
郭文贵2020年2月28日视频 20200228_1


郭文贵2020年2月28日视频 20200228_1 郭文贵先生加入班农先生战斗室EP…28中英字幕完整版

涉及人物:李文亮 ling 茅屎坑 
公司组织:LV G Fashion CIA WHO ISIS Signal GE SEC G News Line 
名词解释:911 CCP Action 
  Bus driver and has killed.Hundred people there and effective than 45. We have to prepare for the worst always because if you don't and the worst happens.Moral. Here is your host Steven.
  Welcome to war and panda. This is Steven k band and where live from the financial capital of the world. There will be New York city.Today we are at the at the broadcast center of a genius. Media it is Friday the 28th of February the year of our lord 2020.They were an episode 28 or live on the radio network sail on Broad cast radio network throughout the country. American voice that news the stream.And platform of the movement. Both the United States and world wide eyes on FM. 99.1 in Chicago in one of.
  3.9 in the Chicago sobs. Thank you very much for join us for in the basically up here for the last for the next 45 days on wall street.At the financial capital as this pan dem ich, spread from wu han China, in Hubei province. Now global throughout the world and also in to the financial.Markets of the world financial markets are in London weather in Shanghai Tokyo r now on wall street the United States. We had many, many experts, the reason.Came up with having many experts have going to join us, but this is his story. Melt down of the world capital markets and sour expert trading desk. And what we've been.
  Able to do is bring in one of the Top, really mind about hedge fun and interesting miles grow in no miles the head of genius in go media.House is also what people to understand is not just the whistle blow is always been AA Top invest a hedge fund and you know one time that I don't know.25, $30 billion. I forget how much the sea sea p store for u also joined by Jack Jack has just got a haircut and clean.So far for a Broad cast and we get his picture of their Jack MAX Steven k band of my life from the financial capital world New York city and we're in mid town.
  And had that the broadcast center of g news which is this new source of broadcast about the world, but really focus on Broad cast onto the Chinese people.After day and the show we are going to go through a couple of things and the one we obviously want to talk about how this can take is spreading through out the world financial markets and what impact is going to have in your life. Remember this.Show the more and m and I think our 5th of six week with the first one to identify this going to be a global health and but also an economic and m.Eventually moved to the world, capital markets and impact of the economy or your pocket book that way also your your savings account.
  Your stock port for your pension fund, your retirement plan, in most important the direction of the country in your health, the second part of this where to go through out the world.Let's get on up date of how this thing is spreading through out the world. Then we're gonna come back in the second part of the show of miles has got a lot of breaking news from inside China over the.爱。There was very disturb ING thing that happened in Hong Kong many of the leaders Jimmy Lee was the public and found of apple news, which is the number one.A news paper for freedom. In the in the air in China in Hong Kong Taiwan and gets in the middle of China also was essentially arrested last night along with.
  Three of democracy movement leader we had Jimmy Lee partners on the show two weeks ago Mark Simon assignment was on the show and talking about all the good work.What are doing they were the last night on funny charge is dealing with a protest in August. It's really about what's happening with the end m in my school is going to be here.And tells everything about that. So first I want to talk about it bring miles and miles. Thank you very much for joining this brother really appreciate it. Um. The stock market is.Now Jack or we get to worry about right now with a thousand points of the 845 right now 8:55 just now this has been his story.
  You know these things over the last 10, 15, 20 years have always been because of big moments in the world in 1998 we had the long term capital.Emotion also the the problem with the Russian occurrence e that lead to begin in 1998 in 2001 we had the issue of the of.The internet stocks and also 911 later I had the 911 and then we had 2008, we had the financial crisis and really, as we say all the time.The financial crisis of 2008, the financial crisis of the real estate States and particularly all these are security as they were built to lead to the election down trouble on.
