郭文贵2020年7月25日视频 20200725_3


郭文贵2020年7月25日视频 20200725_3 【中英字幕版】7 月25日 班农战斗室特别节目:嘉宾郭文贵先生谈蓬佩奥演讲的重大意义,中共国洪灾真相,休斯敦战友们抗议游行 【Subtitiled】July 25, War Room Special: Guest speaker Mr Miles Guo will talk ab

涉及人物:王岐山 习近平 ling 茅屎坑 
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名词解释:911 CCP BAT Action 
  What the virus is not kill more than a hundred people in China and new cases have been confirmed around the world.You need to prepare for an the americans to avoid all not essential travel to China.Australia on the list goes on of the officials are investigate ING more than a hundred possible cases in the USA.
  A man has a contract and we can not let the contract to the virus.Virus has killed more than 100 people there and more than forty 500. We have to prepare for the worst. Because if you don't on the way.还不认识war. And here's your post Stephen cave. This is Jack max.Welcome to the war room. It is Saturday July 25th year of our lord 2020 with another special episode on the people of China this is part of our series.
  On Saturday we devote to ours to discuss ING. What's going on inside is today's episode to 99 title the play the.For the people the ccp can do with our special guest miles grow and Steven k band and back to you Steve.Hey Jack or have you a place in lips? I want to start, we've got a number of things are going to go through the never won. We talk about the secretary of state, tremendous speech.At the mix and library. On on Thursday was going to talk specifically about the flood of the sea river valley, and also display this heart.
  That's a acting on the world and only seems to be getting worse in the United States. In at the end, I want to ask my some specific questions about the new federal state of.China we see the blue flag of the new state of protest throughout the United States the concept of the Chinese Communist Party, first month of.Want to talk we have a individual we work a lot with when the best journey was out there be a girl. Bill girls said yes a bill gross was I think the only journalist the travel out there.With the secretary stay with paper. He was at the nex on library is very historic. U no place that on as president nex on his birthday present.
  The next we know not just the only present is quite because of each man but really know in American history for opening of China. And what will get said is that.Secretary of state of pale said in so many words that we're driving for a change in that team is the Chinese Communist Party on the.This is really he he called out to the Chinese people to rise up and to have changed was that your sister is built being to a heart.About that or you think that's where from paper was going in his speech. Thank you, sir. I hi Jack, everybody. Sir.
  Yesterday, also I with you together I watch. And popular in the center is the speech. I really, really.Shock. I think this is the new America. New area is coming. Give my feel I maybe I feels different you are.American I'm the Chinese I from China are you know I'm in the found.Also we are with you together we do the new face of state. Also I am is the sea cp number one enemy. So I want.
  I listen is the pump. It is speech. Give me more, you know is the power and confidence. We are.Can take down the sea cp. We can change the sea cp的region。But in the sur. You know I'm Chinese.I listen I watch. Give me different feeling. Different you and big girls I really proud of is we are rules of the foundation.The lord of members, big House of Chinese in the official and give more the truth is put to inside the China mainland. Also.
  Service get loud for China army people world admire him. So we know him 30 years. He was always talk about the sea.Cp is dangerous。C cp的region is very dangerous for the world。So to I hear the only himself in the you know.号。Talk to you in the company of at the sun is very important time. But I have a different part of you. One.I think this the world policy we before do the job is the do you know.
  What we did we had a contain the tragedy that took down. But this time.I think ccp totally different. How much how many publish on before? How big?Red 10 billion GDP. Now see, see.$40, before you in the totally no I think so no 100 million people.
  China is one point 4 billion people get ccp. And before super Junior in the America.拿着杯子part, space system on a lion is on in filtration into you know.Is the service in the neighborhood. You look before you can win because in America.Not very small year is the union power. Now ccp的power in the youth。
  Inside. And do you believe the before which country can come on you are American people. Only one.看u take down this country and the 11看。Only that they disappear. But ccb in the America America near the 30 years.Friend to know everyday q America. And you're saying that you back back to the sea cp 1.
  二个keep crying。And now, ccp very great wall. Killer America every week the one 911.You're saying every couple of days we have the same death toll at 911 two week. Three week is one is the half purple. Japanese happy.I take you. How many time in America America的。The power in American before never is not very powerful. So does my worry. I know ccp OK.
  I know ccpOK. Don't get and asked me, and as you say, don't under estimate the Chinese cabbage.You're saying you're saying is different as far as scale and inflation already.陶醉的地方,also a dangerous this one. So we must be now, how.Change the reason how问护,we always I'm busy man always. I have any time they give me when.
  号who do this America now, this you look like six months, America how many people die by.No worries. All the sick man. Everything is speech media, everything the paper work.No action. Korea if can six months ago, you have direct号。问。Find that the truth. Very far the farm is the lamp and from the nature and.
  Animals. Does the American can do? You find out the truth, everything can solve. Don't need the six months. Look down American look down the world.Using the million people get, in fact, this is the speech. And and people work seemed before.You can use strategy economy take down this. U want the same solution, take down ccpI guarantee you.U not take down ccpIccb take down you before you any action you don't need to make sure we understand that you're saying the same.
  A contain the strategy that worked against the soviet, given that they weren't that big, they won't really that power full outside of nuclear weapons and maybe some other.Equipment and and they weren't that deeply in filtration to every aspect of business life, cultural life political life.Like the ccp is that you can't use the exact same the same strategy and that will not work. Yes another part.So you look, I really proud of in the part of speech, this is so important is a god bless the Chinese. God bless American got the bus.
  Is this the American country? 但是so touch me,last six man I'm really like people. Everything.A listening is the mist ine in the 3rd is the speech is very much and I really appreciate I think the world is get changed but.So we not must be really sick. Thinking, this really think how can I do, listen to talk everything about.Inside in the intelligent, tell me how do you think is all that change. Cannot say no us relationship. Impossible, go back.
  Before but everything but c ct don't care. Seriously. You think you know, you think.They take down the reading now. You think cCPU now you know why? Cp all the power, all the take down.Not in China in the America in the your life, in the you are body. Ccp.苏菲有near you you take down them now they change strategy。Go to you inside to the poison.
  Make the life in the country you cannot do. They only have put.A virus over here that's a and m. You say they have another virus hear of corrupt influence people in all that not just the unite states, but our.When we talk about this a lion's of democracy, our lines of liberty, that that's already been affected that the battle they're going to have is actually here in the United States. And then.London in Tokyo, etc. That is just not going to be as easy as you trying to say all we can take down Beijing. Yes. Also you yesterday is the location.
  It's nice and person. The old and home town and library also is the last 15 years is the policeman.Single reason. I mean girls are many time in Beijing in the many times.Passing all most Chinese now number one in person American person of protection with sing your eyes. Last five years.Ccp always put the hand. We are you too bad. When when when when we are where is must be.
