Gwins DataBase

Miles Guo 20200812_2

Miles Guo 20200812_2

Look, look, comrades. Mr. Bannon was dumbfounded when he watched Canadian comrades take to the streets today! Our Vancouver comrades took to the streets today, I really don’t know who it is. I am here to you (I will put down the cigarette first, hold the cigarette to disrespect) comrades in arms, Canadian comrades in arms, my Wengui now salutes you. I really admire those men, real men! ! !

Wow! Brothers and sisters, today’s comrades-in-arms in Vancouver, I really don’t know who you are. Anyway, I think it’s our comrades-in-arms. I hope that Comrades Lao Jiang, Sophia, Ka Lixi, Wen Feng from Canada, who knows, please contact me. I want to know who our comrades-in-arms are? That's awesome! Today, you raised your arms and shouted and put us Dr. Yan and our pamphlet on the Communist Party’s No. 888. You said that Canadian bastards are so good at flattering, but they were posted on the door and moved me. We watched your live broadcast while meeting, and then we saw that comrade-in-arms from the Washington DC area today. Today it seems to be our comrades-in-arms from the East of the United States. They are all protesting from New York. There are not many people but they are also very good. But I think, comrades in arms, I suggest that we don't go if we are not on a large scale. One risk is too big, and the second one affects our momentum. My suggestion, but this is your freedom. Especially when you are holding the flag of the New China Federation, if you don't form a scale, don't go. This is one. Second, if you want to go under the name of the Chinese Federation, you must have the momentum and standards of the Chinese Federation. Strictly follow our parade standards, empty the trash when leaving, be polite when meeting people, communicate in English, and follow our standards. Someone can communicate with the media, and those who come can talk to each other. Water, safe and secure. Try not to organize this parade without logistical support; try not to do it if it is not large enough; try not to do it if it does not meet this standard. My life is, either don't do it, do it if you want to do it, and do it alone.

I am very grateful to the Canadian comrades in arms, today the scale is pretty good. But today I think Washington is not enough and sparse. My comrades in arms, asked people, "What do you want to do?" It turned out that Belarusians were also mixed in, right? There are also anti-President Trump, this is a bit bad. American friends who watched the live broadcast at the time said, "Why did the anti-Trump people mix with the New China Federation?" This will be easily exploited. Brothers and sisters, you must be mentally prepared. Some of your protests have not been coordinated by the New China Federation and the entire world’s farms. Sometimes we may have to issue a statement: Your march is not a concerted action by the New China Federation. , It is not our concerted action. We may not be able to bear it, because any protests and demonstrations in the New China Federation have standards. This standard may be..., it is not organized by the New China Federation (act in concert), because we want to maintain the standards and image of the New China Federation, all comrades in arms, and the image of the new Chinese. Just like our heroes, Dr. Yan, Mr. Hao Haidong, and Ms. Ye Zhaoying, when they go out, make an appearance, and have a mouth are the standards of the new Chinese. If we want to meet this standard, we either don't do it. This is my suggestion. But it is your freedom to protest, but the use of the name of the New China Federation has to be considered.

For example, in Japan, I strongly support this 8.28 grassroots brother. Which one did you see, including the first historical protest in the US East, was not as good as the grassroots brother prepared. The whole preparation was very good for all aspects of propaganda, clothing, logistical support, and local legal applications for comrades in arms. I strongly appeal to anyone in Japan and around to support the grassroots brother. Next, we may let him form a relationship with Peace and 007 in Japan. Let them form a synergy in Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and even Kyushu. There are not many three, five, or ten in Japan. That's how it is at the leadership level.

Now you see, our British David organized a very standardized parade, which shocked greatly in Britain, and unprecedented in France. Our Italian mountain humility and French small cobbler, German comrades in battle. It was difficult, but it had a very good start. Australia is one of the most severely affected by blue and gold. Our An Hong and Mulan and all our Australian comrades in arms, our A Bing teacher, and our Cici presided over an unprecedented protest action, and the media was comprehensive. Sister An Hong is really not simple, completely changing the image of Australia. Our New Zealand is an area hardest hit by the Communist Party. Our old squad leader is heading for a new and completely different era. Suddenly many comrades in arms moved to New Zealand. It's not kidding, it's a lot of movement. In Canada, we organized two unprecedented protests. Wen Feng's, our Wen Ke, our Sophia, and Lao Jiang, organized a huge two protests, and firmly united many Canadian comrades in arms. However, many undercover agents sent by the Communist Party in Canada have recently conducted a deep-level undercover investigation against Canada. We have identified a few people, and now we have provided information to the US government and the Canadian government. We have a basic understanding of this person's information and background, and we have a basic understanding of his family in China. I have comrades in the country who gave us the information, thank you for the information, the representatives lurking in Canada, and our comrade Lao Jiang was confused again and was completely recruited. Kalixi once, we also called Kalixi, but did not listen to her. But these few people are so highly recruited that everyone in Canada who engages in loans has been killed before they even started, and only these are undercover. But today when you see this parade in Canada, you can feel that these men’s real men, I almost made me laugh when I heard it today. What did he say? These people said, aren't you very good at the Communist Party? The camera is right there. Come out, come out. As a result, there was a friend of our Epoch Times next to him. He went to take a camera and was extremely nervous. Who is this sent by the Communist Party? "Hey, I am from Epoch Times", friend. All the world watched it. In the end, hundreds of thousands of people were online in Canada. We are also doing it in American and Spanish, Sara is doing it, and Mr. Mask is doing it too. If you want to do it in the West, you can do it independently, Sara, you can do it independently, and Mr. Mask can do it independently. And I’ll say it again, no one of you can be affected, as long as you reach this scale, as long as you follow this standard, the rule of law fund and the rule of law society will be fully funded. But we must ventilate, we must meet the standards. So when we see this today, we will see the 828 that our Japan is about to form, and there will be a full launch of comrades in other countries. Our Russian Martha wants to parade now, but she doesn't dare in Russia. Now she has not approved her application. She went to someone's house to get her back to Martha. No, it's really impossible, right? Everyone can’t practice their mouths. This is true. Everyone took a lot of risks, thousands of miles away, and comrades who went to England to France to protest. How risky we are in the US East running to Washington, shouting there all day.

But today I want to say that it may be Silicon Valley. The first two days I made a connection with Lamb, and the effect of this connection was quite bad. I thought that my preparation was very serious and serious that day. Later everyone knew that it was very bad. Many comrades-in-arms sent me a lot of information. The visit that day was very good, but I think it is true. Now we have to say that Silicon Valley farms are now here. We don’t recognize this Silicon Valley farm. Silicon Valley Farms can’t represent our New China Federation, nor can they represent our farms. The Silicon Valley Farm posted a few videos that day, and we also posted them. Later, in the live broadcast, Lamb promoted his English school. Later, it was discovered that she had done it in Chicken Drumstick Panna, including the thing that Lamb is doing now. There are some things that we cannot accept. Therefore, for the first time today, we announced that we did not recognize the Silicon Valley farm of Lamb. Lamb’s doing this was originally related to the farm, and he hoped to go to Sara, Mr. Mask or Wenxin in the West, or to Brother Long Island in the East. If you are unwilling to transfer, you can continue to keep there, all the various economic relations of Silicon Valley farms in the past, as long as they are legal and handled according to our rules, we all admit that they will not harm a comrade in arms. But what I want to tell you is that the sheep in the Silicon Valley farm can't be led now, we have rules, and this rule cannot be broken. This is the absolute, and it must not be used in the platform that broke the news of the revolution for money or propaganda. There is another, when you are afraid, we must not let you here. The information Xiaoyang sent to me after the live broadcast, including the information she sent to other comrades in arms. I am also wondering why Silicon Valley, the high-tech industry, such a high-tech field as Lamb, can't even edit video clips, so she just cut her face in the middle. I didn't see her showing her face, and their Wi-Fi was also very bad that day, and the so-called comrades who operated the platform behind her said that she was worried that her phone would be hacked. Are you kidding me? With such a fear as you, you cannot join the New China Federation, nor can you join this farm. You are unwilling to take this risk in the United States. If you are to face the Communist Party, what will happen to you? We don't want any comrades-in-arms to become the so-called Liu Hulan, but we can't let them say that you don't take any risks, and then you enjoy the unprecedented fruits of the whole revolution that broke the news with blood. That is not allowed.

