
郭文贵2019年5月5日与班农先生对谈 20190505


郭文贵2019年5月5日与班农先生对谈 20190505 文贵与班农先生就有关中美贸易协议停止!

主播人物:郭文贵 班农 
涉及人物:路德 王岐山 班农 习近平 川普 刘鹤 贯君 刘呈杰 普京 达赖 ling 
公司组织:海航 中国银行 海航 高盛 LV MIT CIA WHO GE SEC 
国家地区:美国 香港 台湾 新加坡 伦敦 洛杉矶 北京 纽约 华盛顿 上海 非洲 东京 印度 京都 中东 亚洲 青岛 马六甲海峡 白宫 
名词解释:一带一路 蓝金黄 共产党 盗国贼 一切都是刚刚开始 超限战 CCP 防火墙 
Mr. Kwok: We are in the broadcast. We are in the broadcast. Here! 
Mr. Bannon: Are you on broadcast? 
Mr. Kwok: Yes. This box (of cigar), I (have) never smoked. Today we need to bonus (reward) you. 
Mr. Bannon: Can't do it yet. I don’t wanna seem we are over-celebrating.  
Mr. Kwok: This really needs to celebrate. Thank you, Sir! I represent… 
Mr. Bannon: No, this will go all over China and we can't look like we are too celebrating. Plus in New York City we're breaking the law. If we do this, trust me, this will blow back into the White House. You are gonna be very careful. Are we online right now? 
班农先生:我们的这个视频将在中国广泛传播,我们不要显得过于兴奋了。而且纽约市室内吸烟是违法的。这个视频白宫相关人员也会看到,我们要注意一些。 我们在直播吗? 
Mr. Kwok: Yes! 
Mr. Bannon: We are? 
Mr. Kwok: Yes. 
Mr. Bannon: And you already started?  
Mr. Kwok: Yes. We are in the broadcast. You (take a) look. 
Mr. Bannon: We are broadcasting. 
Mr. Kwok: Yes. Say hi! 
Mr. Bannon: Hey! We are gonna be very low-key. A very big day though! 
班农先生: 大家好!我们要保持低调,但是今天确实是非常重要的一天。 
Mr. Kwok: Will this send to the White House? (referring to his cigar and match). What happens? 
Mr. Bannon: Your broadcast is seen all over. 
Mr. Kwok: Is it illegal to smoke (inside a building)? 
Mr. Bannon: It is illegal in New York. 
Mr. Kwok: Illegal?  
Mr. Bannon: In these buildings, yes. 
Mr. Kwok: Legal or not? 
Mr. Bannon: Not legal.  
Mr. Kwok: This is a private building. Hahaha. We just touch, don’t smoke. 
Mr. Bannon: Just touch. A very big day. 
Mr. Kwok: A very big day, Sir! Look at this, all the friends, our fighter, partners, brothers. They (are) all watching you and they want to say something to you. All the people really appreciate you, really appreciate President Trump. (They are) saying this is a great day, a miracle day. It's the big (victory). 
Mr. Bannon: Listen. I think for the audience; you should know if you look at President Trump's tweets today. The most important thing he said is CCP, Wang Qishan tried to renegotiate the deal, tried to retreat. I don't need to tell anybody in the audience because they've had, you know all the laws, all the rules and everything is always up for renegotiation. They’re renegotiating everything. I mean the reason that they can come in and take people's assets, the reason is that there's no rule of law. 
Mr. Kwok: Yes! 
Mr. Bannon: I think if you read the president's tweets, the most important line is that the CCP came back and tried to renegotiate this. And that's why the president said hey this Friday the tariffs are going to go up. And I think it gets to the point that I believe he felt he had a deal or at least an outline of a deal. He said they 
renegotiated on it and I can tell you one thing to upset Trump, knowing him, would be renegotiation. 班农先生:总统推文中最重要的一点是中共回来试图重新谈判。这就是为什么总统表示这周五关税会上涨。我认为之前川普总统可能觉得中美贸易协议或者至少大的基本框架已经取得很大进展。但川普总统的推文说中共要就此进行重新谈判,这正是让川普总统愤怒的原因。川普总统最讨厌的就是重新谈判。 
Mr. Kwok: I agree. So, this is why a few months ago, I said the trade negotiation must end in a ridiculous way. No answer. Even you and the Americans never think Wang Qishan is behind everything. They are just waste your time. Take the advantage. They want to win you (by using) the very low solution. 