  Strategy to big country on the world by is catching the rhythm. Today show the world should see see, we are americans.Stop this cat with them. We are your relationship to the change. We want the new relationship we want to take down the region. Bus.Beautiful. Very genius. The location designer strategy is wonderful that moment.He is today yesterday. Why no last year? Why don't have the two years ago? U do you think the president talked for years?
  谁know you as to do,say no us three years ago I talk to direct broadcast.Hurry up with this be no guarantee it must be ridiculous the result you know why? Ccp always you.Effect in the politics, weak America. You are in the mile.Yeah yeah why we go to where we go to break Jack take it to break will come back. OK guys we are going to have to go play some bills here. But we have a fantastic show.
  So we're really going to dig into some of the inside. We're going to come back or going to talking about the yang he river flood, we're gonna be talking about the secretary of speech, all these things are tied.The other and as we're always said, it is going to change your life and defeat in the sea. Cp is what we need to say this world. Back in just a minute.末日with Steven.
  100 use your host Steven.The chance of China demands expression energy from the box.South American is special e, those in the end of pacific region. And if we don't have now ultimately the sea cp will our freedom and super, the rule based that our society.The work so hard to built. If we have been many now, our children, children may be at the mercy of the Chinese.
  I'm in the party. Who's actions of the primary Challenge to day in the Free world. General secretary is not just into your eyes in side now.Side to China forever, unless we allow it. But this isn't about content. Don't buy that. It's about a complex new Challenge that we never.Facebook for the ussr was closed from the Free world. Come in China, is already with in our orders.There was a secretary pale speaking yesterday and his story speech at the next library lay down the law for future relations with.
  The sea cp, we want to make it clear. This is an conflict with the ccp and not the Chinese people Steve back to you.Yeah Jack I'm really proud of since we don't do in war and m. Back in January this has been one the central thesis of the show. I mean we talked about it all the time.I'm so sound like secretary of state pale would actually was a guest on the show. It just really did you know the topics we talked about the things we talked about.I want to go to the miles we get so much I want to break down on the pain which one thing I want to get back to you, you're saying it's about action. What what what you pay your saying their is that you have.
  This is a lion of democracy is on the outside. Right? But we can't use the old continent strategy we used against Russia because China is a very different energy. It's much.Bigger is much more soon the integrated into American economy etc. When he said a series of actions, what types of actions are you talking about because he made.The point that change has to come from the Chinese people. So what what types of actions are you thinking about that that the rest of the world.Can power that the Chinese people, I mean what do we have to do the Chinese only the Chinese people can get their freedom. What do we have to do for the rest of world to support that?
  而really important yesterday also the this I really really shock. As the power of speech is very important is more.U no inside the Chinese I think also the lady to music and party members is almost native people they don't like this.They noticed you mean the book of the 1.4 billion people. In China you're saying you don't really support or like to see see yes.I'm from China I am 30 years prepare to take down ccp, so I must be not the truth and no truth. So I.
  I think is the talk about this, very important I still think. How问护。You ask the question all the ccp member is they think I am here. 50 years everyday hope America.I take down the key of China really rules of the lord give the in the Free religion. But you look America change the person change the party.Then everything to change. The another person is coming very grateful to see see then and the year and the decision. You very friendly with.
  第4个cp。Year by year seven years. And now I think very important American, need exactly talk to Chinese.Other ccp member. Do you like the city? Do you like the region? Do you want America is you and me? If you do.症状I give you suggestion y. We are the cup. You say the couple. The couple number one.Nice week that's when the couple the economy of China. In the United States next week. Second.
  No ccp. Every relationship with an American and west of America and the country. If you have any way.To see see you get the section u relation you are talking about business of the businesses and families with the.Couple totally not yet not just the when you say that not the way of your company, out no no ccp contact, no relationship three.Talk to ccp member who kill the crazy guy. The Top five, go to there, American must be to talk to you.
  West world, all the countries to you because you take down the region, you are the world, then we are protect your family and you.U attack your family. And maybe must be I guarantee you say for in the world. Then.Safety that is very important. You know how when americans and then American, who killed the five strange guy.To give America the career and where is buy from where the truth. You get the protection. You get is benefit long term.
  And we are may be nice to China with the organization go to rule of the law in what you as a part go to work in American support.打死MIUIChina organization freedom is not the only and the power. That's very good.I want take down ccbI do something.Jack can be down on the time. When people talk about the couple and lets just be very specific about Hong Kong not even all of me and China but let's just go to Hong Kong.
  When the super horse and the ultra hot like myself and others have proposed Complete the company in the economy. Stopping any special relationship.Section in the fight of financial institutions and going to not to carry Lambert the one she and she etc. People have said.O the first art they make if you did couple the people that hurt the words are loved by Jane. The little guy in Hong Kong we'll be hurt in the students.Will be written all the middle class in Hong Kong the most we did that. So the argument is that you can take a couple, you have to go slower, you actually have to accom a date.
  Chinese Communist Party. Do you believe that do you believe in both Hong Kong in mainland China people are saying if America the couple's, right, if we break off any relationship with.The dollars would break off the financial thing the people to get hurt the most is not the rain, the people get hurt most of love Beijing is the common person.Do you buy that argument? Because your moment that this what you can't stop it to you actually do a hard the couple. Yes Chinese.对and the world. The must be a brave husband under the reward that must be a brave and you know for the season.
  Cp呢,王岐山习近平last year and 1 million members go to jail call.But I think different people don't get go to the jail. And when need you can remember.At risk. Does you are big power? That's why I see the American is now what's your strategy use the sea cp? K.CCPU need show inside the cup now, seriously take down the change the region, americans don't give anything.
  到了inside America street, the media services, media the media, 他不敢打好不的cp,给。World, 100%, you know you are decision seriously want to change the region.电影that the short term of pain, that old hundred names and the calm and Chinese subject would have to.Tale in Hong Kong is worth the freedom that they will get on that you do not have any chance of taking down the sea cp until you get serious about the couple ING.
  From financial corporate and technology point of view. You don't b cup impossible.Money November. No money, no weapon. That's very. You look American.大雨,huge empire country power number 14 in the world. But you I'm a Chinese. I watch American talk everything you are.But this and American talk about ccp. Oh, my god so well very, very naive. Very.
  You know why you never know ccp. Sneak. I take every body Chinese and American.Everywhere. UC last 15 years, seven years, they always solutions. Like.Of the law, no, but the americans in you, sir. I will find the crazy guy crazy guy. I don't care if I'm crazy crazy.I don't know I know it's good guy, no good guy I don't know I not married for student I just know this the west world one guy is really not see see PC.