  This popular movement that was in the United States and I said the popular was moving through out the world was lead by the financial crisis. It was a reaction.Into the leaders of reaction to the party of devil. And what you're saying now and I think what is causing this in driving it is is the lack of Information coming.At Beijing the Information coming from the cCPU know president, she says the virus is a demon and we can not allow that demon.Hi. And that's what it of the sea cp did. A better job of plane is exactly what was going on with the virus in China. And if they did a better.
  Job of the plane to the world was the true economic situation of China since we now now with the global isation project. Everything is depend upon China.You know everything you know the whole world's largest system in supply chain, deal with China if we had more perfect Information coming out from that, we wouldn't have the problems. I think it.The rest of the world, not just the spring of the current of Iris physical the different areas of the world, but also now the economic and agent is now spreading. So that's what you have, don.Start first. You is and investors, you know people know you brother as a whistle blower and all that, but one of the reasons are whistle blower. You are the height of.
  Understanding the senior leadership in Beijing the senior leadership of the sea cp for the simple reason you are very successful businessman. You had the.Tell your hotel conference on business, but you also want the most successful investors, in China what your assessment today.Of the world capital markets and things are look like the mel ting down through out the world. Thank you, sir. I really believe is from the.China government cct give up about Carol, where is this? All the data is fake. U believe that you ccp is putting out.
  Fake numbers on the virus itself. Yes. The first of all is scared of China economy go to class. They think that.Do you think that their skills the Chinese economy will actually so they now is high priority is the want China the share market.Me is keep the stable so they may not the Hong Kong the share price Shanghai surprise. And where is everything?OK I want to hear this is very important for the audience out there last night when which is Tokyo is the melt down they have we had the melt down the over a thousand points biggest.
  Single day drop in the history new start to change yesterday they had the additional the overnight future is dropping many of the animals was sitting on going well you know.In these people are very naive but there something well how bad can be because she has not melt down all about it is that the ccp for sing by not allowing people to sell this.Start into the market, the drop the stock price up. 100%. Yes, sir. I have the investment, you know I have.Totally worth the 50 million ur. Yes, we have a lot of shoes buy from Hong Kong. So we are very.
  He is not concerned about the Hong Kong share market. But we have a lot of evidence and truth from the inside is accp.Is the use the computer the day to the brothers of control is Hong Kong share market price. So this is all the fake economy you not that.你data。This is why the world now is go to disaster. You think that to kill every where the market go down, sir, this is not the words. Everything.Just beginning. Because cct give you the data and about the current of the fake news fake data. This.
  Number one is dangerous OK I want to go to go to draft of what was the same lets talk about.Some of the day to we see coming out of China particularly things like you know that you've got a pretty good analysis there to give you an idea of what's going on in China economic.In the east and import are 12% of what they were a year ago. And that's what is the Chinese economy, the Chinese economy is basically.Driven this is why this is why you have to China as a partner to ear on. This is why they are partners to the mover, they're the ones keeping the Iran and move on business because they have this huge output.
  Deal with them there all over the sword is all over you a you know was 80% of the energy of the sides cold comes to bring in Middle East ll.You are saying that is not down for a person you are saying is its own percent of what it was a year. It's at 12% of what it was a year ago that chose you and economy that is.Locked up, right, right and then they say that they got a contain a ship showing up and leave in Shanghai and other sports with 10 to 20% of the normal card.都是and the biggest problem that nobody is paying attention to on this nation wide for China. They only have about probably twenty 30% of the truck driver.
  Back at work. So even if I take a contain a from Shanghai to some problems in the North, there is no one to drive it there and there is no one to drive back the empty contain at a.In the port. It's a real back log, you know this gets back to what the central problem is on the reason we want to start the day with the financial contain Kevin wash was on c nbc.See this morning. The cabin watch for the audience out there he was what we called the cover byd to be the head to be the head of the federal reserve for president trump. You know.I've got it. But there are a lot of people were had been in the treasury department, I think doing the financial crisis of 2008 he was a steady pair of hands is to think of former fed.
