Let me ask you a couple of things. Number one, the ccp right now Beijing is holding out to the world that look at look at the night.State has bought this pan dem. It look at the Italy the west. We got it right. We have very few days, only 3000 death and move on.We have very little spread the virus, although there in Beijing, what's the reality you think in China itself has accp.
U done a better job than the rest of the world, are they line to the world. Now, you know that's why the American.Now you are very general of the Chinese but Chinese not get the China they get out.Generous soci cp is always think of American stupid. They are can cheat you again again the use American in that pretty.Go in the panda. In fact, there are four years to change the party, I change the party, you are they call you.
American student in the political. In fact, I so sorry, I mean I don't want to look.21. But I want the American is stronger the threat of America.Must be put together in possible one day one person you can have the work with cCBA think you are.You are as easily can get the story of technology lose your job right then use the contract to you dollars.
You are so naive to think the rule of the law, the used to take you again again again, so americans use the blood.Get the correct words if nobody ask where from the who make the other is the from the little.Not from the trees and the hamburger never from the tree is the farm的cp。一直到XX 2009 to December I talked the Great Wall is the must be come America first the city is.
New and Los Angeles and London look five months ago this month ago, but even now I can know what to say this is very fun.The government is no action, you need no no body now can give you exactly time. How can stop American.People die how can find the truth who can take the responsibility. The only reason only one go to China.Take down the see see c cb can stop and American people die ccb也是。
Y I'm, 我睡,all the leaders nobody talk CD.Have a big boy. Take about that you are there, 不?发布的grand。So I need to wake up the 13 years we need to wake up, we need the bag. I believe we can take down ccp.Only take down ccDCcb can take the responsibility, give the American people to die.