  不?I only can help Chinese. Take down the ccpI just want that I never talk to you in the political是。You say wrong, you see the great. The dangerous always correct. That's why I am here.Here with you together, but I don't never see many America people say that the power of one second we will take an other commercial Jack back to you.Continue with mouth to go after this commercial break. I have a little bit of breaking that I want to read out on the thing. No, not necessarily bring it was a few hours ago.
  But when who is the editor in chief of the time.Hours to put himself in the history books, unfortunately, for him to misunderstand the current world endless resistance with the story of making him look even worse than being in the end.I don't think so people this is a moral battle for the freedom of planet earth and we are not back in them. Was so glad to have you with us the.Chinese people are happy to have you with us.
  With Steven king bed Steven k.Go back to the warm. This is Jack MAX here on capital Hill with one of our Saturday special on China. Today's episode called the play the flood the people.The ccp can front to do with special guest. Miles go back to you Stephen k band. Jack will get into the hole.In the front of it so much they have to pay of speech was so his story. And I just want to do I go back to what you just read before the before the break. R. And I want to.
  He does the show you, for Audi ance we want every body get on hash tag and m live feed on. Let's know what your thoughts are your arms of Asian. You are the critical part.By the show. The reason that shows have such a huge impact throughout the world is because people want to know what the problems are thinking.They are going to vote what is of concern to them and known that the horrible r very engaged in now this conversation with the Chinese Communist Party has put fear into the Chinese come apart.I want to go back with Jack read before hand. This is by believed Jack the published an editor in chief of the of the global times, which is the r.
  The propagand, the source, the tab loid, that's the propagand a, and he is really a voice of the ccp, many things they want to get out there. He said to pay of speech paper.Very ambition and wants to create an epic conversation between great powers to put himself in the history books. Unfortunately for him.Understand the current world. Endless resistance will destroy him. I want to repeat that. Endless resistance will destroy him, making him.Not even worse than band. In the end, miles when when they had the global times, who really can't you know each is a lot of the.
  But they are working class of middle class Chinese and throughout the world in English language is read by Washington DC in London when they put a response like that out there to.Pay your speech really our show and our support of the whistle blow a movement. Federal state, a rule of law society foundation center for.是吧,for security policy and there are committee on the present danger of China all the support is this the signal of strength, what do they try to show because there really threatening.From paper on saying hey you will be in the dust in the history like the crazy man Steve Bennett. Sir啊。
  After is the pump your speech, I have a lot of phone call and inside of also ccp, the high level the people my old friend.How about yesterday copy of speech they all the people sea personally, pump it is the last may be 23 years. Water.No doubt because yesterday, also the sea, get point to the right.在direction,give the world is point in the right direction. Yeah. The second three, very important CC.
  Very admire other crazy. But they know you are you still single. You before love. He is CA.U all the life, the work that you are the professional army, from the west point, the country.为the you are changed professional politics. Also they know you are not Asian. U now cctu know.Politics and you know the world picture. So they are inside and fire you that why in the CCTV the last four years.
  They are I take you because they are you we just uccp. Don't talk you. Don't take you. This is why you not in.Because p tomorrow come come. And you know this is the old people get at.I think you are important you are may be can make American bigger stronger that's why so everybody in the general.Before is the pla is the very, very important that he tell me yesterday the world to change the change in the.
  Please make the world leader is yesterday. Happy奥。Wake up all the Chinese member CC.Remember that what? Ccp think the guy攀比is not boy, is true这首歌。Dog genius. All the global leaders that seriously, although he have the ability, do.那么旺。In the west point number one in the never right.
  老弟们CC this guy is seriously. So you do I think the world to change as you were the leader.The coming and wake up the ccp members are you want to die. You want to with American. I think so.America great again. Let me take another tack on this also in the last 24 hours for date.Our sin secretary pale spoke you just didn't hear the global times in the propagand a arm of the Chinese Communist Party. The wash the.
  Just be am as on Washington post edit orial said was highly critical the editor not just paid but the actual editor from the paper, where is highly.They said this is the type of nonsense is going to get them to another wor. This is just beat the drum that trump's policies in CO hear that.Campaign speech to think of here you had a gun, a max, who is a new con in the states. One of the guys that was a big pressure of the water Rock he said that.Complete the this a way that the trump administration has no policy in that company is talking like this is very volunteer and could get into.
  A lot of trouble all the Chinese have done some bad things. You know most important Richard House that the head of the count on foreign relations, he said.You know I'm getting tired this is not good when we went pop keep saying ccp in Chinese communist party on his coat is all most that like.Like you can't separate the Chinese Communist Party from China the Chinese people, the ccp is China. So the ment ality of what you have your week.On the useful idiot. But there is so deeply in bed at we're talking about the Washington post editor of opinion writing for the post the New York times the head of the.
  On foreign relations across the board, you've seen corporation put the hundreds of millions of dollars in the black lives matter of thing but will not take on the sea sea.P at all I'm talking with the MBA on others that will not take them on. So this is our cultural the situation in corporation and our lives that you cant say anything.About the sea cp and the people like my company they actually agree with the global times of my company is dangerous than my pen pal is getting it.The more than my pen pal is far too critical of our win win partner strategic partners China, what would you say to that? 3.
  The very important that why is today everybody in the world leader also ccp的general and high level e der think is the bill is the world leader。Today you look he was very clean it strategy Chinese different ccp. Different in China. God bless you.This American. You is another person in the fact, you know as some people are so stupid.History is not the people thinking there is just a liar is driven by perfect CC from where CC.
  爱super Junior Chinese never world, one time. Do you think? 5000 years history Chinese no.One time get the world. Also never want to see the come to China. Also ccb in China com com.This is the party. This is one thing I want to make sure that that everybody gets the mouth is English is fantastic. But he brings the point that the genius is the count of.For relations to Washington post, nobody ever brings up Chinese comic party has never got in one vote of the Chinese people the Chinese Communist Party came to power with the barrow.
  Of a gun at the end of world war two right after really not finding the Japanese allowing the kill my time to really take all the casual but really some times of this in the Japanese.They may they going to a civil war of which they did win. But mao said all power comes in the battle of a gun, that's my mom has been on here before saying a controlling the people.La is essential to their power. They would never be democratic and that's one of the things I think that the the folks are lying against me clean my pale, we keep saying where is the land reform.Where is the rule of law? Where is the ocracy if you go back and read snow's book in the red star rise in the read all of the the literature in the.
  What's that time? All of the apologize for the Chinese Communist Party was saying, oh China is never had land reform for thousand years now is going to bring land reform.The presents are going to on the land of you're going to have a rule of law and talked about the constitution later he ma constitution, ridiculous pieces of.Paper from the west, but he talked about the constitution. They talked about rule of law. They talked about the little guy have a voice. That's all been alive and we know it to live because of the decade.In decades and decades of how they have in China how they have stolen from the Chinese people have they take that money and loaded into the west its all Complete sam.