This is a. The other is that I can tell everyone that the virus storm that our hero Dr. Yan has set off in the West these days has made the Communist Party crazy and crazy. We have revealed the impact of the revolution on Western politics in the past few days. I believe you have seen that major universities, major medical institutions, and research institutions in Italy, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States are all stepping up to tell us about the revolution and the new Chinese Federation. Examine. The major so-called serious media have regretted it. In December last year, we broke the news about the revolution, and we broke the news that they didn't listen. This revelation was first reported by Mr. Luther, and the hydroxychloroquine was spoken by our Dr. Mo. Mr. Luther first broke the truth about the virus. How many people are in all of our Luther talk shows? They took the risk. At that time, you knew that I was afraid that this was a scam by the Communist Party to frame Luther in. I am very cautious. I know that the Communist Party has this plan, and I know that the Communist Party also poisons, but dare it? I think it dare not. It dares, what do you do? This stuff! Dare it! And dare to be very big! Just like Hong Kong, it dared to get people to death and kill more than 10,000 people. It dares, what are you doing? Beyond our imagination. Knowing that he is the devil, knowing that he has a Pandora's box, knowing that he has this biological weapon, chemical weapon, but you did not expect that he would really dare to use such innocent people and these children.

You see, President Trump is really not easy! President Trump! Why do we support the great President Trump? The United States is what he dares to do with the Communist Party! No one dares! Don’t forget that Trump was taking care of the future today. He dared to say this. No one dares to do this! How much interest is kidnapping? Voting, investment, look at that guy, the gambling king has come forward, and Anderson should sponsor it. No money in the US elections. All the people who wanted to repatriate Guo Wengui at the beginning, now these bastards have all stood up, all against President Trump. We must stand firmly with President Trump. We don't care about the internal politics of the United States. Then tomorrow, the former Vice President Biden and the current candidate will say: "I want to work in the Communist Party." You see, we will repost immediately. No matter who it is, we destroy the Communist Party regardless of party affiliation, regardless of gender, young or old, and regardless of your source. You were a member of the Communist Party yesterday, you were Wang Qishan yesterday, and you want to support the breaking news revolution today. You are also our comrade-in-arms. But what we can’t agree with is absolutely unacceptable. You think the revolution is like the grandson of Ji Tie Pan, like the grandson of Zeng Hong, or like the grandson of Zhuang Liehong, right? Like the grandson of Guo Baosheng, right? And these people have found a father now, right now they are called the Daddy Party? Mule party, right? In the words of Mr. Luther: "Walk around this shit bowl to find shit to eat, this bunch of hemorrhoids party!" Then we absolutely will not accept it! How many broke the news that all the revolutionary comrades in arms had their wealth!

I let you see these old photos of me today. It was me who was working on my computer today. I was shocked when I saw these old photos of me. Mr. Bannon has other American friends—I don’t say who it is, he said he likes me now, better than then. I believe that many of you like me now, but to be honest, I like me at that time. Only I know what happened in every moment and every scene. At that time, I had long hair until this, and kept long hair. I knew every moment, every moment. Look at my eyes, there are several meanings behind my eyes, only I know what happened that day, and I can remember them all. At that time, I was 96 kilograms and wore a 56-weight suit when I was the fattest. Now I wear a 48-weight suit and 77 kilograms. I didn't want the appearance, I was actually the most dangerous time at that time! Between dealing with the Communist Party, having sex with the Communist Party every day, and it is 24 hours a day, then you will be finished if you are not careful! So now that my comrades look back, I think at that time, whenever I think a little bit-shrug my shoulders, I'm done. You can see the look in my eyes in every photo, I'm all on guard. With the look in my eyes, I opened my mouth with a big grin, and I was not afraid of anything. It is a free world. The United States is so great! At that time I really felt scared! I'm careful all the time!

So my comrades-in-arms, brothers and sisters, you can see that even that livestream is paralyzed. This bastard is the virtue of the Communist Party! I can tell you, I told you today, including our G-Dollar. Everyone bought G-Dollar in the past. What I said today doesn't count. Finally, the document issued by my Gate shall prevail. Let me tell you about the general situation of today's meeting, that is, I bought G coins. I don't talk about Apple (purchased in the app store). Apple must also be the same, and it will be the same in the end. Now our G-Dollar basically decides that you have these options, and then G- Dollar will directly change you to the online G-Dollar, which may not include G-Coin. Because in the United States, G-Coin is a virtual digital currency, our G-Dollar is directly a stable currency, you can directly change to G-Dollar, that is, you can G-Dollar, and at the same time, for example, you bought $100,000 You can buy this G-Dollar into a G-Club card. The money is yours, not mine. You bought G coins in the past, that money is your money, now you can choose I can change to G-Dollar. I’m keeping it secret with everyone now. When G-Dollar is finally called another name, I won’t tell you about it now. You can change to stablecoins, you can change to..., and at this time, you can continue to use it to buy G-Club members, and you can also go to G-Fashion. You said I didn’t buy anything, I kept it to G-Fashion, I went to buy G-Fashion clothes, it’s okay, buy sphagnum bras, buy Sara panties, buy expensive pants, buy that Crocodile jacket, G-Fashion car, airplane, whatever. As long as you have enough money, you have this choice. Then I said that I don’t want it, I want to keep the money now, no problem, you can keep the money. So everyone remember, so your G-Dollar is waiting for my last official document issued by our lawyer. At this moment, we are still in a meeting to study, and this lawyer's fee is getting old. Then, the one in our Apple store. Now that we have finished sorting it out, the law firm and accounting firm from outside are all checking it one by one. After checking, I will post an announcement to everyone on Gate. You can also say that I want the G-Dollar stablecoin; I also want to change it to this G-Club, it’s okay; say I don’t want anything, I want money. It’s okay, it’s okay. So everyone understands it very well, I'm checking it now.

But that grandson—I’ve forgotten what’s the name. I have mixed live broadcasts on GTV several times. We checked this grandson and only bought G-Dollar and G coins from the Apple store for 120 yuan. Come here for mixed rewards. As a result, on this G-TV that day, look at this face. When I came out on the first day I saw him, I told them at that time, I said this kid is absolutely Communist. I can read the face of the Communist Party. This grandson is definitely a Communist Party. As a result, what did he say, "I don't want to, I don't want to take it, I just want this and I will get the money back." You bastard, you 120 dollars, you used G-TV so many times? Just your fucking ass face, you come up and still show your face there, do you want this ass face, you, this is the lurking of the Communist Party. We will clean up a lot of bad guys this time, including that who, this crab has left too many backdoors, and we have stolen too many G coins. We have to find him to settle the account. So brothers and sisters, this is one. In addition, our rule of law fund and society under the rule of law were horrified by the Communists. I was horrified. But then we will re-list the new version-the new version of the rule of law society, the rule of law fund. After the rule of law society comes up, we will reorganize the data of all the comrades who donated in the past, and we will give it to everyone separately, and you will all receive Email.

