Guo, I thank you for my father. My father always listened to your show when he first appeared in front of the camera in 2017, and then he passed away in 2018. He is a university professor from the mainland army. He is very grateful to you for letting him know a lot of the truth when he passed away. He asked me to thank you for him when I see you one day, thank you for letting him understand Circumstances left this world. I am very grateful for listening to your programs at every level in the past three years, and for allowing me to clearly understand what is happening in this world. Today we are honored to stand on this land of Liberty Square, with all our comrades in Taiwan. Taiwan is not absent in this wave of extinction of communism. We have the courage. We are our descendants and we dare to stand up. Today I want to ask you a question. The mission of our New China Federation is to minimize all the harm caused by CCP and the harm to all mankind. It has been more than 20 years since I came to Taiwan. The horror of the First Taiwan Strait War has shrouded every Taiwanese people. I don’t think everyone is talking about this matter, but this matter has penetrated every family in Taiwan. How can we prevent this war from succeeding and let the people on both sides of the strait keep our freedom and happiness? This is the mission of the New China Federation. Can Mr. Guo share this matter with us all? Thank you!

Mr. Wengui: Thank you! Say hello to the lost old father! When he goes to heaven, he will be better, he will support us in heaven, and he will come to destroy communism with us in heaven. You must believe this, you must believe this! This is a. Second, the biggest beneficiary of the New China Federation and the revolution is Taiwan, and the biggest victim is Hong Kong. Today, there are about a hundred Taiwanese comrades-in-arms. Today’s Xiaobao is our old elders, old comrades-in-arms, and even the daughter-in-law hasn’t been mixed up. The phone keeps dropping, so he can’t find his wife. Whoever calls him keeps dropping and who’s falling in love with him, right? Brother Seven never drops the call, does it? This is Xiaobao, and today our Daniel, our Paris, Taiwan Paris and so many comrades-in-arms behind you, where is our Wenxin, I don't know? Today I tell you all who are sitting, you heard me today, brothers and sisters, you turn off your voice, it is too loud. Listen, I’m telling you a good news today. Listen. Just before the live broadcast with Sara, I had three meetings in between. One of these meetings was related to the future of Taiwan’s major missions, major events, and major changes. Remember what I told you here today, what you heard at Zhongzheng Airport. It doesn't matter how many people in Taiwan are turned into blue and golden, how many cowards are selfish and scared by the Communist Party. But I want to tell one thing, just today, what happened just now, the highest international military group is preparing to take a major action against Taiwan. If one day you will see a group of planes flying to Taiwan, if one day you see this Air Force One landing in Taiwan, you must remember that this is the New China Federation, and today it is standing here. Your silent dedication of one hundred comrades in a million proportions has made a significant contribution. Just now in the meeting, I told them clearly that I said that there are only two tricks, and you will definitely win. Moreover, the paper tiger of the Communist Party is like a paper tiger lit by a match in front of you. This is Taiwan! I’m inconvenient to talk about specific actions now, you all know. I think today I really feel that the First World War in Taiwan is likely to be avoided! But avoidance is definitely the result of the efforts and struggles of all our comrades in the New China Federation, and you will feel that in the future only we can make Taiwan safer.

Really, the Taiwanese government is really too bastard! Too asshole, all playing politics. In such a democratic society of Taiwan, today we see these cowardly, selfish, short-term effects, and personal political interests driving Taiwan’s 23 million Taiwan’s future. It is so sad, brothers and sisters! I love Taiwan, love Taiwan, love Taiwan! I hope Taiwan is safe! I love brothers and sisters. But I really don’t love the government of Taiwan. I heard them say the reaction of the Taiwan government today. I’m really telling the truth, it’s too cowardly and too weak!

Taiwan is a place where the greatest quintessence of the Chinese nation is located, and it is also an important place for Buddhism! In so many temples, so many people believe in Buddhism and so many people recite sutras every day. Why didn't you read out a few kind people? Why didn't you read a few people without me? If you just recite the scriptures, and you all recite your own scriptures, why don't you recite the Taiwan scriptures? When I listened to them today, I told them that you have to look at it from this perspective. Don't look at the rogue politicians in Taiwan, you have to look at his democracy and his rule of law. The United States, I said that there are more hooligans going there, so are you American hooligans too? is not it? Are there too many hooligans in Japan? But where did these two countries start? Including NATO, your rule of law system is great, and your democratic system is great. What is great about Taiwan? Taiwan’s rule of law, Taiwan’s democratic system and Taiwan’s people.