  Just help me out. Here is the few minutes we got left this section. Why is it so many intellectual in the west? People that should know better what do they can?He is the man of the sea sea piece party line. Why are they always repeat ING what the ccb says and one pay on myself and other people come up all your race is your name.Your scent of accp is good. Very easy. The order of the guys is driving by perfect because.什么perfect?Another said, you look, I mean the americans are five years I ask for americans. I never see one person really.
  Really don't believe c cp the long March. What is the in the Beijing walk to New York then go back. One year.Then all the American black 72 years old is the chairman mao泽dong in the graduate。Swimming to my heart is go back.在two hours。All the americans believe this. Also all the American in the DC out politics.All the Chinese is ccb. They never deep thinking and reading about the China.
  Do you happen? Ccp is another country going to China China spirit TT China is the power.Clean up one point for being Chinese. That's why is your speech the fantastic this is what the leader is it. Ccp.The country Chinese never want to them. Cctc give you the Hong Kong 50 years contract, one country two systems in.They want to give to China is the American style democracy years ago there never deliver this is why this is the group. There is no more Chinese.
  Chinese never you know it's the world for the the also China why have the firework, because they don't want you and.Chinese American we are each the truth. We need to take it on the region that不。OK guys listen, we've got pay for some commercial, but we want you to come back miles is giving us in depth discussion about the motivation of the sea cp and.
  Y prepare speech was such a throw down and we have also seen that, compare runs the risk of becoming just like Steve band.What what a great benefit for the entire world people will be right back, thanks so much for being with us.嗯。
  我with Steven Steven.Communicate to the president that his opponent is not job ide and it is the Korea na virus. And in the past couple of days he finally realized.That the virus is beating him and beat ING him badly. And there is nothing that he could do except for change course.Critical. And I think that's the important thing to keep in mind here and it all falls under the umbrella of the fact that his opponent is the car and a virus.
  The Korea na virus is winning and that is largely because he completely mostly ignore it Steve.Back to you, my friend Jack I mean, look, this gets down to the heart of the reason we do this show. You know I was not afraid of us like.The virus by one Jack max. During war room in payment the day after Christmas is called boxing day we already recorded special and Christmas eve Christmas day. The.Day after day care the day off and text me says he in a blog site is Jackson China han, he says I think there may be a star is like out break some where in central China a cup.
  Today is later and grow in the the team of g TV all the associa te has taken the content from China my House was broadcast on I think.The three of the 31st of June of December of before the end of the year talking about there was on a break of the shepherd mick of some stars like virus.In the in wu han in central China miles and I met ur we do every year for two or three days we do on going broadcast to be a 1012 hours.The day around lunar new year and miles and I were on we were having the joint board means of the rule of law foundation, the rule of law society talking about the plan.
  For the year ahead, things are doing Hong Kong and miles at that time said he. There is not going to be a lunar to hear that there are actually going to cancel the new year.And this is one the trade deli geisha had just left and gone back from Washington from side of the trade deal. And I said miles the the lunar new years, 500 million people.China go home every year you just can say it's going to cancel. This is a panda. And it's going to its going to eat of control. Remember Jack you and I.Even then the World Health Organization had tweet it just a couple of days before there is no human human transmission. There is no community spread the the Chinese Communist Party told us that.
  A few days later Jack we actually started the show and what we said from day one that he we're not just for not for this, but what I do now is the Chinese come on.The party. I know that the Chinese Communist Party is product ID on control the Chinese people in in in having an economy that they try to make it.If they shot that down or lose the gym and see there over so in shining down Hubei province and continue wu hang around the 20 of 24.First of January, I kept to told people this is going to be the biggest thing in the world history because they would not do that in jeopard ize themselves unless there was a mass of problem.
  As we're gone, I think database is absolutely correct. I think now we are in July heading in the August in the president actually is running against the virus. We've been saying this.The show for a long time with you was your desire or whether you believe it a hundred percent the virus is really has had a big impact of American life of 150000 people.Said a mass of the impact on our economy in the solutions have had an impact on our economy. And I think president trump now is come to the realization that he's got to come to that for that.Having the daily brief ING. I've said and i've said this been to me to bout this that the time for action is here in the core of the action is got to be back in Beijing.
  Residence States has got the demand that we get answer to this where we're we're not going to get answers were not gonna get real therapy or not gonna get real bad things are not going to get real solution.Until we know what the core of this is until we know what what how this all started, whether it came out of a biological weapon program or where they came out again.Should experiments in the wu han lab to get out of control. Was it a car was sent out what we do know the Chinese Communist Party has been terrible about the.Decision they made in hit it from everybody. So first miles I like to ask you just a question that so many americans and so many people want to show all the time, when this.
  Explode it all over China y initial e. Did nothing happen in Beijing there is a period that none of the senior card of the.Chinese Communist Party has have got on this disease or none of the countries around them. Why did it look like you see the captain wu wu bei wu, bei province and all the area.Is that the country where it spread with a surprise, but that senior card members in Beijing, why didn't know one, get it in Beijing at the senior level. Sir.That's very important. You look the same and the speech. I don't know why all the americans think this is the genius.
  One years ago, two years ago, I with you to get the broadcast IC, 2020 election not trouble president with the any in the no money.灰色的习近平王岐山来,two years ago, you are saying he was going to run against them that they're going to make sure.Last three years, 2600 of you can find many, many time, no ccp.Is come in America I say now some presents is round two CC not only.
  Is the ground for the ccp and cct virus. You don't.Because the see see people that you know chairman mao, and ccp always call philosophy. Even I want.For you, by the way I wear in the you home. That's why is the world sight in the America.I don't have the might have one your tears. 这,and I see see all the philosophy OK this is now.
  I like you the year today is the speech that is very important in American now that when you take down the region.If they use the low low cost, create the credit. Make that you know that the words in the new home not in the city.这是why?Wu, han, you have the Great Wall we want all the people shut up, and media control and the blue.I go to jail, I kill him. Then no one high level ccp official people get, in fact, then go.
  To all the in fact that people Chinese go to your not guys we have to go for a break in a moment.To take on the commercial break. Come back. Guys were going to come right back to the miles explanation of how the ccp cover up their track will be right.Back with more from war room can damage to play the flood the people sea sea and front there deal.What the virus is not kill more than a hundred people in China and you.
  The case is have been confirmed around the world. You need to prepare for and soon.From the warning americans to avoid all not essential travel to China.On the list goes on of the officials are investigate ING more than a hundred possible cases in the USA man has a contract in the virus.And we can not let the contract to the virus virus has killed more than 100 people there, and in fact is more than 45.