My comrades, whether you bought the G-Coin and G coins from the Apple Store, or bought the G-Dollar from the back, or if you used to have this remittance for everyone, you can make a choice. You must read your Email! For example, we bought G-TV investment these days. Many of our comrades in arms sent you emails and gave you stocks two weeks ago. As a result, he didn't read his email, and ended up returning to his trash mailbox. Are you ridiculous? Some comrades-in-arms are even more absurd. They left the so-called mailbox of 163 in China, but they left the domestic address. Will you be tampered with by the Communist Party? You are kidding this. Therefore, your comrades must use overseas Gmail, and you must read more, check your Gmail once or twice a day, regarding the above investors.

Regarding these 60 recipients, emails have been sent to you, telling you to return your investment. Now look at your emails. You have the following options: you can turn your money into a G-Club card; you can turn into G-Dollar; you can also ask for cash back; you can turn your money into a loan. Including our one who bought G coins, you can also turn into a loan for one or two hundred million dollars, saying that I can change into a stable currency; I can become G-Club; I can spend in G-Fashion; I can also become loan. You can choose any farm for the loan. Brother Long Island, right from Mulan, right from Sara, are all possible.

So remember the other brothers and sisters, G-Club will be online soon. I can’t tell you this time G-Club is sold online. There is no promise of equity, because the US law now argues that it is not allowed. But please pay attention to the details, you may become, you may be I hope, you will be the original shareholder. Because the first 10,000 and the second 10,000, the first 1 million and the second 100, and the first month and the second month must have different conditions. But no matter when you buy it, you will enjoy 50% of G-Fashion's permanent membership price for life. So what is displayed on G-Fashion? Maybe now, hope, maybe, three prices. 1. I have this future G-Fashion, which is more than $2,000, right? This is more than 2,000 US dollars. This is the market price. You can find it, and you can check it. This is 2,000. What kind of material is 2,000 US dollars. So if you buy this G-Club card for $50,000, then you can enjoy 50% for life, which means half the price. Then under the third one, the currencies you can pay are G-Coin and G-Dollar. You can, for example, G-Coin, which is floating, and stablecoins are not floating, just one G-Dollar per dollar. That's the stablecoin you can go back in an instant, and you can go back and change to G-Dollar in an instant. So after you come in, you can buy and sell G-Coin. It has transactions every day. It may be high. For example, you might buy a piece of clothing this morning for 1500 G-Coin and virtual currency. But it rises at once, who will suffer if it rises? G-Fashion suffers, G-Fashion must give 50% on the basis of 50%. But according to the updated brand price every day, you can buy G-Fashion, you can buy airplanes and cannons, then you are lucky, you bet on the right today, and that suddenly tripled, then you will be cheaper. It may fall, but it is impossible to fall below the original price. We are demonstrating, we are demonstrating, that any drop below the original price, we are linked to gold. I will explain to you what is the gold peg. Please remember that it is now a legal requirement. For example, the U.S. dollar is pegged to gold. It does not mean that you can withdraw the gold by taking the U.S. dollar. What is the concept? When the U.S. dollar falls, it can sell its gold. Gold is the U.S. dollar’s ​​assets as a reserve asset. The gold it sells will serve as your reserve. This is called 卯定principal. It's not that you said I take it, and I can take the gold away if I take the money, no. But we will have gold products rationed to you at the same time. For example, if I buy 1,000 US dollars now, I can get and I can buy my own gold coins and gold coins, but the gold coins are the assets of G-Coin itself. You only need to buy it. If you want to return all your prices, the money will return the price. You trade in the market and the third party will give you the money. Understand? Stablecoins, U.S. dollars-after you came in, you said that I now want to become U.S. dollars, but you have to pay a handling fee; if you want to buy G-Coin, if you want to go, you have to trade in the market. If the ups and downs are big, because this G-Coin company will sell its own gold reserves and reserve gold to fill this, it is the capital that you are falling now, the so-called bank deposits in China, do you understand? So these two currencies have to come out. You must understand what you are buying now. That is to say, all this is determined by the documents we launched and the final legal documents from Gate. So brothers and sisters, these files are no joke.

One more thing I want to talk about is the issue of borrowing from farms in the past two days. My comrades in arms, remember that no matter you give you anyone’s account, as long as you don’t follow the rules, I will kick you all the money back immediately. Don’t use this money. We kicked it back yesterday, at least a few hundred pens. Impossible, you can't send money in violation of the rules, you must send money according to the share of each farm, or with our permission, otherwise you will not receive a penny and you will be kicked back. If you want to send one or two thousand dollars to make trouble, sorry, we may report you, we are not like the original, we want to report you. We are (negotiating) the money for VOG, and I will discuss it with VOG, because those who go to VOG are for the revolution and the New China Federation, and Wengui bears the consequences and responsibilities. As long as the government permits, we may choose the following options for VOG money: you can become a loan; you can become a G-Club; you can become a G-Dollar; you can spend in G-Fashion. We are in the final argument, please wait. The final policy of G coin will be announced this week. We will announce all the sixty canceled investments and refunded to you, and finally make a decision. The G coins in the Apple store will be announced to you this week, and VOG must be announced this week or next week. So the G-TV thing we invested in is over. Then we launched G-Club members; then G-Coin, G-Dollar; and then I won’t talk about the G-Club member. So brothers and sisters, today I think I have to broadcast it. It won’t work if I don’t live broadcast. My comrades have too much information.

There is one more thing I want to say. Don't always think about investing at this critical moment. First of all, your comrades in arms must be strong and have the strength to speak; there is another, comrades in arms, you must not stop your golden fingers. Breaking the news that the revolution is not possible without you. This Mr. Luther said too well. This Mr. Luther is definitely a genius. He is really not an ordinary person. The more you are, the less ordinary you are. Therefore, this Mr. Luther's words are very good. No, you can’t do without you, just one vote for you. Retweeting every day, like Dr. Yan’s interview, you must retwee it; look at the parade of our comrade-in-arms Canada today, as well as this parade in Washington, which must be reposted; and the Communist Party’s response to 11 people including Mr. Li Zhiying in Hong Kong To arrest and play these hooligans, we must turn. Without this, the biggest future for your investment and our investment is to destroy the communist party, and we will be the first beneficiary of the communist party. Let me not talk about it now. After waiting for two days on Saturdays and Sundays, when I hope to broadcast live with Martha and the old monitor in New Zealand, we will reply to this question one by one.

I can tell you that yesterday and today the US and European governments, including President Trump, are formulating a series of daily action plans for the future, and the past few days have been in action every minute. Everyone, you will see the U.S. Congress, the White House, the U.S. military, and the U.S. civilians. It really hits like a raining hammer. The Communist Party does not believe in evil, you must not listen to that bastard. Do you know what Yang Niangniang Yang Jiechi and Wang Yi are crazy about? Listen to what he said in reverse. You can compare what he said in the past eight or ten years. Don't believe in Guo Wengui's, and don't believe in the revolution that broke the news. If you put his words in a pair, which one will honor it? Which did it.