Mr. Bannon: I think the view here in the United States and (it is) maybe wrong. But I think the view has been Liu He has been part of what it's called a Reformers Group and is looking to actually reform the Chinese economy, particularly the state-owned industries, which are so inefficient, that don't pay the good wages to the Chinese worker and you know have so much overcapacity. (It) is so inefficient and that's where the CCP also skims money for themselves. And that Liu He being the lead negotiator, that maybe the deal would reflect things that were done. But clearly in the President's tweet to say “I'm being renegotiated”, which basically means retreat. You know this. You are the deal guy. 
班农先生:我觉得在美国大家的普遍观点是中国国家改革专项小组的 使命就是对中国经济特别是效率低下且产能过剩,又不能向工人支付合理工资的国有企业进行改革。而这些国有企业正是盗国贼为自己掠夺钱财的地方。刘鹤作为这个改革小组的成员和中美贸易谈判的首席代表在即将达成的协议中应当能够体现中国在改革方面做付出的努力。但是总统的推文却提到中共想要重新进行谈判,这绝对是一种倒退。文贵你是这方面的专家,你应该很清楚的。 
Mr. Kwok: No, no. I really think you are correct. You know a few months ago. I was with you in DC, you talked about that you really worried about Wang Qishan controls the games (behind the scene), playing America, playing President Trump, playing all the Western world. They don’t really want to make the deal. They just waste time. They just take advantage. Now we have the result. You are 100% correct.  
Mr. Bannon: I've been a big advocate, as the audience knows, that if the Chinese people have freedom of speech, if they have freedom of religion if they have the rule 
of law, look at Hong Kong, look at Taiwan and look at the Chinese (who) have prospered in the United States. If you give them a system, where the rules are laid out based upon the Western system, they thrive and prosper, right? What you have to have is the rules. And I thought from day one that that's why I'm kind of a super hawk in this, and (I think) that anything you do in this deal that perpetuates the role that the CCP is bad. It affects them quicker that we should have no deal, and I think that's who knows you may get it worked out. But I'm gonna tell you I have never seen President Trump who does…Remember President Trump does feel he's got a special relationship with Xi. He talks about all the time this friendship whatever. That was about the toughest tweet as I've ever seen, right? That was hard; that was tough. I don't know how Xi responds that; I don't know how Wang Qishan responds that because it didn't leave a lot of room for interpretation. It was BANG! 
Mr. Kwok: I agree. You know this time (what) really shocks me is that President Trump's tweet (is) very serious, very clear. 
Mr. Bannon: Yes it was very serious. It wasn't thrown out. This was well thought through. 
班农先生:是的。非常严肃,这是经过(川普总统)深思熟虑的, 不是随意发的。 
Mr. Kwok: This is what I want; this is what I don’t want. This (time) I am angry. I like it. You know somebody, (who are) very close to President Trump. They are from another country, (they are) new immigrants. They have been working with President Trump for a long time. They all say you know that sometimes you see President Trump through fake media. But (his) true personality is very serious. Yes or no very clear. So today his tweet showed everybody this is the real Trump; this is the true Trump. I get this point. (He is) very brilliant. Go to the point, Sir, do you think what will happen next? 
郭先生:川普总统在推文里表达了他的好恶和他的态度。某些曾经跟川普总统交往许久的朋友告诉我, 他并不像那些虚假媒体上宣传的那样,川普总统的真实性格是十分认真严肃的,是非十分清楚。今天他的推文向我们展示了真正的川普,伟大的川普。班农先生您觉得接下来会发生什么事呢? 
Mr. Bannon: Let me go back to one of the things that drove it. I think you have both the hawks on both sides. Like the Committee on the Present Danger, myself and others that have been saying for the President to think about increasing the tariffs (and) no deal, because deal only strengthens the CCP. On the CCP side, you have hawks too, (who) say “we don't need a deal to deal with Americans”. I think what happened last week at the One Belt One Road Conference, I think my belief is… 
Mr. Kwok: Is President Trump jealous? I am kidding. 
Mr. Bannon: No, no, no. But I think the Chinese side, President Xi (believes) why do we need the Americans, right? You have 70 heads of state including Putin coming over and paying tribute. 
Mr. Kwok: What are the reasons? Is Putin very respectful? 
Mr. Bannon: I think so, and what I heard from people there, total respect. 
Mr. Kwok: Who respects who? Xi respects Putin? 
Mr. Bannon: No. Putin showed respect to Xi. 
Mr. Kwok: Somebody told me, (who was) in the meeting that Putin looked very weak in front of Xi and Wang Qishan. These 70 leaders were begging the CCP. I think this is a mafia meeting, not (a) country to country (relationship). No equal relationship, no respect. Also Putin is very nervous, very weak. I am really shocked. How do you think, Sir? Is it true? 
