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Miles Guo 20200808

Miles Guo 20200808

Mr. Wengui: I got up and went to bed five or six times today, because yesterday was my father's birthday, I couldn't sleep well. Oh, there is no way to call my father, so I feel very uncomfortable. Just keep waiting and pray to my father, because he is over ninety years old on his birthday. Today, I was connected with Peace and Japanese comrades in arms. I was also very excited and nervous, intertwined, so I couldn't sleep well. I look forward to Peace coming up today. I thought you came up in a three-point pajamas. As a result, you wore such a grandiose concubine hat. It seems that you don't want to take it off.

Ms. Peace: Haha no, let me explain. Because in the two-day live broadcast, I said that our Japanese Sakura Group should be changed to a Japanese Sakura Tribe, then I will become a chief. Then, with everyone’s permission, I started to wear an antenna, which is actually a feather. You may not be able to see clearly, it is very long, so today it feels like a chief. Then I wanted to insert a lot of feathers, but it turned out to be like a chicken feather blanket.

Mr. Wengui: At the beginning, you said that chrysanthemums and cherry blossoms in Japan are very interesting in Japanese culture, so you think that Japanese women are one of the countries that love to wear hats. I used to go to Japan, so I always ask Japanese people: "Do you know why you women love to wear hats?" Many women answer my questions differently. Do you know why Japanese women love to wear hats?

Ms. Peace: Is it too low?

Mr. Wengui: This is a problem. Very good and smart! This is also worthy of being Wengui's girlfriend, answering questions simply, cleverly, and smartly. Why do Japan wear such hats? Do you see how all Japanese hats go, have you noticed? Did you discover it?

Ms. Peace: I like the feeling of the royal family.

Mr. Wengui: Yeah, then why do they all feel like a royal family? Did you find out?

Ms. Peace: Please, please!

Mr. Wengui: Haha. I'm really serious. It turns out that Fukuoka’s ex-girlfriends from Japan have a lot of hats in their family. Ouch, too many hats! Then I chatted with her father, and her father told me many stories. I said that you Japanese, any story will become 50% in Japan, and it will become Korean in Korea. Anyway, I understand it differently. When I told him, his old man was very serious. Finally, when we met again after a year or two, he said, "Miles, don’t tell me, I’ve really verified about hats, and everything you said is right." Japanese hats are very interesting. I suddenly saw you wearing them. Think of it. All sources of Japanese hats are the Queen of England, and it is the Queen of England.

Ms. Peace: Haha, I guessed it.

Mr. Wengui: What you said is really right. The British Queen’s hat is passed down to the Japanese royal family. When Japan left Asia and entered Europe, although France had a huge influence, its industrial revolution at that time, the main reason for leaving Asia and entering Europe was Britain—it was the British Empire at that time! The most influential thing in Japan was the royal system, the Queen of England at that time. The history of the Queen of England family, especially the Elizabeth family including the then King William, had too much influence on their family. Therefore, no Japanese imperial family does not learn British history. If you study history, you must learn about royal history. In royal history, you must learn about the queen. The queen must have a hat. This is how all Japanese women's hats begin. Later, it really didn't have much to do with being tall or low. A Chinese writer is all Japanese. Many people do not understand, Japanese women, let me tell you that you are already Japanese, and Japanese women are really the most proud women in the world. If you have slept with a Japanese woman, you are different. If you haven't slept, don't say it, you are not qualified to say it. This is a joke. Really! Japanese women are really humble and polite, but they are absolutely arrogant in their bones. This is one; and Japanese women are different. Japanese women are the cleanest in the world, and Japanese women are the least betraying men in the world, absolutely not. Betray a man. Have you heard of how many great stories in Japanese history! When the Japanese military prostitutes first, how many women have you seen betraying men? This is a remarkable place for Japanese women. There is another Japanese man who has learned the same as a woman-loyal, a Japanese man as long as you make friends, as long as you make friends with Japan, Japan says you make friends with you and say, "I think you are my friend." Just like the Northeast, people from the Northeast drank three glasses of wine when they met, "Big brother, big brother, we are brothers. Harbin is now surnamed Guo, and Changchun is now surnamed Guo." I woke up tomorrow morning, "Who are you, you fucking go." , Give money", right! This is not the case with Japanese people. Japanese men don’t easily say that they make friends with you. Making friends means staying with you for a lifetime. I have experienced too much, all of which I experienced personally.

When I came out of the detention center, the first investor included the Japanese, the Japanese Onishi family-more than 50 golfers, headquartered in Osaka, and the largest museum in Osaka is his home, Daxijin and Dadongjin. Dadongjin supported the Communist Party at the time, and met directly with Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai. Later, it was their family who opened the first golf in Beijing-Changping Golf, which is now demolished, called Xi Jiezhai. This kind of history made me study Japan seriously. Why do men do this? Later, many of their Japanese friends said, "You have to understand Japanese men from Japanese women." Why do you start from Japanese women? Because Japanese women are loyal. The loyalty of Japanese women is the fundamental beginning to influence the loyalty and loyalty of Japanese men. So making friends in Japan really means you are friends. The loyalty of making friends in Japan comes from the loyalty of Japanese women and the cherishment of men. But on the surface, he is very respectful and polite to men, but don't pretend, you put on the bed to clean up you. Always in front of her, you are always in the dust.

So Peace is already Japanese. I heard that you got divorced more than 100 times, too few! It should be divorced more than 1,000 times. Add a zero. We also queue up. It’s a great honor to join the Japanese group today. At the beginning, I will tell you my understanding of Japanese culture. You have slept here for thirty years, of course you know better than me. How do you feel after sleeping in Japan for 30 years? How do you feel after being married 100 times? How many Japanese are there? Peace shares with everyone.

Ms. Peace: Actually, I have very few Japanese boyfriends.

Mr. Wengui: Where are you from?

Ms. Peace: There are people from all countries, but there are very few Asians.

Mr. Wengui: Oh, it seems that you are specialized in eating the Western world, right? Haha

Ms. Peace: Haha, no, I am too tall. As soon as I go to America, or...

Mr. Wengui: The village head is here, haha handsome guy, handsome guy. How? The founder of G-TV is still the founder. Know G-TV better than you!

Ms. Peace: Brother Seven is asking about my love history. You can introduce you to the village chief first.

Mr. Wengui: Hey, wait, you continue. What I advocate every day is to return to the East, you are to eat the West. How do you eat in the West?

Ms. Peace: Brother Seven, I'm not eating the West, I'm going to travel, that's too much. Because I don't have to eat by myself every day, too many people invite me, so I can't help it.

Mr. Wengui: It feels like I am talking about this feeling.

Ms. Peace: After my divorce, the first boy to ask me was an Englishman. He was only 21 years old. Then my son said, "Why does he come to you all day, mom?" Haha, my son is very strange! Yes, 21 years old, very handsome, very handsome. Then I remembered one of my favorite words he said, that is, as long as I say anything, he always said "As you wish", so I feel very gentleman.

Mr. Wen Gui: This is the "As you wish" trick for the British to make women. Chinese men take credit cards and cash. Just before you came up, the village chief, I told peace about my understanding of Japan, the loyalty of Japanese men and women, why are they loyal? The loyalty of Japanese men, buddies, really make friends with you seriously and responsible. Then my Japanese partner told me that if you want to understand Japanese men and talk about loyalty and buddies, then you must first understand Japanese women. Later, I really understood that Japanese women will not betray men. There is no me too, there is no me too in Japan. You don’t want me too. There are me too everywhere in the United States. Wow, I am scared wherever I go. Whenever I see women, I stay away. Really, when I saw there was only one woman in the house, I rushed out immediately, I was so afraid of being me too, you know! So Japan is a great country. Village chief, can you tell me about your feelings about dealing with Japanese women in Japan? Peace specializes in western food, have you eaten Japanese food? Haha

Mr. Village Chief: Today is the next three routes, right?

Ms. Peace: Did you see my outfit today?

Mr. Wengui: It’s not here yet. Above the waistband, it’s not here yet. You don't think she looks like she is taking off, you still look a little bit like. She didn't feel like taking off, she wasn't prepared.

Ms. Peace: I should bring a few more scarves, just show them one by one. Seventh brother, there are still several comrades in our discord who are waiting to ask you questions and report work to you, not just cornfield.

Mr. Wengui: Today! Asin! Are Licking Gangmao and Xiaonan here?

Ms. Witch Peace: Yes, Ashin is coming. You know courage and Maradona.

Mr. Wengui: What about JIU, JIU, 200 Jin.

Mr. Village Chief: Many people are waiting.

Ms. Witch Peace: That's from the IT group, and Kris.

Mr. Wengui: Kreis, yes, I am familiar with the Japanese team now, very familiar. So, I think Japan is really a very strange country. Many people in this nation of Japan do not understand it, and just make false evaluations of Japan. Japan and other people, you know it is quite interesting, and its religion is also very interesting. After you understand Japanese religion and ethnicity, you can be happy if you live in Japan. Otherwise you don't understand, you are not happy at all. I like Japan very much, because Japan has a very deep influence on me. But it is impossible for you to let me live in Japan, I can't stand it for more than a week. Because I was polite everywhere, and I was polite enough to be polite, that is, I was severely uncomfortable, severely uncomfortable, and I was extremely uncomfortable where I went, so I had to leave. But Japanese friends are still my best friends, and Japan’s love history is also unforgettable in my life. It’s just that Japanese women are really not as easy as we thought, so easy to deal with, but no, Japanese women are really not! Associating with you, oh that arrogant! I told you to be arrogant! But once you are serious, you are very serious, and you really cut the knife with both ribs. But the premise is that Japanese women are really playing, so I really don’t joke with you.

Ms. Witch Peace: Really.

Mr. Wengui: Chinese men and Japanese people can't play, don't fool around. Once you fool around, you will definitely be punished. This is really different from Japanese women. Chinese women must listen to Flicker. They can't listen to Flicker. They have to be Flicker. It's cool to put Flicker in bed. This is what we really want to change. So let’s talk about your experience from the village chief! Now it's almost the next three roads, now it's above the waistband!

Mr. Village Chief: I can't talk about experience, but I have had a few contacts. As you said, the thinking of the Japanese and we Chinese are different. On the whole, they are more honest! Basically, you can't fool you, so you have to rely on how you say you will see affection for a long time! Rely on sincerity to associate with others.

Ms. Witch Peace: Yes, yes

Mr. Village Chief: Whether it's a man or a woman, it basically depends on the time. Time is the best thing to test a person!

Ms. Witch Peace: Yes, but Brother Seven, you have to be careful! That is, if you come to inspect our Japanese farm one day, you have to be careful. The male is a wolf and the female is a tiger, each one is very powerful. Just that day when you took off like that, this group is so lively, too lively, and you can't laugh every day.

Mr. Wengui: This is really bragging to tell you two in front of handsome men and beautiful women. Brother Seven has experienced everything in his entire life, and has experienced everything! right! The lowest, the highest! I have experienced the widest and narrowest. To tell the truth is to be joking. From this life to the present, when you are really facing the relationship between men and women, what is the most important thing? whats the matter? I am really, that is, a true word is the most important kind. When you come back to this truth, think about the village chief, you must have a colorful life. Our Peace has been divorced a hundred times, it is even richer, we dare not compare with her!

Ms. Witch Peace: Nothing!

Mr. Wengui: Isn't it? After eating the East, eating the West, when we were still in the East, they all ate the West. Yes, more experience!

Ms. Witch Peace: Nothing!