  He was a guy president trump actually call him out of one of these meetings. A couple of weeks ago I said, hey Kevin you are going to be my my backup and maybe I should go on with you.Have been washed in amazing job of coming people down and that's what I think we talk about the world. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.But what you need is the truth in the fact that people have the fact that can make judgment, what we have said from day one, the reason we did this show and started.Six weeks ago is that we said there is something happening at a scale that is never happened before in human history, in central China, in that the.
  Ccp has not about it in light about it, regardless of what the origins r regard the origins of it came out of AP 4 lab of ax in or weapon.Or it just naturally occurred in central China some how they know about this. They surprised that Information in this thing that exercise and what we need.On the reason we did the show is to make sure that real Information comes out. Now Kevin was was on there today what ever was was talking about was about central banks making.A statement of the weekend to come together for you another a cut of a small ID. Now the problem we have on like the financial crisis, this is not about.
  A credit capacity. This is not about equality in fusion. There's plenty of credit out their interest rate. Now I think the 10 your body is down at 1.5 percent of.One point 1.1%, 1.1% the 10 years, this one point these are these are levels have never been seen before, OK we don't have.A financial crisis right now we have a melt down to financial markets, and why do we have a mountain of financial markets? It gets back to the same thing. We have the lack of reason for.Nation coming out of China all these facts are doing those out from other reports that is now coming out on reported by financial times it, but it's not the ccp after giving you.
  A Frank assessment every day, what's going on and remember what we have is an economic problem, you know president trump identified this a couple of years ago that there.Too much the sea cp controls too much of the world production exchange and they are not a trust worthy partner. They have soccer this into this China price.And this China price comes at a huge cost miles or has been going the whistle on that for years and years and people have said particularly the wall street of the United States is a liar.It's crazy weather is other things is exposed and now we see in high relief that nobody can run and hide from and more no more lies and no more spin.
  Because this is the reality, you have the crown of ice and the health care side, but you also have an economic and agent in that economic and spring. Yesterday we.Talked about the us economy. We talked about what have the economy in ST. Right? One of the reasons we have you no trust that don't have the way to get to the distribution.The center to go to wal mart to go the supply chain is that the ships that do show up only have 1/3 the car go on, right? And now we know from your report, is it.Say that there are only getting full of wonder the car go on here is the reason that rain r totally running and there is only 20% of the truck driver have come back to China.
  And not just that as much as told his last week there really a death in one as far as as great system goes on lock down on this is what has been for explain.On a bicycle scale. Wu han and a province is the size of friends. They still have a.The 200 people in quantity. And we put up overnight you've seen this is the new taxes they have sweet dreams are pulling people at the cars that are not participate in the corner.But there is still the rest of China that is under some for at least six or 700 million people, which is 110 to the world population.
  OK and that's never been done before. So the more accurate Information remember the present rules of a president trump command presents the other day.The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. But I want to go to John Barry John berry had this great John Barry miles wrote the book on the Spanish influen za.Back in 1918, what was this is what about the great influence the story of the dead liest panda MIC in history published in 9 tat recommend everybody Reed it because it will give you and I.Hear of what's probably come. And he writes in the short of the conclusion including way about what are some of the failure is that occurred. And he.
  As in my view, the most important lesson from 1918 is to tell the truth, though that ideas in corpor ated into every prepared this.When I know of it's actually ment Asian will depend on the character and leadership of the people in charge when the crisis of.Miles rI talk to many financial people were going to have on the show in the next couple of days there all of their desk in the reason of their death they have never seen in not only.Is even in 2008 more now the 5th day of it, over a thousand points down on the New York stock exchange. Can you get up to date in your cause you.
  锤子在玩,the ccp is your lawyer, and everything you've talked about, ha and now the air and receive a ship. The Hong Kong situation which the now.I think the leaders of the Hong Kong movie over night for live write the line about whether you know every which you told me early on that this was going to be.People should stand the mouth will told me in early January that this was going to be a big deal when we did the broadcast. On GE news and go me.对呀,for Chinese for Chinese new new new back on the think the 15 16 17 of of January we already knew then from all you.