Mr. Bannon: I think that they looked like that, and I've heard the same things that there was tremendous respect shown. Remember there's no One Belt One Road Program for China. The Chinese audiences say they don't see a One Belt One Road, right? There are no great jobs for them. There's no commitment to the provinces and building great stuff. That's all of their control over other countries, which Wang Qishan and these guys and then they'll skim it off the top. So I think the One Belt One Road had a big influence (on) what happened today .I think that they came back and tried to renegotiate whatever aspects, we don't know yet, of this deal. (This ) induced President Trump just said “Hey, you're renegotiating, this Friday (the tariffs will go up)”. I do think of what it opens up is that Liu He is still supposed to come to America. He's supposed to land here on Tuesday I think. And we'll have to see what happens. 
Mr. Kwok: Liu He is supposed to arrive next Tuesday. Mr. Bannon just mentioned that the One Belt One Road Summit had an important influence on what happened today. 70 heads of state paid great tribute to CCP. President Putin was also very humble and respectful. There are more negative comments about Putin’s behavior in front of CCP. I just don’t want to elaborate. The US has realized that CCP doesn’t want to reach a deal with them as CCP is playing a double game. I fully agree with Mr. Bannon’s opinion. I mentioned in my vlog on the day, when the One Belt One Road Summit was held, that CCP is perishing. They are charging towards their collapse. Mr. Lude forgot to mention this key point in his show just now.  
Mr. Kwok: You know since the One Belt One Road event (was held), I said in my broadcast that CCP was rushing to its destruction wildly. CCP is dashing towards its tomb. I talked to everybody in my vlog. Do you know why, Sir? I have inside 
information. Everybody said all the world leaders came here. They looked nervous. They lost dignity.  
郭先生:“一带一路”峰会召开之时,我在直播里就说过,中共正在灭亡的道路上狂奔。班农先生您知道为什么吗?因为我有内部消息。每个人都说来自世界各地的领导人汇聚到北京, 他们都表现得唯唯诺诺的,失去了尊严。 
 Mr. Kwok:  I’ve told everyone before that CCP’s “One Belt One Road” Conference put them on the death fast path. I have the insider information. During the conference, all the world leaders were nervous and had no dignity. They all had the fake smile on. Why is that? Because CCP gave them investment, so they all had to be humble and bow down to CCP without any dignity. This is why President Trump was very angry. All the 70 world leaders attending the conference were all unhappy afterwards.  
CCP is in love with themselves. CCP is arrogant and a threat to the world. CCP has lost the world’s trust. CCP is the devil and Wang Qishan is the evil designer. I don’t agree with the notion that Wang Qishan is the “Chinese Steve Bannon”. The American Steve Bannon is kind to everyone, but Wang Qishan just want to destroy you. There is a big difference. 
郭先生: 就如我之前多次在媒体中告诉他们的,中共 的 “一带一路”是死路一条,他们正疯狂地在通往灭亡的路上狂奔。我有内部情报告诉我“一带一路”峰会的情况,在峰会上,有许多各国政要到来,每个人都带着假笑,毫无尊严,非常紧张,为什么呢?因为中共给了他们投资,他们只能叩头跪拜,假装谦虚,失去了尊严。这就是为什么川普总统很生气,70多个国家的与会者 回去后也很生气。 
中共的 狂妄自大是对世界的威胁,让世界失去对他们的信任。中共是邪恶的,而王岐山正是这邪恶的策划者。我并不认同王岐山是“中国班农 ”的说法,班农先生非常和善,王岐山则是要你命的。这是完全不同的。 
Mr. Bannon: Right. I love the Chinese people. This is about the radical cadre of the CCP. That has this plan like “One Belt One Road” that has almost no benefits back to the Chinese people.   
班农先生:是的。我爱中国人民。只是少数极端的中共官员,弄出 “一带一路”这样的计划,这个计划对中国人民完全没有任何好处。 
Mr. Kwok: No, zero. 
Mr. Bannon:  Money spent all over and skimmed off the top by CCP, to give CCP more control. 
Mr. Kwok: You think President Trump, is it a big change for him? 
Mr. Bannon: President Trump lays out, in case you haven’t seen the tweet. He lays out what he thinks the tariffs have done for helping the economy in the United States.  He is very specific about how he lays that out. I think President Trump feels that his economic plan is working. The country has growth, the country has jobs. Long term, I think that there are people that think that any deal will help CCP get stronger, which nobody wants to see. I just know that President Trump would never send out something this serious, right? Particularly given his relationship with President Xi. He would never send out something this serious, unless this deal was in real trouble. And he would certainly never send anything out. Remember, he doesn’t say “I’m thinking about increasing the tariffs,” or “I might increase the tariffs.”  “It may happen in the future or in a couple of months.”  He says, “Friday the tariffs go up.” 