Mr. Wengui: Actually, there is truth and kindness between men and women. You include that day when you watched me put on and I took off, many people said it was just taking off. I was on the boat. When would you say that I went down to play in the water, I couldn't go down in a suit. I wore more clothes than the one I wore that day. The one I wore that day was still taller, right? It's still tall, a shapewear panties too! Wear the shortest one down there, right! Then I don't call it off, what kind of off a man. But what do I want to say to everyone? Life needs to be interesting. A life without fun cannot grow between men and women. Where is the other shortcoming of Japan? do you know? The village head, and Peace, is this why Japan loves to drink! The fun of men and women are all done in the house. All the good things and happiness and joy of Japan are done in the house. Have you noticed. This is silly outside, everyone has become puppets. This Japanese culture has something to do with the nation, and it becomes a puppet as soon as it gets outside, which is not interesting. But Westerners are the same inside and out. So when you are dealing with foreigners, Westerners are what Peace loves and eat the West. right! He has no distinction between inside and outside, so you are more relaxed, very relaxed.

So Japanese comrades-in-arms, I think I saw what you said just now, "a man is a tiger, and a woman is a wolf." I don't think so. I saw that most of our Japanese comrades in wolves are wolf-like, and basically live very poor lives. I don't think tigers are like tigers, and they all live pitifully. Because the Chinese have two maladjustments after arriving in Japan. Too much study of Japanese etiquette and bend myself. Too much wanting to be reserved, and the result is not popular in Japan. Japan does not like it, nor does China. I have seen too many Chinese friends like this. Many Chinese friends marry Japanese people. Do you know how much Japanese marriage is to China? Ugh! Village chief, let me ask you, how many people do you know about Chinese naturalization in the United States (spoken error)? you answer me.

Mr. Village Chief: Naturalized to the United States! How do I know this!

Mr. Wengui: Naturalized Japanese, naturalized Japanese. How many Chinese are Japanese citizens?

Mr. Village Chief: Yes! 300000

Mr. Wengui: 300,000! Did you say 300,000?

Mr. Village Chief: 300,000-500,000, not sure.

Mr. Wengui: Your peace?

Ms. Witch Peace: I have no idea about numbers. Don't ask me about this.

Mr. Village Chief: You mean the Chinese are changing into Japanese passports!

Mr. Wengui: Those who changed to Japanese passports, those who planned to be Japanese, now have passports and are alive. You can't go back decades and say until last week. Let me tell you an accurate number, the difference is less than 100. You see, no way!

Mr. Village Chief: You said, don't understand.

Mr. Wengui: I don’t understand, village chief, Peace, let me tell you! This is Japan’s value a week ago, which was a little over 1.165 million.

Ms. Witch Peace: Astronomical figures.

Mr. Wengui: How many Koreans do you know? Don't know!

Mr. Village Chief: South Korea does not know, Japan does not know, South Korea.

Mr. Wengui: South Korea is more than 210,000, and South Korea is more than 210,000. This is the Japanese country. Do you know how many Chinese people treat Japan illegally? Do you know now? Village head, Peace.

Mr. Village Chief: It's illegal! Illegal also cost hundreds of thousands!

Ms. Witch Peace: There must be many, many, yes, it used to be more than twenty years ago, and it's okay now.

Mr. Wengui: Until now, Japan was about a month ago. Their statistics dropped from 700,000 in the past to around 400,000. About 400,000 illegal Chinese residents and residents stay in Japan. Among these 400,000, 700,000 fell in the past. When did it come down? It dropped to 300,000 in 2012, and the "carriage" went up all at once, up to 600,000 to 700,000, and then dropped back again. But recently it has increased a bit, which does not include Hong Kong. You know Japan, just let you see this number, what do I want to tell you? You know my comrades-in-arms, these more than one million Chinese and hundreds of thousands of illegal residents, you know that in the Japanese government, the Japanese met internally a week or two ago, and these Chinese are in Japan. The social impact is huge. This is not a joke, the impact is beyond what most of us can imagine. Because of the Japanese society, he is different from all societies. Japan has a population of 123 million, right? China now has nearly 1.3 to 4 million in Japan. With a population of 123 million, you see one Kyoto, one Fukuoka, a few million people in Fukuoka, a small Fukuoka, and several million people! Did you know that a town in the United States has tens of thousands of people? There are millions of people in Fukuoka, and millions in Kyoto. There are more than 10 million in Tokyo and more than 10 million in Osaka. Look at Kyushu that has a few million, and his living density is high. Then you think about where the more than one million Chinese live? Just think about the Chinese influence in Japan. So this comrade-in-arms Japan! I told you that Peace and the village chief were not joking. Breaking the news, if the millions of comrades in the revolution, if they were scattered in the United States, you would not be able to see them. is not it! These few thousand are in California, those few thousand are in Dallas, and those few thousand are in Hawaii. You cannot form power. But in Japan because of its small land area, the Chinese settlements are too concentrated, do you know? These more than one million people are like a small nuclear bomb, do you know? This is a country within a country! Do you know which two ethnic groups are in Japan? Peace where you are, you have slept in someone's house for 30 years, talk about it.

Ms. Witch Peace: Just talk about sleep, sleep, and the nation.

Mr. Wengui: How much? Yamato nation.

Ms. Peace: I don't know, I really don't have a feeling for numbers.

Mr. Wengui: You, the village head, talk about the village head.

Mr. Village Chief: There are two ethnic groups in Japan. One is traditional, the Yamato ethnic group as mentioned by Sister Peace, and the other is the Ainu and Ainu people in Hokkaido.

Mr. Wengui: Have you been to Ryukyu?

Ms. Peace: Oh, yes, Okinawa, Okinawa.

Mr. Wengui: The nation of Japan is Ryukyu, and it is called Little Japan from Ryukyu. When you go to Japan, you really find little. Wow, after I got there, I found that I was too tall. It was too high. Ryukyu is so beautiful, Ryukyu! Between China and Japan, between China and Taiwan, and between Central Asia, I can tell you that the most beautiful place is not Shangri-La, but Ryukyu. There were tens of thousands of people in that place. There were 10 policemen in total. They were occupied by the U.S. Army and under the trusteeship of the U.S. Army. They held American passports. The Japanese dream of thinking about Ryukyu. Japan’s nationality is actually 90% of the Ryukyu nationality, and later it was said that the Yamato nationality is now 90%. So you see that his two teachings are very interesting. Do you know how religions in Japan are arranged? Village chief, what do you teach? You said.

Mr. Village Chief: Uh, what is it? According to the number of people, what is it?

Mr. Wengui: What does Japan teach? You say it. What kind of teaching do you teach most in Japan?

Mr. Village Chief: Japan is the religion, the religion. The religion created by the Japanese themselves.

Mr. Wengui: The religion, how many people do you have?

Mr. Village Chief: Basically all believe. The Japanese believe in religions, Christianity, and Buddhism.

Mr. Wengui: How many people are in Buddhism? How many people are in Buddhism?

Mr. Village Chief: Buddhism has to have ten to twenty million, there are temples everywhere.

Mr. Wengui: How many years have you been in Japan, village head?

Mr. Village Chief: More than twenty years.

Mr. Wen Gui: Is the wife Chinese or Japanese?

Mr. Village Chief: No wife.

Mr. Wengui: Oh my god, my god, I have to give it to you. Now I'm going to get you married. Wait a while, then I'll get you married. Let me tell you, Japan, this country, this nation will tell you its duality. Ninety-three percent of the country in Japan is Shintoism. It is not called Shintoism to call Shinto. God teaches you that it is totally wrong and wrong. You have to call Shintoism. You talk to Japan about Shintoism, he is very unhappy, and he must speak Shinto. In Japanese Shinto, what the Chinese say, it’s not Taoism, not what do we Chinese call it? It's called Confucianism, and it feels like this. You look down on me. He thinks that religion is faith, called Shintoism or Shinto. What is the second one? His name is very interesting, called Buddhism. Do you know what proportion of each of them is? What you said just now is wrong. Each accounted for 90%, so why is this not 180? no. Since he believed in Shinto is Buddhism, he turned Buddhism into Shinto. Do you know what I mean? So this ratio of 90. 1% of people believe in Christianity, very little Christianity, 1% to 0.7, do you know? It is an exaggeration that nearly 40% of the Chinese people in Japan are Christians. So when talking with Japanese officials, you must remember that it is a way of chatting when wearing a suit during the day; when drinking beer before dinner, a way of chatting; after drinking this liquor, you pull your tie. , A way of chatting; then when everyone goes naked to take a bath, when they share a bath, it is a way of chatting. In a country like Japan, whether it is abnormal or multiplicity, this is determined by culture. The Ryukyu people are the source of the word "Little Japan" in Japan, with an average height of 1m43 and 1m43. Later, a large number of this kind of mixed blood was born in Japan in World War II, and there is another one that is the entry of various ethnic groups. Japan admires mixed races, and they like this Peace to eat the West. It is best to bring the West and bring it directly. The Japanese recruit children. The Japanese don't think I'm wrong. It's good. As soon as we Chinese get in touch with nationalism, how can my woman sleep with Westerners! Pull it down. I can sleep with Western women. I can't sleep with Western women. This is a perverted nation. In front of the human earth, how can there be east and west? What white, black and yellow, right? I hope this thing does not exist.

Where is the Japanese nation? The trick of leaving Asia and entering Europe is too powerful. Before Japan left Asia and entered, the secretary of President Lincoln of the United States was called Black Edmu, and the secretary of state had already arrived in Japan. "Just let me beat you up and open the country. You should go with the United States." Do you still say that I send soldiers directly?" Hey, buddy, don't fight. I just open the door to welcome Americans to do business. It's very realistic. This is why the black Edmu behind the White House controlled by the Japanese now lives. He is the Secretary of State and the most important person of President Lincoln at that time. After so many years, Japan finally broke away from Asia and entered Europe, took off the shoe boards, and directly played with the French, Germans, and British. Then they turned their own small man of 1.43 meters, ah Little Japan, to gradually become higher than the average Chinese today. Japan’s height is now a little over 1.70 meters. That’s not a joke. Life expectancy is 40% higher than ours, 40% higher, very high, and it’s the same for both men and women, and people’s legs are straighter than ours. People in Japan have looped legs. Now our legs , I have more legs than Japanese people, right, this country of Japan, the evolution of this race and its tolerance and absorption, and this island country, all island countries are exclusive, all island countries are exclusive . In the past 5,000 years, civilizations were controlled in ocean countries about half of the time, right? Spain and Portugal, right? Britain and France? They belong to this maritime country. We have very few mainland countries, and we all play ourselves. Japan, an island nation, tried to lead the world but failed, and was beaten.

But Japan’s racial optimization has never existed in history, so after we Chinese come to Japan, you have two possibilities. One is that you have been optimized and assimilated by Japan, and the other is that you are independent of yourself. The so-called being your Chinese, then you are not in Japan at all. Then, like this Peace, which eats the West after arriving in Japan, it belongs to the international school, you know it is completely international. So speaking of our comrades-in-arms in Japan, you can basically tell us Japan, our comrades-in-arms, as soon as our comrades-in-arms speak, you know whether you are in Japan, and you did not stay in Japan at all. Or has become a Japanese faction. Well, like this Peace, it belongs to the international pie, right? Then we can't learn.

Ms. Peace: I know you came to bury me, right?

Mr. Wengui: No, isn't it what you are afraid of? You said that you were the village chief yesterday. I really feel terrible. The village chief, you said from your heart that we don’t want to talk nonsense here as a camera. You think the world is in the 21st century, and when people use other people’s morals to scold others, you think this is absurd. ? Do you think it is absurd? You think this mankind is in the 21st century, and we have to take other people's morals, "Ah the village chief is not married, or the village chief is married three times", it is a matter of you. How many times do you get married? How many times did you get married? You haven't gotten married a few times, right? You can sleep several people every night, so what is the difference? Isn't it ridiculous that you are talking about this age and still talking about this topic? Village mayor, do you express the concept of the village leader?

Mr. Village Chief: Well, in a word, my conception is just right for you, don't care what others say.

Ms. Peace: The problem is that I have only divorced twice. I still have to fight from now on. I have to set a goal for myself at least ten times.

Mr. Village Chief: It's still far from that goal.