Yesterday, there was one from Japan. I believe he will be the next prime minister of Japan and keep in touch with us. He said that no matter what the Abe government does this time, as long as I become the prime minister, my first thing is that I will do it for you today, and I will do it in one month! I will definitely finish it! He said that in my hometown, Guandong, these people are sick and fearful, and the elderly dare not even go out. Now Abe is keeping the regime and seizing this so-called political opportunity. He thinks that President Trump may not be re-elected and he will be collaborating with the Communist Party. He said he was disappointed. The officials of the next government will certainly not be Abes, who are even better than Koizumi. Of course he is Koizumi's buddy, and Koizumi still has a bit of a brain. In the past few decades, Japanese politicians have produced two figures-Koizumi and Abe, and the others are nothing but nothing. The next person to come out must be better than Koizumi. I believe everyone knows who this person is. And the next one in Japan, the prime minister he comes up, he definitely repositions Japan for Japan! It is necessary to match a Western economy, the second most populous country and the second largest economy in a democratic society with a matching international status and strategy, and it must be pro-China and anti-Communist. Why does this buddy say yes? He said: Miles, I watched your connection with Japan that day. You are too right. We want to be pro-China and let all Chinese people know how much Japanese people like China. We even have to seek our ancestors and roots in culture, that is, we want to admit that our culture comes from China. He said that we can fully admit this. If Japan wants to regain its self-confidence, it must admit this.

South Korea, everyone knows what happened, I believe you all know it? Last week, a number of South Korean congressmen suggested to the Prime Minister that if South Korea does not act now, you are still waiting for the so-called speculation in the United States. If you play with the old communists, South Korea will lose everything. The prerequisite for South Korea to seize this opportunity is to pro-China and destroy communism. Comrades! You must remember this sentence. No one can wipe the Communist Party virus.

If Biden wants to be elected president, Biden is better than anyone else. He has no choice. He will definitely, including his vice president. This lady is not kidding. Her husband is a white man, and her grandma is also a white man. Look at her, a very hard person, absolutely anti-Communist, absolutely anti-Communist. It is impossible to say that President Biden is not anti-Communist. It is really great that she elects the Vice President. He made President Trump even more determined to destroy the Communist Party. And this vice president, if Biden is elected, President Biden will be even more anti-communist.

The political parties in Italy and the European Parliament are now uniting, as well as Australia and India. The Indian friend Modi is absolutely interesting. He is learning whether there are P3 laboratories, P4 laboratories and CCP cooperation in Pakistan, and whether there is P3 in Iran. , P4 laboratory, Syria’s past so-called biological and chemical weapons, chemical weapons are not related to the Communist Party, whether a country in the Middle East is studying chemical weapons, it is the so-called P3, P4 laboratory. Once this is set, you know the state of Israel, he can't sleep for a minute. If Israel can't sleep, Wall Street can't sleep; Wall Street can't sleep, and the White House can't sleep; when the White House, Wall Street, and Israel can't sleep, the whole world can't sleep. Everyone, think about the significance of this?

So our hero, Dr. Yan, you said she was like that. I looked at her yesterday and I sent her a message. I said I am really proud of the Chinese! We came out like this, right? You look like you, let's use an axe to hack it, you can't hack it, can it? Look at Guo Baosheng's grandson, how you repair it is the same way! Sorry! speak…. How do you fix him is the same virtue? is not it! It's the mule party. How do you fix Zhuang Liehong is that kind of virtue, the aisles are all walking horizontally, and you can’t walk straight, right? If you do it again, it's like the grandson of chicken drumstick Pan, right? You can't handle this virtue of quack quack. Look at Xia Yeliang. When you look at him, he is really, just like the feeling that a dog would feel after shit. Look at Zhao Yan looking for his father everywhere now! I found several dads, and these bullies didn't have a word to help Hong Kong people. These grandchildren. Look at our heroes, look at the feelings of the heroes, look at the feelings of our brothers Hao Haidong and Ms. Ye Zhaoying. But China has 1.4 billion people, how many such people are there? If you go too much, they will wake up. I didn’t talk to American reporters until this afternoon, and I will tell you today, in August, remember what I said last year. I gave these people a meeting four weeks ago, and I said that August is the key month to destroy the communists. They said, "Miles, you said August 21st." I said that I said it, let’s talk about it on August 21, and I said that it must not be the Americans who will destroy the Communist Party, but the Chinese.

Hong Kong economy, Hong Kong Hang Seng market, mainland market. Friends, don’t forget, Founder Securities is mine. Together, I am bigger than a major shareholder. I didn’t know which bastard took away 68%. It was the only increase, and Haitong also increased. How is Guo Wengui's investment? Go and take a look, if we don't talk about the revolution, I am now the most successful investment in China! Founder and Haitong are actually the largest shareholders, how much do you think they are worth? I was founded at the time. Everyone knows that five yuan or three yuan is five yuan, and now eight or nine yuan, right? Rolling pin economy, if I don't turn around, how much money do I earn every minute, do you think? The most expensive real estate is our Pangu and Zhengquan, with the highest appreciation. Think about it, everyone? Hundreds of billions per minute. I invest in other things. I can't tell you now. What can't be said is more than hundreds of billions. Look at the global economic downturn, Hong Kong's Hang Seng and the Shanghai A-share market, including Shenzhen. Wengui's investment is the most successful. Our real estate and our projects are the most successful. Guo Wengui dare not say anything else, since I was young, I have made money. I think making money is really-I make money by the way.

Today, these American friends of mine couldn't believe it when they saw my photos. Mr. Bannon annoys me to death. Alas, Wengui, I want to watch this, I want to watch that. Always watch, I said I don’t have time for you to watch this. They looked at me and didn’t dare to imagine, it’s nine years old, how could it be possible, this is nine years old, did I say, did you look at this person? This person arrested Nancy Pelosi back then, but I I think Nancy Pelosi likes her very much and I think she is very good. I said it was Nancy Pelosi, I said Mr. Bannon vs. Nancy Pelosi, I said can you, I do not mix with your American politics, can you not challenge Nancy Pelosi. You say there is no way, the United States dare not participate, this is an internal matter, right? But Nancy Pelosi arrested just a few of them. Look at the then Vice Ministers Zhang Yue, Lin Qiang and Ma Jian. Right? Now both of the three are caught, one is on parole for medical treatment, right? I know too well, it was nine years. He suddenly discovered: Miles, who is the person standing next to you? I said the original Ji Pengfei from China. Wow, he was dumbfounded, Ji Pengfei did he know that Li Kenong, Ji Pengfei, and Zhou Enlai are the father of Chinese spies and the father of intelligence. His son is Ji Shengde. Seeing that before his old man died, he was next to him, I was sitting, he was standing, and the family of three was standing there, I was sitting, it scared him, right? What's the situation? I said that at that time I was young and immature, and when someone asked me to sit, I just sat. As a result, I took a photo at the Beijing International Club. I said at that time he was fooling me everywhere. Guo Wengui was my boss. You said I was a teenager at that time. Why did you say this?

