Thank you sir. This is all I listen I watch the article and talk about this. Also somebody I do not read the name is.In China hope the million people have got food. I was out of.And giving food every body is no any common sense. You know the last seven years CC p in China kill nearly 400 million public.
In Hong Kong only last 39, 30000 people is the no reason get through, and Hong Kong.In the Hong Kong how many people not lose everything and kill? I you know how to revolution.You know how many people because is die, and culture revolution, how many people are all the family get killed because.They are you so late revolution culture revolution in the political struggle is nearly the a team ilian people die because they I.
And it is seven years the world everything change even the animal is can find the food for the Chinese. In 70 years you say.But you never forgot the kill for hundred million Chinese is too poor guy because live with money.Those you justice, you lose your human to lose, you know this policeman is you know is the truth that is too big.Too bad here in my Chinese I'm really angry and other side of the wall street you look the jury is some friends a lot of friends.
Investment at wall street and from Israel, you look this the world now very similar 1926 and nine t 38 in the deep.How many were to before he is that before the money is worth the 30% is some juice the friend investment him.In the bank buy is the diamond and cold, big father gave the sport to hate them now in the wall street in the Asia.And in the America everywhere is more the rich person from we are friends and juice. But I won't give u warning.
Now number one dangerous country is America. Number one nationality is dangerous is you will be you get a big trouble.Similar before 26 nine twenty six thirty eight y. You look wall street and usual.How big fans support CC and finance. Now ccp in the middle is in the rain in the body of time and make.Get p 3 line. Biology is the history live. What why they need this. Because the.
And they find a cheaper. Good look very easy can kill the quantity quality is the people.Now they find out the solution, don't need the develop nuclear bomb the new you develop them kill you and your say if call this before you are saying.The story that came out about the ccp working with package for some sort of p 3 biological lab in this is 40 years.The all they have announced the wrong right that everybody can not laughed at all. You guys are not to talk about that now it looks like a $400 billion, excuse me, 25 year deal for a day in the.
Hours that that would also intel some sort of three lab at some sort of lab in that I kissed and Iran with them have the cape abilities that.At least the Hong Kong land of the and one the lives and move on to do gain the function of experiment. And actually they have the type of biological weapon. Is that what you're saying?Yes sir. I'm here is the on the camera and you decide to me I must will take full responsibility.I talk this give you provided to Information the warning, not the god, three years ago talks.
巴基斯坦they have the project develop by the way, 哦二手z p 3 line.By the weapon platform in Iran. And now in Egypt Egypt also want the people.But the wind in the Egypt, could you tell me also another country is the in the middle is the four country. All the enemy is.And juice and America. They want the queen of various make from China the good sample easily can kill all the people.
You can not found evidence please sir years ago I give you the are you saying because of what they have seen.Of the crown of art of the sea cp virus spread when they came out of biological weapon xi r not, but the spread of that in the destruction of the day now think they got a thief.Version, they don't need nuclear weapons that this big converse we had with president trump stopping the nuclear weapon program in Iran and obviously pack estan has.On nuclear weapons that they give you this a biological weapon that could come out of three or four lab as more cost effective in.
In their fight against the United States in Israel, that's what you're saying that this could happen in the Middle East. 100% is correct. Three years ago I in the DC.In the person card xi talk. Where is the world you need to prepare is blood can come in. I know the see see 1.Intelligence inside 2006 sense develop biology weapon. You look back the year is said to point is correct.And worries. This is the various the sample. Only CC p China party pla. People like have the samples.
They can make more different virus. Biology weapon, easily three months and six months anyway.They can kill anything. They want the people. Three years ago I told the user I told the americans for the way to the world CC.What the program in the body of time in the evening. And me too. They are developing and now I think.The why they want the bad wipe. Thank you who, they don't want to kill you, don't care South Africa.
I can see see the only want to tiger America and you, I seriously three years ago. You look.It before the with blue I don't know I talk broadcast live stream 2600 times. U check my talk.Jack and I think I want to thank the doctor yang, you know the Ohio I think f da announce that going to do the emergency use for hydroxy.Thank a doctor and also DR young who came on the fantastic job. On the on Wednesday to really walk in American audience.
Issue about about hydr action. I think it's a big deal and I know when a long way I think the helping people particular the state level f da to do this.OK miles won't turn back to you for second, because this is very important. You've been saying that the sea cp understand, given the college that they have and what's happened to the United States.That they understand the biological and their mind. You know what we say it came from a biological weapon labor not they understand the power of this now because its the same.What the United States and their mind to its knees. You came to the national press club. In Washington DC this is before I knew this is what you know I think.