Ms. Peace: Yes, take your time, and start working hard now.

Mr. Wengui: I told you that I have a friend in Japan. I talked about it once on the live broadcast. She is a very good Swiss-student lawyer. Her English is too good and beautiful. After I go back, I will talk to a Japanese hospital. The hospital is not yours. The hospital usually has money. It's better to be with a dean, who is older than her, and then heal, and afterwards I have a son. .

Ms. Peace: Are you talking about me?

Mr. Wengui: No, this is the real girlfriend I know, a girlfriend who has never been in bed, let's distinguish it first. This girl is very good with me, and her English is very good. She is a partner of an American law firm in Japan. After the girl and the boy were divided, the man would give her the equivalent of tens of thousands of dollars a month, which is a lifetime compensation. This man still plays a lot, do you know that he plays a lot of cars, I hope he is not the same man as yours. Oh my god, don't tell me that it's the same man! Peace I killed me. Then the girl travels every year and travels all over the world. What do you do when you travel? She said that I went to all the places in the world to hunt my favorite man. She said that all men I almost never returned to the room with him for the second time. She said but I want to keep my health and hygiene.

Ms. Peace: Brother Seven, this is completely different from me.

Mr. Wengui: You are eating the West, and her whole thing is playing the West. But this girl is really, the girl said, “Why can’t I enjoy my life? Why should I want this old man to play with me for life? I don’t like it. I’m not bad for money. Years are very rich". Very rich in Japan, her lawyer is very expensive. Then, the Japanese woman saves a small amount of money, and she is willing to spend it. I dare to spend money, oh my god, I'm generous when I go out. I'm not very generous in Japan, but I'm generous when I go abroad. Just enjoy life in this way, her child, her child is taller than her, and they don't have any sense of morality that China says. As soon as we have morality in China, we lose morality.

Ms. Peace: I am ethical, OK?

Mr. Wengui: No, what morality you said, his morality is hypocritical. What I want to tell you, this person showed me that Japanese women really admire me. Not every day I cried and cried with noses and tears, cursing and resenting this man every day. , Keeps a very good relationship with her man, that man always takes different girlfriends to eat with her. That's why men and women become enemies separately and cannot sleep together. That is to become enemies and fight, and I will defeat you. Must this be? There is no need for this to be one. The second one is that we should not look at people's morals. In addition, you can see that the Communist Party or the officials are all prostitutes, and the officials are all raising mistresses. But the people who pronounced on these people are morally high. Look at that hoarse voice on CCTV, "Ethics is corrupt, it violates something in the party". This gang of bastards is worse than anyone else, and everyone was bad before being caught.

The most abnormal thing about this country and nation in China is hypocrisy, hypocrisy, and hypocritical conscience, and then it is completely criticizing everyone. Opening your mouth is cursing, and opening your mouth is criticizing. You know we have a comrade-in-arms in the Middle East. He sent me a message the day before yesterday with a picture of his son. I think he is looking at it now, and my heart throbbed when he sent it. I was particularly uncomfortable at the time. This comrade-in-arms is very nice to me, so my son just stood and sat down and took a photo. I said, what are you doing to take this photo of your son, he said... I said, "Don't make your son like this, can't you? This son is your puppet, you know?" When Chinese parents speak to their children, they are accusing me. I am always right. I am a father and I am right. If I am a mother, I am right. You must listen to me. You are wrong if you don’t listen to me. I have great power, I am a big official, I am at the senior level and you are at the deputy level. Everything I say is correct; this man at home makes money outside, and when he talks to a woman, "you know what a shit". What do you always rely on to speak? Always rely on the rank of the official, relying on the so-called advantage of being stronger than you. He completely ignored human nature, completely ignored the truth. So the Communist Party is the same. Lao Tzu is the government, I am an official, I am CCTV, and I am right to criticize anyone. There are two things in this world that cannot be touched. Everyone has privacy, and everyone has privacy. You can't judge the privacy of others by what you call a standard you think. This is nonsense. The second is whether you have done it before criticizing others. This is not to be touched. Are you qualified to judge.

Look at the society we are facing now, what are the so-called smashers in Japan doing every day? What did Guo Wengui do, what did Guo Wengui do, what did Guo Wengui do, what did Guo Wengui do, and what did you do? What did you do? Peace has divorced 100 times. How many times are you divorced? Yes, "I have never divorced even once." You are just like the village chief, you have never been married. Of course you can't get married. No one will marry your village chief. Who will divorce you? Who will divorce you? You still want to sign, who will leave you, right, no one will leave you, it's cheaper for you. What is your name like that in Japan. I forgot what it is called Zangguo. I guess no one will divorce him in his life. Who will divorce him? Divorce in Japan is very glorious. Okay, if someone divorces you, it means someone has a relationship with you. How about getting a divorce if you've been married before, right? So you know this is a terrible thing for us now. Yesterday, when I was feeling uncomfortable in that area, one of my classmates sent a message and a comment by a person. He said that when I watch others hit you, I am very happy. I said why? He said that when I saw them hit you, I saw them pitiful, hateful, and sad. He said that every time I saw them write those things, they didn't understand Guo Wengui at all, indicating that the Communist Party didn't understand the nature of this war with you. They smashed you harder and harder. My classmate is a very important and important position. He said that I will go to South Korea the day after tomorrow, and I will go to South Korea in the next two days, and accompany the bastard to South Korea. Why do I go to Korea? I will find out in two days. He said that we went to Japan in the first two days and met with Japanese officials. He said that the Japanese officials met us. He said that you can't even imagine. He said that everyone is now like the third grandson meeting the ancestor. It is the morbid state of Japan, and he worships power. As long as people tell him solemnly, "You have seen what President Xi said, between the two countries, between our two countries is the best period in history. You have made the wisest political choice. The personal relationship between me and Prime Minister Abe is Best of all, the relationship between our two countries has found a relationship between the leaders of the two countries that is the easiest to get along with and does not allow the two countries to pay a huge price. "What are the leaders bowing? Why do you know the village? Japan advocates strength and super strength. Women and men are like this. In this Japanese country, you have money and you have power. Your fist is stronger than me. I definitely kneel down. But if you don't speak to me harder than me, don't educate me. I am quite convinced by Japan. Don't watch him bow. I really don't hate him. Don't judge Japan with morals. Peace, the village chief said that Japan is so soft? If you are not soft, try it. You are in a civilized country in Japan. It is the second most populous country in the world, except for the United States—the second largest economy. What do you think? China threatens him all the time in this area, and he can make the clearest choice. The biggest beneficiary of your relationship with the United States is me, and the second is India. So when you look at it from here, is Japan's reality unrealistic? reality. Is it unrealistic among Japanese people? Super realistic. It's unrealistic for anyone in Japan, that is, they have not slept with a Japanese in Japan, and they are not at the level of Western eating like Peace. Bastards who have no food or water at all, use him there. The so-called CCP’s moral standards and thoughts are alive in Japan. This is a tragedy, pitiful! You two talk about it, don't let me talk about it, who asks who?

Ms. Peace: I didn’t let you say alone, we can’t even talk about it, okay, Brother Seven, I’m not eating the West. Girls must be invited by men when they go out to eat. They can’t pay for it. This is a courtesy. I have always known this etiquette. Our discord comrades are waiting, waiting to ask you serious questions. Okay, Grace.

Grace: I forgot to ask questions about everything I heard, hello Seventh Brother.

Mr. Wengui: Hello Grace, beautiful beauty, eat the West or play the West, haha, don't fail to learn with this leader, just kidding.

Grace: No no, our leadership is very good. Well, let me introduce, I am the IT team, I am in charge of our search engine project team, then I will briefly introduce our situation and I will ask questions. Is it okay Brother Seven? In June, Seven Brothers told us that search engine is a very important and core technology of our G series. At that time, Brother Seven also gave us a lot of encouragement, and we also did our best to build the framework of this search engine as quickly as possible. Now it can work, and comrades can also use it. We named it G-search, and we can search the YouTube channels of our core comrades, such as the Luther channel and the secret translation group channel. In addition, we can also search for websites created by comrades-in-arms. We are now preparing to extract G-TV information and want to realize G-TV external search. In addition, our group now has our own innovation in language AI technology. Our witch sister helped us to promote our G-search to all major farms, and gave us positive feedback. We are very encouraged. On the other hand, all of our comrades in this field can know that if we target a search engine like Google, our realization of this is a very large project, requiring the development of many key technologies. So we are just getting started now, just like electric cars, so we are thinking, if we want to achieve a truly powerful search engine, we definitely need to cooperate with other farm comrades, so I really want to know that In the future, is it possible to cooperate with a team of comrades in arms like the Silicon Valley R&D base to jointly develop our search engine? Thanks Seven Brother!

Mr. Wengui: Thank you Grace. You are not asking questions, but advertising. According to the regulations of the TV station, I clicked you a hundred times. There is no one in the world who can ask your question. But I am the authority, and I participated. This time Japan got a little bit cheaper. Okay, it's okay, I understand everything. In fact, the question you ask is how to cooperate with your comrades in arms? How can we cooperate with Silicon Valley's technology, and now we have achieved this level, what should we do next? Let me answer you briefly: First, all the resources of your comrades-in-arms can be used; second, you searched for me. I basically tell you simply: I went to a Japanese restaurant to eat sushi, and after entering the Japanese restaurant, the Japanese chef told me, Mr. Guo, do you use rice for sushi or sorghum rice? I said, use rice. Then ask, do you use Chinese rice or Japanese rice? I said, Japanese rice. He said, is Japanese rice Osaka rice or Hokkaido rice? Now you are at this stage, you know? Why I never answer you, Peace, you see I never answer. There are two core problems, but you didn't even touch the door. This search is the most powerful and high-end technology on the Internet. The two premises of its search are that you can't do it, you can never do it: the first one, why is there only google the world? It has accumulated information for a lot of time, its search engines and its data backups all over the world, and its hard disk and data search, so it has accumulated results. You can't do it without this cumulative result. Now that you are in Japan, the most important thing is to do a Japanese text search.

Let's just talk about Japan, now yours? I have prepared the server for you, but you have the search technology of your Japanese characters on the spot. Now you enter the door. The rice for making sushi has not yet been determined. It is impossible for you to be strong. It is the beginning of the technology. You have not touched the door. The first. Secondly, whether it is in Silicon Valley, where the Lamb is, we Lamb are definitely high-end technology talents, and many of our comrades in Silicon Valley are definitely the highest-end in the world. But when people cooperate with you, you don't have that qualification. You want to eat Silicon Valley in the U.S. You still haven't figured it out yet. What are you doing now? Let me tell you Grace, you are not an advertisement now. First prepare your hammer. You have to prepare one. The server is okay. Just your structure, technology, including the crawler technology. The network is called crawler technology. And can you take down the market of 123 million people in Japan? How many years has Yahoo Japan worked? Yahoo did not make it, Yahoo told Sun Zhengyi to eat it. If you have this ability, this ability, this team, and this vision, I can buy you Yahoo Japan for you. Now Yahoo Japan wants to sell it every day, Son Zhengyi, I call him and I said we bought Yahoo Japan. He still has some small shares now. By then, he will have finished allocating the shares. Yes, he will be closed. Why can't he make it? Have you thought about Grace, Peace? If Japan, don’t say what English field you are in, don’t say you can search G-News, GTV, you are called sensitive word query, this is not called crawler technology, don’t make a mistake, my sister Grace, don’t use it This is regarded as your core technology, that is not, that is your kitchen knife, that is not an infrared aiming gun. If you can take down Japan’s 123 million countries, let me tell you how much it is worth. Let me tell you this, and it will be 50 billion dollars right away. When can you finish it? Two years. You can start telling people that I can start with an assessment of 5 billion dollars. If you calculate this account, I won’t elaborate on it for you, so you can tell me everything. Can you take it? , Does your team have this ability? Just your two or three brothers and sisters. Why do I never reply? I don't want to hurt my girlfriend Peace's heart and say, you kicked me before you started, did you? I won’t say anything, and I will reply to you publicly today, thank you Grace.