But the Americans said Miles, why did you enter the level of society so early? Can you still destroy the communist party today? I said I told you: in the past 70 years, I was the only one who publicly called out to destroy the communist party, Guo Wengui, and there may be anti-communists. I was the only one who publicly killed the communist party, not from beginning to end. A person. I said that you can see the way you look at me in the past, and he looks at my eyes and says I read it out. Look at the way I look at them, including Ji Shengde at the time. Although I am a buddy, look at the look in his eyes. At that time, Yang Hui was carrying a bag next to him. Yang Hui later became the Minister of the Second Ministry. Did you know that the political commissar of the Nanjing Military Region was also arrested. Fang Fenghui, what do you look like next to you? Fang Fenghui was just like that. I said this was Fang Fenghui. The one who met with you in President Maralago was called Fang Fenghui. At that time, he was a fart. Do they take their turns? At that time, there was also a common friend of me and the Haidong brothers, Yang Dezhi’s child. Yang Haiying was from Bayi football, and that was the boss of Zhongnanhai. But Yang Haiyan, Yang Haiyan, our mutual friends and the Haidong brothers. So brothers and sisters, now look back at nine years, and then at 20 years, I really admire me Guo Wengui, how can I hold it, you said I wanted these bastards every day. I joined the party. I'm going to join the party. The Communist Party took out Guo Wengui's proof of joining the party. I'm done. The Communist Party showed that Guo Wengui was an intelligence officer. I'm done. The Communist Party came out and said, "Look at the kid who gave the evidence of 1 million and 10 million. I'm done." The Communist Party took what Guo Wengui called a small video, and I was done. Think about me for 30 years, is it easy for me, my comrades? So I told them, I said that in all of my companies, only one person resigned, no one betrayed, no one left. I am Guo Wengui and I am the so-called Communist Party in China in the past. Since the Xiwang system, the so-called anti-corruption struggle has captured millions of party members. The only company that dares to say so. I did not underpay any employee's salary, and I did not betray a colleague. I have no contact, I am alone, I will not contact them, I just don't want to get them involved, I will not contact any of them, I will not contact any of them. My dad’s birthday, I don’t even make a single phone call, nor my family. Guo Wengui said that the past Guo Wengui was dead. It was not like a bully, but what I said was true. This is not a joke, my comrades.

Our comrades-in-arms in Vancouver are online today with 600,000 people, and 30 people have more than 600,000 views. Brothers in Vancouver, Canada, I have to let me know who our men are. It’s so absurd that I don’t know. I heard their sonorous and powerful voices, and I was always excited.

We are, and there will be N big media who will make big moves. Today, the boss of a certain bank contacted us and said: Can I join you with a public apology to our comrades who returned the money? You should not sue us, and we will cooperate with you in the lawsuit. How did the Communist Party threaten us and hack all of us? bank. I said you don't tell me, you tell the US government, you tell the US government. And those who report false cases, these grandsons, how do you deal with you? Reporting a false case in the United States is really not the Communist Party’s so-called fake letters and visits and countermeasures. It is definitely not that simple, it is a crime. You face the FBI, the US government officials of the Department of Homeland Security, as long as you lie, 3 to 5 years, walk and watch. Many comrades in our country have been drunk tea and threatened by the police recently, and then they have to recover their money, write a letter of guarantee, comrades in arms, each of you remember that anyone being drunk is the future. You go to the United States and Western countries to apply for political asylum and Get the New China Federation, the first priority to get the passport of the New China Federation, and you are the most preferred supporter of the New China Federation abroad. In the future, you will see on the newly launched Rule of Law Fund and the Rule of Law Society website, as long as you show evidence that you were drunk by the police, threatened by the police, and because you support the breaking news revolution, the New China Federation, and you invest in G -TV, and G-Dallor, G-Club, G-Fashion, as long as anyone is drunk by the police, as long as you have evidence, you will get our full support and protection. Remember, brothers and sisters, remember what I said, brothers and sisters, this is my solemn promise. I dare not tell you too much about what happened in the past few days. However, this madness of the Communist Party has accelerated the recognition of the New China Federation in the West. This madness of the Communist Party has made the West more serious about the threat of the Communist Party to mankind. The Communist Party is now Help us build a strong, independent financial system protected by the Western rule of law society, and the entire G series. It can be said that this is a gift given by the Communist Party. It is like it is engaged in a virus or the Hong Kong movement, which supports the breaking news revolution in disguise and supports the New China Federation in disguise. Where can we find this? Brothers and sisters, thank them, add more speed, add more speed, and accelerate the division to add more speed.

So brothers and sisters, I will chat with you today. Originally, I wanted to report two bliss to you. I will not report it today. I will wait until it happens. I don't want to influence anything because I say it again, and it won't work. So brothers and sisters, how important your actions are, and how important is your support! Without you, it would be impossible to destroy the Communists. Without you, there would be no people like our hero, Dr. Yan. Without you, it would be impossible for Mr. Hao Haidong and Ms. Ye Zhaoying to stand up bravely; without you, there would be no domestic billionaires. Thousands of comrades-in-arms fight to death and support the breaking news revolution in various ways; without you, G-TV would not be hacked eight or nine times today. Because of you, we are important; because of you, the New China Federation; because of you, the breaking news revolution. Not to mention that shit is not expensive. Brothers and sisters, I am going to a video conference right now, and this time is coming soon, I have to go as soon as possible, there are still 5 minutes, and 5 minutes. Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, I am here with my comrades in arms to pray for the people of the world, the New China Federation, the people of Hong Kong, 1.4 billion compatriots, compatriots in Taiwan, compatriots in Tibet, and Jerusalem in Hong Kong. Amitabha.

Comrades in arms, it’s great to have you, and it’s great to have you. Every moment, every moment and every day, we are more fulfilling and valuable than the past 70 years and 100 years. Don’t let victory numb us again. Let the Communist Party I'm numb to the deception, don't let victory numb us again. We must know that our only goal is the Himalayan goal, to kill the Communist Party and build a China with the rule of law, faith, and freedom. Save us our beliefs, our souls, our bodies, our soil, our water, our air, which have been polluted by the Communist Party, and save the Chinese nation from deep waters. This is our belief. No one can change it. Killing the Communist Party is our only goal, which is called the Himalayan goal. Dear brothers and sisters, everything has started, be yourself. When you can’t do it yourself, don’t always open your mouth to let others do it. I saw many people send me messages, let me tell Luther’s live show to say this, and then tell Dr. Yan to do it, I’m not Happy. No matter if you command me Wengui, what qualifications do you have to command Luther, Dr. Yan, how about Mr. Hao Haidong and Ms. Ye Zhaoying, and why? Ms. Ye Zhaoying and Mr. Hao Haidong have too many things we can't do. I was taught one or two sports knowledge, which changed my stupid sports for three years. Think about it, people only gave me two knowledge. What did they say when they made such sacrifices and costs? Any complaints? What qualifications do I have to tell others what to do? Mr. Luther took two videos a day and two live broadcasts. It has been uninterrupted for a year or two. How big is the risk? Does Luther have himself? Without myself. Why should I command Luther? In the past two or three years, I have experience now that everyone who came to me to tell Luther what to do in the first place basically smashed Guo in the end, and anyone who didn't like Luther smashed Guo in the end. Dr. Yan, a scientist, is even less qualified to talk about people. I can't even remember what they have said before, the genetic sequence. Hydroxychloroquine is a medicine in English. It took me two or three months to learn it clearly. Up to now, what is my so-called over-the-counter drug, what is it called in English? I still don't understand, it's still written on the wall! I don’t remember yet! You let me teach others, what qualifications do I have! I treat our heroic scientist, I treat our Mr. Luther, I admire Ye Zhaoying sister, Hao Haidong brother, I am grateful, I am respect, I am not qualified to say anything to others. I can only tell them what I have done, I am not qualified to tell them to go. I am far behind them, and I am not even as good as others. My comrades in arms, I beg you, don't send this message again, how can I return it to you! What qualifications do I have to say? We Chinese, not all human beings, I have never seen before, so what we love to let others do, can't you do something by yourself? Look at Vancouver today, look at Washington, you have a kind, you go to the street with a flag and shout. Like those guys in Vancouver, facing the camera, you come out to the Communist Party, aren’t you four confident? You are great, you come out. Do you have this kind of people? You have no such. Stand and talk, if you don't stand on the camera to talk, don't talk.