  Listen and read as in China they were born of the social media and tell us how bad was you told me this is gonna be a big deal in your best access.Where is the Chinese economy right now we just saw Starbucks is trying to open the door is back up the Chinese government say he will try to get these factors back up and running.In your assessment. Where is the Chinese economy today? And what is the ccp? Can we believe what they are telling the world? 3.这是before you work in the right is the dress economy.
  The global the show Mark it down but which country is the one country.Could you give me what the reason is all the global is calm down. Only China up, but where from the virus. Sir.From China, where is from China, where is the ego up? All the global go down. What reason how can I do only one solution?Minority computer, make a fake, the share market only one. Nobody can put to go up. I give you one.
  100 years ago. My French people call me French people you are my partner the most fashionable, but you can get worse. Now is today.36 and the window where is definitely now.How many people die hundred hundred 20 oh my my family somebody that you know in the school you can some friends in the rain.They say uncle, I want to go back, don't go back, you are wrong. How many people die? What's the president the the former.
  Best to the king is dead, but now is my friend all the Chinese Hong Kong in the know not in America in the news.They call me mouth and with your partner I have a safe area news. Now, 12 years ago, one kiss. Confirm right in the.I give you one answer and the best of everything we have found give me every day report. Y is ccp rest of Hong Kong.OK this is the question we get to Jim Lee and people should understand. This is the best in me was the best paper in Hong Kong it is the apple news.
  It's a freedom news paper he was arrested over night witch is he was a 60 minutes a couple of months ago. This is a major player arrested last night and all the leaders of the people.Swept up and they were on the pretend it was from a day.Administration in August of 2009 t. Do you think that the truth, 100. This time get.Not because the party traditional they know some Hong Kong where is the truth? The members day to.
  Here you like this is the document you can go to the website, genu is all the photo outside, 20020.第20000 year everybody can go to check. But that's going to be a genius.So this is why is the world the guy is talked to the seam DIN a doctor and李文亮doctor。China economy, talk me all the China.
  Someone what the reality of the Chinese come on going to go swimming around the world about what's happening around the world. We come back to the United States to talk about president of the nation.What's happened with city c and also at the end talk about how you can start to care for yourself more and m episode 28 will return.Steven welcome back to.I'm a good Friday the 28th, a February the year of our lord, 2020 or live in the John friend or treaty of network on sale of radio throughout the nation.
  跟on American voice that news the stream ING platform for the trump movement. Here in the United States in around the world. Also on to be in.Chicago on FM 99.1 and FM or three point nine, in the Chicago sun burn down here with Jack max in who runs the.Form data day in my school our today we are in we've been on wall street for the last couple of days we are going to be through the weekend on.Also we try to do we can show down of the all that off. Might have to anger that in the in DC and i'll be here are ill be your life. One of the reason we want to come up is for the simple.
  Fact that was a now start to spread through out the world, as we said it was going to happen. But as important the economic and agent coming from China.It spring throughout the world and were in the middle of a financial markets melt down with the bonds of stock throughout the world, every where is surprising.Can I exchange with his for a number of reasons, number one, they won't let people cell number to the feeling with cash to buy shares. They are trying to prop up. But essentially.Everything coming from the ccp has been a life will continue to be alive or get into that with my school and I remember president she contains the tell us that.
  This virus is a demon and we can not allow this deep in the Hyde we're trying to help president she every day and war room to tell the truth. Remember, we have nothing to fear.Unless except for yourself. As president rose of el said in the great depression and present from the century applied the other night, we said he was taking a deep breath is get on Top of this. The past.The politics is already start the words ugly head in the United States, but we have to pull together as a country we have to put together as the the west we have to put together as the world.And actually if we get to get some truth out of Beijing hope for leave and pull together with China one day we want you as part of the show we got to mend the feed back.
