
2019年12月14日路德访谈直播 20191214_2


2019年12月14日路德访谈直播 20191214_2B2制造商、火星登陆计划公司科学家PANDA先生(博博士翻译):太多美顶级科学家是如何关注并且支持文贵先生的?怎么看CCP的蓝金黄和

  朋友大家好,我是郭先生,今天我们有幸请到了潘大先生,嗯,是一位著名的。饿航空航天方面的专家,他现在供职于顶级的一家防卫和。嗯,空间公司啊,现在我们来让他给大家打一个招呼,hello,MR。Panda,uh,I just introduce you to。Er to everybody here. So could you please say something about yourself? Hello good evening. Yes, I am a senior engineer.
  With the bachelor's and master degrees and mechanical engineering. I have 35 years experience working in the space industry and.I'm currently employed with one of the major of space companies, OK I will translate miss panda说他是在。哦,学士和硕士都是拿的是机械工程的学位,他在顶级的这个航空航天公司里面。供职多年,现在他是供职于全球前几名的排名全球前几名的一家大型的航天航空航天公司是一位真正的货真。
  驾驶的这个业内人士啊,I have a technical area of expert eases in space vehicle design.Thermal control and system engineering, 他的专业专项专业啊,包括啊。航天系统的设计,火箭的设计和系统工程的这个整合这些方面。Please continue OK I'm. As I mentioned, I currently employed with one of the.
  Air space companies in this in this feel. And I have been also killing interested in international politics.Today, what's going on with China? And both my technical area and and just in general, 然后他说。他是在这个现在这个公司也是认识了很长的时间,而且他在业余,他也是非常的。嗯,热衷于国际政治和地缘政治,然后呢,他以他的这个科技的这个基础和它的背景和他对地缘政治的认识。
  想必会给大家带来一些比较不同的方面的观点,好的,我们他他说完了吧应该。对。So MR lou will start with some questions OK OK, 首先,首先我们要不要问。你那个潘大先生介绍一下他是怎么认识MR panda。Could you please say something about how.Do you get to know our program and our moment and how do you think about it? My wife first got involved in keeping up with this.
  啊,for her own personal reasons. I became known I became aware of the work of MR guo wen wei and Steve back.And our best that will rule of the law. And that is my how I became aware of this and I'm strong support ING of those.Effort, OK潘先生说他首先是他的太太,嗯,对,对于这个爆料革命很久以前就开始关注和感谢。然后呢,他也慢慢的接触了爆料革命的一些内容,然后他对于郭文贵先生和阿班农先生和卡尔巴斯先生他们对。
  大革命所做的一些贡献和法治基金所做的一些工作,他非常的认可和认同,所以他也是非常支持暴力革命的OK please continue.嗯对,can we start with questions?暴力革命的这些视频文贵先生的视频啊MR panda there is the question is if if.
  嗯,you know if we don't know Chinese, very well, how how could you understand about the details of what to MR going with?Oh, my my wife is a manager and she translate for me, 他的太太真的是功臣啊,就是说。There are some title or translation and I keep up with that as well, 他的太太呢,也是给他展示了一些,帮他。
  搜索了一些有着那个英文的字母和这个英文的配音的一些视频资料,所以他也是非常的非常的感兴趣。你问下他就是听完这些,我们现在爆料革命的这些视频以后,他一个整体的感受是什么啊?O MR lu to want to know how do you think about this moment is the real or fake or it's just buffet.You know it's just try to take a real problems and things like that. No, I think it's absolutely this is real. MR when we is not only.
  Passion at, but he has the financial resources to actually get this done and I know that the threat that he pose to the Chinese communist.Is real. And I think this is the golden opportunity, 先生说这个他是觉得这样的,中国的这个威胁是非常真实。还有郭文贵先生他能够掌握的资料和他给大家展示的这些资料也是非常非常真实的,而且郭文贵先生他自己也有相应的。经济核心就是财产和这个案子的这个人卖去来来推动这件事情,所以他觉得他这件事。
  对于像美国的主流社会啊,就是展示这个这个共产主义的这个邪恶是非常非常重要的,也是非常。很关键的一件事情。I believe MR when we is the Patrick Henry of the Chinese people, 他觉得。郭文贵先生是中国人民的Patrick Henry是在美国历史上的一个著名人物,是吧?好的,那首先我们首先通过问一些他现在这个b2号就是他现在进行的这个火箭。
  就是登月的火星登月的这个计划来对比一下啊,对比一下这个中共这方面的航天技术,到底有。我多帅有多假啊,嗯MR panda yes. Your background is in a.Air space, I mean a space vehicle design, right? 你do you have a familiar with the Chinese are a lot more long March TV.Soft Rock it. Yes, I am. How do you think you have the familiar with the long March platform? Yes.