According to scientific evidence, everyone says 20,000 sentences a day, men 10,000 sentences, and women 20,000 sentences. If you don't say it today, I will come back tomorrow. Everyone will say, how many can you do? Action, action, action, all slogans without action are self-deception or self-deception. All those without strength, the so-called pursuit, are all deceiving themselves, they are all concrete manifestations of failure and loser. Deception and the overseas democracy movement have been in China for 30 years. In the face of the life and death of Hong Kong children, in front of the Communist Party's coronavirus, collectively shut up and shut up. From the past party, hemorrhoids party, mule party, and so-called toilet party, it has now become a party for finding fathers. Isn't it? I'm looking for dad. We still have to talk to these people now. I smoked two cigars today and I smoked too many cigars. Mr. Bannon also smoked two cigars and the other one. Come, come, come when he comes.

His girlfriend calls every day, and his girlfriend is so beautiful. Mr. Bannon’s girlfriend is only in his 30s, half younger than him. His girlfriend is really beautiful.

Do you understand? What I told him was, to introduce a thick black school, and I let him read Shiji. I said that you must read Chinese association culture, thick black studies, and historical records. This is a book worshipped by Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party. He has nothing...

He asked me that the Communist Party has never believed in the rule of law. I said there is only a rule of CCP, never have rule of law.rule of CCP.

So brothers and sisters, Mr. Bannon is really, you see he has been working. The girlfriend said, go to sleep. But he didn't sleep either. How many people call him in Hong Kong, Italy, Europe, many people. It’s just that he never stops every day. I’ve never seen him rest for ten minutes, never. He is 66 years old, do you think Mr. Bannon can do this? These bullies are talking nonsense, ah, what is it with Guo Wengui, your uncle, look at how beautiful his girlfriend is. I admire the bullies who you can find a hair from his girlfriend. My girlfriend is a person who is looking for a Ph.D. from two universities. There are two major organizations in the world. There are two major organizations. They are chairman, a woman in her 30s. They do yoga for two hours a day, never wear makeup, and have long hair. A few kilograms. Look at the spirit and spirit of people, they have a mouth, wow, who doesn't like good men, who doesn't like good women, it is human nature, this is the basic common sense. Don't talk about fair ladies, gentlemen are so charming. She is called a talented girl. In my eyes, I never think that a beautiful girl is cute, and I still don't feel that way. I just think kind women are the cutest and most respectable. Beautiful girls are cute, but irreverence depends on your trueness, your kindness and your essence. This is the core, understanding and grateful for others. You can't always think about me, me, and me. You, I, will no longer have anyone else. Of course, there will be no love, right, and no sincerity. I, Guo Wengui, broke the news, I want to tell everyone, just like I told the little sheep the day before yesterday, I said little sheep, you have to understand me, I broke the news that the revolution is really unbreakable, and I show my true feelings to my comrades. I am very upset. I also showed it to my comrades. I don't have any so-called privacy. Apart from privacy involving third parties, I have no privacy. My emotions, my emotions, my joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys. I am now in the United States. I broke the news about the revolution in the past three years. My greatest happiness is that I am now, be myself, myself, the real Guo Wengui. This is me, I hope my comrades can understand. When I make you uncomfortable, you must remember that Guo Wengui must be himself. In a free and legal society in the West, you must respect the rule of law, freedom and truth. I see Vancouver and Washington DC today, all of them, like our Zuo Yuan, Zuo Yuan seems to be the leader, very good, but I again ask my comrades in arms, on behalf of the New China Federation, must remember clearly, everywhere On behalf of Himalayan farms, you must act collectively, collectively. For example, the recent so-called borrowing, our so-called borrowing, anyone who collects information about comrades-in-arms without permission, anyone who does not act in accordance with the law is responsible for all consequences. Anyone, let me tell my comrades, if you do this, Himalaya Farm, if you don’t follow the rules in our group, I will definitely not say hello to you in advance. I greet you in advance, and I tell you, then I am not serving my comrades in arms, then I am engaged in a small party. I want to say directly in the video, I want my comrades to see all the real Guo Wengui. All the wealth of money is public, including what G series and what money. Many lawyers say, why do you want to say this in the video? Don't say this. I said it was you, I must say. I said that according to your lawyer's words, I am not annihilating communism. I am in business. I said that this is not business. These comrades-in-arms follow me, pressing the future on me, pressing my life, and putting safety on me. I must let my comrades know everything about me. Because this is a matter of comrades-in-arms making his life and death decision, making his family's safety decision. Of course I have to say. Just like VOG, I said that I must talk about it. VOG is an independent legal person and makes independent decisions, but VOG and Sara do everything for the New China Federation. He gave everything to the New China Federation and broke the news. Destroy the cause of communism. Why don't I say that I bear all the consequences, it's that simple. I can't give up any, saying that I gave him up. How wrong is he? No matter how big things he makes or how many mistakes he makes, I will bear it. This is necessary. But you don't follow the standard of Himalaya Farm, you say without permission, for example, Sara dares to tweet, I will never let her talk about it, and I will criticize Sara in public, and I will never care. But I told you that you can't do it anymore. For example, Lamb, a comrade in Silicon Valley. It is very simple. I must say that this is unacceptable. Everything I want is true and everything is public. This is a basic common sense, I hope you can understand. Because really, for each, I believe that no more than 1% of comrades in arms can understand how great their comrades are and how much they give. We all know the big colonel, but you don't know what happened afterwards. Later, how many life threats they encountered in Japan. But I never complained to me. This is why my comrades in Silicon Valley worried that their mobile phones were hacked after the live broadcast in Silicon Valley. This is absolutely unacceptable to me. Then you should not participate in the breaking news revolution. In our country, how many comrades-in-arms live and die on the front line, including getting up every night every night, I have to receive a lot of domestic information. Only in this way can I be qualified to talk to the United States and the West, including the five and 10 heroes like Dr. Yan, Mr. Hao Haidong, and Ms. Ye Zhaoying that may be about to appear because they saw Mr. Hao Haidong, Ms. Ye Zhaoying and our heroic scientist , There are comrades like Mr. Luther who really broke the news. Let you awaken their conscience, it is worth paying for the New China Federation, for the era of China’s rule of law and faith, and for the Himalayas. If you are unwilling to take this risk, you cannot participate in the breaking news revolution, and you should not participate in breaking news. revolution. Say something awkward, you don't deserve to participate.