You still the White House or just left,but I had met you yet to meet you until bill哥introduce as I think in October2017,but you warm the American people you want the state of。And and the United States to the sea sea people says that lies that in the Middle East you know black days are coming, they're going to be many storm is coming.Specifically warned about is coming a lion's on the original and mass lead by the sea cp with one belt and one road in other others.Inspiration but the time to get the past and in Iran. Now you are saying that these guys at first it might have been nuclear weapons.
Right now they realized they have a low cost powerful weapon that they can deliver on course chaos to the world and particularly chaos in the Middle East and directed to the.State of visual and that would be the biological weapon program. And when you see them in discussion with p 3 lab in ear on in pack estan you said the world.Get to stand up and take notice that this is a storm cloud on the horizon is coming for you. Yes, sir. You look after the press conference, you know I get it.Number 1 cct want to kill the people also outside is the website the woman army, what are me is against me.
Can sleep when and the wall street and Robert stone, you know also person I want to send me back in China.Y, because the person conference I talk to the west world, you are very dangerous. Now they use the biology of chemical weapon.I have a big one, they have 3 a problem they want to take down American week is America like you American and they are his.The religion there is read 100% of the party.
Now there is inside the god they don't want you believe jesus they don't believe the catholic they want you.Cut the party, then how is the question I ask that is why is the value of a part of this? How can I be apart with the catholic church that the highest.Go to the run the night is the partner, they can not the one. They want to shut up, please me.I am your god, you not got this is totally different CC cp never sink one day gone.
Where is the partner? Now you just work with me, you just listen to me the same to try in the era of the jury is you shut up, u.It be you not work with me. You must be make decision.America the scandal you like you look the street you look at the media player behind a lot of juice cooperate with the.Baby get smart money. I can I take me at AQy small the money you don't like big money just give you some money, you listen.
They are get busy. Why they give to be the money.This is not really should know that that it can is never come back and and said that is wrong you you you are of taking care from the sun.Got no one time gets a cp seriously this never. They just want to use them them can not them. They never be the best.Too many people help the city who get the respect CC.
Respect people stand up. I want to talk about that first second because people are saying you're totally out number. This is a effort you never going to you never gonna be able to turn this around.Why do you think the new federal state what is it off and alternative and the sea cp sits there with their partners and you know who the guys in your are they say all the time that.If you allow the Chinese to try to have to Mark receive the entire country is going to the target is going to class in the end of the entire country is going to clap on the chaos is gonna be back.The war is that what you represent in MR hao represent in the new photo state represent is just going to be an absolute capacity for China. So why do you think?
Think the Chinese can handle rule of law why they can handle the democra cy they can handle freedom on the see see PC in there with their business partners throughout the world, which you know.I didn't keeping the control of China. Why do you think what do you think the new federal state of as an alternative I in the server is this the last seven years Chinese.Very not trust ccp every year to give the party. You are not is can get university of democracy and rule of the love you are.Look education u know americans Evil happy to leave them all the bad the guy all the people everyday is die on the beach.
Can not enough is trust the capit alism now I'm in the west of the world is the last 30 years a lot of partners from the west of the world.The truth and west world have the religion of rule of the law can make you more healthy and more human and it's very peaceful.The see see the light the new look MR how and the House wife is the year of the year of the road we all the new face to see the Sara.I hope all that is all that people we are now the weather the world is peaceful, have rules of the law of justice also very important.
From the inside p also the piano in members also many 1.4 billion Chinese now because the internet because the internet world we know more.Choose the history culture revolution CC be the light also we have confidence can take down ccp also you can see new.AD mission we are one the Free religion we want the rules of the law in the pen is we want the same the west side will have the job.We have enough Free religion we have confidence can do can deliver the Chinese also we can make a peaceful relation with the west.
What we don't want the bad the weapon of the kill and kill American and kill the european countries we need long term contract.The why is doctor yang you look through the basket ball Sara and the music of Chinese.Now stand up take down the ccp because we are just is need we need the future we are child we are family.World health is more we cannot get to sleep one more day again we need the west was not the truth.
That's when you feel the state in the west of the world with blue bottle is big House of us give the Information.The voice to the west was no more you for the state can help with the world people make big money and clean money money.I don't need lose your money, does the new factory's day give you healthy Chinese market and peace for the future, sir?I want to talk about how the way to get there is this was a doctor John came this week she was at liberty university of the sheep present yourself on.
Stage during the war for two days also she gave a dozen of the interview is in part of the document we had her back on incredible impressive the American people.Really been to her for her courage, but also the position of which he talks to talk about these medical issues. She is coming for as a bird which the first thing.Told us that the pressure put on her family the pressure put on her on on people she knew and colleagues who were arrested when she left, how do you expect the.Movement of if the first thing were here from our body is the fear that they put under the Chinese companies to arrest the colleagues of work to rest of.