班农先生:川普总统在他的推文是这样写的,他认为关税对美国的经济发展作出了贡献。他具体地进行了描述。我认为川普总统感到他的经济计划正在起作用。国家在发展, 人们有工作。从长远看,我认为有些人并不想看到任何对中共的壮大有利的交易。我知道川普总统绝对不会发出那么严肃直接的推文,对吧?尤其是他和习主席的关系很好。如果不是交易谈判出了大问题,他绝对不可能发出那么严肃的推文。他也肯定不会发出那样的信息。请记住,他不是说“我认为我将会提高关税,”或是“ 我可能提高关税。”“可能在将来或几个月以后。”而是说,“ 下周五关税将会增加。” 
Mr. Bannon: That means between now and Friday, and he uses the term “re-negotiate” that means something must change pretty dramatically. 
I just don’t see the Chinese doing it.  CCP right now thinks off the “One Belt One Road Conference”, they’ve got the world coming their way. They have enslaved the Chinese people. And nobody in the West is complaining about it. Did any of the 70 countries say: “Hey, Xi, I’m here but I’ve got a problem, you are using facial technology to suppress your people; you got the Dalai lama Tibetan Buddhists; you got the Catholics; you got the average citizen that you totally control; you got a firewall.” Did any of those guys say that?  I don’t remember it.  They said, “where’s my envelope, where’s my deal?” I think from their perspective “we’ve got the world coming to us.”  “So why should we change just for the Americans, why should we do this?”  I think that is what you are seeing in this tweet.   
I think tomorrow Monday is going to be the most important day of this relationship between China and United States, the CCP and this economic war that they’ve been running. As you know my favorite book, “Unrestricted Warfare” which everybody should read.  It’s in Mandarin and a must-read.   
班农先生: 川普总统的意思就是下周五前,他用了“重新谈判”这个词,意思是有某些事情有了很大的戏剧性的变化。 
“为什么我们要为美国人而改变呢,为什么我们要这么做呢?” 我认为这是你从川普总统的推文中看到的意思。 
Mr. Kwok: Chinese “Unrestricted Warfare” translation  
郭先生:书名是 "超限战” 
Mr. Bannon: I think tomorrow may be the toughest day in Trump’s Presidency.  I think you are going to see the markets.  I’m not a stock-picker, but I would think… 
班农先生: 我认为明天可能是川普总统任期中最困难的一天。我认为你将看到市场的反应。我不是股票分析师,但是我认为。。。 
Mr. Kwok:  But you are former Goldman Sachs {laughter} 
Mr. Bannon: I would think that given all the hype there has been about getting a deal and to the degree they saw how tough that tweet was, and they used the term “re-negotiate” which people realize you don’t use that term unless you’re at difference with your negotiating partner. I think tomorrow will be a tough day. I think we will know that tonight in New York, by the time Tokyo opens, and then Hong Kong opens, and then the Shanghai market opens, and then Singapore opens, and then London opens. By the time we get up in the morning and President Trump gets up, we will already know what’s going on. I think it could be a very tough day. Because remember all the advocates of the deal are telling Trump “the market’s going to collapse, the economy is going to collapse.”  We’ll have to see what goes on. 
班农先生: 我认为对那些一直想促成中美交易的人,看到推文那么严肃,而且用词“重新谈判”,让人们了解到如果不是你和谈判伙伴有巨大的分歧,是不会用那么严肃的语句的。我认为明天将是困难的一天。我认为今晚纽约时间,从东京交易所开盘,香港交易所开盘,上海交易所开盘,到新加坡交易所开盘,然后伦敦交易所开盘。到明天早上川普总统起床后,我们将了解到到底发生了什么。我认为明天将会是非常困难的一天。因为那些大力促成中美交易的人们一直都在劝说川普总统说“股票市场将会崩盘,经济将会崩溃。”我们拭目以待。 
Mr. Kwok: My personal opinion is American economy is going to go up, no doubt. But I believe Asia, Hong Kong, markets all down. And also very importantly, the American economy will go down this year even if they sign the deal. But cancelling this fault deal, the American economy will go up in the future. 
郭先生:我个人认为,美国经济将会继续增长,不容置疑。但香港, 亚洲市场将会大跌。但美国经济今年将会收到影响,因为中美交易是个假的交易。 
Mr. Bannon: I think that part of it is tied to Chinese economy. The CCP puts it out to the world that the Chinese economy is growing at 6.9%.  There is no one in China would 
agree with that, right? The Chinese know that the economy is dramatically pulled back. 