  嗯,他是觉得,嗯他说他不是就是说直接的这个参与者,但是他以他的这个个人的这个工作经验来说,她对于长征系列火箭中国。火箭系统有着非常清楚的认识,嗯,罗先生,你有什么问题的认识要说这些。就刚才说的具体的细节,MR panda, how do you compare the the.Take the technology level of the long March series and what we are what we have here like as ls and things like that all so sex.
  I think the Free the family of space craft in the long March line is compared. But the.The reliable at is is not nearly o what I think we have in the west. And it's example they have.Make your failure on the long March five last July July second the past to lie. And the big is to return to flight on that there is a light I think that schedule.Before the end of year, 他说嗯,拍的先生说他是中国和美国的这个航天发射的这个系统。
  我们感兴趣的一些一些点啊。And miss panda. Yes I'm here.You are you involved in the r, the lunar project all the month project. Yes, I have been involved with the United States.Smartisan project yes. OK is on a, 潘先生说他对于在美队二拉萨的这个。探月计划和拉萨的这个火星计划,他都是有一定的参与的,所以我们来问他一些,就是关于这个上面大家比较感兴趣的一些。
  这个问题你来问满月,你是这方面的MR panda yes. I just saw that the another day. Uh just a made public the SOS on the atomistic a couple days ago, right? Uh, what do you think of that?Would that be the next generation of the big things or哦world the man.The program is worth it is the us ls and the the falcon heavy the space x offering. And I think between those two.
  That would be the background of the back bone of the man the future and effort for the United States现在美国的。重型运载火箭正在进行测试的只有SOS是拉萨的系统还是重型猎鹰,是那个sys系统。将是美国以后的载人飞行的主要的载具,继续你继续问。So is there any on.Compare to watch AA Chinese systems are using for their lunar r project. What's the advantage of.
  As the end of fucking heavy. I think there is more of a marriage of success. As I said.Book caper bility is comfortable, but the Chinese have yet to prove in flight dem nation that don't have available.System, 因为厄在美国的历史上像啊,重型猎鹰和SOS像这样的这些设计都是有船。形成的都是有成功的这个传承的经验的,但是呢,像在这样的基础上面的话,它的成功率和它的可靠性就会高很多,但是呢,呃中国的。
  长征系列,虽然它的设计的数据也很不错,但是我们没有在实际的飞行和实际的这个使用中间,能够看到他们的反应比较高的。呃,可靠性。So the development of the long March nine scheduled for the next couple of years is completely dependent on the return to flight.Go on March five for the five band that is problem at ique, 像嗯中国的对应的重载运载火箭长征9号。他的这个成功的是否能够成功发射,主要是要应对于将今年的长征五号是否能够。
  从新的开始进入这个发射任务,这个是对长征9号的开发是非常非常关键的一点,所以我们得要拭目以待。So cute OK我要问一下MR panda为什么这个把登月之时。或者是嗯登月和火星计划的事,这么难的一件事情好不好给大家做个科普MR.I just asking I'm just asking a general question for our audience ear like y.
  Y, the lunar project is so difficult. Y the lunar the difficult for in general adjust.Why is such a big deal? Why so so so difficult but we are still doing it. O啊,there are huge advantages.For developing lunar resources and eventually have in a base. Mainly you get out of the grav ity well of the earth makes it much easier to go to.Mars go to any place else if you have a present on the moon, 因为在月球上面如果我们有种在火箭,我们可以在月球上进行探测。
  而且同时呢,能够建立一个月球上的一个基地,然后因为我们离开了这个地球的这个引力的影响,在月球上建立一个基地,然后从月球。出发去火星将会是一个非常方便的一个一个过程,比直接离开地球的引力要容易很多,嗯。Now where we are now on this process, 我说我们现在大概是在什么样的一个节点呢?Miss panda.Where we are now in this who are go to the moon and jump to the Mars process. We are.
  Obviously we have efforts in parallel for both. But I certainly see their needs to be a firm decision.To do one or the other, at least from the United States perspective. And I'm hearing the.There is more emphasis going to be on the moon, which I think is the wise choice. Wear this kind of waiting for the election cycle.嗯,and then have a commitment going for the next the next four years for what what is going to be author ised and asked to do.