In addition, as many Taiwanese as there are in the United States, 500,000 votes will determine the U.S. election, and 100 European Chinese votes will determine the future direction of Europe! Think about how many Taiwanese take American passports! None of them are blind, they are all smart people. I said you want you to trust these people in Taiwan and understand what you have done. Stop the war in Taiwan, stop the war, protect Taiwan, and go to Taiwan. First, protect Taiwan. At the same time, through a clear expression to Taiwan: whoever moves Taiwan, you will destroy it. At this time your personal politics can win, the rule of law in this country is defended, and the rule of law in the world is defended! The people of Taiwan will stand with you. The people of Taiwan are not just the people of Taiwan. The Taiwanese in Japan, the Taiwanese in the United States, the Taiwanese in Canada, and the Taiwanese in Europe are all the richest and richest in the world. Quality and most educated. Alas, they say it makes sense. When I said going there, I was not going to make a deal with the Taiwan government, but to make your own politics stronger, and to make democracy and the rule of law stronger. Then when you let the people of Taiwan feel that you really make them safe, the people of Taiwan will give you an unexpected future!

Take action! Stop being selfish. So I believe that just now I was shouting like this with my throat for two hours, and I was really almost lost in the video conference with so many people! There are still several countries and several languages, I don’t understand! I was dizzy after the translation, but I didn’t even know that you are in Taiwan today, but you also protested. Sara, my Sara confused me today and didn't tell me about it at all. One time in San Francisco, one time in Los Angeles, the first and second games, and then you come to Taiwan again. I am ready to prepare too. Brothers and sisters, right? Today my favorite sisters are here, but within a few days, I believe that there will be major changes and major changes where you stand soon! Brothers and sisters, let's walk and watch! Daxian County, Yanggu County, Xin County, let’s take a look, thank you, brothers and sisters!

Taiwan comrades: Thank you! Thank you Seven Brother! You use the most precious 30 years of your life, and you are ready for everything. We are willing to follow you closely, fight the war of the century, and work hard for the democracy, freedom and peace of all mankind! Thank you Seven Brother! Thank you Seven Brother!

Taiwan comrades-in-arms: Hello, Brother Seven, I am Taiwan Yunhao, thank you for breaking the news in the past three years! Let the world know the truth about the evil of the Communist Party! Now broke the news that the revolution has reached the most critical stage! We must work hard to drive the CCP out of this world! Taiwan was originally an independent, free, and democratic country. It was the goal achieved by predecessors who sacrificed their lives, shed blood and sweat. In the past two to three decades, the economic development has been infiltrated and destroyed by the CCP! So now many people in Taiwan have lost the goal of fighting and anti-Communist! Last year, the people of Hong Kong gave a very good example to the people of Taiwan! Only by fighting and sacrificing ourselves can we safeguard our freedom and democracy! Last year, the votes of the people of Taiwan decided that they would continue to uphold freedom and democracy. Now I would like to ask Brother Seven: What advice and appeal do you have for the people of Taiwan at this most important stage of extermination of the Communist Party? Thank you!

Ms. Sara: Waiting for Mr. Guo to advise them. There is stress, Xiaolong, you have stress. All right.

Mr. Wengui: So I heard what you said, I totally agree with you, because I might not have heard it clearly. What I want to tell you is that no one can deprive you of the people of Taiwan, as an independent, 23 million people of Taiwan, including the protection of China's traditional and true five-thousand-year civilization. Taiwan is not a treasure island of Taiwan, it is a treasure island of all Chinese people in the world and a treasure island of all mankind. You can see from history how Taiwan has protected the treasures and culture of the Chinese nation over the past few years. Then any Chinese with a conscience will do everything to protect the people of Taiwan. And I believe you have seen that since the news broke in the past three years, Ma Ying-jeou has had a series of elections, including the nightmare of Guo Taiming, we all accurately grasped, including Han Guoyu, I can say that we completely eliminated him. And there are many stories behind it. I never hoped that Taiwanese would give me anything in return! Including Taiwan’s support, we thank us. No, I Guo Wengui’s growth, my spirit, and all my actions now are Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the United States the most grateful for. this is very important! Without Hong Kong and Taiwan, there is no Guo Wengui today. Without Guo Wengui today, the Guo Wengui you see may be the so-called billionaires and rogue billionaires in mainland China, as well as the world’s three millionaires, and the rich with lies and deceit. It was because of Taiwan’s then Master Li Zuyuan and the help of some business friends in Taiwan at the time! Including the construction of Yuda International Trade at that time, many people came from Taiwan colleagues for help, many designers, including the Buddhist and religious circles, had a profound influence on Wengui that made me today.