  Is hash tag. Warm and m. All one word and some of the stuff that some of the back we got a way has been taking a kind of you said the other day I look like I.Look like a cave man with our warm and m Jack MAC see look like the six year old the minutes he got a haircut looks great.But he would get him up in a picture day not not this thing. So I want to earn miles a second the China before Jackson the work is around the world, max gave some very disturb you now.I was coming out of China only 12% of all in port to to from the Middle East are being used now the cargo ship even 1/3 of four.
  Understand the scholar ships are usually over a hundred percent of capacity, one of the price of the cargo ship is to make sure that not over capacity, so they don't think they don't know flip over.They always have a thing of you know they don't have enough capacity on the vessel. Now you have this was 1/3 for you have just told me during the break another problem is that not the airline.Captain want to fly in to want to fly in China the reason that we don't have fight the United States is the union is essentially the the American Airlines I think cathay pacific.Others have just said, hey, the flight attend to the pilot said we're not going to fly in to there in your assessment because China has been such a driving force in the world economy.
  Where is the Chinese economy today and they're saying before they project this year 6.5 percent growth. She is always presented himself as a I'm the emperor I can deliver this group.And this is what you make a deal with me. I treat you like a slave, but I give you a better material life style 6% of their now saying is probably down to the 1% or 2%.But it's not negative, not flat or negative. What is the truth in China Today about its economy? Same for weeks ago CC.Tr not got about the wu han worries. We can control. We can solve as for many more, no person to person OK yes.
  Then we can control it. It's personal person its from an animal we have and under control is not going to affect the that was for five years ago.Then is the GDP 2% now it must be negative growth. 20% club. You think.That you think your belief is that that China is going to have a 20% negative negative essential to the Chinese that I.All these are about you know I have inside intelligent give me truth OK we are the one thing.
  Want to say you see companies like Starbucks are trying to get open their stores. They were the first one to shut down the shut down all the re tail.The number one they were afraid of their employees getting it, but it's important as we talked to people, they were afraid about the liar bility of people getting at Starbucks and coming back and join them.In the face of what you're saying of the of the essential the minds of the Chinese economy. When you look at things like Starbucks and you see even Terry gross.Your friends ito cp, but facts on which makes basically the apple phones and they are trying to get there there work force back in southern China how do you back that up?
  The fact that you back that up with when you c company is trying to get started, although there is very little evidence that is happening, you look for this.Last seven years. In China mainland, 137 biggest.Company commercial bank and supply chain company of the club. There is almost trying.On the question number one person, all the big company is club China has for tea tree and doll as I think of death on the different company is right it's a level.
  The government's language when the company's banks r language. U know this that these all these regional banks of language we knew.Even before the panda is the biggest crisis face in Chinese economy was over bridge on the way we start to see the regional bank start to fail at the end of.2018. Are you saying you believe that the the the real economy, not the financial company that the part that is because you're going to start to see and I think ha.The one in the river or part receive the ship and that the one time is the largest financial company in the world. Do you think it's because of other languages and its on Chinese to leave and they can.
  Pay the debt to the death back. Yes, sir, over love it. Over part now is the u light rain.The book of this is all the Chinese economy is trouble, so its negative negative Jack.Let's go around the world right now and what's what's happening we just got to report when we start the broadcast is to Korea virus of victims in Mexico lets start in Europe was go to.Italy France what what's the update from around the world around the world is a great country to follow because I think it's going to what's going to happen to other advanced country.
  They have great medical systems and great, systems in place Italy now has 650 cases. 15 death we spoke to someone for me.The last night on is essentially just the ghost town. And here's something to show you just have this, but I should understand the lines of ghost town.During fashion week, this is a central driving focus of the Italian economy is fashion particularly high in fashion. They basically didn't have fashion.They shutdown. First of the chance of most of what they did have like your money and mouth is one of the fashion horses in the world has been the one.