  这个,嗯这个be to啊b2这个战略轰炸机,刚才老江问了他说,是不是采用了外星球外科。外星科技的技术。Here is the hear the funny question for you, I think. One of our correspondent want.Ask to ask this question. Did the us government borrow the technology from extra strong to build the be to be back in the days?啊,know I would have an interest in such things, believe it or not and I would have found out if that were true but I.
  My opinion is now we it was human brains that came up with that, 他说我看到先生说我个人。对于这个外星技术也是非常非常的感兴趣的,如果是在这个里面掺入了外星技术的话,我一定会非常非常的感到非常非常的。有兴趣的,但是呢,因为我从这个我参与的这个部分来看,以及我了解的情况看,不是得像b to b二战略轰炸机向这样的一种现象。外星科技的产品其实全部是人类大脑的杰作,是我们的工程师造出来的,掉几个飞机,好的,继续。
  技术方面,您比较专业,嗯。So I also heard that the be to.Is going out of service. Is that right? 我刚才就是问你by the beach,only one。Wow.嗯,我刚才问的问题是说,我听说这个b二战略轰炸机这么先进的飞机,居然就已经退出现役了,然后。潘大先生说事的,他他确认了这样的一个消息,b二战略轰炸机即将退出现役,取代取代它的时候将会是下跌的的隐形战略轰炸机。
  B21,现在正在正在严谨的严密的开发中间啊,现在下面我要问潘先生的一个问题,就是说为什么这样一款先进的战机要被。你退一点,然后再换另外这样一款战机呢,miss panda. I want to ask you this question is because b 2 is such as.Advanced. So why do we have to replace it?The great version of the be to I do not know. Nor could I say if you know how many will be.
  Commission or will they were taken in service. I would imagine the speaking as the private citizen that they would Yuki keep some.Those on service like what they do with the bone, the letters as they kept in service in the be to was a replace ment for the b 1 really OK.嗯,他说嗯,因为这就像我们平常用的东西一样,车子啊什么这样总是要更新换代的,然后他说因为。较老旧的战机虽然b to b二非常非常的先进,但已经使用了很多很多年了,所以说它它产生存在更新换代也是不可避免的,他说。
  就像我们的b一战略轰炸机一样,我们也要慢慢的把它给退出现役,可能真的会留一些下来,然后还要再使用一段时间,但是它的。方向是慢慢退出现役的,然后用比较新的,比较更高科技的这个新型的的那个战略轰炸机来取代他们的位置。嗯那I want to throw in, I don't want to describe the original question if your yours are aware of.Organization owners to the stars academy. I support their work to. I don't want to describe it any any one question.
  嗯呀,他说他也是非常支持有一个项目叫to the stars to the stars academy,但是它对于这样的这样的一个项目也是。非常非常的这个支持的,嗯,那我先生那我来问他一下这个BT的这个战略轰炸机和就是中国的。现在正在开发的这个隐形轰炸机的这个区别好不好?先看他知不知道OK MR panda.啊哎哟。I would like to ask this question is there is there in the room and say there is a a.
   Of bomber you know from China, the Chinese air force is a building, um still number two called H 20. So do you.Do you know anything about it of how it compare to the between the one. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about that. I would it would not surprise me that they are um they are have whether stealth fighter, you know through development and espionage that.That's what's gotten the man or on that. So to have a bomb on work would not surprise me. But I don't know anything specifically about that. 他说。
  在想办法南京黄南京黄河三f,你要把南京玩CF给他解释一下,就是说白了就是买通啊,就是。竟渗透到美国美国各个层面,包括像他们这种武器制造类公司,还包括科学家甚至学校去还。我正课,嗯,你问他关于这个问题,他是否知道他饿了,他应该是否了解啊?嗯好miss panda. MR lu to want to ask you this question is you know as MR guo wen hui.
  Closer you know Chinese government and the sea cp is trying to in future in to the big companies the big organization research.But it is even the university of the united states that they use the library. There is a kind of different connection that use money to to our money.Xa kind of different ways to ensure the tree tower of organization. Do you think this is a real red or do you think? Just in general of how do you.About this, know it absolutely is a threat. And I can speak from authority of experience and knowledge that.