Family is how is the whistle blow and we're gonna gonna increased and get more powerful to basic give the Information of the world need to see about the Chinese camera party if there run it.Like a good luck of they run it like a total decay the ship. Because by you big House I don't want to.I don't know American political but I know you is really seriously now is take down ccp can make the peaceful to the world of the risk of America.With blue is the movement, you is the last but also ccp scared to us very important. We talk the truth.
We have not got up not the media we face inside the intelligent many many inside the Chinese, because want freedom one the road of.The Free region give every day the new world, important Information Intelligence. That's why doctor is my hero is what the last two days in the world.Room in the deep sea is the gift the west world about the truth is they don't need to this they have good life they can have a.Big money, but because the just want to give the world the truth is very funny, not from nature sees the lost everything.
I really respect her with the movement and you help her come to America that big gift. From god I really believe.Her will can give more the Information more evident as can get is America now the one minute.King is so that's very important for new zer must be taken to be changed the world years ago at the national park of the.Grow up in the state of which people throughout the world the United States what would happen with some sort of lines from the Chinese Communist Party and pack estan.
And people that I'm just missed it and look what's happening. You got news reports that the ccp is in a biological weapon s deal with past and they just like that they're doing.A 25 year for hundred billion dollar deal with the Rock the Chinese Communist Party is deeply in bed in the Middle East and people that left this of years ago are going to read.Right that because once the Chinese Communist Party is there and less they are taking down in Beijing there going to be nothing but the night mare because all the part of the world on with our.Rate our is just called the Complete night mare. One of the things that I am very proud of work with my eyes, but he is always ahead of the curve talks about things that was that it's impossible.
Today Hong Kong the panda every time i'll talk about some people always praise that you just see is just a crazy guy always turns out to be correct.One thing she warned about over a month ago we start talking on the show I think was six weeks ago was the possibility of massive flood in the three.Three gorge dam. It is me on the guys. I just the three gorge dam and this potential for the three.Because they have problems and you want and you told us about the number of college graduate ssa of agriculture, everything that happens in the valley, it looks like we're getting report.
Now that is starting the peak of the next week or two get up to date on what the real thing is from you about what's going on the three gorge is what's going on in the end.How big a threat to the Chinese people and how big the threat to the American people with all of our medical supplies be made. Thank you, sir.Get the point I think you now is the three girls dance very dangerous now I know yesterday is shock me last night out of friends from Beijing and me.Also the in the iPhone should begin the fall to go to the Beijing this is never had also in the three golden sky is the world.
It is bigger, bigger high and I think it's very big risk. Maybe the broken is three golden sun is the hundred million people get very big risk.Also know I think near to you know 20 million people is lose the home is no food, but ccp.Just buy American太空technique company of the sea to the fire was a very successful cover the truth also another with her I want。Now American not only is the cold world American in the hard work were there you are never out side in the inside.
Then that are not the answer I want. You know if this is the forest is the heaven in China China go to the second disaster is the unit.Imitation is make the world go to another side nuclear. You know the factory's there have three years is big pollution.Is the older the world have big trouble and other said the very important even as accp.Here is really got the dan is the broken, the common people die, they don't care they not only to go take down town president when.
The factory is the want to take down America make the Great Wall is good to everywhere we go all the if the three gorge dam was the Garden.It seems that they let it out you could have 30, 40, 50 million. If the three gorge dam people talk about a hundred million people die if you are using the saying the sea cp doesn't care.The Beijing if they lost a hundred million Chinese we need a new day. This is be never think Chinese public in the life is important.In the chairman, mao talk to the president, so even we r who we r the hundred million Chinese population of 300 million, we don't care.
The 34 years we can make more than 300 and does the sea cp all the real color to color so that you can can.They don't care. They got that how many people die if they may be 300 million, 200 million for me much better you look CCTV last week c.All the natural disaster can help the country more big power more stronger they are always the panda is cheaper the Chinese small.So sorry, you are so can think about the Chinese life and three girls and the kill people they don't care. If the dream.
Sam was to class how many other dance in China along the river do you think will clap and causes that will blow through the world economy as bad as it is high.Nearly 100 million people may be die maybe is the 202 hundred people, no food all the China may be together you know as.Steven is that this is the trouble, but ccp still strong. Americans don't stop dollar. Wall street.Stop investment hope to ccPCcp still there in China have 1 billion people you are saying if you don't stop if you don't come off the day, you don't come off.
Finance. If you don't think these bags, you don't think the individuals you're not gonna get you are not going to get any you never going to destroy the see see pei. American with the.Cct don't d cup ccp 300 people die three gold, the broken ccp still the stronger there also can make more.What the weather is good to America.