Ms. Peace: Thank you, courage, simple and clear, Brother Seven is standing.

Ms. Courage: Good Mr. Guo! I am courageous. I am the leader of the Sakura Group Industrial Group. My current job is to welcome the future G series work, to excavate and reserve talents within the Sakura Group, and to study how to promote the G series in Japan with the team. Another job is the 829 parade at the end of this month, leading the cherry blossom group to participate in the grassroots operation in Osaka, and has already docked with the grassroots brother. My question is, after reading Mr. Guo’s talk, G-Fashion is ready to come out. With the subsequent launch of G-Club and G coins, I would like to ask Mr. Guo how to consider the launch of the G series in Japan? In order to make preparations, how does our group connect with the G series team? Thank you!

Mr. Wengui: Thank you for your courage. I am very happy that the problem of courage is clear, and the goal is clear. First of all, thank you grassroots brother. I believe everyone is familiar with this guy. He is definitely a Chinese man and he is absolutely credible. I hope everyone will fully support him. He doesn't need to do these things, he doesn't need all the conditions. He is the most basic Chinese man with a family who can live well. He has all the conditions. By doing these things, he fully supports a free society that allows Chinese people to have the rule of law and democracy. He is really a reliable person with common beliefs. Thank you! After the out-of-talk about this and that, it inspired you all kinds of things, which led to our out-of-talk today. I am on the boat, as long as I am not naked, it is normal for me to take off. Look at me. Every day there are countless men and women who wear very little clothes. The topic of our off-talk started with Peace. Let's keep it. This is the intellectual property owned by Peace Japan Sakura Group. Well, I just mentioned this matter. You are the team leader. The last protest of 727 was absolutely successful. It was amazing! It has a great influence on the CCP in Japan. The CCP will never accept being in a country like Japan and France. He thinks that I have absolutely controlled it. It is impossible for you to have such a scale of protest. Therefore, the protest of the grassroots brother has encountered various setbacks, so everyone must support him, and I fully support him. Because you started, you made a surprise attack, and you succeeded. Peace, try again, and promise not to let you do that. Leader Yong and the village chief have done a great job, so this Osaka parade will be very difficult and all kinds of things will happen.

Peace: I sent the courage to organize with the grassroots brother, and take our team to support the grassroots brother. Then we will also hold it in Tokyo and Nagoya at the same time, and then it will be a nationwide protest in Japan. This is on 8.29. , I hope to watch our live broadcast today to sign up. Thanks, please come next.

Mr. Wengui: Great, great, let me talk about it for courage, but I didn’t finish the answer. How does the G series land in Japan? Our farms all over the world will have a series of comprehensive plans. The Japanese G series will be very useful to you. What I want to tell you is why you are important? The first one in the G series is G-Fashion and G-Club. All of our G-Fashion is the only one. All of our products on G-Fashion are limited to Europe, Italy and France. Like Turkey, they are not produced in the United States. Some of our products, such as glasses, are made in Japan, and there are many special fabrics. You see, our comrades have already made a lot of fabrics. Although we did not choose one now, we will choose Japanese fabrics in the future. So in the future, G-Fashion will be the only third-party production base in addition to Europe and the United States, which is of great significance. For the other G series, G-Coin, G-Dollar, we communicate with the government of Japanese financial institutions. The Japanese government now privately supports our G-Coin and G-Dollar, because the Japanese government most wants to pass G-Coin and G-Dollar. Dollar excludes third-party transactions other than the US dollar. In the future, in Japan, what I just said, including what Greace said at the beginning, and some of the questions you asked are the same. Build your base team. G series, G-Coin, G-Dollar, G-Fashion, G-Fashion production, including G-Club, I hope that after the establishment of G-Club in Japan in the future, all the money to buy G-Club members will not leave Japan at all. Just digest it in Japan, buy glasses, buy products, buy fashion, buy fabrics, and then all Japanese buy G-Coin and G-Dollar are consumed locally in Japan. Talking and talking a little bit exposed. So my first step is to start in Japan, so this is a big deal, thank you.

Peace witch: next Tomato, please, simple and clear.

Mr. Wengui: 800,000 people.

Peace Witch: We have a comrade in arms who asked Mr. Wengui what is your bust? Because today is off chat.

Mr. Wengui: What is the bust? I really have this one. Let me show you. I really have it. I didn't have it. This time I made clothes for me every day. There are too many girlfriends here, Peace, don't be jealous.

Peace Witch: Am I still jealous? I eat soy sauce for me.

Mr. Wengui: Not here, I don’t know yet. It was on another phone. I really don’t remember. But now you see that I have lost too much weight. Look at the suit I made last time, but it doesn't work now. When Bonia came yesterday, he took a big jump, you know? My waistline used to be the largest when I was in China. When I was in China, it was a 56 suit. Then it was a fifty-two suit for a while. Now it is a forty-eight suit. I am still not satisfied.

Peace Witch: Another one was brought up by our bristles comrades who said that the cat poop coffee that Wengui said several times is very expensive, how expensive is it?

Mr. Wen Gui: There are probably more than 100 levels of cat feces coffee. There are more than 100 levels. For example, you buy 1 pound, 250 pounds, and 250 pounds, because it is monopolized by the United Kingdom, 250 pounds. It is 1 pound to 250,000, 250,000 pounds to 1 pound, different levels. Let me take a look. Let me show you. Yesterday Mr. Bannon was shocked. Yesterday Mr. Bannon..., I will show you this watch. I have discussed the future of coffee with them this year. After discussing it, I want to buy most of it this year. I hope that Mao Shi Coffee will enable our comrades in the future and those who have made outstanding contributions to enjoy the real, special customization... You must not buy the packaged cat feces coffee in the market, which is about 120 US dollars and 10,000 US dollars per pack. Do not buy a small package. Ninety percent of it is fake. It is not called fake, it is not purely natural, it is all authorized things, not real. please!

Peace Witch: Brother Seven, how significant is it for us to participate in the Five Eyes Alliance in Japan? From now on, what stage will the Japanese government go to? What are we going to do in Japan? Please!

Mr. Wengui: Masha sent me a message saying that chatting is my intellectual property rights, not Peace’s. I corrected that it belongs to Masha and Peace is the second one. I went straight to the second room and the big room came out. You can say the same about the Five Eyes Alliance. I think the Five Eyes Alliance is pretty awesome. Do you know Peace? You know what makes Abe the saddest thing. I think the greatest thing in his life is that he wants to sign this world trade agreement with the United States, called the Alpha Agreement. As a result, President Trump kicked him back as soon as he came up. The failure to do so broke Ampere's entire heart. And the signing of that will have too much influence on Japan. In the end, Ampere tried several times with President Trump, but he wanted to eat and sleep in the West but failed to make it. He was heartbroken! The Communist Party is smart at this time. Do you know who made this move? As far as I know, this is a move made by a Chinese master in Japan. It was Abe who finally asked Xi Jinping to give one from the Communist Party: Five Eyes Alliance, I can not stop you like this, even if you become permanent, I will not stop you, but what are we going to do... The most difficult thing this year is the CCP’s 150 billion U.S. dollar deficit and 150 billion U.S. dollar trade volume. This guy has increased. What is this concept? Currency is the last swap from 36 billion in the past to 500 billion. What is the concept of Peace? Have you ever thought about it? This is a big increase. That is, after Japan was in the West, after being slammed by the West, Abe then directly licked the Communist Party's cock, and the Communist Party now uses this to play big.

This year, China’s economy is totally dependent on Japan’s leaning on all parties. This has led to the Five Eyes Alliance. It can also pass. It is also supported by the CCP in Europe. In addition, the currency agreement in the market includes support for some Japanese financial institutions China has received special treatment. But I tell you Peace and the village chief, you must start in Japan. If Japan really wants to change its course and change from pro-American to pro-Chinese, it is pro-communist. If you are pro-communist, Japan will be over. Because you are in the United States, you see that those two factions really mean that the Americans are bullying the Japanese. The bullies can't do it. In the past 50 years, all the money of the Japanese has been stolen by the Americans. This sentence Not an exaggeration. What kind of financial system is used, Japan’s finance is the worst on mankind. You see how rich Japan is, and you have been cheated of money by Americans, Europeans, and Wall Street. You can find out which large Japanese company does not work for the United States. It is indeed Japan. Whenever there is a bit of movement, the United States will give it to you. . It is true that Japan has been kneeling all these years after the war, and has never been straight. Now Japan says I’m kneeling, and I’m willing to kneel. Can you keep me on my knees? Don’t let me go on my knees anymore. This is the American who wants people to lie on my stomach.

But now that the CCP uses this opportunity to go up, he doesn't let you kneel, or let you lie on your stomach, he can really make you disappear. The Communist Party really has this ambition, not to say what it is. Japanese politicians are a little eager for quick success and quick profit. The Five Eyes Alliance is a big deal this time. After the Five Eyes Alliance, it has become commonplace. The Communist Party is playing games. If you become permanent members, India and Japan become permanent members. You must play this game, and then various international organizations in the world. What are you doing at this time? If you give up Taiwan, stop talking about Taiwan. Japan is right away. Sacrifice Taiwan, Hong Kong, and human rights, and then support our Communist Party. At this time, think about how terrible the village chief and Peace are? As far as the short-term strategy of Japan is called by the Communist Party, it is not so important and not so powerful. Let them join the permanent membership, let them join the world organization, and sacrifice human rights in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China. The consequences of this disaster are terrible, you know, in Japan, don't think you have slept in Japan for 30 years, Peace, the village chief, I tell you the 1 million Communist Party will not let you go. They know very well that they will either be controlled by me or they will disappear. Japan must be controlled by the Communist Party. Let’s take a look. If the Communist Party is not destroyed in one or two years, the Chinese in the two countries will be the most unlucky. The first is Japan and the second is the United States. Walking and watching, the worst thing is that everyone should remember, so the question you asked is very good, PEACE, you have a level.

Ms. PEACE: So when we protested this time, we shouted "Today's Hong Kong is tomorrow's Japan".

Mr. Wengui: Very good, thank you, this question is good.

Ms. PEACE: Mayor, please, your question. village head…

Village Chief: I just turned off this microphone. You just said that Japan has been infiltrated by the Chinese Communist Party, and the Japanese government is also vacillating on some major international events. Then one of the things we are doing now is to increase the publicity of the breaking news revolution in Japan, but our methods are very limited. For example, we can publicize it with our friends and close colleagues around us, and then we can find out on Twitter on the Internet. Influential people in Japan are these methods. Do you have any suggestions? It is limited to Japan, which can propagate this breaking news revolution more vigorously. I hope to hear your suggestions.

Mr. Wengui: Thank you, the village chief. I think your question is very good. I think that after we have experienced various things about the revolution in Japan in the past three years, we have discovered, that is, the infiltration of the Communist Party in Japan, I believe the village chief, you feel very deep, multi-layered, and very deep. So first of all, I would like to thank my Japanese comrades-in-arms. Up to now, those who have been supporting the revolution, the extermination of communism, and those who have such courage to support the extermination of communism at all costs. This is really our gratitude. . First of all, the first thing I think the village chief has to do, I think, PEACE, unity in Japan is more important than anything else. Just don’t let this fire go out, or even go out intermittently, just like your home. The stove, if you put it out for a while, you don't want to light the fire, and the fire won't start. What the Communist Party thinks most is to destroy your fire through one by one little grasshoppers and little mice, so that you can extinguish or weaken you intermittently and intermittently. The Communist Party’s policy is very clear. Village head, PEACE, if you look back three years, the people who supported Guo and smashed Guo were bought by money, threatened, and they turned out to be spies. You know, look at that Xianglin bastard thing. From the first day, he wanted to make money with the breaking news revolution, right? This is a 100% bastard thing, and there are some who have used the breaking news revolution and have to borrow money. If you want to cheat money and collect money, we are not fooled by him. So behind these things are the strategic deployments of the Communist Party, all strategic deployments. How to make these strategic deployments unsuccessful? To be honest, you have to make this team really look like our GREACE, Yongxin, and our "licking steel wool", right? You, like the village chief, PEACE, and especially your comrades like Xiao Nan, are very important. Including the conflict between you and 007 in the first period of time, 007 is definitely not a spy, but between individuals, I hope you must unite, so the first thing I told Japan is that the unity itself is the core of the extermination of the Communist Party. One of them succeeded.