班农先生: 我认为部分原因是美国经济和中国经济有紧密的联系。中共告诉全世界中国的经济增长为6.9%。在中国没有人认为那个数字是准确的,对吗?中国人知道中国的经济已经大幅倒退。 
Mr. Kwok:The CCP stuff I know, but I need to ask you about the American stuff. CCP is all fake. For example, they have so many girlfriends but their body couldn’t handle it, so they take Viagra to look strong. Now President Trump wants to help them by making a deal, so they can grow a healthier and stronger economy, but they believe themselves are strong enough to stand against America.  
President Trump knows the game and sees it through. He cancelled the deal which leaves them no choice but go to the hospital. No doubt CCP’s economy will go crazy without time and money. They will quickly die and go to cemetery.  
Mr. Bannon has taught me a lot. Really appreciated it. 
郭先生:中国的事情我非常清楚,美国的事我要问你。中共非常伪善,比如说,他们有太多的女朋友,但身体吃不消。他们就靠吃伟哥以示强壮。现在美国总统说我们签个协议,你们的经济就可以更健康的发展, 但他们相信自己能行。 
Mr. Kwok: Now what about those people who’ve been pushing for a deal? 
Mr. Bannon: I think that it would be very tough to make one right now. I think this thing is going to go in a different direction right now. I just don’t see the, you know, this was so harsh, something big changes…something fundamentally has changed. 
班农先生: 我认为现在达成交易将会是非常困难的。我认为事情将会向不同的方向发展。我认为有些事已经改变了,从根本上改变了。 
Mr. Kwok: This is a new century. It’s a big day globally. The future of economy, CCP and 1.4B people all have changed. It’s a miracle.! 
Mr. Bannon: This is a big week. 
班农先生: 这是个重要的一周。 
Miles Kwok: It’s a big week cause of you. All the Chinese really appreciated your help in cancelling the trade deal. 
Mr. Bannon: I think that the Chinese people who listen to Guo Media, the Chinese 
brothers and sisters in China should ask CCP: “Where is my One Belt One Road?” “Where is my deal?” “Wang Qishan, Where is my deal? How come you give these countries billions of dollars to build their infrastructures, where is my deal?” 
班农先生: 我认为那些看郭媒体的人,那些兄弟姐妹们应该问中共,“我的一带一路在哪?” “我的交易在哪?” “王岐山,我的交易在哪?怎么你给这些国家几十亿的钱去投资他们的基础建设,我的交易在哪?” 
Mr. Kwok: This is why social media and our friends are very important for us. Every time we broadcast, we share the truth from outside of China. The truth about what’s going with the “One Belt One Road”. No one believes “One Belt One Road” will help the Chinese people to achieve freedom and rule of law. They just use the “One Belt One Road” to launder more money for themselves. 
郭先生:这就是为什么我们的社交媒体很重要,我们的战友们很重要,我们的爆料帮助中国人民了解外部的真相。了解“一带一路”到底是什么,了解 “一带一路” 不能给人民带来自由和法制。“一带一路”只是他们欺骗人民和中饱私囊的手段。 
Mr. Bannon: They know that we work 24/7 here, right? At Rule of Law Society and Guo Media. 
Mr. Kwok: Yeah! Yeah! Everybody, 24 hours, everybody!  
郭先生:战友们,刚才班农先生吃东西,我把镜头转过来了。班农先生讲的我相信大家都听明白了。我这烂英文也给大家说了。真正的这次,让川普总统下定决心的就是三个核心的原因。头两天已经大大暴露出来了, “一带一路”那个事发生和青岛的阅兵。这是为啥我说共产党正在疯狂地在往他作死的路上狂奔。就是基于这个原因……我还得服务(给班农先生摆盘子)……所以说,战友们,在这些事上看到“一带一路”, 阅兵还有它背后的安排. 70个国家的人到那儿去,像朝拜一样。还有那个阵势,包括讲的话,包括到现场去的美国人,随时跟美国汇报,说 就连普京见了习主席,和见了王岐山这些人,都是毕恭毕敬,然后美国就做出了决定,中国根本不需要跟我们合作,它就是想当老大,那就让他们当老大吧,就不要签这个Deal了。所以说,文贵根据此才说出来,他们正在往死亡的路上狂奔。我这有点热。这是新的 Chrome Hearts . My new jacket. You never watch me. This is American Style. American pattern. 所以说,对不起,我要脱光了,兴奋了,我要脱光了…… 
所以,我那天我才说我听到这个消息,这就是作死。你不能,你也做不到,你挑战美国,你挑战美元。你要称霸世界,然后“一带一路” 你搞这么个会2019。然后背后的这些国家,都跟美国联系,谁惹美国啊! 谁惹美国啊! 对不对啊?这是起码的常识,所以我那天我才说这个。刚才路德先生做节目,做得最早 , 做得非常好。三个重点没提。郭先生头两天推出去,共产党正在往  我们设计好的作死的路上狂奔。这是重点,就是说的这事。 
