
郭文贵2020年7月10日视频 20200710_7


郭文贵2020年7月10日视频 20200710_7 文贵先生再次参加班农战斗室节目片段(7)

公司组织:CIA GE SEC 
  Thank you sir. I want you know I want to talk to west world and wall street and the west side media and finance people.And west side the media. You need to stop this. U can earn money, money, money, money from China.
  Because we have a new years day we can release Chinese one point for being the people we can make you provide one point.4 billion people the market give you are that supposed to hollywood street every body.Body is not easy to they are beautiful world. They don't want you talk to Chinese only talk to zcp.They may not create the power of now we are you Free state. We are don't want the American as the power we only one.
  Democracy freedom and Chinese want to show you we never any country we have never make with.Country Chinese future only one with my American west world 1000 years of peace for contract Chinese do you.Nick nationality America do first, so we don't do it first give americans to first you are American first.Only do you need what hard work very humble we want the religion of so we build the new visual state of one.
  The world with Chinese one Chinese 1000 years of peace for future, you can get the big money.Ma can you can enjoy the don't need you don't need to kill people don't need to Hong Kong kiss.一般的people go to jail make the we are future is equal real relationship,peaceful future,not bad。
  With the Chinese with what the world we call is the clean power for America give what the words that I want.Thank you speak Chinese and we create the new date now everyday hundred million people.Five 10 million take down China have new no fire will have a rule of the law to America west world long term of peace.
  Contract Chinese don't need to build army navy American can make the world peaceful Chinese just keep hard work.Peace for ma can give your cooperation that that we are future we all the global future, we don't need make the correct.The kill you what's the world, where is the media?U remember tomorrow from 10 new we have a special on the America standing up to the Chinese cabbage part about the issue of Hong Kong will be to our special work.
  Voice is the Hong Kong people must go on. I will be I want to say one thing as we as we got a couple of seconds left here, if you look at the new federal state of China and all the past.That's coming together Chinese people to America to the west and compared to the hate that comes out by the sea cp every day about America.Is nothing but pure hate. This is what they tell the Chinese people behind the five of us that the boys in the mind of the capture the people in China it's got to stop we got to come from.We have to take down the sea cp Jack back to u, then u guys a lot for taking this back in the studio.