  We have to prepare for the worst always because if you don't and the worst happens war room and.Steven k band Jack max is sitting in the car seat here at the ember con capital Hill for another.One of a Saturday episode today's episode episode 300 to play the flood, the people the ccp can would like to make a.Get out to some of the broadcast partners. John Fred radio network news max at night America's voice news and blow through the Chinese fire.
  The wall bi ji niu trans lated into memory. Every single day, back to you Steve Jack.We're getting close to to 12 mi and that's what we're so on and want to do the three hundreds of broadcast with miles and all our friends are that listen to us in the real time.Translation that GT v dozen in man and we clearly know that state media is watching because there right now saying that.He is going to go to the trash, but history as Steve van is already on. So we know we're getting to him everyday Jackie ball up something very good your analysis and coverage on the show.
  The very beginning, not just about the pan, dem it, but you have such a bond. With love Beijing on with the old hundred names the Chinese people you have mentioned that one of the key things.Back in the spring are actually before the spring stone the winner that they had to get the people the farmers had to get out to the field to do the spring harvest now.The ccp just give an a some some statistics about how they turned out can you give a miles an update on what the sea cp saying and I want my love.How to respond. This was from in one news today they said there is a bump a harvest in the off on China's summer grain.
  Reach the historic high of 142.8 million tons this year, almost 1% from last year.According to the national bureau of statistics, the record breaking harvest has paid the way for another bump a year. Now myself miles I don't.I believe this, but i'd like to have your expert opinion is especially considering they have been suffering and out in the northeast which is the central location for most of their great.The harvest. Now we have the flood of the yang c, but I love to have your expert opinion miles. Thank you Jack s.
  Thank you, follow this the point you are very Chinese is the angry disaster in the hungry的。One you always 100%来。U know this. In the same the long March the one years they no food. They are traveling more.I walk New York Beijing go to New York then walk back the disaster like right. Think the food. You know China this year.Must be hungry disaster happen. I know this the area for it. The following the area is the xin jiang xi.
  重庆and 96 more than the fifty 60% of Chinese。All the China is from there。Also very important. If this.To have a disaster is something happen, so sad cannot go to know the sun, because of what a catch, the old China have game.A very difficult that go to go to this transaction is stop. That's why is the 1998 also like.In 58 China, 40 million people die get another time, is it for a family? My uncle.
  Before the army is work there may I could talk me case how do you think how many people that there and 40 million magazine double.The great culture revolution, CC, if this time 80 million people die and for.用到CC的新欢就是找个what this year大丰收好吃啊great great.Everyday have some baby. One, they have 10, 10的。
  You go back Jack翻到China and other disaster time.Save the world, save the member. Does the totally like that we are need take down the ccpoyccb is so stupid.But I'm American club will give you a second glance at the land of things as miles and the question why?Is it, we didn't really get much real Information. I mean right now I think the total cash is out of China or 3000 or thirty 500.
  It's a very small number from the panda in the United States the hundred 50000 there was hundreds of thousands around the world. Why is the west?And if we look at CNN they always put the number of from China they never give and they just assume every number you know what it's blue bird terminal, whether the wall street.Girl was the financial times, whatever the business agency in China whatever they put out with just we just automatically accept one.He is on the panic. Particularly do you think the ccp was lying by the about the number of people in fact, in China in the number of death? Yes, sir very.
  Easy. This is all this life is that's why everything the find me to the reason can have in China is get ccp.Have all the Chinese 1.4 billion people seven years is buy America, when you give the dollar, when you have see see.Firework that you look America everything is better.The farmer cct government. But you look at American before as few years ago games in the.
  My heart and not the guy in the apartment you said you are saying the 2000 and financial people they reached the.People they get it right. Why you are great. You are too naive because you too crazy. Yccp.U everyday to oh my god and nobody questions that they just take that that the way人in China.第8代。Very fun. And the economy also the fruit. Nobody give you too CC.
  Now do something in that your country. They tried block all the American I they talk take you know that iPad.I take all the people.You know why they want to move your direction there they don't want you for the truth the news that is why the worry sir.Good point. Why America no solution can find any truth? You can only you can American.
  Easy easy take down the firework because American hope the data出门。You are totally more most things I thought I thought about the Phoenix and library speech is on the Top of your guys concerned about.It is the president library, he helped set it up. He had a had a quote in there that I think he and he he would have talked about mix and had written.A article and foreign affairs about a year I think before coming to the power is president talking about China and change and then later on me.
  Any years after you left the president, he looked back over what he had helped you about opening of China but about you know doing with the Chinese Communist Party with me.Tongue and online. And he said, I have I have a concern. Did we create a Franken style? Was this is a Frank in stein monster because nex on or at the time.It was an American trade. It was an American doll as it was American technology. What miles when I first met in my life was said listen, what has been created.In China is really a creation of the western front of the United States you've given them the money. You have given him a lot of the steal the technology and you let him have access.
  The biggest market in the world and what I was saying goes guys, back when you allow them to come in the Clinton administration was planted bush, with world trade organize.Most favorite nation status is trade all that the economy was half the size of 1/3, the size of Japan. Today is essential e equal.A very close to being equal to the United States. That is all American money all American jobs that did, this was all finance. By the west Jack do you have the land?Is the end of all that's making excuse is one thing that we found most fascinating, miles as we prepare for the show. Virtually nobody in the west is Challenge.
  Ccp at all on any of the day to, you know there are president trump non stop some people on the right of saying these numbers are they are all born out of proportion. There is not that many days.There is all the people on the left of saying that under counting this more people dying this is a total count there on trip non stop from both the left in the right the numbers are not right.Everyday the TV shows about it there are going about that getting his profession up there the saying you don't know what you're doing there, the trump's not handle this correct li. But the sea cp.Numbers are observe just from any rational analysis. But it's never question Jack do you have the do you have the last piece that you can quote from or just give us a summer.
  What has been saying? I do lan to came out with the edit orial yesterday call in 19 and China lessons and the way for.Word. And what is really kind of writing about the Steve is they just accept everything that China has said on face value and declared them essential e.Best country in the world in terms of fighting the covered in 19. And they say things like Chinese response shows the importance of domestic research and public health.Huge investment have left China much better prepared for cover to 19. Then for the severe SOS one. And then they say that.
  Western nations could take a real lesson by learning about how China has l with it. They said the second lesson is that a ro bust foundation of research can not guarantee a.Control without strong Top level, political commitment to use science to take all the break. And then they speak about how the government came in dis I sive little down the city.How they created 10 hospitals right away and that was possible because the Chinese government had control over it. 3rd, they say that.Achieve ING rapid and effective implementation of control measures requires Broad community engagement. Now they recognize that many of the control.