Mr. Kwok: Friends, Mr. Bannon is eating right now.  I am turning the camera this way. I believe that everyone is clear about what Mr. Bannon has said. I also showed off my broken English. For this time, there are 3 key reasons why President Trump is so determined. A couple days ago, it became pretty obvious with “One Belt One Road” initiative and the Major Naval Parade in Qingdao. That is why I said that CCP is on the death fast path. That was my bases…I am serving Mr. Bannon… So, my friends, let us connect all the dots including “One Belt One Road”, the Naval Parade and the stories behind it. 70 world leaders showed up and paid tributes to them. The elaborate setup, the speeches given at the event, and also the American attendees who came back and reported that even Putin showed great respect to President Xi, Wang Qishan and others. Then, the U.S. came to a conclusion that China does not need to cooperate with the U.S. It wants to be the dominate force in the world. Then US decided not signing the deal and to let CCP continue their dream. Therefore, Miles said that they were rushing to their own death. I am feeling hot. This is new Chrome Hearts, my new jacket. You haven’t seen me (in it). This is American Style. American pattern. Sorry about it, I am going to take off my jacket, I’m getting too excited… 
So once I heard about it, I immediately determined that they are finished. You can’t and certainly aren’t able to challenge US and challenge the US Dollar. You want to dominate the world, and then held such “One Belt One Road” conference in 2019. You know that on the other hand, all these nations are in close contacts with US. Who dare to go against US! Who dare to do that! Right? This is common sense, and that is why I mentioned it the other day. Mr. Lude was the first one mentioned in his show and it was good. However, he missed 3 critical points. Mr. Kwok tweeted that the CCP is rushing towards its death path according to our design. This is the key point! 
Mr. Kwok: The second key point is the reason I think “One Belt One Road” will have a ridiculous conclusion. The reason is very simple—the intelligence obtained from China. Wang Qishan mentioned 11 strategies for the Sino-US trade war, which Mr. Bannon doesn’t know it yet. Mainly the strategy is the delaying tactic. When it comes to the second half of the year, there will be many internal struggles in US. Then, the trade deal will be on again and off again. I have basically ended your life by holding up and delaying everything. After 200 days or so, Trump will be gone. He didn’t know Trump’s personality. Trump is the type of person “you scratch my back, I scratch yours”. But if you try to cheat him, he’ll fight back with no mercy. 
Mr. Kwok: You know, I talked about personality of President Trump. If you are honest to me, I’ll give it 100% back (even twice as much). This is President Trump. If you cheat me, if you fool me…yeah, yeah. 100% (thumbs down).  
郭先生:你知道,我讲到了川普总统的性格。如果你对我好,我100%奉还,甚至2倍奉还。这就是川普总统。如果你欺骗我,愚弄我,那就是100% 的还击(拇指朝下)。  
Mr. Bannon: 100 Percent! 
班农先生: 100%!  
郭先生:100%. 他十倍给你还回去。他说:“哦,原来你玩我啊!一千个理由,咱们的关系得搞好。90天,100多天过去了,你还是这样,他就来火了,直接25.  
Mr. Kwok: 100%. The pay back would be 10 fold. And he says, “Oh, it turned out that you are playing tricks with me. For the 1000 reasons, our relationship needs to be strengthened. 90 days and 100 days have passed by. Nothing changed. He is furious, so the tariff goes up to 25%.  
 Mr. Kwok: So, before, the first meeting, you know in Mar a Lago, 1000 reasons to get along in the Sino-US relationships, and not one reason to break up our Sino-US relationships. Now after G20, it is 90 days… This is… 
郭先生:以前,在马拉哥庄园的第一次见面,(习)说有1000个理由把中美关系搞好,没有一条理由来损害中美关系的。现在G20以后,到了九十天的时限, 怎么样。。。 
Mr. Bannon: 100%!  
班农先生: 100%! 
郭先生:所以,班农先生是与会的安排者,参与者,全程。那我肯定知道一些,合法的。 再一个,这个90天G20, 我知道的消息。这是核心。路德先生刚刚你讲的。第三个,更重要的,战友们大家没有关注,我在过去推出的信息, 我说过“一带一路“。”一带一路“这个会,就是共产党灭亡的第一个多米诺骨牌。这是一个作的开始。因为,任何一个懂得共产党政治的人,在中国经济在3.5 的情况下,你搞这么大动静,青岛清空,那么多外的小姐到青岛去,让小姐进城,让老百姓,全部孩子不上学,多大的怨恨,你得花多少钱。然后北京开这个”一带一路“的会。疯了!然后你的”一带一路“的会,关键你设计的经济结构。对所有的国家就是用债权来换经营权,傻子都知道,也就是让人家先上你家来,借给你一些钱,你家的老婆我先睡着,借着睡,你家的锅我来说了算,你家的饭我先吃,过些年我再给你。谁相信你这傻话?你 来了就不走了啦!借你的钱 得睡着老婆。那怎么可能呢?  