  Executive is in the space industry and in the military in general wear what is being at empty. We have been compromise to not so OK.只要有translate, 潘先生说他觉得他觉得有,嗯,官位。先生提出的这些啊,南京好多这样的一些威胁,这样的一些渗透是非常现实的威胁,对于美国的。军事和美国的知识,产知识产权的人是非常现实的威胁,而且他还说他和他的啊,就是上级他可以。
  负责任的向大家说,嗯,美国的啊,军工行业和美国的政府和军方,都对于。向这个现实的威胁已经有了清醒的认识,也有了相应的反制的措施,嗯miss panda yes.嗯so就说文贵先生没有报到之前他们有没有意识。还说只能为先生爆料完以后才意识到的啊,嗯,嗯MR Darcy, did the government and.
  The executive is know about such kind of interest rate very well before MR guo wen hui r, just close them all we.You know just how important it is MR guo Grace of dis closure is in in this kind of realization. I think.It was very important because MR wen Greece, dis closure has magnet ride the knowledge to the executive of the degree.Of the threat. And there's been response, 他说,嗯,郭文贵先生对于这个啊的揭露。
  阴黄啊,这些渗透的这个揭露是非常非常重要的一件事情,very important他用的词是是非常重要的这件事情,在这个以前可能政府有一些。这一时但是并没有特别的这个关注或者怎么样,但是从文贵先生爆料开始以后这方面的关注度和这方面。这个信息量的这个提供比以前大了很多,而且有很多确凿的证据,好的,还有第2个。就说嗯,是不是就是他一个人在这里关键因为他是跟他太太的原因,还说他们整个这个科学家。
  这个圈子都在关注这个爆料啊,就这个question is panda because you are pay attention.To this moment because of your wife do you know are there other people like you who don't have a a connection?To this moment on paying attention to was going on. Now I have to close friends who have been keeping up with this in fact, even longer than.I have so colleagues and friends, it is widely known MR wang hui,that's very impressive他说。
  其实他的有两个很好的朋友,也一直在关注报道革命,他们都是不懂中文的那种朋友,也在关注过了革命,而且他据他所知。在他的同事和朋友里面,关注文贵先生的这个爆料的人非常非常的多,你再问他这些人是不是都是。像她一样都属于这个顶级的这种科学家是不是so miss panda,so all these people who pay attention。To all MR wang is dis closure. Are these people are in the position to make a difference? Yes, they are and they are.
  For everything from security being increased in all areas computer facilities and hiring practices.他说,嗯,这个对于这个爆料的这个了解,其实是对他们的整个的这个啊,啊。系统都是有这个啊提升的,这样的一个效果,他说从他们现在对于知识产权的保护和他们的对他们的it和网络。这种保护甚至他们的招人招人的这样的一个过程,都是被文贵的爆料革命所影响而而变的。
  更加安全,这么重要,那你就是他跟班文贵先生跟班农之间的这种直播。对他们来说有有什么样的影响力啊?他们怎么看我,how. How do you think about mister wen wei and mister? Um, suspense are interaction, uh how this were these two from different.Ground are working together on certain things do how do you think about it? I think it was a Grace of god that they met.
  Sarah Dennis Lee and they are complimentary in ways that many don't even. Understand you believe OK i'll go first.潘达说他对于文贵先生能和半农先生相遇,感觉是上帝赐予的福音。这件事情是他说他们两个人背景不同,但是能够互相的补助,互相补益,能互相能够交流他们的信息能够。让这件让这个阿波罗革命这件事情,能够得到如此巨大的推动和如此巨大的这个接受,是一件非常非常。
  就是他他说的是上帝带来的19较高的,this kind of miss panda. Well, it's it's obvious to me that there is regular community and and this is I'm speaking as a private and I don't have authority of knowledge on the.But it's just obvious. The there is a conversation communication between those two individuals and the state of.Apartment and and the White House I mean I could just tell从从他的这个观察来看。
  是啊,文贵和半农先生的这个交流,他们的交流甚至能够影响,像外交部能够影响到白宫。他甚至以一个个人,因为他对这方面没有就是说像刚才那样的这个settlement这样的这种,这个直接经验吧,他说我他说一个啊。公民的这个观察来说,他们的互动甚至影响了像啊,川普总统向彭漂国务卿对于。很多事情的看法和认识必须,just like playing poker hand and we know what the opponent has in their hand.