  As was done by China would not be acceptable in the west. While at the same time, still loving them, they say there are tension between freedom and security that.Country has to recognize. But China is experience shows the importance of community solid arity and what it can achieve. And then they say that.In order to tack of global health emergency, we have to cooperate with China they mentioned the UN and other global bodies to me it's.Seems like a giant white wash, for what we in the know know was a total disaster on the part of the Chinese Communist Party who denied the world.
  For more than a month knowledge that a dangerous virus was loose and then a loud people to travel around the world carrying the virus they really have blood on.In their hands Steven sea land now supporting them is shame ful. Let me ask you one question that they have any mentioned all of the time.I want cdc contact in the World Health Organization is there any discussion about now the World Health Organization saying that China mis lead them.Is there any mention the answer to all of the miss Information campaign, all the bad decisions that the other ccp may at the beginning of this up and m?
  Not a single man, not a single man. This is why this is. It's just not, it's not.Block talk radio show it's not the war room is not done in some bass ment of Georgia on in the in the west and the London.This is one of the most respect journal in the world as far as medicine goes. Principal eI think the most respect of journal in the United Kingdom. They have.Come off their game in the last couple of months to take out of you like about to end here. Welcome back.
  真的卖了,will come back and we talk about this land is it has had quite a few political opinions of the last several weeks they talked about the replace ING.They are both know and Brazil and also Donald trump pay attention people, this is it. Full spec trum wor.末日with Steven k Ben, use your host Steven.Is Jack MAC see here in the warm on capital Hill ive got Steven k band and miles grow as a special guest.
  Today we are doing a Saturday episode July 25th year of our lord 2020, the play the flood the people that ccp kin France.其中before we went to break we were talking about this article in the land, which really is a kind of running dog come on tree for the sea cp.For Steven others and our listen as it should be shot, to see a medical journal become an actual mouth piece for a foreign government.And some of the things that they said in the article that we didn't get to i'd like to read now. It says in ending China is facing the gym at questions in many areas.
  The domestic and foreign policy. But when it comes to go with 19 scape goat in China for the panda is not a construct response.30的quote Chinese foreign minister wang yi. He has said the global isation needs to be more in clusive and benefits to all the multi layer.There was a must be safe guard and promote even more firmly and that the global govern ance need to be reform and improved where it's like it sounds to me like.That's it is just reveal ING the talking points for the sea cp Steve back to you. Jack is you know it's just not any girls we said it.
  The Beard and respect ID medical journal, in the United Kingdom and the world on your right they had at that which I haven't had calling for the remove.Full of Donald trump calling for the move of Boston in the in Brazil to popular national. And and then you've got caught in the.The foreign minister of the sea cp talking about a global govern ance and talking about global isation the wonder of it after they let this.This this virus at into the world, r. Before rap of this section on the play get it as my live the doll of the world. When you were in may.
  China then he lived in the night king of the unite states when you left. How can an institution as promised as last in the UK. Take the exam.Party line of the sea cp, what is happened to our institutions in the UK in the united states that their brains and about taking the cc PS party line.Regardless of the fact that want to talk about the fact they take a pure propagand a line. Thank you, sir. That's the same, same answer. Buy perfect.Profit by my heart, you you ask this is the one thing is the magazine, also are another is the magazine.
  OK nature made to ask the last year, how much money from the sea cp? Easy OK.Get the money from the see see you can not talk to everything now. Very easy u cannot choose. We are all the world now look down.And maybe many, many people die. We are no. This is from nature.And from the life and from the you know it's the farmer in the animal. We need to talk, why did the Top five magazine.
  Nobody talk very fun. Where this letter and my may, that's all above all. Find me to we need.But here is going to say if that the biggest and they say Steven is just a.Traffic, although I don't say it from a weapon of they say you're traveling and spirit theories, they said s growth crazy because he hate to see see p none of the major institutions.Focus on this at all my pale continue to said, hey, we have in convert ible evidence now that who was accp was in looking at.
  We have many whistle blower's that have come for the saying a it came out of the lab in wu han and is tied to the game of function experiments, but you do.Don't have you have the Intelligence services with legs coming out, but they're saying we just hate to see seep so much or trying to blame. So what do you think the solution is?If we have the nature of these other ones really being useful it for the ccp, what how do you think we actually get to the truth? How is the world.Going to get to the truth and do you think we can find a solution for this pan dem until we get the truth? That's the way. Very easy.
  The all the magazine also who we don't need to give the truth. U just open the coffee the door give up.Eric and you know you will order in the ass for go to China, everything for.You need to from the magazine one thing the nature and two for you don't need to crazy.You're solve the problem. We are solve the problem, you give me the data at this can solve the problem, only one.
  But why is the copy of speech is great great leaders, everybody say him to get the point we want cp give us asset.We can solve the problem. Isis easy. You don't find out who is the process game, 给。The found you just believe this guy is this guy who is the is the father is the is the sea cp.He just heard what the foreign minister said in lan to he just missing it, hey, where the good guys for my pay on others have asked that we have to have access to music. Do.
  Do you believe that volunt ary? The see see people ever agree to allow full access by an international construction to go into the lab talk to the.真的是个太子爷possible,impossible OK c ccp 2 years ago three years, i'll talk about this.Only one is pretty take down in the 2020. Take the American dollar weeks American economy uu.There is a will there is a magazine the world for one part, if.
  So why I need now you only one action and find this is very fun. Give your ass.Then you find out the truth can solve the problem and you need now c cb的boss,take down America.This is the first in the American art in the China. That's why is the one thing magazine magazine is only hope is ccb.Is believing in America. That's crazy know just how do you force a ccpI recommend to give them 72 hours.
  Of our an international construction of the Top scientist about the entire world who can be part of, but they can't leave it because of all the questions you have to.India Africa Latin American states Europe just the best of the best biology and just have to going to get full access in 72 hours.You come off you totally the cup of you come from us dollars and sex on the banks immediately because we need to get to the bottom of this. Do you see any other way to force their hands is.You're saying they are they will never volunt ary do this. Is there any other way to force our way in there? Sir, I see again again.
  Forgot American every week is that the people is one 911. America only one now ez American president and popular.And right now, to wu han p for Hong Kong p 3 the Lamb, all the professor I give you one week must be crazy if I say.The government you say put a red notice essentially with the airport does you should give a red notice to the individuals of.On saying you have a week individual come for or your heart. The old is the guy is the answer is study before in America and mighty Stanford.
  You must be trained in the west. U.They give the ccpI give you to give you open the immediate迪卡。No choice. And Hong Kong everything take up out, you're you're American life. Three very boring.America how many cc PS.