This time we are going to treat many people as comrades-in-arms of the founding shareholders, including contributors to the Rule of Law Fund, and we are going to include all of them, including those who are now smashing the pot. I want to include them. why? Because, for example, you are like a kid like Zhuang Liehong. Before he hit the pot, he supported the breaking news revolution. Before hitting the pot, for example, even though he hadn't donated money, this kid would never donate. If someone makes a donation, I must make the donated money get our respect for him. It is not a return for profit. We cannot connect with him for the rule of law fund. We must maintain respect with him. I can't do anything without him. I think so. You are like Mr. Luther and you have no money, do you? Donate every month, donate money every month, then think about it, we can forget Luther, it is impossible. Then, our comrades in arms will clearly establish a database in our system, donating three times, four times, five times, ten times, twenty times and donating 10,000, 20,000, 100,000, 1 million, he must not same. We will tell our comrades in the database that when you ask for any help, masks or political asylum, it will automatically pop up your information, saying oh this level, we will respond immediately. Some people want to provide information. For the first time, we have to be cautious about whether the Communist Party is undercover. Three or four times we find that you are a real comrade-in-arms, and we will definitely reply differently. After the establishment of this system, this large database will be online 24 hours a day for all comrades. We hope to be able to provide all comrades 24/7. Yesterday we and Mr. Luther, Ms. An Hong, Mulan, Xiaotian, Sara, Yanping, we opened the first board of directors of Chinese nationality, is to link the entire system data together. How to connect our new Chinese Federation, the ideals of the Himalayas, and our comrades-in-arms more closely. No matter what form, this connection. Now the Communist Party has paralyzed our rule of law fund and society under the rule of law. Instead, many banks now find us and say that we open an account for you and we open an account for you. Some big banks even say that you don't want to publish your account number. You publish our account number. After the money comes here, we will distribute it to several account numbers you specify. He gave us more opportunities, right? We are here to stay true to the truth, and now the Communist Party is looking for this undercover to make a false report. Now the prosecutors understand that, right? The SEC will also understand that it turns out that these guys are making false reports. When you make false reports to us in the future, people will understand that it is just a good thing and not a bad thing for my future growth of the G series. This is what I advocate.

Everyone must remember what kind of subpoena investigation you are talking about. I would like to ask, I have a meeting with a lawyer, how many subpoena investigations does Google have? At least there are several thousand. How many times have Google been sanctioned and punished in Europe? How many subpoenas does Facebook have? How many times have you gone to testify on Capitol Hill? How many subpoenas does Twitter have? How many times did you testify? what! My comrades, how many times does Microsoft Bill Gates testify? How many times have been sanctioned? How many times have been testified? This is the greatness of America. He will accept the report, regardless of the falsehood, in the end, the great country of the United States will be here. President, you have no right to change this system, because this system will give you the truth. But you must accept the opportunities that this system brings to you, and at the same time you must accept the troubles this system brings to you. So I forgot in my video on April 20th on the 21st. I said that there will be Communist Party undercover, there will be false reports, there will be false investments, there will be troubles, there must be subpoena. Because, now the Wall Street Journal is the one who reported that Guo Wengui and Mr. Bannon were investigated by the FBI, and that I was a double agent. The same person, an Indian female reporter, has become popular in the past few days and is interviewing everywhere. Called JP Morgan this afternoon and said: I heard that GTV has been subpoena, what do you think? He said that I have no comment. He called me, and I said sorry to bother you. He said: It's okay. He said she called me, and I said that they just didn't do anything every day, just like the rapist who reported my rape at the time. Recently, I heard that Ma Rui was hospitalized and spent 44 days in the hospital with pancreatitis. Then the lawyer told us that he could not come to the United States in the past. Xiong Xianmin's relatives, Xiong Xianmin's relatives, Xiong Xianmin said that if Ma Rui does not come, he will die of his eight generations of ancestors, and his eight generations of ancestors will die. Ma Rui did not come to the United States for the 25th time. In the end, she asked Skype to testify. We also agreed, saying that Skype is not able to testify by Skype now. Then what to say? Can you testify over the phone? The phone call can't prove it, why? Ma Rui was hospitalized, 44 days, emergency pancreatitis. Then said that it was okay. We in Beijing sent someone to your hospital to testify in person with you, saying that Ma Rui has disappeared now and can't be contacted. I told them that this is the Communist Party, and this is the result of Ma Ruihu. I don't believe that pancreatitis is real, and I don't want Ma Ruizhen to get AIDS or something. Sun Lijun caught her again, Sun Lijun and Wu Zheng kept her, Wu Zheng paid the lawyer's fees, and Ma Yun paid the lawyer's fees. You said that Ma Ruicheng is now here.

So the next article in the Wall Street Journal must be that G-TV was investigated by the SEC. Because she said I watched Guo Wengui's live broadcast, Guo Wengui said they were investigated by 29 subpoenas. I said, Guo Wengui can say anything, whatever you want. Dear comrades in arms, have you ever thought about it. If you invest in G-TV and G series in the US, if you don’t receive the same treatment as Google, YouTube and Facebook, and judicial treatment, do you think we can be strong? That has to be like Boxun like never subpoena. why? It is worthless at all. Do you think anyone in America can get subpoena? Everyone wants to be investigated? is it possible? You believe it as soon as the Wall Street Journal writes it. The Wall Street Journal believes it, right? Those few people have been organized together, and now I have written another article about Guo Wengui’s G-TV Pond’s scam, twenty, thirty, one hundred can be said, that Michael Waller, FrenchWallop, and an anonymous person said, ah How, it must be this.

My comrades-in-arms, you only believe in one thing in the United States, and you only believe in one thing in the United States. Just as the politics of the United States scold each other and spread rumors, the final outcome and result of the law. If your comrades-in-arms can’t even hold on to this point, you can’t invest in G-TV at all, nor should you invest in G-Club, nor should you buy G-Club, nor should you buy G coins. Never buy it because It will be painful. In the growth of large companies in the United States, three things accompany: the media broke the news, you tell me which media person, which big person is not a daily scandal. Without a scandal, how can the media survive? What does American society rely on to correct your social growth? It's the third-party supervision of the media, which is coming up to you really or not. In the end, this few people were hurt, the media grew in your blood, and finally won 1% justice. Now it is possible that 1% becomes 0.001%. Second, if you are powerful, you must be accompanied by the American judicial and regulatory system. Financial regulation, securities regulation, judicial regulation, and criminal regulation must be faced. This is the greatness of American law. You don’t need to see this in China. Jack Ma will never be investigated, Jiang Mianheng will not be investigated, Tencent will not be investigated, Wang Enge will not be investigated, and Wang Qishan will never be investigated. But there is never a chance for you to invest, you only have the chance to be deceived. This is the difference between China and the United States. So you must be prepared. The money you come to the United States is the safest. If someone cheats you, you don't have to worry. The result of cheating one dollar and one hundred million is the same. You will go to jail, you will be punished, no one is wronged, no one is wronged, if you are punished, you will be punished, and you should not be wronged either. The president's family has to be punished if something happens. Clinton has been impeached, and President Trump has been impeached. What's wrong. Regardless of whether it is dark or not, in the end it is this society that good people will be rewarded, and bad people will be punished. So you believe that as long as it is a bad person, he will be punished. But you must do a good job of justice and always be with us. Investigate and investigate. The more you investigate, the more powerful you are. As long as you are truly capable, as long as you are fake, the investigation will put you in prison. It's that simple. It protects your investors, not these bosses. Therefore, rumors and judicial investigations will accompany your interests, safety and growth, and you must accept them. After that, G-TV and G series have been investigated and exposed all day long, many more. Without this, your stock will definitely not be worth money. I hope that Comrade Jiang Caishen, as well as Wenke Financial experts, and our Ms. Sara, Mr. Luther Luboche, Ms. An Hong, Avery, Dr. Bo, Dr. Zhao, you all come out and talk about this, don’t you, don’t keep talking, this is basic common sense, right?