  嗯,他他就说就像好像就像在打这个德州扑克一样,我们其实知道对手以及手里有什么牌,这样就变得像这个扑克游戏变得。非常的啊,就是清楚清楚,就是还有一点就说,他对于向中共啊,现在包括利用化。他就是报抹黑文贵先生,说什么双料间谍啊,有什么强奸罪啊,那什么是马蓉起诉强奸这些抹黑文贵先生之间的,他怎么看的啊?嗯MR panda, you know you know fake news is infinite by China already know you know back in the days when MR.
  Guo is the dis close in this Information and what's the journal of him like a river or lake of future?All like a guy like double style or something like that. What do you think about that they are the fact news and the.City people working together, what you think about that. Actually it turned out to be quiet advantage. Let the following br clock. And I'm glad.The way we has been able to fly into the radar, nobody takes them seriously in the media and that's an advantage, 他是觉得在在开始的。
  那时候没有人能够就是注意到郭文贵先生的这个,嗯,这个影响力,其实当在当时是件很好的事情,然后现在的话。这件事全部爆出来了,以后会对于这些媒体的公信力和他们跟这个被这个蓝金黄的这个程度有一个非常清醒的认识。使公众对于他们有一个非常清醒的认识,好的,关于法治基金他怎么看这个法治基金?现在的成立。嗯,MR panda, what do you think about the the legal legal.
   Found, I'm sorry, repeat the role of law role of law foundation. Ok.I would think about the rule of law foundation. I think it's something more the of everyone support I know I do, 他说这事。嗯,很多很多人都非常支持的,他说最后他也说他是100%支持这个若房贷是的工作的,好我再问。就说2017年文贵先生当时爆料的时候,提到的这个三年啊咩工啊,嗯,现在你问他相不相信。
  共产党在2020年能够被结束,back in the days in 2017.Said that we can get rid of the sea cp in three years and nobody believed him then but now do you believe.I can get rid of us the city in 20. I give it like a chance.I think there is a significant chance because of the way the Chinese government of structure the week leica mafia. Easy to check out.
  他觉得在2020年之内,嗯嗯,就是把cct从这个政坛上拉掉是。可以做到的事情,他对这个事感到是一件非常有希望的一件事情,他说cp的这个工作方式就像一个黑帮相一个嘛,那个黑帮一样。因为它从这个黑帮的这个运作结果来看的话,它的这个结构是是很容易就崩塌的,他说这个是非常非常有概率很大概率事件。世界嗯,be much more visible than the fall of the soviet union, 他说这件事情比当比当年这个就是。
  苏联苏联垮台,可能这个这个这个啊可靠性还要高这样的预测,each other. Yeah, it's quite it's quite something, isn't it, 嗯那么这些人还有什么还有什么其他问题,这个。还有啊就是嗯,中共的,像这种盗国贼家族在美在海外在美国的这种资产。嗯,你问他有没有想到想象到现在有这么多钱,几万亿美金啊,在藏匿在海外,他怎么看这个一个这样的证?
  一个这样的政府啊,老百姓的钱全部偷走,放到美国和华尔街联合来到走,不仅仅是。把中国14亿老百姓还把美国的中产阶级的钱全部盗走,他怎么看这个事情?Miss panda, you know.When you are paying attention to the MR guo discussion, you probably already learned that you know the the the the thief, the 5th in ccp.You know just wrote the Chinese people they wrote the American people to and they hide. They hide the training of dollars with the wall street and.
  You know in the in the bank system and everything, what do you think about that? I think that is both a huge threat.But also a very valuable way to fight them without military conflict, 他说嗯,这是一个非常。很大的一个威胁,他们有这样的这样的一些这种重大的这个基金的资金能力是一个很大的一个威胁,但是呢,同时呢,他也就觉得这就是。非军事手段来跟他们进行斗争的一个非常好的一个机会,嗯,president trump is using all of them.