If I said that I did anything beneficial to Taiwan today, first, I am Chinese, and I should. Second, spiritual pursuits and faith pursuits have never been rewarded. More importantly, if you are Buddhists, believe in reincarnation. What I have done to Hong Kong and Taiwan today and what I have done in the past three years is really a reincarnation arranged by God. My relationship with Taiwan and Hong Kong compatriots is the best model of reincarnation. You and the Hong Kong compatriots gave me a new life, gave me a new literary nobility, and turned a person who may be a demon, or a person who believes in Buddha, and you made me believe in Buddha. So this is the round reward response. So I believe that from this point of view, you can also look at the relationship between Taiwan and the mainland. Taiwan will definitely be protected by the Buddha, Bodhisattva, and ten thousand Buddhas and gods, and it will definitely be rewarded!

Just like how he was so coincidental today, these people have to connect with Wengui, have an emergency meeting, and take the next step. I told you, you have to prepare a noose, what kind of noose? This, this, this, and then I came to Taiwan, let this claim! I said CCP is over, hiccup! If you don't go, this noose, not called CCP, may be a bullet shot at you by Taiwan. why? When the Communist Party breaks Taiwan, he will go crazy. Taiwan is rotten, you are sure, you are the United States, you Europe, you NATO, will you protect Taiwan? You Japan. If you guarantee, everyone is dead, then nuclear war is really going to happen. If you stop Taiwan from the war and protect Taiwan well, I say that this will become a surrounding circle and will tighten the Communist Party’s neck. Taiwan will either be involved in the war because of Taiwan, the United States, the United States, Europe, and Japan; or Taiwan will help you strangle the Communist Party in the so-called world's first island chain to be controlled. Which one do you choose? They are absolutely because we broke the news about the revolution in the past, the dream of Guo Taiming in Taiwan, Guo Taiming's election and non-resignation, and will not return to the election after resignation, and he said that I will fail miserably and lose money and people. Guo Taiming can't find it, it can't be found. We are accurate, including Han Yu, including Taiwan’s economy, and TSMC’s current blending with the Communist Party, including the layout of all these apps in Taiwan, and Taiwan’s blue gold.

Our cooperation with US intelligence agencies and the provision of intelligence on Taiwan are all accurate. Because of accuracy gained trust, because of accuracy, people listen to us. I think these are all arrangements made by the heavens. You have given a brand-new Wengui. You and Hong Kong, Wengui should do your best to arrange and give back to Taiwan and love Taiwan! Love Taiwan! Do not worry! Brothers and sisters, you and I are by no means simple. According to the Buddhist school, we have at least several thousand years of fate, right? Let me tell you this. Today, when I went to Taiwan, I had time. I really, Taiwan comrades had few connections with me. Let me talk about my experience in Taiwan. You will know that in all the relations between me and Taiwan, it can be said that it is a reincarnation and current mysticism. We also call it the best example of superstition and religious studies! It is my relationship with Taiwan, Hong Kong, the United States and Japan. This is very very good! I hope that I will meet you soon in Taiwan and shout out loudly. At that time, the new Taiwan without the Communist Party must be completely different. Taiwan’s 23 million people are the real fire of the Chinese nation. Taiwan’s 23 million people will surely be blessed by the gods of heaven and will become the most critical bastion for the New China Federation to defeat the Communist Party. Brothers and sisters, you can go home and sleep well. There is nothing wrong with the new Chinese Federation Taiwan. Thank you brothers and sisters.

Ms. Wenxin: Thank you, Mr. Guo. It’s a great speech. I am Wenxin to jump in the line. Mr. Guo was on the call just now. Is my voice okay? Mr. Guo is embarrassed, he has been there just now because the phone is hot...

Mr. Wengui: Ah Wenxin, Wenxin is here, I said I can't find Wenxin, so sad, I said, where did Wenxin go?

