Gwins DataBase

Miles Guo 20200812

Miles Guo 20200812

Dear comrades-in-arms, it’s August 12th. You said I’m here in the middle of the night to disturb you again. Oh, it’s so lively. Everyone saw yesterday’s battle room, yesterday’s our scientists. , Such a great interview, the questions asked are so direct, truthful and important. Our hero is about to talk so well. What kind of words are used to describe that he will not live? Then Biden elected president again. A powerful vice president, oops, it’s great. Yesterday’s meeting for a whole day and a whole day’s meeting was very good. I saw us today. There are guests on the boat, there are guests, and it’s not a wave of guests. Now it seems that everything is ready. Well, this rolling pin is still there. Mr. Li Zhiying from Hong Kong has also let it go, then 10 Individuals will also release it, don’t release it, you have a kind of thing, you can go to Shenzhen, and you don’t dare to go to Wuhan p4 laboratory, right? The Communist Party will deal with the poor, and the honest and timid will insult. This is called the Communist Party.

Where is Blowwolf X? Blowing the wolf X, I can tell you. Yesterday and yesterday afternoon, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Washington, I would like to believe that they have made different major decisions. August is the most important part of the revolution. If you don’t see the clues in August. Our business is over. I saw that it is this heavy hammer now, no one can stop it, and it will definitely fall. The comrades-in-arms remember the issue of the epidemic, the coronavirus and the Communist Party virus. If you can't kill the Communist Party, there will be nothing that will kill the Communist Party. If you break the news that the revolution can't kill the Communist Party, no revolution can kill the Communist Party. It's as simple as that. I believe we can't keep waiting. As for the economy, once the rolling pin is finished, the Communist Party will be broken in minutes. It’s more terrible than Tunisia. If you don’t believe me, just walk and look at it. You can’t destroy the Communist Party without you. I can’t sleep in this shout. There are so many people, my comrades can’t destroy the Communist Party without you. No way.

Please, Amitabha, I’m going to bed. It’s possible today, maybe I’ll spare some time. It’s the afternoon on the 12th to make a live broadcast. I have something to report to you. Thanks, brothers and sisters, it’s nice to have you.