  Fix it. You give all the assets of the senior leadership of the Chinese, come on.In the your home now say yes in my home I have you and you with people be old with the American people be done about the mouth.Of holding that senior card members of the sea cp hold in the United States of America's far as real estate, stocks, bond, etc. If you are real American.You must be do this. Only have the perfect from the cCPU don't want to do if you are.
  You are saying you must see the rest. You are mother regret.No more time. Now before we are going to be with the love I want to ask one thing that we talked about the last couple of years when people the United States think of wealth. They think the.Your family, you a quick bar in the gulf. You're saying that is all small potato. The wealthy is most powerful people in the world.For the hand full of families that control the Chinese come is party on their well. Divorce all of the individual wealth in the world. 2001.
  Get the American get w WTO and games is before 1.3 children to the GDP and after the last years of training.Ccp not reach for the country is number one American dollar.University. That's why I'm now. You don't find out the truth. U say bye, the more people die. How do you lose the money? U.The new words come here. I don't think this is only now in the 19 I think they have a solution give you my world new.
  Where is they want to take down from president take the American economy take the American American people you only one way immediately action.Give me know the truth and find me to the reason your point is that day they have had a good run now look at they brought to.Its run the economy is its most of American culture and our kids are not have been going back to school or at each other throat. From their perspective that success.Be prepared to have others if they do the success unless you start playing hard ball principle of that would be take the assets OK we have a limited time I get to the Top.
  U were also the first guy so many times you told me to think about you also over a month ago said he pay attention to this flood.The at the three gorge dam, what's happening in the heaven is the range of early and they're coming in a level of power that is that has not been seen before and also.So the damn system was put together by the sea cp. It was all crap construction. Money was all soul on. And the fact that I don't even realize they don't really care about the people.For you not to see the play down there to see the three girls they built this one ever seen the defense the following.
  They are only one reason make the power station. Ccp can get money. Can get the money they never think the really really can.The fast food no. That I even you die is broken girls that that the nature I can not touch.Even but nobody time you need to shoot me, I hope you different from, when they re gorgeous, the only thing they care about.Was the hydro electric power in the money that can make out of that whether the flight control etc with that if it happened that is a natural yeah so far. No.
  For it is the food. Because I do for you. But this reason is built this one for the money.There is one minute.But some of the videos you have to show the audience because we have been talking about this for weeks. It's only getting worse for the Chinese people and eventually is going to impact the united.States of America back to you Jack. Absolutely people the flood in the sea is almost as important as the pan dem for what could do to ourselves.
  Why change 80% of the chemical zan API for farm a circle? Go along that the flood plain Honda motor.That makes 1.5 million cars of a year in wu han is serious people we will be back as always we are playing for the old 100 names that.Overcome the difficulties as they always have throughout history in China we love you. Man.
  我with Stephen cave men.Steven k Jack max in the war room, we've got Steven k ban in my school and stand.Bye. This is another one of our Saturday episode where we dig deep in the China this one is called the play the flood. The people, and I'm going to play a video here for you.For the moment, because one of the things it's been coming out of China is this idea that there is no problem right that you can go and do a Google search on the yang xu flood.
  Wu, han flood, etc. Look for yourself, there is virtual ea new black out on this. And one of the things that they have been saying is 10 days ago, they said they were 140.Missing or dead because of the flood. Yesterday they announced that it's gone up to 150. Now if we could have all this video.Er, not for the screen, but lets roll bar.From the bridge. An hear you say it is hitting the bass. C, all those people on the right hand side. I don't see anybody coming to save them.
  And more important that you're not seeing this. In the Chinese media there is a black out on anything bad that is a kur in one of the things that you're seeing in the week.That room is a lot of complaint lately about the fact that the Chinese media has short of treated this like it some sort of just summer time story and there is not.Think that it's just good pla member of fix ING dice and things like that. But as you can see from this video Chinese people are suffering and dying.Right now and they are not even reveal in this Information to their people. One thing I would love to talk to going to talk to about here in a minute or the release of water that are coming up.
  In the three gorge dam which are reported to be coming out at night time with no warning for the people down stream. So guys back to you Steve and and miles.Really a horrible thing that were watching make sure that you go to the site and see this is beyond description its so.For the memory of prim itive, you got to be with all these people on it and it's a little out of control cause the power the river gets cut into by a bridge and looks like all the people do.One of the reason we want to have this up there is a couple of reasons. Number one the Chinese is coming is part of saying all it's 150 people die total, you know it's like the 3000.
  The dive in wu han just they put these lines out in the western media won't cover this story at all just now being picked up by the New York times in the wash.On the wall street journal, the other thing is about how people in China are now starting to get through the fire wall and start to do it, remember what do we talk about the beginning of the end?The great hero of wu han that doctor that in the week at the thing was telling the truth say hey, there is a community spread in human human transmission.Wu, han, that's going on. Remember the sea cp held him up on charges, put him in jail. It was only after a public outside you seen the exact same thing now on wechat.
  Which by the way is monitor closely by the Chinese chemical party that that said they got the doctor with that what people need to do. I think my eyes on the great powers of genius and GT v.Is that you want to see these clip this clip up there not stop that people can see what's going on in in in in wu han and now on the river valley.At the back to Jackson you have mentioned you as a Jack I want to try to get the production team to get the day up on can you show being of Asian that.Really comes from the him away as all the way down the three gorge as what can the audience expect you mention that the bad blood in has been here the best of me.
  I to about the 21st of August. What is what's your people anti sip ative what's going to happen at three gorge dam in the yang river over the next?Sir, I will watch the video you right? This real there is even worse.OK so you look at here there to here is the wu, han, 6000 meters. Sit down.The food high. Three go down here. Here to here is the 13000 gold style. Only.
  Want build in the power station. And here to hear, not the miles cahn.This area has 3 u clean, three nuclear power station nuclear station also here is the piano.It's called me so different, is the five or you think you do you think the nuclear re actor's the nuclear power stations could be in Germany.This is and this broken is the floor in the world, really happen. Kill Chinese not enough water.
  To Chinese and kill the Asian people a career. I don't know the Korea and Japan is from the nuclear of.We are you are saying a type a type. Another side story is very important to come here the water. All the Asia.Living water from here they are you clean is the foundation is even heaven. Pollution of the age of the pollution is got to go.This is one another to you need now. U. They cover any truth.
  That's why America hope the sea cp beautiful world you when they must be get the trial. God and you have I'm very.太空technology company,you are the hand。All the hand is the block you are saying that there is blood on the hands of the technology company.Only you and me GT vg news. We can and the room can talk the world provide this is directly new.Video news. Y American can not know the truth why America can not get the all the day to because u the firework.