Second, what is the biggest thing I think you can do? Japan is a country that is different from the rest of the world. There are more than one million permanent Chinese, excluding Taiwanese, there are already 350,000 Taiwanese, more than the entire Korean population. More than 200,000 talents in South Korea were given to permanent residents. Taiwan is more than 300,000, which is very scary, so if you add the 300,000 illegally staying in Japan, it will be nearly two million, between 1.8 million and 2 million. And very cohesive, let these comrades in Japan truly believe that our Sakura group is a reliable comrade in arms. This time I talked about loans. The one who lost the most was Japan, a comrade-in-arms’ billion-dollar loan. I told PEACE that I most wanted to do it by the Sakura group. This is our old comrade-in-arms. At the last minute, I said, Mr. Guo, I first entered with 700 million yuan and signed the loan agreement. I said I hope you stay in the cherry blossom group, PEACE. He said that I didn’t want to stay here. One was the quarrel with 007, which made me sad. The second is that I watched it for a while. Some people I’m not sure. He said PEACE is absolutely fine, but he said, this time you Let me sign it directly. No way, let the family send money directly. But if you think about it carefully, let’s not talk about one billion and seven hundred million US dollars. Six percent will be given to him personally, and three percent will stay in the cherry blossom group. What is the concept of three percent? How much is a year if it is one billion? Three million shares, three years is 10 million shares, 10 million shares, let's not say that it is twenty times, ten times, five times, how much is it? Then I bought any building in Tokyo. It's just one of your emotions, and you lose that moment. What a pity. As far as our comrade-in-arms is concerned, he is not facing this six percent. For me, think about it, the village chief, no matter who passes through is 6%, right? I hope all the comrades in arms can find a farm and sign it. The farm will give you 3%, and then SARACA will give him 6% and 3%. Then this is how many comrades can be strong, and the farm can be strong. Doesn't this have multiple implications for the breaking news revolution? Isn't this three birds with one stone? do you understand me? The village chief, but because we were not united and the team at that time had not solidified, the loss was too great. This time, but at the very beginning, PEACE turned the tide. One was done in three hours and one was done in three hours. PEACE, she was a leader, and PEACE was not affected by this at all, three hours, three hours, three hours. I received money in some countries, and I received the money within two or three hours. PEACE, which is organized by our Japanese Sakura Group, is that PEACE is fully capable of this. Then how can I use PEACE’s capabilities? This absolute and special Japanese Chinese group has gathered together, connecting the vast majority of these two million people together.

Also, what I want to say is that the richest Chinese bosses and the richest official people really support Guo and support the breaking news revolution. For these three countries, the first is New Zealand, and the second is Japan. , The third country is the United Kingdom. So let's take a look, how much do you want to do well? Let’s not talk about what you can do. You should put the two things you can do first. You feel that the team is cohesive and broaden your horizons, so that everyone can better understand and believe in our Japanese cherry blossom group. This is what you can do and it depends entirely on You; the second, help your comrades, get more money-making opportunities in the G series, you can also do this, this is what you and I can do, this is the core; the third and fourth, you know , The first, the third, do everything you can to increase media exposure and influence in Japan, increase social media’s various methods, spread the news revolution, this is what you can do if you are safe; fourth, Don't talk about too many deep-seated problems in Japan. I don't want you to talk about this, what is the Five Eyes Alliance, what, I think it's true, you can't control or affect it. What do you think is the core of these four? Establish a strong base in Asia for the production and service of the G series in the future, which is difficult for any country to do. You have made this stronger. You have 10 billion dollars, billions of dollars, village chief, PEACE, don’t you eat Western food, you eat global food, right? What do you want to do. Only when there is strength in this world, you have the right to speak. Then why is the US bullying Japan so much? Because of its strength, you must make your economy strong, team strong, and platform strong, so that all Japanese comrades in arms can see, wow, follow your cherry blossom group to make money, have a future, and be safe. If I have something you can protect. I. If you don't have the ability, don't talk. You will disappear after three months, you will disappear after half a year, and you will disappear after a year. Japan without the Communist Party, so to speak, is in Asia, where Japan and South Korea are the most core and core places. Now you have to cultivate this base. You have to cherish these comrades in arms and create your own environment for them to survive and develop. This is the core importance, thank you.

Ms. PEACE: I see, I understand. Brother Seven, let me raise another question. Many of our comrades-in-arms in Japan have been kidnapped because of the Chinese passport. We are very much looking forward to when the passport of the New China Federation will be issued to you, and then the Chinese Communist Party will not be Kidnapping of passport. There must be many comrades-in-arms who are concerned about this issue, especially overseas.

Mr. Wen Gui: This question is very good. My comrades are over one million, my God, I have been watching this number of followers in front of the computer, and there is one I am watching other technologies. I can tell my comrades in arms that the Himalayan passport can basically be said to be... We have two possibilities, two possibilities, I have to hold my arms. One possibility is called the Himalayan passport. This Himalayan passport is our country within a certain country, under certain circumstances, like the Vatican. The other kind is faster, because there are two or three countries talking now, such as the United States of America, right? Then he gave us one in Arizona, or Montana, that place, and gave us a special immigrant "It's like a passport like a kind of...We have built a special zone, and a special zone is managed by it. Just like the Ryukyu we are talking about now, you are holding a U.S. passport, but you know it is from Ryukyu. There is also Saipan, the Saipan in the United States, and the one next to Japan. It is the same as Saipan, which is considered to be the United States, but you will also be issued a passport. You have a child and you are a US citizen, but you know that you are Saipan. Yes, right? Same as Hawaii back then. There are two possibilities. What do these two possibilities depend on? The timing and... depend on one thing-a progress in the extinction of the Communist Party. This and the development of the G series, for example, I talked about it yesterday. Now, all the Communist Party hopes that our comrades will not acquire G-TV stock. It uses this so-called regulatory system, this American regulation... Why is it that American stocks are valuable? For example, if G-TV is in China, you are listed, and you are like Jack Ma. Once he is tossing, he...give him 10,000 shares for his virgin who has slept, and then give him Jiang Zhicheng a million shares. , He did it! But in the United States, now I, Guo Wengui, want to give me... I get one hundred shares, one hundred shares, one share for myself, as long as it is illegal, then 100% will be sent to prison. President Trump will not work. No one can do it. So it's valuable! Serious supervision. So, when you complained, whether it was true or not, he had to verify it all at once, right? This protects your investors. It uses this loophole. It hacks our G-TV, but G-TV is more valuable. It does not allow... all the Communist Party does not allow its comrades to have any place for you to save money safely overseas. The Communist Party has never allowed a Chinese person to have a safe place to save money overseas. Did you tell me there is one? No one, including your Peace, the village chief, and any comrades in arms. It just doesn't follow you. As long as it follows you, your money must be disappeared, account closed, cancelled, nothing, right? At the very least, everyone suddenly broke the news about the Revolution, the New China Federation! Ah, you want Chinese people to have a safe place to save money and a safe place to make money. Oops, this...the Communist Party is scared, and then this...a country’s power has come to hack our G-TV. It is a platform that prevents you from saving money and developing safely. It also knows that this G series will drain the blood of the Communist Party. If it doesn't have to destroy the Communist Party, it will die by itself, right? So now we, okay, you don't let our comrades have G-TV stock, we already have it! is not it? You can’t get rid of these thousand chairs, right? Nor is it possible for the US government. This is legal, 100% legal. All the complaints and troubles come from VOG, and almost all of them are VOG. About two of them are really problems with G-TV, 100%. That’s why I said that all farms must complete legal procedures, because you shouldn’t be troublesome to successful people in this G-TV. Everyone... we have already taken off, and as a result, a bunch of people came from behind, pulling the rope behind, and the plane is swaying there, can it work? Just don't become a burden, I hope that Japan will be different... This Peace Sakura group is very, very good, simple and concise without trouble, very good. You can't talk nonsense in the media, you can't talk nonsense. You are like that... Sara sent a message the first two days, she just expressed it emotionally. Say if the FBI investigates us, what will happen to us. It turned out to be troublesome! Domestic comrades in arms said, what happened? Sara, have you been investigated by the FBI? I said no! Our lawyers all called me. At the same time, he said what's the matter? As a result, some people sent this information to all the media. Look at the bullies and the Communist Party. As a result, I said there was no such thing. This is not your nonsense. If you say that you are being investigated by the FBI, if you say that I have not been investigated by the FBI, then you are 100% dead. You cannot deny it. Denial itself is a crime, you are not breaking the law, you are a crime, you are lying! We didn't. Why do you say that? One more thing, you can’t say that about convertible debt or convertible equity. Borrowing is borrowing, so we must strictly abide by the legal framework. We act collectively and collectively... protect our interests, and we must not cause problems for anyone. So what are we doing at this time? Next? G-TV is over, we will be on G-club right now, what shall we do now at G-club G-club you bought a membership card, everyone, you know, you... the village chief, you will have no G-club for the rest of your life. You cannot spend that price to buy all these designs of Ban, Downey, and RT. You can never...use that price. It's impossible for you all your life. It can't happen! Only G-Fashion allows you to have it. It is the biggest concession in itself, and there may be room for future development. It is illegal to give you stocks by itself! Can't mention stocks, what should I do? The Communist Party won't let you have it. Now I am not only you... It turned out to be a chair. It turned out that the Communist Party said that there are no chairs in the whole world, so it can only come to me and sit in the pit. Now I gave Peace, and I gave the village chief a chair. It’s not good, and in the United States, what does he think I should do? I can't kill you! I also said no, you have a chair, what do you have next? You still have a bed! You still want to have a Peace Room, right? The bedroom! Ah, now I have a big one. Next, I will not only give you chairs, but the village chief, what do you know? What do you want most in Japan? Do you know peace? What do you want most? Now for you two, you both have 100 million US dollars each, you two want to buy something in Japan, let me listen, tell the truth, just say it!

Ms. PEACE: Ah... (Village Chief: First buy a daughter-in-law) Hahaha.

Mr. Wengui: How about you? Peace? He doesn't need to buy, buy him all.

Ms. PEACE: This is worthless. What do I want? What do i want? I really don't want anything. I...I now, I actually saw a real estate in the past two days...that real estate is particularly suitable for us as the headquarters of G-Fashion.

Mr. Wengui: It's the house! (Peace: I want that building) That building! (Peace: Yes) I'm telling you, you are in Japan, a farm, and a village head. Peace, you don't have any brains, you don't want to have 100 million dollars. I just look at you two, so it's sudden. I tell you the village chief, you took 100 million US dollars, and when you first put them in your hands, you both had it. The first thing you do, you will buy you a big house. 90% of Asians have this idea. This allows you to have big money and be the first to buy yourself a big house. This is why real estate in Asia has always been the mainstream economy. Most definitely. (Peace: Buying a bank) Then I bought the bank when the money was left. I knew that the bank always made my mother upset, so I bought the bank. It must be like this! Because all you have spent. Let me tell you, I have given 1,000 people who already have comrades-in-arms the safest chair in the world and the chair that can make money. That chair may become a diamond chair, and the golden chair is for sure. I want our comrades-in-arms, I want to find a way to be legal, so that the Communist Party will never be faultless, including those who have supported our revolution in the news, who risked their lives. It is too difficult for them. We can forget them in no minute. Including comrades like you 717...727 who took to the streets, not only do I want you to have a chair, I want you to have a big house!