  They would let the public they've lead by as, and there as I talk to people in the saying a northern Italy lombard.The driving economic engine of a person that 55% is essential to but it even a city like those long would should be above.Activity during fashion week and after is a is a ghost and I think about this Grace got there first three cases yesterday. All of those cases came from to win.And fashion design as who were at the closed buying session in the one and one of their children now has it breaking right now I.
  Has a single case little ice land, you know I has a case from a visitor from from Italy the.World Health Organization I think really has a problem here. They said is going to be a sensitive topic topic, but we're essentially the airline of union stop the flight from China.Does the united states have to make a decision about stopping flight and look, II spend a lot of time in Italy I love the party is over there but do.People have to start to make a decision about stopping fight sin from Italy. Well, here is what I think we need to make a decision about. We need to make a decision about whether or not this can be can.
  Hand as the lowest head of the World Health Organization tears from the second, or do we recognize that this thing is going to.Move around the world. And we need to start taking public health measures to a great it rather than contain it OK that this one will say that I want to turn back the miles.Go here about particularly the head of the World Health Organization well, I think it's been an absolutely is to the sea cp is that nothing but the Information out there.He refused to call it today is not even is not even as far as the World Health Organization is a global health of mercy is now spread. I think the 44 countries.
  At the world this guy is from the open is part of the mouth party there the report to get from day from from the Indian head of control.Matter who comes on the show is now in d with the moon celebrate and he said this guy is a disaster. He is working for 2053 years. Why has.Be allowed the World Health Organization the capital to the sea cp, dgydgy.I think it's behind the normal control by CC p. What's the world America is always you know about the cCPU know that.
  To do everything related to see see the problem you all the problems to high. No, sir, where is the number one major problem? But another of worries.Is where is the world production and media. You are right now. You kill people, for week ago the weather.Word. Not many people now every week one time one time girl ur production media is now there is not a big deal the cold.有独立的卫生。You look the French market, go to the street, don't take care in the mask. After this guy 36.
  Is the Micro change is attitude you saying he dis missed this early on. But he went to the hospital for the victims of the sea cp.他不干的also you look American media,they don't talk the truth。They don't talk the truth that is kill people also.All the government they don't like that you know this is me down they talk like they keep the truth. This is another world.他不冷,you look every week one time grows and media talk the truth but everywhere you kids can from new kids confirm.
  They just talk we called me we call this is really crazy. The way you are the room is very important in the pictures.All the Chinese quite the second world war room. Only can listen listen your from the truth, 在out the global 3。How important is how it is first the man that the fire wall come down to the Chinese people.If you think down the firework, give the all the global people know what the real.
  Please take a picture about the worries. Number one.Sure that you believe that we're not going to get a full real picture. What's going on in China and till the fire wall we demand.就是you talk that all the Chinese for you I really love,but I love you。I know you time can not you cannot.You know that is the cure, but we need no truth. The government can do what can I do if I go back my home my home town.
  Oh, no problem, but you like.This get this get to the point of the biggest victims of this now the world is going to offer, but the biggest victim is that it has been.In the Chinese people, the ccp has like to the Chinese people try to keep the Information from in the only way we get the truth is have a direct conversation with the Chinese people the way.I come down is a fire wall want to go back to the House for second check. One of the things are worried about in Washington this morning there is a force position as.
  Many contract for the Chinese did the China deal and right now the signal is coming out of Beijing that their thinking about there was some reports on the business media.That Beijing think about putting for the force mature Claus because they can need to do the purchase is are they want to hold back or they want all these other aspects of it.Now Washington was here in that day he present from the mission to hate the deals the deal write what what's the latest on that all this morning Beijing hour.And I go by the pronunciation of minutes to respond to foreign trade, said that the Chinese government will definitely Complete the agricultural portion of.