  And minority control by wall street money does the criminal. So so I always say it again all the American.CCTV and China for the disaster is by wall street American title company behind the control. This is a reason in the money.In the here not in China we create the Frank is a monster one last thing I want to get to before I leave the flight of the new for a state is, I noticed I haven't.Seeing my see this video is very pretty how the people are trying to the push up or support the leaving the love is.
  Or how their being escape ING on these boxes. I don't see a lot of people from the people's liberation army, have China as accp DY ploy troops.Have the employee stability force is have the resources on asset to the cities to help the other help the citizens as the mass of flood.事儿may be all the American people in the American people here CC.It's good. How can see熊猫怎么说的那个那个啊,啊yeah is that.
  The bird pass party这is that the bird has that they are.For 100 and you are saying that they have lessons to feet so they lose the hundred hundred.And you know, you don't worry too much food, they don't care the one they built the three girls that another 30000 and just for the guide.Power station, energy they never think you are for the die if they don't care and I can make my reading more better that is why they are.
  Cover all the day to cover all the truth. Bye you are created the Evil in the fire was totally the truth.American is you are very kind of you never believe that the even can do this that when I get some of the video is absolutely.So we're gonna stand in the coming days and weeks and Jack I like to put up now I know we got a few minutes in the segment and a few minutes in the next I like to put up the video is now the new.对,this kind of want a new protest. There are happening particularly about the human conflict was ur is what you want the found to the new photo state.
  You know that these Pro tests are going to take place or they just want a new what happened because we get a great video is now from the out the country of the people on the street suede in the flat.Saying the ccp is got to go in a really protest in ccp. It started in Washington DC at the ember. See it started at Washington DC at the White House.I spend two out the country what is happening here. First of all, I want to see in the students all that we are friend in the brother sister is really proud of.There are a few hours ago there I never know you know you and me we build the new favorite things will unite all in the world.
  Real good Chinese in the together they are you know it's a fight back to ccp take take down they want the west was an American.No more the truth about the Evil is the criminal. Then this is why they go to the old people think the American and they now.We are not the Evil decision. Take down this.Is in the American is the last week. Guys were coming up on a break.
  But the difference in the in the New York House of the New York times the voice. What I want to tell you guys this is just an inspiration for making.I've been with some of these protest as on the street. Put themselves at risk their families back in China but there not given up and I don't want you to give up because freedom is.Worth it with Steven.OK them is Jack max is sitting in the warm on capital Hill episode three.
  Hundred, this is the last second to day guys that we could talk about this all day long Steve there's some interesting news that just came out in the global times last night. Apparently.To give permission in quo tation Mark to close and HS BC branch, a very large branch looks like office building in shun.And they give as the rational I found very interesting. They said the announcement was day to July seven teenth published on Friday. Came as more.Evidence emerge to bow thr and a was involved in a scheme divide by the us ii fabric a evidence, and Malaysia slee frame.
  Chief financial officer man was you. It says that.And public anger in China due to its role in man's illegal arrest. So it looks to me like they have a man.Cutting the financial group on their own. Let me I just got it sits news. I got to talk to about this I'm come back to you and the second about the protest of the new era.Today, just to make it clear to the American people, there has been a lot of conversation and the sea sea p transfer. Y way is in a circle be linked with the players or technique.
  LG on correct PSP ls华为视频。So so and you said from day one.If you are a significant tech company in China, right, you basically got that by stealing it from the United States or for sing it from the states, but that yours.How is the part of the ccppla state security? Somehow you are involved with the Chinese government. There are no independent actors on the technology side in China.Zero chance impossible. Ccp is control everything including technology in the America, in the.
  Before you see the Houston is that this.New York is the 35 times in the right. These people better the time.In the Houston, is the I here is the before the president in the present is we are together is it we are in.America have two big weapon, one is New York company. Second is the it's called to.
  Sing l and you are in you. Some in the one time I have the you know very big nice, you know have big enough.Email this is a big kiss, you know this. I say I want to you hope I find some the Information because what you want.2 call CC 18 hours. Everything sad to hear的。To you, this is the big bass man is fun is spy. I don't know why America never. 发is all the Chinese.
  Chinatown fashion and all the there is also spy the bass c cp.On the book to there, you look go to chinatown and China town is fashion. You seem to go back to long time, totally different American the world.Is there no the 30 years of here never go to my heart just the street. They are always use China phone number啊。Also there is for clothes from China China, red fly work on later come here.
  In that your country and this build one country they do what? They never do perfect give you they never think, you can give you the.America need cleaning the room in the room. Two mother is on the schedule.Clean your room first, and take down the fire work and the cup only one this action quickly can solve for American any problem.That's why you are studying is the take down is that that is so good job I hope quickly action more new.
  China town and DC y from the criminal group. The kill.America in the your home. Do you see any country can you can't kill you every day ten thousand one thousand people never. This is why I'm.I don't think about that country relationship now. U are here you need to clean your home now I just really really more than you got to d cup.The the economy immediately and technology you have to do it, you got to bring down the fire wall and you'll see an alternative to the sea cp Jack you just thought of clothes in person that's the whole power.
  Think about the federal state why I am so proud to be associated with this new not for profit organization is trying to offer and alternative to the sea cp Jack.Taught in 9 t five degrees heat, and 90% humid ity when they did the first protest outside the outside the Chinese MSC in the outside the White House can you tell folks what the.What the fox is, so she with the new for a star like when you know what's just a wonderful group of people I was very moved that would tell you stories for obvious.Because they don't want to tell the stories on camera. Many of them still have family's back in China that they recognize are in danger perhaps even because of some of the activities that.
  The brave of American citizens and Chinese immigrant sar doing here by protest in the sea cp. Steven was ur, it was very humble ING and particularly what?Really hope of me was the great thanks that many of them came up and thank me personally and wanted to send you thanks and said that we mean so much the people inside China.And for me that really moved me touch my heart because I every day I find inspiration by the Chinese people and Hong Kong protest as.To me, they are just a great exercise in y freedom and liberty are so important. So that to me I just came that it was very important to me. I.
  It's a much more about it. I want to be up in the key of the life time pay of the last clip are the clip we had when he actually.Said god bless the Chinese people god bless the American people will play the second is far as I know you get a couple of minutes left. I thought that was moving and his.We just give and how historic that's beach is now people are going to talk about it at the end of the speed is god bless the god bless the American people and got.Can we play it finish? Can we go and play there? 我。
  Secure goes right. It is a simple and powerful truth. It spend the big of a freedom for people all around the world, including people inside of China.And was right when he wrote in 1967 at the world cannot be safe, until China changes. Now its up to us to his words.Today the danger is clear. And today the king is happening. Today, the Free world must respond. We can never go back to the past.May god bless each of you may god bless the Chinese people on my god god bless. The people the United States of America, thank you.