Good morning, all the American jacky Jason I was very proud of drawing the.War room again, thank you, sir. 2017, you know I first time in the American voice of America.First time in the view I want the whisper is the ccp control China. Our company is the.
海南而来。So I see this is the guy behind the boss of China is empty. Aunty is the.Movement is the leader wang. 2017 then.Because the way they stop the interview but I think behind the minority if they want to stop me don't want with your talk to. I.In America is representative ccp Intelligence. And also is the make it now. It's a lot of black deal.
Make the production in America with love for you now wall street and politics in people. Then I get it.Studio is want to go to the beach also last minute is the hard thing is stop me. Don't want me then I have the you know.DC press conference in the person, you know I talk to all the world also of America I have the secret document CC.He have the to program. One is called b gy. One the cost three eyes. They have the official program America.
America America. I see this the black time is come in with America and west world. Does my see, thank you, sir. 有。Please better than me. Understand you speak English. I think一开始。So this is 23 three season. One is inside now is xi jin ping is big Challenge.俺得用到gopleu,so he is very,very right now。So it's one reason.
The guys, the sea cp. They don't care. So this second reason is three reasons. They do.Want to talk to give your truth they don't care what you opinion. But the all the reasons are not said I think so. Now I'm really painful.Every day, every second last time last week end, how many American people die? Today is the just one week how many.For the 50000, we are American all the world in the world was three. That's true.
But I don't think so can solve the problem. I don't think so the quality can really can solve the park.Look this, the disaster is that you know the world but not only virus can kill American.Kill the world people. It's also the political also can kill this.People. So we are really knows. It's normal time do may be just with your time with your money.
This is a normal time, is the brothers and green and where it can kill the people now.Everything is hard and you look now. New blue sky beautiful Sunday. Look.American people is dead, but this is in the quality. Sir, how do you think? You know we.We all go back to work. Who can guarantee American. The family is the child. Don't.
A transmission get, in fact, how many people to die. But if we in the quality, the.Trust me to re never go down. This is why sir you are room for the truth. But you look that.Where is the world靠official famous。This is the point to point.I'm so painful. Where is the intelligent? We only find the truth的。
Who is the and must keep the poison release the world. How do you think of.In the someone to the poison step into the bedroom. Family people die. But you what you do you say.And the most very fun. You put your family in the bus is waiting in the pink.Know whether you must be quickly to the and most in my bedroom.
My family is why I always talk too good to use the hero of the Chinese in the hero we need.To behind my knowledge is the poison to America to solve the problems, stop the people to die.The one solution啊,too early and 2007.Thanks to thousands eleven 2012 accp intelligent is the you know it is find me the meeting.
Tell me a mouth, I need your help. We have the problem we need you know investment we need you know from American people.We are creative people in the wu, han, I need you find a friend, you can people join this, I don't need money.Some of the things come here. So the 1 I know cct they have the seriously officially plan the developed by.The only one gold is the America America so this is the guy now is still in the see see PC central.
The guy called to me talk to me mouth will we must be have work with America there is no doubt we need.How can you cheap and easy and can give America America.He told me the plan. I don't this in the life is the people when the sky.你find the money from the America people and people from America.
Many engineer many you know that you know is the people like.I know that to this yccp yesterday last year is the early OK many years ago they have the tiger.Kill the American take that you have the two days ago you with me have the meeting we found the China the weather and about.Is the violence. She and him him now in that the Europe him talk me I come to the Information.
You should give you about the truth, but I don't scare to see see I'm scared of America. Because this武汉来。That all the people for the money is from America from America the intelligent if I go to America I worry.Inside people kill me, shock me. This is yccp is have a long long time ago is.Appear his biological weapon. Very easy to this is the car no worries. America very easy.
Know the truth. Very fun is from nature is from the trees is from laptop, 100%.Who make this, who want to make this easy is the another only one answer is government control.And it's another control this American do need for man. Don't need people to die America.This is the question want to know the truth one day. One day the professor talk to you talk to me you make the car and worries.
Very easy. Very easy. But if you really you want to find you can take back. Impossible.This is impossible to you.And in the central committee has announced in the website the right the guy is the three years ago that guy is.Too easy to take me back. The guy is very important guy is China is called Intelligence in the official.
100% is big House I call you know the movement, the guy runs the lord.Million people. This guy is now in America intelligent system is this guy with me she and wang qi shan and jiang.All that the fat. This is that the world this is American opportunity,这是why?Three years ago I see inside the world have a big help us take down the thank you thank you, thank you.