Mr. Kwok: Mr. Bannon was the meeting organizers and attendee, and that’s how I know about it. In addition, the 90-Day period agreed at G20 is the key. Third, most importantly, my friends might have missed a post I published before in which I mentioned the “One Road One Belt”. The “One Belt One Road” conference is in fact the first Domino block destroying the CCP. This is the starting point of CCP’s death. Because, anyone who really knows about CCP, when the GDP is only 3.5, yet you are making such an elaborate event, evacuating the entire City of Qingdao, holding a grand 
conference of “One Belt One Road” in Beijing, while letting so many prostitutes entering the city, evacuating the ordinary people out and closing all schools, you are actually creating tremendous resentment, you are spending tons of money to hold a conference of “One Belt One Road” in Beijing. CRAZY! Then, the conference of “One Belt One Road”. And the economic structure of “One Belt One Road” is problematic. For all participating nations, it’s a “debt-trap diplomacy”. Everyone knows. It’s like I invite you into my house and borrow money from you, but in the end you just take over everything. What just happened here? 
Mr. Kwok:I talked to our friends. ”One Belt One Road” economy, in the construction, is that you borrow the money, you do not need to pay, but you need us to manage that for 50 years. I charge the return. Give it to myself. The same story, you borrow my money, I go to your home, sleep. I sleep with your wife, after 50 years, 100 years, you cannot get take back your money. What?  This is a fraud, this is ridiculous, right?  
郭先生: 我和战友们讲了一带一路的经济模式,就是借钱给你搞基础建设,你不用还,但是你要让我们管理工程项目50年。我来收利润。我全包了。好比喻,你借了我的钱,我来到你的家里睡觉。把你的老婆给睡了。50年,100年以后,你钱也拿不回来了。什么?这纯属欺诈,纯属荒唐,对吧? 
Mr. Bannon: This is what is so bad. This is what the elites did in the United States about the factories. What is happening about the “One Belt One Road” is the Chinese people’s money. That is their money. It is not Wang Qishan’s money. It is not Xi’s money. It is the Chinese people’s money. It has been lent throughout rest of the world, not to build in China, but basically control these countries by the CCP.  And then take the money off the top. Is the Chinese People getting any money back on this?   
Mr. Kwok: Also, the Chinse people’s money does not go to those countries, it goes to the third party, goes to Wang Qishan, he steals it and goes into his family.  
郭先生:而且,中国人民的钱没有用到那些国家, 而是直接进了第三方,也就是进了王岐山和盗国家族的私人腰包。  
Mr. Bannon: Total scam! 
Mr. Kwok: Yeah! Total Scam! Yeah! 
Mr. Bannon: What is it?  It’s the Chinese People’s money, it’s their money! Did they even get to say so?  
Mr. Kwok: It’s a fraud for both parties. Right? And then, you know, the African country, One Belt One Road country, and the Chinese, they (should) take the money.  (But now)only give it to a few of their families.  
Mr. Bannon: Does the Chinese people get this, get the money back from this?   
Mr. Kwok: It never comes back.  
Mr. Bannon: No jobs, no money back. It is their money.  
Mr. Kwok: This is why the Bank of China, in the America, only one bank bought the insurance. All other banks don’t buy insurance. Why? Wang Qishan’s Los Angeles home is just thousand meters away.  Why? It is very convenient, they can move the gold, they can move the money, easily, just one second. That is why they go through the Middle East, Malacca (Strait) and North Africa, and they use the project and move the money. Do the money Laundry, then move the money to the Bank of China and Wang Qishan! 
郭先生:这就是为什么中国银行,在美分行只有一家买了保险。其他分行在美都没买保险。为什么?因为王岐山洛杉矶的家离一家分行才1000多米远。为什么? 因为这便于他们运黄金和钱。这些只是几秒钟的事。这是为什么他们通过在中东,马六甲海峡和北非的项目运钱,洗钱,然后将资金弄到中国银行和王岐山家里! 