Ms. Wenxin: Yes, always. Today, Taiwan's warriors have all stood up. The closest fortress to the CCP, as Mr. Guo said, must be held. The CCP is a paper tiger, a paper tiger. Then I am very happy to hear that Mr. Guo mentioned in the live broadcast that Air Force One is possible, possible, and many specific (details) are inconvenient for Mr. Guo to hug and say, we feel a lot more at ease. Today's comrades-in-arms in Taiwan are really very, very good. In this selfless, brave and love unite us here. Then, in this grand event, Taiwan was not absent or absent, so I was very happy, very happy, seeing every comrade-in-arms stand up, because I was brave and did not back down. The CCP’s prison is not that big. Unless everyone is locked up in prison, then the Taiwanese fire will burn, burn and burn again, and then move forward step by step and steadily move forward in order to eliminate the Communist Party. We want the truth about the virus, we want to overthrow communist totalitarianism, we want to unite the Chinese people all over the world, and we want to support the new Chinese Federation. Thank you Mr. Guo, thank you everyone, Taiwan, come on!

Ms. Sara: Go Taiwan! Taiwan scene

Mr. Wengui: This old sister Wenxin is interesting enough.

Ms. Sara: I'm so touched. Daniel, you have no voice.

Mr. Wengui: I'm so touched. Taiwan is fine, Taiwan is fine, Taiwan is fine.

(Taiwan comrades dropped)

Ms. Sara: The Taiwanese people worry about the war in the Taiwan Strait. I think what the female comrade-in-arms said just now...

Mr. Wengui: Very dangerous, originally dangerous, really dangerous. When the Communist Party died, it wanted to take Taiwan away...

Ms. Sara: Okay, I'm back.

Mr. Wen Yuan: Hello Seventh Brother, Hello Sister Sara, I’m Wen Yuan. I have two questions to ask Brother Seven. First, I want to tell Brother Seven, Sister Sara, and all the comrades who broke the news of the Revolution. Brother Seven, I have followed you for three years. I just want to tell you that we love you very much, we I love you very much and admire you like a surging river. My first question, in fact, Brother Seven has just mentioned it, but I want to confirm it again, that is, when Brother Seven was connected with Australia yesterday, there are already more than 100 countries that will talk to the New China Federation. To be a comprehensive partner, then I would like to confirm with Seventh Brother, is this place in Taiwan of the Republic of China included? This is the first question. For the second question, I think Brother Seven, will this G series, including G-Fashion, land in Taiwan? Thank you.

Mr. Wengui: Thank you, brother. I may have heard 20% just now. I heard me... First of all, gratitude is not needed. As I said, there is no need to be grateful. We don't need each other's gratitude. I believe you should also feel that Taiwan has maintained communication with us in different fields, but the strengths and weaknesses of Taiwan’s blue golden power and Taiwan’s location are extremely obvious-the most dangerous. At the same time, doing anything in that place is very difficult and very dangerous. In fact, Taiwan is always dangerous. It is true that Taiwan has been in extreme danger. It is really dangerous. But dangers and opportunities will always coexist. Now, for example, the New China Federation has always had too many people in Taiwan to support the New China Federation. There is no doubt that too many people want the New China Federation to succeed. Including the next I believe that only Taiwan is safe, the G series can develop in Taiwan; if Taiwan is not safe, the development of the G series in Taiwan is the biggest risk to comrades in arms. So no matter what, one billion shares of G-Fashion must belong to Taiwan’s comrades in arms. I promise you today that if you participate in this live broadcast today, one billion shares will definitely be there, or else they will be gone, thank Sara. Let me tell you, today you Xiaobao is our big brother, Daniel, Paris, Wenxin, all of your brothers and sisters who cannot be named today, this 1% billion shares will definitely have. Let me tell you, remember when G-Fashion went live, all of you on the scene today, Taiwan’s position as the design center of Asia, I can tell you for sure, it is absolutely shocking! This is a. The billion shares you got are definitely more than one billion U.S. dollars, and definitely more than 100 billion Taiwan dollars. You will definitely see. This is the United States. Every word I say is legally responsible, and this 1% must be yours. More G-Coin and G-Dollar, I firmly believe that the future G-Coin and G-Dollar will be the biggest popular place and the biggest post-maintenance and technology research and development. Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong are the most critical places. This is the technology. Team. So my comrades seized the opportunity. G-Fashion, G-Club, G-Coin, G-Dollar, and our G-TV, G-News. As you all know, without Taiwan, there would be no G-News, and without Taiwan’s team, there would be no G- today. News. Including today’s G-TV team, many of them are our comrades in Taiwan, and in many G-Coins, now of our more than 200 developers, about a quarter are our comrades in Taiwan and Japan. They. So you know how important Japan and Taiwan and Hong Kong are to us! Brothers and sisters, I can't describe this great and beautiful day, the prospect of a great future. Brothers and sisters, good days are right in front of us. You have to act and act, don't rely on your mouth. We also look farther. Our experience in Taiwan over the past few years, all of my business experience is that the vision of Taiwanese businessmen is too low. There are a few big figures in Taiwan in the United States. How sad you say it, because it is too short. But I hope that the comrades who broke the news of the revolution will not look too short, because if you look a little longer, you are Taiwan’s next boss. In the future of Taiwan, there will be no Dongdishi of the past, what is the current financial securities company, what Guo Taiming, will not, all disappear. All the richest people are on you people, there must be no them, because they have all turned the story. The New China Federation must be the core force of Taiwan in the future. It must be you in politics, economy, culture, religion, and design! Let's walk and watch, brothers and sisters, thank you.