Ah, it doesn't count to have a chair. This chair is lying in someone's house. I want you to be the village chief, I want you to have shares from the past, have that... that share... have equity... have stocks, I will make you a share, you have to be a shareholder, a shareholder! Not a share, a shareholder! shareholder! I told the lawyer, the lawyer said you were crazy, right? The lawyer said you are crazy, right? I said I was crazy and I wouldn't spend more than one thousand dollars and five hundred dollars in an hour. Please have these dozen or so people come and listen to me talking nonsense. What's wrong with me? Right? Why do you do this? What the Communist Party is afraid of is what we do. As long as the Communist Party scolds us and denies us, it is what we will do! The people scolded by the Communist Party are our comrades-in-arms! The key person of the Communist Party is our brother! The Communist Party is most afraid of you having a chair, and I will let you have it; the Communist Party is most afraid of having this...stock, you have it. It is most afraid that you will own a company shareholder, wow, this American is scared to death and dare not kick you out! My next step is to let my comrades-in-arms, who have supported the breaking news revolution in the past three years, make him a shareholder in batches and levels. For example, the establishment of G-Club in Japan is completely independent, right? You sue! The Peace Sakura Group was established, is it a trouble for you? You can't tell me, can you? Sakura Group is a 10% shareholder of G-Fashion, is it legal? Peace, is the village head legal? This G-Fashion is used... is a market value of 100 billion U.S. dollars. In the future, I will tell you, I am now, when I come in... I... I issue 100 billion stocks, I don’t mean it’s 100 billion U.S. dollars. , I can price 0.001...0.0000001, can you control it? This is the same in all countries. Is not it? village head? Then I will send ten thousand shares to the village chief. You only need to give me one dollar. For example, you can even give me a penny. According to how much I set 100 billion in equity, it will be split to you. Do you understand what I mean? Then I...I will let your name, Peace, comrades in the Sakura group, Canadian comrades, Russian Masha comrades, Italian cobbler’s comrades, British David’s comrades, no matter where it is. It's still our lamb, from Silicon Valley, or our Mr. Mask in Tucson, whoever is, it's An Hong Mulana from Australia and teacher Amin CC. I only need to list your name, and I will let you...As long as you take the stock, you are the original shareholder.

But next time I do private placement, my price will be one yuan per share, or ten yuan per share. Do you know what I mean? Village chief? Then each of you is a shareholder, so why are you sue me? You come to the United States to sue me. You can’t sue. You can’t play bad gangsters. You can’t do it at the bank. You can’t blow up the White House. I let my comrades-in-arms be... I not only let you have a chair, but change Chengjin chair, I make you a landlord. And this house will give birth to a house, what's so great... So Peace, the village head, have you two thought about it? Just like Peace said a month ago: "Oh, Brother Seven, you keep telling me, forget it, I'm not the village chief, you can let someone else be it, look at me, it's all over." Oh, I said:" Peace, you're all done here, I said, what can you do?" It's different now from a month ago, right? What a change! Like a comrade-in-arms, last Friday, "Qua Chi" sent $70 million. He said: "Brother Seven, you know that I voted for that chair and I voted for 500,000. How do I feel after I have remitted 70 million?" I said, "How do I feel?" He said, "Brother Seven, I put seven thousand After Wanhui, I think I have done everything in my life, and the rest is what I want to do." He said, "I put my money here, I think the Communist Party has the police following me every day. I just want to worry about my money." He said: "I think I will disappear someday, I think I am worse than Wang Jian." He said that now my son, my nephew, and his daughter are married Yes, he has a grandson, my grandson, looking at me is comfortable. I think... the money is in the United States. The money went into Mr. Guo’s house. I still have a chair. I still have a loan. I still have 6% interest. What do you think I need? Mr. Guo, I am at ease. Hey, when I said what you said, I felt... What if I said I was a liar? He said that you are a liar, no problem, as long as the United States is not a liar. He said you are a liar. The United States is a liar. It’s okay. As long as the Communist Party is destroyed, G-TV is here. No one can take it away. He said that as long as the app is stopped, do you dare to stop G-TV? You stop the law, and the United States won't let you stop because it is a company regulated by the United States. This is the biggest gap between the rich and the poor.

Village chief, I hope you really talk more in Japan... I have seen many programs in Japan do very well, but can you be like Wen Ke, like Jiang Caishen, like Nagashima, you do something with quality The financial program called Japan (comrades in arms) understand. Village chief, have you thought about this problem? Why is this comrade-in-arms so rich? They are research, they know the rules and the law. It's not that you are emotional: "I'm not the village head anymore." What are you going to do if you don't be the village head, right? People made you improperly be the village head. In this case, you want to be a village chief, right? So what is the value of being a village chief? You want to benefit your comrades in arms, how do you seek benefits? You see, Guo Wengui is a liar, what can he lie to you? I am not even legally entitled to a dime. It’s impossible for me to move 1 dime. Yeah, the 1 dime hasn’t moved, right? G-TV’s 1 dime hasn’t moved. Where is it? Second, even if Guo Wengui is a liar, G-TV is also a liar. Will the US government just let it go? impossible! Most importantly, your money is in the legal system of the American Republic, and in the legal system of a civilized country like Japan, and in New Zealand, Britain, France, and Russia. You include Russia. It is impossible for the Communist Party to swallow your money for you. It is absolutely impossible, and Russia is the same. Germany, Canada, our Italy, these countries can't swallow your money. So in this case, it is different from the Communist Party’s system that is about to die, and the Communist Party’s current gangster system that robs everywhere. Please tell me. You are safe, no one can touch you! Even President Trump of this country said: "I will make the village chief's money mine." Do you think he dare to say it? I can't think of him, I dare not think about it.

So, G-TV is here. Think about our app is gone, I can tell everyone, without me, you can ask when the US added WeChat to the end? It is our comrades-in-arms. After writing the report, I can tell you that you can ask Mulan and the secret translation team. All the 11 officials in Hong Kong. At that time, there were 17. They said that there were no more than 12 Hong Kong officials. You can only choose us. List of 11 (officials). Then the CCP chose a few, and in the end, it took a long time to choose. It was all made up by our secret translator one word by word. This Mulan and the secret translation team can testify. Even the ordering and the ordering of punishing him are not bad, neither is bad. Why do we become 11 people? Because it lacks Wang Qishan and Xi Jinping, right, or else just go straight up, right? So this is what we did. WeChat, when people contacted us at the time, they said: "What is the most important thing to break the firewall for the Chinese?" We are old urchins, and our aspirations are out of this plan. Tenth edition. I said that this edition has not been finally reported to him. I said that China is the most harmful. I told him at the last minute that I said WeChat. They said Douyin, and Zoom, I said Douyin, don't write, it is not so important, WeChat is the most important. He said you are sure? determine! You know how ridiculous Americans are, he really doesn't know that WeChat is so important. Finally, the temporary comrade-in-arms quickly wrote, about half a page of paper, what is the situation of WeChat, and finally put the WeChat "Ba Hao" on it.

It was originally six, but it was originally six of the CCP, Douyin, WeChat, Zoom, Baidu, and Alibaba. I wrote it to him, and there was a second video. In the end, the Communist Party does the work. President Trump will definitely want to play politics. He got it for him. But what concept does WeChat kill? G-TV, G-News, G-News may be more valuable than G-TV in the future, G-News. Next, with our series of things, what is the most profitable human being in front of the virus? Just this morning, I told an investor, I said I can tell you, when WeChat was killed, one of the top five shareholders of WeChat at that time was our partner, my fund partner, Miles are you crazy? Do you know how much my fund fell? How much did it fall? It fell by more than 100 billion. Oops, I said you should be prepared, maybe more than that. I just hung up the phone. Send me a bunch of information, don't worry about it. As a result, when I woke up in the morning, I found out, what is more than 100 billion, it fell by more than 300 billion. But you know the U.S. stock, how much money these Facebook, TWitter, and Youtube have risen, look at it. It is not a stock index that has risen by more than 300 billion Hong Kong dollars. It is directly... more than 300 billion and only 560 billion. It directly increased by more than 100 billion US dollars. This is what I said that the New China Federation will make you Americans... as long as you don’t collude with the Communist Party, make long-term money, clean money, no kowtow money, bigger money, Americans are stupid. Well, if we have all the money in G-TV, if we have everything here, most of the money will come here, so what are we thinking about, right? Village Chief, Peace?

So this time we put WeChat... I said it back then, I said you told Ma Huateng, if you turn off me and turn off so many comrades-in-arms, I will definitely kill you! There was still Douyin at the time. I said tell Douyin, I will definitely kill you, and Zoom, all our Sara and VOG comrades... I will definitely kill you! why? You are evil! You are a good person and I can't kill you, right? Alibaba, I will definitely kill Ant Financial for you. There is also the Ping An Group. If we hack our building, Pangu Building, he will definitely be listed, and he will definitely be punished. HSBC closed the accounts of all our comrades-in-arms, and all the accounts for all the children of the Hong Kong Movement, and assisted the Communist Party and Ping An to blackmail and threaten our children in Hong Kong. I will definitely let you go around. Remember what I said today. But the biggest beneficiary of these killings is the United States, and the second is that we broke the news of the Revolutionary New China Federation. This is not a joke, so this time we let G-Club, the Communist Party play this with us, how many companies in the world do we know about G-Club now? More than 600. When we go to any country to set up a G-Club, I said that I want two things. The first is that you, the national bank, and the national security department must acknowledge and make a written guarantee. Let me come, and I promise that I will not take the money from you. Go, but you have to completely protect me from being threatened by the Communist Party and write everything. I can tell you that in the past 5000 years, no one in China has allowed the defense ministries, intelligence agencies, and governments of so many countries in the world to give you a guarantee, no! Only we can do it. Not only do we need to protect it. My G-Club company is in your country, no one can inquire, no one can let it know. why? I join your country’s financial security system. You must guarantee that I cooperate with you 100%, but you must guarantee my safety, because in the future G-Coin and G-Dollar will be trillions, trillions The dollar thing. All are welcome. In front of money, in Western capitalist society, not only Peace you can sleep in the West, but you can eat the West. Money is the only best tool to conquer the West. It is called capitalism and it is called capitalism. Socialism means that whoever has power will have ism, and whoever has power will have ism. In the West, it is capitalism. We have money, we have money. What the village chief wants, as long as you don't break the law, as long as it is within the scope of the law, so what is the concept of our G series in the future? Remember, everyone, why I said that people who donated money to the rule of law society and the rule of law fund will give everyone a house. I want stocks and you hit me, don't you want to hit me, the Communist Party? I now let him have a house, I not only give him a chair. This is how our new Chinese Federation broke the news about the power of the revolution. The Communist Party has been over for three years. What matter is it not after the end of the war, after the end, we won more? We receive a lot of information every day, from yesterday to now. Investors, being threatened, ah, refunds or something. Brothers and sisters, have you seen all mankind in the past week, Peace, the village chief, you have the most feeling, so many people want to give me money, have you seen it? Have you seen it? The whole world queued up to give us money. The more he beats and pressures, the more people we give money. This is an inevitable reaction that things must be reversed. Trust, the future, if you think about it, Peace, Japan has at least 3-4 billion US dollars. What do you think about this concept, village head, when have you ever experienced this? A New Zealand comrade in arms, a person said: Mr. Guo, you want 2 billion, 2 billion, 500 million 500 million, how much do you say I vote. I said you only invested 100 million dollars. The bank he helped find, I said you put the money there, don’t touch it with the money. Give the bank a promise that I will not take the money, but the safety is up to me.