  Information in the trade negotiations, 而且正在在那个贸易谈判里面哦。利用嗯,暴力革命提供的这样的一些信息,去和中共的政府进行进行战斗。所以这也是非常有价值的一件事情。I believe president trump is a master of the sweet mouth, 就是说他说。这个冲突川普总统他是在这个花言巧语方面是非常非常的专家级的人物,就是讲好话这件事。
  非常需要专家级的人物and so always look under the under the surface of what what is sweet.Then the press release is are that he is trying to play several things at once, 所以说我们要对于川普。崔丫和她的迹象有很多的一些言论啊,要有一个清醒的认识,就是说要多看一步,他经常是在他的这个言论和他的。的推特的发的东西里面留有后手,就是说他的讲的东西可能只是讲出来让你感觉到舒服,但是其实他的意思是有更深的意思在里面。
  Trying to balance many things, the trade with China the med situation North Korea and his real action yesterday balance all of these, 而且。川普总统他现在有很多的事情要做,他要对付中共,他要对付中东,它要对付北韩,他要对付很多很多的这个世界上。就像一些恶势力,而且同时他要去,嗯,就是为他的这个竞选连任做很多的工作,所以说他是在做在同时在做很多。徐涛在再像那个球一样的那种,要同时要做很多的事情,好的啊。
  这个技术方面的,我在文港就说现在这个中程导弹啊,我据我了解是他们公司正在做的,这个中程导弹这个事情的话。嗯,美国额,会不会面临中共的中程导弹的这个威胁啊?OK change of topic now lets go a little bit of a technical. We all know that the IC bm.哦,mIbmmIbm on the back of the man you now yeah and we are we we just the way just had the test.
   So what do you think about a Chinese um icbm and mrbm? Is that a real threat?All they just laugh ING. It's a real but again, the numbers of strategic weapons or limited compared to say Russia.嗯,因为他说这是中共的对的,对于美国的这个导弹的威胁,在技术上的确是,的确是有这样的威胁,但是他。从他们的数量上和质量上来说都不及俄国1376, certainly r, as far as South China sea and Taiwan.
  Because is more technical concerns, 对于台湾和南中国海。可能更有一些,这对对美国来说,可能是更有一些这个战术上的一些一些考量,有一些值得考虑的这样一些。这地方please continue。And u even the Hong Kong situation which strikes at the heart of all picture.We would have loved to have done more but a lot of this all place to gather and甚至像香港问题。
  那在美国的支持香港的运动的,哦这些啊,公民都是非常想为香港的朋友做更多的事情。但是因为像有一些这样的一些实际的威胁和战争的这样的威胁,我们有很多事情没有办法做,嗯,嗯I miss you.More questions about是什么意思?战争危险。So could you please give a small teacher.How about water kind of breath that the city is important in Hong Kong? Well, on the the girl.
  Right, in downtown your limit, what could be done as far as the rescue in students from the university. I mean there there.Don't have dreams of which we could have been more force ful to save lives. Um他说。为,嗯,在中共在香港本身就有驻军,而且确实有很多黑警在里面,嗯,有那个兵营在香港,我们作为嗯。支持香港的美国公民来说,都想为香港做更多的事情,但是因为事态的原因和这些实际的威胁,我们现在。
  是没有,我们只能眼睁睁的看着,但是没有办法做更多的事情,除了在一些道义上和经济上进行支持以外,我们现在还没有办法做更多的事情,我们都想去上去。把那些药给干了,差不多是这个意思,你南海的这个。军事的方面的集结,中共在南海的军事集结也是一个很很重要的一个一个考量,也是一个大家美国的这个军方比较忧虑。有一个东西Taiwan, 而且他们的这个武器还能够对台湾和关岛产生一定的威胁。
  好的你,你问他就是,如果中共现在的这个中共啊,这个政权,跟以前的这个。纳粹比你觉得哪个更邪恶?问问他啊,OK啊,about the the cCPU know.Consider what the city has has done to their people compare that to the the nazi Germany. Who do you think is worth?I think the Evil is the same, but the degree, I think we have to give that a word to the sea cp just on the numbers alone.
  因为他说这个邪恶都是一样,都是邪恶都是一样的,但是以他的这个扼杀就是消灭。人口和沙做的这个坏事和消灭的这个人口来说,我们要把这个第1名给给cp,给中共。那个王健海航的王健啊,支持啊,嗯,你觉得你问他是否相信王健,就是自己吃多了没事干。就是拍照似的,他是否相信中国官方给出的这个死法,MR panda have you?
  Have you pay attention to the MR wang jian death in the recent several days? Do you think that an accident from.What my wife is should be no, it is obvious to me that that was that was a hit, 从他他说。嗯,不是他说我刚才问他就是说,嗯,你是否相信这个王健先生的死是一个意外,他说从我的太太给我看的东西。结合我了解的情况来看,我觉得那更像是一个暗杀,一个hit,与爱莎,这两天文贵先生展现。
  王健的这个照片这两天直播,他有没有听啊?你问他,他说他有情。就是,怎么看中共啊现在可以到外国到法国啊,进行这种杀人。最后法国的政府还配合他做了各种这种法律的文档啊,就是法医啊建他怎么看这个事情?未来如果。事情到美国来,他怎么看啊?嗯,is panda you know, it talking about the heat of a MR wang.