Mr. Wen Yuan: Thank you Seventh Brother, Thank you Seventh Brother.

Ms. Sara: Let me remind you, Mr. Guo, you can leave at any time, because you are busy, I will not delay you, and my comrades hope you will always be here, but you can just go busy if you have something.

Taiwan comrades in arms: Hello, good Brother Seven, good Sara, I’m Da Liu, you once said that the CCP virus is a gray rhino, and then it will trigger a political crisis, an economic crisis, and lead to a shortage of supplies. Then I would like to think about the shortage of supplies. When will it return to the stable original normal level? Thank you.

Mr. Wengui: I think Taiwan, I know I understand it. Your focus is very important. We also discussed this issue in our meeting today, just like I talked about in the fighting room today. One of the financial directors of a project we are acquiring is a Taiwanese. He told me Mr. Guo, I am your loyal comrade in arms, and asked the same question as you. I gave him a very simple answer, and I will tell you too. Taiwan is not the same as the CCP under any circumstances. The greatness of Taiwan is the pitifulness of the mainland. If the whole world does not have our New China Federation, all Chinese people are the objects of hatred by all mankind. With the New China Federation, we know that Chinese people are not equivalent to the Communist Party and do not hate it now, but people have complaints in their hearts.

But Taiwan’s problems are different. Taiwan has problems. The world will help Taiwan no matter what color or country. The Argentina I know, the European Union I know, Japan I know, the United States I know, and Canada I know are all willing to supply food to Taiwan at the lowest price, even for free. But I want to tell my compatriots in Taiwan, you should never be afraid of the Communist Party. It is a paper tiger. Once you are afraid, people outside will not give it to you. Therefore, whether Taiwan has food and supply issues, as well as the future virus issue, the fragile supply chain of the world, or even the collapse of the issue, really will not hurt Taiwan, hurt Taiwan's will and unity. Brothers and sisters, after all, Tsai Ing-wen is now the president, which is better than the Kuomintang. You can't believe anything from the Kuomintang. It's too bastard, too bastard! They are really selling Taiwan and clan, this is a bunch of rubbish, I can't believe it. Regardless of whether you are facing the Kuomintang, I do not participate in Taiwan’s politics, but now Tsai Ing-wen is there, definitely better than the Kuomintang gangsters. So I think there is no problem with Taiwan. There is another, you really don't believe in the power of the New China Federation in your bones. With the New China Federation, Taiwanese should be as long as I have no food to eat, I have enough ability to make Taiwan no problem, and believe in the power of the New China Federation. You will feel more and more that we are the fulcrum of the most important lever that moves the earth and mankind. So as long as you stand on this fulcrum, you believe that we can do everything, believe in the New China Federation, you are all right, all right.

Taiwan comrades: Thank you Seventh Brother, believe in the New China Federation, and defeat the Communist Party.

Mr. Wengui: Thank you.

Comrades-in-arms: Hello Brother Seven, I am a student, do you hear the sound?

Mr. Wengui: Love children, love children.

Comrades-in-arms: Hello, I am honored to be able to participate in the parade of the New China Federation this time. I would like to ask Brother Seven about some questions. If we really destroy the CCP during China’s transformation, how can the New China Federation or the entire China and the entire Chinese people prevent China from falling into another totalitarian power? Thank you Seven brothers.