郭先生:所有得战友们,他们就是用这个“一带一路” 到非洲去,睡了人家的老婆孩子, 欺骗人家,把这个国家搞惨,搞腐败,然后再“蓝金黄”人家,然后把钱,中国人的钱,全变到王岐山家去了。就像海航这一样,这就是刘呈杰 ,贯君。 所以说,这种东西,难道全世界都是傻子吗?是不可能的。这是核心! 就是真的让美国总统看到了。哦, 天啦!原来你这个“一带一路”就是对着我来的。及欺骗中国人,又要威胁非洲,然后再挑战我,然后钱全部被你几个人弄走了。川普总统不可能犯这种政治错误。这就是为什么,我让你玩。 让你玩。 所以说,我在之前说过, 美国白宫的这届政府也会打太极了。也学会了。这是核心。所以说这是真真正正的,现在是一个历史的时刻。 
Mr. Kwok: My friends, they are leveraging this “One Belt One Road” initiative to Africa. Made fool of these people. Made this country miserable. Corrupted their whole system. Then controlled these people with BGY. Then transferred the money, all Chinese People’s money to Wang Qishan’s personal accounts. The great example is 
HNA and Guan Jun and Liu Chengjie who are behind the senses.  Therefore, such nonsense, they are trying to fool the world. It’s absolutely impossible. This is the key. This shows to the US President that “Oh, boy!It turned out that the “One Belt One Road” is a stand against me. Also, it makes fool of people in China and in Africa, then it will challenge me, while pocketing all the money yourself.” President Trump will not make such political mistakes. That is why, I let you play first. Go ahead and play. I’ve mentioned this before, this administration, the White House in the U.S. has learned how to play Tai Chi and they really do. This is the key. So, this is truly the historical moment.  
郭先生:刚才,班农先生我给他说,有人,有一个人要捐十亿美元, 跟班农先生说,如果两年内, 共产党倒了, 十亿美元全都是你的,如果倒不了, 那不行。要捐钱,他说我跟他赌。两年,我说两年我是不跟他赌。我说一年,我只赌一年,2020。2020的年底。就是我设定的时间。我还是那句话,接下来的变化,还更会滑稽。因为我知道王岐山想啥。我知道共产党接着会干啥。不是预测。内部人,我再次说一遍,共产党的九千万党员, 99% 的人都希望他们完蛋。 因为这99%的人接下去“一带一路”他工资都发不出来了。 
Mr. Kwok: Just a moment ago, I told Mr. Bannon that someone is willing to donate $1B to him to take down CCP in two years. Does he dare to bet on it? Mr. Bannon’s willing to bet on the “Two years”. But I wouldn’t. I said one year only, my bet is by the end of 2020 which was my initial goal. I truly believe more drama is to come because I know what Wang Qishan and CCP will do. It’s not a prediction, it’s intel. I want to emphasis once more that 99% of the CCP members all hope to see them finished, cause as long as “One Belt One Road” initiative continues, there won’t be enough money left to pay their salaries. 
郭先生:然后我再告诉你,今天我爆个猛料, 正在准备中,人民币换版。像印度一样,废掉现金,很多贪官家里的钱都废了,很多贪官存在银行代名的钱都没啦。然后就是房地产征税,很多贪官有的不动产也不值钱了,成了累赘了,你税都付不起。你买得起车,付不起车税,出不了门。所以说,我还是那句话,当着班农的面,我们绝不能依靠任何人。只能是以共反共。以人民反共,我们是替民行道。但是,美国的政治是外来的最大的一个外力,因为内部的反应会反映在中美关系上。美国政府相信我们说的,绝大多数共产党员和中国人民希望他们灭掉CCP。他们越来越相信。他们的压力也会成就内部更多的人反弹。然后,我们就赢啦!就是这个意思。 
算了,我不给大家播了。咱今天就播到这为止。谢谢亲爱的战友们。一切都是刚刚开始。为14亿中国人民的未来和幸福,干倒CCP,灭掉盗国贼祈福。Thank you, Sir! 谢谢了战友们,一切都是刚刚开始。 
Mr. Kwok: and I want to let you know today that they are preparing to release the new version of the currency, just like what happened in India. The cash those corrupted officials has been hiding in their house will become waste. And next is the Property Tax. As a result the property value goes down and turns out to be a burden to them, and they can’t afford the property tax. They can afford the car, but can’t afford the taxes and can’t afford to drive. While as I always said, even in front of Mr. Bannon today, 
we can’t rely on anyone else to fight against CCP. Our main hope is the internal CCP force and the Chinese people, while at the same time with the help of American from the outside. The American government believes in us. More and more CCP members and Chinese people believe in our fight, which means more will stand up to CCP. And then, game over for CCP, and that’s it. 
Well, I need to wrap up now. Thank you my friends. Everything is just the beginning. Let’s pray for the 1.4B Chinese people. Let’s pray for their prosperity and destruction of CCP…Thank you! 
Everything is just the beginning!