  Jane and he was you know the accident happened in in France. And you know and the French people some French people help to cover it.You know from that the evidence we collect, so do you think you know it will happen in the USA or what shall we do to prevent.Ut to prevent from happening. I think it's been proved in ccp influence in Europe and the world Australia.不要,we cannot discount that right of something like this happening on American soil we need to guard against it.
  他说因为现在像这样很多事情发生在澳洲啊啊,欧洲啊,一些其他的国家,但是呢。还有现在还没有发生在美国,所以我们要对于这样的事情发生在美国要保持警惕,就是现在有。很多啊,你像美国人啊,也有美国企业现在还在跟中共合作,甚至还到中共去投资,甚至有些科学家可能还。帮他们做事,他怎么看这些这些美国人美国。And me and I think you are the one. You are.
  On the way that already awake OK but now there is still lots of u know us companies in the city in China the us r.Scientists work for a Chinese companies and they are helping China building and the things and the building there infra structure. What do you think about that?I think there needs to be a break in the us media to exposed this more.他说哦,我觉得美国的媒体应该应该负起责任,更多的宣传这样的信息。Please, go ahead. That's what is.
  Live in the fake news is elements that are also support of the Marks CC p element around the world, 他说。在美国的这个假新闻fake news的这样的一个系统,也是跟这个cp和这个共共产主义的这些。人是沆瀣一气搞在一起的,所以他们事事都是在就是合谋的现在。So if we can get truth ful s back into the journal of.That will have benefits in this area as well, 如果我们能够把真正的公平性还给新闻界的话,这将会。
  是对于这个啊,现在这个情况的一个最大的一个改善,公平性。是这个对于中国啊,就现在中国人在海外大外宣啊,你问他。而且不周末投了很多钱,包括现在很多媒体都是被中共控制的,啊,quick question is, do you know that the Chinese.
  10 research systems like your shoes institute and he said that what do you think about that? Oh, yes, I have been where of that.For some time in filtration from k through university for communist society ology.嗯,economic influence, political influence in the United States and it's been had an impact on we're fighting it.他说嗯,我想看,他说就是从中国的这个共产共产政府共产党政府对于西方的。
  不是这个饿,读财政体制,你问他怎么看这个布隆伯格的这种评论,哦。The question or next question about Michael bloom burg. He is not just the declared to be.Be in the of person did his presidential campaign and he a recently mention that the Chinese government is not terrible.Me and she himself is not so what do you think about that? Well, he is definitely on a practice to George Gero.
  And that influence on that is becoming more widely known in the United States. O布隆伯格。而且正在对他的这个总统竞选产生很不利的影响,嗯,yes。Yeah, I think.George sorrow is to Michael bloom burg. In the star wars, reference emperor of property is debate, they are master in the front.
  In the dark side of the他说以这个新站的这个一个比例来比喻来说Michael bloom burg就是。那个安娜,然后那个就是那个一一掌叫什么,就是那个最大的那个,就是把那个安庆带到黑暗势力。你觉得那样那个那个那个一脚泡泡,所以说他以这样的这样的一个比喻来形容他们两个的关系,这都是有turn to the dark side.就是往黑暗势力方面去,he is a very miracle man,一个。
  和那个索罗斯都是邪恶而且恶毒才的人。Unfortunately many of the democratic candidates in my opinion.Or similar, 他说以他的这个观点来看很多的这个民主党的这个。候选人他都有这样类似的,这样的一个经验和背景都是在背地里是邪恶而且独裁的人。饿,他作为一个外国人,他怎么看待阿文贵先生?比如说在游艇上,然后,然后直播吃饭啊,就是吃的。
  大餐啊,然后还有被中共说成说是炫富,他怎么看这个行为啊,这个直播的这种行为。This is the next question is more a cultural OK you know you saw a MR guo wen gui does his.等你老of meals on his like a million dollar and things like that.And Chinese government want to catch him as like a millionaire that's just you know the something like that.