We in France, I said for several days, I said you go to the little cobbler, he said I must not go, I can not let anyone know. In France, a huge Chinese company has a stranded capital of about 1 billion Euros. This time around 200 million euros were invested. I said you will stay in France, we will never take it away, the future will be paid in France. Think about it, the village chief, Peace, how many countries in the world have money that others don’t know. How is this different from when the Kuomintang destroyed the Communist Party? It is very similar, that is, the Communist Party is the Kuomintang, and we now hold the wealth of the people, a huge amount of overseas wealth. There is a huge amount of overseas trust and popular support. Once G-Coin and G-Dollar are on the market, think about it. The only dual system in the world, one is linked to gold called G-Dollar, and the other linked to US dollars is called G-Dollar. G-Coin. These two systems can be used mutually, and the only currency in modern times is consumed by entities, which is G-Fashion. You can buy things directly, no. There is no Bitcoin at all. No currency can do it. You can change dollars, euros, or yen right away, and I can change gold right away if I want gold. Then I can buy panties or bras now. You can talk naked, you can buy a plane or a cannon. Have you seen this currency, never, can the dollar do it? The dollar can't do it either. Even more exaggerated, we will expand infinitely here, there will be G-Mall, and G-Mall will be able to open its own clothing store in the future. The village chief can open an art shop of any kind. It extends infinitely, allowing you to spend money easily. Just on your phone, on your computer. Then you want to turn gold into gold, and you want to turn cash into cash. Yesterday I talked about the two biggest problems facing humanity. One I said about communism, the Communist Party threatened, and the Chinese Communist Party. The second is that the entire currency crisis is coming, and money is being printed, including Japan, which is even more exaggerated. In Japan's five trillion US dollars, the water content is at least 20-30%. At the very least, oh, "boom" is gone. Only gold and only currency can be exchanged. This kind of money that can be spent all over the world is truly called a stable currency.

So think about it, village chief, Peace, your Japanese comrades-in-arms should look farther. Can you think of it like this a month ago? Can you think of what will happen in a month? I said two or three years ago that I would kill WeChat and TikTok. Don’t you think I’m crazy? Look at how to kill it, including Baidu and Jack Ma, they have to be killed for him. But the strongest team comrades in Asia in the future, who need to seize the opportunity are Japanese comrades. Your technology, team, capital, and entire plan must be thorough, high-level, and broad. How big Japan will be, how big it will be. Peace, village chief, please, look farther. Please tell me any questions.

Ms. PEACE: Certainly, Discord. Can you connect now? No.

Mr. Wengui: It's okay, no one is gone. You mean, it's okay?

Ms. PEACE: There are a lot of us, and now it seems that we can't make a sound.

Mr. Wengui: 1.57 million, my goodness.

Ms. PEACE: Really, I'm so scared, my God.

Mr. Wengui: It's all because of your charm.

Ms. PEACE: Am I going to hire a bodyguard?

Mr. Wengui: It's all because of you witch, big legs.

Maradona comrades: OK, Hello Brother Seven, I am Maradona. I am currently in charge of the registration of G-TV loan business in the Volunteer Group. I also do some specific work in the group. Then I will participate in 729 this time. Some specific activities of the conference are responsible for the live broadcast of the day. My question today is the same as many of my concerns in the foreign trade industry, that is, ccp has entered a hand-to-hand battle with the United States. This situation will have a great impact on the foreign exchange clearing business of the domestic foreign trade industry. If this is the case, at what point should we abandon the ship and escape, or give up these businesses. It is what we should do in the future. I hope that Brother Seven can give some pointers, because this is a problem involving our little ants eating. My question is over, Brother Seven.

Mr. Wengui: Maradona, the village chief sent to suppress the bandits. You know Peace, this is really an old comrade-in-arms. Every time I live broadcast, there must be a message. Moreover, the village chief suppressed the bandits. I didn't expect him to be so handsome. I thought he was an old man, but unfortunately he had no daughter-in-law. They both leave a message every time they broadcast live, and they are all moved, right, Wen Gui remembers it, right? So this is really my real brother, Maradona. I will answer the question you asked just now. From the live broadcast to the present, the computer is not registered under my name. G-TV exits at least 20 times. Think about how many people there are in fact now. Think about the fact that I am here, that is, independent Wi-Fi, he is forced to quit. Think about how many people are online, that is, this is tourists, our tourists account for 99.9 . How terrible you look, so how scared is the GTV Communist Party? I want to tell you about domestic trade. Some of my classmates are engaged in trade and the Canton Fair. This is a fortune. How good was it a few years ago? Said that you flew back to the first helicopter in our hometown of Brother Seven. It was you. I must be the second one. He rented a helicopter, mine is a military plane, he rented a plane. As a result, when someone flew to 10 kilometers south of Liaocheng, he could not fly. He said that he could not fly, and he was very depressed. Very rich, in Japan, and his daughter is in Japan. Those who studied in Osaka stayed in Japan and married a Japanese. Very rich. This time it’s miserable, and now the trade pays big. One is the virus. Originally, the trade volume of the Communist Party declined. Everyone knows the two biggest problems in trading, the difficulty of foreign exchange settlement, and the other is the instability of currency prices leading to compensation. Now there is another virus. You can't cash it when you sign the contract, or you can't buy it at all now, and the two markets are not connected at all, so you can't determine the pricing plus the foreign exchange issue. He has two specific characteristics in the next foreign trade. My classmate, I told him an idea, he thought it wouldn't be so bad. Now he thinks it is. Those who do trade are now facing the biggest opportunity and biggest challenge. Especially for the CCP. What is the biggest opportunity? This is the biggest opportunity in Japan. Japan is now the only United States that has left you a bit of a seam. It is blunt that the CCP can go to Japan, it can blur the so-called made in China, and then come to the United States. You have to understand this thing. First of all you have to be worthy of your conscience. Don't engage in fake trade, you are making a lot of money. Because others can't do it, you are in Japan, you have to have financial strength, you have to have a network, and you have a good source of goods. You can make a lot of money because you make good use of this disaster. The second one is now the currency. If you can open up the domestic and foreign currencies, then you are amazing and you can make a lot of money. Because this opportunity is too great. I think that for Japanese comrades-in-arms, as long as your mind is clear, it is an unprecedented opportunity for you. When you treat other countries, like domestic comrades in arms, you want to do overseas. If you rely entirely on the export trade of the Communist Party in the past, then you are finished, you are impossible, because there is too much uncertainty, too much challenge, and too much risk. Currency, trade, politics, transportation, and viruses are all terrible. On the contrary, in Japan, you are talking about masks. If you buy masks made in Japan now in the United States, Americans will be comfortable buying them. You are a Made in China mask. I'm sorry, but I don't dare to use it anymore. The future is the entire Made in China PPE system that no one dares to touch.

So if you are in Japan, if you can do a good job of trade and it has something to do with this PPE, if you have a long-term solution, you can get the CCP in the west, you can get in through Japan, you are the first to make big money of. The second is that the United States must buy from China. Indeed, the processed, international, and export-oriented products in the past. If you can use foreign exchange, you can enter the United States through Japan, and still maintain the original price, then you will make a lot of money. , Including the European market. So you can eat both ends. In the past, Hong Kong people did it. Now Hong Kong people have stopped cooking. They can do it in Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. It is also possible in Vietnam now. Vietnam’s GDP is now growing by 20-30%, and some areas have increased by several hundred%. This is an exaggeration. Moreover, all aspects of optimization in Japan (Vietnam) are unprecedented, ah, Vietnam, then who is Vietnam following? I followed Japan. So if you combine the Vietnamese market, the Japanese market with China, the US market, and the European market, your trade will be too big, and it will be bigger and bigger. This is my suggestion, thank you, our dear Maradona, thank you.

Ms. PEACE: Next one, please.

(Brother Tomato, can you speak?)

Mr. Wengui: I can hear you.

Ms. PEACE: Xiao Duan Jin, you can also ask a question, such a good opportunity.

Xiao Duan Jin: That devil, Mr. Guo has just answered many of the questions we want to ask.

Ms. PEACE: Haha, yes. Brother Seven, I watched the live broadcast two days ago. The G-Fashion mask you tried on is very beautiful. Can you make a batch for us Japan and our Sakura group? Can we buy it?

Mr. Wengui: We are making these masks now. We will definitely not let you buy them. They will be given to you, of course. Look, this, just show that on this day, this is the one with crocodile skin, it is very beautiful, but I feel a little boring, you know? A little boring, too luxurious. Look at this, this is too cool and too advanced, it is a bit boring, have you seen it? Isn't it? It's a bit boring, but it's beautiful. But this is really great, this is Brioni, it has this gall, you see, it has this gall, it is very comfortable, and very, very comfortable, its nose piece, it’s made very artistic, and the outside is silk. Especially women...

Ms. PEACE: That's right, that's it, this is the white border.

Mr. Wengui: We are now going to produce, and we will send it to our comrades from all over the country. After it is delivered to your local area, it will be distributed evenly, and then you will distribute it together. We are coordinating with him. You see, this is good, you see, after wearing it, it looks like it was not worn, because this place is particularly comfortable, here, and the nose, it is very smart, Brioni, this designer of G-Fashion will design it It's better than it, you see, it's very good. This blue matches the blue of my suit too much today. Oh, it's fashionable by accident. You see?

Ms. PEACE: Brother Seven, the champagne-colored whole body looks so beautiful, so many people want to buy it.

Mr. Wengui: Let’s go next, oops, I’m going to talk to you about this G-Fashion in two days and I promise you will scream, you have long legs like you, you are like our village chief sent to suppress the bandits Yes, I can tell you that you will fall in love with G-Fashion, and the Japanese will love G-Fashion to death. As for our designer Ben, the world's number one, the most sought-after people in Hollywood, football, sports, and celebrities, waiting for his clothes, we are now signing a contract with us. This is big news in itself. It will be done in two days, and I estimate that once it is announced, it will cause major concern in the world. He was the first designer of Hermès at that time, just like Micheal Kors, just like the designer Simon of Prada, the designer of Dolce & Gabbana, like the Coaster, he is of that level. This person is simply a genius, including Downey, who are the most, most, and most unique people in the world. So you see too much, too much. Yesterday I saw what they sent me. Yesterday I saw our G-Logo. Our comrades have designed it more than one million times, but no one can touch it. I can tell everyone. It’s our company. I’ll show you something. Today, I’m breaking some news. They won’t let me explode. You can see how people do this, you see, you can see how they make logos...

Ms. PEACE: Wow, that's great!

Mr. Wengui: You really are, and we all want to do it well. Look at this Logo. You look at others. Look at our comrades. Look at the Forever. G- Fashion, slap this G, wow, it makes your blood swell, look at it, "唰" pops out for you all at once. So I will show you one, this women's dress, if I show you women's dress, you will... you will..., oh, when I watched this women's dress, all of our female comrades would go crazy. You show, because we keep women's clothing very secret, women's clothing must be very mysterious. This buddy is amazing. We are honored to say that you see that the dress looks very simple, but its design is really, this is for girls, this is for girls, this dress is amazing, you don’t even know what I see From now on, I think our female comrades-in-arms will go crazy after watching it, really go crazy! You will really be scared by G-Fashion, I can tell you. So next, the listing of G-Fashion, G-Club, G-Coin, and G-Dollar will completely shock the Communist Party, and completely shock it.

Ms. PEACE: My son wanted the one you wore that day.

Mr. Wengui: Then he absolutely likes it. Young people and fashion lovers like it 100%.

Ms. PEACE: Now to chase you, because he can't understand Chinese, I watch this War-room all day.