Mr. Wen Gui: Okay, brother, for the question you asked just now, first of all, let me tell you that the communist totalitarianism you mentioned just now reflects the culture of Taiwan. Taiwanese believe in Buddhism and Confucianism, and it is the most beautiful place to preserve the good side of Chinese culture. The Communist Party is not totalitarianism, it is hooliganism, and it is absolutely hooliganism and gangism. Do you think that all the officials and parliamentarians in the United States and Europe have used any words when they talk about the Communist Party? "rogue". The word "totalitarian" is no longer used, this word is too gentle, it is hooliganism, it is completely gangsterism, that's for sure. A consensus has been formed to designate it as a gangster and hooliganism in the world, this. Second, I tell you that there is no Communist Party. I have said it many times. You definitely don’t have to worry. After you see the New China Federation on the basis of protests in Taiwan, you see that peaceful protests in Taiwan demonstrate the civilization of Hong Kong, and After showing the best qualities of Hong Kong and the Chinese, there is also the standard of democracy that Taiwan has brought to the Chinese. Look at the New China Federation, today’s Japan, from Nagoya, Osaka, Tokyo, Canada, our Munich, France, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, West America, Los Angeles, San Francisco, you can take a look at where we Chinese are heading , Only better than Hong Kong, not worse than Hong Kong. What is the only difference? Not in three years, only in one year, or even between one thought. The Chinese are the best and the best in their bones, just like Fashion. When they showed me this short film just now, they shot G-Fashion. One day you will see that when you read it, you will feel the influence of the Chinese. The best designer in the world automatically joins G-Fashion. In one sentence, Mr. Miles Guo and I can tell me what the real Fashion is. This is not something he can say when I give money. The reason is that we really have it. We have this kind of upward, good, and true things in our bones.

It’s not that the Communist Party says that it has to let us eat one year of grass and two years of grass. Can we learn to eat meat only if we are a bastard Wang Qishan? We would have been, we had it thousands of years ago. So after the Communist Party is gone, it’s like someone shit in the toilet at home and made a mistake, and pulled it out of the toilet. After you just take a gun to clean it, you will use the toilet and you won’t get it. Outside the toilet. The Communist Party punishes us Chinese people for making the wrong pile of shit. After we clean it, we will clean the toilet, clean it, and after the bowel movement is finished, clean it again, cover it, and go. handwashing. This is our instinct, and it will be the best in the world. Just like your Taiwan today, like Hong Kong today, like the parade in the world today, believe in the New China Federation. In such a short period of time, the Hong Kong movement can become the standard of the Chinese; in such a short period of time, it can let the world know that the Communist Party is not equal to the Chinese, including Taiwan and Hong Kong; let the world know that the CCP is not equal to China, patriotic Not the country of the Communist Party of Love. Is there anything we can't do? Is there anything we can't do?

Dear brothers and sisters, China without the Communist Party, I tell you, from the villages of Guangdong to the cornfields of Heilongjiang, everyone will be very happy to enjoy the beautiful life. When you meet, you will not be like the current Chinese. Everyone talks with the "three-character classic", and everyone is full of hatred. When the designer asked me, why are Chinese pajamas, everything is flower color? I said that the Chinese are too bitter. Our faces are black and will always be hateful, but our hearts are full of flowers, so we like colors. is it? I said that we Chinese have something beautiful in our hearts that cannot be expressed, because the Communist Party is a hooliganism and hooliganism. You give it a totalitarianism. You treat it too kindly. It is a hooliganism and gangster. So brothers and sisters, what will you do if you drive away the gangsters and gangsters? You will do the most annoying thing that gangsters and gangs don't do at all. What is that? It is truth and goodness. This is to be kind to others, face everything truthfully, a good life is in the cornfield, and you are welcome to meet in the cornfields of Heilongjiang and the mountain paths in Guangdong. Brothers and sisters, I really won’t tell you anymore. The people over there are waiting for me. I’m going to the meeting. I want to love Taiwan, love Taiwan, and love Taiwan. For what? Work hard for Taiwan, work hard for Taiwan, brother, act, act, act! Thank you, brothers and sisters.

Comrades in love: Thank you Mr. Guo.

Mr. Wengui: Love you, I really love you. (Blows kisses) I'm leaving now, sorry, sorry. Protect Hong Kong friends who go to Taiwan, brothers and compatriots, please, Taiwan, we must do our best to protect Hong Kong compatriots who you know, do not know, and who go to Taiwan, okay? Thank you!

Taiwan comrades: Good! no problem.

Mr. Wen Gui: Finding a daughter-in-law for Xiaobao, and a daughter-in-law for Hou Xiaobao, I am always thinking about this.

Taiwan comrades: Okay, no problem.

Mr. Wengui: I pay, I pay.

Ms. Sara: Haha, pay me back...

Note: The names of the comrades in the above dictation may be inaccurate, and the content of the comrades’ speech is a summary.