  So what do you think about it? You know what do you think about having lots of fortune? I think, I think that's a great estimate.To the product in me and the city of individuals to make that much money. Now that is that the virtue that it's not of ice.I miss you. We and I could be friends, 他说有有那样的能力和经验,才能和财富。但能够挣到这么多钱,是一个嗯,子是一个资质,是一个优秀的品质,而不是一个要被拿来作为一个散。
  没有教材的东西,他说他非常觉得郭文贵先生坐像在游艇上面啊,想吃高级的大餐啊,这样的事情的话。非常正常的一件事情,他说他以他对余文贵先生了解的话,他和魏先生可以成为很好的朋友,就是对他的人格是有认可的,嗯。Which means that I was explain that you recognize the MR guo hui ASAP as a person that you.Can take friend you can make friends with right I would I 1 of my bucket list things I would love to meet him. I think he and I would be great friends.
  他说他有在在他的这个想做的事情里面有一样就是能够跟郭文贵见见面,他觉得他们两个人是能够成为很好的朋友的。嗯,and the answer to all of those questions is in a book by an author name I ran and the books title is at the struggle.嗯,哦OK.嗯他说,also can you say the book name again? The name of the book is a ran written in 1957.
  他说有一本书,因为这个东西我不是很了解的,他说他有一本书叫做嗯,嗯,什么?那你是迈克尔写的,在1957年他说他他对于这本书有着很很很好的这个认识。这个我真的不了解,因为他读书啊,我并不是在这边长大的,所以对这个书并不是很了解,and the story for。All the fence of capit alism and success, 然后他说这本书就详细的解释了这个啊,资本主义。
  对于这个价值观的这样的一些理解,就是说怎么样理解财富和价值给人带来的这样的一些而改变。好的,你可以多问问几个问题啊,我这好像一时半会想不出来,你先问啊OK OK嗯。嗯,我们大家准备okay好,我来呀,你们两个好吗OK talking talking about.Out. Just the purchas ING system u know because the us is like a girl.
  As I am the first year and second year, this kind of in a building system u know to build a project, right? But in China is like the cct says, you know.U do this, you do that. So what do you think about this 22 different systems, which one will prepare? OK let me oh, sorry, let me translate.My question first,我刚才问他的问题,就是说美国的这个啊,是资本主义这种分包制度,对于这个像大型的这个项目。而中国的这个制度呢,是由上面这种从上到下这种指定的,像这样的一个制度。
  制度之间你觉得有什么差别以及哪样会更好?Go ahead, I think the big weakness of any authority.System like what is in China is the price and creative at that is lost, and production that is lost, 他说。向向中国呢,那样的就是那种独裁的,就是这种由上面往下发命令的,像这样的一个啊。这个系统最大的问题就是说第一花费会很高,第二很多的才能很多的,这个这个好的点子。
  就被丧失掉了,please go ahead of Free market capital ists society will always produce more and be happier in every aspect. Authoritarian regime that's been proven over the course of history now像呃西方这样的,这个自由世界的这种资本主义的这种方。是大家呢,都会用自己的这个新的这个点子去赚更多的钱,所以大家也都会更加的happy一点,相对于这个。哦,社会主义国家的这种由上而下的这样的这种,嗯,就是单线管理的这种方式能够。
  使这个开发和生产能够得到更大的这个积极性,这点已经是一遍一遍的已经证实过的事情。这你要不要再问最后一个问题我们结束,饿,最后一个问题啊。你留给你吧,好吗?嗯,好,那我就要问一个那个比较那个嗯,有趣的问题了啊。OK so quick question for you MR panda are our last question because I personally personally interested I am not sure you know about it or not.
  And I'm not sure it is as if you can choose not to not to to answer OK, so about the beat wen ti one. Do you?Do you know when we will see it take the first sight or how much more powerful compared to be to. Fortunately I.I'm not able to answer that. I think the first test flight which is in the public to mean that couple of years out I think.嗯,but yeah, I don't want to know I really have not at liberty to answer that question OK all right, no problem.
  OK, so I missed a loser want me to show our greatest appreciate appreciate to you and your wife and your.Friends who support our moment and I'm really, grateful that you take your time to talk with us and to choose to show your support.Shake you here. I am happy to a grateful to be invited and I will definitely be available for the questions if you want to have you on again.OK他说嗯,我也是非常感谢大家能有这个机会能和大家交流,然后他说嗯我也会一直关注爆料革命,而且。
  如果我以后有什么关于这个方面的一些问题或技术的问题或怎么样的话,他也是我非常乐意的,乐意的来帮我们来。帮我们的节目China, 而且他说我会为一个自由的中国。一起为一个自由,中国祈祷thank you, 谢谢潘总。Lose our interview today. 谢谢潘先生,谢谢博士。