Mr. Wengui: Red and blue, you look at the women's clothing, wow, let me tell you, my heart is almost stopped when I see the women's clothing, wow! What a genius. Because I am communicating with him, this kind of genius really has no way in the world. As long as they said, if you see our comrades in arms, let’s draw and paint, they will directly three-dimensionalize the desired feeling for you. . Wow, you feel that way, whoops, can't stand it! Hey, as soon as the G-Fashion is pulled out and written in uppercase, there is nothing you can do. Look at this blue, wow, how can he be so talented? Look at this hoodie he can look like this, because this is a video. As far as you can’t imagine, just the girl’s tight pants, the line pulling it, and then how to pull up the girl’s crotch and upper part, this line, this detail, and this artificiality Going on art is so beautiful. You all make masks like this. Look at the masks in the United States. Everyone looks like a man on his mouth, have you noticed it? Even the mask worn by the president is black and ugly. Strangled like this, just like this, showing a chin, how ugly! He can make this ratio, and he can do it for you. You see, the most important thing is that it puts here (chin), do you see it? Look, the thing that President Trump wore seems to be missing from the bottom, one piece is missing, and the Americans bring flowers. They all look like they are clasped like a shit. How ugly. This kind of grace, you see this white edge, plus this metal, you see it must have this culture. So you see, our comrades in arms have painted more than one million, wow, all kinds of distortions. Just the texture of the other person, directly pulled out from the inside "chap", one out of the sky, it hits your face directly, G-Forever, G-Fashion, wow! That feeling is just one color, white, right? Look at the girl, you can't watch the video, just the girl made the dress in the girl's collar.

We are now developing a cornfield series, as well as cornfields. Everyone, think about it, how does it feel? Then I wear that suit Brioni. You see it is blue inside. It looks easy, right? It looks easy to be blue, this is blue. Then this area is dark gray. If you take a closer look at all the details of this place, it is dark blue. This silk allows you to wear it on your body. It is the opposite. Why does it use the opposite? Just let you wear it, because the material outside of you is a 220-woven fabric, it has a little bit of hidden grid, it will hang your clothes when you wear it, so you will not wear it Feel the wind coming in. Sometimes, for example, when the village chief is a man wearing a shirt, you feel uncomfortable if the inside is slippery and you feel that it doesn't stick. It has to be close to the body, it must be attached here, so that it has a little adhesion to your clothes. Hey, it will get you this again. If the outside is hairy, use slippery inside it. It allows you to increase breathability, so you are comfortable to wear. Look, so you don’t feel uncomfortable behind. In this detail, he said how terrible the Chinese people are. Five thousand years ago, it was the largest ancient civilization in the world. Whoops, we are in the best position. The Northern Wei Dynasty is the best clothes in the world, and no one can do it now. So today we were all ruined by the Communist Party, and the four olds were all killed.

So you see, I always wear a gray tie, right? You always look at it. You must say this...this is cotton and this is made for me. Look at me a lot of gray, look, look, this is cotton. Look at it, look at the material, right? It looks very simple as a whole, it is woven one by one. You have seen me wear it, but it is definitely not one, it is definitely not one. This means that you can wear it at this time. It is 95% cotton and 5% cashmere. I can wear it in this weather. You see, I wear the same color in winter, but it's all wool and cashmere. Then, sometimes, I rarely wear silk tie. Because I don't like silk, shiny, so I like this pure. So after you see my tie, Brioni came to give me a meeting and got me the bra and bra outfit yesterday. The New China Federation uniform is so funny. You think he is the best in the world to make this tie. But let him see the design of this tie for me, and he said that we really can't make this tie at Miles. This is why there is fashion in foreign countries, there is no fashion brand in China. No one, which is exaggerated. Never pretend or copy what others can't do. Look at the clothes I wore that day. Someone said that there are more than one hundred dollars in the country to buy them on Taobao. You said that Taobao is the biggest shame of the Chinese people, and you copy everything. The key point is that you can copy even if it looks like it is not at all, it is all chemical material. Get skin diseases, skin cancer, especially female breast cancer and female reproductive problems. Over the years, in addition to chemical pollution and air pollution, clothing pollution is more important. This has now been proved that women’s bras and women’s underwear are one of the most serious sources of re-contamination and cancer in women. You think the most sensitive place for women is your breasts and your best part. Think about it, this turned out to be chemistry, and this chemistry is rubbed off on the body. Think about it, how can it not be sick, what is chemical? Chemistry is poisonous. It's that simple. People can't touch it. Isn't this the simplest reason? Look at this dress, why do people say I want you twenty-eight dollars? It is twenty-eight dollars, you are pure cotton. One of our copies looks like it is completely chemical. Look at Mr. Bannon yesterday. He sees my life and our generals every day. The two of them, the Americans have seen this? He couldn't understand it. When he sees me making clothes every day, he thinks you still have time to do this? I'll show you it. Do you see the price? Did you look at the price? There is also a suit price of $28,000 and $160,000. What material? This is the material. This is material money. This is a 50% discount. This is with gold thread. Look at this, right, right, with gold thread. So in the world, you only make five to ten sets a year, and you have money... He said that the emperor of Japan made three sets of clothes for him every year. Every year for the emperor of Japan, the emperor is much darker gray. The emperor’s people are a few people to get it, the man, take this dress back, make it for the emperor, the Japanese sewed it for him to wear. And the wife of the Emperor of Japan, they never use the Emperor to promote it. He only allowed these people. The queen, the hats of the queen's good clothes are all made of this material. So this dress gives me a 50% discount, why? I am the largest buyer in the world. I am now discussing with him, how can you mass-produce it so that my comrades in arms can also wear this dress, and the price drops? He said that there is only one way. You can mass-produce it. From 200 styles in the past year, I now change it to 20,000 styles. Then, you have to pay in advance for 20,000 styles of materials and products. I set the next year's product this year, and then you have to take market risks. How much can be reduced at this time? Probably we can win with 2,000 dollars, more than 2,000 dollars. Think about it, this is exaggerated.

If the village chief wears this dress, the village chief can't find it. He doesn't have no wives. He can marry 10 wives a day. why? Your self-confidence is also different. I wear it, and you say I am wearing this dress and I will broadcast it to you. I am comfortable. I also came from a poor person, my poorest person was born, but you let me wear a one or two hundred yuan clothes, I really feel uncomfortable. This person is really bad, he can go up and he can't go down, do you know? You have eaten good things. When you have seen your beautiful long legs, they are different. Look at the different legs, right? So if he has met him well, he is different. This is why you ask for a different tie and shirt. What is fashion? Fashion is to make you confident, make you love yourself more, give you more opportunities, and make your life more positive. More importantly, I think that a good dress makes people feel more happy every day. You really wear clothes for yourself, not for others, and you are particularly happy.

Then G-Fishion and nothing, your son can wear it, you can't wear it. The first theme of our G-Fishion is, I said to remember that you can wear it at any age. So Bannon’s other motivation to lose weight every day now, how much weight do you think? I have lost 35 pounds, and Bannon has lost 35 pounds, never before. It’s 35 pounds. Last night, our chef changed to another chef. This one came. Dinner for him was a bowl of soup and six slices of beef. In the end, he added a fried rice. Put it there, I watched it there, reaching out to grab the rice. Hey, I said let it go, hold half, and give him half. Oops, this face is not happy. He said Miles I am already 35 pounds, so you asked me to eat that little rice. I said you ate this meat, you can’t eat one more piece. 35 pounds, and I let him stand every day, he always sits. I said you must sit for no more than an hour a day and you must stand up. He was standing, 35 pounds, now he looks at my clothes, he looks at my clothes every day. I have to do this Miles, I have to ask for this, and I have to ask for this. Take a picture, I keep it, I have to do it too. This makes him more positive, and I always encourage him. I said you see that you are in your 60s and you have such long hair. This is very rare for men with long hair. I said you look at you, and he is very handsome and tall. Now he has a belly left, his legs are not thick. Shoulder is now his whole person, he is a 56 suit, now 52 he can put it on, already, there is only one belly left. From the 10th month of pregnancy to the 4th month of pregnancy, I say you flatten it. He definitely has more than 80% chance of being president in 2024, 80% chance. The Americans never choose the small man when they choose the president. It's almost difficult for Americans to choose a president with clothes, big bellies, and small people. So it's his, and Nixon was killed in six years. Look at Ford in one issue. So if he doesn't have this image, he will choose if he is a media magnate, then he is very likely. So long hair, taller, right? And now that the whole world is turning to the right, you think that Americans will want to choose such a product when they encounter the threat of Antifa. I said you must win. He said, I must win. So I encourage him every day. Now this Yiyuan, why does he want to wear fashion? He is stupid when he sees my clothes every day in this fashion. I am wearing this suit today. He said Miles, did you not wear it? I said I didn't pass it through, and then touched it, I have to make a set. I said yes, if you take your belly off, you can put it on, or else you can put on maternity clothes. He said you don't always insult me, OK? But this is G-Fishion, there is no age limit, he never feels which clothes I wear, think he can't wear it. I said that all 90s and teenagers can wear it.

The day G-Fishion is shown, you will understand what I said. I can tell you, Peace, you see you are a model, born in fashion, and G-Fishion will let all of you change your dressing style. I think you wear clothes with many colors and patterns, girls, are they all like this? Let me tell you the boss of Hermès, when I ate with him, I found his wife never wore flowers.

Ms. PEACE: Me, Brother Seven, can you guess what brand it is?

Mr. Wengui: I really know, this ah, this is Chanel, or Issey Miyake, I don't understand.

Ms. PEACE: Celine.

Mr. Wengui: Celine, my favorite brand, Celine, is great.

Ms. PEACE: I also like this brand the most.

Mr. Wengui: Celine is now 100% controlled by LV Group. Celine is the future Hermes, for sure. It's great, Celine is great. Madam at that time, I said you are all solid-colored clothes, and they are all very bright colors. But when I arrived in France, I wore very dark colors. But the Hermès that I went to his house once had a floral padded jacket every year, a very floral padded jacket. So handsome and beautiful. She said Miles, I am an elderly person, and the elderly need to wear fresh and flowers, but the flowers are limited to the chest. She said that I wear dark colors because many of my colleagues in France see me being solemn. In Asia, I wear fresh because I am an elderly person, but I am fresh but not expensive. In France, I wear pure but not fresh. This person’s graceful feeling, you see, whether it’s pajamas or men’s and women’s underwear, in our country, it doesn’t matter if you don’t wear flowers or clothes, all slippers are flowers. It’s simply unbearable. It's completely messy and no one can be found, no one can find it. Now this color is the core of the clothing, wearing the wrong color is all over. The second is the size of the color, you see that the size of the color you wear is too suitable for you. I think you are wearing a small size s, and you are so tall and wearing a small size, which suits you well. So you look at this waist and this shoulder. It's so good, it looks better if you take it off. Therefore, the clothes G-Fashion is a suitable example. It is very important for Chinese people to change their lifestyles and ways of dressing. Look at President Trump, I'm a tie maker, he always slanted tie or pure red tie. Every time they say you can stop hitting the old man, his tie is a joke. So our G-Fashion will break new ground in Japan, you have to be prepared.

Ms. Peace: We must be prepared, Brother Seven, you must be very tired. Because Seventh Brother has been standing. On behalf of our comrades, I would like to wish your father a happy birthday and a long life! The last time you connected with Seventh Brother was also your birthday. Am I the lucky star? Every time it is the birthday of Brother Seven or his family, and my surname is Guo, so I am also a member of Brother Seven’s family. The village chief said a few words, and then let Brother Seven rest.

Village Chief: It has been more than two hours today. Thank you very much. One is to give us a lot of suggestions, and the other is to improve our realm. Then we took our comrades forward to the Himalayas.

Ms. Peace: Yes, we are constantly learning because the height of the Seventh Brother Station is too high. Our comrades in the Sakura Group said that if we don't understand, we will execute it first because we don't have the height of Seventh Brother. Because I know that Brother Seven is a very wise and wise person who takes care of the whole situation, so we will definitely follow Brother Seven and perform the tasks well. Please rest. Thank you very much for connecting with us.

Mr. Wengui: Tomorrow is the lamb of Silicon Valley. Let us pray for the people of the New China Federation, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Tibet. Amitabha. Thank you village chief, Peace, thank you all my comrades in arms.