The third thing, what everyone needs to accompany, investment in the West, when you invest in one thing stop, your investment has ended, this investment is always you watch the stock go up and down, up and down This process is to test your ability and discrimination. So investing in the United States is real. You have to work hard and grow together with investors. Instead of the CCP, when it rises, it is when you are finished, when it falls, it is when you die. There will never be a chance for you. It is impossible in the West. You have to divide interest and you have to divide dividends. In the United States, you cannot grow without dividing dividends; you cannot continue without benefiting everyone. All businesses ultimately have to make money. It's that simple. So comrades-in-arms, when you arrive in the United States, your first win is that the money has arrived in the United States. You are safe. No one will take you a penny, and no one will take you. Look at G-TV now, no one dares to move a dime, spend the money that should be spent, but dare not move a dime. Second, when you invest in the U.S., you never have to worry about who lie to you, because the U.S. government takes care of it for you, the most regulated system in the world. This is why money from the whole world goes to the United States, and the money from the Communist Party’s Zhongnan Pit goes to the United States. Why doesn’t it go to Afghanistan? Right, it doesn't do it. Why doesn't it enter Shanghai? It does not do it, nor does it go to Hong Kong. Another one, when you finish this investment, you remember that it is only you... Basically the United States says that only the interests of investors are the first priority, never the boss, never the US government.

So dear brothers and sisters, please remember that if you don’t have this common sense, you should not participate in this game, just like I said to participate in the breaking news revolutionary Himalayan Farm, if you take the minimum risk, say I’m worried about broadcasting with you. My phone was hacked, you must not participate in this matter, this is too far away. This thing...nothing is risk-free. If you walk on the street, maybe a brick fell on you and hit you, right? You might even be hit by someone while driving. If you don’t hit someone and be hit by someone, walkway Falling down the steps, right? Then this risk... People are impermanent in the world, this is our life, or else what do you mean by living? The splendor of life lies in impermanence. The splendor of life includes life and death, and there are losses and wins. You can never win if you only want to win and don't want to lose. You are afraid of death, you can never be a winner, it's that simple. If you don’t accept it, the rest is your pain. If you accept it, you may win. The more you accept, the greater your win.

Okay, let me say... You see, I have prayed just now, and there is no end to it. Okay, forget it, I'll go too... I sleep, sleep. Amitabha! Today the Communist Party hacked it eight or nine times, and then it stayed at seventy-five thousand. Then I couldn't see it on the computer version. I guess Apple's only 70 thousand people can see it, and others can't see it. But please go watch Livestream, and then upload YouTube. It can’t be too much fantasy. By the way, everyone must remember that investment is not speculation. You are not a drug dealer. The drug dealer and the fentanyl dealer are now bankrupt. You always think ten times, twenty times, one hundred times, one thousand times. Comrades, can you sleep when you get a thousand times the money? However, we do face the greatest opportunity for mankind. The largest demonic group in the world will collapse. Think about it, everyone, before the Communist Party fell, where did all the money go? All go to foreign countries, where do they go? Run to the United States. Where is the United States going? Run towards the G series. If you have the skills, try running elsewhere. Your money is in other banks, you put millions and tens of millions of dollars, you don't move there, try this bank a year or two to see if you can find it. You invest in the G series, and you also invest in G-TV in the G series. Who is looking for you? No one is looking for you! The G series says it's worthless, how likely do you think? The G series is worthless. If you bought G-club, you can go to G-Fashion to buy things every day, right? Who can take you a penny? You tell me.

So, I talked about it again today, but I couldn't hold it anymore! We have basically completed the merger and acquisition of a certain financial institution, in Europe. I only give them one sentence, "You only serve the Chinese. You have nothing to do with my equity. You are completely independent. But the 20 trillion in Swiss Bank will be transferred to our bank." He said, "Then we What? What?” I said, “I tell you, don’t tell us so much nonsense. Anyone, Wang Qishan said today: “I’m going to your bank now, I want to buy your financial products, I want to buy this G-dollar . Can you sell it?'" He said, "Then you say I sell it or not?" I said, "You answer me, can you sell it?" He said, "I don't sell it." I said, "You now You can be fired!" Wang Qishan raised his hand and said that I want to buy your financial products. Your first reaction is-now, please go to my legal department, first go to our legal department to pass KYC, you can pass KYC I will let you buy Wang Qishan's money. People are legal money, clean money, can't you buy it? Why can't you buy Wang Qishan's money? We must understand in this and this aspect that no one can (reject), but the premise is that you have passed my KYC.

When you buy G-Club in two days, when you go to buy G-Dollar and G-Coin, you must remember and be mentally prepared. G-Dollar, Americans can buy, G-Coin Americans cannot buy. You can buy G-Club, regardless of nationality. But when anyone buys it, comrades-in-arms, we found that many of our comrades in this investment are really, really have never made an investment, and can't fill in too simple forms. Remember, it is called KYC to fill out the form, and you must pass this test. What is KYC?

Time has passed, my God, it's been half an hour, oops, sorry. KYC this time we have a high-tech system. Passports are scanned, face-to-face scanning, enter your phone number, if you use a fake passport, you use a fake face, immediately call the police! Automatic alarm! This is the system of the world's most advanced immigration bureau. Sweep (scan) at your passport, scan your face, even press your fingerprint and enter your mobile phone number, all your (information) will be (uploaded) immediately. This KYC information is absolutely secured by American laws and European laws. It is a criminal offence for anyone to touch this private information, so you don’t have to worry about leaking the secrets. It was Wang Qishan who came, brushed his face, and tattooed his hands. If he was not punished, he would definitely pass. Sun Lijun is here. Once he swipes his passport, loses his cell phone, and swipes his face, people will pass without sanctions. I have heard that Wu Zheng is wanted, wanted by many countries, and Wu Zheng guesses that it will be too much. The red to blue bia will call you directly. Right? That's it, it's that simple.

Our G series must not be a platform for any criminal money, and we will not accept a dime. You must not become a Communist Party. Anyone who wants to launder money, can’t! However, any clean money from the Communist Party will be your cleanest and safest harbor. Because our system cannot be touched by anyone. It is completely in accordance with the world's highest-end, higher-end than the anti-terrorism system, absolutely confidential privacy, and six-channel encryption. Six encryptions, comrades, six encryptions! For example, I, now, Sara went in and bought this G-dollar for one million dollars. She didn't tell me, I would never know! She told me that I also have it here. I want to check Sara. This is my sister. Let me check. I immediately called the police. The report has not been reported to one place, but to several countries. I want to say: "Oh! I was wrong!" No, it's impossible, I will greet you immediately. It's like you intruded into the US Immigration Administration (Administration Bureau), the immigration system, and immediately call you the police. This is impossible!

This is why next, why are we now, so many thousands of people all over the world are working on this matter? It is to make everyone the safest and most reliable! This is why I said that G-Club must have been (trillions), and I believe that the future will be trillions of dollars. G-Fashion must start from hundreds of billions of dollars to trillions of dollars. Because it has G-Dollar, G-Coin, it has G-TV, and it is a big platform. Two currencies in the world are together, stable, pegged to the US dollar and anchored to the deposit, only our family! Then there is also its own sales platform, G-Fashion, which is a spending platform, and only one of us! Then members can connect these together. You can buy everything from toilet paper to underwear, to socks, from toilet paper to panties, to this aircraft cannon. Just our family! This is the future, this is coming one by one, hope. So when you say this, don't you think it can work? Not strong? Can it work if it is not strong? Many securities companies, insurance companies, and banks are now asking us to buy it. I don’t want cash. You can give it to me and you can exchange shares for me. That's it, do you want to make money, comrade-in-arms?

Oops, let's not talk about it, I can't hold my arms here, but I'm anxious over there. Don't sun, don't sun, don't sun!