
郭文贵2020年7月10日视频 20200710_5


郭文贵2020年7月10日视频 20200710_5 文贵先生再次参加班农战斗室节目片段(5)

涉及人物:王岐山 习近平 茅屎坑 
公司组织:LV GE SEC 
名词解释:CCP Action 
  Let me in her second at the sea cp it shock ING to me that people don't call the sea cp virus. Don't say it came from these guys.If it didn't come from a lot, if it didn't come her weapons program, they certainly know about it and ex asper ate its run. You take a hard to say, hey, this is a biological.And understand the try to take down the west weather be the one is right there definitely responsible why has the western media what's the influence campaign?
  That the ccp has run. So nobody talks about this. Nobody said, hey, there is 135000 of americans said there was hundreds of thousands of out the world from here.Lead to Brazil to India to London and nobody sits there on a daily basis and says you're responsible you've got to open up all the last you have to let see all the.Information, what type of Information war they run in my life so that everybody is like a sheep, nobody ever is afraid and as soon as you mentioned that is going.Band of chicken spirit theory windows for for saying this. Sir, sir. I believe that my personally I don't know.
  Political struggle, everything I don't care, I don't know, American government later on American government you are very pretty because you are.Only to reason why you get the gyu fear cCPU get your sexy with you, you give you money before you can not.But you are American people die because you get another reason you only think yourself pretty.Thanks. Are you American people to die you because your service and get me only to reason to them.
  By time to time when we are fun American can find out the truth.How can solve the corner in the America? How can people American people to die for people to die? Does it easy?习近平,王岐山有非,而习近平王岐山,only the guy。You can now at the stupid crazy school can talk that they need take responsibility because I'm American people die no no solution.
  No,I did not action step2的problem every time I join in the room。But the American people still get, in fact, also American may be nice to your family may be you.Maybe your mother one America you lose your American number one and accp is the paper tiger.You can take down make Chinese 1.4 billion people with American together. Trust me Chinese.
  American media you can make a bigger clean the safety money. Dozen times you were accp.On the table make the dirty money, you only one.Make clean the safety money. Talk about your return in the mirror of war and m going to talk about what the alternative is one of the things that c.He puts out there the Chinese people are not ready for democracy. They're not ready for freedom that not ready for liberty. They can't handle the role or there are too dumb and bar bar.
  OK and we have to control them. We're going to talk about it all turn of the new federal state of China. We return with both world Jack back to you.