  The deal. But he didn't say that if the other side of the deal with more industrial side if they can can meet the contract that they will re double.Effort to make good on them immediately after the crown of Iris and but this is a little bit of a signal, right? That that that is coming. And I think you.U watching them try to do this with lng import with other groups. So this but this makes sense about the agricultural purchase of mouth would listen, 我。Things are so suspicion or makes people so uncomfortable about the virus is that the sea cp China lost half of the hog and pig population.
  Essentially August September this year. It really hit them in the world is the shark they had this wine flu in fact, doctor 10.At the blue bird John hawk in school of public health. The table Top exercise. In the by the way, if you listen to panda made from the very first show we talk.What about this table Top exercise the computer exercise he did in October because of the wine flu before this court of I is even out there he did that showed 65 me.他们在这with you in the room, 2 million people with the people they want the.
  In the park. In China then they wanted to they were going to force the years that.Chinese from America.China book another a mess you remember you and me hear you want to Hong Kong people they make the rules of the law, nobody can we are the.You cant hide you cant hide behind the mask.
  Listen to ccp, we no worries. We know more people die no more come from kids. What the all the world media.And the government follow the city again you are you are everybody is must be big trouble you need a man.What happen now they want to save the world is the side to go the world. Just take your money before three years.No one know the letter is kill you kill your life, kill you family, 这是拿着I can as the one.
  500 all the global economy and know know what time it, all the rain.Class. More the more the country is the go up. So you don't believe any any of the statistics you are seeing coming out the sea CPU.中扮演李文。You don't believe anything that they're telling about about about the factory start to get back up about company is trying to get back up about all the efforts of doing you don't think.Is get inside. Everybody going to.
  Let me ask you about the purchase they really are going to need agricultural practices. They clearly have the capital because they can just that they can just create the money.They know by the contract to do impossible CC this year is no see cp, Free.This is why all the Chinese follow to the room, because you talk Chinese students of Chinese class cCBDcc.你know you and you know anything for impossible I'm very want to keep the do no way. U, because what.
  Driven by you. Do you think you think that what the markets are saying, what what reason is that the signal and maybe that we.May not be able to make will do the agriculture park now we can't do the industrial park but think I guess that.Well, well well well have never have never been a hero of wall street, but i'll take that i'll take that because we told the truth. Yes.We told people by the way, he had listened to pay for the beginning you would be surprised by the sofa.
  Keep your people, school and the hero.Now I want to doing now if you invest in China in China.Also American know. Stop now. Ccp is make the poison.If all the world you must be Chinese and give the world, they don't want the people China.
  They want to Hong Kong have no legal must all the world have much now they want to work every one no words you get what we've got only a couple of days left anything else.Mexico is got the corner virus. Any other up dates before we get to leave or going to try to do a special we try to get up and running on seven days a week probably tomorrow we going to do it at the world.And the sea will be her water will be blood in remember this is now 24/7 and go to outside war and m you'll get content update Information is there at the world, we get the best.In the world on this also hash tag warm up and mall one world we want your comments, observation is like I listened I saved.
  Jack got a haircut we clean the unfortunate sitting next to you no dress in my come back to take that got miles grow and nine $10000 worth of nice.Anything else that the world we should report before we go today, I think things we got to keep an eye on nigh GIA obviously has a case. I came from a lot that.Yes, it was an employee of one of the multi national oil companies there who flew in from Italy, Mexico has to court case is also they also.From Italy. Now there is going to be without the day on the side about the United States and then what you can do to prepare for this OK Steven k band and war room.
  Want to thank my is go for changing his activities in the day and actually coming back into the city was out of conference. He came back in the help us in all of our wall street college.Get the desk is I say in Washington day like today is a tough day at the office. A historic melt down in the world financial markets caused. Bye.Yes virus that is come out of China in the ccp still failed to give us a full of bank Information will continue as every day for.All of our view is all of our lessons about the world we wish you could be safe and take good care of yourself Stephen Kaye Ben and Jack max in our guest House mouth.
  We will see you tomorrow.